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Genre: Role-playing (RPG), Adventure

Fractured Online

Patch b.2.1 - VIP, Skins & More

Hi, fellow gamer and MMO enthustiast!

This patch is a follow-up to The Invasion, which was released over a month ago. It contains more content than what was covered in the video back then, so read below for all the details!

Please note that most Founder Pack rewards are avaialble, but not all - for instance, house blueprints and pet companions are still in the making. We're going to release another post with more details on when to expect those soon.


In patch b.2.1, VIP membership can finally be purchased on the website (or in game in exchange for Dynamight Token), and activated in game!

As you know, VIP also comes with Founder Packs. If you've bought (or if you're going to buy) a Founder Pack, a button will appear in the store UI to activate its VIP time.

Please note that if you purchase a Founder Pack while logged into the game, you should relog to see your VIP time, tokens and other perks correctly assigned.

Token Exchange

In the Token Exchange, you can trade Dynamight Tokens (premium currency) for Gold (game currency), and vice-versa. You can choose whether to create a buy/sell order for the price you like, or immediately buy/sell for the best price available.

As both skins and VIP can be bought for Dynamight Tokens, the Token Exchange allows all players to get all the premium content of Fractured Online.

Please note: each trade is always performed filling the buy/sell others of other players. If you're selling your Tokens for Gold, it's because another player put its own Gold on sale. No game currency is ever introduced into the game economy by the Token Exchange!

Mount Skins

The craziest mount skins are finally live: open the Appearance menu, and give your mount a unique look!

Like all cosmetics, skins are account-bound. This means that once purchased, they are available on all characters, in all servers!

Armor Recolor

Not fancying the standard colors of your armor? A whole new palette is but a click away!

When purchasing and activating an Armor Recolor, the selected color combination will apply to all the pieces of armor you wear. The selection menu allows you to get a preview of how all the armor sets are going to look like! To disable it, just click on the No Recolor option.

Like all cosmetics, armor recolors are account-bound. This means that once purchased, they are available on all characters, in all servers!

Character Titles

Our current Founder Packs, the old Kickstarter pledge packs and the now-closed program The Foundation all contained custom titles for your character. With this patch, they're finally live!

To select a title, just open your Character Menu and pick one, as shown above. If you don't want to see the title of your own character or that of other players, just open the Settings menu - you'll find a series of buttons to toggle different visibily modes.

Claim Items Recovery

Say goodbye to the horror of losing all your items because your land parcel expired!

If your land parcel becomes unclaimed (either because you abandoned it on purpose or because of unpaid maintenance), all the inventory items inside of your chests and crafting stations are now saved, so you can recover them in the future.

The recovery process is very simple: just enter the boundaries of the city that controlled the region your land parcel was located in, and click on the shiny button in the bottom-right corner of the screen. A menu will open up, from which you'll be able to claim items one by one. Easy!

Please note that this system only saves inventory items, not heavy materials.


This was all for today. Enjoy Fractured Online!

Patch Log - b.2.0b - Hotfixes & Inactive Citizens

Hi all,

after discussing with the community, we agree that need for citizens to be active doesn't make sense for the time being, so it's been temporarily suspended until we have another big push of players into the game.

On top of that, here are some hotfixes to The Invasion:

  • Fixed a bug that would sometimes make citizens (or candidate citizens) newly added to cities get removed from the city's list, which would then make them not actually count as citizens.
  • It's now possible to repair bows and staves.
  • Howler and Peckodon mounts in world events are now visible.
  • Demons now correctly start as Neutral and their Karma can't go above 0. All existing Good Demons have been turned Neutral.
  • Primal Crystal world events on Terra, which are now very common, no longer have collectible Primal Energy Shards.
  • Items in purchased inventory slows now stack correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where the new Wandering Legend world events would reset by themselves even if the legends were still alive.


The Invasion Has Arrived!

Hi, fellow gamer and MMO enthusiast!

Demons are finally coming to the universe of Fractured Online, and with them a lot of new features, changes and fixes, including:

  • A rework of all racial abilities and their mechanics.

  • A much requested crafting update, including item repair and recycle.

  • Extra inventory space, unlockable with gold.

  • Respecs are also now unlimited instead of time-gate, but they require gold.

  • The first iteration of the cosmetics menu, including mount skins and armor recolor.

  • 12 special mount skins obtainable in game, each one with its own rare version.

  • 4 more Wandering Legends and 14 more Legendary Reagents for your T3 imbues.

  • A rebalance to proficiency orbs and proficiency imbues. You need fewer, and they stack!

  • A rebalance to the Assassin and Aeromancer classes.

  • Many changes and fixes to damage calculations and damage bonuses.

  • City management improvements.

  • Fixes and rebalance to several abilities, monsters and much more...

Let's get into it!


As previously announced, in order to focus our resources into polishing the game, improving the new player experience and adding more end-game content, we decided to postpone the release of planet Tartaros, the home of Demons, and keep it as one of the major post-release updates.

That being said, approaching the release of the game with no Demons at all simply felt wrong, so... here they are! Two of the three planned Demon sub-races are finally coming to our universe, the Blood Demons, and our iconic Hellfires!

Blood Demons, or Vampires, are intelligent and cunning creatures. They start with overall less Health than other races, but they compensate with their innate ability to recover health whenever they damage other creatures, both with physical and magical attacks.

Hellfire Demons, or Infernals, are strong and powerful warriors. They start with a lot of Health and are exceptionally resilient to most negative effects, especially over the course of prolonged battles.

With the introduction of demons, we decided to revamp the bonuses and special abilities of every other race, giving them all something unique. Keep reading the following paragraphs to discover every detail of this update!

Attributes Recap

For starters, here are the starting attributes of every race, including the new ones, plus a small change to the Iridra:

Iridra now start with a +2 to all Attributes, just like other Humans, for a total of 12 bonus Attributes Points.

Beastmen start with +2 to three Attributes, and +4 to another one, just like before, for a total of 10 bonus Attribute Points.

Demons start with +4 in two Attributes, for a total of 8 bonus Attribute Points.

Racial Bonuses

Now different races start with a different amount of Health, Mana and Carry Weight, on top of their unique additional Racial Bonuses:

Racial Abilities

Other than Humans, which have no special racial abilities but start with much stronger bonuses, all races have unique abilities, which may grant both powerful passive and active effects:

Energy Reservoir

(Iridra primal energy bar)

Iridra can now store primal energy in a bar, shown in the upper left corner of the main UI, and they can use this energy to fuel their ultimate racial ability, Primal Renewal.

The energy bar can be replenished by:

  • Channeling energy from Crystal Formations on Terra.

  • Consuming Primal Energy Items while resting.

Primal Renewal

(Iridra ultimate racial ability)

By consuming 20% of their Energy Reservoir, for 10 seconds the Iridra is granted 100 Health and Mana Regeneration, plus a 40% bonus to his Physical, Magical and Healing Powers.

Energy Conduit

(Beastmen primal energy bar)

Beastmen can now store primal energy in a bar, shown in the upper left corner of the main UI.

The primal energy bar can be replenished by:

  • Channeling energy from Crystal Formations on Terra.

  • Consuming Primal Energy Items while resting.

  • Passive Regeneration while on Terra and out of combat, at a rate of 1% every 10 seconds.

The primal energy bar depletes over time:

  • While in combat, at a rate of 1% over 20 seconds.

  • While the Primal Form is active, at a rate of:

  • 1% every 5 seconds in PvE

  • 1% every 0.75 seconds in PvP

The bar has two thresholds, one at 20%, and one at 60%.

  • Low Threshold [20%]:

  • Chadra gain 10% Physical Power and 5% Critical Chance.

  • Erwydra gain 10% Magical Power and 5% Cooldown Reduction.

  • High Threshold [60%]:

  • Chadra gain 20% Physical Power and 10% Critical Chance.

  • Erwydra gain 20% Magical Power and 10% Cooldown Reduction.

  • Primal Form can be activated, which provides further bonuses.

Critical Chance and Cooldown Reduction provided by Energy conduit can exceed the respective property caps.


(Beastmen special status effect)

When a Beastmen fills up his Energy Conduit bar, channeling from a Crystal Formation or by absorbing a Primal Energy Crystal, it becomes Overcharged with primal energy for 1 hour.

While Overcharged, the Energy Conduit bar doesn't deplete even while in combat, but the effect is cancelled as soon as the Primal Form is activated.

Weretiger Form

(Chadra ultimate ability)

This form can be activated and deactivated at will as long as the primal energy bar is above the 60% mark.

While active it provides:

  • Energy Conduit Physical Power bonus is increased to 40%.

  • Energy Conduit Critical Chance bonus is increased to 20%.

  • 500 Health bonus.

  • 5% Movement Speed bonus.

During the transformation, the character retains all the bonuses provided by the armor he was wearing, but the equipped weapon is replaced by the Weretiger Claws.Every ability can still be used, except for archery projectiles.

The primal form can be activated or deactivated at will (1 second cooldown), but as soon as the primal energy bar goes below the 60% mark, the transformation ends.

Werehart Form

(Erwydra ultimate ability)

This form can be activated and deactivated at will as long as the primal energy bar is above the 60% mark.

While active it provides:

  • Energy Conduit Magical Power bonus is increased to 40%.

  • Energy Conduit Cooldown Reduction bonus is increased to 20%.

  • 500 Health bonus.

  • 5% Movement Speed bonus.

During the transformation, the character retains all the bonuses provided by the armor he was wearing, but the equipped weapon is replaced by the Werehart Claws. Every ability can still be used, except for archery projectiles.

The primal form can be activated or deactivated at will (1 second cooldown), but as soon as the primal energy bar goes below the 60% mark, the transformation ends.

Thirst for Blood

(Blood Demon passive ability and Blood bar)

Blood demons have a passive lifesteal that applies to all their sources of damage. AoE attacks count as a single instance of damage.

The lifesteal amount (life regained), is equal to 5% of the raw damage (unmitigated by armor) inflicted by any of their damage sources.

Blood demons have a Blood bar, which replenishes depending on the amount of life regained with their passive lifesteal:

  • In PvE: 1% bar gain every 25 Health recovered.

  • In PvP: 1% bar gain every 3 Health recovered.

The bar starts depleting quickly if more than 10 seconds passed from the last gain.

For each percentage point of Blood bar filled, the vampire gains:

  • 0.2% Physical Power.

  • 0.2% Magical Power.

Blood Bath

(Blood Demon ultimate racial ability)

This ability can be activated only if the Blood bar is above the 50% mark. It has a duration of 10 seconds and a cooldown of 2 minutes.

While active, the vampire Thirst for Blood lifesteal increases to 20%, and every source of damage also adds a number of Bleeding stacks to the victim, equal to 1% of the damage inflicted.

Battle Trance

(Hellfire Demon passive ability and Rage bar)

Hellfire Demons have a Rage bar, which fills up every time they take or deal damage to other creatures. AoE attacks count as a single instance of damage.

The bar replenishes proportionally to the amount of damage taken or inflicted, specifically:

  • In PvE: 1% of the damage is converted to Rage.

  • In PvP: 5% of the damage is converted to Rage.

The bar drops down to 0% if more than one minute passed from the last gain. Each percentage of Rage grants 0.25% Status Resistance. 

This status resistance further decreases the effects of every ability that can be reduced by an Accuracy vs Evasion/Fortitude/Willpower contest, including the duration of any hard CC.

Infernal Fury

(Hellfire Demon ultimate racial ability)

This ability can be activated only if the Rage bar is above the 50% mark. It has a duration of 10 seconds and a cooldown of 2 minutes.

While active, flames erupt from the infernal body, who gains an additional 25% Status Resistance and instantly applies the Burning status to all nearby opponents.

Unarmed Combat

Except for Chadra and Hellfire Demons, who have a slightly stronger version of unarmed attacks, all races use the same base unarmed attacks:

Chadra and Erwydra cannot use any weapon during their Primal Form transformation, and their base unarmed weapon is replaced by their primal form weapons.

Given the large differences in base damage between different types of unarmed attacks, the Martial Style Talent has been changed, so that it no longer grants a 25% damage increase per point (additive with other damage increase sources), but grants instead a flat 8 extra damage per point, added directly to the base damage of the attack, and subjected to subsequent damage modifiers.


Among the most requested features, item repair is finally available in game with this patch, together with a couple other new alchemy stations, the Deconstructor and the Transmuter.

Item Repair

All main crafting stations now come with a repair tab, which allows you to repair any damaged piece of equipment back to full durability. An item can only be repaired at a station that can be used to craft that same item, so metal items can be repaired at a forge, cloth items at a tailor’s bench, and so on.

The repair cost is proportional to the amount of durability missing from the item, and it consists of gold, main materials (cloth, leather, hide, ingots or boards) and primal energy. Secondary materials, like alchemical extracts, are not required.

The overall cost is based on the item type, the material, the enchantment tier, and the amount of imbues of the item itself. 

  • Item Type: this determines the base gold crafting fee (just like base crafting)

  • Material: only 20% of the main crafting materials are required. The remaining 80% is converted into an additional gold fee. The amount of gold depends on the material type, and keeps into consideration the average market value of that specific material.

  • Imbues: imbues further increase the gold cost during repair. Every imbue of tier [1,2,3] increases the repair cost by [200,500,2000] gold.

  • Enchantment: an enchanting equivalent in gold and primal energy corresponding to the current item enchantment tier is added to the repair cost. Primal energy is not needed to repair unenchanted items.

Items cannot be repaired forever, though! Every time you attempt to repair an item, there is a chance it will lose one tier of quality. Poor quality items cannot be repaired at all.

The chance to lose a quality tier scales with the current amount of durability of the item itself. An item with extremely low durability left has around 50% chance to lose a quality tier, while an item at around 50% durability only has a 25% chance to lose a tier.

That being said, if an item reaches 0 durability it still breaks immediately disregarding its quality, so be wary of that!

Lastly, in order to balance out the costs of crafting and repairing among different types of equip items, the maximum amount of durability has been equalized: now all primitive and T1 items have a max durability of 300, while all T2 items have a max durability of 600 (this change is not retroactive for items crafted before this patch).


The Deconstructor is a new crafting station available for the Alchemy Shop.

This station allows you to destroy a piece of equipment, salvaging some of the materials and primal energy (in case of enchanted items) that went into crafting that item.

The amount of resources salvaged are proportional to the remaining amount of durability on the item. At full durability, only up to 20% of the materials can be salvaged. Secondary materials, like alchemy extracts, are not salvaged.


The Transmuter is yet another crafting station available for the Alchemy Shop.

This station allows you to reroll some types of items in order to obtain a different version of them. For now, only proficiency orbs and crafting recipes can be transmuted.

  • Proficiency orbs can be transmuted for 1000 gold.

  • Crafting recipes can be transmuted for 100 gold.


More legends and more reagents!

New Wandering Legends

Four old legends are coming back to the game as Wandering Legends, with several old legendary reagents and a few new ones.

  • Crimson Claw (Grizzly Bear), on Aerhen, steppe/tundra biomes.

  • Syr - Impaler of Giants (Mammoth), on Aerhen, Jotunn territories.

  • Lord Eoronn (Treant) & Zephyr - Spirit of the Forest (Woodland Wisp), on Terra, inner jungle biome.

Lord Eoronn and Zephyr are the first instance of Wandering Legends spawning together, and the strongest ones so far.

New Legendary Reagents

Legendary reagents now also drop from all Wandering Legends, which means that all power aspects should finally be (more or less) equally covered by the available legendary reagents in game, allowing players to enhance their gear with their T3 imbues of choice.

Legendary reagents drop rates have been lowered drastically though, mostly because of the introduction of the item repair mechanic. The drop rates of other reagents remained unchanged.

Legendary reagents only drop from Wandering, Summoned and Ultimate Legends, generally with a 25% chance (1 unit) from Wandering and Summoned Legends and a 100% chance (1 unit) from Ultimate Legends. The only exception is the Crystal Colossus on Aerhen, which is now significantly harder to summon than before, and comes with a much richer loot.

The table below lists all Legendary Reagents now available in game, where to find them, and their Power Aspects.

Orbs & Imbues

Farming proficiency orbs and bringing one or more proficiencies to level 10 has always been way too long and tedious, to the point of discouraging many players from creating new characters, and starting this daunting grind from scratch.

With the introduction of demons, and the rework of all racial traits and abilities, we really want people to enjoy the process of creating multiple character and trying out many different builds.

This is why we decided to ease the process of raising your character's proficiencies, specifically by:

  • Significantly lowering the amount of orbs required to level up your proficiencies.

  • Increasing the amount of orbs obtained from divine rewards dropped by non-legendary monsters.

  • Allowing proficiency imbues to stack with your current proficiency level from orbs. This point is especially relevant: now all proficiency from orbs makes the difference, whereas before if you had +10 from imbues, your proficiency was irrelevant until it reached rank 10 too.

The graph below shows a comparison between the old system and the new one:

Given the massive change in amount of orbs required and new estimated orb value, players who already invested in proficiencies before this patch will be refunded proportionally through the in-game mailbox system, and will receive back the extra amount of orbs that were spent to level up their proficiencies to their current level. For instance, a player with rank 10 Archery will get back 30 Archery Proficiency Orbs (68 - 38).


The first iteration of the cosmetics system is finally here, and it comes with mount skins and armor recolor options.

Premium mount skins and recolors will be available when we release all the in-game Store functionalities (we are almost there!), but you can already preview them from the Wardrobe interface.

In the meantime, you can try to find and capture all 24 mounts available in game, 12 of which are extremely rare, exploring the continents of Terra and Aerhen. Each continent has 3 variants of Horses, plus 3 variants of Peckodons on Terra and 3 variants of Howlers on Aerhen. Each mount variant has a 1% chance to spawn in its rare version.

To unlock one of those mount skins, you just need to capture a mount with that specific skin, then you'll be able to apply it to any mount token of the same category at will.

Please note that mounts from Kickstarter and The Foundation are also available for preview, and will be assigned to their rightful owners with the upcoming Store update.


Since this is already a wall of text, additional balance changes and fixes are available in detail on our forum here.

In short, they include:

  • Changes to the Assassin and Aeromancer mechanics.

  • Several changes and fixes related to damage calculations.

  • City management improvements.

  • A few fixes and adjustments to some abilities.

  • Fixes to some monster behaviors.

  • ...and a lot more that you likely won't even read because let's face it, it's really A LOT!

Well... that's a lot of stuff to chew on!

Let us know what you think, and see you soon in game! Cheers!

Patch b.1.1e - Fixes, Buffs & Rebalances

Hi all,

here comes patch b.1.1e, packed with bug fixes and balance changes - mostly buffs!

Divine Rewards

  • The drop chance of Fabled Rewards from CR 6-7 mobs has been increased from 3% to 4%.
  • The drop chance of Epic Rewards from CR 8-9 mobs has been increased from 3% and 5% respectively to 4% and 7%. The chance they turn into an Orb is now 16% instead of 15%.

While these numbers may seem small, they lead to a 33% increase in Orb generation for CR 6-7 mobs, a 42% increase for CR 8, and a 49% increase for CR 9!

Status Effect Reductions

Fortitude and Willpower now reduce negative status effects less than before, with numbers closer to pre-EGC. This is the new table:

This was before the patch:

The reduction at 1000v1000 is now 50% instead of 67%. This makes all negative status effects (including CCs, but not only) more effective.

If needed, we will introduce diminishing returns for hard CCs in the future.


The shocked status was problematic for game servers, since a single shocking AOE applied on a large group of already shocked targets could generate hundreds of damage instances. Game clients also struggled to keep up. Moreover, the effect was weak to totally useless if one wasn't hitting A LOT of targets at the same time.

Shock has been reworked. Adding stacks to an already shocked target now deals damage to the target itself, and releases 1 lighting that hits a random enemy within 4 meters (up from 2). The damage dealt to the primary and optional secondary target depends on the number of shocked stacks on the primary and ranges from 80 to 160 (up from 40 to 120).

This should make Aeromancy an excellent school against single targets or small groups, and give abilities such as Chain Lighting the intended effect when used against 2 close targets.

Also, Shocking Arrows can now be learnt from the Bandit Agitator!


Freeze duration, which depends on the number of Chilled stacks on the target, has been increased from 0.5-3 to 1-3. Coupled with the CC reduction nerf, it makes Freeze easier to use and more effective. Moreover, the following changes have been implemented:

  • Deep Freeze damage 100-150 x MP => 120-180 x MP
  • Frost Blast damage 100-150 x MP => 120-180 x MP
  • Frost Nova damage 300-450 x MP => 360-540 x MP
  • Permafrost damage 300-450 x MP => 360-540 x MP
  • Icebound Blast damage 200-300 x MP => 240-360 x MP
  • Ice Spikes: smaller cone, faster projectiles


The only place where a nerf was needed. Assassins were too oppressive in PvP.

If a player's Detection is >= the Stealth of a hidden player and is close enough, all the members of the party of the detector will now see the assassin as semi-transparent, not only the detector itself. Moreover, the following changes have been implemented:

Assassin set magic resistance: 500 => 400.
Shadow Dash charges: 4-2 => 2, cooldown 10 => 12-8.
Shadow Step extra weapon damage: 100-150 x PP => 40-100 x PP, Fear duration 3-4.5 x PP => 3 x PP.
Coup de Grace pure damage per missing HP: 5-7.5 => 4-6.
Note that ranges above mean school level 0 - school level 10.


Several buffs in here!

  • Poison spell stacks: 5-7.5 x MP => 8-12 x MP
  • Poison Spray: 100-150 x MP => 120-180 x MP, stacks 5-7.5 x MP => 10-15 x MP
  • Headshot stun: 0.75 x PP => 1.5 x PP
  • Strafing Strike: channeling time 1.5s => 1s, total arrows 9 => 8
  • Volley: smaller cone
  • Crystal Shackles mana removal: 50-75 x MP => 80-120 x MP
  • Crystalline Touch mana removal: 30-45 x MP => 40-60 x MP
  • Earth Spikes slow duration: 3 x PP => 1.2-1.8 x PP
  • Slow slow duration: 2-3 x PP => 2.4-3.6 x PP
  • Hack & Slash: duration 1.5-3 => 2-3, attacks 3-6 => 4-6, attacks deal full damage, target is properly stunned
  • Energy Blast: duration 3 => 2, dmg/s 200-300 x MP => 300-450 x MP, stacks/s 4-6 x MP => 6-9 x MP
  • Sprouting Pulse: root time 1.5 x MP => 1.8 x MP
  • Entangling Roots: root time 1.6-2.4 x MP => 2-3 x MP

Patch Log - b.1.1.c

Hi all,

this patch contains a fix to world events - i.e. no more ghosts left behind everywhere. This was a very tricky bug to fix, that's why it took us a couple of days - sorry for the wait. The patch also fixes an issue with the duration of status effects when lower than 1 second (which would sometimes become 0) and with Aerhen fortress timers being stuck sometimes.

Additionally, we took the chance to introduce some art updates we had accumulated but never released (more varied character animations during character creation and updated VFX for some spells - Incinerate, Nimbleness, Shadow Walk / Dash / Step).

Next week we are going to release a larger patch with buffs to several builds and abilities, plus Divine Reward drop rates. Please note that the current access / founder pack sale will last until next Thursday (March 21st)!

Enjoy Fractured!

Patch Log - b.1.1c2 - Founder Pack Sale

Hi all,

the Founder Pack sale has started! For the first time since we've entered Early Access, all Founder Packs are discounted! 🎉

All packs can be purchased on our store, which can be opened both from within the game client and from our website. Here's how the store looks like:

Moreover, we've just released a minor client patch with the following fixes:

  • The Journey UI (quest log) no longer shows quest texts out of window bounds.
  • Bridges and roads are clearly visible again in the Terra world map.
  • Trying to invite a Free Account to a Settler Group now correctly outputs an error instead of failing silently.

Enjoy Fractured!

Patch Log - b.1.0i - Critical Fixes

Hi all,

we have another bugfix patch coming today while Endgame Changer is entering testing, as explained on our Discord server a couple days ago. We have addressed some of the most critical issues in the game.


  • Fixed 2 different item dupe issues. These bugs only allowed for limited duping (only for some specific items and only in limited quantity). Still very critical.
  • Governors can no longer delete player houses inside of their city. Some thought this was intended, but it obviously wasn't, since governors aren't even allowed to delete claimed land parcels - only vacant ones. A proper eviction system will be implemented in the future.
  • The portion of the Volcano of Terra that wasn't accessible (because it was full of "invisible walls") is fixed.
  • Players going stealth are now always detected by other players nearby - they no longer have to be all Aggressive.
  • It is no longer possible to cast Bramble Wall and Bone Barrage if the wall would end up inside of a land parcel. This exploit (anyway punished by GMs) was used by Evil players to push AFK players outside of their parcels to kill them.
  • It is no longer possile to trade items with another player if the latter would end up being too overweight (above the 200% limit).
  • Carrying an empty cart no longer gives a speed bonus when the person carrying it is overweight. This exploit was used to move much faster than intended when overweight.
  • Fixed an issue that could make classic Legend Altars (those of Summonable Legends) non-functional.
  • Players can no longer initiate trade requests when they are KO, when they are in combat, and when the counterpart is in combat. This prevents players from using trade requests to annoy their opponents in PvP.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed players who didn't own a cart to friend the cart to another player, which would then steal it.
  • Catapults can no longer be placed and used inside of the attacker's siege tent.


  • Jotunns chest events now contain a nice mix of monsters instead of having always multiple copies of the same Jotunn.
  • Co-owners can invite friends to a land parcel.
  • Fixed a dirt road that was preveting players from building a city wall.
  • Starting to lockpick a chest removes the Monster Immunity buff that is given when standing up after being KO.
  • Players can no longer destroy items in their inventory when KO.
  • Summonable and Ultimate legends are now all resistant to the Shocked status effect.

Patch Log - b.1.0h - Revert & Rebalance


TL;DR no more monster AOE pulls. TL;DR

The AOE pull mechanic added to Ogres, Jotunns and Legends has been reverted. It did the job, but it did it in a way that felt glitchy, with the infamous “yo-yo” effect in full force. We need to take our time to implement this properly instead of releasing a half-baked solution like this one.

Summoned Legends now also spawn fewer monsters in a smaller area, and they respawn more slowly. As told in the previous point, the Legend no longer pulls them all towards the targeted player. What this means in practice is that you can now clear your way towards the Legend, and sometimes when you fight it, you’ll have a newly respawned monster you have to deal with, but far from the extremes of the previous version.

Last but not least, Axe Fighting and Swordsmanship abilities that apply Bleed stacks do it again scaling on STR, the main attribute of the school, instead of DEX.


TL;DR the balance of Relocate vs Battle Jump is now that the former moves faster and has up to 2 charges, while the latter has a shorter cooldown and applies Slow and damage, but they can reach exactly the same places. TL;DR

The main change in this patch is Relocate, which turned PvP battles into a teleport-fest, and gave a massive advantage to its users over the users of other mobility spells because of how it could reach locations other spells could not.

Relocate now has 1 charge below 15 INT and 2 charges otherwise, while it could previously have up to 4. Moreover, it’s mechanically different – it no longer behaves like a teleport, but like an extremely quick dash from your current location to your destination. This means it now follows the same rules as all other mobility spells (jump and dashes), in that it doesn’t allow crossing areas that could not be crossed on foot (e.g. if you try to relocate through a chasm or a cliff, you character will stop at the edge of the latter).


A handful of changes to some mage spell and effects are listed below. We are taking a more conservative approach to rebalancing now, changing spells little by little. Once we are sure there are no more "broken" spells that create low TTK, we'll get to buffing abilities that are underused, to allow as many "fair" character builds as possible.

  • Glass Barrier. Bleed stacks are now fixed at 0.6xINT instead of [0.6-0.9]xINT.
  • Ember Dragon Breath. The guaranteed Critical on this ability vs Burning targets meant it could deal more than 5,000 damage over 3 seconds. This type of guaranteed crit just doesn’t work. The spell now deals 25% more damage than other breaths (so it’s gone up from [16-24]xINT to [20-30]xINT damage), as common for Pyromancy abilities vs other schools, and applies again 1xINT Warm stacks instead of 0.5xINT, but it’s no longer a guaranteed Critical.
  • The Slowed status now reduces Attack Speed by 20% instead of 40%. We found such a strong AS debuff was a major annoyance in PvE for warriors, particularly in areas where it’s common to be Slowed.
  • Hailstorm. This spell was seriously bugged, adding way more Chill stacks to creatures in its AOE than it should have, insta-freezing anyone. It has been changed and now works as Firestorm, i.e. it no longer applies Chill in the whole AOE, but it’s the hail drops that do so. Having fixed the bug that mislead us, we have raised the number drops back to 0.4xINT like Firestorm, instead of 0.32xINT.


  • Dragging items from processing stations into a full inventory slow no longer deletes the content of the inventory slot.
  • Fixed an issue with long-distance teleports (e.g. harbors) where they could fail to teleport you.
  • Using the Take All function with a full inventory no longer breaks the UI of the marketplace.
  • It’s no longer possible for guilds to declare a conquest on Terra. The conquest would not work anyway, but it could be declared.
  • Fixed various minor marketplace UI glitches.

Patch Log - b.1.0f - Bug Fixes

Hi all,

here comes a patch with multiple bug fixes for sieges. There are still some we are investigating, but several issues were likely caused by the same bug (the first one below).

  • It's no longer possible to declare a new siege against a city that is in the 24-hours grace period after another siege has ended.
  • Winning a conquest attempt now reduces 50% of the city's loyalty instead of 60% and cities recover 6 loyalty per day instead of 4. This means it now takes 3 successful sieges in a row to conquer a city, as it should be.
  • Guilds can now declare a conquest siege from the politics window built in the guild menu instead of having to go through a Town Hall menu. Please note that, for now, the rule that guilds can only siege hamlets still holds.
  • No more ghost weapons equipped until relog when an equipped weapon breaks.
  • Ice Spikes can no longer be Critical.
  • Charcoal Piles are now smaller and fit in a standard land parcel tile.

We know we have plenty of other bugs to fix, particularly when it comes to sieges. We're on it, there will be multiple bugfix patches from here till the release of Endgame Changer - such is the rather boastful name of the first Major Update of Fractured Online, featuring revamped ability power progression, revamped mount system (with new mounts!) and alchemical potions, to be released in December.

A preview post and video on Endgame Changer will be released later this week. Stay tuned! Cheers!

Patch Log - b.1.0e - Fixes & A Little Balancing

Hi all,

patch b10e is out, and with it comes the promised attribute respec timer reset!

Please note this is a small patch, mostly for bug fixes. We've also added a bit of rebalancing to this patch (little nerf for mages, little buff for archers), but this is not THE big balancing/endgame patch, which we are working on but requires several deeper changes. Hope it will make you happy regardless.


  • The Longbow is now a Slow weapon (higher base damage, lower speed). You know how important this is for all the abilities that include Base Weapon Damage in the equation. The final DPS is actually about 6% higher than it used to be, too. The arrow still comes at the very start of the animation, so it should be as playable as before.
  • Shortbow & Primitive Bow base damage: +11%.
  • Guided Shot now deals extra Piercing damage instead of Energy and stacks with PER instead of INT.
  • Double Shot damage coefficient now fixed at 5%xPER instead of [3%-4.5%]xPER.

Other Balance Stuff

  • Mage Staff (all) base damage: +11%.
  • Just a little change here. We have a proper deep rework in mind to make them competitive vs sword + shield.
  • Ember Dragon Breath: damage/s reduced from 20-30xINT to 16-24xINT and stacks/s reduced from 1xINT to 0.5xINT.
  • Arboreal Dragon Breath: stacks/s reduced from 1.8xINT to 1.5xINT.
  • Skeletal Dragon Breath: damage/s reduced from 20-30xINT to 16-24xINT.

Send To Jail

  • Sending a criminal to jail is no longer performed when executing it. Instead, it's performed as a separate action on the ghost of the dead criminal after it's been executed.
  • The change fixes tricks such as using Death Bargain or getting executed by a friend to avoid being jailed.
  • Of course, dead criminals can't respawn right away, but have to wait for 1 minute, while they can now suicide immediately after KO, since that's no longer a problem.

Bug Fixes

  • Sea Turtles now spawn on Terra. Turtles! This really had to be the first bugfix mentioned.
  • Players should no longer respawn under the floor of town halls. Since we could never reproduce this issue locally or live, we had to guess a solution for what might be the issue live.
  • Doors of houses can no longer create an invisible blocker in front of them.
  • Fixed a sneaky bug that made it so that any time the client received an update regarding cities, the UI of the harbor would reset, and the poor player would then accidentally request to travel to the last city of the list instead of the one selected.
  • Enrage and Death Bargain are no longer usable during sieges. The latter created a serious bug, and anyway invulnerability is no good in sieges.
  • Siege Tents and Town Halls now correctly protect players from PvP within them during sieges.
  • Death Mark now breaks correctly when targets travel too far away and no longer reduces Evasion.