Disney Dreamlight Valley’s first free major content update is just around the corner – tomorrow, October 19th, to be exact. We’ll be sharing a blog post tomorrow that breaks down all the new content you can expect from the Scar’s Kingdom update, but before that, we wanted to kick things off with a look at the improvements, optimizations, and bug fixes that will come bundled in this update. As with our last patch, we’ve been listening closely to your feedback. From social media, to our Customer Care team, to Discord, your input has been instrumental to identifying and patching out many of these known issues.
Speaking of known issues, have you had a chance to check out our Issue Tracker Board on Trello yet? We’ll be regularly updating this page to keep you in the loop about some of the top known issues the team are tackling, as well as providing status updates and workarounds to help you out where possible.
With that, please see below for a quick breakdown of some of the top fixes we know you’ve been waiting for, followed by a detailed list of all the fixes to expect from the Scar’s Kingdom update:
Improved stability & performance on PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch
Improved Founder's Pack item granting in player mailboxes. This should help resolve some issues which have persisted. The team will continue to investigate additional fixes if any players continue to encounter issues
Improved Cloud Save system. In the case of a Cloud Save conflict, players will now be prompted by an in-game pop-up to select which save file they would like to sync with. A screenshot is included later in these patch notes
Reduced the intensity of lightning storms flashes
Fixed an issue which prevented players picking up the lightbulb in WALL·E's house
Stone Soup is now recognized as cooked for players who are stuck on "The Spirits of Nature" quest
Fixed Memory Pieces that spawned within the counter in Scrooge’s Store
Wild crops (mushrooms, spices, etc.) will now respawn in a different place every morning. This means that crops spawning in inaccessible areas will not remain inaccessible and will respawn in a new location every day
Rain will now properly water plants
Improved the zone within which 'The Honored Place' registers in "The Ceremony” quest
Improved stability & performance on PlayStation 4
Improved stability & performance on Nintendo Switch
Optimized textures on PlayStation 4
Reduced the intensity of lightning storms flashes
Improved interior lighting
Mickey, Merlin & Goofy went shopping and redecorated their homes!
Improved Furniture Edit Mode controls for controllers
Optimized audio to reduce file sizes
Various performance optimizations across all platforms
Improved the performance of large gardens
Reduced the number of mushrooms required for Merlin's quests
Wild crops (mushrooms, spices, etc.) will now respawn in a different place every morning. This means that crops spawning in inaccessible areas will not remain inaccessible and will respawn in a new location every day
Adjusted the placement of some floating islands in the sky
Campfires are now craftable
Improvements and optimizations to Sunlit Plateau trees
Reworded some quest objectives to make them more clear
Improved the navigation of water characters between bodies of water
Water characters are more likely to be drawn to the player when standing near a shore
Donald Duck has finally found his land-legs, reducing how long his tantrums last
Water characters will now be able to swim behind Skull Rock instead of having to go inland to get from one side of the beach to the other
Fixed a lag spike that occurred when it started raining
Rebalanced wood spawns in the different biomes to make it easier to get various types of wood
Inventory will now stay open while opening item and motif bags
Improved clarity for which Realms have been unlocked and which still need to be unlocked in the castle
Quest Progression (By Quest Giver)
Anna (Frozen Realm)
Stone Soup is now recognized as cooked for players who are stuck on "The Spirits of Nature" quest
Elsa will now remain outside until you have the pickaxe upgrade to deal with the ice crystals
Fixed a blocker during the "Follow Elsa to explore the Ice Cavern" objective
Fixed an issue which prevented players picking up the Orange Crest in Elsa's Cavern
Fish pie is now recognized as cooked for players who are stuck on the "What Home Feels Like" quest
Fixed an issue which prevented players from fishing near the raft on Skull Rock
Maui will no longer get stuck after breaking the sea debris in the "A Tale of Stone and Fire" quest
Mickey has an extra cracker recipe in his house waiting to be picked up for players stuck during the "Foodception" quest
Mickey will now wait for the player in his house during his initial gardening quest
Minnie has an extra flowerpot in her house waiting to be picked up for players stuck during the "Language of Flowers" quest
The clock tower will now be recognized by Minnie without having to create another
Improved the zone within which 'The Honored Place' registers in “The Ceremony” quest
Mother Gothel
Fixed instances of the key being inaccessible in the Glade of Trust
The dawn fragment is now recognized as cooked for players who are stuck on the "Restoring the Sunstone" quest
Catfish can be found near the docks on Dazzle Beach for players who are stuck on the "What's Bad for Business" quest
Fixed an issue which prevented players picking up the lightbulb in WALL·E's house
Fixed instances of characters not being able to talk to one another during “listen” objectives
Inaccessible Object and Memory Piece Fixes (By Location)
Scrooge’s Store Counter
Elsa's Cavern
Merlin’s Dreamlight Library
Angled table in Mickey's House
Prince Eric's Castle
Ursula's House
Peaceful Meadow
Frosted Heights
Floating island in the Glade of Trust
Sunlit Plateau
Objects stuck in medium-sized forest rocks
Objects stuck in crafting tables
Furniture Edit Mode
Meals, seeds and flowers can now properly be placed on tables
Player house doors will no longer block certain objects like radios
Tableware can now be selected properly when placed on a table
Chessboard can now be selected properly when placed on a table
Furniture placed near the bridge in the Plaza can now be selected properly
Furniture in the Elephant Graveyard in the Sunlit Plateau can now be selected properly
Objects placed on the stall can now be selected properly
Furniture placed near the Mystical Cave entrance can now be selected properly
Fixed issues picking up ceiling items
Maui's Island can now be selected properly
Other Bug Fixes
Improved Founder's Pack item granting in player mailboxes. This should help resolve some issues which have persisted. The team will continue to investigate additional fixes if any players continue to encounter issues.
Improved Cloud Save system. In the case of a Cloud Save conflict, players will now be prompted by the following in-game pop-up to select which save file they would like to sync with. Please note, “Yyy” in the below screenshot represents the field where your avatar’s name will appear.
Fixed Scrooge’s Store meeting points for characters
Made Ursula easier to talk to in her house
Fixed the position of certain mining rocks to allow for better character navigation to them
Fixed an issue which prevented Maui’s Islet and Minnie’s house from being selectable in grid edit mode
Fixed an issue which caused Donald’s house to float (and we’re not talking about in the water)
Fixed floating items in Chez Remy & at Goofy's Stall
Furniture from characters’ homes that shouldn’t be obtainable have been removed from the furniture menu and Scrooge’s Store item pool
Fixed an issue which turned the water pink in Ursula's house
Fixed an issue allowing players to walk into the bookshelf in Prince Eric’s castle
Water characters can no longer walk through rocks
Fixed Marinated Herring meal icon
Small urban hedges are no longer missing the inside of their model
Removed two "test” items from Scrooge’s Store
Fixed fishing ripples spawning within rocks in the Forgotten Lands
Adjusted the size and visuals of the constellation furniture for Moana’s quest
Fixed an issue preventing the Orchid Sunbird from granting rewards when receiving its favorite gift
Rain will now properly water plants
Campfires now emit sound
The jingle when getting a "critical hit” now stops at the correct time
Fixed Streaming Friendly music to remove tracks which triggered claims
Fixed prices for items appearing in the delivery system
Removed items from random bags, Scrooge’s Store, and the delivery system that should not appear there
Fixed game logo for Japanese and Chinese versions
Fixed the wrong skybox appearing in Scrooge's Store
Fixed food disappearing from the shelves in Chez Remy
Fixed instances in which characters would remark about the wrong time of day. Goofy, however, will continue to misjudge the weather
Fixed instances of characters fishing the wrong way on the beach
Fixed Ariel becoming unlocked before fixing her house
Removed various quest items that would stay in players’ inventories after a quest was completed
Removed unavailable items from characters’ daily favorite items list
The magical crystal will now appear properly on the pedestal in the Forgotten Lands during Ursula's quest
Fixed the exhaustion effect not displaying properly
Various audio and SFX fixes
The player’s legs will no longer shrink while wearing some types of clothes
Fixed issues that affected Mickey's eyes
Once again, we really appreciate your patience and support in flagging issues you encounter. This goes a long way towards helping us investigate and build fixes. As Disney Dreamlight Valley continues to grow and evolve, we’re committed to keeping up this process of listening, evaluating and fixing as we work to resolve the issues that are most pressing to our community.
Thank you for being part of this journey with us! Stay tuned tomorrow for a blog post breaking down all the new content you can expect from the Scar’s Kingdom update!
As always, sign up for newsletter updates here and be sure to follow us on our social media channels to stay up to date with each new update:
Instagram: https://gmlft.co/DDV-Instagram
Twitter: https://gmlft.co/DDV-Twitter
Facebook: https://gmlft.co/DDV-Facebook
YouTube: https://gmlft.co/DDV-YouTube
Discord: https://gmlft.co/DDV-Discord
September 15 patch notes
Happy patch day Valley Villagers!
We’re just shy of a week post-Early Access launch, and we’re happy to share with you the first patch for Disney Dreamlight Valley. We’ve been listening intently to your feedback shared through social media, Discord, and through Customer Care, and we have addressed many known issues in this patch. While the patch is now in the process of being released to all players (please make sure you’re connected to the internet to receive this), it may take up to 2 hours to receive it on your device. We recommend that you check back in every so often if you do not see it yet available.
For those playing on multiple devices with cross-save: Make sure that all platforms you play on have been updated before switching devices to prevent any further issues.
Please see the detailed list below of what to expect from today’s patch:
Adjusted spawn rates and loot tables for sparkling buried items:
Increased respawn timer range.
Reduced minimum and maximum number of sparkling buried items to spawn at a given time per biome.
Added Dream Shards to the reward loot table.
Each sparkling buried item has a chance to spawn either 1-2 Night Shards or 1-2 Dream Shards.
Adjusted loot tables for feeding critters:
Removed Flowers from loot tables.
Added Dream Shards to the loot tables when feeding critters something they “like”. Previously, it was only possible to get Dream Shards from feeding critters something they “love.”
Adjusted loot tables for clearing Night Thorns:
Reduced chance of Coal dropping.
Increased chance of Dream Shards dropping.
Fixed Error #7, which caused some players to experience an issue with the game sticking on the loading screen if they quit the game while having the "Well Fed" active buff.
Fixed account desynchronization issue that occurred when selecting Back to Title Screen on Epic Games Store.
Fixed issue causing some users to be desynchronized from their profile due to connection latency.
Improved online reconnection while playing.
Improved Founder’s Pack rewards claiming accuracy, granting missing rewards. We will continue to monitor this issue and explore further bugfixes as needed. If you experienced this bug: Please reconnect to the internet and check your inbox for a new message containing your missing items.
User Interface and Experience:
Increased text font size on Switch.
Increased menu loading speed.
Reduced crash frequency on Switch. Additional optimization will come in future updates.
Fixed an issue with quest items not appearing in Scrooge McDuck’s Store. If you experienced this bug: The item will not spawn in Scrooge McDuck’s Store, but will spawn in a random, unlocked location outside in the village as a backup. If you struggle to find the item, feel free to contact Customer Care.
Fixed an issue with WALL·E's "The Shy Little Robot" quest involving a fire extinguisher that was not working correctly. If you experienced this bug: You can find a fire extinguisher waiting for you inside Scrooge McDuck’s Store.
Fixed an issue with a quest item from Donald Duck's "A House Fit for a Duck" quest that spawned in an unreachable part of his house.
Fixed an issue with Scrooge McDuck's "Scrooge McDuck's Grand Re-opening" quest in which crafting flower pots did not work correctly. If you experienced this bug: You can find additional flower pots just outside Scrooge McDuck’s Store. Remove them using the Furniture Editing mode to craft with them.
Fixed an issue in which quest items were stuck in the bottom of the Mystical Cave on the beach.
Fixed an issue in which completing Goofy’s "Fishing Expedition" quest did not work correctly if the player’s inventory was full.
Fixed an issue in which a Memory Shard appeared in an unreachable part of Merlin’s Dreamlight Library.
Fixed an issue with Elsa's "What Home Feels Like" quest, in which it was possible to catch a Glittering Herring too early in the quest. If you experienced this bug: You can now catch another Glittering Herring. The other one will be removed at the end of the quest.
Customization (House, Valley, Avatar):
Fixed an issue in which chests placed in the player’s house may disappear when adding new rooms. If you experienced this bug: Add a new crafted chest to your house. Your items that disappeared will reappear here.
Fixed an issue in which players who imported clothing from the Avatar Designer Tool were unable to change clothing or clothing appeared invisible.
Fixed an issue in which some rewards from the Star Path would be available to acquire in areas of the game they were not intended to.
Fixed an issue with Ariel’s Seafoam Gown (Friendship Reward), in which it was displayed as invisible.
Fixed an issue in which the player could not cook on the Oven and Hood gifted by Remy (Friendship Reward).
Adjusted Miguel motif.
A huge thank you to everyone for their patience while they awaited these fixes, and to those who are still waiting on others. Our team is aware that this patch does not address every issue, but please know that we are listening and actively working on resolving additional issues so that everyone has the best play experience possible.
Play Now in Early Access!
Hey everyone!
It’s been quite a journey since we shared our first peek at the Valley with you and we couldn’t be happier to share these words: Disney Dreamlight Valley is OUT NOW in Early Access!
If you’ve purchased a Founder’s Pack on PC or consoles, the door to Dreamlight Valley is open and you can begin your magical adventure right away. Haven’t purchased a Founders Pack? Don’t fret, but if you’re an Xbox Game Pass member, the game should be available now as part of your membership.
It also bears repeating that if you launch Disney Dreamlight Valley during its first week – before September 13th at 12:00 AM ET – you’ll earn two delectable bonus rewards: a Mickey Mouse Donut Headband and the ever-adorable Choco Crocodile Animal Companion!
That’s not all there is to celebrate today. Beginning today, we’re excited to kick off the game’s very first Star Path Season, a season-based mission system themed after a host of Disney and Pixar favorites and just in time for Pixar Fest!
As you complete quests around the Valley, you’ll collect tokens that can be redeemed for exclusive Pixar-themed clothing, furniture, and motif items, as well as a brand-new animal companion inspired by Disney and Pixar’s Cars, The Incredibles, Coco, and Up!. Let’s just say you’re going to LOVE the Incredisquirrel! You can also upgrade your Star Path to the Premium track to receive special perks and bonuses by using Moonstones you’ve collected in-game or purchased.
The Pixar Fest Star Path will run until October 11 at 9:00AM ET, so dive in before time’s up. We can’t wait to share details on future Star Paths with you – we’ve seen some of the rewards and they sure are a treat!
From the moment Disney Dreamlight Valley was announced, the passion of this community has been palpable. It was important to us then and it will continue to be important to us as the game continues to expand and evolve!
We’ve already been closely keeping tabs on the hopes and dreams you’ve shared as a community, and we want to make sure we best represent your feedback back to the dev team. Whether it’s feedback or reporting that something’s not working as expected, it’s important to us that we take the needs of the community into account when considering what’s next for the game.
We encourage you to direct your feedback to our official Disney Dreamlight Valley Discord server in the #feedback channel. If you run into an issue while playing, please reach out to our wonderful Customer Support team here and they will support you as best they can. Should there be updates on either of these topics, we’ll be sure to share them with you on our social channels.
From all of us at Gameloft, thank you! Your undying passion for the beloved worlds of Disney and Pixar have fueled us, and we can’t wait for you to experience this game that’s already brought us so much joy. We think you’ll feel the same! Today’s launch is only the beginning and we have many, MANY surprises to come, so we look forward to continuing this journey with you!
Welcome to Dreamlight Valley!
Sign up for newsletter updates here and be sure to follow us on our social media channels to stay up to date with each new update:
After seeing your selfies created in the Avatar Designer Tool, we cannot wait to see you all in your own Valleys soon! Before you dive into Disney Dreamlight Valley, we want to walk you through how to port your Avatar from the Avatar Designer Tool to the full game on September 6th.
The first step of porting your Avatar to Disney Dreamlight Valley will be to make sure that your Avatar is wearing exactly what items you want to keep from the Avatar Designer Tool. You can only port one Avatar into the game, so choose your outfit wisely! In addition to the exclusive jersey that will be added to your account, you will retain all clothing that you ported your Avatar with. This includes all Touch of Magic tool designs and motifs used. Any Touch of Magic tool design that is not worn on your final Avatar will not be ported to Disney Dreamlight Valley. Never fear, however! Any motifs or clothing items that you were not able to port over will be available for you to find in Disney Dreamlight Valley.
PlayStation users will be unable to port their Avatar to Disney Dreamlight Valley on September 6th. That said, you can expect to be able to port your Avatar to the game later in Fall 2022 with Update 1.
Looking good! Once you have your final Avatar prepared, head back to the Avatar Designer Tool Menu and select the Avatar Code option. From there, you can generate an Avatar Code that you will need to copy via the button. This code will expire in 24hrs, but can be regenerated.
Avatar Codes are agnostic of the platform they were designed on (ie. An Avatar Code created on the Steam version of the Avatar Designer Tool can be used on all other platforms.).
A VERY IMPORTANT NOTE FOR STEAM USERS: Steam users will need to generate their code PRIOR to purchasing Disney Dreamlight Valley on Steam. Please make sure to generate your code before purchasing – once you have purchased a Founder’s Pack Edition on Steam, you will be unable to access the Avatar Designer Tool on Steam.
Once you have copied your code, it is time to head over to Disney Dreamlight Valley! Open the game (or purchase the game if you are a Steam user first!) and choose the New Game option. You will then enter the Avatar creation process. If you would like to port your Avatar from the Avatar Designer Tool, select the Import Avatar button.
On the following pop up, enter your Avatar Code from the Avatar Designer Tool with letters in all caps and no additional spaces.
Select the OK button, and you will get the following dialogue:
Once you have clicked okay, your New Game of Disney Dreamlight Valley will start, and your Avatar will appear as you designed it in the Avatar Designer Tool. You will also be able to find your exclusive jersey in your wardrobe! You will then be able to choose another name for your Avatar – the name you chose in the Avatar Designer Tool will not be carried over to Disney Dreamlight Valley.
Should you wish to go through the Character Creation process natively in Disney Dreamlight Valley, and later decide to import your Avatar from the Avatar Designer Tool, you will be able to do so. REMEMBER: Steam users will not be able to generate their Avatar Code from the Steam version of the Avatar Designer Tool after they have purchased the game. It is highly recommended to follow the previous steps to import their Avatar BEFORE purchasing the game. PlayStation users will be able to follow the same steps below after Update 1 in Fall 2022. To import your Avatar from the Avatar Designer Tool after you have created an Avatar in Disney Dreamlight Valley, head to the Settings Menu in-game, and select the Help tab via the left column. Then, select the Import Avatar button.
On the following pop up, enter your Avatar Code from the Avatar Designer Tool with letters in all caps, with no additional spaces.
Select the OK button, and you will get the following dialogue:
Once you have clicked okay, your in-game Avatar will be replaced with the one you designed in the Avatar Designer Tool. You will also be able to find your exclusive jersey in your wardrobe.
Community Challenge Update
Hey Valley Villagers!
Last week was a huge week for Disney Dreamlight Valley – not only did we announce Founder’s Pack editions and pre-orders opened on some platforms, but we also launched the Avatar Designer Tool. At 37k selfies and counting, our team has been fueled by the creativity of our fans, and we cannot wait for you to have access to the full game on September 6th.
What’s more is the explosion of wishlists and followers on our social accounts! We are happy to announce that as of today, we are able to unlock two more goals of the Community Challenge:
35k Instagram + Twitter followers collectively: We’ll create and gift an iconic Disney Dreamlight Valley Partner’s Statue to all players.
200k total wishlists across all platforms: We’ll add a variety of Villager Skins so you can dress up your Valley Villagers.
We’ve already shared a sneak peek at the Heroic Armor Clothing that was unlocked with one of our previous goals, and our team will get started on concept art for the Disney Dreamlight Valley Partner’s Statue. We hope that we’ll be able to share this with you soon!
As for our unlocked wishlisting goal, we’re now committed to bringing Villager Skins to Disney Dreamlight Valley – all thanks to you! With our Early Access launch around the corner, it is worth noting once again that we are currently focused on core gameplay features, and these bonus features and items will be included later in the Early Access period and after the game officially launches in free-to-play.
With that, there is only one more goal to unlock! With pre-orders open on some platforms, we will also be including those numbers towards our final wishlisting goal. We are so close to unlocking Multiplayer Valley Visits together – will we be able to unlock this goal by September 6th?
Disney Dreamlight Valley Selfie Promotion
Hey Valley Villagers!
…or should we say, fabulous designers? We’ve seen you sharing your selfies already, and have been blown away by your excitement for our recently released Disney Dreamlight Valley Avatar Designer Tool!
In celebration of the release of the Tool, and the upcoming release of the Early Access of Disney Dreamlight Valley on September 6th, we’re launching a Selfie Promotion! By entering, you can win 1 of 5 Grand Prizes that each include a physical Disney Dreamlight Valley Jersey, a 500 USD Disney Gift Card, and a key for Disney Dreamlight Valley Founder's Pack - Ultimate Edition on the platform of their choosing. Potential Grand Prize winners will be selected in a random drawing from among all eligible entries received and a panel of judges selected by Gameloft will review this selection in its sole discretion in order to choose 5 Grand Prize Winners, taking into account the following criteria: creativity and originality. Full contest rules and regulations can be found HERE.
To enter the contest, simply take a selfie in the Avatar Designer Tool and share it on Twitter or Instagram using the hashtags #DisneyDreamlightValley and #MyDreamlightStyle, or on the Disney Dreamlight Valley Discord in the Dreamlight Selfies channel.
We also have 15 runner up prizes that can be won through completing tasks on Gleam! 15 random winners will receive a key for Disney Dreamlight Valley Founder's Pack - Ultimate Edition on the platform of their choosing. To enter, visit our contest link HERE.
Once you’ve created your Dream Avatar, from the Menu, visit the Camera section of the Avatar Designer Tool. -
Set up your selfie by using the various backgrounds and poses. When you’re happy, press ‘E’ on your keyboard to capture the image!
Press ‘R’ to Save and Share your creation via QR code – a QR code should then appear.
ANDROID: Scan the QR code with your mobile device’s camera and tap the link that appears – it will then save to your device, so you can share it with the world!
iOS: Scan the QR code with your mobile device’s camera and tap the link that appears – you can then tap and hold on the image to save it to your device.
Option 2:
Once you’ve created your Dream Avatar, from the Menu, visit the Gallery section of the Avatar Designer Tool.
Hover over the selfie you’d like to share, and click the paper airplane icon – a QR code should then appear.
Scan the QR code with your mobile device – it will then save to your device, so you can share it with the world!
Option 3:
Once you’ve created your Dream Avatar, from the Menu, visit the Camera section of the Avatar Designer Tool.
Set up your selfie by using the various backgrounds and poses. When you’re happy, press ‘E’ on your keyboard to capture the image!
Press ‘E’ once again to Save your creation to your device.
On your Windows computer, visit the file path: C:\Users\YOURDEVICENAMEHERE\AppData\LocalLow\Gameloft\DisneyDreamlightValley_DEMO_Steam
Please replace YOURDEVICENAMEHERE with the name of your device.
You may need to enable Hidden items to view this folder.
To do so, click the View Tab and check the Hidden Items box in Windows Explorer.
In this folder, you’ll find all of your saved Dreamlight Selfies – ready to share with the world!
Like any game that allows for user-generated content, a small minority of players may desire to create inappropriate or offensive content. Please note that any entries featuring inappropriate or offensive content will be immediately disqualified from the contest. If you see content such as this being shared for Disney Dreamlight Valley, please make sure to report it according to that platform’s reporting system. Thanks for helping to keep the Disney Dreamlight Valley experience family friendly and we can’t wait to see what our awesome players create.
Contest will run August 23, 2022 and ends at 12:00AM EST on August 31, 2022. For full contest rules and regulations, see https://disneydreamlightvalley.com/news/selfie-promotion-official-rules.
No part of Disney Gift Card Services, Inc. or any of its affiliates are a partner in or a sponsor of this offer.
Founder's Pack Editions Trailer
Hey Valley Villagers!
This week has been huge for news in the Valley! Not only have we launched our Avatar Designer Tool, but we’re thrilled to release more information about our Founder’s Pack Editions. While pre-order is available on some platforms, Steam users can purchase each tier on September 6th when Disney Dreamlight Valley launches in Early Access. Along with this announcement, we’ve created a special trailer to show off all the goodies you’ll receive with each edition. Check it out!:
About Disney Dreamlight Valley Founder’s Editions
When Early Access launches, players who purchase a Founder’s Pack Edition will be guaranteed entry and be the first to jump into the game with their exclusive Founder’s cosmetic items and in-game currency. Founder’s Edition owners will also receive free game updates planned throughout the Early Access phase. All currency and cosmetics items received as part of a Founder’s Pack will be kept when the game goes free-to-play later in 2023.
“Standard” Founder’s Edition - $29.99 USD
Show your Disney love with exclusive outfits that celebrate the classic Disney Parks and its beloved characters. This pack contains:
Early Access to Disney Dreamlight Valley
8,000 Moonstones* (in-game currency)
Exclusive Standard Ears Headband & Jersey (2 wearable items)
Exclusive Standard Furniture Set (7 decoration items)
Exclusive Standard Wall & Floor Coverings (2 decoration items)
Exclusive Standard Design Motifs (3 motifs to use in the Touch of Magic tool)
“Deluxe” Founder’s Edition - $49.99 USD
Set your sights on infinity and beyond with cosmic items inspired by Pixar. This pack contains:
Early Access to Disney Dreamlight Valley
All the exclusive cosmetic items from the Standard Founder’s Pack: <*> 9 decorative items, 3 motifs & 2 wearable items
Exclusive Deluxe Design Motifs (3 motifs to use in the Touch of Magic tool)
“Ultimate” Founder’s Edition - $69.99 USD
Add a splash of majesty to your Disney Dreamlight Valley experience with outfits and items fit for royalty. This pack contains:
Early Access to Disney Dreamlight Valley
All the exclusive cosmetic items from the Standard and Deluxe Founder’s Packs: <*> From the Standard Founder’s Pack: 9 decorative items, 3 motifs & 2 wearable items <*> From the Deluxe Founder’s Pack: 1 animal companion, 10 decorative items, 3 motifs & 7 wearable items
20,000 Moonstones* (in-game currency)
Exclusive Ultimate Royal Fox animal companion
Exclusive Ultimate Clothing Set (2 wearable items)
Exclusive Ultimate Ears Headband and Jersey (2 wearable items)
Exclusive Ultimate Furniture Set (13 decoration items)
Exclusive Ultimate Design Motifs (3 motifs to use in the Touch of Magic tool)
*moonstones are used to unlock the premium track of the Star Path to get special cosmetic items.
We can’t wait to see you in the Valley really soon! And, don’t forget to get yourself ready for September 6th by playing our Avatar Designer Tool for FREE now!
Introducing Disney Dreamlight Valley's Early Access!
Hey everyone!
It would be an understatement to say we’re excited for all of you to finally kick off your adventures in Disney Dreamlight Valley. Well, the wait’s almost over – two weeks, to be exact! Whether you’re bringing your own personal magic to the Valley or exploring the Realms of some of your favorite Disney and Pixar characters, you’ll have no shortage of things to see and do when Early Access launches on September 6th.
Like any good story, though, that’s just the beginning! Over the course of our Early Access period, you can expect there to be multiple free updates which will add new characters and customization items, as well as new locales and stories to immerse yourself in. Of course, if you don’t see a character or world you love, fret not. There are surprises aplenty to be expected in both Early Access and beyond!
Throughout development, it has been important to us that we deliver a Day 1 experience that’s as complete and enjoyable as any PC or console life-sim game. As you take your first steps in the Valley, all of the following will be available to discover:
Meet, befriend, and take on quests for a range of characters inspired by Mickey and Friends; Disney’s Frozen, The Little Mermaid, Moana, The Sword in the Stone, and Tangled; and Disney and Pixar’s Ratatouille and Wall•E!
In addition to shaping the Valley into your own magical home away from home, you’ll set off on a range of narrative-rich adventures with your favorite Disney and Pixar characters. As of Day 1, the main story of Disney Dreamlight Valley will take around 30+ hours to complete. If you then include all the individual character-focused story arcs outside of this main narrative, you can expect this to take around 70+ hours to complete.
All eight biomes in the Valley – including the four we’ve already revealed – will be available on Day 1 of the Early Access release. As you play, you will unlock them, giving you a chance to discover their secrets, collect crafting materials, harvest fruits and other cooking materials, garden, mine, fish, cook and try to tame all the animals living in the Valley!
As of the Early Access launch, you will be met with an ever-expanding collection of 1000+ furniture and decorations, as well as 1000+ clothing options celebrating a wide range of Disney and Pixar films, including Mickey and Friends; Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, Frozen, Lilo and Stitch, The Lion King, The Little Mermaid, Moana, The Sword in the Stone, Tangled, and Wreck-it Ralph; and Disney and Pixar’s Coco, Lightyear, Monster’s Inc, Ratatouille, The Incredibles, Toy Story, Wall•E, and Up!.
Starting today, you can pre-order or wishlist on your preferred PC and Console platforms. Only by pre-ordering or purchasing any of the Founder’s Pack editions now or throughout the Early Access period, will you be granted access to the base game alongside a set of exclusive Founder’s rewards available only during the Early Access period that you will keep when the game launches free-to-play later in 202.
If you have any questions about Early Access or monetization, we encourage you to visit our FAQ.
We hope you’ll join us starting September 6th! To celebrate the launch, we will be giving away two exclusive cosmetic items to all of our players who play the game during its first week!
While you’ll already have a whole world (and multiple Disney and Pixar Realms) to explore on Day 1 of the Early Access. There’s even more magic on the way!
Over the course of Early Access (and beyond), we will continue to release new content as part of free updates which expand upon the world of Disney Dreamlight Valley. These updates will include the following:
New narrative content for the main story and character-specific arcs.
New Disney-Pixar Realms to travel to, explore, and unlock the secrets of.
New customization items, from new outfits and motifs, to furniture and decorations.
New characters to befriend, help out, and invite back to your Valley.
We’ll have more to share soon about the first of these updates, but are excited to share that Disney’s The Lion King and Disney and Pixar’s Toy Story will both be receiving substantial content updates during the first 2 updates of Early Access. Keep your eyes out for more info on this soon!
There’s a lot to chew on here with so much coming on Day 1, so you may be wondering if this is the right time for you to jump into Disney Dreamlight Valley. We hear you, so below we’ve broken down five reasons we think Day 1 is the perfect moment to start making your mark on the Valley!
Get the First Week Bonus! By playing the game at least once during the first week of Early Access, you’ll earn two special rewards: the Mickey Mouse Donut Headband and Choco Crocodile Animal Companion. Just look at the Choco Croc and tell us they aren’t the cutest!
Your voice matters! Over the course of Early Access and beyond, the feedback of the community will play an important role in shaping the game’s future. We want to know what you think, what works, and what could use further refinement.
Be among the first in the Valley! There’s something to be said for experiencing a magical new world for the first time. Begin shaping the Valley and designing your dream looks first.
Collect Star Path rewards! Our first Star Pass will launch on Day 1, so the earlier you join, the more time you have to complete quests and unlock the exciting and exclusive rewards it offers.
Secure your Founder’s rewards. The Founder’s Pack editions will only be available during Early Access, so don’t miss out on getting their exclusive cosmetic rewards.
Our vision for Disney Dreamlight Valley has always been to be a game that will evolve with our fans and is played for years into the future. We want Disney Dreamlight Valley to be the Ultimate Disney and Pixar video game celebration where anyone can join and have fun spending time with all these iconic characters many people grow up with.
Phew! That was a lot! And that’s not even touching on the surprises we have in store for you. There’s a lot to be excited about in Disney Dreamlight Valley’s Early Access and we can’t wait to share more. Until next time, be sure to follow us on our social media channels to stay up to date with each new update, and if there’s a character or world you’d love to see added to the game in the future, let us know!
Inventory systems, often called ‘backpacks’, are used in a multitude of games, and Disney Dreamlight Valley is no exception. Whether you like to keep your items organized, or pick up everything that’s not bolted to the floor, in the Valley you can choose from a vast array of bags and backpacks to suit your style.
Community Manager Rachel here again, bringing you an in-depth look at some of the backpacks you’ll be able to wear in Disney Dreamlight Valley. Your clothing and accessory combinations are only limited to your imagination, and I thought it’d be fun to shed a little light on some of the inspiration behind these items. So get ready to gear up, and read on for more info!
As featured in our announcement trailer, I don’t think anyone will confuse what (or should I say WHO) inspired this backpack. With a number of Disney and Pixar’s Monsters, Inc. characters in Disney Dreamlight Valley, Mike Wazowski was an easy choice when it came to adapting an accessory based on the film because of his round shape. He also has features that are recognizable from a mile away, which made him fun to adapt into a wearable accessory.
Previously we gave fans a look at the 3D in-game models of the Mike Wazowski backpack, but I’m excited to unveil the 2D concept art behind it. When designing items for Disney Dreamlight Valley, our artists sometimes use real-world items to inspire the texture of an item. The use of fabric reference photos assists in the translation of how material textures should be further rendered in 3D. Can you guess what type of fabric may have been used as a reference for our Mike Wazowski backpack?
Next up is our Tangled-inspired bag! This is a relatively simple design compared to a character-shaped bag like the Mike Wazowski backpack. That said, even with a more minimalist design, our team focused on maximizing the details that make this bag easily recognizable as part of the Disney Dreamlight Valley Tangled collection.
While the silhouette of this bookbag isn’t uncommon, the eye-catching embroidery makes this backpack stand out. Our team had fun sourcing the iconic symbols, like the sun, used in Disney’s Tangled. Next time you watch Tangled, see if you can spy all of the symbols that were used on this backpack!
Our team’s vision has always been to give our players the freedom to create their dream Valley and Avatar. Part of realizing that vision was to include many styles of clothing and accessories that would complement each of our player’s unique styles. What I love about this Vanellope Von Schweetz-inspired ita bag, a popular backpack style from Japan, is that while very loud, it’s full of subtle nods to its source of inspiration – Disney’s Wreck-It Ralph!
From the sprinkles to the buttons embossed on the vinyl-like surface, can you figure out what each button symbolizes based on the film?
We’re ending with a completely different and compact backpack design. I know players are already excited to meet WALL•E in the game, and some have even recognized this backpack from the Disney Dreamlight Valley key art.
There were many ideas when it came to designing a WALL•E-inspired bag, from garbage cubes to the boot! The titular character won out though, as his shape was easily adaptable to a backpack. Additionally, we were inspired by WALL•E’s stripe pattern, as seen on his arms, to use on the backpack straps.
Thank you for joining me on this blog! I hope these backpack previews have gotten you excited to gear up for all the adventures to come in Disney Dreamlight Valley, coming to PC and Console in Early Access on September 6th. To make sure you’re up-to-date on when our next exciting blog goes live, be sure to follow our social pages below!
Did you see the news? Disney Dreamlight Valley will be featured at Gamescom this August alongside Xbox at their booth!
But, what's better than some good news? MORE good news! We've officially hit 5k+ members on Discord - and with that, we've unlocked a tier in our Community Challenge - the Heroic Clothing Set!
Our talented team will get to work on this ASAP, so hopefully we'll have some Concept Art to share in the soon! Once this item has been completed, expect to see in your in-game mailboxes some time in the near future.
To follow along on the Community Challenge progress, make sure to check out our Discord and join the conversation!