El Tango de la Muerte cover
El Tango de la Muerte screenshot
Genre: Music, Indie

El Tango de la Muerte

Chinese translation added (Chap 6)! Update 14!

Translation for chinese of chapter 6 is on! Thanks to our friend Ⓛⓞⓥⓔ TEAM CHINA!
Right now I am on the Epilogue, be ready for the wonderful end!!!!

I believe It will be ready next week!!!
Until the next news!!!!


Very proud to announce the final chapter of the game!!
I worked very hard for this final chapter, finally Luciano finds Martita, and someone else....

SONG 11:

SONG 12:

Dont miss the last fight!! I hope is not to difficult, because it is, but the reward feeling you get is unforgettable. You just follow your path and you'll be fine :)

Also had to refactor the game because of performance issues, let me know if you find a bug (I believe I kill them all), it runs smoother now ːsteamhappyː

Just the EPILOGUE remains to be done, one more song, one last tango...

Until the next news!!

Update 13!! Chinnese translations for chapter 5 and more!

Hi! Translations for chinese of chapter 5 are up and running! ːsteamhappyː

Thanks to our friend Ⓛⓞⓥⓔ TEAM CHINA!

Also Maruja has a "face" update, she is now a little older as supposed to be from the beggining, it toke some time to get there... But now chapter 6 have more sense, because she becomes a "madama" (the regent of a brothel).

AND! I added a little ">>" ("skip button") when you lose a song; so now if you having trouble with a song in particular you can skip it and continue the story; you can replay that evil song later :D

I think I did a couple of things more, but I forgot to write them down. ːsteamfacepalmː

Until the next news!!!

Update 12!

Russian translation for chapter 5 were added to the game and also several english translation were fixed!

Chinese translation will come soon!

Right now I am working on the chapter 6, the last "big" chapter (after that only the epilogue remains to be done).

Luciano goes to a brothel looking for someone ¿will he find her? Take a look:

Until the next news!

Chapter 5 COMPLETADO!!! UPDATE 11!!!

A new chapter complete! 5 out of 6, we are so close now!!!

While in exile Luciano has become darker... and his friendshipt with Julio starts to cracks.

In this chapter our main characters will come back to Argentina and find out what happend when they were out (and is not pretty) :o

In case you miss it there is a tweet that shows the song Nº 9 in where Luciano dances alone trying to remember something by collecting all the pieces of the board. I really like this part of the story united to this mechanic!

Song Nº 10 it's a fight, the hardest one, dont want to spoil anything!

Just one more chapter to go! (plus the Epilogue!) SO close to finish the game!!!

Until the next news!!!!

Update 10! Flow improvement, russian translations and more!

The game continues to grow! Chapter 5 is about half completed (is comming quickly!) and in between I fix-add some stuff:

- Chapter IV Russian Translation added, thanks to Tolma4 Team!

- Added an "End of Chapter" screen in order to complete the flow of the chapters nicely.

- Updated characters faces: Luciano and Martita (and others) got an upgrade! Now luciano has expresions in different situations; it will matter the most on the end game ;) trust me.

Until next news!!

New Update! Chapter 4 Chinese Translation & Flow Improvement!

I'm on fire!

The chapter 4 was rapidly translated to chinese, thanks to our pal TeamChina!

Also, the flow on the game was improved. Now, every time you finish a chapter the game will send you to the "Song list" in order to see your progress and remasterize unachieved stars, and also it will show to you what chapter is next.

I put a small "tutorial" (?) on the Song List because nobody notice that you can also can click on the Chapters as well as the Songs. I hope it doesn't get in the way much, let me know.

It gives you lots of control over the game, so you can navigate it the way you want to. I hope you enjoy it!!

Until next news!!


I love finishing chapters, I think this one is very challenging and different!

Chapter 4 already! 2 more to go!

In this chapter our characters will arrive to foreign land, I they wil survive doing what they do best: Tango.

Is the first time that I use two dancing partners in a level, it feels more crowded.

Take a look!

I really like it. Does it look difficult? Because it is... :)

Enjoy the chapter!!

LANGUAGES: for now this chapter is only in Spanish and English; I will update translations when they are fnished!

Until next news!!

UPDATE 7! Star save system is online!


That was REALLY HARD TO DO, for me at least! Now the game saves the stars that you make after playing a song.

You can find this information in the "Song list", by pressing "esc" for pause the game. It looks like this:

So now the game as to preload some seconds, this time is different between machines, it takes around 30 seconds to load but it works ok.

Let me know if you find any issue!

ALSO.... Next week CHAPTER 4 will be done!!!! Now you dance with 2 couple of dancers :D

Until next week!!!

50% of Chapter 4 DONE!


Song Nº7 is completed along with all the art of the new chapter, here is a little sneak of the new feature!

Does it look hard?

Still working on the stars thing! I will let you know!

Until next news!