Valorant cover
Valorant screenshot
Genre: Shooter, Tactical


VALORANT Patch Notes 7.01

Hi, everyone! It’s Jo-Ellen here.

Mastered Deadlock’s Ultimate yet? Or gotten a 4k with your Neo Frontier Sheriff? Either way, we always welcome feedback so please let us know how everything’s working.

Also, Premier’s Ignition Stage is open so grab some friends and compete!


  • We've updated the ability action icons to be more consistent across all Agents and abilities that have a common cast paradigm or output. We've also added new ones to where it was necessary. These icons appear above your equipped ability.
  • We’ve added voiceover line interactions between Gekko and Deadlock.



Ignition Stage is live!

  • If you played in the Premier Open Beta, first of all, thank you! Second, everyone is starting from scratch with Ignition so you’ll have to make or join a new team this time around, too. Your team and match history will carry over from Ignition to the launch in August though, so choose your team name carefully. (You can’t change it later!)
  • Enrollment runs until July 20, so get your team together and make sure to choose a Zone before then. The exact time for the end of Enrollment varies by Zone—make sure to check the schedule in the client for more information so you don’t miss it.
  • Matches start on July 20 and run through August 12, with Playoffs on August 13. Earn a Premier Score of at least 375 by then to qualify and to have a chance to be crowned one of the best teams in your Division. (Oh…and get a sweet Premier Champion title and gun buddy, too.)

Check out our FAQ for all the nitty gritty details.


  • We added in-game bans for repeated AFK, Friendly Fire, and Queue Dodge in Competitive and Unrated modes.
  • People who are text-muted in real time will now also be voice-muted for the entire match.

VALORANT Patch Notes 7.0

Hello, all! It’s still Jo-Ellen here.

Welcome to Episode 7 Act 1. We’ve got a number of things in store for you including a bunch of bug fixes (because who doesn’t love those?), a whole new Agent, new game mode, and an update to our Progression System.

Also, peep some updated ability descriptions in-game. Enjoy!


Spray Wheel

  • Added text to the Spray equip screen indicating your bound keybinds.



  • Deadlock goes live!
    • Learn about her abilities on our Agents page.
    • Watch our latest Sentinel take on a mysterious creature below.

VALORANT Patch Notes 6.11

Hey, everyone! It’s Jo-Ellen here.

Our Agents and Weapons teams have been hard at work on some minor and major changes for a few of your favorite Agents and weapons including Chamber, Viper, the Shorty, and the Frenzy. We’ve also made a few updates to Pearl’s B Site.

As always, let us know what you think about all the updates in Patch 6.11. Have fun!



  • Rolling Thunder (X)
    • Warning visuals have been updated to provide a clearer edge to the ultimate’s area of effect. This should make it easier to understand when you will and will not be hit by the ultimate.


Chamber has taken a backseat in overall pick-rate after the last round of changes in Patch 5.12. At the time, we reduced Chamber’s sphere of influence significantly. We’re looking to put more power into his ability to lurk, and give him more flexibility within his setups.

  • Rendezvous (E)
    • Reduced weapon equip time after post-teleport lockout 0.7s >>> 0s
  • Trademark (C)
    • Disable range increased 4000 >>> 5000
    • Trap arm speed reduced 4s >>> 2s
  • Tour De Force (X)
    • Firing rate increased by 15%


The Viper change below is meant to both create more explicit downtimes when playing around her utility, and address the multiplicative effects of Viper and Harbor’s vision block.

We want to ensure Viper and Harbor can be competitive independently, while also allowing room for teams to explore strategies that can counter them. This change retains Viper’s power moments while her utility is active, but asks you to be more precise on when to use it—giving attackers more agency and value in baiting out her fuel, and defenders a larger window to play around it during retakes. It also creates some moments of downtime when Harbor and Viper cycle their walls.

As always, we’ll be watching how these changes play out in the coming months and evaluating if any further updates are needed.

  • Fuel Regeneration
    • Reduced regeneration per second 5% >>> 3.3%
      • Regenerate to max fuel once empty 20s >>> 30s


  • When hit by Concussing abilities, Yoru's Fakeout (C) can now be visually affected.
  • The timing of Omen’s From the Shadows (X) voiceover line will come in quicker to increase your discernibility.
  • Sova's cape dynamics were redone and smoothed out, while still maintaining a silhouette close to his body to not give away enemy position.
  • We've cleaned up some of the code related to the trajectory of grenade-like projectiles (such as Sova's Shock Bolt [Q] and Recon Bolt [E], and Brimstone's Incendiary [Q]).
    • Changes like these help us avoid bugs as we continue to make exciting new features for y’all. There should be no net difference, but if we ended up missing anything, let us know!


  • Combat Report now shows “Allies Dazed” in addition to “Enemies Dazed” for all Concuss abilities.
  • Performance optimizations in Observer Mode when frequently switching between Agents who are using abilities.
  • Tidying up font systems. Please report any issues if there are any characters or text that are different size or style compared to previous patches before 6.10.



We've felt that Pearl's B Site has been problematic due to how difficult the site is to hold as a defender in conjunction with the amount of strong post-plant options available to attackers. With that in mind, we wanted to get a smaller scale update out before Champions to address those concerns.

  • Adjusted the B Ramp Screen and removed the attacker cubby
    • The Screen on B Ramp was providing a lot of mixup pressure and had proven hard to deal with on retakes. We’ve made the Screen shorter and replaced the ramp with a jump up. This should make the position more committal and more predictable to deal with.
    • We've also removed the attacker Ramp cubby as well. This reduces the number of positions to hold the long plant from and makes this space more vulnerable to flanks.
  • Adjusted B Site Screen
    • We’re adjusting B Site Screen to give more options to defenders. We’ve extended the screen to create a larger pocket to play from, added a non-pennable section, added a stack of crates to give defenders a new mixup option and moved everything closer to B Ramp to allow more utility to fit there (Smokes, Sage Wall, etc).
  • Added a new cubby in B Hall
    • The new cubby gives defenders another position to play from. This provides extra space for defenders to reposition against incoming utility, and it creates new angles to contest B Link or the common Long plant spot.
  • Widened the pillar on B Site
    • Adjusted the size of the B Site Pillar to give you a little bit more room to work with. This should also reduce the likelihood of getting spammed.


Weapon Accuracy on Ascenders / Ziplines (Ropes)

We’ve adjusted the weapon spread on ropes across most weapons to make combat efficacy while on ropes a touch more difficult. This should allow combat on ropes to be viable in close range scenarios—which we feel is important to make them a viable map traversal tool—but much less often will it be a good choice in medium to long range engagements.

  • Ascender min spread on ropes increased to 65% of the walking spread
    • Rifles from .8 >>> 1.3
    • Classic from .35 >>> .55
    • Frenzy from .35 >>> .52
    • Ghost from .35 >>> .6
    • Sheriff from .35 >>> .78
    • SMGs from .3 >>> .65
    • Snipers & Shotguns unchanged
  • Walking and running spread on ropes increased to match the walking and running spread on ground.


We like that the Shorty has found a viable role in the game though it has proven to be too reliable and accessible. We’re increasing the price to make purchasing the Shorty a more thoughtful decision throughout the course of the game while the damage adjustments require more accuracy to get one shot kills against fully armored opponents.

  • Reserve ammo adjusted from 10 >>> 6
  • Price adjusted from 150 >>> 300
  • Damage at no fall-off adjusted from 12 >>> 11
  • Damage at first step fall-off (7 meters) adjusted from 8 >>> 6


The Frenzy has been more potent at long ranges than we’d like. The spread (error) and recoil changes will make long range fights tougher while retaining much of the Frenzy’s short range power.

  • Min spread increased from .45 >>> .65
  • Spread curve adjusted
    • Maximum spread reached in 5 bullets instead of 6
  • Recoil pitch curve adjusted
    • Maximum recoil will be reached in 5 bullets instead of 6. Total recoil is lowered to compensate.

Error Power

Error Power (also known as Center Biasing for us) is a tool we utilize to reward accuracy by biasing shots toward the center of the crosshair.

While this system is functioning as intended for stationary firing, it’s been unintentionally aiding firing while on the move. We’ve significantly reduced center biasing in these movement states: shots fired while moving are now almost uniformly random within their spread cone, meaning that fewer of these shots will precisely land on target.

Even so, Run-and-gun (and jump shooting) kills will still happen—and we think these kills are healthy in close range contexts with the right weapons—but this error power adjustment should help to reduce their frequency a moderate amount, particularly at longer ranges.

Recoil Adjustments

For a handful of weapons, we’ve increased vertical recoil while firing on the run. This makes the weapons feel less controllable in this state, and should reduce the number of incidental run-and-gun kills.

  • Vertical Recoil Multiplier While Running:
    • Phantom: 1.5 >>> 1.8
    • Spectre: 1.5 >>> 1.8
    • Vandal: 1.5 >>> 1.8
    • Frenzy: 1.25 >>> 1.5

Phantom/Vandal Ammo Reserve

We wanted to inject more decision making when wall penning common spots or blind firing through smokes with the Phantom and Vandal. We’ll keep a close eye on the adjusted ammo reserves for these guns to make sure these weapons are still able to deal with shootables like Sage’s Barrier Orb (C) and Harbor’s Cove (Q).

  • Phantom Reserve ammo adjusted from 90 >>> 60
  • Vandal Reserve ammo adjusted from 75 >>> 50



  • Fixed bug with Killjoy’s utility not fading back into stealth when recovering from a disabled state
  • Fixed Omen’s Shrouded Step (C) to not be interrupted if you’re Suppressed before teleporting.
  • Fixed an issue where when Sage rotated her Barrier Orb (C) 90 degrees, she was blocked from placing the wall for .8 seconds. Now, Sage can place her wall immediately after rotating it 90 degrees.

Gameplay Systems

  • Fixed Ability HUD overlapping in the Shooting Range when switching Agents.
  • Fixed Kill Feed being out of order when one shot kills multiple players.


  • Fixed a bug where party groups in your friends list would sometimes be put in the wrong section. They’ll now always appear in the online section.
  • Fixed a bug where push-to-talk wasn’t working when the Buy screen was open. Now you can talk while you shop.

VALORANT Patch Notes 6.10

Hello, all! Jo-Ellen here.

You’ll notice a few new things in this patch: the Spray Wheel, a different looking Spray display on your Collections page, and a few updated Agent portraits. Many of these features we’re excited for ourselves. We’ve also fixed a number of Yoru bugs whether for when you’re playing against or as him. Lastly, get into a game and listen for some new Reyna voiceover lines.

As always, let us know what you think about all the newest things coming to Patch 6.10. Enjoy!


Spray Wheel, Collections Rework, Spray Equip Flow Improvements

We have been cooking up some new features to allow you greater flexibility when using and collecting Sprays and we are happy to launch our first iteration of these improvements with this pass. Introducing the Spray Wheel!

  • Added an in-game Spray Wheel, which can be activated by holding your chosen Spray Keybind.
  • Retained Quick Spray functionality by tapping your chosen Spray Keybind. This will use the Spray located at the top slot of your wheel.
  • Added new equip flow for the Spray Wheel located in the Collections page.
  • Replaced the Spray Carousel with a Grid that can be searched, filtered, and sorted by Favorites.
  • Added an audio queue and visible timer to indicate cooldowns on the Spray Wheel.
  • Added an “Empty Spray” to allow a user to empty their Wheel or keybind.
  • Added a text and image to indicate pre- or post-round only sprays.
  • Added settings to the Settings page under Controls -> Equipment to better customize your spraying experience
    • This includes a sensitivity slider, the ability to turn off the wheel entirely, and separate the keybinds.
  • Removed the “wall” texture to display Sprays on the Spray Screen.

We hope you’re as excited about this as we are! We acknowledge this is a large change and will take some getting used to. As such, we’ll be listening closely to user feedback as you get used to the new system and making improvements and adjustments in the future.



  • Updated the size of Brimstone’s Sky Smoke (E) and Orbital Strike (X) targeting reticles so that they match their size before the update that shipped in patch 6.08.
  • Removed the mouse cursor that was displayed on Brimstone's Sky Smoke (E) and Orbital Strike (X), and Omen's From the Shadows (X).


  • We’ve updated Fade’s in-game portrait for better gameplay readability and quality consistency.
  • We’ve updated Harbor’s in-game portrait for better gameplay readability and quality consistency.
  • We’ve updated some Agent portraits to be higher resolution.
  • Improved the hitbox on KAY/O’s ZERO/Point (E) so shooting the handle of the knife destroys it.
  • We regularly review Agent voiceovers to deepen, improve, and refresh their in-game dialogue. We’ve added new lines for Reyna to develop her relationships with new and existing Agents
    • Added new Reyna Voiceover Lines and interaction lines with Gekko, Chamber, and KAY/O.


  • The RGX 11z Pro EP 4 Gun Buddy and Oni EP 6 Gun Buddy now have the variant shift feature on their corresponding older bundles. You can now put your RGX EP 4 Gun Buddy on your Vandal and it shifts its color just like it does in the Phantom—no more mix and match!


  • We've updated our fonts to fix missing character glyphs that occur in some languages.



  • Fixed an issue where Yoru’s Fakeout (C) would min flash you if you were outside of its conal range of effect.
  • Fixed issue that was causing a slight delay between sources of concussion hitting you and the actual effects of the debuff being applied.
  • Fixed a bug where Yoru’s Fakeout (C) echo would sometimes not have a weapon equipped.
  • The weapon that Yoru’s Fakeout (C) echo equips should now use a more accurate weapons skin.
  • Killjoy spent some time in the workshop hammering out bugs that were causing her Turret (E) to aim at the ground. (Fixed in Patch 6.09)

Gameplay Systems Updates

  • Fixed a rare issue where you can see ghost enemies when they’ve entered line of sight.
  • Fixed an issue where under certain conditions, you can continue to defuse the Spike out of line of sight.


Spray Wheel

  • The Spray Wheel can be called in the Range, however, you can’t spray in the Range. We’ve never been able to spray in the Range, so this isn’t a change, but the wheel is sending mixed signals. We’ll fix this in a future patch.
  • In Arabic, there’s a slight overlap between the Spray Title and “Pre/Post Round” Informational text on the Spray Screen.
  • Zooming in on Sprays in the Collections tab puts the Spray over the Title text instead of behind it like it was in the previous Collections page.
  • Spray Wheel instructional text in the Collections tab doesn’t indicate your current keybinds. We’ll fix this in a future iteration.

VALORANT Patch Notes 6.08

Hi, everyone! Jo-Ellen here.

New Act, new patch. We’ve got a lot in store starting with 6.08: Bind is back in Unrated and Competitive modes but Icebox is out, we’ve also made improvements to Gekko’s audio and updated Killjoy’s abilities. Also, there’s a Shorty cosmetics update for certain skinlines including the default Shorty.



  • Wingman
    • Audio improvements to Wingman’s (Q) plant and defuse audio.
      • The audio cues for Wingman's spike and defuse sound were unclear during hectic combat situations. This should help make those audio cues standout.
  • We’ve updated Gekko’s in-game portrait for better gameplay readability and quality consistency.


As Killjoy has taken on a more prominent place in the meta, we’ve noticed a couple of areas where we could improve the ways her abilities interact with other players/the environment. We’ve done a pass on some of her audio cues to make them more distinct and make it clearer when her utility has been destroyed. In addition, we’ve increased the reveal radius on Nanoswarm (C) to better match its area of damage and make it more realistic for enemies that are moving methodically to track them down. We’ll be keeping a close eye on this balance point moving forward. Finally, we’ve removed the yellow warning indicator that was added to Lockdown (X) last patch, as it was too noisy on screen for the full duration of her ultimate winding up.

  • Nanoswarm (C)
    • Nanoswarm reveal radius increased 350 >> 525
    • Nanoswarm audio has been updated.
      • Audio loop now also turns off when disabled as a result of Killjoy being killed or suppressed.
    • Improved feedback for the enemy when they destroy Nanoswarm.
    • Nanoswarm is now revealed when it is disabled.
  • Other Abilities
    • Updated visuals for Killjoy’s ultimate Lockdown (X) being destroyed.
    • Removed the yellow warning UI Indicator for enemies Killjoy’s Lockdown (X).
    • Updated deactivate sounds for Killjoy’s Turret (E) and Alarmbot (Q) to make them more distinct.


  • Brimstone's Sky Smoke (E), Orbital Strike (X), and Omen's From the Shadows (X) ability have updated targeting visuals to help players with precision placement on the map.



We have upgraded several Shorty models, including the default Shorty, to get them up to par visually with the rest of our weapons. These are just art updates—there will be no gameplay changes.

  • Players who own any of the following will notice an updated Shorty:
    • Default Shorty
    • Wunderkind Shorty
    • Sidekick Shorty
    • Karabasan Shorty
    • Prism II Shorty
    • Doodle Buds Shorty


Map Rotations

  • The newly updated Bind rotates into Competitive and Unrated queues.
  • Icebox rotates out of Competitive and Unrated queues.


Gameplay Systems

  • Fixed an issue where “Kick ally off” displays while defusing the Spike.
  • Fixed a visual bug where the Spike progress bar for planting or defusing would speed up or reset while defusing.
  • Fixed an issue where Yoru couldn’t drop his weapon while using Dimensional Drift (X).


  • (Fixed in Patch 6.07) Fixed a bug where the add/remove friend button wasn't available when right clicking a party member who had "Hide my name outside my party" setting turned on.
  • (Fixed in Patch 6.07) Fixed a bug where banned players would not get removed from your party.
  • Fixed a bug where party invites that were no longer valid were sometimes still showing as active for players.
  • Fixed a bug where Team and All chat logs would be wiped after a match. Thank you to our Redditors for alerting us to this one.
  • Fixed a bug where punctuation marks were not correctly displayed when in-game language is Thai.


  • We are aware of an issue modifying locale within the client. Locale updates will need to be performed through Riot Client (Riot Client settings).
  • We're aware of an issue where, in rare instances, audio cues are not playing for various sound effects. We are investigating at this time and will share as soon as we know more.

VALORANT Patch Notes 6.07

Hi! Jo-Ellen here.

Bind has finally returned. You’ll notice some significant changes after being out of the Unrated and Competitive queues for a while so let us know what you think.

Also in this patch notes: Sova’s Recon Bolt has some updates and there are also changes to our AFK/queue dodging interventions system.


  • Visual updates to our in-game UI indicators (the yellow and red UI that appear when utility is around you or you are taking/about to take damage).
  • Added a small animation to our Yellow Directional Indicator.


UI Indicators Update

In an effort to consolidate and make consistent our use of UI indicators throughout our roster, we’ve updated some abilities to have or not have UI indicators.

  • Reyna
    • Yellow indicator removed from Leer (C)
  • KAY/O
    • Critical danger indicator added to FRAG/ment (C)
  • Skye
    • Yellow indicator removed from Seekers (X)
  • Killjoy
    • Yellow indicator removed from Alarmbot (E)
  • Chamber
    • Yellow indicator removed from Trademark (C)


  • Sova’s Recon Bolt (E) has been updated to correctly appear when playing with Bloom (graphical effect that makes things brighter) turned off.
  • Sova’s Recon Bolt (E) scanning VFX has been updated to be more visible as it travels through the world.
  • Sova’s Recon Bolt (E) model has been increased in size to more accurately represent its hitbox. This will not affect lineups. The collision as it travels is unchanged.



  • Exit room for B Long to A Lobby teleporter has been moved to outside A Bath.
  • A Lobby has been adjusted to accommodate the new teleporter location.
  • Doorway from A Lobby into A Bath has been widened.
  • Doorway from A Bath to A Site has been widened.
  • Radianite crates on A Site have been adjusted.
  • Barrel has been added on A Site.
  • Back wall on A Site has been adjusted.
  • Defender Spawn to B Site doorway has been widened.
  • Utility window has been added to B Site into B Hall.


AFK/Queue Dodging

We have made improvements to our interventions system for violations when it comes to player participation.

  • We’re increasing the amount of Ranked Rating loss for repeated ranked queue dodging
  • We’re introducing a 1 day ranked restriction for people who frequently take part in excessive AFK behavior, sooner than previously introduced ranked restrictions

You can read more about this here.



  • Projectiles will now reset their blue travel trail when teleporting, removing the line that connects from teleporter to teleporter. This trail is only visible to allies.

Gameplay Systems

  • (late notes for Patch 6.06) Fixed a bug where Agents are able to drop both primary and secondary weapons while planting or defusing the Spike.
  • Fixed a bug in the minimap where teleport abilities can reveal an Agent’s out-of-sight minimap location when under packet loss.
  • Fixed an issue where some players’ outline/fresnel were displayed even when “Hide Outlines and Fresnel” setting was enabled.
  • Fixed a bug (previously fixed in 3.10 but cases of this issue were recently reported) where sometimes outgoing packet send rate was lower than intended for game clients running at > 128 FPS.
  • Fixed issues where vision cones of vertical wall-type abilities (Phoenix’s Blaze (C), Viper’s Toxic Screen (E), Harbor’s High Tide (E)) could flicker or distort on the minimap.


  • Fixed a bug where the social panel from the in-game options screen was sometimes getting stuck open (for example when you opened the social panel, closed the options screen, then opened the options screen again).
  • Fixed a bug where when the in-game language is Arabic and you enter an English word first in a chat message, it would break the right-to-left format standard of text in Arabic.

VALORANT Patch Notes 2004

We’re interrupting our normal patch cadence as we have made some updates to VALORANT that have been in the works for a while now. We have also been made aware that our typical patch notes are hard to understand for everyday VALORANT players such as yourself.

Check out the changes to VALORANT below along with a translation so that everyone can understand just what exactly is going on. Enjoy!


  • Wingman can now pick up and shoot guns
    • say less—our bestie, Wingman, can now pull up onto site with an Op
  • Proximity to Brimstone’s beard adds rapid fire
    • Brim looked us square in the eye and gave us a good firm handshake and we just couldn’t say no


  • VALORANT e-daters in Ranked will automatically be funneled to a dedicated queue where they can only hear one another’s voice comms
    • Cuffing season may be over, but if you and your situationship are tryna link over VALORANT without getting absolutely merked by your teammates, we gotchu fam.


  • Shots fired while in spawn will now shoot into enemy spawn
    • map control is mid anyway
  • Jett dash is now cooldown based instead of charge based and the cooldown is now set to 0.5 seconds
    • we love Jett and we love cars so we made her dash cooldown 0.5 seconds. Jett boutta pull up skrt skrt


  • Breeze is now the only map, and it comes with cabanas and adirondack chairs
    • Your timeshare is once again open for business.


  • Suss Teammate Mode: Solo queue with scoreboard and comms turned off
    • because like why are you bottom fragging and not using comms — pick a struggle.


  • In Game Leads will now get an “aged” effect face filter applied to their Agent
    • When I was your age they used to say, “youth is wasted on the young.” Different times.


  • You can now progress the Battlepass on your stationary bike
    • not you forgetting to complete the last Battlepass


  • Use of “VALORANT Accent” in voice comms is now automatically translated


  • We've seen the online banter of which is better: Vandal or Phantom. To make the decision easier, we are removing the Vandal from the shop.
    • friendship ended with Vandal now Phantom is your best friend #phantoms4life

VALORANT Patch Notes 6.06

Hello, Jo-Ellen here.

Short patch notes this time around. Check out changes we made to Gekko, Lotus, and Agent outlines below.



  • Mosh Pit (C)
    • Mosh Pit’s damage to objects has been performing inconsistently with relative abilities such as KAY/O’s FRAG/ment (C) and Breach’s Aftershock (C).
      • Damage to objects has reduced 2.5x >>> 1x
  • Wingman (Q)
    • Wingman will now always die if he is last alive.



  • Updated the destruction VFX for the destructible door located between A Link to A Main in order to make it easier to see through as it falls away.


  • Added the ability to hide Agent outlines and fresnel (the color outline on Agents)
    • Go to Settings >> General >> Under “Other”, there is an option to toggle “Hide Outlines and Fresnel”.



  • Wingman can no longer concuss intangible players.

Gameplay Systems

  • Fixed a bug where loading into a match resulted in an incorrect view of under the map.


  • Fixed a bug preventing you from sending a whisper starting with a Circumflex Accent ^. You can now whisper cute emoticon faces to each other using ^w^.
  • Fixed a bug causing ping icons to be displayed even when someone was muted. Muting someone will now properly suppress ping icons.
  • Fixed a bug where the voice chat UI was obscured when your Agent was blinded. You can now see, even when your Agent can’t.
  • Fixed a bug where the join party button would still be active even though the party invite was no longer valid.
  • Fixed a bug where when searching your friends list, the number of people a friend is in a party with would not display correctly.
  • Fixed a bug where scrolling the social panel would sometimes scroll other UI elements like the Agent carousel.
  • Fixed a bug where the friends list was obscured when auto-reject friend requests was enabled.

VALORANT Patch Notes 6.05

Hi, Jo-Ellen here. How are you liking Gekko and his buddies so far? Either way, with each new Agent comes many new bugs to fix and updates to deploy—we listed the most important ones for Gekko below.

Also in this patch, we’ve got bug fixes and updates for Gameplay Systems, Social, and Performance.



  • Wingman’s (Q) Plant and Defuse targeting is now a little more forgiving when targeting a site.
  • Audio Improvements
    • Added audio variations for Mosh Pit’s (C) explosions
    • Audio improvements for Dizzy’s (E) plasma blasts, which will help you easily identify if it’s flying towards you or towards an ally while in the air
  • VFX Improvements
    • Added VFX to when Gekko is reclaiming an orb, as well as when the globule reclaim is complete
    • Improved visuals for enemy creature globules
    • Improved performance in Agent Select


  • Added “CPU Wait GPU Time” metric to performance settings in order to help players track when their machines are Render Thread bound




  • Fixed a bug where Wingman wasn’t taking melee damage.
  • Fixed a bug where ally Gekko orbs were showing up as white outside of custom Replication.
  • Fixed multiple animation issues across all abilities.
  • Fixed UI on Gekko’s ultimate staying on screen if the round ended while you’re possessing Thrash.
  • Fixed a bug where Wingman wasn’t able to defuse the Spike after using Swap Team command in a Custom game.
  • Fixed a bug where Wingman Spike plant casting allowed him to run too far of a distance if cast in midair.
  • Fixed a bug where damage from Mosh Pit was avoidable while crouch jumping in the pit.
  • Fixed bug where Wingman’s torso wouldn’t trigger Cypher’s Trapwire (C).
  • Fixed a bug where the wrong animation played while casting Wingman.
  • Fixed a bug where Gekko wasn’t able to plant in Spike Rush if Wingman was stopped from planting.
  • Fixed display name of “Mosh Pit” showing up as “Mosh’s Pit”.

Gameplay Systems

  • Fixed a crosshair issue where the Import button is grayed out if you have 10 or more saved crosshair profiles
    • The maximum number of profiles is still 15.
  • Fixed a bug with damage-over-time area abilities where players could crouch jump to avoid damage.


  • Used Memory performance metric now updates when Total Memory performance metric is disabled.


  • Fixed a bug where in cases of bad platform disconnection, players would appear more than once in the friends list.
  • Fixed a bug where voice tooltips were sometimes incorrectly rendered when turning Party/Team voice chat on and off.
  • Fixed a bug where the invite menu would sometimes flicker.
  • Fixed a bug where unfriending an online player wouldn’t update the count of online friends.
  • Fixed a bug where when a player enables Auto-Reject friend requests, any pending friend requests would still appear. Pending friend requests will now be auto-rejected when this setting is enabled.
  • Fixed a bug where the system notification confirming a sent friend request would sometimes show whitespace.
  • Fixed a bug to add a message notifying players that they will also be banned from playing competitive queue if they currently have a comms ban.

VALORANT Patch Notes 6.04

Prepare your aim for the start of Episode 6 Act II. New Initiator Agent, the return of the Oni skinline, rank reset, and a fresh Battlepass. Check out the updates and bug fixes below.


Gekko goes live!

  • Learn his abilities on our Agents page.
  • Watch the latest Initiator and his friends take on Los Angeles in the launch trailer.