Today another patch has been released to the main branch. It includes a ton of bug fixes as well as some new things:
- New: Auto counter steering feature (can be disabled in gameplay settings) - New: Tiny 1sx1sx1s camera brick - New: First aid kit (automatically used when in the inventory) - New: Better e-motor sounds - Fixed: Vehicles not moving for other clients in multiplayer - Fixed: 90 degree actuator limits not saved - Fixed: Changing other video settings disables FPS limit - Fixed: Clients can spawn vehicles above the brick limit - Fixed: Attachments removed after adding weapons to vehicle inventory - Fixed: Wing bricks not mirrored correctly - Fixed: Always on couplings cause invisible bricks - Fixed: Gunshot sounds sometimes not playing - Fixed: Changed auto removal timer not applied to already spawned vehicles - And many more...
Patch #1
The first patch after the new update has been released! I tried to address a lot of the initial feedback about the overall UI design as well as various bugs and issues that have been found.
The patch includes:
- Improvement: Simpler and more intuitive UI design - Improvement: UI scaling slider - Improvement: Color display names for the colorblind - Improvement: Ability to spawn on vehicles from free cam - Improvement: Barrel length affects projectile velocity - Improvement: Reduced glass refraction and refraction artefacts - Improvement: Reduced projectile penetration - Improvement: Made small scalable connections stronger - Feature: Ability to add tags to vehicles and to search by tags - Fix: Piston actuators not working when built extended - Fix: Vehicle selection category not saved after closing the game - Fix: Drag strip tire stacks are solid objects - Fix: Movement speed and walking animations not synced in multiplayer - Fix: Vehicle movement not synced after host drove - Fix: Adding ammo to a vehicle doesn't reload its guns - Fix: Exhaust and pump bricks cannot be controlled by input channels + More small fixes and improvements
Update Time
After almost 2 years of development the biggest and most important update so far is finally finished. Almost the entire game as been rewritten from scratch to improve almost every aspect of the game. A list of all the changes and new features would be way too long, just hop into the game and see for yourself.
I recommend using the input help menu to learn about the new keybinds and features, just hold the escape key in game to access it.
If you are having trouble transitioning to the new version of Brick Rigs or feel nostalgic you will be able to continue playing the old version as a beta branch on Steam (Brick Rigs -> Properties -> Betas -> Legacy).
Developer AMA with Fluppi
I will be doing an AMA (ask me anything) session on Reddit tomrrow, Saturday the 19th. If you have any questions about the upcoming update, the history of Brick Rigs, its future or even about myself, I would like to read and respond to them. See you tomorrow!
This update focuses mainly on optimization, bug fixes as well as other small improvements. Since some core mechanics had to be tweaked, there may be some new bugs and issues. Please report them on the Discord server or in the Steam discussions so they can be fixed as soon as possible.
Here are the most notable changes:
-Improved rendering performance (courtesy to Unreal Engine 4.21)
-Much smoother spawning, collisions, repairing and removing of vehicles
-Increased maximum file size for spawning custom vehicles in multiplayer
-Reworked lighting and post processing for better performance and better visuals
-Vehicles block explosions against players
-Added cyrillic letters for nameplate bricks
-Added round image bricks
-Smoke and dust particles now fade out nicely when entering a new surface type, instead of disappearing immediatelly
-Conquest flags are now displayed as green (own team) and red (other team)
-Disabled spawning at conquest flags that are being captured
Update Time
Hello everyone!
This time around I won't forget to publish the changenotes on Steam ;) The new update is out today, it focuses mainly on fixing bugs, improving existing features as well as adding a bunch of new bricks.
-Press Shift+F to regain control while in free cam
-Lots of new bricks (actuators, ramps, flamethrower, wheel etc.)
-Bricksville conquest mode
-New flash patterns for lights
-Steam cloud saves
-Players and zombies can be run over smoothly and don't block vehicles anymore
-Camera now remains looking in the same direction after entering or exiting a vehicle (or dying in a vehicle)
-Vehicles automatically removed in non sandbox multiplayer after 5 minutes
-Players can remove (scrap) vehicles in non sandbox modes now and will get money back for it (depending on its condition)
-Fire spreads slower on more dense materials
-Some materials like metal are inflammable now
-Weapon boxes don't drop weapons the player already has
-Free cam can be used while the game is paused
Bug fixes:
-Switching between teams sometimes doesn't update the players loadout
-Zombies getting stuck on buildings in City
-Clients kicked from a server when restarting the round or loading a new level
-Fire remains in world after entering editor with a vehicle
-Input sometimes does not reset upon repairing, leading to guns or explosives constantly triggering
-Vehicles catching fire and being damaged by it while in god mode
-Order of items in the inventory not always the same
-Pause mode glitches out physics
Hello everyone,
After a long beta testing phase this new update is finally released. Besides many bug fixes some new features made it in as well.
-Vehicles in multiplayer more stable
-Projectiles inherit the velocity of the vehicle
-Better attenuation for gunshot and explosion sounds
-Vehicle type show flags for the open menu now saved
-Restored old ragdoll mechanics for singleplayer
-More realistic grass for the city map
-Made lights appear brighter from further away, before the glow would be hidden by the refraction of the light
-Explosions now emit light
-Projectiles not firing straight from guns in multiplayer
-Lights staying switched on after breaking
-Color wheel not closing in the editor
-Lights glowing but not emitting light in "always on" mode
-2x2x1 axle mirroring incorrectly
-Outlines for all bricks drawn in X-Ray mode in the editor (press X to activate)
-Zombie game mode for city map
Input Update
After a long beta phase the next update is finally playable for everyone. This time around it focuses on a new unified input system and freely scalable bricks.
-5 scalable bricks
-Large propeller
-Additional sensor modes
-Workshop vehicles featured in the editor (selection rotates)
-Lights, thrusters, actuators etc. now share the same selection of input methods
-Bricks can be set to be controlled by specific passenger seats only
-Controls for turbines, motors and axles can now be customized
-Advanced category for unfrequently used properties in the editor
-Acceleration sensor
-Missing shadows on a few light bricks
Hello everyone!
In the first update of 2018 there are a bunch of new bricks, bug fixes and improvements. Have fun exploring the new bricks and possibilities that come with them!
- Racing wheel
- Large dump truck wheel
- Sensor brick
- Switch brick
- Various ramps, curves and other bricks
- Glow material
- Like button for workshop vehicles in the editor
- Vehicles are moved if they are likely to collide with another vehicle after spawning
- Profanity filter (can be switched off in the settings)
- Join and leave messages unreliable in multiplayer
- Scoreboard not updating when a player leaves the server
- The restricting vehicle list not working with Workshop vehicles
- Fire sometimes invisible in multiplayer
- Tires sometimes staying deflated after recovering
- Color of the text on name plates not the same as the preview
- Workshop vehicles entries in the open vehicle menu reloading every 60 seconds
- Unable to change the profession when opening the menu once before the level has loaded
- Size of the vehicle is now shown when placing from the free camera
- Vehicle networking
- Enabled knobs on most wheels and the rotor brick
- Spawn for the tower flag in City: Conquest now next to the tower on ground level
Conquest Update
There are a lot of changes in this update, most noticably a new game mode, weapon and more performant collisions with large vehicles.
-Conquest game mode
-Sniper rifle
-Ability to switch between different loadouts
-1x1x1s axles
-8x2x1s and 10x2x1s flat bricks
-Performance improvements during large vehicle collisions
-Reenabled player-vehicle collision in multiplayer
-Vehicles do not get damaged from collisions with the player
-Players do not get hurt when standing on a moving vehicle
-Search bar in the workshop upload menu
-Nicer looking glass
-More contrasty ambient occlusion
-Removed rough falloff around the train tracks on canyon map
-Performance improvements on canyon map
-Fixed not being able to enter passenger seats in multiplayer
-Vehicles bouncing when spawned with 0 suspension length
-Fixed a bug where rotated bricks would not snap correctly in the editor