Due to personal financial strain that I'll be facing in the coming months, I simply do not have the funds to continue having assets created for War Girl. As a result, War Girl is being delayed until a time when I'll be able to once again financially support the project.
At this time I can no longer promise a May 2021 release date.
I apologise for the coming delays and thank you for your understanding.
Pushing Back the Release Date
Unfortunately due to several factors surrounding the last year or so, development of War Girl had to slow down for the past few months and for a little while now we've known that we likely wouldn't make our September release date.
In order to ensure the game's quality, we've chosen to push back the planned release date from September 2020 to May 2021. This will help us ensure the game is not only finished, but to a standard worth your time and effort.
Today marks the first day of our 20-day campaign to raise funds for the uninterrupted development of War Girl! Check out our perks to secure a copy of the game on launch and maybe get some sweet merch while you're at it!