El Tango de la Muerte cover
El Tango de la Muerte screenshot
Genre: Music, Indie

El Tango de la Muerte

Challenge 3 is ready! Update 22!

You can now take the challenge of the song number 3! Have fun!

Until the next news!

Challenge 2 is up!

You can now take the challenge of the song number 2!

Did you know than the game was in Rock Paper Shotgun at the section of Unknown Pleasures?!

Have fun!

Until the next news!

Challenge 1! UPDATE 20!

Hello hello, the first challenge is up! You can find it following the arrow with the "+" sign:

And you will find this:

Wich is the challenge for the first song, I have tried it, it is challenging! Let me know what you think.
I will probably upload a challenge per week, one per song, so if you have ideas that you want to share I'm all ears!

And one more thing! I made the unlock of classic mode only with just one star now, enjoy!

Until next news!!

Update 19! BIG changes! THANK YOU!

First of all, I want to thank all the community and reviewers that point out the good and bad things about the game, is YOU the ones that help to make better games, the people who play and takes the time to write an honest review; some things are hard to ear but are deffinetaly needed!

So, according to feedback there where this issues:

- No Special Tiles Tutorial: DONE! I tried a small animation tutorial that help alot to new players! It was needed! It works only in story mode, but once you see it that's pretty much it.

- Sliding is hard: DONE! Yes, it was. I think I liked hard, because I played the game like a billion times, and I feel that It needed more difficulty. Is hard to test difficulty when you work alone. I tested a solution, it feels beauthyful, BEAUTHYFUL! What happens now, is that when you are sliding and the avatar gets to the end of the path it stops automatically. The experience is completly changed, is less frustrating, more positive and fun than ever!!

-Easy Mode: DONE! Basically I use the levels as the same way like the first one, that you can't lose. I know, a real easy mode shoud be like having less tiles to dancing around but tthat kind of things are out of budget for now. So I made an "inmortal / easy" mode. I hope it help user that are struggling in some levels! With the correction of the "Slide", it shouldn't be a problem!

- Some levels are to damn quick and are imposible to follow: DONE! I grabbed those bad guys and give them a small adjustaments; specially on levels, 3, 11 and 12.

And I find some bugs that no one noticed!
- The level with portrait puzzles weren restarted if the level was lost. FIXED
- If you played in "Clasic Mode" and for some reason scores was less than 3 stars, the game save corrupts. FIXED.
- And some tunnings:
. when the first song of the exile chapter, the dance couple changed to martita and luciano young, this have a purpose, in the followin story Luciano speaks that he remebered her while dancing, but some people think it was a bug, is not! So I added a "Martita!" dialog when that happens.
. When you win the second fight against the rat, the background of the health bar of Luciano was red when counting points, it was weird so I changed to blue.

I thinks thats all for now, I will keep hearig feedback if you have it! Meanwhile, I will keep working in the song challenges that I hope it add the game the playtime needed (another feedback) :)

Thank you ALL!
Until next news!

Soundtrack is READY!

It took me more time than I thought but finally is up!
Enjoy the great music of YIRA:: without having to play the game!

I was kinda unsure about the price, but YIRA:: albums usually cost about 7 USD, but I felt it weird about putting the price of the soundtrack higher than the actual game, so I put it the same price, I thinks that's ok. What do you think?

About the game, I am working on some comments of the reviews, that things really help to make better games, so this is the next update:

- Easy Mode
- Special Tiles Tutorial

This will come out between today and tomorrow!!

Until next news!!

Classic Game Mode now online! Update 18!


When a song reaches 3 stars now will unlock the Classic Mode!, after that you can try to defeat the song in that mode, basically consist in always do "perfect", is quite challenging.

This is how my first run looks :

I wonder how the game would be considered if the original release was only classic mode, will never know!

Oh! And the "epilogue" level is now translated to Russian too!

Have fun!
Until next news!

Guess who's making some GAME MODES!

An imminent update: classic game mode is coming!!!
And I have a couple of ideas more, so pay attention!

Is OUT! Finally published!!

Well, finally published the game! Yesterday! Ha! I forgot to announce it in a news, good job!
I am going to share something I wrote some days ago in Indiedb:

The CATS level finale: feelings+gamedev

The game finale... The seventh chapter will despair the tango dance lovers! Muhahahahaha! (evil laughter)

Yes cats.

The lovers return to the house were they first dance, is now an abandoned house that's has been tooked over by cats. So they dance, they dance through his childhood memories, the lost time and cats.

And then is this... thing.
About feelings and game development.

While working on the final chapter I got a little sad (I have heard of this before... but never happened until now); I was doing the last level, no more songs, no more soap opera twists and characters... :(

The game story starts with humor, then tragedy and drama appears but in the end the humor and romance arise again. I like the ride.

And I felt kind of the same, maybe not at the same time, but my ride was like: happy first, then the hapiness starts to get dull, and when I was about to end the game, I felt sad. Two years shaping something make you love it and care for it. I was sad becasue I am going to miss work in on it. I will miss the characters I have created (they Live).

But then I finish it. And I was happy again. I still am. The kind of joy that you can carry on, that makes you grow.
I like this feeling, and I hope that you feel it too when working on your games (or what you love work into).

And my conscience got calm because my characters will live again, in other hands, for others to love and hate, and his stories will be told when playing. So, don't stop playing, give life to the stories and carry them up, because they will carry you trough the experience they live (despite the cats).

Thank you.

Epilogue chinese translation! UPDATE 17!

You now can watch the last chapter in chinese! And the chapter 6 in russian too! (forgot to announce it!!!)

AND did you see the new trailer of the game? :)

I will start with the "Steam Curators Thing" before publishing definitely... But the story and songs are complete now!!

Until next news!!


All chapters are now completed!!! I can't delete the smile of my face, so much heart put into this and it's finally done!!

So! What's new?

-Epilogue chapter is DONE! From now on, better known as the "cats level".

-FIX issue that "sometimes" the error wasn't detected by the game (thanks my friend AThousandAuto who helped me to understand why da hell that happened!!) :)
-Now the game is a little smarter, because it remembers what language did you pick, controls and only shows the menu tutorial once!
-The main menu was improved, I put some information about the chapter and songs into it. It's a GREAT help!

-Also, when playing a song I put a "Skip song" button into the pause menu, because maybe someone wants to skip a song and see the story for some purpose...
-And added an access for the credits too!

Well, let me know if you like it!!!!

Now I am going to push the button of "really really publish the game" and see what happens (probably Steam will give me a publish date for that), wish me luck!

I let you know when all translations are completed!!!
Until next news!!