Tooth and Tail cover
Tooth and Tail screenshot
Linux PC Mac PS4 Steam Gog
Genre: Real Time Strategy (RTS), Strategy, Indie, Arcade

Tooth and Tail

Tooth and Tail - Patch Notes 27 (Arena Mode)

Patch 27 features Arena, a brand new way to play Tooth and Tail online! Everyone has been asking us for a ranked competitive mode for Tooth and Tail, and we’re super excited to finally be bringing this to the feasting table!

This latest patch is now live to all Alpha testers. If you want to participate in the Tooth and Tail Alpha, please jump into our Discord chatroom and talk directly with us HERE.

Tooth and Tail - Patch Notes 26

Check out full patch notes.

Patch 26 features an improved control scheme, which enables high level players to make more accurate targeting, while being more intuitive for low level players.

This latest patch is now live to all Alpha testers. If you want to participate in the Tooth and Tail Alpha, please jump into our Discord chatroom and talk directly with us HERE.

Pax East 2017 Round Up

This year’s PAX East was by far the biggest and best event Pocketwatch has ever done! We had our biggest booth ever and if it weren’t for a miracle, we would have been overwhelmed!

Read the full post HERE!

April Assault 1v1 Tournament by Clash of Comrades

Clash of Comrades is back with another 1v1 Tooth and Tail tournament. April Assault is a weekend long double elimination tourney, with a sizable prizepool, which will take place on the 15th and 16th of said month.

Information about the tournament can be found here:

Tooth and Tail Plushie Interest Survey

Interested in having your very own Tooth and Tail themed plushie? Let us know if this idea interests you via the form linked below!

Tooth and Tail will be at the Indie Megabooth for PAX East 2017!

We are happy to announce that Pocketwatch Games and Tooth and Tail will be at the Indie Megabooth for PAX East 2017! Check out the full post HERE.

Tooth and Tail Patch Notes - 25

Check out full patch notes.

Patch 25 features a revised lobby and army selection system, drastic balance changes based on player feedback, and new character lines for the Commanders.

This latest patch is now live to all Alpha testers. If you want to participate in the Tooth and Tail Alpha, please jump into our Discord chatroom and talk directly with us HERE.