Dysmantle cover
Dysmantle screenshot
Linux PC Mac iOS PS4 XONE Switch PS5 Series X Steam Gog
Genre: Puzzle, Role-playing (RPG), Simulator, Adventure, Indie


Link Tower Transmitting

The old link tower deep in the northern forest wakes up and starts transmitting and receiving. Much has been accomplished here.

Tomb Raider

In the very literal sense. But where's the corpse though? (Spoiler: you'll find out later).

Wonder what that lever does?

It's right there, so you should just pull it, right?

The Abyss Awaits

Down: the abyss. Up: post-apocalypse. Forward: much treasure.

Your move.

Damn you, floor!

You had ONE job!

What Lurks Beneath

Yes. This is from DYSMANTLE as well. From the depths below.

When the wretched island was discovered by the modern civilized man, what they found was ruins. Dilapidated remains of ancient holy places. But that wasn't the only wondrous thing they found on the magnificent, extraordinary, wretched island. There were riches beyond belief. Untamed power ready to be harnessed.

Yet something wasn't quite right.

Why isn't the game out yet?

Seems totally bug-free.

Sledgehammer Dance

Teasing a poor monster who just wants to get by. And have a bite of your flesh. Is that too much to ask?

The melee combat is pretty much what you'd expect. You try to hit your foes with your sharp or blunt hard things while staying away from their claws and whatnot. Textbook melee.

You don't have to play fair though. You can backstab for extra damage, and use your special ranged attacks (aka. off hand items) to take down selected foes from a distance. Those unfair ranged attacks have limited uses, but they'll get replenished at the campfire.

But that's not the only thing that happens when you sit around that welcoming but enigmatic blaze, and stare at the flames for a few moments too long...

Undead Horde Swarms Early Access Today!

Undead Horde Steam Early Access Launch Date Revealed

Finally! We have a launch date for Undead Horde Early Access. It is March 6th! We're roughly 3 months behind our estimated schedule which isn't too bad considering this is a brand new game. Lately we've been talking of launch during February, but it became quite crowded so we opted to delay just a bit more.

Wishlist & check out Undead Horde here:
