Farworld Pioneers cover
Farworld Pioneers screenshot
Genre: Real Time Strategy (RTS), Strategy, Indie

Farworld Pioneers

Farworld Updates Alpha1-1a to 4b

Welcome Pioneers! Please check over the documentation from the last few months of updates. Newest updates are always at the top here!

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-4b

  • Fixed issue that would lead to hangs when respawning and/or traveling
  • Improved Tiger collisions to avoid snagging
  • “Colonists need weapon” notification now hidden
  • Fixed issue with bluebird corpse floating
  • Fixed mob spawner counting faction members on other planets to determine tiers
  • Mobs no longer spawn if players are not present on a planet

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-4a

  • New mob spawning logic – the game will now scale the tier and amount of mobs it spawns near a colony based on the population and weapons in a colony
  • A tooltip on the Colony display now shows some information about enemies spawned in the world when Creative Mode is on
  • Food consumption rate limit when clicking is now slightly slower
  • The font shaders were updated to allow more font variety for translations; experimental language support is also enabled, but only English is officially supported. Non-English translations are incomplete and unproofed!
  • Squad display and colonist lists should now show current information about all colonists, pets and teammates in your faction, as well as filter them per-planet, even if they walk in and out of frame of your client
  • Zones on planets are now called Sites
  • Bat graphics updated
  • “Clear All Save Data” now clears server saves and options as well
  • Fixed issue that could cause games to break when restoring a save after entering the dropship
  • Fixed issue with character arms being down when holding large objects overhead
  • Fixed several issues related to traveling between Z-levels
  • Fixed issue that caused bullets from other Z-levels to appear at the origin in your current Z-level
  • Fixed a long standing issue that caused creatures to hit players excessively, causing instant kills; there is now a cooldown enforced between successive hits
  • Fixed gems and crystals dropping nothing when mined
  • Creature damage multiplier issues fixed
  • Misc performance improvements

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-3o

  • Known Issue: Planting in multiplayer can lead to some benign animation glitches for other clients that are resolved with a restart
  • Known Issue: In multiplayer, NPCs and other players in the colony list and menus may not sync unless they are nearby or on the same planet; fix is still a work in progress
  • Fixed issue that could cause the mainframe not to generate in the underground factory
  • Fixed underground factory showing deep underground on the minimap
  • Fixed issue that prevented the player from warping to the factory from the minimap with Creative Mode on

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-3n

  • Fixed repeating exception in multiplayer related to facility activities
  • Fixed issue that could cause scene NPCs to break dropship transitions
  • Fixed issue that would cause the player to revive in place instead of respawning if they died on a different planet than their spawn
  • Fixed issue that could cause an occasional hang on respawn
  • Fixed issue that could break respawning if the player sets their spawn to a bed in a dropship
  • Fixed exception when opening the character customizer UI in the multiplayer menu
  • Clear All Saves button now clears all single player and server saves, as well as the unity PlayerPrefs
  • Fixed exception that could occur when the game tries to connect to Steam during Steam’s weekly maintenance

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-3m

  • Fixed issue with toppling plants causing exceptions for clients traveling between worlds
  • Fixed issue with underground factory blocks allowing light to pass through
  • Fixed issue that allowed the starting drop pod to crash in the underground factory
  • Several fixes to address objects/entities bleeding through Z-levels/worlds

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-3L

  • Fixed issue that would cause a full stockpile to be incorrectly selected as a haul destination if it was closer or higher priority than a stockpile with space left
  • Fixed issue that could cause the underground facility to be missing chunks upon reloading
  • Fixed issue that caused the host’s screen to go black when hosting without first entering the character customizer
  • Underground factory now only spawns on the starter planet
  • Updated headings in tabbed menu (Map, Tasks, Colony, Profiles)
  • Fixed several issues related a desync between client and player depending on the order that Z-levels are encountered
  • Fixed issue where witnessing a dropship traveling in multiplayer makes your client player travel as well
  • Fixed issue where the internal door on spaceship was launching players upwards
  • Fixed issue with NPCs from other Z-levels sometimes peeking through the world

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-3k

  • Fix issues with character customizer UI pose; certain outfits not displaying
  • Recenter startup dialog
  • Fix missing void background in Z-levels
  • Fix weird lighting when disembarking from ship

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-3j

  • It’s now possible to place foreground blueprints on top of background blueprints
  • It’s now possible to place blueprints supported by other blueprints, not only physical blocks
  • Implemented level/skill based scaling of cooking speed, crafting speed, mining speed, movement speed, shooting accuracy, hauling speed, planting speed
  • NPCs now have variance in their walk speed which prevents them from exactly mirroring each other when pathing
  • NPCs are now slightly less noticeably bad at aiming
  • Research UI now displays the status of the idle research AI
  • Misc improvements to Steam Generator UI; rebalanced burn duration for coal and hydrocarbons
  • Created new Character Editor submenu for customizing your player in SinglePlayer and Multiplayer modes. Added support for the game modes
  • Updated Galaxy view and planet shading
  • Miscellaneous character customization UI fixes
  • Fixed issue that prevented NPCs from reviving other NPCs using a medkit
  • Fixed issue that prevented dropship doors from opening in MP, requiring a reconnect to leave
  • Fixed issue where coming back to a world with a dropship would lead to invisible entities
  • Fixed issue that caused a long hauling loop when supplying generators with fuel
  • Fixed issue that caused NPCs not to deposit materials in blueprints even though they’re in range
  • Fixed display issues with the power indicator on blocks in multiplayer
  • Fixed an issue that caused certain blueprints to be built in the background after toggling FG/BG
  • Fixed an issue that allowed certain items to exist with a stack size of 0, causing ghost items that can’t be picked up
  • Fixed issue that caused slowdown while loading and playing depending on the number of humanoid models active in the world

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-3i

  • Fixed issue with clicking and dragging currency in multiplayer, causing currency to disappear
  • Certain creatures now have corpse haul frames
  • Fixed issue where the parallax would go fully black while still on the surface
  • Updated shader of the galaxy map UI
  • Dropship now has music
  • Updated art on low tech smelter, yurt, combat visor, pilot helmet, gas mask
  • Kitchen is now unlocked by default
  • Character customization UI is now available when you start a new game in Single Player, and from the Join Game dialog in Multiplayer (will be added as interstitial screen later)
  • Mining, cutting trees, planting, harvesting, healing others, shooting, crafting, hauling now grant XP
  • Specialization bar now hidden when there’s nothing to unlock for that specialization
  • Experimental multi-build/multi-haul
  • Characters are no longer all white (but they still have blue eyes!)

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-3h

  • Fixes for aforementioned known issue with respawning
  • Fix a few remaining meats being classified as ore

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-3g

  • Reduce max wander range for NPCs to 12 blocks from the reference point (less than 1 screen)
  • Misc. fixes to pathing when hauling/mining
  • Cooking, Butchering, Researching now generate XP
  • Update food item recipes/unlocks
  • Toggle All UI button is now also in the Debug Menu
  • Misc. fixes to underground facility generation
  • Fixed issue where underground facility mainframe wouldn’t work in multiplayer
  • Dropship now spawns in the hangar next to the mainframe room
  • Reduced cost of unlocking the dropship
  • Tentative fix for several issues with ghost entities relating to hauling, downed states
  • Known issue: Respawning can cause exceptions which will result in the character appearing stuck lying on the ground in the location where they died.

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-3f

  • Tentative fix for warping NPCs, ice skating NPCs, ghost NPCs
  • Fix for issues with screen wipe effect and larger resolutions
  • Fixed (actually this time) multiplayer spawns happening too close to the wall of death
  • Additional progress on XP gain mechanics and networking of stats; profile skill XP bars added
  • Temporary disabling of char editor UI
  • Fix for NPCs not using their guns when they could
  • Improvements to NPCs building from ladders and building vertically above yourself
  • Fix for repeating beeps when a colonist gets hungry

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-3e

  • Fixed long-standing issue where returning to the main menu at least once before starting or joining another game would permanently cause mouse clicks to “go through” UI buttons (order buttons, etc)
  • Research bench can now be powered to generate some research passively
  • Power generation is now accessible (Steam generator) so the research bench can be powered immediately
  • Fixed a few issues with lingering tooltips or tooltips not showing unless a tooltip from another dialog is first displayed
  • Current research can now be completed immediately through the debug menu buttons
  • WIP Character editor in game setup screen; you can select your character’s haircut and body type (Note: not functional in Multiplayer; also, skin color not functional, everyone will be white for a bit longer, sorry!)
  • Ensured the spawn is closer to the center of the map in Multiplayer
  • Fixed an issue that could cause invisible mobs or appeared to cause misreported damage/deaths from mobs not on screen
  • Fixed lingering notifications about player bleeding which could lead to confusion (Note: There is currently a known issue that may cause hunger notifications to beep; just feed your colonists properly!)

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-3d

  • Misc fixes to parallax cave biome transition
  • Misc improvements to player animation loops
  • Fixed broken animations for some katanas
  • Fixed missing icons for melee weapons
  • Restricted laser sights to certain weapons
  • Initial implementation of XP gain (WIP) with a nifty level up animation effect
  • Pets are now displayed in the colony screen (Note: Still a known issue where Weenie cannot be recruited in Multiplayer)
  • Using currency items in hotbar will stash them in your wallet
  • Vendors now generate in the world, including Hat Blackman’s Murder Emporium and Weenie’s Food Wagon
  • Added cult robes and a bunch of food items
  • You can now see the universe seed for the current game in the universe json file of your save folder, by going into the debug menu (F6, must be enabled in game setup), or by typing /getseed in the chat box
  • Temporarily disabled worm, snake, silkslug, shell pending better collision/visual effects
  • Bandages can now be crafted at the start with cloth or plant fibers, and ferns drop salve
  • Armorer is now Armory; the specialist NPC is now called Weaponsmith, and no longer has tailor workbench research as a prerequisite
  • Yurt is now available in the starting pod (Single player)
  • Added status icons above players and NPCs for bleeding, hypothermia and starvation

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-3c

  • Fixed bug that allowed certain specialist NPCs to craft recipes that are not yet unlocked
  • Fixed Unity Splash Screen

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-3b

  • Hotfix for flying creatures causing spiraling CPU usage on clients

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-3a

  • Added specializations for Chef, Tailor, Armorer NPCs
  • Fixed issue that caused NPCs to get stuck at facilities while trying to craft
  • New Death screen with death reason
  • Fixed multiple issues related to the death screen and disconnecting/reconnecting while dead in multiplayer
  • Player no longer auto-respawns from the death screen
  • Known issue: Sometimes, invisible creatures kill you.
  • Added number indicators below hotbar
  • Removed Hunt orders
  • Removed tutorial messages
  • Added a bunch of knives, katanas and melee weapons
  • Fixed issue that caused new players to spawn far from the faction spawn point
  • Updated the factory setpiece to make use of Z-doors as a proof of concept
  • Added Sludge Mushrooms to the Sludge biome

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-2e

  • Hotfix for issues with multiplayer connectivity

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-2d

  • Hotfix for issues with resuming a saved game
  • Hotfix for issues with multiplayer connectivity
  • Fixes to afflictions, downed state, problems with saving while a NPC is downed
  • Certain enemies will now cause bleeding when they hit a NPC or player
  • Added trees to the fungal biome

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-2c

  • First version with official support for multi-planet travel in multiplayer; it should now be possible to quit and rejoin the game from any planet, spaceship or tent
  • Map markers now clear between z levels.
  • Fixed currency test button: no longer gives you free money.
  • Updated Biome generation to enforce a minimum and maximum width for each biome, and prevent repeats
  • Rendered it impossible for the starter planet to be entirely covered in ice
  • Added wood drops to ice trees to enable a way to build regardless of where a player starts at. Also increased the chance for ice trees to spawn.
  • Implemented various new vegetables to different biomes
  • Updated player character graphics and outfits to new dimensions/updated design
  • Added wandering npcs to the world at the start so exploration can yield colonists immediately instead of having to wait for events
  • Additional improvements to mood, skills, specialized jobs, etc
  • Armorer Specialist NPCs now unlock pools of items for crafting: Grenadier, Techgunner, Gunner
  • New crafting recipes for several weapons
  • Research changes for power: power is unlocked by research and starts with steam power (from coal).
  • Plasteel Ingot recipe now takes longer relative to steel ingot/other ingot recipes
  • Hydrocarbon research path (any route) instead of just shale now is part of the flamethrower recipe unlock
  • Fixed bugs related to NPCs standing/walking around after death
  • NPC emote rotation upgraded with more thoughts and more critical ones showing first
  • Colonist panel always shows NPC mood and thought emotes plus expanded tooltips
  • Double click on NPC under colony label opens their profile
  • Holding E down to add materials and build blueprints will continue with any blueprints within 3 blocks of the player
  • Block break model fix in multiplayer: now random cracks wont stay permanently in the world.
  • NPC raiders in multiplayer no longer are only armed with picks and axes: they now pull from the same pool as single player weapons for raiders.
  • Fix for multiplayer research notifications and completion of research items in colony data.
  • Decreased odds of Beasts (Tigers) spawning (Rare Day Spawns)
  • Fixed idle sounds on Blue birds and Bee enemies playing only once when idle
  • New Order +10 button for Facility menus
  • New, consistent styling for Facility and Resource Outpost menus
  • Removed / changed “Facility” Search pool to better reflect furniture items and other placeables on toolbench/other facilities
  • Fix in multiplayer for facilities window staying open when the block is destroyed by some other source.
  • Changed manual crafting at facilities: now players can simply work the facility line the same as npcs do.
  • New pause menu button to save, quit, and exit the game (“Exit to DOS”)
  • Bugfix to prevent opening of facilities that have no recipes, new label indicator to show as such (“(No recipes)”)

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-2b

  • Fixed pathing issue that had a tendency to cause construction orders to stall
  • Fixed torch placement preview sprite
  • Draggable blueprints can be placed repeatedly instead of needing to be reselected
  • Ladder and platform blueprints can now be dragged
  • Reordered blueprints and categories
  • Most facilities that used to be available at the start are now gated behind research
  • Increased amount of rations found in crash wreckage
  • Increased rarity of manseal
  • Added Desert Boar to desert spawns
  • Added Petrified Forest to desert planet (WIP)
  • Updated UI of facilities to dim orders list when no order exists; also reworded buttons Add Bill / Manual Craft buttons to Place Order / Craft
  • Torches and campfires now disintegrate and drop coal after a bit over 24 hrs
  • Acid Crystals are now dropped by some surface creatures again – used to research Acid for electricity
  • You may now find Sulfur Ore which can be refined into Acid as well
  • Added a 3 day delay before Raids can start instead of just 24 hours
  • Disabled wandering out for raiders guarding an outpost

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-2a

  • Can you find the Weenie? It’s a pet dog. It’s trapped in a basement. It’s waiting for you. It’s not far from the spawn.
  • Added Igloo setpiece
  • Misc improvements to abandoned shipbuilding facility generation
  • Colonist profiles now include a specialization which reflects on their skills; Buddy is now a Best Friend instead of an Administrator
  • Added several backstories
  • Player can now craft all recipes (there are no more recipes that only NPCs can craft)
  • Added Desert Scorpion
  • Re-added Boar based on the Ice Boar
  • Re-added Silicoid
  • Added a wallet holding space credits of some kind to the inventory; these will become useful when trading with NPCs/merchants is implemented
  • Improved hitboxes/animations/behaviors of creatures: Manseal, Crabclaw, Frogish, Mole, Rockadillo, Snake, Worm, Bee, Bluebird
  • Fixed issue that caused certain setpieces to get reset/corrupted every 6-7 minutes, resulting in floating furniture and broken containers

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-1h

  • Added Desert Bunker, Ice Tower setpieces
  • Hotfix for starter planet being set to Desert instead of Ice/Tundra
  • Improved handling of enemy collision matrix to better manage which enemy types can initiate combat when they encounter each other in the wild
  • Increased likelihood of starting in plains or near plains
  • Improved hitboxes/animations of creatures: Frogish, Crabclaw, Mole, Worm, Snake, Scoon
  • Updated implementation of mood effect tooltips
  • Added hypothermia related mood effects

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-1g

  • NEW! Colonists now have moods that can be affected by a few factors, such as discomfort
  • NEW! Colonists now generate with skill levels in certain areas that can be leveled up and will affect work performance
  • NEW! Colonist profiles (F5) allow you to see more in-depth information about colonists, including backstories, traits, skills, mood and afflictions
  • NEW! Doorways to other worlds/levels are now possible. You can now find the Yurt item in some loot chests and use it as a shelter by entering through the door after placing it.
  • NEW! The “Coming Soon” screen is now gone, and the Ancient Facility will now spawn a spaceship you can use to travel to the second planet (Desert Planet). Use the cockpit to travel to another zone on the same planet, or to another planet. Everything you bring into the ship will be transported with you to the other planet.
  • Note: Interplanetary travel is still disabled/incomplete in multiplayer.
  • Note: There are two steps to get the ship; repair the facility, then spawn a dropship. Each has a material cost associated.
  • Fixed movement issues on Snake, Rockadillo
  • Fixed issue that caused generic meat to be incorrectly counted in recipes, allowing unlimited crafting
  • Reduced performance issues caused by having many torches or other heat-generating objects packed in close proximity near players and NPCs
  • Reduced performance issues related to player and NPC movement causing excessive recalculations when moving near any collider or trigger
  • Reduced performance issues caused by a bug that could cause loading cascades when attempting to look up blocks in an unloaded chunk

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-1f

  • Fixed issue that would cause cursor and crosshair to be magnified too much
  • Updated gun crosshair graphic
  • Added Desert Oasis terrain to Desert planet, plus more vegetation (Date palm, Baobab, etc)
  • Fixed issue with crabclaw corpse/butcher drops
  • Fixed issue with cave biomes interfering with the surface parallax
  • Fixed misc. issues with plant positioning and generation
  • Reduced flexibility on laser sights to prevent them from looking crooked if the aiming point is not aligned with the barrel
  • Separated new and existing biomes into Tundra Planet and Desert Planet
  • Added Rations to replace food in initial crashed droppod
  • Fixed issue that caused UI above NPCs to be flipped when carried
  • Fixed issue that caused incorrect carrying position while sliding
  • Fixed issue with weapon reload animations
  • Fixed incorrect reload time on several weapons
  • Fixed movement issues on Mole, CrabClaw and Scoon

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-1e

  • Fixed issue that caused hauling orders not to run
  • Fixed issue that caused all bullets to have splash damage

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-1d

  • New round of work on Manseal; now shows emotes and slides around
  • Experimental planet switching: F11; many technical improvements to multiple world and room support. NPCs are multi-world aware and can travel using nodes such as portals and doors in the background (Debug items only)
  • Updated post-processing to add fog that varies based on time of day and environment
  • Fog and Bloom toggles are now available in Options
  • Firearms now have laser sights with visible beams
  • Flashlights now illuminate fog
  • Improved blizzard to add thick blowing snow
  • Added Ice Boar
  • Ice decor now spawns more abundantly
  • Creature spawning has been overhauled to prevent creatures from spawning in unwanted positions or encroaching on blocks
  • Fixed various issues that could prevent the underground from getting populated with mobs as you explore
  • Mobs will no longer spawn in lit indoor areas
  • Underground spawning tables have been updated
  • Misc. fixes to worm, manseal
  • Improved glow of Frogish attack animation

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-1c

  • Updated ambient sound system
  • Guns now spawn already loaded
  • Foliage now generates in ice biome
  • Fixed issue that caused slots to have leftover ghost items after being hauled out of a facility
  • Various updates to creature death animations
  • Updated tiles; metal table, tall grass, platforms, wood panels
  • Added Manseal

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-1b

  • H can now be used to whistle once again
  • Updated tabs in Build menu
  • Separated walls into foreground and background tabs in Build menu
  • Added Power category to Build menu
  • Walls and background wall blueprints can now be placed by dragging lines and rectangles respectively (shift for freehand)
  • Colonist screen (F4) now shows thought bubbles and a glossary
  • Added Mole
  • Added sounds for door lock/unlock
  • Added Ice Biome (WIP)
  • Updated Buddy dialog lines to include more action items
  • Added Polar Gear
  • Improved previews for placing walls/backgrounds
  • Fixed issue that could cause flying creatures to remain frozen in the air
  • Fixed issues with syncing of colony events in multiplayer
  • Fixed issues with serialization of setpieces that could cause saves to break

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-1a

  • New and improved background parallax system; includes new starry sky and aurora at night, as well as scrolling clouds
  • Characters now have slightly smaller heads (GoldenEye64 Big Head Mode disabled)
  • Added ability for NPCs to check if a path is dangerous before proceeding with most jobs
  • Added ability to lock doors to NPCs by hovering with the mouse and clicking the lock icon
  • Lines in the facility crafting menu will now expand to reveal two buttons to choose between adding a work order or crafting manually
  • Adjusted resource yield of various blocks and associated recipes (Raw materials; wood, stone chunks, ores) as well as stack sizes to make the cheapest recipes better balanced
  • NPCs now roam around when idle; they will wander out of the colony during the day but head back before bed time
  • Newly recruited NPCs will automatically try to roam towards your colony’s unoccupied beds or towards your facilities until a bedroom is assigned to them
  • Jobs (F3) screen updated to include more details + legend; new checkmark icons
  • Added new Colonists (F4) screen containing at-a-glance information about your colonists
  • New creatures: Crystal Snake, Scoon, Blue Bird, Frogish, Rockadillo, Silkslug
  • Updated: Bee, Weenie (pet)
  • You can now pet the dog, also pick up the dog and have the dog hold items for you in its little backpack
  • Bullets now whizz by audibly
  • Bullets now pass through one way platforms
  • Ensured dropped item backpack uses Ctrl+Click shortcut; removed alternate Ctrl+Click functionality in dialogs that don’t have a target inventory
  • Block placement now has a limiter (about 10 blocks/second)
  • Reduced the occurrence of cave shafts near the surface
  • Added (placeholder) tooltips to various controls, including command palette buttons
  • Added debug menu function to disable Chunk updates
  • Colonists’ bed assignments are now cleared when they die
  • In Return fire mode, squad NPCs will now attack any enemy targeted by another squad NPC
  • Plasteel Wall is now unlocked by Plasteel Fabrication research
  • Fixed issue with stockpile notifications stopping after 1 minute instead of starting after 1 minute
  • Fixed issue that could break stockpiles and other facilities if they were shot with certain weapons, like lasers
  • Fixed multiple issues involving ladders and movement that involves falling onto a ladder or wall climbing from a ladder
  • Fixed issue with range check failing when NPCs try to heal others with a medkit
  • Fixed various issues with overzealous or excessive timeouts for hauling items from stockpiles
  • Fixed issue with NPCs failing to cross 1 block wide floor gaps
  • Fixed issues that could cause path tests to stockpiles to return incorrect results and cause hauling jobs not to start
  • Fixed more issues that could cause the endgame setpiece not to fully draw
  • Fixed issue that caused issues with the cursor and aspect ratio when displaying on a monitor with an aspect ratio that isn’t 16:9
  • Fixed wildlife spawners to ensure limits are tracked and respected
  • Fixed an issue that would cause saves to break when reloading

Social Media

Can’t get enough Farworld? Itching for the next colony? Try one of our communities and social media platforms!

Our Discord is our main community hub: look for people to play Farworld with there!
Discord: https://discord.gg/Asntr8e

Our other spaces are regularly updated:
Twitter: @FarworldPioneer
Developer Twitter: @igloosoftgames
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FarworldPioneers/
Subreddit: r/FarworldPioneers

Spooky Decoration Contest

please help congratulate our contests for the extra spooky scary contest! We asked entrants to build a small decorative object to be turned into an in game object!

3rd Place: Hammy with 6.71 points!

Hammy made a scary cauldron, likely cooking up a Buddy stew. The community seemed to appreciate how classic it was.

2nd Place: Steel with 6.75 points!

A blinking eye is very spooky! Unfortunately it seems to have lost points by being too specific to use widely.

1st Place: Evanaug with 9.42 points (wow!)

Evanaug had a truly impressive showing, with almost perfect 10's across the board. People loved how widely useful it could be, even beyond the spooky season. Personally I'm impressed by how well it captures the concept. Also appreciated was the full advertising style picture.

Evanaug's creation will be converted to a permanent in game object.

Social Media

Can’t get enough Farworld Pioneers? Ready for the next contest? Join our community to get involved!

Our Discord is our main community hub:
Discord: https://discord.gg/Asntr8e

Twitter: @FarworldPioneer
Developer twitter: @igloosoftgames
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FarworldPioneers/
Subreddit: r/FarworldPioneers
Official Site: https://www.farworldpioneers.com/

Survival Fest Contest Results

please join me in congratulating our contestants for this contest! Entrants were tasked with making starter bases, and the votes are in from the community.

6th Place: Edwin with 5.55 points!

The community wasn't certain what the base was, but community consensus says it was a giant metal drill. Building a base inside your mining drill would be really convenient.

5th Place: OinkOinkmooo with 5.57 points!

The best comment of the day rates this build as "cozy and flammable." Colonists sleeping on the floor without any bedding didn't win any favors with the comfort portion of our community, unfortunately.

4th Place: Magesw with 6.43 points!

The community appreciated the sturdiness of this build, and its use of renewable energy on a colony. The strong metal theming helps make it feel like a true space colony.

3rd Place: Terraminator with 6.74 points!

The community was drawn to its clear structural divisions. Keeping distinct useful areas with different entrances is a realistic take on how a player would build their starting base.

2nd Place: Dr. Defiance with 7.31 points!

The community took a liking to the creativity of a pirate themed colony, even if it's missing its sea legs. The base manages to still have the essentials a colony would need at the start.

And our 1st place winner: Rosedragon with 7.90 points!

Rosedragon's build won a lot of praise by being simple yet functional, and looking nice. It's clear what was built here, and it contains the essentials of a base with the comfort of a colony focused on its colonists satisfaction. The guard tower doubtlessly helps keep the cozy home safe.

Rosedragon gets a custom Discord role and a copy of the game when it releases!

Social Media

Can’t get enough Farworld Pioneers? Ready for the next contest? Join our community to get involved!

Our Discord is our main community hub:
Discord: https://discord.gg/Asntr8e

Survival Fest Contest Voting


During the Survival Fest we asked our Discord members to create a small starter colony base to their own creativity. Please help us decide who had the best build this round!

Vote here:


And join our Discord to see future contests!

Steam Survival Fest Finishes


Thank you for playing Farworld Pioneers during the Steam Survival Fest! The demo is sadly gone for now though and will return later this year.

Let us know what you think! We hope to release the game in early access this year so every bit of feedback helps us build you a better game.

Join our Discord to communicate with us more!