Dysmantle cover
Dysmantle screenshot
Linux PC Mac iOS PS4 XONE Switch PS5 Series X Steam Gog
Genre: Puzzle, Role-playing (RPG), Simulator, Adventure, Indie


Update 0.6.2 "Lumberjack" 🪓

The second patch is now available in the main default branch!

The update contains many fixes and tweaks based on your great feedback, but the biggest noticeable new thing will probably be being able materialize your absolute and unconditional hate towards the trees (*) and such. Cut 'em down for resources if you feel like it. Axe the ex-humans like there's no tomorrow.

Also, you'll get to play GEMBINE! You already know where the cabinet is, right?



- Level Cap is now 22.
- Added new craftables (such as Axe, Lumberjack outfit) for levels 20 to 25 (accessible upwards to level 22).
- New craftable "Painkillers", unlocked at lvl 4, heals faster than bandage, but only 10hp per use.
- Master Lockpick (not inventable yet).
- Mouse camera rotation key is now rebindable.
- Gameplay option "Store materials when resting" which can be used to disable auto-storing stuff on camps.
- 4K resolution graphical assets for the map.
- Clicking minimap doesn't open map anymore (too many mistake clicks). Added gameplay option "Open map by clicking minimap" which can be used to reverse this.
- Saves are backed up automatically. If you lose a save, you can get an old one back manually.
- Access to GEMBINE!


- "Bandage" is now craftable from level 6 onward and placed in the tree after Painkillers.
- Changes to bottom branch of the invention tree to accomodate new craftable.
- Improvements to how map screen texture is generated.
- Deer have a higher chance to drop HIDE, Caribou are faster and tougher than deer, but have better drops.
- Radios won't be destroyed by destroying the table below them anymore. Temporary fix for now.
- Rebalanced drops, HP and DMG thresholds of tens of objects ranging from DMG threshold 30 onwards.
- Rebalanced HP and DMG thresholds for barbed concrete, barn, exclay and wooden walls.
- Berserker Charm damage buff changed to vs. MONSTER (as it was supposed to be. Sorry!).
- Increased Baseball Bat damage by one. Caps at 40.


- Show emojis option is saved ːsteamfacepalmː
- The notepad in "Prison Break-In" quest is now indestructable before player interaction, destroyable afterwards.
- Added a check to "Prison Break-In" to enable people to progress if they hold the key and the notepad was destroyed prematurely.
- Auto-lock improvements.
- Unable to "double plant" anymore. The player character would make the animation twice, but wouldn't otherwise use resources or generate another plant.
- Explosives shouldn't cause plant beds to move around anymore.
- All acid utilizing enemies are now immune to acid damage.
- Lethal falling and lava planes now always kill the player.
- The player can not dig on bridges anymore.
- Opening a pause menu now stops player's melee animations so that it is safe to change the active tool.
- Added drops to multiple objects previously lacking them completely.
- Numerous open world bugfixes.
- Rare crash to desktop issues.

So this is available in the main default branch now. If needed, you can go back to the previous default by changing the branch to 'previous_default' like you would to 'beta'. Check out DYSMANTLE FAQ for instructions if needed.

(*) I almost feel sorry for the poor trees on the island. But do bear in mind these trees have zero positive effect on absorbing carbon dioxide emissions, so feel free to go crazy. If anything, cutting them down will probably make the game run faster/lighter and thus uses less CPU/GPU resources. Everyone wins.


First Patch 0.6.1 Now Available!

I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that we're overwhelmed about the response to DYSMANTLE Early Access launch so far. This has been by far the best launch we've ever had on Steam -- and we're only getting started. So BIG thanks to everyone!

But no time to rest on our laurels! We've been reading your feedback & bug reports, and cooked up the first patch that will fix tons of smaller issues already reported. We've also managed to squash a couple of crash-to-desktop issues that were showing up in the reports. We're also slowly raising the Level Cap.

Here's the more detailed list of changes (also visible inside the game in Change Log menu).



- XP Level Cap is now 21.
- 'Vignette' Graphics option (previously always on).
- 'Film Grain' Graphics option (previously always on).
- You can now relisten Radio Broadcast in Points of Interest menu.
- 'Show Emojis' Gameplay option. Can be used to hide most emojis ːsteamsadː
- Digged up treasures now show up in map.


- Lowered intro and boss music track volumes by a few decibels.
- Increased player map unexplored fog reveal radius by 33%.
- Making sure certain Skills are presented as options on early Level Ups.


- Static enemy path planning optimization.
- Gaining XP after internally getting enough XP for Level number (Level Cap + 2).
- A couple of uncommon crash to desktop issues.
- Tons of glitches and level bugs reported through Bug Report feature.

We've been running this 0.6.1 update in beta branch for a while, and it looks like stable, but if you experience any issues, you can go back to the older build by switching the branch to 'previous_default' the same way you would when switching to 'beta' branch. There's FAQ instructions for this on Discussions.

We'll drill into more issues in upcoming patches, and of course keep reading your new feedback and bug reports. We're also trying to spend as much time as possible on developing new content. We've got so much stuff planned (and some already implemented) for this, can't wait to show it to you guys!


DYSMANTLE is Now Available!

DYSMANTLE Early Access Launch Stream

The Early Access release of DYSMANTLE will happen on Nov 6th 3AM PST - or around 13:00 EET. To celebrate this, we will have a developer stream starting around 12:30 EET where we play the game live during the launch. The live section will be followed by a selection of our favorite streamer videos and pre-recorded 10tons content.

Collection of Gameplay Videos From Streamers

The week started with sending out keys to content creators, streamers and other influencers. Their videos have started to come in and here's a collection for you to enjoy! And thank you for the videos!






If you're streamer and would like to try the game, contact us at prcontact (ät) 10tons(döt) com from an address which can be verified from your channel page!

Forward Towards Early Access

We're thiiis close announcing the Early Access release date for DYSMANTLE. Just a few bugs to crush, features to fix, and placeholder art to replace.

I wanted to give you heads up though. We'll be changing the store page features to match the first Early Access release instead of planned Full Launch release. This means the localizations will be turned off for a while, and the supported platforms will say PC Windows only. The plan is still to have the game available on macOS and Linux, and in several languages including English, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese (simplified), French, German, Russian, Korean, Portuguese (Brazil), and.... Turkish. It's pretty much the same set of languages which we've done for our earlier games... plus Turkish.

You can check out the Early Access texts on the store page for more information on how the Early Access launch will differ from the Full Launch. More refined timeline is available inside the game via Change Log button in the Main Menu.

So we're very close! Much excitement!

Skeletal Avenger Steam Fest Dev Stream is On!

We have some urgent news on Skeletal Avenger - The dungeon dashing and decapitating roguelite. The items are:

1) Come watch us play Skeletal Avenger on the developer stream happening NOW on Oct 8th! We'll be playing a couple of hours at least so check the game page if we're live!

2) Download the demo - available only until Oct 13th!

You can do both here:


Of Turkish Delights and Other Localizations

We've noticed... an interesting campaign for Turkish localizations at the DYSMANTLE discussions.

DYSMANTLE Discussions Turkish Language Support!

I guess if so many people (totally not bots) are into that esoteric language (hey we're Finnish, ours is the worst), I guess we can confirm that DYSMANTLE will be localized to Turkish as well. Well played, Turkey. 12 points.

HOWEVER, I want to be clear here. We're going full steam ahead preparing for the Early Access this fall, and we're trying to figure out what features will be available at day 1, and what will come in updates during the EA. Localizations are not likely to be included in the day 1 release. Why? There will be still lots of changes to the texts at that point, and keeping all the languages up to date during the development may be a bit too much for our small team. But fear not, everything will be in eventually!

So that's that. There will be a few posts like this coming before the EA to keep you up to date. To be even more up to date, you can Join #DYSMANTLE at 10tons Discord! to see weird (and not so weird) development shots like this:

That one actually has a story behind it.

Tesla Force Now Available on Early Access!

Preparing for Early Access

I just wanted to let you guys know that we're not dead, we're just enjoying the beautiful Finnish Midsummer. We're just about to embark on our summer vacations in a couple of weeks, and when we get back in early August, we'll start preparing the DYSMANTLE Early Access version for launch. So it's coming this fall! Scary!

Interested in testing the game BEFORE the EA release? Go and sign up at DYSMANTLE.com if you already haven't! We'll be sending emails regarding closed alpha test opportunities in August.

Oh and do join our 10tons Discord server at #dysmantle if you want to hear occasional updates there as well.

Enjoy your summer!