Coral Island cover
Coral Island screenshot
Linux PC PS4 XONE Switch Steam
Genre: Simulator, Strategy, Adventure, Indie

Coral Island

Hotfix v1.1-1224

Steam Hotfix v1.1-1224

Hi Farmers,

A few more bug fixes makes it in:


  • Fix duplicate tools due to tools disappear after Tree Planting Festival.
  • Fix stamina depleting in tree planting festival.

Best regards,
Stairway Team

Hotfix v1.1-1223

Hi Farmers,

This is a small hotfix for those annoying crashes and some quests not triggering:

Steam Hotfix v1.1-1223

  • Fix crashes when re-entering shed after removing artisan machines from Shed.
  • Chaperone Quests 3 and 4 cannot be triggered.
  • Fix crashes when retrieving tool upgrade when inventory is full.

Best regards,
Stairway Team

Hotfix v1.1-1222

Hi Farmers,

Here are a few more bugfixes for important crashes that happened:

Steam Hotfix v1.1-1222


  • Fix hangout in taverns ends in black screen.
  • Optimize arcana tail material to make it run smoother on lower end PC and Steam Deck.
  • Fix crash on cutscene Chaperone Part 2
  • Fix crash after hangout in hot spring.

Text and Dialogues:

  • Added more new tourist backer NPC dialogue.


  • Remove sprout from illuminated underwater farm tile.
  • Added Semeru human portraits in Fall and Winter.

Best regards,
Stairway Team

Hotfix v1.1-1221

Hi Farmers,

We have pushed this hotfix again to fix an urgent interaction bug for mouse and keyboard.

Steam Hotfix v1.1-1221

  • Fix cannot interact with highlighted tile with Mouse and Keyboard unless it's directly in front of the character.

Best regards,
Stairway Team

Hotfix v1.1-1220

Hi Farmers,

We have fixed more bugs and added some improvements in this patch:


  • Fixed underwater house floor and wallpaper issues.
  • Fixed issues with savannah mine monsters and treasure levels.
  • Fixed various clipping issues with NPC clothing.
  • Fixed tapper disappearing when canceling tree movement in architect mode.
  • Fixed item duplication/disappearance in global storage.
  • Fixed response when proposing to an NPC when the player is already married.
  • Fixed ranch animals rotating incorrectly when going inside.
  • Fixed multiple mastery level-ups not displaying correctly in Day Recap.
  • Fixed wrong mesh shown on Snatcher for Fire, Ice, and Wind Mines.
  • Fixed treasure hunt daily loot not resetting.
  • Fixed some underwater items showing wrong placement displays in inventory.
  • Fixed issue with harvesting tap from mushroom trees.
  • Fixed clipping and preview issues in the Clothing Shop.
  • Fixed weird animation for kissing and hugging from long distances.
  • Fixed flickering issue on sprinklers.
  • Fixed UI not showing certain quality ocean crops/animal produce required for upgrading the lab.
  • Fixed some issues with auto chests not processing items.
  • Fixed upgrade tool held upside down when retrieved.
  • Fixed random crash when rummaging in trash cans.
  • Fixed floating rock issue in the mines.
  • Fixed no tile highlight on Water Mines Floor 27, 28.
  • Fixed cases where the bottom is naked when loading a save with a specific outfit.
  • Prevented freeze issue caused by moving auto chests in architect and decor mode.
  • Fixed auto collectors not working on the underwater barn building.
  • Fixed Charles walking on the spot and spinning in front of Ling's Lab.
  • Fixed fruit tree errand's deadline being 6 days instead of 7.
  • Fixed missing horse during the savannah race.
  • Fixed scrap tiles becoming invisible on the underwater farm.
  • Fixed missing Lady Lavanna in the journal UI.
  • Fixed interaction prompt to show when the player interacts with pets and horses on floor tiles using the mouse.
  • Fixed Jim heart 5 quest not handled properly.
  • Fixed wrong requirement for dynamic dialog for a healthy sacred tree.
  • Fixed failed teleport for some aftermath hangouts.
  • Fixed NPCs thinking they are married when they aren't.
  • Fixed fossil spawn in Diving 50m.
  • Fixed Charcuz low-rise pants and shoulder belt top issues.
  • Fixed scarce water geode drop in Starlet Mine.
  • Fixed savannah cave memory fragment interact prompt requirement.
  • Fixed seeds dropped from the savannah cave not stacking.
  • Fixed Garden Lane listed incorrectly when opening the map.
  • Fixed some cases of artisan item machines getting stuck.
  • Fixed some cooking recipes not increasing the cooked count.
  • Fixed Osmium meteor's wrong setup for reminder text.
  • Fixed horse being called inside the community center using an animal whistle.
  • Fixed Semeru's dialogue glitch during Merfolk Chaperone/Starlet Expedition.
  • Fixed being unable to fish in savannah.
  • Fixed beach shack location area triggers elsewhere.
  • Fixed well's string stretching after being moved by the architect desk.
  • Fixed Spin the Wheel minigame exploit (spin attempts reset if the player quits before using all attempts).
  • Fixed crash on cutscene reapplying weather.
  • Fixed crash in savannah race minigame.
  • Attempted to fix the inability to toggle the fireplace using a controller.
  • Fixed underwater ranch animals getting stuck at gate buildings.
  • Fixed being unable to place offerings on the orchestra altar 50m with different quality.
  • Fixed portrait glitching during cutscenes.
  • Fixed Miranjani portrait using the fall portrait in spring.
  • Fixed floor preview carrying over to other rooms.
  • Fixed carpets and rugs becoming white in floor previews.
  • Attempted to fix a crash when opening UI containing inventory slots in an edge case.
  • Fixed Island Guardians being able to talk in the early game.
  • Fixed save settings not updating for duration and cooldown dynamic dialog when loading a game save.
  • Fix gem offering resetting to 0.
  • Fix Velociraptor hologram completion missing 10 points blocking completion to town rank S even after completing everything.


  • Adjusted tumbleweed scale, speed, and locations.
  • Added a rare chance of spawning butterflies when hitting a tree.
  • Faster zoom steps in architect mode.
  • Implemented rotate functionality for rotatable objects in architect mode.
  • Disabled item weapons during underwater diving.
  • Added VFX for giant crops in the Cave of Memories.
  • Allowed 3 NPC birthdays.
  • Added information to add a temperature machine for underwater buildings to avoid animals being put in a bad mood in Winter.
  • Polished temperature machine for underwater, only showing a red light.
  • Readjusted ramen shop attraction camera preview.
  • Added translucency for the pufferfish building.
  • Enabled grass spawn and growth on floor tiles with grass type.
  • Resized all coconut and geode by 1.5x.
  • Disabled the ability to repeatedly pet ranch animals.
  • Adjusted purple flower texture.
  • Added cooldown for all meteors.


  • Updated Item Mixing layout for better navigation with the controller.
  • Updated Animal Shop requirement pop-up text for better understanding.
  • Updated Tablet of Memories Relationship Panel to ensure the layout is correct and the NPC icon is not stretched.
  • Updated Calendar to allow for 3 NPC birthdays.
  • Added married requirements for New Year Spouse dialogue.
  • Fixed various UI typos.


  • Removed Mastery Point acquisition for Catching and Fishing from trash cans.
  • Revised daily loot table content.
  • Unlocked monster scarecrow recipe (concerned monkey shop).
  • Adjusted prices for underwater sprinkler + attachment weather conch and wellness fruit.
  • Adjusted prices for buff ocean flower honey and mead.

Dialogue and Text:

  • Various translation improvements.
  • Denali and Princess Miranjani dialogue text fixes.
  • Added Deno extras description.
  • Removed dot in Ask texts.
  • Removed Day After Wedding dialogue for Aaliya, Alice, Ben, and Chaem.

Best regards,

Stairway Team

Coral Island 1.1 Available Now!

Hello Islanders!

Coral Island 1.1 is finally released!

Here are all the new changes for our 1.1 Finale: Land and Sea update:

Hangout System:

  • You can now ask your favorite dateable NPC to hangout with them at a place you choose to get some relationship points.
  • More Hangout locations become available as you progress through the game.
  • Similar to gifting, Hangouts are limited to twice a week. Hangouts become available starting Heart 3.


  • An entirely new town rank category is added sometime after you reach Town Rank A.
  • You can access the attractions menu inside the Community Center Town Hall room.
  • The attractions will benefit townies and attract visitors.
  • Recycling centers can now be upgraded to Treasure Trove Recycler, allowing you to donate trash for rewards.

Recreation Center:

  • Recreation center is one of the attractions you can build.
  • This building adds a lot of new things for the townies to do. As such, some of their schedules will change once this building (and all the rooms inside it) are built.
  • Townies will start hanging out in the Recreation Center.

Storyline Completion & New Quests:

  • Town Rank S
  • Attraction Rank S
  • Heritage Rank S
  • Museum Rank S (Holographic Dino)
  • Song of the Sea (Ocean Rank S)
  • Rebuild Merfolk Kingdom
  • Starlet Expedition
  • Giants Storyline completion (Savannah)

Tourist System:

  • As the town rank grows, more tourists will start visiting Coral Island once per week.
  • That includes our tourist Backer NPC.
  • Each tourist Backer NPC will have their unique seasonal outfits.
  • You can chat with the tourist Backer NPC.
  • The tourists arrive via tourist boat.
  • Tourist boat changes based on the current in-game Town Rank.


  • Heart cutscenes for all townies.

Savannah Area:

  • Savannah Cave (Cave of Memories).
  • Ability to buy two more animals in the savannah: Ostrich and buffalo
  • New scavangeable.
  • Treasure Bubbles give various reward items.
  • One new mini-game in Savannah.

Flower Teleport:

  • New magical teleport to fast travel to new locations around the map.
  • You can fast travel to Savannah using this.

New Decor and Clothing:

  • New Indoor Decor: 142
  • New Outdoor Decor: 122
  • New Clothing: 62

Spouse Interactions:

  • You can now hug and kiss your spouse once daily to get some point in the relationship.
  • Your spouse's relatives will send wedding gifts via mail once you get married.

Library Books:

  • The library now slowly gets populated as you increase town ranks.
  • Reading some books offers perks like mastery points and recipe unlock.

Merfolk NPC Marriage:

  • Merfolk Heart Events.
  • Merfolk Wedding cutscenes.
  • New dialogues after marriage for your spouse.

Underwater Outdoor Decor:

  • New outdoor underwater decor.

New Merfolk NPC:

  • Rysy
  • Jannu
  • Slamet
  • Tahat
  • Goolong
  • Lawu
  • Lanin
  • Vihren
  • Todi
  • Etna

New dialogues:

  • New Merfolk NPC Dialogues
  • New Dynamic Dialogues
  • Merfolk NPC Gift Dialogues

Underwater Farming:

  • You can farm underwater.
  • 15 different seeds.
  • You can mix your land seeds with sea creatures to produce ocean underwater seeds.

Underwater Ranch:
You can ranch the following animals:

  • Shellcluck producing Pearls.
  • InkHog producing Deepvoid Ink.
  • Carapoultry producing Cara Egg.
  • Seashroud producing Seashroud Algae.
  • Mermoo producing Mermoo Milk.

Underwater Stores:

  • Underwater General Store
  • Underwater Ranch Store
  • Underwater Clothing Store
  • Underwater Furniture Store

New Errands:

  • Special Errands.
  • Underwater Errand.

Shed Skins:

  • Items that allow you to change the look of your Shed can be obtained from Treasure Trove Recycler.
  • To change the Shed's look, you must go through the Carpenters. Dinda and Joko will make the change for you free of charge.

Ranch Animal Dino Skins:

  • Completing specific collections rewards you with items to change your farm animals into Dinos.
  • It also works with underwater farm animals.
  • The dino skin is removable.
  • You can buy more dino skins in Concerned Monkey shops once unlocked.

Bark Dialogue (speech bubble text):

  • All spouses now feature bark dialogue. What they say depends on the spawn condition (time/location/etc). For example, a spouse will say "Good morning" to you (in the morning) or "Welcome back home" (in the evening).
  • Most townies also have bark dialogue. What they say also depends on the spawn condition (time/location/etc.).

Additional features:

  • You can rename your player name, farm, and pet in the town hall. The rename will be applied the next day.
  • Your farm can now support up to 3 adopted pets + 1 mythical pet.

Thai Localization now available!

Coral Island is now available for Thai!

Coral Island 20% Off

We're happy to be part of Simfest, and we're celebrating the 1.1 “Story Finale: Land & Sea” release with a 20% off for Coral Island, only until July 29, 2024!
Great opportunity to start a new life as a Farmer in Coral Island!
Already own it? Get it for your family, friends, and loved one

Thank you,
Stairway Games

June 2024 Dev Update

Welcome to the June 2024 Coral Island development update!
Brought to you by Millie-meters <3

This month, you'll get a brief look at Multiplayer and the remaining details of what's to come in the 1.1 update! PLEASE NOTE: there are mid to late-game spoilers ahead.

The Coral Island "Story Finale: Land & Sea" 1.1 update is in progress, and we will release it as soon as possible. Stay tuned for updates!

Join our Discord for more information!

Some Of The New Merfolk Townies!

[Galoong, Etna, Todi and Lanin]

Hey there, beautiful, talented, brilliant farmers! Buckle up because the 1.1 update is bursting with amazing new features and the most adorable NPCs ever. And guess what? There are even more new merfolk waiting to be discovered. Meet some of the New Merfolk:

Galoong: This guy is the sculptor of the deep! With an incredible talent for turning sand into masterpieces, he spends his days lost in creativity and deep conversation with his BFF, Lanin. His longtime partner Vihren also sculpts, but it’s Galoong who runs the shop. His art is all about celebrating the sea and protecting its beauty. Aah!!! What a hero!

Etna: Deemed the most beautiful sea creature in the entire universe by her adoring husband, Tahat (so sweet!!!). She spends her day tending to her garden, and that charming, sweet smile? She’s passed it on to her daughter, Denali. Talk about a winning genetic lottery!

Todi: The friendly general shop owner with a knack for finding great deals on rare items. He’s always got the latest in stock, from fresh petalia seeds to unique sea spices. Todi runs the shop with his amazing wife, Lawu, who’s a wizard in the kitchen. When he's not minding the store, Todi loves exploring the coral forests and dreaming about life above the waves. He even has a land-dwellers watch—sure, it may not work, but hey, it looks awesome!

Lanin: The chatty and vibrant clothing vendor of the sea! She's always ready to brighten your day with her dazzling smile and perfectly curated outfits. Lanin’s shop is close to Galoong's decor store, making them best friends in both business and life. She's full of curiosity about life on land, often marveling at human habits and inventions. Whether you're looking for the latest fashion or just a friendly conversation, Lanin’s the mermaid to visit!

Dino Suits for Ranch Animals

This is BIG, folks! In the 1.1 update, you can transform your ranch animals into dinosaurs. The dino costumes automatically adjust the size based on the animal you dress up, ensuring a perfect fit every time! Unlock the dino suit by completing the dino hologram in the museum. Each completed hologram unlocks a specific dino costume for your animals. How cool is that?

[Oh my gosh! Two-legged dino suits for your two-legged ranch animals like ostriches. Can you say adorable?!]

[Four-legged dino suits for your four-legged ranch animals like cows. Moo-ve over, ordinary cows! ;) ]

[Look at those tiny Triceratops! They’re so cuteee! My tiny dino-pal.]

Gacha Prizes!

Introducing the Gacha feature! There are two Gacha machines to explore: one at the recycling center and another in Savannah. Keep cleaning up trash to earn rewards and fuel these exciting machines.

[Daily Rewards: Open daily to see what fabulous loot awaits you. It's like a gift every day!]

[Unique Inputs: Different Gacha machines require different materials to operate. Turning trash into treasure is what we do best, you clever recycler!]

[One man's trash is another man's treasure. Let’s keep the island sparkling clean, eco-warrior!]

[Cool things await you, farmer!]

Shed Skin & New Interiors

One of the exclusive rewards from the recycling center is the Shed Skin! It's too much work for one person, so I’d recommend asking Dinda the carpenter (Archie's Mom) to help apply the Shed Skin for a fresh new look. I chatted with Dinda, and she’s more than happy to help you out for free. You’re welcome!

[Acquired in the Recycling Center Gacha!]

[Acquired in the Savannah Gacha!]

Straight from the Savannah, feast your eyes on the cutest mushroom decor ever! The bookshelf, in particular, is simply too cute for words! You’ll want to decorate every inch of your home with these delightful pieces. It’s like having a little piece of magic right in your living room!

Savannah Race

The Savannah isn’t just about introducing new animals for Coral Island farmers to care for. Oh no, it also presents a thrilling opportunity to challenge the Lady of the area herself. Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fastest of them all? Time to find out and show everyone what you’ve got!

[Prepare to compete against Lady Lavanna in her own game and discover the rewards that await the victor.]


Other Updates

Island Guardian Outfits

The 1.1 update is bringing you fabulous new exclusive outfits. Unlock the island guardian ensembles (5 in total!), including the stunning Lady Lavanna's outfit, as shown below. Simply divine! You’ll be the talk of the town, my stylish, fabulous friend!

[Unlock Lady Lavanna's outfit after completing her offering.]


Remember that mysterious locked door next to your house? Well, it’s now open. How cool is that?!

[Aging barrels age faster inside the cellar! Fix up the bottom half to gain even more access. More space, more efficiency, my little organization wizard!]

Wellness Fruit

Discover the amazing wellness fruit, which permanently increases your HP. But where is it located? Ah, that’s a delightful mystery waiting to be solved.

[Meet the [b]pink<3 stamina fruit’s sibling. Permanently increases your HP on consumption.]

Lumina Sprinkler

Get ready to sparkle up your underwater garden with the new Lumina Sprinkler! It’s sparkly and oh-so-pretty.

[Applies light to your underwater crops. The underwater version of the sprinkler. Shine on!]

Multiplayer Brief Look

Now, let’s talk about another major update for the future—multiplayer! While diligently working on the 1.1 update, we’ve also been crafting and refining the multiplayer experience. Trolling and developing aside, here are some delightful GIFs for your enjoyment. Get ready to game with friends and have the time of your life! :)

Playing In Multiplayer

[Host a new MP game or join an existing one using the new co-op menu button.]

[Adjust various multiplayer specific settings game settings.]

[Keep tabs on Multiplayer Members at any time!]

Entering The Game

[In the "shared" housing layout, each player has a different room in the main house.]

[Talk, plan, and strategize via in-game chat!]

[Keep tabs on where everyone is located via the map UI.]

Prepare For Chaos

[Much trolling has occurred during MP development.]

[Does your relationship withstand the explosion test?]

What's Next

In August, we’ll do a deep dive into Multiplayer and share news about a closed invite-only Alpha test for Multiplayer. Start gathering your friends because adventure awaits!

Coral Island Discord: take me there!

Until next time, may your 1.1 adventures be as boundless as the ocean itself.

Thanks for reading,[TAG-200]
Stairway Team

Hotfix v1.0-948

Hi Farmers,

We readjust some achievements to make it easier to understand.
More bugfixes and improvements for this release:

Achievements adjustments:

  • Coral Island’s Sweetheart: Reach heart 8 with all townies. Previously Reach heart 8 with all NPC. The change will made clear that you do not need to increase heart with Merfolk NPC to achieve this.
  • Multi-level Gifting: Give a gift to all townies. Previously Give a gift to all NPC. This will make clear you do not need to give a gift to Merfolk NPC to achieve this.
  • Legendary Farmer: Ship all items in the Produce Caught and Found categories in the Journal. Previously Ship all items in game. The change are made to make clear what needs to be shipped instead of just generic all.


  • Fix super coral museum assets disappearing in museum cutscene.
  • Fix bug where cancel errand confirmation still allowing you to navigate the UI instead of having confirm or cancel.
  • Fix oil press mesh issue.
  • Fix collision issues.
  • Fix one of DIY crafting cannot be completed.
  • Fix legendary farmer achievements cannot be completed.
  • Fix issue with hair mesh.
  • Fix ambiance sound missing after load game from pause menu.
  • Fixes NPC collisions issue (so they don't stand on top of the value)
  • Fixed touch garden causing crash if moved with architect desk.
  • Fix possible crash when save list is corrupted.
  • Fix underwear tops still seen over other clothes.
  • Fix soybean growth length text.
  • Fix typos on some NPC Dialogues.
  • Fix bamboo sanctuary doesn't show cutscene.
  • Fix Master Slime didn't show portrait.
  • Fix spooky lamp not working properly.
  • Remove POI in Nursery room.


  • Update more text for museum POI
  • Various UI improvements.
  • Add sandals to Balinese Kebaya and Safari Outfit
  • Change Macy's sofa from single to double size.
  • Adding whale sound when player wakes up underwater instead of roost.

We made the following mini-games easier:

  • Balap karung
  • Tug of war
  • Cow competition
  • Chicken competition
  • Bonk the skeleton
  • Smashing pumpkin
  • Match Pattern


  • Various translation improvements.

Best regards,
Stairway Team

April 2024 Dev Update

Welcome to the April 2024 Coral Island development update!

This month, it's all about the ocean. Take a look at several new Merfolk and more! PLEASE NOTE: there are mid to late-game spoilers ahead.

Coral Island 1.1 beta will launch on May 20th, 2024. Join our Discord for more information!

Free Wallpaper Alert

New wallpaper. Visit our Discord to get access to other sizes, perfect for your PC and or mobile phones!

Merfolk Townies

Meet the latest members of the Merfolk Kingdom: a tattoo artist, a rancher, a tavern owner, and a senior guard.

Rysy runs her own tattoo shop where she designs all the tattoos herself and doesn't take custom orders. Art over custom, she said. Sorry, folks! She dedicates a lot of time to perfecting her art, hoping to find people who appreciate it. Could that someone be you?

Slamet is a rancher who can help you get animals for your underwater ranch. He's trained countless sea horses, mermoos and more. If it were up to him, he'd care for all the animals in the ocean, but alas, he's only got two hands. So, he dedicates himself to serving the kingdom.

Fun fact: Slamet, like Joko, is a common name in Indonesia. It’s also the name of a mountain in Central Java. The word "Slamet" loosely means "safety" or "congratulations."

Jannu owns Sleepy Eel, the local tavern. He's single and not interested in dating; he's content with his life and prefers not to let a relationship complicate things. You'll find him at the tavern all the time, fully devoted to his work.

Tahat, a loyal guard who has served the kingdom for many years. He's married to what he considers the most beautiful sea creature in the world, Etna, and leads a quiet life. They've mostly stayed in the kingdom, only traveling when duty calls. Tahat is a man of loyalty to the kingdom, a trait he shares with his daughter, Denali.

Merfolk Relationships

Once you've advanced far enough in the game, you can start building relationships with the Merfolk. Explore how we're alike and different from our friends beneath the sea.

[The player is in everyone's business, as usual. Bless my heart.]

Discover their likes and dislikes, and they might open up about their stories. Learn about their hobbies, passions, and heck, if you talk to the right person, they might even reveal the advantages and disadvantages of being named after famous mountains.

Merfolk Romance

That's right! Romance with the Merfolk will be available in the 1.1 update. Who's the first choice? Is it Semeru or Semeru?

Remember Erika's tip: everyone loves gifts. Now it's not just the townies, but also the underwater hotties.

[This also means [b]a new wedding location for all the wedding location collectors out there. Better keep both eyes peeled for this one!]

Ocean Farming

Game progression unlocks underwater farming. Farmers, once you've cleared your underwater farm, dive right into farming. Mix different land crops together and see what underwater seedbags they produce. Plant them to unlock even more varieties of seeds! A whole new world indeed.

[Your newest property: location, location, location!]

[Same tool, different place. Still Hoeing around.]

What crops need underwater is not more water, but light! And that's exactly what the Lumina Wand will provide, a new tool you'll acquire as you progress through the game.

[The Lumina Wand will provide ample light for your underwater crops to thrive.]

Ocean Crops

[Mix up different land crops and see what underwater seedbags they produce—it's all in this cute little three-pocket thingy. You've got one on your land farm too!]

[Fun fact: "labu" means pumpkin in Bahasa Indonesia.]

Ocean Ranching

The ranch has five underwater animals: Mermoo, Inkhog, Shellcluck, Carapoultry, and Seashroud. Just like the land ranch animals, each one of these cuties produces something you can sell.

[I know they're all cute, but I must say, my ranch strategy would be to fill up my farm with millions of Mermoos 'cos look at them!]

Seashroud takes inspiration from the leaf slug, a real underwater creature. Cute, isn't it?

Just like your dry cows and sheep, you’ll need to pet these underwater animals and feed them hay, bla bla bla. By the time you gain access to these cuties, you’ll already know the ropes—you'd be a pro rancher yourself!

[This is where you can purchase your underwater animals. And, more importantly, it's where you'll find Slamet. Huehuehue.]

Ocean Decor

New farm, new decor. With you having two separate farms in version 1.1, where would all that money go if we didn't release more decor?

[The red one is my favorite.]

[Now you're sleeping on seaweed, just like the other merfolk do.]

You can still bring your favorite land decor—do NOT worry! We've added new tags to decor items to clarify whether you can place these items on land, underwater, or both.

Ocean Rank S

Remember these things you saw while diving? If you've advanced through the diving questline, you've likely come across these various "orchestra sites." These will play a key role in your final quest to reach Ocean Rank S.

[This merfolk dances as well as I cook—I don't cook.]

NPC Speech Bubble

We've added a variety of speech bubbles that your spouse might say to you during the day. In testing, we've found this new feature to be super immersive and really helps bring the characters to life.

[Hehe, I'm Sunshine.]

[Alright, boo, thanks. My wife is so nice.]

Decor System Improvements

We've signifincatly improved the decor experience. In addition to UX improvements, flooring and walls are now treated as stackable items. Upon applying a flooring or wall, you'll acquire the items as a floaty so you can easily reuse the patterns you've collected.

[This floaty will help you visualize better what you're currently holding.]

Library Books

For enjoyers of books, the library now slowly gets populated as you increase the towns rank. Bonus: Some books now offer perks when read, such as mastery points. Additionally, two special books provide a permanent buff that boosts the rate you earn relationship points.

[Reading pays off!]

Multiplayer Teaser & Switch Backers

We're making TREMENDOUS progress on adding Multiplayer to Coral Island!

[You and up to 3 other farmers let loose on Starlet Town]

Switch backers: we're still in the game development process and going strong. We don't have any updates to share yet, but we'll keep you informed as soon as we have more to share!

What's Next

In June, we'll showcase the progress of Multiplayer development in Coral Island. We can't wait for you to see the updates and just how enjoyable farming with friends can be!

Speaking of friends, If you're looking to make new gaming buddies, why not join our Discord server? You'll meet some of the coolest, most passionate farmers around.

Coral Island Discord: take me there!

Thanks for reading,
Stairway Team

Hotfix v1.0-947

Hi Farmers,

In this patch, we're implementing a "load save file from backup" feature to handle the very rare case where a save file becomes corrupted. You should now be able to view and load from backup save files.


  • Load from backup save files: We've added an option in Game Settings called "Show Backup." Once enabled on the Load Game page, this will display all the backup save files available.
  • Fixed auto chest causing crashes in the shed in some cases.
  • Fixed the issue where items couldn't be purchased in the Winter Fair store.
  • Fixed a problem in décor mode where some items couldn't be placed.


  • Various translation improvements.

Best regards,
Stairway Team