Demon's Mirror cover
Demon's Mirror screenshot
Genre: Puzzle, Strategy, Turn-based strategy (TBS), Indie, Card & Board Game

Demon's Mirror

Demon's Mirror Demo!

The snow is melting, the sun is shining, and everywhere, a young person’s fancy turns to DECKBUILDERS.

That’s right, it’s Deckbuilders Fest, y’all.

We are VERY proud to introduce everyone to Demon’s Mirror, a brand-new deckbuilder roguelike from Be-Rad Entertainment and Good Shepherd!

Give the free demo a shot and try your hand at the first world in the game. Be sure to let us know what you think over on our Discord:

Step into the Demon’s Mirror and enter a fantastical, nightmarish world in this roguelike deckbuilder! Strategy meets the arcane in a unique fusion of deck-building and chain-3 mechanics. Can you face your demons and come out unscathed?

Demon’s Mirror combines roguelike deckbuilding and a grid manipulation battle system to create a unique experience where Slay the Spire meets Puzzle Quest.

Play as one of three trapped souls and embark on a treacherous journey where your worst nightmares lie in ambush! Collect new cards and gain power as you navigate an ever-changing labyrinth of increasing challenges to solve the mystery of the demonic mirror that trapped you here.

And us on socials:



Good Shepherd Entertainment:


Development Update Aug 8, 2023

Hi everyone!

It's been a long time since I posted any updates and I wanted to let everyone know how development of Demon's Mirror is coming along. Spoiler, it's coming along super well! We recently added the 3rd playable character and are now filling out their deck with some unique and interesting cards.

The current tally for content in the game (even more will be added!):

  • 3 Playable characters
  • 180 Cards
  • 81 Unique buffs, debuffs, and powers
  • 73 Relics
  • 16 Scrolls
  • 28 Events
  • 23 Enemies
  • 6 Elites
  • 5 Bosses

Besides adding more cards we're currently updating the map tilesets, working on the soundtrack, exploring the art we want for the character select screen and intro story / "cinematic sequence", creating more relics, enemies, and more!

We're still a ways out from release so we're really happy with how much content we have in the game already. We will have plenty of time to playtest the game, balance the difficulty, and ensure it's fun.

Thanks for reading!


This is the Scroll Trader from an event in the game. What do you think? Their back must be killing them! ːsteamhappyː

PAX Rising Showcase Winner!

Hey Everyone,

I just flew back from PAX East where Demon's Mirror was selected as a PAX Rising Showcase winner! Since we were a part of PAX Rising we were offered free booth space at PAX East, and the game was playable for the first time by the public, ever!

How'd the Show Go?

Extremely well! People seemed to really dig the synergy between roguelike deckbuilding and the chain-3 mechanics. The CEO of another game company loved it so much he was texting publishers about Demon's Mirror and later brought some of them over to check out the game. Several other publishers also approached me and are very interested in publishing the game. Super exciting stuff!

It was a constant stream of people playing the game, and there were almost always several people watching and waiting for their turn.

I talked to several awesome streamers and content creators. Some of them are already talking about Demon's Mirror on their streams!

It's funny, some people would walk by and say, "oh, it's a bejeweled game with cards", but then they'd play and realize it's much deeper than that. It was really neat to see the AHA moment when the gameplay clicked for them. Almost everyone who finished the demo had a huge smile on their face and would ask questions about the game, like how many characters will there be, when will it be released, if they can play the demo online, etc. Unfortunately, there's no downloadable demo yet, but with how well the demo went at PAX I can't wait until I can put one up.

These are the handouts I made for the booth:

This huge banner was right above the booth. Pretty cool to have all 12 PAX Rising games up on it:

Intel Gaming interviewed me on camera and included some footage of Demon's Mirror in their video. Check out the video here.

A huge thank you to everyone at PAX who was able to see and play the game in RL!

See you at the next show!

Be-Rad Entertainment

The PAX Rising Showcase had 12 games in it and they're all amazing in their own ways. Go check them out here and wishlist them on Steam.

Latest News

Hi Everyone! As some of you have pointed out it's been quiet around here. You're totally right! I've been so heads down adding content and crushing bugs that I totally forgot to keep you updated. Let's change that :)

  1. I've been busy preparing the game so it can be submitted to a couple festivals, and it's been submitted, woohoo! I applied to PAX Rising, the Digital Dragon's Indie Zone, A-Maze, and a couple others. Getting into festivals would give Demon's Mirror some great exposure, which as you probably know is hard to come by for indie games these days. I'm really hoping to get the game out there more now that the game is in good shape so any help on that front is much appreciated
  2. When can you play the game, you ask? We're considering having a public demo available for the June Next Fest. There will most likely be a closed alpha before that so keep your eyes peeled for announcements. There isn't an official way to sign up for it right now, but if you join our discord hit me up (BeRadical) and I'll figure out a way to add you

Recent Updates To The Game:

  • Added a new boss, his name's Torment and he likes to play with hot things - most notably, fire
  • Added several new enemies (these are not official names): A mushroom that wants to bite you, a giant scolopendra (AKA, centipede), rock golem, "Rabbit Hole", fire minion, and more
  • Further tuned several fights, including the boss battle with "The Shell"
  • Added a universal tile type that can be chained together with any other type. Enemy tiles now spawn with universal tiles, which really helps open up the board and your options. (Spoiler: This is one of the best changes we've made to the game recently, it really opens up the gameplay and makes it feel more user friendly)
  • Updated the names for a couple tile types. The purple gems are now "Willpower" and the green orbs are called "Essence". Collecting enough Willpower will trigger an event with several options for you to choose from (immediately damage an enemy, gain a buff, etc.). We're still fleshing out that system, but it's headed down a path that's pretty cool. Essence is collected and used by cards to make them more powerful. We've added cards that use essence to gain a strength buff, deal damage to an enemy, or damage an enemy tile. We have some big plans for powerful cards that use essence
  • Added a bunch of new cards. One of the new cards is a "Hex" that automatically triggers both a positive (temp strength) and negative effect (vulnerability) when drawn. Getting some of these new cards completely changes a run for the better (or worse depending on how you look at it, muahahah)
  • Added several new events
  • Added several relics, including a boomerang that'll return attack cards to you, and an item that gives you shield each time you destroy a universal tile
  • Prettied up the treasure, rewards, and card drafting screens
  • Updated the map and event screen so the void fog looks way better. Also added some nice wavy effects to the event screen to make it feel more alive
  • Fixed a bunch of bugs and made a ton of UI improvements
  • Added some more pretty FX like card trails and trails on other FX objects

Streamers, Youtubers, Press:
If you want to play a build reach out to me through Twitter, Discord, email, or wherever you can find me. I'd love to get a demo in your hands ASAP

Everyone else:
I'd love to answer any questions you have about the game. Don't hesitate to reach out or post a question in our discord server or in the community hub.

An email address is listed on my website

Thanks for reading. Here, check out a couple gifs of the new enemies.

Be-Rad Entertainment

Demon's Mirror Dev Progress

Hi Everyone! I've been quiet for the last few months, but there are some exciting announcements to share, including a good reason why I've been silent recently:

  1. I got married! Woo hoo, someone finally said yes - well, I only asked one person, but I'm so glad I did. We tied the knot in September and it was the best day of my life. Still in awe with how lucky I am. Planning a wedding in another state during covid was exhausting, but everything went smoothly and everyone was safe and had a great time :)
  2. Other than getting married, I've been prepping for a new gameplay trailer by implementing new cards, shop screens, event screens, new enemies, a new map, way better looking FX, and tons more. The trailer will debut this coming Saturday, Nov 13th, during The MIX Next livestream. I'll make sure to add the trailer to the Steam page once it's live
  3. The Demon's Mirror Steam page has had a healthy overhaul with new screenshots, updated descriptions, and new gifs

Here's one of the new gifs showing off when an enemy tile launches and blasts the player:

Once the trailer premieres I'll try to do more regular updates on progress because that's what matters. The game is in a great state, it's fun, and it looks good enough to show it off much more regularly now.

I'm currently working on a demo and a pitch deck to get into the hands of potential publishers. I'll be looking for a potential publishing partnership soon so if you or anyone you know are interested please reach out to me in any of the social channels like Twitter or Discord or the e-mail listed on my website.

Thanks for reading. We're super excited to share more of the game with you and can't wait to hear what you think of the gameplay trailer being released this weekend.
