Magic in the game is offensively cast as ranged single-tile or area of effect spells that can either buff, debuff or damage one or many targets. These spells must be learned by finding spell books known as 'Grimoires' throughout the game world, teaching them and assigning them to units.
The Magic Management menu can be accessed via the Unit Details screen which can be found through the Party Management or Party Deployment screens.
Learning Magic
Upon selecting ‘Learn’, a panel opens up that shows the available Grimoires. Units can only learns spells that are the same element as their Elemental Affinities.
Filters are available that divide all the magic as per the Elemental Affinities.
Assigning Magic
After learning magic spells, they must be assigned to the unit so that they can actually use it in battle. Since every unit has a maximum of 5 slots available, the player must choose which element or elements a unit will specialize in.
It also encourages the player to have multiple units who can wield magic.
The details of each Magic Spell is available in a panel that appears on hovering over the buttons.
Crimson Tactics Devlog #054
Proficiency with Holy Magic comes naturally to warriors born in the months of Lightscale and Lightdusk. They are capable of wielding divine energy and use it in offensive and supportive capacities.
The Magic System also allows units to cast spells in 3 different ways:
Normal Cast - Standard 1-tile cast
Intense Cast - Powerful 1-tile cast
Cross Cast - Large 5-tile cast
Divine Illumination
Divine energy that strengthens the target's magical prowess.
Normal Cast
Intense Cast
Cross Cast
Slashing Chant
Sharp rays of Divine light that accurately cut through its targets.
Normal Cast
Intense Cast
Cross Cast
Piercing Light
A sharp, burning ray of light that can burn its targets to divine cinders.
Normal Cast
Intense Cast
Cross Cast
Dazzling Reflection
Divine light that burns its targets and causes them to lose their voices.
Normal Cast
Intense Cast
Cross Cast
Holy Persuasion
Emboldens the target to raise their arms or find their voice again.
Normal Cast
Intense Cast
Cross Cast
Crimson Tactics Devlog #053
As with most features of our game, we make many iterations of the many components that make up our game. In a similar vein, we are in the process of polishing our character models and below are a few examples:
Powerful frontline units with weak defenses, Berserkers can deal a ton of damage but may crumble immediately if not backed up.
Slow damage sponges with powerful melee blows, the Undead are mindless attacking machines that do naught but obey the Necromancer commanding them.
Advanced warriors who can use a variety of weaponry masterfully, Duelists are one of the most versatile classes - slotting Firearms to Axes in either hand - mercilessly beating down their adversaries.
Frontline defensive units that provide defensive cover to warriors and vanguard units, there are not many other classes as noble and battle-hardened as Knights.
Magical units capable of using offensive magic spells, Mages are common and found all across Swozalta offering their magical prowess to powerful individuals or simply for coin.
Crimson Tactics Devlog #052
After taking some feedback from the community on the Black March discord, the Party Deployment screen has been updated and moved into the level map.
Placing Characters
A unit must be picked from the menu and placed.
Maximum Limit Reached
There is a limit to the size of your squad during a battle which cannot be exceeded.
Clear Button
The Clear button removes all units from the party except those that are of narrative relevance at that point in the story.
Crimson Tactics Devlog #051
A Priest can use his utmost faith in the Divine offensively or defensively on the battlefield. Here are some of the abilities from Prayer - the Priest's Special Ability class:
Blessed Health I
The Priest heals a fellow unit.
Heavenly Grace
The Priest removes any ailments that an ally is suffering from such as Poison, Burn or Stunned among others.
Second Chance
The Priest revives allies from certain death or gives them another chance in case they suffer a fatal wound.
Exorcism I
The Priest burns away evil in any form - mental, physical or spiritual.
Crimson Tactics Devlog #050
Note: Many aspects of this showcase are still a work in progress.
2D World Map
Here is the previous iteration:
3D World Map
Here is the latest iteration:
Fog of War
A Fog of War will cover the map which will slowly unveil over the course of the story:
Crimson Tactics Devlog #049
Two scenarios are showcased here.
So far, units were allowed one movement action per turn as shown below using the blue tiles:
However, gameplay now allows units to move twice as much as they were able to, in exchange for another action in the same turn.
This allows units to be tactically positioned at locations which they can take the highest advantage from or fall back deep into their own territory, if needed. It is showcased below:
Another quality of life update we introduced was that performing an ability or using an item that has a beneficial or supportive effect on an ally unit will turn the tile highlights green instead of red.
This clearly differentiates offensive and supportive abilities:
Crimson Tactics Devlog #048
The new poster is also viewable across the Steam page.
Crimson Tactics Devlog #047
The following are a few levels that will be playable across the first Act of the game.
Bryce's Waterway
An Aqueduct that supplies water to a town.
A town found in the eastern Dukedom of Swozalta.
Waerlden Lookout
A bandit lookout camp situated in a forest known as the 'Waerlden Woods'.
Waerlden Camp
A bandit campsite situated deeper within Waerlden Woods.
Waerlden Woods Ruined Fort
An old fort situated in Waerlden Woods that has fallen into disrepair and has been taken over by a gang of bandits.
Crimson Tactics Devlog #046
The Loot Drop system will allow units to acquire items like consumables, gear, ingredients and tarot cards among others during a battle.