Baldur's Gate 3 cover
Baldur's Gate 3 screenshot
PC Mac Stadia Steam Gog
Genre: Role-playing (RPG), Strategy, Turn-based strategy (TBS), Tactical, Adventure

Baldur's Gate 3

Patch #5 Now Live!

Hello everyone,

Patch 5 is now live for Baldur’s Gate 3! Today’s patch is our most feature-filled update yet, and we’ve prepared a special Community Update to really do it justice. For a deep dive into Patch 5, head here.

This update brings brand new epilogues, new game modes and much more - including improved inventory access. No more recruiting and dismissing party members to get ahold of that clown corpse they’ve been holding on to for you. Thanks, Karlach!

Patch 5 is also so beefy, it has once again been defeated by the Steam character limit. Head to the following link to witness the notes in their magnificent splendour. We recommend reading over them with a nice mug of something warm, next to a roaring fire.

Please note that with new patches, some installed mods may become temporarily incompatible. If you experience any issues after installing Patch 5, please check if the issue persists with all mods uninstalled. If it persists, please reach out to our support team with your report.

Without further ado, here are your Patch 5 highlights. Thank you for all your feedback, and thank you for playing Baldur’s Gate 3.


Main Highlights

  • Epilogue: An entirely new section at the end of the game after the defeat of the the Netherbrain that aims to provide a well-deserved sense of closure with your allies.
  • Two new play modes: Honour Mode and Custom Mode.
  • Many performance improvements, particularly in Act III.
  • Added dynamic resolution for PS5.
  • Players playing on machines with low VRAM/RAM should see improved performance.
  • The game is now available in Korean!
  • While at camp, you can now access and manage the inventories of companions who aren't in your active party.
  • Added a brand new fight in Ramazith’s Tower if you betray Nightsong there.
  • Orin’s outfit now drops as loot and is wearable by anyone. We also gave it a suitably disgusting description and name.

Other Highlights

  • Shadowheart will always be the owner of the artefact during the tutorial if she is a follower.
  • Becoming half-illithid will now also visually affect your eyes.
  • Basic Action variations (e.g. a free version of Dash that you can perform because of a class feature) that share a hotkey by default will now gain a hotkey according to a certain priority order.
  • A romanced Minthara can now refer to her bond with you using a drow word for deep, unbreakable love.
  • Fixed a bug where party members would sometimes not change back into the armour set they were displaying before entering camp.
  • You can now talk to Mol more about her contract with Raphael in the Guildhall.
  • Withers will sneakily resurrect any dead companions that fell before the final battle so they can join the ending cinematics. What a helpful skeleton.
  • Gave Jaheira her own scene with Danthelon if she approaches him alone.
  • Improved the physics of characters and walls to prevent NPCs being able to shoot through ceilings inside houses.
  • Fixed an issue where Gale's scene with Mystra after the final combat of the game only played if you had no one else in your party.
  • Made cinematic tweaks to restore sections of Astarion's Act III Ascendant sex scene.
  • Improved companion reactivity when making the decision before the Netherbrain.
  • The loading screen art now unlocks gradually as you progress through the game.
  • Boo will no longer take damage when thrown.
  • Fixed the puzzle in Cazador's Palace.
  • Fixed the screen going black during Astarion's endgame romance scene.
  • Added some additional audio and cinematic work to the intimate scene with the drow in Sharess' Caress.
  • Wild Shapes that do not have weapons will now benefit from having the Tavern Brawler feat.

Read the full Patch Notes here

Community Update #25: Ain't No Party Like a Withers Party

Howdy gang,

Like a holiday turkey overstuffed with a moist heap of meaty bread, so too have you overstuffed our collective heart here at Larian. Since our launch in August, over 1.3 million players have completed Baldur's Gate 3, which, to continue the holiday metaphor, has made even the most blackened Belgian heart expand to at least three times its normal size. We’re so thrilled to see so many of you are loving - and, you know, finishing - the game. Even now, doctors are closely monitoring our David Walgrave in case he begins to show signs of smiling.

So to all of you veteran players of Baldur's Gate 3 - and those still waiting to experience these Forbidden Realms for themselves - today we bring you another reason to return to Faerûn: Patch 5, our most feature-filled patch since launch, comprised of brand new epilogues that bring closure to each player’s unique journey, along with new game modes, and so much more.

Now without further ado: Patch 5.

Journey’s End: Playable Epilogues Are The Final Chapter In Your Adventure

A chance to say goodbye

Set at camp in High Hall, with a view overlooking the city, this new playable chapter takes place six months after the events of Baldur’s Gate 3’s story, and is accessible to all players by loading the game prior to the final fight.

Your epilogue is defined by you. This is the culmination of every choice and consequence that you’ve made since the very start of your adventure, a gigantic tree of permutations that leads to an opportunity to reflect on that journey before you say goodbye. For the writers of Larian, this “final goodbye” has resulted in some of the most complex writing in the game thus far, as it takes advantage of Baldur's Gate 3’s reactivity across the entire adventure.

Getting the gang back together

You’ll experience new cinematics that reflect the arc of your story, reunite with your companions to reminisce and trade tales, read letters sent by old friends, and keep abreast of the latest Baldur’s Gate news with updates in the Baldur’s Mouth Gazette. Not sure where you put Scratch’s ball? You can play a game of fetch using the Astral Prism instead - the Forbidden Squeaky.

Though happy endings are never guaranteed, this final scene aims to bring closure to your personal story, based on your choices. It’s a tender moment to reflect on the last six months since you took on your final challenge, together as a team, as well as your chance to say goodbye before the credits roll.

What else can you expect here? Well, there’s new music from Bobby, brand new faces at camp, and a special cinematic ending for Gale and Lae’zel depending on your choices along the way.

Patch 5 also features fresh threads, a hip phrase that my aged hands typed just before turning to dust.

Shantay, you stay

Origin characters have received new outfits for this final party, including Shadowheart, who is going for a kind of cute “they don’t even know I’m god’s favourite princess” party vibe.

Drip King

As modelled by Astarion above, Orin’s outfit will now drop as loot and can be worn by anyone. And it’s dyeable in the colour of your choosing.

Experience Baldur’s Gate 3 Like Never Before In Honour Mode And Custom Mode

Good luck, you’re going to need it

Alongside the new epilogue content come two new game modes, Honour Mode and Custom Mode.

Honour Mode ups the intensity of what was previously our most challenging mode - Tactician - and not only makes the game more difficult in and out of combat, but also introduces over 30 new tweaks to all of Baldur's Gate 3’s boss-fights, with a new Legendary Action system designed to catch players off-guard and increase the challenge. Now, bosses can perform new actions, adding twists and turns to all major fights throughout the game.

Giant Spider Mama just wants to be left alone, spews webbing

Survive Honour Mode And Receive The Golden D20

They see me rollin’

When you inevitably die in Honour Mode, you’ll be presented with statistics from your journey, including how long and how far you survived. Should you so choose, you can continue your adventure, which will then disable Honour Mode. But players who do manage to complete the entire game with Honour Mode enabled without dying will be awarded the coveted Golden D20.

The Golden D20 stands as a testament to your gaming skill, earning you such admiration that people may willingly kneel before you, offering to serve as a footrest while you continue your awesome pursuits of being a hardcore gamer.

Or Customise Your Gameplay Experience For A More Authentic Tabletop Experience

Play how you want to play

Those of you who aren’t gluttons for punishment (or perhaps want to push gameplay to its limits) may enjoy Custom Mode, a new game mode that allows you to pick and choose the type of experience best for you. With many options to pick from, a few favourites include the option to hide the required roll to succeed dice checks, which gives a more realistic D&D experience, as well as the ability to hide enemy HP in battle, again more closely simulating the tabletop style.

Other options in Custom Mode include Short Rests fully healing the party, as well as disabling Death Saving Throws, or even the ability to hide failed Perception Checks, which means you’ll never know there was even a roll to begin with!

And Much More!

Patch 5 introduces a huge quality of life update in the form of improved inventory access. Now while in camp, you will be able to manage the inventory of companions who are not in your active party without having to recruit them first - all from one single UI.

This update also brings performance improvements engineered as a consequence of the Xbox version of Baldur’s Gate 3, which benefits all platforms.

To our friends in Korea: 이제 Baldur’s Gate 3를 한국어로 플레이할 수 있습니다!
Baldur’s Gate 3 is now available with Korean-language subtitles!

You can also expect to find new changes for those who choose to become half-illithid, with your transformation now visually affecting your eyes.

And finally, we have updated our in-game credits to include a dedication in memory of our friend and colleague Jim Southworth, who passed away earlier this month.

We are still actively working on improving kisses for all romanceable companions, so expect even more new animations featuring unique snogging methods for our characters. No romance partner has been forgotten! Some characters were just a little too eager to get out.

With that, let’s unfurl the patch notes.

Nominate Baldur’s Gate 3 for Game Of The Year in the Steam Awards 2023

Hello everyone,

Nominations for the Steam Awards 2023 are now underway! For the duration of the Autumn Sale, we’re asking for your nomination for Game Of The Year. Thank you all for playing Baldur’s Gate 3, and all the support you’ve so generously shown to us so far.

If you feel like throwing some more support our way, your nomination would mean the world to us.

Thank you!

Hotfix #11 Now Live!

Hello everyone,

We’ve got a new hotfix for you today, addressing several bugs, visual issues and blockers.

Have you ever had a romance so intense, that everything melts away? Well, sometimes that isn’t intentional. We’ve fixed an issue where Gale’s romance scene was playing in what looked like some kind of black void. Consider the ambience restored.

We are aware of an issue with kissing animations for Astarion, and are currently working on a fix. We expect this to be released in a future update. Thank you for all your reports and messages, and thank you for playing Baldur’s Gate 3! If you have any bugs to report, please reach out to our support team.


  • You can now use soaps encountered in savegames before Patch 4.
  • Fixed the game sometimes freezing indefinitely after a reaction to a spell that hits you with multiple projectiles.
  • Fixed a crash after using a reaction that causes an attack against a dead creature.
  • Fixed an issue causing you to get stuck in certain dialogues unable to continue.
  • Fixed a blocker that could occur when trying to Long Rest.
  • Dominated followers will now follow the party as expected after loading a savegame.
  • Fixed Gale's romance scene playing in what looks like a black void.
  • Fixed a Dark Urge flashback accidentally teleporting you to the Lower City.
  • The Cursed Skulls in Jannath's Estate are now vulnerable to Force and Radiant damage.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented certain characters from executing their behaviours.
  • Fixed citizens and refugees in Baldur's Gate sometimes jittering about the place or not using their proper animations.
  • Fixed some visual artefacts appearing at camp in relation to Dark Urge and Karlach dialogues. This also solved the bloodstain under Alfira suddenly becoming larger after loading a savegame.
  • Wyll and Minthara should now properly kiss a second time without the need to retrigger the dialogue.
  • Fixed an issue where a companion's camp night dialogue could be replaced by a different dialogue that couldn't trigger during a previous night.

Hotfix #10 Now Live!

Hello everyone,

We’ve got a hotfix for you today, addressing some visual issues and bugs.

This hotfix corrects an issue where Astarion’s voice wasn’t quite following what he was supposed to say during dialogues.

Speaking of following, we’ve also asked Shadowheart to stop getting distracted by the wonderful vistas of the Sword Coast. She should now follow along with the rest of the team.

We still need to do some testing on Mac, and the Hotfix will be live for the platform soon.

We continue to look into your reports and are working on further fixes.

Thank you for taking the time to submit these issues to us. If you have any bugs to report, please reach out to our support team. Thank you for playing Baldur’s Gate 3!


  • Fixed Shadowheart not following the party.
  • Fixed the sliders for eye makeup and tattoo intensity not working on controller.
  • Fixed a potential crash relating to Vulkan. This solves the DEVICE_LOST error upon minimising the game window.
  • Fixed an issue causing a desync between Astarion's voiced lines and subtitles.
  • Player characters will no longer be on literal fire in the scene with Vlaakith in the crèche.
  • Fixed male dwarf barbarians' shoes, which were missing their texture and looked like big blueberries.
  • The waypoints menu now opens correctly when triggered from the Character Sheet on controller.
  • Fixed items always being picked up as wares after you picked up at least one as a ware.
  • Fixed enemies in Ramazith's Tower getting stuck during combat if they are trying to fly from a lower floor to reach players on an upper floor.

Patch #4 Now Live!

Hello everyone,

Patch 4 is now live for Baldur’s Gate 3. Today’s update clocks in at over 1000 fixes, tweaks and changes, once again flying past the Steam character limit. This patch introduces a setting for colour-blind people, and allows for visual customisation of hirelings upon recruitment! No more Extreme Makeover: Faerûn Edition.

In this update, we’ve added a setting in the Accessibility tab that will allow you to choose between protanopia, deuteranopia, or tritanopia, which will apply to character outlines and circles, character map markers, frame portraits in turn order, and party portraits. We hope that including these settings will allow you to more easily differentiate between friends, foes, and help with navigating combat!

As these patch notes are once again beefy, head to the following link to digest them in their full glory. If you’re here for the highlights, read on!

We continue to work on further fixes, features, and updates. If you have any issues, please reach out to our support team. Thank you for playing Baldur’s Gate 3.


  • You can now dismiss dead avatars to Withers' Wardrobe. Withers will now also explain how the wardrobe works.
  • You can now customise hirelings' appearance when recruiting them.
  • Colour-blind mode: We've added a setting to the Accessibility tab that will allow you to choose protanopia, deuteranopia, or tritanopia. This affects the colours used to distinguish factions and relations: map and minimap icons, portrait frames, and character outlines and circles.


  • Refined Scratch's fetch behaviour. He will now fetch... pretty much everything.
  • Archfey warlocks now get a choice of cantrip at Level 4 as intended.
  • Updated the mechanics of Speak with Dead so that you can cast it again if you didn't ask any questions the first time. (For example, if you're told the corpse doesn't want to speak to its killer, and then you cast the spell again in Wild Shape.)
  • At Level 6, Knowledge Domain clerics will now correctly gain 'Channel Divinity: Read Thoughts', Nature Domain clerics will now correctly gain 'Dampen Elements', and Trickery Domain clerics will now correctly gain 'Channel Divinity: Cloak of Shadows'.
  • When you purchase a statue from Boney in the circus, you can now choose to make it look like you in full equipment, in camp clothes, or naked.
  • Scratch's ball will now be harder to lose. If you lost his ball, go see him at camp and he might give it back. (Ball warranty voided for chasm-related accidents.)
  • Added a controller option so that, if you want, you can have the End Turn button require a hold instead of a tap.
  • Fixed the Enemy of Justice condition sometimes applying when it shouldn't.
  • Fixed an issue where assaulting someone while Invisible would still cause a guard to spot you and start a dialogue with you if there was a civilian nearby.
  • Halsin will no longer spontaneously decide it'd be fun to turn into a bear before he talks to you in Act I.
  • Added more autosaves in the Shadow-Cursed Lands and to several Wyrm's Crossing and Lower City locations, including the Steel Watch Foundry, Iron Throne, and Rivington.
  • Licking the hunk of spider meat in the Gauntlet of Shar might make you sick. You should have listened to Gale.
  • You can now read the recipe for the Emperor's favourite soup.
  • You can now use sponges and soaps to clean up your party members, removing grime, blood, and bad odours!


  • Cazador suddenly remembered he can turn into mist and fly, so he'll no longer give up the ghost if he falls into a chasm.
  • Fixed an inconsistent issue where enemies wouldn't do anything during combat except Dash and move.
  • Fixed some NPCs being able to shoot through floors and ceilings. They've said they'll play fair.


  • We've told Mol to be more polite and thank you if you saved Mirkon from the harpies. This will close up the quest correctly.
  • Added better multiplayer support for the post-celebration night in Act I. Now all avatars can choose which companion they want to get jiggy with.
  • Lae'zel was having trouble getting over Act I and Act II. She'll no longer make certain comments in Act III as though you're still in the earlier stages of your adventure.
  • Blocked some quest updates for Jaheira's quest when you skip certain parts of it to avoid spoiling big reveals.
  • The Gur will now support you in the endgame if their questline was peacefully resolved in Cazador's lair.
  • If Avatar Gale or a Tav with Gale as a recruited companion is nearby to witness the elder brain in the Colony, they will be preferred as the active speaker in the dialogue for Gale's origin moment.
  • Added new dialogue options for Minsc when he learns about the connection between the Dark Urge and Gortash.
  • Now Connor will disappear if Mayrina decides to destroy the hag wand in Act III. You can also talk to him if you resurrect him with the wand.
  • Yenna now correctly returns to camp after a companion is abducted.
  • Gale should no longer complain about you making a deal with Raphael if you haven't.


  • Tweaked the colour of the Potion of Mind Reading to distinguish it from Potions of Healing.


  • Added some new idle animations and behaviours for Minthara, Halsin, Shadowheart, and Lae'zel at camp.
  • Karlach will now feel more alive while idle in camp rather than just standing there doing nothing.


  • You can now customise which solution is selected in the second slot of the Alchemy panel.
  • Added map markers for when characters want to talk to you.
  • Added unique map icons for the Magic Mirror and Withers' Wardrobe.
  • Improved the Skills section of the Character Sheet: Added icons for the individual skills, added stars to indicate Proficiency and Expertise in certain skills, and improved the skill tooltips.
  • Combat rounds are now displayed under separate headings in the Combat Log so it's easier to distinguish when things happened.

Read the full Patch Notes here

Hotfix #9 Now Live!

Hello everyone,

Another hotfix is now live for Baldur’s Gate 3, taking care of multiple bugs, issues and crashes.

Wish your hirelings looked a little more… glamorous? Worry no longer! We’ve given it a kick, and the Magic Mirror will now allow your hirelings to change their appearance! The same restrictions apply as when you edit your Tav, but we hope this enables you to create the party of your dreams. Or, someone else’s nightmares. We can’t wait to see it.

In addition, you can now change your name through the Magic Mirror. We’ll be using this to add Cool in front of every one of our characters, but you do you.

Once again, thank you for playing Baldur’s Gate 3, and for taking the time to report these issues to us.


  • You can now use the Magic Mirror on hirelings.
  • You can now change your name through the Magic Mirror.
  • Fixed a rare crash that could occur when unloading or quickloading a game.
  • Fixed an issue causing GPU crashes on PS5 Vulkan.
  • Fixed the Guardian Statue repeatedly falling into a chasm, causing the server to stall.
  • Fixed a splitscreen issue on PS5 that could cause a black screen when listening in on a dialogue.
  • Fixed unpreparing spells not removing their buffs if the spell was upcasted.
  • Fixed buffs being removed by unpreparing spells if the buff came from a different source (e.g. a scroll).
  • Fixed some character positions and animations breaking if you skip lines in certain dialogues.
  • Fixed the previews not working correctly in the Accessibility options.
  • Fixed an issue causing Minthara's romance to unreliably trigger.
  • Fixed Minthara's dialogue after you kill Orin not triggering properly when you talk to her.
  • Fixed the Adamantine Splint Armour sometimes making your legs transparent.
  • Fixed a geometry stretching bug introduced in Hotfix 8 on Vulkan.
  • Fixed characters showing up in their underwear in some intimate scenes even if you have nudity enabled.
  • Fixed Feign Death causing an infinite leave–join combat loop in certain circumstances.
  • Fixed prices in dialogues not displaying correctly in savegames that were made while the price was on screen.
  • Optimised the line-of-sight system for entities with no sight range, like items.

Hotfix #8 Now Live!

Hello everyone,

We’ve got another hotfix for you today, fixing multiple bugs, crashes and visual issues.

Have your companions taken to weighing you down physically as well as emotionally? We looked into your reports and have restored their Patch 2 behaviour. When dismissed, they will no longer give you all the items they deem important for you to carry, like a toddler in a grocery store.

More importantly, we shaved His Majesty.

Thank you for reporting these issues to us. If you have any bugs to report, please reach out to our support team. Thank you for playing Baldur’s Gate 3.


  • Companions will no longer transfer story items in their inventory to the player upon dismissal, restoring Patch 2 behaviour.
  • Fixed reaction popups sometimes showing no text descriptions of the reactions available.
  • Fixed a multiplayer crash that would occur when listening to a dialogue after an active roll.
  • Eavesdrop will no longer trigger when a character is in any Character Creation session, such as level up or the magic mirror.
  • Fixed a bug in Vulkan causing DEVICE_LOST crashes.
  • Fixed a bug where Skeletons created using Animate Dead were missing their ranged weapons, despite specialising in them.
  • Fixed an issue where the Weapon Master Feat would show as incomplete if a player was already proficient with all weapons.
  • Fixed a crash when re-assigning characters in splitscreen.
  • Fixed a visual issue with volumetric fog and materials generation.
  • Fixed an issue with invalid savegames being created.
  • Restored Raphael's hair colour and horns. The House of Hope is once again fashion-forward.
  • Fixed an issue where Splint Armour for Githyanki Females caused some unnecessarily psychedelic visual effects.
  • Shaved His Majesty, who is once again a Sphynx. Steelclaw's eye colour has been adjusted so they are no longer identical twins.
  • Fixed Raphael's portraits after restoring his hair colour. Maybe he's born with it, maybe it's Avernus.
  • Fixed Twitch drops not being claimable on PS5.

Hotfix #7 Now Live!

Hello everyone,

We’ve got a small hotfix for you today, taking care of several crashes and savegame issues. We continue to look at your feedback, and are preparing additional hotfixes for issues you’ve reported. This includes an issue with shared items when dismissing companions, which we are aware of and looking into.

Thank you for taking the time to tell us about these issues, and thank you for playing Baldur’s Gate 3.


  • Fixed a crash that would occur when listening in on some dialogues during a multiplayer session.
  • Fixed crashes caused by corrupted item stacks that could occur when unloading a level or moving to a new region.
  • Fixed a savegame issue when loading into a new region while Withers' Wardrobe was still loaded in an old region.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when loading savegames with potentially invalid items in the inventory.
  • Fixed a savegame issue relating to traps.
  • Removed duplicated characters and items caused by items being taken across two different cached levels.
  • Fixed the preview for the text background option not changing height after you reduce the Dialogue Text Size.

Patch #3: Mac Support, Magic Mirror & More!

Hello everyone,

Patch 3 is now live for Baldur’s Gate 3. Mac users and chronic character re-creators rejoice! Friday’s update will bring the full release of Baldur’s Gate 3 to Mac, and allow you to change your character’s appearance in-game via the Magic Mirror.

These patch notes are hefty, and once again exceed Steam’s character limit for patch notes! If you want to skip the highlights and check out the full notes, head to this link.

Mac Support

With Patch 3, Baldur’s Gate 3 is now fully supported on Mac!

As with the PC release in August, saves made in previous versions of BG3 on Mac will not be compatible with the full release. To prepare your Mac for the full version of Baldur’s Gate 3 and minimise potential compatibility issues, we recommend you fully uninstall the game and remove any mods before installing the latest version.

The minimum and recommended specs for Mac users have also been updated: we recommend an M1 Pro processor and FSR enabled to run the game at high or ultra settings on a Retina display. Check the Steam store page for more details.

Mac players, thank you for your patience – now, gather your party and venture forth.

Magic Mirror

Tucked away in your camp, exuding a certain ‘we found this at a vintage fair and it’s too fancy for our current home’ energy, is an item called the Magic Mirror. Tales have been told of its legendary ability to permanently alter the appearance of one who gazes into it.

The Magic Mirror allows you to change up your appearance whenever you’d like, however many times you’d like. There are some restrictions: your appearance, voice, pronouns and nether regions can be changed, but your race/subrace and body type cannot. Origin characters, hirelings and full illithids cannot use the Magic Mirror. Cosmetic modifications that are a consequence of your gameplay choices will persist – hag got your eye? Swallow any interesting tadpoles lately? There’s no Magic Mirroring those big life decisions away.

Personally, we’ll be applying incrementally heavier eyeliner whenever we have a Dark Urge moment in our playthrough to really emphasise our descent.

Ooh, the mysteries of the void – time to change that ill-advised hair colour.

Once again, our patch notes have been defeated by the Steam character limit. Read the full notes here, but beware of spoilers! Check out some of the notes for Patch 3 below. We’re still working on further updates with additional features and epilogue scenes, and your continued feedback is helping to shape and impact the future of Baldur’s Gate 3.

Until next time, thank you for playing!


  • Baldur’s Gate 3 is now fully supported on Mac!
  • A Magic Mirror that lets you change your appearance is now available at camp!


  • Cazador now cannot turn into or remain in his Mist Form if in magical sunlight, such as that created by the Daylight spell.
  • Fixed Ansur's Stormheart Nova blasting right through the ice shields you can hide behind.
  • Grym suddenly got eerily smart and was avoiding the Crucible in the Adamantine Forge. With a nervous laugh, we dumbed him back down a little.
  • Fixed Level 4 or higher Divine Smite allowing you to add Divine Smite as a reaction, allowing for two Divine Smites in 1 attack.
  • Fixed the Divine Smite damage increasing over the cap of 5d8.
  • Made several improvements to the Poltergeist enemy: they are now revealed on being attacked or hit with Radiant Spirit Guardians; they will not turn Invisible again if they are still in a character's See Invisibility aura; in Balanced and Explorer Mode, they have disadvantage on Dexterity Saving Throws when Invisible; the range of their attacks has been reduced; and they won't try to keep distance from the player in combat so that they are easier to find.
  • Fixed the Sneak Attack damage bonus not increasing to 6d6 at Level 11.
  • Fixed a case where multiple Smokepowder Arrows could be used for free while the Extra Attack feature was active.


  • The colours on the PS5 controller will now match elemental damage types more closely.


  • Improved performance in the Lower City. More to come!


  • Made dye colours more intense and more visible on some armours. This will only affect newly dyed items.
  • Dragonborn characters can now select any of the barbarian piercings.
  • Fixed Shadowheart going blonde when equipping a hat.
  • Improved the reflection in the Spectator's eye in the Underdark.
  • Fixed face tattoos disappearing when zooming out.

Flow and Scripting

  • Fixed a bug where companions temporarily leaving the party (e.g. being sent to prison) would forget their partnership history and act unusually cold towards you.
  • Fixed a bug letting you trade with Cazador while he begs for mercy.
  • Improved the Astarion romance flow if you agreed to spend a night with him before going to camp by disabling some less important camp moments.
  • Fixed some dialogue options only showing up once when talking to Withers.
  • Fixed a blocker where if you knock Orin's Slayer form into the chasm, you can't get her Netherstone.
  • Fixed an issue causing Dammon to enter combat and die at Last Light, preventing Karlach's story from progressing.
  • Added a journal step for when the tieflings leave the Emerald Grove. The Forging of the Heart quest will also close if Dammon is no longer available in the region.
  • Fixed the game thinking you're dating Gale instead of Karlach in one of the dialogues with Karlach.
  • You now need higher approval for Shadowheart to confess her Shar worship to you.
  • Myshka the cat will now follow you around if told to, even if you don't have Speak with Animals.
  • Halsin, Jaheira, and Minthara will no longer be able to undergo Volo's icepick lobotomy. It's just not their kind of pastime.
  • Fixed not being able to cut Vanra out of the hag by interacting with her Knocked Out body if all of her mushrooms are destroyed.
  • Lae'zel will no longer tag along (whether dead or alive) after you slit her throat when she ambushes you at night.
  • Fixed a bug allowing you to yoink the Orphic Hammer right out of the so-called Impervious Sphere in the House of Hope if someone else in your party is in an interactive dialogue with the sphere.
  • Fixed a flow issue in Shadowheart's endgame romance dialogue to make sure Karlach appears alone in Avernus if Shadowheart says she'll meet her there at a later point in time.
  • Fixed Karlach's journal mistakenly saying you arrived in the Shadow-Cursed Lands when you arrive at the Rosymorn Monastery Trail.
  • Wyll should now acknowledge Karlach approaching him for the first time more consistently.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Shadowheart swimming scene to not play for some players.
  • The Narrator no longer thinks you're a mind flayer when you're not.
  • Fixed companions talking about killing Gortash after meeting Orin even if the former is already dead.
  • Fixed issues with Astarion discussing topics that are no longer relevant.
  • Reworked the interaction between Nere and Minthara:

    • The 'Travel to Moonrise Towers' quest no longer sends you to Minthara after saving Nere - he has a lyre of his own now. He gifts it to you if you saved him from the cave-in. This lyre can now be used to call for the drider through the Shadow-Cursed Lands, like Minthara's lyre does. Both lyres have new descriptions.
    • Nere no longer mentions Minthara in his Speak with Dead.
    • You can ask Minthara for a safe passage to Moonrise if you'd heard about it. She will ask to raid the Emerald Grove first. If this happens, Nere can be asked about Minthara and then Minthara can be asked about Nere.
    • The journals for 'Travel to Moonrise Towers' and 'Follow the Convoy' were updated accordingly.
    • Saving Nere no longer creates a danger zone if the duergar was killed before clearing the cave-in.

  • During your date with Karlach, Tender Henk will no longer walk away to reveal another Tender Henk standing behind him. Staring.


  • The following spells will now correctly break the Sanctuary condition: Call Lightning, Evard's Black Tentacles, Polymorph, Hunger of Hadar, Fear, Ice Storm, Flesh to Stone, Divine Intervention, Hypnotic Pattern, Slow, Stinking Cloud, Banishment, Glyph of Warding.
  • Level Up will now queue all characters who can be levelled up so you don't have to click on them individually.
  • Fixed some corpses never showing the '(empty)' tag after you loot them.
  • Fixed not being able to use some reactions while in disguise.
  • Cazador's staff, Woe, now correctly unlocks the Blight spell when equipped.
  • Fixed several magic items and Volo's Ersatz Eye losing their power after you are killed and revived.
  • Fixed the Spell Sniper feat not working on attack spells.
  • The Spell Sniper feat will now correctly reduce the Critical Hit threshold by 1.
  • Fixed the Idol of Silvanus buff disappearing after Long Rest.
  • NPCs will no longer run away from anything but the Dark Urge Slayer form to improve interactivity and flow.
  • Mummies raised through Create Undead can now Jump to follow you around better.
  • The Everburn Blade now correctly sets explosive surfaces and explosive objects alight when hit.
  • The Misty Escape feat will no longer break concentration.
  • Reading shop signs will no longer be considered a crime.
  • The Cutting Words reaction is now set to Ask by default.
  • Summoned zombies and skeletons will no longer be able to pick up loot and disappear with it when dismissed.
  • The Azer summon's Overheat ability is now available on its hotbar when summoned.
  • The Nimblefinger Gloves now correctly apply their Dexterity bonus to gnomes, halflings, and dwarves.
  • Fixed an Animate Dead exploit allowing you to summon 2 skeletons from the same corpse.
  • Optimised how the game handles object selection on controller.
  • Fixed Sovereign Spaw being able to resurrect hirelings with Animating Spores. We taught him to not use this on player characters anymore.


  • Your selected trade mode (trade or barter) is now saved to your player profile.
  • Added an option to the Default Online Settings to let you automatically listen in when another party member enters a dialogue in multiplayer.
  • Clarified whether something is a Resistance, a Vulnerability, or an Immunity in the Examine window.
  • Added a notification for when another player in your party is trading.
  • Fixed spells being interrupted by climbing, allowing you to attack twice after climbing down from a crate.
  • Updated the Character Sheet on controller to place active Conditions above the list of Notable Features.

Level Design

  • Fixed some small holes in Act I that weren't letting tiny characters through them.


  • Added a dialogue option to the first in-person dialogue with the Dream Visitor to avoid only having two antagonistic choices.
  • Rewrote some spell and action descriptions that were too vague.


  • Fixed Raphael's boss fight music sometimes being incomplete or missing.
  • Fixed some VO not playing in dialogues on PS5 split-screen.
  • Fixed audio cutting out with 3D Audio enabled on PS5.
  • Optimised audio in merged split-screen cinematics.


  • Improved contact when petting Ketheric's good girl, Squire.
  • Added some lovely blood spurts when Volo carries out his expert operation.
  • Fixed Wyll's horns clipping into Karlach's face during an Act II romance scene.
  • Fixed missing music on the Wyll path of Karlach's endgame scene in Avernus.
  • Placed a nice purple picnic blanket in a romantic scene with Gale and fixed a camera spin if you choose to prefer to spend your time with him on a bed.
  • Fixed Shadowheart looking like she's either in pain or about to sneeze in the background of a dialogue with Thulla.
  • Added some missing Boo squeaks.
  • Reworked the intro of the scene when you approach the altar at the Temple of Bhaal and fixed some bugs.
  • Updated cameras, facial expressions and head directions to better suit the tone in dialogue with Shadowheart.
  • Fixed some pops and camera issues when you start dating Lae'zel, including Lae'zel's body flying elsewhere and then back again mid-dialogue.
  • Boo will now be framed in the shot as intended when you talk to Jaheira after recruiting Minsc.
  • Fixed Scratch floating in the air while you pet him by the posthouse in Rivington.

Read the full Patch 3 patch notes (Note: Some of the entries might have spoilers!)