Dysmantle cover
Dysmantle screenshot
Linux PC Mac iOS PS4 XONE Switch PS5 Series X Steam Gog
Genre: Puzzle, Role-playing (RPG), Simulator, Adventure, Indie


Update #28: Version 1.4.0 FINALIZING

Hello everyone and welcome to the notes of version 1.4.0, also called “The Final Patch.” After this update we consider the project to be finished and will enter maintenance mode. In short, we will cease active development of content for the game and will only periodically release small bug fix patches if any such action is required. It has been a wild couple of years and we are proud of what we have managed to achieve with the game and as always thank you to our fans for the continued support. This was initially supposed to be a small “bug fix” patch, but we decided to add a little something (or little somethings) into the mix.

So, let’s get the ball rolling on what you get in this patch.

Update Highlights

New Additions

The base game map will now have “Night Terrors”, which will appear after day 24. These new enemies are tied to an additional elevator you might find inside Ark level 3. As for what, where and when, I will leave that for you to find out. The night terrors were originally something that a team member included as "an upcoming feature" in one of these update posts something like two years ago, probably as a mistake. I have been jokingly pestering him ever since about “when exactly are these night terrors going to be added to the game?” It seems he finally caved in.

Both Frore and Hibernus regions have been expanded a little. The player is now able to open a shortcut of sorts between the two. There are a couple of sub-locations, couple of new POIs and a food recipe to be found. “Badnews Bay” is the place to look for an initial entrance.

There are some quality of life changes as well, the most important of which is that if you are a DLC owner, you are now able to use the link towers to travel between the main map and the DLC maps provided you have invented the compass and you have opened a link tower in any DLC map. For that one person who likes to play Dysmantle on their second monitor, the game now remembers which monitor you set it to so you can rest easy.

Bugs, Balance & Buddies

Otherwise there is a massive amount of smaller and larger bug fixes. Of the larger ones, there were some huge issues with some quests being unable to be completed if you did certain things in “wrong order”, namely the DLC1 main quest during a certain link tower phase. There were also cases where the player was unable to enter the final DLC2 platform. The final larger issue was with DLC3 Isle of Doom & Isle of Mana questlines. These have been fixed. Some minor UI revisions should make some map information easier to parse and for some UI elements to work better in a variety of display resolutions.

Besides fixes, there are some tweaks and balance changes here and there. There are minor revisions of content all around the island, but these are pretty much only something that a person who has spent most of this decade working on the game would notice. Lockpicks are now cheaper, so there are a few more locked doors in the early game. Gas clouds can now (mostly) be evaporated by destroying nearby pipes from which they emanate. Most larger buildings now have fire extinguishers. There was a boring stretch of wilderness so there are now a couple of burnt cars there. Things like that.

Pets & Dungeons DLC owners should notice that their pet can’t kill them anymore, which is always a huge plus for any pet owner. We removed the collisions so you can’t be pushed down a ravine by a well meaning but otherwise oblivious buddy. Enemies will also change targets to you from a stunned pet, so you can’t use them as bait anymore. All in all the pets should also behave better, not destroying things you don’t want them to. Finally, the “Lab Guardian” boss has been replaced by a custom made one, for which we have our community moderator Arianna to thank for.

Modding & Workshop

Whew, that was almost everything, but there is still one big piece of the puzzle left. As we are ceasing active development for the game, we would like to pass on the torch to you, our fans. First of all, the modding kit is now included in the folder structure of the game. Unfortunately we're not able to provide support for using these tools, but there should be some documentation available in the kit. With these tools you are able to create new content, edit the map with our editor or just play around with cheats. Or even localize the game to your own made-up language!

Second, upon launching the game you will now have a launch option to play Dysmantle with Mods. If you launch the game this way, you will see a new button “Mods” in the main menu. From there you can enable and disable mods with ease and it also has a direct link to the…. Workshop! Steam Workshop will be enabled upon the release of this patch, so it should be easier than ever to both make, but also release modded content. We have some very talented modders in our Discord, so head there if you have any questions about the tools provided.

Final Thoughts.

There will likely be some hotfixes to this patch as it is never as simple as releasing a patch titled “final” and everything working 100%, but for content, this is it.

Kind of a weird feeling to be honest. At the same time there is a wistful sense of finality, but on the other hand a huge sense of relief as it is done. Literally done.

As for what’s next for us: In anticipation of ever more challenging projects we have increased our size from 10 people in 2020 to 14 now in 2024. We will still be developing our own engine further to make sure it can power all of our future projects. One of the projects has been revealed so far, a fantasy spin-off of Dysmantle called Dysplaced. We are now working hard on getting it ready for Early Access. We are also working on another project, but it is still far away from any sort of reveal so you will just have to stay tuned. I guess that’s all for now. Happy spring to everyone!

-Hazamuth & All of 10tons.



VERSION 1.4.0 - Finalizing

- The game launches on the display selected in the graphics settings.
- Night Terrors (after day 24).
- Ark Level 4.
- Extended Frore and Hibernus regions.
- Link Towers can be used to travel to DLC maps and back.

- Showing better POI info for tougher enemies and quests.
- Damage floaters are scaled down if the camera is farther.
- Material drops increase has a chance to affect single material drops as well.
- Made the Home Portal effect with Timed Crates a bit clearer.
- World map filters button order now matches the tooltip order for gamepads and keyboard.
- Misc UI tweaks.
- Storage Box can now be built on ground.
- Raised Katana Base DMG 15 -> 25, Damage raised per level 5 -> 6
- Raised Riot Shield Base DMG 18 -> 30, Damage raised per level 4 -> 6, Replaced knockback modifier with damage deflect
- Lowered Expert Lockpick cost from 15 Steel, 5 Electronics -> 8 Steel, 4 Electronics
- Lowered Master Lockpick Titanium cost from 4 to 2
- Lowered Rift Toolkit Mana Chunk cost from 5 to 3
- Changed “A Leak at the Peak” keycard location so it won’t get lost.
- All Search Efficiency Food Recipes modifiers from 11 -> 15
- Last two levels of Scavenger Skill Search Efficiency modifier from 20 -> 25
- Changed Buried Treasure Medal counts to 30/64/98
- Multiple terrain and object fixes and changes across all content.
- (DLC3) Replaced Lab Guardian boss with a more fitting encounter (thanks to arianna!)
- (MODDING) ACTOR_MARKER POI type is now the default for unknown types instead of QUEST.
- (MODDING) Doubled the maximum number of actors that can exist in loaded chunks of a stage at the same time (now 65536 actors).

- Fixed co-op player 2 special item getting hidden if player 1 has nothing equipped.
- Point of Interest Info UI layout fixed for 3 visible buttons.
- Showing all the features in inventory screen instead of the first 20.
- Link Tower Transmitter UI properly updates the UI after crafting.
- Destroyed built objects are instantly reflected in the world map.
- Fixed ambience sounds played with tombs objects.
- Fixed refiner bug with long pressing the + sign.
- Added few validators to prevent audio logs from being destroyed prematurely
- Fixed a few small tropic plant not being destroyable
- Fixed campfire numbers for achievement + medal
- Quest widget rendering fix.
- Main Quest Search Launchpad Key goal is now not completed until you find the key.
- (DLC1) Fixed a main quest bug, where fixing a link tower early locked progression.
- (DLC1) Mana spirit now get stunned and killed from mana gun hits.
- (DLC1) Mana gun stunned animation
- (DLC2) Added a backup marker to raise the bridge to the final platform if it hadn’t been activated by the cutscene.
- (DLC2) Added missing death animations to buildable chemistry sets A,B & C
- (DLC3) Enemies no longer target lock stunned pets, but change to player when possible
- (DLC3) Improved pets' avoidance
- (DLC3) Removed collision between player and pet
- (DLC3) Fixed Isle of Doom & Isle of Mana questlines
- (DLC3) Added additional starting point for DLC1/DLC2 pet dungeon quest
- (DLC3) Added failsafe method to progress quests if player is on Isle of Mana/Doom before they completed the related quest phases
- (DLC3) Removed 2x Amber Lily (now there's 5 of each of them)
- (DLC3) Added a small decal as a hint for Pocket Pet puzzle in main DLC3 island
- (DLC3) Moved one DLC3 boss away from VIVARIUM area
- (DLC3) Fixed some reflective panels in DLC3 content being marked destructible

1.3.0.x Hotfixes

  • Added more DLC2 lilys to DLC3 Island
  • Added couple mana shards to dlc3 island & desolatum shelter
  • Localization fixes
  • Removed extra iron collar from invetion tree
  • Pet shelter 4 reward: cat mask to bandana
  • DLC3 island loot tweaks
  • Added missing localizations & Localization fixes
  • DLC3 reward room boss no longer a point of interest.
  • Added couple enemies and loot boxes here and there
  • Added DLC3 stuff to mobile UIs.
  • Invention screen repositioning
  • Fixed pets moving with drones
  • Fixed Ark turret props
  • Invent screen adjustments & tweaks
  • Fixed pet hub buried teleporter tip Hedgewood -> Hedgefield
  • Fixed null pointer error in DLC3 main quest
  • Invention tree bandana back next to safari outfit
  • Shelter 4 reward fix: Bandana to Plague Mask
  • DLC3 island inner door not disabling open interaction after use.
  • Blocking older bug reports than 1.3.0.
  • Fixed pocket pet giving XP
  • Fixed main game end area cinematic/quest trigger
  • Fixed pets dying with mana plane
  • Petting interaction not shown if TRIGGER_TYPE_HOLD_DOWN_BUTTON is near.
  • Added Pet Hub Portal Device to the forge where you find the recipe (only shown after unlocked).
  • Pet recipe blueprint background unification.
  • Added DLC content marker star to recipe info screen too.
  • Added DLC content marker to food recipes too.
  • Added hires image source arts.
  • Added workbench to pet hub
  • Replaced recipes-dlc3 with community provided ordered one
  • Updated recipes.xml ordering
  • Car battery modifier change
  • Balancing DLC3 recipes
  • Changed DLC3 island bridge to not be a visible POI before DLC3 is purchased
  • Groundskeeper boss rework
  • Buried teleporters now marked completed when the pet stage is completed.
  • Properly revealing the pet hub teleporter on the main island.
  • Boss animation tweak
  • Trinket modifier fix
  • Added [BRIDGE] tags to DLC2 content and Crown new area
  • XAudio2 workaround
  • Teleport pet to last known safe position instead on top of player
  • Pet doesn't block Beam Gun
  • Unlocks control collar if tester is already past the quest phase
  • Additional quest phase checks & Groundskeeper boss check
  • Quest extra checks. set quest target ghosts visible permanently after phase
  • Making sure new chunks are now started loaded if exit has been signalled.
  • DLC1 teleport location tip fix (Dexter -> Sinister)
  • Digging crash fix
  • Reordering of recipes in file
  • Pet collider positionin adjust so that they go over steps
  • Lab boss activation fix and cinematic tweaks
  • Unparented radios (parented radios are destroyable)
  • Fixed radio broadcast listening screen.
  • Adjusted DLC3 boss default drops
  • Removed lootboxes from pet stages
  • Fixed some stair issues

Update #27 Hotfixes.

Latest hotfixes and balancing for the Mac version.

Update #27.1 (version 1.3.0) hotfixes

-Petting interaction doesn't appear near other interactive objects.
-Recipe cost balancing.
-Misc bug fixes and tweaks.

DYSMANTLE Pets & Dungeons DLC Now Available

Update #27: Version 1.3.0 and Pets & Dungeons DLC

Hello everyone! We are happy to announce that update #27, version 1.3.0, is out, and with it, the third and final DLC for Dysmantle: Pets & Dungeons.

Update Highlights

The Free Patch

The free patch concentrates on bug fixes and a few quality-of-life changes this time. After 1.2, there were issues where people got stuck on certain quest phases or could not start NG+. Numerous issues like these are fixed. There were also issues with the “A Leak at the Peak” quest, where it was unclear when and where it would start. The quest starting phases have been remade, and the start position has changed, so you should be able to find it immediately upon getting to the escape pod at Crown. The third significant change is that we have further optimized the game's memory usage. Optimization should positively affect lower-end hardware and stop crashes from happening.

Pets & Dungeons

The main attraction of this release is, of course, the brand-new DLC! Underworld and Doomsday were almost entirely separate from the main game, having their respective open-world maps and stories. Pets & Dungeons will have more of an effect on the base game. We did pack in a new open-world map, but it is only part of the action, as you will be required to uncover additional mysteries in the base game map. To get the story going, you are required to inspect some canine dwellings found around the island. If you have destroyed these humble abodes before, don’t worry, as they have re-appeared. Chalk it up to mana.

From there on, you will encounter a couple of interesting types and start collecting new friends for yourself. Every pet can damage enemies and objects and has an associated gameplay-affecting modifier. You can equip them at will to a brand new inventory slot. The pet damage is tiered according to when you might find them during the game. There are both canine and feline companions. And a fox, can’t forget the fox. Over twenty in total!

During the quest, you need to enter a number of dungeons that contain both combat and puzzle elements. You will find not only pets but also secondary items enabling you to interact with your pets. New cooking recipes are designed to enhance your newfound friend's damage capabilities.

Of course, not everything is directly related to your pets, as we are aware that you, the player, also require some new flair and functionality! There are some new headgear, some of which are more grounded and some more exotic. New weaponry and trinkets will enable more options for different builds and wanton mayhem (or even silent approaches). Did you want to repopulate fishing spots? Now you can, with the new fish food bag! There are a couple of other delicious rewards for going through the DLC main quest, which I won’t spoil, but they should speed up things and open up new tactical avenues.

Another cool thing is that if you own Pets & Dungeons and any or both of the previous DLCs, you will gain access to bonus content, including items and pets but new challenges to overcome.


As mentioned in the opening paragraph, we are wrapping up Dysmantle as a project. We will be releasing a few patches as needed to fix any issues people might encounter with this new release, but after that, we are going into maintenance mode. This means that new content will not be developed for the game.

We would like to thank everyone who played the game and enabled us to continue growing and expanding Dysmantle to where it is today. Dysmantle was our first open-world project and a monumental undertaking for our company. It taught us much about the genre from the development point of view, and we can use this knowledge to refine our future projects further.

So, what is next for us? As some of you might already know, we are working on a fantasy-themed open-world project, Dysplaced. Check it out from the link below! We also have some as-of-yet unannounced projects in the early stages, so stay tuned for those.



VERSION 1.3.0 - Pets & Dungeons

- (DLC3) New Pets & Dungeons DLC.
- (DLC1) New content if you have DLC3 Pets & Dungeons.
- (DLC2) New content if you have DLC3 Pets & Dungeons.

- Pause menu background doesn't show the game screen to reduce memory footprint.
- Showing star in front of all DLC related quests to make them stand out better.
- (DLC1) Mana Crossbow final upgrade costs 1 less mana shard, down to 4.
- Bigger new invention notification bubbles in invent screen.
- Reordered invent screen to make it less cluttered.
- Reordered inventions in collections screen by ( base game -> dlc1 -> dlc2 -> dlc3 ).
- Players should find the "Leak at the Peak" quest more easily now. Accessible at crown escape pod.
- Small terrain changes around Crown to accommodate new quest
- "You Rip what you Sow" level requirement lowered to 12.

- A rare crash when entering the Pause Menu.
- A rare crash when accessing a Link Tower.
- Fixed spawning to upper corner when exiting the game without saving after fast travelling.
- Fixed game not transitioning to NewGame+ in Ark Level 3 in some cases.
- Fixed buried treasure POIs not showing up in minimap after completed.
- Fixed an issue where "Wicked Leaper" would not activate correctly.
- Added some death planes to "Pyramid Tomb" for cases where players got stuck.
- Fixed some wrong medal completion amounts.
- (DLC1) Added a check to main quest if the player had activated a certain link tower before they were supposed to.
- (DLC2) Lily recipes were missing tags to mark them as DLC only content.
- (DLC2) Fixed issues with Recycler not accepting some mana related items.
- (DLC2) Fixed an issue with main quest phase relating to missile not showing destroyed objects correctly.
- Memory usage optimizations.

Announcing Dysmantle: Pets & Dungeons DLC

Hello folks! As some might know, we teased “a continuation” to Dysmantle when we released the Doomsday DLC. After a hearty development period, we are happy to announce the third DLC for Dysmantle: Pets & Dungeons! We are looking for a late September release window for the DLC, but as usual, schedules might change if we deem it necessary to provide the quality expected of us by our fans.

So, what sort of package can you expect for the upcoming DLC? As the name suggests, you can adventure around the Island with a pet buddy. While you can only have one pet out at a time, there are several to discover and choose from. Pets range from ordinary yet fluffy to exotic and (still) fluffy canines and felines. There are over twenty new companions to discover! Mechanically speaking, this means a new inventory equipment slot reserved for your pet where you can freely choose a suitable pet for any situation.

Equipped pets will offer you boosts to your modifiers and help with both combat and wanton destruction. New trinkets, headgear, and food recipes enhance your pet's inherent strengths and weaknesses (while offering possibilities for questionable fashion choices). Your trusty sidekick will also follow your orders via new interaction items, and this is especially helpful when delving deep into the other parts of the DLC: dungeons.

As you might have guessed, your buddies don’t just materialize out of thin air but must be actively searched for in, you guessed it, dungeons! Early on during your new journey, you will meet an exciting yet talkative pair of, err… characters that will give you a direction to pursue and offer a brand new mystery to solve. Dungeons themselves will test both your brain and brawn and require full utilization of your newfound buddies' abilities.

Structurally, this DLC ties into the base game more tightly than previous downloadable content, as the dungeons are hidden in various spots of the main Island. It is a perfect addition to a fresh playthrough or a New Game+ run. Seasoned veterans will also likely find new additions empowering enough not to shy away from them. In addition to all of this, a new open-world map is tied into the story of the DLC that you slowly open up during the new adventure.

As an extra offering, if you happen to own either (or both) of the previous DLCs, you will receive access to bonus content!

Without further ado, here is the link to the store page so you can check it out yourself and wishlist it to be notified when it is available! Dysmantle: Pets & Dungeons

DYSPLACED by 10tons Revealed! ⚔️⚒️🦞🎣🧙🏕️

We're proud to reveal DYSPLACED - an huge open world rpg with survival, builder and crafting gameplay. Thrown into a realm of myth & magic its up to you to learn how to thrive in this world. Play solo or with a friend - online or local!

Wishlist the game from the link below!


- Workaround for an AMD Radeon driver issue.


- Tracked items are now at the top in the upgrade screen.

- Standing on top of destructible objects is not considered last safe position (used for Rubber Duck teleport and previous body position).
- Increased Build Limit gained from recipes and skills by roughly 100.
- (DLC1) Lowered mana crossbow upg. costs and added modifiers for backstab critical chance & amount.
- (DLC2) Recycler is now able to use LUMBER, WOOD, SCRAP_WOOD & PLANTS for fuel.
- (DLC2) Added a storage box (no campfire) to the final platform.

- Crash with missing sound drivers.
- Minor graphical & terrain issues (holes, player getting stuck).
- Wooden doorways were missing “FIRE” damage mask.
- Fixed Axe losing multi hit modifier on lvl 4.
- Fixed light intensity suddenly changing at 6 AM in some settings.
- Quest triggers do not prevent destruction of building platforms anymore.
- Fixed a faulty trigger in main quest, where the quest wouldn't forward if the player had acquired "Launchpad Key" out of order.
- Fixed a bug that caused some cutscenes to occasionally not finish correctly.
- Co-op players can no longer move two pushables to the same location at the same time.
- Fixed material count in the hoe error text.
- (DLC1) Added a quest marker to "Desperate Existence" info quest phase for clarity.
- (DLC2) Fixed two circuit puzzle chords in Decima shelter that would not route power correctly.
- (DLC2) Added death planes to Nona entrance ditch.
- (DLC2) Recycler shows proper time durations for items.
- (DLC2) Added a check for the closed door that leads outside to Concrete Forest that opens it if the player has managed to get on the other side for any reason.
- (DLC2) Fixed the Gantry gate being open at init due to faulty script.
- (DLC2) Fixed an issue where the warhead wouldn't reveal itself even though the player was in the correct quest phase.
- (DLC2) Beam Gun Battery can no longer be picked up with Material Collector.
- (DLC2) Fixed a bug that could cause some doomhive spawns to remain immortal.
- (DLC2) Fixed some faulty syntax in PT-BR localisation.
- (DLC2) Added some missing RUS localisation strings.