Touhou Adventure cover
Touhou Adventure screenshot
Genre: Adventure, Indie

Touhou Adventure

Touhou Adventure 5.30

Heyo everyone,

Hope you doing all well

Today's update is regarding these sweet vegetables and also a console for debug i've added, i'll go through what's new !

First, vegetables
I've added 12 vegetables so far, that are common to japan(if you consider gensokyo part of japan)
here have a list of them :

  • Cabbage
  • Carrot
  • Chinese Cabbage
  • Cucumber
  • Eggplant
  • Leek
  • Onion
  • Potato
  • Taro
  • Tomato
  • Turnip

Also comes with seeds !
If you wonder why the plants grows so fast, it's normal, i have yet to find a good way to save the plant's data, so for now, since it's not saved, it grows fast to you know, you don't have to wait 1 day for it to grow

Console Commands :
be careful with that, since it has the potential to break your game, and i mean it (they're also case sensitive) You can press F5 to bring up the Console
Here have a list of commands :

  • SetHour Hour : sets the hour you gave : Example : SetHour 13
  • ListScene : lists all scenes so far (even some very very secrete scenes)
  • SetScene SceneName : SET, and i mean SET, the scene of what you give, this one works but will teleport usually outside the boundaries of the map : Example : SetScene corridor1
  • TPto ObjectName : Teleport yourself to an Object, that is where it comes in handy, if you're outside the boundaries of the map, you can use this command, note that, I use in most scenes a "point" that has the name of a scene : Example 1, in the human village you have a point named corridor1, that is used whenever the player enters the human village from the west.

BugFix :

For some reasons Reisen in the west corridor of the human village wouldn't disappear when she enters the human village

Touhou Adventure 5.20

Hello all !

So this update is around NPCs

as you may know old NPC used to stand not doing much staying all day long outside not doing anything
well fear not, they move now !

Basically, each NPC will move from their home around 8 am and will come back home around 8 pm.
Some NPC like Reisen will go back to much longer distances.

I will add more complex NPC behavior later one, like shops being closed, some NPC moving around

I will unfortunately not have much time programming the game since i will start university this Monday, will still try to make as much as I can but I can't guarantee anything ! I hope you will understand

this update was really hard to pull off, I will be honest with you, mentally it's not going so well, and remaking all the sprites so I can make a top down and side movement took me quite some time

Added :

-All NPC behavior, except for Meiling, Meiling stays outside no matter what (i'm still figuring out what to do with her)
-TIme, you can now view time at any time. displayed as an in-game clock, you may not notice but the game also "display" a day system, by that i mean, the NPC will do different things depending on the day, monday, friday, sunday, and so on...

Touhou Adventure 5.10a

A small bug fix

The farm permit's price is now 500, it was 1.

Touhou Adventure 5.10

As promised I reworked the dialogues system !

I'm joking but I did changed it quite a bit, basically, before, all dialogues could be played again, which was annoying, now some dialogues will not be played again, example : Keine's tutorial fight will not play again since this option will be down after completing it.

I also added some dialogues for keine and reimu, minor ones, but they bring a bit more lore.

I also added something called encounters, basically, encounters, are random events that can occurs at a random time or not, for now, the only encounter available is upon buying the farm permit from keine

added :

  • Dialogues for keine and reimu
  • Objectives for reimu
  • Encounters

fixed :

  • some translation errors
  • problems with the loading screen in some scenes

Touhou Adventure 5.00

It has been a long time since I've been doing this, it took me a lot of time, effort, tries

but at the end I feel satisfied with that, I may change the fight system later on, by just tweaking some options, I also reworked the fishing system, I found it useless before, and wanted something more arcade

here have a list of changes and additions :

Added :
- Transitions between scenes, no more stinky and weird loading times ! they also come with useful tips
- A score screen ! display your scores, time, it has no use, but it will be used on future updates !
- an XP system, same as the score screen, useless, but it will be later on
- you can now sell stuff at merchants
- Keine now offers you a small tutorial, and you can fight her !
Changed :
- The fight system is now different, before, enemies were fixed, and loaded during these long scenes that connects important parts, now, you have a chance to encounter a fight, and, you'll fight more vicious enemies, that moves, it displays the score screen if you die, finish the fight.
- the fishing system now display a bar, you need to get your cursor in between the green area, to be able to catch a fish, other than that, it's the same, cast your fishing rod into a big enough water source, and it will trigger that mini game
- the font has been changed to a more pixel style
Removed :
-Keine no longer give you a quest to see Reimu, I will change that for a future update, adding more lore elements

RE : Notice on development

Hello all, been a while i haven't touch this game

Been fighting with some personal stuff, had exams too, so everything was quite bad for the projet, to my own dissatisfaction.

but i still thought about the game a little and the future of it, as you may know, it takes a while to do anything, but i have really thought about starting from scratch, and doing a new game, with the same base idea, and very similar functionalities, i am quite sad about the overall esthetic of the game, alot of the developpement was done about what i thought the user wanted, but that's not what users wanted...

players want to have a fun, have a clear and definite goal, this game doesn't have any, you just spawn in a world but nothing to do but exploring, you have no goal, nothing is fun, the fights (if you can even call it a fight) against enemies is just sadge, and not challenging at all

i must, come up with new and better idea, and bring a nicer experience

but, i still wonder if it's good to redo the game from scratch while keeping the same game on steam, or start a new game, but game would still be called touhou aventure, and as i said, still have similar functionalities.

any suggestions would be welcomed

love you all~~


Touhou Adventure 4.90


today's update is around various things, i've changed, fixed and added, here's the full list :

added :

  • sounds depending on where you walk (ex : cracking wood when walking on a wooden floor)
  • added more ambient sounds
  • added more objectives
  • added more dialogue lines to keine
  • more sounds when picking up an item, shooting, bombing, and defeating an enemy
  • added faster animations when sprinting, and slower when walking slowly

changed :

  • the player starts in a new area when landing in gensokyo, said player must find keine to get some help
  • changed the objective system, the backbone has changed drastically, but the overhaul result is the same


  • small issues with the animations
  • small issues with scenes missing core scripts

Touhou Adventure 4.80

Hello today's update is around dialogues.

The dialogue system has been remade completely, so it adds better flexibility in general.

this not much as a whole but it took time to change every dialogue line from every characters.

I hope you understand the delay.

Next update will be around adding more stuff to the gameplay, sounds, items, and so on...