Farworld Pioneers cover
Farworld Pioneers screenshot
Genre: Real Time Strategy (RTS), Strategy, Indie

Farworld Pioneers

Next Fest Developer Stream!

Farworld Pionners is launching soon! Before we launch, we wanted to let the public join in to play a demo version. What do you think of the mix between adventuring and managing your colonists' needs?

Farworld Video Contest

Hello Pioneers! With Next Fest in full swing, we'd like to offer you all an exciting opportunity, to adventure alongside Buddy himself by having your name (or screenname) put into the game as an NPC name!

That's right, you yourself could get mauled by wildlife, obliterated by bandits, or if you're lucky, sail to the very stars themselves alongside Buddy!

So what would you need to do in order to win such a prestigious award? Very easy, just send in your best video clip of your own Farworld Pioneers gameplay, this could be anything you find interesting, funny, or exciting!

Have some footage of Buddy accidentally nuking your base (he did it by accident)? Of you and your buds defeating a raider encampment in multiplayer? Or maybe a manseal slapped you in the back of the head and sent you off to the great beyond? Send it in via the form!

So get creative, keep an eye out for any funny or explosive events in your game, send it along, and you may be the winner who gets to become a true Farworld Pioneer!

Your video should be:

- Your own work
- Ideally ten seconds or less.
- 100mb or less (please compress if somehow larger)

You have until the end of Next Fest (February 13th) to submit your video!
Please submit videos here: https://forms.gle/xaRmERGEbS355yQj7

Next Fest Developer Stream!

Farworld Pionners is launching soon! Before we launch, we wanted to let the public join in to play a demo version. What do you think of the mix between adventuring and managing your colonists' needs?

Join us during the Steam Next Fest!

Hello Pioneers,

Are you ready to yet again conquer the unknown reaches of the galaxy?

Farworld Pioneers is taking part in the Steam Next Fest!

Stranded on a faraway world, take up the challenge of surviving and thriving đŸ’Ș Scout for allies, build and manage your own colony and explore the secrets hidden deep underneath the planet's surface!

We'd also like to invite you to our Steam Next Fest live streams! Colton, our developer, will lead you through the game's demo and give his insight into the intricacy of the game's production.

Interested? Join us at the following times:

  • 7th February, 5 PM PST || 8th February, 1 AM GMT
  • 8th February, 9 AM PST || 8th February, 6 PM GMT

Curious how it would be to build your own base on a skyscraper rooftop? Try out the cozy post-apocalyptic demo of I Am Future!


Happy exploring, Pioneers!

Follow us on social media

Developer Twitter

Farworld Updates Alpha1-6d to 6h

please enjoy the current update series!

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-6h

  • Performance improvement: Reduced overhead of many NPCs checking storage quantities in their AI calculations
  • Performance improvement: Added a preload scene to preload certain prefabs that caused a long initial pause on first load
  • Performance improvement: Reduced length of pauses when the game saves
  • Weenie improvement: Weenie now unfollows after a certain distance
  • Added notification that research is inactive
  • Updated parallaxes
  • Fixed issue that would break the dropship and could prevent the travel sequence from completing in the cockpit UI
  • Fixed several issues related to sounds from another world/environment playing in the current one
  • Fixed issue that caused blueprints attached to background blocks to incorrectly report missing materials and never complete
  • Fixed issue that caused selection tool to stop working after pressing Esc + exceptions when hiding controller hints
  • Fixed item counts being hidden on items dropped in world
  • Fixed markers in minimap and arrows on sides of screen having incorrect positions
  • Fixed issue that could potentially cause players with slower computers to lose run speed if their framerate stuttered
  • Fixed issue that caused NPCs to snag on ladders if a ladder was in the way when coming out of a ledge climb
  • Fixed issue that caused a 1 block climb to be ignored by pathing if a 3 block high ledge jump could be reached from the same jumping point
  • Fixed issue that would cause NPCs to open doors of small shacks then jump on the roof to get to the other side instead of just walking through the door
  • Fixed issue that could cause NPCs to refuse to climb a 1 block high ledge if it fell on an unlucky world position, ruining streams – and lives
  • Fixed issue that prevented NPCs from jumping off certain ledges if they fell on an unlucky world position
  • Fixed various issues preventing NPCs from jumping straight down from a ladder to a platform or seeing a path down from a ladder
  • Fixed issue that prevented NPCs from jumping up from a ladder to a platform above
  • Fixed issue that prevented NPCs from jumping up from a platform to a ladder above
  • Fixed issue that prevented NPCs from jumping down from a ladder to an unconnected ladder below

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-6g

  • Updated player skin and skin color palettes
  • Updated pickaxe swing animation and smear
  • Major performance improvement: Prevented constant recalculation of static UI layout when camera moves
  • Major performance improvement: Moved terrain mesh generation to worker threads
  • Major performance improvement: Temporarily deactivate NPCs (raiders, etc) that are far from any players
  • Reduced overhead of NPC door block detection when many NPCs are active
  • Reduced performance impact of many NPCs searching for nearby corpses (butchering)
  • Improved performance of grounding checks on humanoid entities
  • Fixed ballooning CPU usage in the late game on server when sorting chunks for update as players and NPCs become more numerous
  • Fixed issue that could cause the dropship or traveling players to despawn unexpectedly

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-6f

  • Updated stone textures
  • Fixed issues with drill use for NPCs due to incorrect range checking
  • Added moving stars backdrop animation for ship travel
  • Fixed issue with display of landing pad construction progress in multiplayer
  • Lowered hostile spawn rates
  • Fixed issues with dropship travel transitions sometimes leading to hangs or disappearing dropship entities

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-6e

  • The “A Way Out?” research now shows a minimap quest marker that pinpoints the factory
  • Updated Dirt and Granite to new connected texture format
  • Updated fonts in various dialogs
  • Updated seed and fertilizer icons
  • Underground Factory boss now plays an activation sound
  • Circuit boards are now faster to craft and slightly cheaper, plus have double the yield when crafting
  • Added Telescope (furniture)
  • Tutorial is now hidden while other UI is open
  • Reduced crafting time on Simple Meal
  • Build skill is now correctly accounted for when building the dropship
  • Up to 3 NPCs can now work on a landing pad at the same time instead of 1
  • Pickaxes will no longer target Z-doors
  • Fixed Bloom and Fog not being enabled by default when users first start the game
  • Fixed issues with cleanup of parachute and rocket boots in multiplayer
  • Fixed incorrect pistol fire rate
  • Fixed issue that caused mining/construction orders to be cleared if new orders were dragged on top of them
  • Fixed issue that caused construction sites to disappear
  • Fixed issue that prevented dropship from being built
  • Fixed an issue with the accumulation of building materials on the landing pad
  • Fixed several issues related to holding entities in dropships
  • Fixed dropship sometimes deleting itself on the server in multiplayer

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-6d

  • Fixed issue that allowed users with a non-English OS to see unfinished translations

Social Media

Can’t get enough Farworld? Itching for the next colony? Try one of our communities and social media platforms!

Our Discord is our main community hub: look for people to play Farworld with there!
Discord: https://discord.gg/Asntr8e

Our other spaces are regularly updated:
Twitter: @FarworldPioneer
Developer Twitter: @igloosoftgames
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FarworldPioneers/
Subreddit: r/FarworldPioneers

Question and Answer session

Hello Pioneers!

We're going to hold a short question and answer session on January 26th around 6-7pm US EST

Please submit some questions you're dying to find out about here! We'll do our best to answer as many appropriate questions as possible. The Q&A will be live on our Discord and we'll release the answers separately afterwards.


Play the demo during STEAM BASE BUILDER FEST!

Hello Pioneers,

The Steam Base Builder Fest has begun and we’d like to invite you to build a base of your own in our latest demo!

Join the Farworld Pioneers community on the interplanetary travels filled with adventure, monster hunting and a looooot of crafting. Try to survive the harsh alien conditions all by your lonesome or join up with a crew in the multiplayer mode. The world is yours to explore!

As always, we’re eager to hear your feedback and suggestions to help us polish the game before release đŸ’Ș

Don’t forget to join our Discord, where you can easily submit bug reports and connect with the Igloosoft team:


Happy exploring!

Follow us on social media

Developer Twitter

Farworld Updates Alpha1-5a to 6c


Come try out our recent set of January-ish updates!

And try out the Demo until January 30th right now

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-6c

  • Fixed issue that caused excessive network and memory usage in multiplayer as more players joined a game

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-6b

  • Demo build only – this build is for the next public Steam demo of the game; some features, such as space travel, are disabled
  • Replaced placeholder graphic for F1 button
  • Replaced placeholder UI and fixed gamepad navigation + blank square button hints in Lobby / Game Setup dialog
  • Ammo balance change: Recipe yields 100 instead of 1000
  • Added saltpeter and niter for ammo crafting
  • Fixed corpse looting dialog not sending stacks to your inventory when Ctrl+Clicking
  • Fixed gamepad cursor and block descriptions showing when Toggle All UI button is pressed
  • Fixed F1 button showing when UI is disabled in trailer mode
  • Fixed F1 button flashing while tutorial is shown
  • Fixed Buddypedia text not updating when the player locates the facility during the main quest
  • Fixed Bat, Boar sprite issues
  • Fixed issue with Clear All Save Data button not refreshing save file lists, allowing players to launch save files that no longer exist, causing an infinite loading screen
  • Fixed Next arrow offset in Multiplayer Host menu
  • Fixed issue that could break Resume Last Game in Multiplayer > Host Game menu and cause an infinite loading screen
  • Fixed issue that could cause character creator interface to be skipped when connecting to a game

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-6a

  • Demo build only – this build is for the next public Steam demo of the game; some features, such as space travel, are disabled
  • Updated Game Setup / Lobby Dialog to be in two steps: World Setup, followed by Character Customization
  • Multiplayer Character Customization now available in lobby
  • Improved parallax height calculation to reduce wild offsets from the baseline
  • Tweaked altitude of subsurface sounds
  • Added various furniture (armchairs, couches, seats, desks, dressers, shelves
  • Added various food (fried vegetables, fried fish, fish and chips, honey)
  • Updated gamepad support; now extended to facility/inventory dialogs
  • Updated temperature scaling below ground to prevent extreme/non-viable temperatures at depth
  • Added visible F1 button on hud that flashes when Buddypedia has new information available
  • Buddypedia “Objectives” section hidden in demo (displayed the same objective throughout)
  • Buddypedia advice now explicitly instructs you to build the Research Bench
  • Added confirmation prompt before clearing all saves in Options
  • Turret now becomes researchable after unlocking Advanced Gunsmithing (instead of Heavy Ordnance)
  • Removed formal rules from mining drill; the drill bit can now be oriented in any direction. Also improved handling of range and improved visuals when drilling a block larger than 1x1.
  • Custom block breaking sounds now play on clients
  • Pressing tab in succession now switches between Blueprint menu and the Order list if either one is already open
  • Fixed file access issues that could cause hangs when traveling or entering a door
  • Fixed issue that caused hangs or graphical glitches when hauling objects between Z-levels
  • Fixed issue that could cause characters to remain downed forever or to spawn incorrectly downed when traveling
  • Fixed issue that prevented pistols/carbines from spawning in underground factory loot
  • Fixed chainlink fence not letting light through
  • Fixed issues with the mining drill sound not attenuating and not stopping when players move out of range
  • Fixed issues that could prevent certain looping sounds from ever stopping, such as ladder sliding sounds
  • Fixed issue that could cause NPCs to drift past the valid position for a mining order and fail to fulfill it
  • Fixed issue that could cause NPCs not to fulfill a mining/chopping order after reaching the destination
  • Fixed issue that could cause interior scenes such as the underground factory to break after reloading the game
  • Fixed looping fuse sound issue on flare and dynamite items
  • Fixed issue that prevented throwable items like grenades and flares from disappearing after closing and restoring the game
  • Fixed issue that caused sliding to interrupt reloading
  • Fixed issue that prevented task descriptions from showing when a NPC is selected in multiplayer

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-5i

  • Spacesuit added (accessible thru debug)
  • Changed buddy text color to golden
  • Slight improvements to parallax height calculations depending on altitude changes
  • F1 is now shown in the tabbed menu
  • Ensured that gamepad input does not override trailer controls
  • Hid cursor and selection info when UI is toggled off by trailer controls
  • Fixed issue that could cause certain items not to be hauled, and certain build orders not to be constructed, if they’re within hauling range but not within loading range
  • Fixed issue with yurt placement sending “Cannot place here” messages to everyone instead of just the client player placing it
  • Fixed bluebird glowmap being offset
  • Fixed hydrocarbons showing up in the butcher table
  • Fixed issue that allowed tutorial highlights to stay if they were displayed when the tutorial is dismissed
  • Fixed bats going invisible when killed instead of leaving a corpse
  • Fixed hauling offsets for scoon, snake, ice boar, manseal
  • Fixed font size on several UI elements

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-5h

  • Updated Steam Generator art
  • Campfire can now be crafted at the workbench
  • Improved pistol range
  • Removed annoying gravel from factory outdoor area
  • Updated tutorial to make you both build walls with blueprints and craft torches
  • Buddypedia now has an entry on crafting
  • Combat Bolt Action Rifle added
  • Miscellaneous weenie improvements; restored Weenie’s follow behavior
  • Recipe lines no longer need to be popped out to reveal “Add Bill” – bill gets added immediately
  • Significant updates to basic Bluebird behavior/animation – WIP of new AI
  • Player crafting at facilities will now also pull materials from the player inventory
  • Re-enabled mood display on colonist UIs (Note: may not sync fully across network for off-screen characters)
  • Block coordinates are no longer shown when using the select tool on a block unless Debug is enabled
  • Flashlight now has a slightly longer range
  • Potatoes are now slower to grow and yield less
  • Improved consistency of light strength on fire and electricity based lights
  • NPCs will now attempt to jump and swing if they hold a melee weapon and their current combat target is flying or elevated
  • Updated gamepad navigation in Title screen Single Player menu and in-game Quit menu
  • Bees have been temporarily removed
  • Added a safeguard to prevent too many mobs of the same type from generating in the same area
  • Made friendly birds (chicken, cockatoo, duck) fly lower
  • Fixed issues with incorrect scaling and jitter on the tutorial button highlighter
  • Fixed issue that caused power indicators to linger after using the blueprint menu
  • Fixed issue that caused jump inputs to register every frame, sometimes causing a super jump; most noticeable on computers with high refresh rate monitors
  • Fixed an issue with lighting that would prevent lights from attenuating with distance; increased range of lights as well
  • Fixed an issue that could cause certain plants to disappear partially in multiplayer, leading to glitches
  • Fixed issues that could prevent certain trees from generating (ice trees, etc)
  • Fixed issue that could cause certain plants to hang over a ledge incorrectly, supported mostly by air instead of dirt
  • Fixed issue that could cause display errors with different equippable tools when players transition between zones/planets
  • Fixed issue that caused NPCs to sometimes lock up and wait for a few seconds after completing an order
  • Fixed issue that could cause an order deadlock when a stockpile is full
  • Fixed issue that allowed a failed haul to give the NPC experience
  • Fixed issue that could cause loading errors when restoring a game specifically from the Load Game screen (not the “Resume last game” button)
  • Fixed issue that could potentially cause hauled corpses to disappear or fall out of players’ hands while walking around

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-5g

  • 10 ores now yield 1 ingot again
  • Increased bluebird speed slightly
  • Fixed issue that prevented the research tree from showing in Multiplayer even after constructing the research bench

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-5e

  • Fixed issues with backwards flying birds
  • Fixed igloo setpiece getting cut off

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-5e

  • DEMO Build available on Steam in “Demo” beta branch; other branches have “Full” versions with demo restrictions removed
  • Updated buddypedia demo text
  • Lowered construction times on walls
  • Reduced delay between deposits when hauling materials to structures
  • NPCs will now react faster to work becoming available nearby
  • Updated bee sprite sheet
  • Disabled combat music
  • Various adjustments to parallax
  • Tutorial now has a Next button shown
  • Tutorial button highlight is now gold and more obvious
  • Skill name is now shown in the level up animation
  • Tutorial now makes sounds
  • Polished various icons and UI elements
  • First raid will be conducted by a single raider wielding a melee weapon
  • Updated raid ramp up to draw from different tiered raider pools
  • Tutorial will now enable Peaceful Mode on start and disable it if dismissed or completed
  • Ensure tiered stone is classified as a Mineral
  • Fixed issue that caused underground ambient sounds to play at low altitudes
  • Fixed tutorial checkboxes starting out checked if you already completed similar steps in a previous part of the tutorial
  • Fixed issue that caused certain raiders with some of the newer jobs (Horticulturist) to generate with no weapon
  • Fixed Satellite Tower setpiece generation issues
  • Fixed disappearing doors, lights and chests in the multi-level shacks on either side of certain setpieces

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-5d

  • DEMO Build available on Steam in “Demo” beta branch; other branches have “Full” versions with demo restrictions removed
  • Single Player New Game button now takes you to the game directly; wrench button takes you to the old game setup / character editor screen (to be updated)
  • Updated Buddypedia music
  • Updated mystery display and lines in research tree
  • Spawns are now actively blocked by the tutorial
  • Spawn tables have been adjusted so that no hostiles spawn during the day
  • Added “Coming Soon” to some research items
  • Tundra is now extremely mild all year long
  • Increased forbidden area around player spawn to prevent raiders from attacking
  • Research tree now warns when the Research Bench is not constructed
  • All research is now shown in the tree in creative mode
  • Pause menu now has a Peaceful Mode toggle
  • Added cooldown for H key in multiplayer
  • Users now have access to the /die and /reset commands in multiplayer
  • Fixed issues with player arms sometimes not visually holding the hauled item overhead
  • Fixed issue that would cause players to respawn without clothes in multiplayer
  • Fixed issue that prevented light from coming in through holes in the background when surface was generated very low
  • Fixed issue that caused the incorrect name to be shown for recipes with an alternate display name

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-5c

  • Added Parka to outfits
  • “Pistol” can now be crafted; it’s a simple pistol called Pistol, not a Revolver
  • All exclusive spacing around facility and furniture blueprints (red highlight) has been removed so they can be placed directly next to each other once again
  • Trapdoors can now be chained horizontally and will open together when activated
  • Chemistry Lab and Refinery are now unlocked by separate research items
  • Added more variability to starter equipment for raiders
  • Research panel now has a Complete Now button in Creative Mode when a research is active
  • Reorganized blueprint menu: Consolidated Decor and Storage categories into Furniture; moved Resource Stockpile to facilities, moved Radiator out of Structures into Furniture
  • Power Generation research removed
  • Fixed issue that caused skin and hair not to get specified on raiders or on players if not specified in the character editor
  • Fixed issue that could cause the factory dungeon not to save if you left or quit the game too early after entering
  • Fixed issue that prevented the landing pad from being activated by the player and depositing materials with E after starting the project

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-5b

  • Experimental Peaceful Mode (accessible through Debug Menu only for now) – this will pacify enemies, stop raids from happening, make you immune to cold weather
  • Tutorial now highlights on-screen buttons for the current hint
  • Improved buddypedia; Buddy eyes follow cursor; fixed punctuation and resolution issues
  • Boss now respawns every ~27 minutes
  • Various improvements to BlueBird animations
  • Improve parallax getting misaligned depending on spawning position (WIP - still needs art update to hide horizontal seam)
  • Boss damage is now scaled based on the number of players present
  • Boss may drop more than one superconductor if several players are present
  • Updated the landing pad construction stages to include crates for building materials
  • Creative mode will now heal you and suppress frostbite and hunger for the player
  • Enable Take All with E on chests
  • Removed all double barrel shotguns from raiders; replaced with weaker guns
  • Droppod now tills the dirt when it crashes
  • Adjusted range/speed of shotgun and revolver projectiles
  • Creative mode pickaxe now mines enemy blocks instead of damaging them normally
  • Hydrocarbons research is now called “Fuel”
  • Increased luminosity on flashlight
  • Flying creatures like bee, bluebird and bat will now stop pursuing and disengage targets when out of range
  • Hostile entities are now generally less aggressive unless provoked
  • Bluebird no longer harms players on touch
  • Bee will now wander during the day but patrol and attack during the night
  • Fixed setpieces getting dug into the ground by 1 block
  • Fixed issue with underground factory becoming mangled after resuming a game
  • Fixed issue that caused the game not to load if you resume it before visiting the underground factory
  • Fixed issue that caused foragers to come back from the dead as invincible ferrets
  • Fixed issue that caused beam weapon effects to be visible outside the room/world they reside in
  • Fixed instance where the factory would not generate due to player start generating too close to the edge of the world
  • Fixed tool impact particle flickering
  • Tentative fix for “Quit to DOS” causing savefile corruption
  • Misc font fixes (crafting tooltips, etc)
  • Fixed issue that prevented blueprints like walls from being dragged when placing
  • Fixed pickaxe targeting air blocks in Creative mode
  • Fixed issue that caused gap fillers under setpieces to redraw several times
  • Fixed issue that could cause the cave entrances to get their top lopped off
  • Fixed issue that caused certain containers (military chests, etc) not to fill with loot
  • Fixed issues that would cause the Barracks setpiece to get cut off, lack NPCs and lack loot
  • Fixed issue that made players aim the guns at themselves when they have a menu open
  • Fixed issue that caused impact particles to be unlit and to by systematically white
  • Fixed issue that caused impact particles to use only one palette color
  • Fixed issue that hanged the main menu if you tried to Continue a game from the Load screen
  • Fixed issue that caused the boss music to play as the main track for the dungeon
  • Fixed issue that caused Bluebird to sit above the ground
  • Fixed bluebird glowmap showing stray blue pixels
  • Fixed issue that could cause block entities to break at world generation if they generated in the same area as a growing plant
  • Fixed issue that could cause chests to fail to fill up with loot in rare cases

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-5a

  • Added experimental controller support (No rebind/explanation dialog yet)
  • Vastly improved performance of terrain lighting
  • F1 Menu is now Buddypedia – see for advice, objectives, lore
  • Tutorial (single player) now has prompts that react to player actions
  • Clearing the boss in the underground factory should now give you access to spaceflight research, the launchpad and dropship construction
  • Updates to Bluebird animation (WIP); fixed issues with Bluebird sitting in the air
  • Various performance improvements
  • Fixed dirt in the background rendering extremely dark
  • Fixed tilled dirt not matching the color of the dirt block
  • Fixed various dirt/grass generation glitches
  • Fixed issue that caused setpieces to be more scarce than expected

Social Media

Can’t get enough Farworld? Itching for the next colony? Try one of our communities and social media platforms!

Our Discord is our main community hub: look for people to play Farworld with there!
Discord: https://discord.gg/Asntr8e

Our other spaces are regularly updated:
Twitter: @FarworldPioneer
Developer Twitter: @igloosoftgames
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FarworldPioneers/
Subreddit: r/FarworldPioneers

Demo Update!

Hello pioneers!

Everyone can now play Farworld as a demo version until the build fest ends on Steam. Check it out.

This demo will end January 30th

Chat with us in the forums or our discord page and tell us what you think: https://discord.gg/Asntr8e

Farworld Updates Alpha1-4c to 4i

Welcome Pioneers! Please enjoy this wild December update

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-4i

  • Hotfix for broken creature corpse graphics
  • Minor text adjustments
  • Update landing pad construction cost

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-4h

  • Performance improvements to world generation
  • Updated Cave Entrance to include a mound, tunnels and a chest with spelunking equipment
  • Reduced delay when dropping off multiple resources at a construction site
  • Increased base temperature of starter planet to be 15 degrees warmer on average, but still cold
  • Take All and Ctrl+Click on a currency object will now put it directly into your wallet
  • Added artisan bench and recipes for necklaces, rings, earrings, sculptures
  • Dropship is now manufactured using the landing pad, which requires clearing the underground factory + research
  • Fixed issue with parallax and ambient track displaying/triggering incorrectly depending on elevation
  • Fixed ambience not triggering inside dungeons and rooms
  • Fixed extremely loud sound when dragging a line or rectangle to draw multiple blueprints
  • Fixed misc issues with syncing entity data that could result in outdated/inaccurate information on colonist displays
  • Fixed issue with dropship landing resulting in some missing entities/blocks
  • Fixed issue that could cause dropship to land in the ground or too high in the air
  • Fixed issue that could result in doors/blocks disappearing in the underground factory
  • Fixed issue that prevented bats and bat hives from spawning in caves underground

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-4g

  • Fixed issue that could break saved games upon resuming if you haven’t visited the underground facility yet
  • Boss now drops Superconductor for Tesla gun research
  • Fixed tutorial box blocking clicks after closing
  • Hide Port box from hosting dialog
  • Fixed issue that could cause the spawn point to fall outside of Tundra on some seeds
  • Fixed issue that could cause the spawn to overlap with outposts
  • Fixed issue that could cause the underground factory to generate over the spawn
  • Fixed issue that could cause large setpieces like the underground factory to hang over the side of a cliff
  • Fixed issue that prevented some cave entrance tunnels from reaching the surface
  • Main colony now spawns in Tundra in multiplayer as well
  • Fixed issue that caused old hardcoded forbidden areas to knock out setpieces in the new world gen

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-4f


  • nown issue: Resuming a saved game may break the underground facility
  • Fix issue that caused exceptions/black screen after traveling to another planet
  • Plasteel only generates on the desert planet
  • Small adjustments to prevent dropship from appearing underground after traveling
  • Fix planet name showing question mark in dropdown
  • Added tutorial box when first starting a single player game
  • Fixed issue with firearms producing multiple shots on screen in multiplayer

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-4e

  • Miscellaneous changes to world generation; cave entrances are now featured on the minimap, world is overall flatter for now
  • Spawn is now guaranteed in the tundra biome
  • Additional updates to the Underground Factory; boss now supports multiplayer; mobs added; loot added; boss drops a data disk
  • Fixed issue with lighting in the underground factory dimming everything
  • Fixed issue with high CPU usage in the underground factory due to lighting
  • Misc improvements to research tree UI
  • The location of abundant iron ore deposits has been moved deeper, towards underground Tier 1
  • Gold is now found a bit more commonly near the surface
  • Fixed issue that could cause player to get stuck respawning in multiplayer
  • Fixed issue with projectiles shot inside an indoor space by NPCs would show outdoors in single player
  • Fixed issue with hunger bar no longer updating
  • Added new debug command /teleport {coord1:x} {coord2:y (optional)}

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-4d

  • Tesla guns are now in the research tree (Superconductor mystery item)
  • Underground Factory updated; boss animation, etc
  • Fixed issues with squad display icons for off-screen NPCs
  • Squad icons are now homogenized to show if the NPC is in the player’s squad in most dialogs

Farworld Pioneers Alpha1-4c

  • Removed Supply Kits from Multiplayer
  • Visual Research Tree (F6) now available
  • Debug Menu moved back to F7
  • Fixed issue that prevented hostile mobs from spawning
  • Underground Factory now has a small door to enter an indoor dungeon with a boss at the end; clear the boss to unlock a door to the console and build the dropship
  • Raids now start on the first day again and are spaced out 2-3 days after that
  • Fixed issue with block entities/facilities becoming invisible or impossible to activate after a recent attempted optimization
  • Dungeons and Z-Rooms now have lighting
  • Improved Tiger hitbox and fight behaviors; will attack blocks
  • Hostile mobs will no longer spawn in lit areas on the surface
  • Fixed issue where tilling dirt at a planting spot would cause NPCs or players to get stuck holding a hoe above their head in multiplayer
  • Planet selector in colony menus now shows number of colonists at each planet
  • Fixed issue with Colony display on HUD that would cause dead NPCs to remain shown with an endlessly repeating fade-out animation
  • NPCs in other players’ squads are no longer filtered out of the Colony display
  • Fixed issue with Generator UI in multiplayer showing missing or outdated information until you first interact with the inventory pane
  • It’s now possible to banish NPCs remotely from another planet
  • Fixed issue that would cause NPCs to have the wrong name color when recruited/banished off-screen
  • Colony/Raid events will not happen on a planet if no client players are present

Social Media

Can’t get enough Farworld? Itching for the next colony? Try one of our communities and social media platforms!

Our Discord is our main community hub: look for people to play Farworld with there!
Discord: https://discord.gg/Asntr8e

Our other spaces are regularly updated:
Twitter: @FarworldPioneer
Developer Twitter: @igloosoftgames
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FarworldPioneers/
Subreddit: r/FarworldPioneers