NEW Creature - Black-tip shark We've spent so much time in aquariums with these guys, even made special eggs for them. Just to realize that they're viviparous. :D :D :D damn..
NEW Creature - Tuna - they're too strong
Survival UNLOCKED - Goliath One of our personal favorite fish. The ultimate satisfaction of swallowing fish alive. Yeah, we know it's not too much. But we've much more in behind the scenes, testing the content right now, it should be up really soon.
Other changes
Biboses make sounds now. We really like it, but aren't sure if you do so... in case you'd like this removed let us know. :() so do crabs, ichthyes and so on
[Survival mode] Being bigger than usual decreases your desire for hunger now.
Bug fixes
So many we can not even remember them all.
Other than that ^ - Fixed a bug when other fish swallowed a gold fish would give you +5 points.
We would like to thank all of you guys for your patience, we've been doing a lot of work on further updates.
As always, looking forward to next update!
Update 0.8.4 - Cuttlefish
Survival mode / Great Map
UNLOCKED - Cuttlefish
NEW Creature - Chambered Nautilus
They still need a little more work on their AI extension, since they swim backwards making it difficult for them to position themselves around food to feast on.
Other changes
Unlocked new map area behind the ruins.
Increased amount of light in middle deep areas.
Creatures should now spawn more evenly, not in big groups.
Optimized average vertices being rendered on screen in Great Map from 500k to 350k.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug - clients did not gain coins in multiplayer.
Fixed a bug that caused cuttlefish to flick colors even when not hypnotizing.
Fixed a bug - cuttlefish ink did not work properly.
looking forward to next update!
Update 0.8.3 - Sea turtles & Ichthyosaurus
Survival mode / Great Map
UNLOCKED - Sea turtles
UNLOCKED - Ichthyosaurus
Other major changes
Removed Lv. 15 cap.
Increased overall fish amount in Great Map to 2.5x from 1.3x.
Added need to breathe oxygen for reptiles.
Added an ( "2 / 3" ) kind of indicator of adult level when playing as baby.
AI now eats free food even if not very hungry.
Hunger speed has been once again reduced to 50%.
Your babies now eat any kind of food you bite in front of them. This way you can force them to grow faster.
Added new predator - Cuttlefish - it hypnoses it's prey and releases ink when threatened.
We've pushed the W.I.P. walls a bit revealing new drown ruins area.
Optimized texture memory in Great Map 980MB allocation has been reduced to +- 350MB. This also reduced size on disc from 1.0GB to 868MB despite new content has been added.
Optimized CPU and GPU performance in Great Map by culling out / disabling very distant simulation. This should boost up your FPS by additional +30% up to 60%. You may notice stacks of fish in early game that haven't been simulated yet. We'll fix that later.
Bug fixes
Fixed crashing when hosting a server.
Thanks for your patience.
We're looking forward to do more updates!
Update 0.8.2 - Anglerfish & Mahi mahi
Patch notes
Two new species are now playable in survival mode, Anglerfish and Mahi mahi.
Both have custom babies models, textures and animations.
- Especially baby mahi looks like a Milhouse for some reason.
Sea turtles and their babies have been added into Great map, currently they spawn in water on the beach - this will be fixed soon.
Jellyfish now deal damage on touch to anything that is not armored.
( for example crabs, turtles or browurags won't get sting )
Added an indicator of how many babies you have left with new ability(Q) to tell your own babies "Stay here" or "Follow me".
Amount of max eggs now depends on fish base size - smaller species have more eggs than big ones. ( It's just a temporary solution for now )
Hunger has been slowed down, and for very large fish even more.
In Survival mode, AI adult fish have chance to spawn with level range of (1-15) instead of a constant (7).
Ichtyosaurus now prefers to hunt near water level.
Increased jellyfish amount.
Increased overall fish amount in great map to 130% from 100%.
Increased overall food amount in great map to 750x from 500x.
Adjusted appetite for small fish to eat more. Also a proffered food has been set: coral babies prefer plancton, anglerfish babies spores and Mahi mahi babies prefer meat.
Graphics & Optimization
Optimized and improved terrain rendering in both far and near distance.
Optimized grass and sea weed rendering.
Added new tiny shells as terrain details in Great map.
Adjusted bloom sampling distance so no flickering happens around Anglerfish bait.
Fixed a bug that gave an ability to mate while already being pregnant.
Reduced amount of hearths that go off while mating.
(Hot-bugfix Aug 8, 2017) - fixed disabled growing in Deathmatch mode.
To do list:
Anglerfish should be able to see way better in depth and get overwhelmed by sun near water surface.
Ichtyosaurus, Sea turtles and Mosasaurus should be able to walk on land to lay eggs.
Mushrooms should light without using Global Illumination.
More diverse food chain in deeper waters.
Known bugs:
Anglerfish sometimes take on cannibalism when too hungry and devour their own kind, we might keep this if it won't be too much game breaking.
Small predators, like Bibos, that can't swallow jellyfish whole bite them and end up dying.
Weird bug - sometimes adult fish join you, like if they were your babies refusing to go on
Thank you for your patience.
Stay tuned.
Great Map | Survival mode
Ooh the update...
We've been trying so hard to fulfill the Feed & Grow: Fish potential so we have became obsessed with the non-perfection. That has grown into such a scale, when we just could not push out an update. Each in-development commit has became overplayed in between us over dozens of hours. We've seen errors and bugs everywhere, no matter what it was.
It seemed non-perfect...
Everything could be improved in so many ways... Yet in the meantime we've realized that the game is meant to be enjoyed by both players and developers. srsly sry...
Finally the Update
In survival mode you spawn as an egg, hatch, fight your hunger, escape predators, survive, grow up, reproduce, Then take care of your young. As we don't want to make reproduction among all creatures generic and repetitive. Yet we want your feedback during the whole development. We've decided to complete the survival mode update by update.
In this first update you can play as 3 small coral fish species which have (Non-Gender -> kek) reproduction completed, other bigger / more complicated species will be implemented with upcoming updates.
This mode uses different in-game point system that does not reset to 0 when you close the game. You gain points by reaching maturity (lvl3) and by growing your offspring into maturity without dying.
Note* The more expensive your species are, the more points you gain.
Feed and Grow!
Make love!
Lay eggs!
Have babies!!
In the end As always we're looking forward.
- Click on it!
Progress on the new big map
Hi guys, as you know in previous patch notes we've stated that a part of the upcoming large scale map should be up in July. We're afraid that this date might not be so perfect for a patch, as the map optimization in this state is not perfect yet. The seamless blend in between different ecosystems carries way too much texture loading and unloading stress. Optimizations need to be applied a little bit later to avoid unpleasant bugs.
Anyway we would like to show you first bit of the new content!
Yellow Longnose Butterflyfish
Mahi Mahi
And more
While at the bottom depth of the update preview an Angler fish awaits. :D
Thank you for your patience.
Stay tuned.
Snakehead - Patch notes 0.7.10
This new cool looking predator hunts in Swamp map. He comes from your suggestions discussions in the Steam community. So thanks for pointing out this cool looking fish!
*Note: We always read the discussions but not every creature idea fits the engine, controls and rendering pipeline but we'll do our best to add them all into the game!
With this one we're learning and testing new techniques to better texture & animate creatures for the future. Unlike other fish who only slowly turn their chests and drag tails behind, the Snakehead also turns his head resulting in way smoother and nicer looking movement. If no critical performance errors will happen we may use this reanimation technique on other fish that suffer from turning such as Barracuda or Nilin.
Currently the Snakehead has only a basic passive ability derived from sharks, as we couldn't come up yet with anything better fitting him.
--- That's why we ask you to suggest an better fitting ideas for abilities, please post them into comment section below.
Other changes
Swamp Lurker - the turtle - has received a complete visual rework as well as some AI & Controls changes, so he no longer gets stuck in the caves spinning around like crazy. Active [ Hide in shell ] no longer makes the turtle invincible, but rather reduces damage taken to 20%. Additionally his price, size, health and damage stats have been normalized down a bit.
Mamaka - the puffer fish - fixed a bug with passive & active abilities when they did not deal damage if they destroyed something before.
Raptor - AI count has been increased to 30 from 10
Ubur - AI count has been increased to 30 from 15
Catfish - Has received new animation post processing ( same as the Snakehead ) - so it no longer moves like a wooden stick, devouring capacity has been also increased.
Diava - AI count has been decreased to 20 from 25, Spawn size has been reduced.
Wachuma - AI count has been increased to 30 from 20, Spawn size and growth speed have been adjusted.
Swamp map - added new rocks to fill in some weird flat places on terrain.
Swamp map - added new soft mushroom food so tiny raptors can fulfill their bellies.
Partial controller support
We've added new tab to view button mapping for Xbox One controller as many people were asking for it. The current implementation should work just fine for gameplay with re-spawning, however to change fish or map you'll need to use mouse.
The current mapping is fixed ( cannot be changed ) but not final we're looking for advises from more experienced controller players to help us finish the default one.
What's coming up next?
As you guys often requested we've started working on a new really large map that will be 16 times bigger than ocean map and deep as ocean map is wide. We're really excited about this as it will let us add way bigger creatures and cool new ecosystems. It will take us really a lot of time to create such a giant map, but the first playable version should be up in early June.
And that's all for now,
Thanks a lot for your support!
Patch 0.7.9
New trailer
We've added new trailer that should better represent the game in current state while keeping the old one to show the progress over last year. Check it out!
Spectator mode
To record the trailer we've used spectate mode, but we had to make few changes just to adjust few camera and rendering options. During recording we found out that it could be pretty interesting and fun options for you guys. So now you can slow down time, turn off UI and tone up focus.
To adjust the spectator press:
[ F1 & ( + / - ) ] to slow down or speed up time ( won't work in multiplayer mode )
[ F2 & ( + / - ) ] to pull in or push away focal point - this is most noticeable while keeping aperture high ( 15.0+ )
[ F3 & ( + / - ) ] to increase or decrease aperture - this makes the focal point sharper and everything else way more blurry.
[ F12 ] to turn on/off all overlaying interface - this should be pretty useful in making screenshots and video clips.
New puffer fish - Mamaka
This new cute and funny species are still in development and testing phase, hopefully we won't face any game breaking bugs. They are poisonous, and it's suggested to better stay away when they're inflated.
Thank you guys for all your support! We're looking forward to release next update!
No update today - April fools
Pirate Crab Adventure
Raid, pillage, plunder, and otherwise pilfer your weaselly black guts out.
Find lost pirate gold coins and return them into treasure chest located at shipwreck. Drink, unlock pirate gear and Mantis shrimp on the way!
small patch v0.7.7 - reduced knockout effect on mantis shrimp hitting food