Volcano Princess cover
Volcano Princess screenshot
Genre: Role-playing (RPG), Simulator, Indie

Volcano Princess

Volcano Princess Patch Note V1.00.12

Please shut down the Steam Cloud of Volcano Princess Because of a bug that may break the savedata .
The devs are still looking for a way to fix it, for now PLEASE MAKE SURE to follow these step before you start the game:

【BUT if you already started game and the savedata runs well, please only refer to Step2 to turn off the Steam Cloud!】

1. Uninstall the DEMO version (if any)
2. Turn off the Steam Cloud function

Library => right click Volcano Princess => Properties => General => Cancel the 3rd tick (cloud archive)

3. DELETE EVERYTHING in this folder before you start a new game:

【SYSTEM DISK】\Users【Your Windows Username】\AppData\LocalLow\EggHatcher\VolcanoPrincess
(or copy this to the address line and press enter: %APPDATA%\..\LocalLow\EggHatcher\VolcanoPrincess)

4. Start the game.


  • Fixed a bug that Due to the frequent conflicts between the outcome conditions of the evil cult and the fraudster, the evil cult has been modified to a 4-star outcome. The required attribute modifications are as follows: mind 70, intelligence 1500, emotion 1000, and belief 500 points.
  • The relationship end game bonus can be reset now.
  • Fixed a bug that the father's evaluation after 12 yr old can't be achieved correctly.
  • Fixed a bug that the father's evaluation at 5 yr old's score was added incorrectly.
  • Fixed a bug that the ending selection may not work when there was an atrribute's score was under zero.
  • Fixed a bug that the attributes may showed incorrectly after an adventure.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes the dropped item during a duel with NPC may appear blank.
  • Fixed a bug that the alchemy quest in 4-5 star lord quest may not completed correctly.
  • Fixed a bug that some of the text in the ending letter was not shown correctly.
  • Increase the number of horses that can be caught in each area to 20.
  • Fixed graphics errors in the horse racing tutorial.
  • Fixed several food level display errors.
  • Fixed several text errors.

The following bugs are still under locating:
*Chat with daughter may freeze the game.
*The summer round 1 may be skipped.
*May not able to chat with NPCs.
*Exploration ending interface freeze, the level of adventure may stuck.
*Savedata system re-construction

Thank you support! If you meet any bugs, please submit a Gle Form. And welcome to our Discord!

FAQs about bugs, localization and others

Hello everyone, thank you for your support of Volcano Princess!

We have received a lot of comments, encouragement, and suggestions, which are very surprising and touching for the 2 devs who are creating a video game for the first time. Today we would like to answer some of the questions and suggestions.

Qa: What is your current plan for updating, especially for the English version?
A: We sincerely know there's still a lot to do with the English text. The translators are still working on it, and we are collecting feedback from sheets and Discord, The game has 300,000+ English word plots, and we will continuously improve it.

Qb: Will there be other languages?
A: Japanese language and Korean language are working in progress. New announcement is on the way!

Q1: Will Volcano Princess support keyboard/controller?
A: The developers have tried to do this, but "Volcano's Daughter" has a lot of operation frequency and button positions, so there are a lot of details that need to be reconsidered and problems that need to be solved when switching operation methods. At the same time, this is also the first time for the two developers to make a game, so they need some time to figure it out. At present the game can only support mouse button, very sorry for the inconvenience.

Q2: I want to skip the dialogues!
A: We understand the skip is very useful for the players! But currently we need to fix the bugs first, otherwise the skip will pull out more bugs... The good news is that, we can add this function little by little. We plan to add skip for the hang out with NPCs first. It is expected to be finished at May.

Q3: I can't accept Lebsa's final event .
A: We found that there are players can't bear this plot, and first of all we want apologize for it. The dev reviewed the plot and found it improvable.
The performance and plot of the Lebsa's final event will be revised. Some new dialogues and performances will be added to clarify for what actually happened.
The relevant text and art need to be remade, the process will take some time. This part of the event show will be updated as soon as possible, please be patient, thank you!

Q4: I want 4K resolution!
A: The devs don't have a 4K displayer, so Volcano Princess only have a maximum resolution of 1920x1080 for now......

Q5: Artbook please!
A: We will continue to refine the existing game arts first, so it may be done later!

Q6: Will the battle performance be adjusted?
A: It is planned, but we can't determine the exact time to start modifications.

Q7: I want a new romance ending/wedding ending/(an ending that can't be written out because of spoilers) with certain NPCs!
A: We will discuss about it!

Q8: I want the Steam point items!
A: We have never done it but let's try!

Q9: Is there a mobile/Mac version?
A: Not planned yet, sorry.

Q10: Will there be an NS version?
A: We are thinking about it. Stay tuned with us so that you don't miss any news!

*Fixed the bug on Google Sheet.

Thank you support! If you meet any bugs, please submit a Gle Form. And welcome to the official Discord!

Volcano Princess Patch Note V1.00.11

Please shut down the Steam Cloud of Volcano Princess Because of a bug that may break the savedata .
The devs are still looking for a way to fix it, for now PLEASE MAKE SURE to follow these step before you start the game:

【BUT if you already started game and the savedata runs well, please only refer to Step2 to turn off the Steam Cloud!】

1. Uninstall the DEMO version (if any)
2. Turn off the Steam Cloud function

Library => right click Volcano Princess => Properties => General => Cancel the 3rd tick (cloud archive)

3. DELETE EVERYTHING in this folder before you start a new game:

【SYSTEM DISK】\Users【Your Windows Username】\AppData\LocalLow\EggHatcher\VolcanoPrincess
(or copy this to the address line and press enter: %APPDATA%\..\LocalLow\EggHatcher\VolcanoPrincess)

4. Start the game.


  • Fixed the bug in English version that reading a letter from NPC may freeze the game
  • The horse catch bug may still occur. Working on it now.
  • Fixed the bug that the Birdie Fes skipped if the birthday was in May
  • Fixed the bug that the Volcano Fes skipped if the birthday was in September
  • Fixed the bug on Father score after 12 yr old
  • Adjusted the Father score after 12 yr old
  • Fixed the bug that the game stuck after adventure level more than 30
  • Fixed the bug that the price of random merchant (not the mystery one) may display wrongly
  • Corrected some text errors
  • Fixed an issue with incorrect display of increased number of admirers
  • Fixed an issue where the Lord Knight ending may not trigger and meet its conditions - incorrect display of Knight level
  • Fixed issue where blood type was not written after file reading (only affect the new game after v1.00.11)
  • Fixed issue with insufficient selection of seed fields
  • Corrected the required values for missions in Lord Lebsa's missions and the required values for solo achievements
    (Savedata system fixing under construction.)

Thank you support! If you meet any bugs, please submit a Gle Form. And welcome to our Discord!

IMPORTANT TO DO before starting the game! [after v1.00.09] and some forecast

Hello everyone, I'm Mien from the publisher team. A FAQ is planned in some hours but I believe here are some very important points the players need to be told at first place:

First of all, we need to say sorry about the bugs. The devs were continuously working on savedata system and bugs, but it seems not progress smoothly at v1.00.09. So there's still things important to know for the current version1.00.09:


Please shut down the Steam Cloud of Volcano Princess Because of a bug that may break the savedata .
The devs are still looking for a way to fix it, for now PLEASE MAKE SURE to follow these step before you start the game:

1. Uninstall the DEMO version (if any)
2. Turn off the Steam Cloud function

Library => right click Volcano Princess => Properties => General => Cancel the 3rd tick (cloud archive)

3. DELETE EVERYTHING in this folder before you start a new game:

【SYSTEM DISK】\Users【Your Windows Username】\AppData\LocalLow\EggHatcher\VolcanoPrincess
(or copy this to the address line and press enter: %APPDATA%\..\LocalLow\EggHatcher\VolcanoPrincess)

4. Start the game.

Part2: Will-be fixed severe bugs

1. For version 1.00.09 there's a bug when receiving a letter from NPC: The gift/chioces will not appear and make the game freeze.
It'll be fixed in next patch (Apr.24 day Beijing time).
If you want to play the game before the patch, please keep these letters (you can still improve relationships with NPCs) until the patch, or switch to Chinese language version to open it instantly.

2. For version 1.00.09 there's a bug when first time go to catch a horse. It may cause a crash. Once you meet it and reloaded the game, it don't appear again.
It may will be fixed in the next patch.

Part3: About the English texts

For the translation, we sincerely know there's still a lot to do with the English text. The translators are still working on it, and we are collecting feedback from sheets and Discord, The game has 300,000+ English word plots, and we will continuously improve it.

Volcano Princess is the first game of the 2 devs from Egg Hatcher Studio, so it may take some time on debugging and text improvement implement. We are sorry for the bugs and text errors, and sincerely thank all the player's patience and support. Our team and the devs will make our best effort to make the game experience well.

Thank you for reading. See you in a few hours for the patch and FAQ!


If you meet any bugs, please submit a Gle Form. And welcome to our Discord!

Volcano Princess Patch Note V1.00.09

We strongly recommand to shut down the Steam Cloud of Volcano Princess.

Because a bug that may break the savedata because of an error during Volcano Princess syn progress of Steam Cloud, especially for the ones who played the Demo version.
The devs are still looking for a way to fix it, but for now we strongly recommand you to follow the instructions before you start the game:

1- Uninstall the DEMO version (if any)
2- Turn off the Steam Cloud function

Library => right click Volcano Princess => Properties => General => Cancel the 3rd tick (cloud archive)

Please copy the savedata with physical devices if you need to move to another PC.
(Savedata route: 【SYSTEM DISK】\Users【Your Windows Username】\AppData\LocalLow\EggHatcher\VolcanoPrincess)


  • Added a [Steam Achievement Syn] button in the Option: if you have unlocked achievements in the game but not in Steam, you can click this button to activate the completed Steam achievements
  • New bulk purchase function for consumable items in the weapon store
  • New bulk sell function for weapon store: available when selling more than 1 number of items
  • Fixed the bug that sometimes the Theater Star ending could not appear
  • Fixed the bug on the number of performances in the Theater Star ending
  • Fixed the bug of process lag caused by the attack of the monster Bonacan
  • Reduced the number of NPC's relationship added when guiding
  • Reduced the number of NPC's relationship of shopkeepers when purchasing items
  • Lowered some of the score requirements for the Volcano Goddess and Volcano Empress endings
  • Fixed the data requirements for the horse racing achievement
  • Fixed the data requirement for the revenue in the performance achievement
  • Fixed the probability of meeting characters at various locations in the Garden Ball
  • Fixed the problem of incorrect display of father's name in Ron's dialogue text
  • (Sorry for the inconvenience caused by the bug caused by the STEAM cloud archive. The devs are working on the reconstruction of the savedata system. It will take some time and we sincerely appreciate your patience.)

Thank you support! If you meet any bugs, please submit a Gle Form. And welcome to our Discord!

Volcano Princess Patch Note V1.00.08

We strongly recommand to shut down the Steam Cloud of Volcano Princess.

Because a bug that may break the savedata because of an error during Volcano Princess syn progress of Steam Cloud, especially for the ones who played the Demo version.
The devs are still looking for a way to fix it, but for now we strongly recommand you to follow the instructions before you start the game:

1- Uninstall the DEMO version (if any)
2- Turn off the Steam Cloud function

Library => right click Volcano Princess => Properties => General => Cancel the 3rd tick (cloud archive)

Please copy the savedata with physical devices if you need to move to another PC.
(Savedata route: 【SYSTEM DISK】\Users【Your Windows Username】\AppData\LocalLow\EggHatcher\VolcanoPrincess)


  • Fixed the issue of increasing the number of votes for the Bird Festival after repeated file reads
  • Fixed the issue of getting stuck when entering the horse grabbing page
  • Fixed the issue of inaccurate friend count in Lord Gwyneth's quest
  • Fixed name display error in Bard dialogue

(Some archive loss issues are currently being investigated and repaired, which may take some time. Thank you for your understanding.)

Thank you support! If you meet any bugs, please submit a Gle Form. And welcome to our Discord!

Volcano Princess Patch Note V1.00.07

We strongly recommand to shut down the Steam Cloud of Volcano Princess.

Because a bug that may break the savedata because of an error during Volcano Princess syn progress of Steam Cloud, especially for the ones who played the Demo version.
The devs are still looking for a way to fix it, but for now we strongly recommand you to follow the instructions before you start the game:

1- Uninstall the DEMO version (if any)
2- Turn off the Steam Cloud function

Library => right click Volcano Princess => Properties => General => Cancel the 3rd tick (cloud archive)

Please copy the savedata with physical devices if you need to move to another PC.
(Savedata route: 【SYSTEM DISK】\Users【Your Windows Username】\AppData\LocalLow\EggHatcher\VolcanoPrincess)


  • Fixed the bug that manual replacement of equipment may failed
  • Fixed the problem that the achievement of Darkness≥150 couldn't be unlocked
  • Fixed the problem of entering royal greenhouse when it was still locked
  • Added a new button in dice game for the dice selection
  • Added an illustration of the daughter and Gwyneth and Kenneth's romance ending

Thank you support! If you meet any bugs, please submit a Gle Form. And welcome to our Discord!

Volcano Princess Patch Note V1.00.06

Hi here! Here we've fixed some bugs:


  • Fixed the bug that the combat level didn't show in the Lord quest
  • Fixed the bug of incomplete display of some text
  • Fixed the bug that too many gifts stuck on Birdie Day

Thank you support! If you meet any bugs, please submit a Gle Form. And welcome to our Discord!

INPORTANT TO DO BEFORE THE GAME! Volcano Princess Patch Note V1.00.04-05

Hello everyone,

First of all, we have an important note for everyone:

We strongly recommand to shut down the Steam Cloud of Volcano Princess.

Because a bug that may break the savedata because of an error within the syn progress of Steam Cloud, especially for the ones who played the Demo version.
The devs is still looking for a way to fix it, but for now we strongly recommand you to follow the instructions before you start the game:

1- Uninstall the DEMO version (if any)
2- Turn off the Steam Cloud function

Library => right click Volcano Princess => Properties => General => Cancel the 3rd tick (cloud archive)

Please copy the savedata with physical devices if you need to move to another PC.
(Savedata route: 【SYSTEM DISK】\Users【Your Windows Username】\AppData\LocalLow\EggHatcher\VolcanoPrincess)

Bug fixes:

  • Re-fixed birthday event stuck issue (if birthday stuck still occurs, please re-load and it will automatically go to the next turn)
  • Added secondary confirmation for starting a new game

Thank you support! If you meet any bugs, please submit a Gle Form. And welcome to our Discord!

Volcano Princess Patch Note V1.00.03

Hi here! Here we've fixed some bugs:


  • Fixed the bug the duplicate performances in special events caused by multiple clicks on the name button
  • Fixed the bug of infinite firestone spawn after resetting talent
  • Fixed the bug of mismatch between some dubbing and lines
  • Fixed the bug of image of the daughter of the debate panel in winter

Thank you support! If you meet any bugs, please submit a Gle Form. And welcome to our Discord!