Total Tank Generals cover
Total Tank Generals screenshot
Genre: Simulator, Strategy, Indie

Total Tank Generals

Total Tank Generals: Update 1.3 is OUT NOW


Be seated. Total Tank Generals: Update 1.3 is available to download now.

Update 1.3 includes a brand-new campaign for those Generals looking for their next challenge!

This Extended Rommel Campaign sits separate to the current Rommel campaign - and gives a greater in-depth look into Rommel’s battles - new objectives, victory and defeat conditions and AI improvements, making this Total Tank Generals’ most challenging campaign!

Additionally, we’ve taken the time to collate your feedback and have fixed some balancing issues and bugs that have been reported by the community. Thank you again for your feedback.

You can check out the full Patch notes below.

Don’t forget, Total Tank Generals’ 30% off Daily Deal ends TODAY, so get the discount while you can!



For more news and info on Total Tank Generals, follow us on social media.

Facebook - /TotalTankGame
Twitter – @TTGenerals
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Total Tank Generals Update 1.3 Patch Notes: 22nd June 2023


Extended Rommel Campaign - Offering players an extended version of the Rommel Campaign, with new objectives, reworked Battles and an in-depth look at Rommel’s journey.

  • Available separately from the Rommel Campaign
  • 10x scenarios with new Medals and Achievements
  • This campaign is designed to be more challenging than the Rommel Campaign. Battles that appear in both campaigns have been reworked and utilize several new elements that we’ve added in this and the previous update - such as new objectives, events, and AI improvements.
  • Scenario list: Battle of Arras (1940), Siege of Lille (1940), Operation Skorpion (1941), Operation Crusader (1941), 2nd Battle of Tobruk (1942), Battle of Mersa Matruh (1942), 1st Battle of El-Alamein (1942), 2nd Battle of El-Alamein (1942), Battle of Kasserine Pass (1943), Battle for Caen (1944)

New Victory Conditions for Extended Rommel Campaign & Scenario Editors.

  • Hold Major Strategic Points for a number of turns to win.
  • Capture a specific Strategic Point within a number of turns and hold it for some additional turns.
  • Capture all Major Strategic Points and eliminate a number of enemies in some number of turns.
  • Eliminate a number of enemies in some number of turns.

New Defeat Conditions for Extended Rommel Campaign & Scenario Editors.

  • Defeat conditions can now be combined in a way that suits any specific scenario, instead of always checking the three default ones (first three conditions on this list). This allows for creating defensive Scenarios where reaching the turn limit is not synonymous with Defeat.
  • Defeat due to reaching the Turn Limit.
  • Defeat due to losing all units.
  • Defeat due to losing all Major Strategic Points.
  • Defeat due to enemy Capturing a specific Strategic Point from the Player.
  • Defeat due to enemy owning a specific Strategic Point.

New Events - simple scripted sequences that can be used while creating Scenarios. Those Events are used in the Extended Rommel Campaign.

  • There are currently three types of Events: Change prestige, Change capacity, and Spawn reinforcements
  • Events can happen with the following triggers: At the end of a Turn, At the start of a Turn, or when a specific Strategic Point is captured

- Added a new British Advanced Light Tank unit - the MK VI “Crusader”.
- Added a warning note about previous save file's part way through a battle.

  • “The following saves are outdated (their scenarios were changed since saves were created): {0} - there might be some issues when you load them.”

- Scenario Editor - Unit levels can now be specified for pre-placed units.
- Improved subtitle visibility during Campaign briefings
- Anti-Tank, Anti-Air and Heavy Infantry have had their level 5 “Double Overwatch” perk replaced

  • Anti-Tank guns now have the “Close Combat” perk instead
  • Anti Air guns now have the “Protect” perk instead
  • Heavy Infantry now has the “Overwatch Range” perk instead

- Balancing - Some units that previously had only 2 perks now have 3 perks.

  • Light Infantry and Mechanized Infantry now have the Dodge Tanks perk (Tanks have 10% less accuracy against this unit) at level 3 and Flamethrower perk (Increased attack against Entrenched units) at level 5.
  • Light Tanks now have the "Dodge Tanks" perk at level 2.
  • Reconnaissance vehicles now have the "Increase Attack against low health" perk (Higher attack the lower the target's HP is) at level 2.
  • Medium Tanks now have the "Parting shot" perk (Higher attack and chance to hit against units that retreated this turn) at level 2.
  • Cavalry now has the "Duck Hunter" (Increased attack against Encircled enemies) at level 2 and "Dig trenches" perk at level 3.
  • Assault Infantry now has the "Motorized" perk at level 5.
  • Anti-Tank now has the "Reposition" perk at level 4 and "Prepared attack" perk at level 5.
  • Self-propelled Artillery now has the "Sight Range +1" perk at level 2 and "Ignore Zone of Control" perk at level 4.
  • Tank Destroyers now have the "Increase Defence when attacking" perk at level 3.
  • Anti Air now has the "Soft Attack +1" perk at level 3 and "Increase Attack against low health" perk at level 5.

- Added some extra content to the Advisor about new objectives.
- Assault can no longer be used when a unit has 0 Ammo.
- Distributing shared Experience (for example, Exp from kills) now ignores units that cannot gain Experience (units at Max lvl, Auxiliary units).
- Extended Rommell Campaign - Added a light rubber-banding system that attempts to smooth-out player experience. in saves where the player is significantly ahead or significantly behind of the expected value of units.
- Optimized AI actions so that there is significantly less stuttering during AI turns.
- “Resupply” and “Level-Up” now have their own Hotkeys
- Anti Air artillery can now shoot at Air targets that would normally be obscured by closed terrain for the purposes of normal targeting logic


  • Fixed an issue where some game elements would become unresponsive after closing the Steam overlay.
  • Fixed an issue where Airfields could be placed on biomes different than the Plains.
  • “Enemy Destroyed” SFX no longer plays when killing units in the Fog of War.
  • Unit Morale damage is now properly forecast when using Air Strikes.
  • Fixed the “Anti-tank leader” perk having a wrong description for Medium Tanks.
  • Fixed the “Open Defence” perk of self-propelled Artillery having an incorrect amount of defence specified in its tooltip (was +1, now gives +2).
  • Fixed some minor language issues in the English localization.
  • Encircled units can now move through Zones of Control when they have the “Ignore Zone of Control” Perk.
  • The 2D background political map in Rommel’s campaigns no longer incorrectly shows Syria and Iraq as Allies during the events of Operation Skorpion.
  • Fixed the order of medals in Zhukov’s, Rommel’s and Patton’s campaigns.
  • Fixed an issue where AI units with the Sniper order could rarely cause a SoftLock.
  • Fixed an issue where the Heavy Infantry and Heavy Tank “Let them come” perk had no effect.
  • Fixed an issue where the Heavy Infantry “MG nest” perk had no effect.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Ammo resupply” perk gave twice the intended amount of ammo.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Counter battery” perk would have had no effect most of the time.
  • Fixed an issue where the Anti Air “Anti-tank overwatch” provided its bonus against all targets, to all units on Hex, and only if the owner was not in Overwatch.
  • Fixed an issue where the AI was not resupplying units that were out of morale.
  • Fixed an issue where AI-controlled units could fail to find a path through impassable terrain.
  • Fixed an issue where AI could repeatedly fail to select a valid Air Force mission.
  • Fixed an issue where Capturing a unit would not count as a Kill.
  • Fixed named hexes showing the Major Strategic Point tooltip even if they were placed on terrain without any Strategic Points.

1.3 Extended Rommel Campaign Update

Features and changes:

  • Added a new Campaign that is an extended version of the Rommel Campaign, with new objectives, reworked Battles and an in-depth look at Rommel’s exploits.
  • This campaign is available separately from the original Rommel Campaign
  • 10 Scenarios with new completion Medals and Achievements
  • This campaign is more difficult than our remaining Campaigns. Battles that appear in both this as well as the original Rommel Campaign are significantly reworked, and utilize several new elements that we’ve added in this and the previous update - such as new objectives, events, better AI.
  • Scenario list: Battle of Arras (1940), Siege of Lille (1940), Operation Skorpion (1941), Operation Crusader (1941), 2nd Battle of Tobruk (1942), Battle of Mersa Matruh (1942), 1st Battle of El-Alamein (1942), 2nd Battle of El-Alamein (1942), Battle of Kasserine Pass (1943), Battle for Caen (1944)
  • Added new Victory conditions. Those Victory conditions are used in the Extended Rommel Campaign.
  • Hold at least a number of Major Strategic Points for some number of turns to win
  • Capture a specific Strategic Point within a number of turns, and hold it for some more turns
  • Capture all Major Strategic Points and eliminate a number of enemies in some number of turns
  • Eliminate a number of enemies in some number of turns
  • Added new Defeat conditions and changed the way in which they are checked against. Defeat conditions can now be combined in a way that suits any specific scenario, instead of always checking the three default ones (first three conditions on this list). This allows for creating defensive Scenarios where reaching the turn limit is not synonymous with Defeat.
  • Defeat due to reaching the Turn Limit
  • Defeat due to losing all units
  • Defeat due to losing all Major Strategic Points
  • Defeat due to enemy Capturing a specific Strategic Point from the Player
  • Defeat due to enemy owning a specific Strategic Point
  • Added new Events - simple scripted sequences that can be used while creating Scenarios. Those Events are used in the Extended Rommel Campaign.
  • There are currently three types of Events: Change prestige, Change capacity, and Spawn reinforcements
  • Events can happen with the following triggers: At the end of a Turn, At the start of a Turn, or when a specific Strategic Point is captured
  • Added a new British Advanced Light Tank unit - the Mk VI “Crusader”
  • Added a warning about possible issues if the Player has old saves in storage
  • Unit levels can now be specified per Scenario for pre-placed units
  • Improved Subtitle visibility in Campaign briefings
  • Anti Tank, Anti Air and Heavy Infantry have had their level 5 “Double Overwatch” perk replaced (as it did not function correctly)
  • Anti Tank guns now have the “Close Combat” perk instead
  • Anti Air guns now have the “Protect” perk instead
  • Heavy Infantry now has the “Overwatch Range” perk instead
  • Most units that had only 2 perks on certain levels now have 3 perks instead - the perks that were added should allow for creating some new, unique types of specialized units
  • Added some extra content to the Advisor about new objectives
  • Assault can no longer be used when a unit has 0 Ammo left
  • Distributing shared Experience (for example, Exp from kills) now ignores units that cannot gain Experience (units at Max Lvl, Auxiliary units)
  • Added a light rubber-banding system that attempts to smooth-out Player experience in saves where the Player is significantly ahead or significantly behind of the expected value of units. At this time, this system is only used in the Extended Rommel Campaign.
  • Optimized AI actions so that there is significantly less stuttering during AI turns.
  • “Resupply” and “Level-Up” now have their own Hotkeys
  • Anti Air artillery can now shoot at Air targets that would normally be obscured by closed terrain for the purposes of normal targeting logic


  • Fixed an issue where some game elements would become unresponsive after closing Steam overlay.
  • Fixed an issue where Airfields could be placed on biomes different than Plains
  • “Enemy Destroyed” SFX no longer plays when killing units in the Fog of War
  • Unit Morale damage is now properly forecast when using Air Strikes
  • Fixed the “Anti-tank leader” perk having a wrong description for Medium Tanks
  • Fixed the “Open Defense” perk of Self-propelled Artillery having an incorrect amount of defense specified in its tooltip (was 1, actually gives 2)
  • Fixed some minor language issues in the English localization.
  • Encircled units can now move through Zones of Control when they have the “Ignore Zone of Control” Perk.
  • The 2D background political map in Rommel’s campaigns no longer incorrectly shows Syria and Iraq as Allies during the events of Operation Skorpion.
  • Fixed the order of medals in Zhukov’s, Rommel’s and Patton’s campaigns.
  • Fixed an issue where AI units with the Sniper order could rarely cause a softlock.
  • Fixed an issue where the Heavy Infantry and Heavy Tank “Let them come” perk had no effect
  • Fixed an issue where the Heavy Infantry “MG nest” perk had no effect
  • Fixed an issue where the “Ammo resupply” perk gave twice the intended amount of ammo
  • Fixed an issue where the “Counter battery” perk would have no effect most of the time
  • Fixed an issue where the Anti Air “Anti-tank overwatch” provided its bonus against all targets, to all units on Hex, and only if the owner was not in Overwatch.
  • Fixed an issue where the AI was not resupplying units that were Out of Morale.
  • Fixed an issue where AI-controlled units could fail to find a path through impassable terrain.
  • Fixed an issue where AI could repeatedly fail to select a valid Air Force mission.
  • Fixed an issue where Capturing a unit would not count as a Kill.
  • Fixed named hexes showing the Major Strategic Point tooltip even if they were placed on terrain without any Strategic Points.

Steam Daily Deal - 30%

Total Tank Generals: Update 1.2 is Available Now


Be seated, we have some news.

Total Tank Generals: Update 1.2 - New RNG Modes is available now.

The update addresses some balancing issues that the community has addressed, alongside some new Game Modes – Easy RNG and Alternate RNG.

Easy RNG (Random Number Generator) will allow the AI to be more leniant when it comes to attacking. A higher rate of hit. While during Alternate RNG, the changes will be fully random.

You can check out the full Patch notes below.


For more news and info on Total Tank Generals, follow us on social media.

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Twitter – @TTGenerals
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Total Tank Generals Update 1.2 Patch Notes: May 4th, 2023

- Added an “Easy” RNG setting

  • Attacks following a miss attack have a higher chance of success (these will affect Assaults)
  • This option is enabled by default when first launching the game and can be changed both in the Campaign menu and Single Scenario selection.
  • Once set, the RNG difficulty setting cannot be changed midway through a Scenario. (It can still be changed before starting the next one)

- Added an “Alternate” RNG setting

  • Random Hit/Miss outcomes on this setting are manipulated to avoid long series of unlikely events (does not affect Assaults)
  • Once set, the RNG difficulty setting cannot be changed midway through a Scenario. (It can still be changed before starting the next one)

- Light, Medium, Heavy Tanks and Tank Destroyers can now be upgraded to their Advanced versions

  • This functions similarly to how Light Infantry can be upgraded into Mechanized Infantry - the upgraded unit retains its Perk progression and tree
  • Basic Light Tanks that have the level 5 +1 armour perk selected in existing saves will transform into Advanced Light Tanks instead

  • New Loading Screens are now displayed based on played Nation and Landscape
  • Reworked Recon AI to be more capable:
  • Now can capture empty points
  • Now can assault enemies if it has extremely high odds of winning
  • Now can attack enemies if it decides that an attack is likely to be safe
  • Can escape mid-scouting if it decides it’s no longer safe
  • Added a new Sniper order to AI behaviour:
  • Order can be assigned in the Scenario Editor
  • Focuses low-health enemy units in range
  • Can walk short distances if it’s safe and allows it to hit a unit in the same turn
  • Can escape if it determines it’s no longer safe
  • Added units that use the orders to existing Single Scenarios.
  • To note, Snipers are not added to Campaign scenarios
  • Tweaked the difficulty of the Falaise Pocket Patton campaign scenario so that deploying on both sides is more viable as a strategy
  • Tweaked the difficulty of the Battle of Troina Patton campaign scenario so that the German assault is not as top-heavy
  • Tweaked orders of units in the Operation Uranus Zhukov campaign scenario so that Stalingrad is less likely to be left unattended


  • Fix Soviet Mortars having higher Morale than intended
  • Fix Soviet Mortars and Cavalry costing less than intended
  • Fix US Strategic Bombing dealing higher damage than intended
  • Fix German Advanced Light Tanks missing the German Tank Defence bonus
  • Fix German Heavy Tanks having a wider soft damage range than intended
  • Fix German Advanced Tank Destroyers having less Ammo than other nations
  • Fix sorting priority to display tanks with correct ordering regardless of which nations are combined
  • Fix one of the Anti-Air Gun perks using an old icon
  • Fix roads going over the table frame in some Single Scenario maps
  • Minor localization fixes
  • Fix an error when some settings could not be loaded
  • Fix units losing AP when an Upgrade perk is selected
  • Fix a minor issue with AI deployment distance
  • Fix Suppression having no effect if applied during the opposing Player’s turn
  • Fix “Artillery is king of the battlefield” achievement only unlocking if AI performed the required action
  • Fix “Carpet Bombing” achievement not unlocking when its conditions are met

Total Tank Generals Update 1.1: Winter Storm Update Patch Notes

Added New Single Scenarios:

  • Battle of Courland Pocket
  • Battle of the Alps
  • Battle of Belgium
  • Operation Winter Storm

Decreased the difficulty, and included some balancing fixes of the Zhukov Campaign

Fixed French Heavy Tank order priority in the Deploy menu

Fixed some minor campaign issues with preplaced units

Update 1.1 - Winter Storm OUT TODAY


We hope you’re enjoying Total Tank Generals now that you can finally jump into the battlefield.

The response within the community has been fantastic and we’re glad to see that everyone is having fun!

So, we’ve got some great news to share - It won’t be too long for the first update...

Total Tank Generals: Update 1.1 - Winter Storm will be launching TODAY (April 5th, 2023) at 5:30pm BST / 6:30pm CET / 9:30am PDT

The update will include four brand-new single scenarios, including:
- Battle of Courland Pocket
- Battle of the Alps
- Battle of Belgium
- Operation Winter Storm

We’ve also taken on your feedback and have been able to rebalance the AI for the Zhukov Campaign.

To keep up-to-date with all things Total Tank Generals, follow us on social media 🔔

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Twitter – @TTGenerals
Discord -


Total Tank Generals Update 1.1: Winter Storm Update Patch Notes

  • Added New Single Scenarios:
    - Battle of Courland Pocket
    - Battle of the Alps
    - Battle of Belgium
    - Operation Winter Storm
  • Decreased the difficulty, and included some balancing fixes of the Zhukov Campaign
  • Fixed French Heavy Tank order priority in the Deploy menu
  • Fixed some minor campaign issues with preplaced units

Total Tank Q&A w/Noobz From Poland - April 4th,


You are here-by invited to an audience with Noobz From Poland.

Join Jerry, CEO of Noobz From Poland for a Q&A on all things Total Tank, Live in the Total Tank Discord Channel

April 4th - 3pm BST / 4pm CEST / 7am PDT



Don't worry if you miss it, or can't attend. We shall be giving a summary of events in an upcoming blog post here on Steam.

Thank you, dismissed!

Total Tank Generals is Available NOW!

Be seated.

Generals, it’s time for you to take command. Noobz from Poland and 505 Games are happy to announce that Total Tank Generals, the WW2 hex-based tactical game is out now!

Total Tank Generals is a tribute to some of Noobz from Poland’s favourite games and perfect for tactical and history fans alike.

Alongside the release, we are pleased to announce the Official Total Tank Generals Roadmap, giving you a sneak peek at what is coming to Total Tank Generals over the coming months. 


Every War Has Its Generals

Total Tank Generals needs you! Take command of an army during WW2 and lead them to victory. Strategize your way through many scenarios and real historical military campaigns of past generals - such as Patton, Zhukov, and Rommel.

Turn-based strategy is the name of the game here, as you’re dropped into real historical military campaigns of past generals and see how you fair.

Every Decision Matters

Deciding how to take on the latest campaign can be challenging and choosing suitable units for battles can be tricky. There are dozens of unit options to choose from, some that complement each other when carefully positioned and manoeuvred across the battlefield. Some are lone wolves that are built to dominate.

You are the general and it your choice when and who to recruit and promote. When to expand your army and when to resupply on all out assaults. If all else fails, the air support can be called in to help the troops on the ground to turn the tide of battle in your favour.

Every Unit Matters

Total Tank Generals features an innovative way of stacking units. Allowing you to mix each tile to your favour. Adding an additional tactical way that could give you the advantage.

Every army has its own selection of units - each with its own strengths and weaknesses - that reflect their historical counterparts

Every Detail Matters

Immersing yourself in the history of the largest military conflict to date and follow in the footsteps of some of the greatest military leaders across their campaigns that made them.

Total Tank Generals will offer a strong historical approach from casual gamers to long-time strategy fans and WW2 enthusiasts. All of this is delivered in an entertaining and comprehensive package depicting historical events in a realistic documentary-like manner.

Every Idea Matters

Total Tank Generals will also offer extensive modding support and map-making with Steam Workshop. Allowing construction and creation of campaigns to challenge you and your friends.

Mod support will allow for easy tweaks to stats and mechanics, adding new units or even changing visuals to create whole new universes to explore.


Total Tank Generals is available now at $24.99 / €24.99 / £19.99 - and to celebrate, we’re launching with a 10% discount from today ‘till 5th April

As a reminder, if you are experiencing any issues while playing Total Tank Generals, please let us know here -

We want to thank you for your support with Total Tank Generals – and we’ll see you real soon for more things to come – but for now go make history!

James (Brand Community Manager, 505 Games)


For more news and info on Total Tank Generals, follow us on social media.

Facebook -
Twitter – @TTGenerals
Discord -

Wishlist Total Tank Generals on Steam, today!

Total Tank: Combat Operations Report – February 2023

Be seated.

Generals, February is done. So here’s everything you may have missed from the battlefield in February



Let’s start with Total Tank Simulator.

We hear you loud and clear. After reading multiple threads and rumours. Yes, Total Tank Simulator WILL be getting an update.

While we’re not able to disclose the release date –just yet - we can, however, confirm more details about the Japan campaign and the units which will be joining TTS.

As disclosed earlier in the year, the Japanese faction will cover 1 Acts;

Act 1 - Soviet Invasion of Sakhalin and Kuril Island – 08/1945

Japanese Units

Check out a list of new units coming to the Japan faction as part of the Japan Update. We hope that you can use this info to think about your next strategies. Yes, we can confirm that the colour for Japan is Blue.


  • Ha-Go (Type 95)
  • Ke-Ni (Type 98)
  • Chi-Ha (Type 97)
  • Heavy tank (Type 91)
  • Heavy Tank (Type 95)
  • O-I Super Heavy Tank


  • Ho-Ni (Type 1)

Special Tanks

  • Te-Ke (Type 97)
  • Ka-Chi (Type 3)


  • 75mm Field Gun (Type 90)
  • Canon de 75

Mobile Artillery

  • Ho-Ro (Type 4)


  • Shinsei 15cm Tarenso Rocket Launcher


  • Armoured Car (Type 93)
  • Sumida M.2593 (Type 91)
  • IJA Truck (Type 94)
  • Soko Sangyo Ki


  • Mitsubishi A6M Zero
  • Aichi D3a (Type 99)
  • Nakajima Kikka
  • Mitsubishi Ki-21


  • 120mm AA Gun (Type 10)
  • 25mm AA Gun (Type 96)
  • IJA Truck (Type 94) with 120mm AA Gun (Type 10)
  • IJA Truck (Type 94) with 25mm AA Gun (Type 96)


  • Mistubishi Ki-57
  • Kawanishi Baika

Officer Units

  • Type 94 tankette
  • Shi-Ki (Type 97)
  • Kawanishi Baika (Officer)


  • Rifleman
  • Assault
  • Sniper
  • SMG
  • Flamethrower
  • Ninja

We’ll have more updates to share soon, so keep those notifications on 🔔

If you’ve yet to check out Total Tank Generals, then click here to play the Free Demo, NOW!


For more news and info on Total Tank Generals & Simulator, follow us on social media.

Facebook -
Twitter – @TTGenerals
Twitter - @TotalTankSim
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Wishlist Total Tank Generals on Steam, today!

Total Tank: Combat Operations Report - January 2023

Be seated.

Happy New Year, Cadets! We hope the holidays have treated you well. We certainly ate and drank far too much but still managed to polish off all the leftovers before Jan 2nd – as is tradition.

With January complete, we wanted to share with you all the news that you may have missed from the world of Total Tank in January.


Episode 1 of the War Room is available now! Check it out below 👇

Join James (and James) with a unique look at the upcoming features of Total Tank Generals, the upcoming turn-based WW2 tactical game. We’ll be sharing more information on gameplay; covering the deployment of troops, the basics of enemy engagement, levelling up and promoting your army as well as creating your own scenario. Check out episode 1 below.


In case you missed it, Generals. Noobz from Poland and 505 Games are proud to announce that Total Tank Generals will be launching on March 30th, 2023.

That’s all, Generals. Keep your eyes peeled for more info in the lead-up to the launch.

See you on the battlefield

If you’ve yet to check out Total Tank Generals, then Click here to play the Free Demo, NOW!


For more news and info on Total Tank Generals, follow us on social media.

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Twitter – @TTGenerals
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Wishlist Total Tank Generals on Steam, today!