Fractured Online cover
Fractured Online screenshot
Genre: Role-playing (RPG), Adventure

Fractured Online

Patch b.1.0d - Exploits & Balancing

Hi, fellow gamer and MMO enthustiast!

Here comes the first medium-sized patch since EA launch, rich with exploit fixes, bug fixes, and some of the most urgent balancing changes. Regarding the latter, another patch will follow next week, focused on:

  • Further spell and equip balancing
  • The school of archery
  • The school of Fencing

For now, let's get into this one!



  • Carts can no longer be stolen on Terra.
  • Evil players must wait for 20 seconds from the moment they are downed before they can suicide. This is to prevent them from using suicide to avoid being jailed.
  • Once a player has been released from jail and assigned the special status of having Neutral alignment with negative Karma, switching back to Evil at the shrine no longer resets Karma to 0.


  • Players can no longer get stuck in jail when building it.
  • Monster attacks are correctly shown in the bestiary.
  • A warning message has been added when trying to siege a city under siege protection.
  • The borders of sieges in other continents are no longer visible.
  • The Halberd recipe no longer drops.
  • Alchemy Shops and Mage Shops shows can now be placed correctly.
  • The notification icon is no longer shown on the store button when receiving mail.
  • Death/KO popups now report the names of killing mobs and spells correctly.


Parcel Maintenance

  • Land parcels are no longer immediately lost when deposited gold would go negative. The parcel now goes into debt (ie -2000 gold). When the next maintenance comes 1 week later, if gold deposited is still below 0, the parcel is lost.
  • When a parcel goes into debt, a message is added to the in-game mailbox of the player, and an email is sent to the player's account email address.

Execute Rework

  • Executing a player now takes a bit longer. Receiving damage still doesn't interrupt it.
  • Executing now has its own animation and VFX!
  • Even death itself has a much nicer animation now!

Mailbox Reminder

  1. When entering the game with unread messages in the mailbox, a reminder popup opens up.
  2. This behavior can be disabled from the options menu.


Armor Resists

  • Battlemage Armor: Magical Armor 500=>400, Energy Resist 1200 => 600.
  • Knight Armor: Magical Armor 600 => 400.
  • Common Clothes: Physical Armor 300 => 200.

Armor Encumbrance

  1. Each encumbrance point now reduces your final Dodge Chance by 2%. That means that if your encumbrance is 20, and the Accuracy vs Evasion formula for a specific attack gave you a 30% chance to dodge, that chance is actually 18%.
  2. Let's make dodging something for light-armored builds only (mages and assassins, and a little harder to pull off for archers and rogues), as it was meant to be.
  3. The Armor Mastery talent now reduces encumbrance by 25% instead of 50%.

Status Effects

  • Poison damage at 0-100 stacks is now 5%-20% of max HP instead of 5%-30%.


  • Mithril: Encumbrance -50% => -25%, Durability +50% => +25%.
  • Shadow Steel: Encumbrance -50% => -25%

Spell Balancing

  • Crushing Shout: Damage [16-24]xWIS => [16-24]xSTR, Stun 0.12xWIS => 0.06xWIS (this was an oversight, base data weren't updated when the x2 mechanic on first target hit was introduced).
  • Staggering Shout: Damage [16-24]xWIS => [16-24]xSTR
  • Ember Dragon Breath: Mana/s 200=>280, Damage [24-36]xINT => [20-30]xINT, Stacks 1.8xINT => 1xINT.
  • Arboreal Dragon Breath: Mana/s 200=>280, Stacks 2.4xINT => 1.8xINT.
  • Incinerate: Mana/s 180 =>240, Stacks 1.8xINT => 1.2xINT.
  • Deep Freeze: Stacks 2.4xINT => 1.6xINT.
  • Mage Armor: Physical Armor 30xWIS => 20xWIS.
  • Skeletal/Mountain Dragon Breath: Mana/s 200=>280.

We've got some good stuff here! Cheers!

Patch Log - b.1.0c - Bug Fixes, Spell Canceling & Parcel Protection

Hi all,

first minor patch is coming!


  • Attacking no longer cancels spellcasting. You can still cancel issuing a movement command. #1 player request fulfilled!
  • Being inside of a land parcel you own or co-own grants protection from monsters, which will ignore you. Attacking the monster outside causes the protection to be lost. #2 player request fulfilled!

Bug Fixes

  • Packaging stations are functional again.
  • This was fixed yesterday : boosted crafts from used recipes are correctly saved at logout and no longer lost.
  • Opening the
  • *store** from the button in game now correctly opens the store for Steam users instead of showing the home page.
  • It's no longer possible to pick up items from cart inventories when mounted and bug your character out.
  • Casting a leech spell against a creature with Globe of Spell Protection no longer causes the caster to lose mana regeneration even though the spell (correctly) failed to cast.
  • It's now possible for a land parcel owner to set permissions for the Forge, and a Smeltery set as Public is now accessible to everyone.

Enjoy your weekend and enjoy Fractured Online!

Relaunch Patch - Character Creation Open

Hi, fellow gamer and MMO enthusiast!

Fractured Online has officially been patched with the base build that's going to be used for relaunch on November 8! This update is very impactful - read on for all the info!

Re-install Recommended

If you uninstalled Fractured Online after it was put offline in January, you can skip this section. If you still have it installed from those days, please read!

This new build no longer includes Glyph, which was gamigo's proprietary launcher, nor any other third-party launcher. Because of this, the folder structure of the client files has changed radically, and the Steam patcher might fail to update.

If you encounted an error claiming the update is "corrupted", just click the circular icon to retry - that should fix it. If it doesn't work, uninstall the game (right click -> manage -> uninstall) and re-install it.

Please note that in order to avoid leftover Glyph-related files, uninstalling and re-installing is recommended regardless!

Account Linking

When you start the game, you will be prompted to link your Steam account to a Fractured Online account.

If you already have a Fractured Online account, click LINK. You will be asked to input your username and password. If you don't remember your password, click here to reset it.

If you don't have Fractured Online account (more likely), click CREATE. You will then be able to use it to login on to upgrade your founder pack in the Store and use the forums!

Please note that purchasing the game on Steam is equivalent to buying an Adept pack on our website, that's why you'll see that you "already own" it :)

Name Reservation

If you own a Legend* founder pack or higher, you can reserve a character name here! The process is case-insensitive, so you will reserve all combinations of uppercase and lowercase characters of the name chosen.

Once you've reserved your name, you can create as many characters as you want with it! Be careful of what you input: the choice is final!

*"Legend" is the equivalent of the "Gold" pack sold by gamigo. All packs are converted to our new equivalents, which provide better rewards.

Character Creation

Yes, character creation is now open, 6 days in advance of launch! You can create your character(s) now to be able to get into the game right away on Nobember 8!

If you want some tips from the community on what starting template to pick, what's the best attribute distribution to achieve your goals, and more, you can do so on our Discord or our forums!

Please note that we mostly communicate using these 2 channels. We check on the Steam forums from time to time, but answers are quicker there. Moreover, most the community is there, so it is warmly recommended you join!


See you soon in game!

Fractured Online is coming back to Steam

Hi, fellow gamer and MMO enthusiast!

The big announcement is finally out: we'll be back on Steam Early Access on...

Wednesday, November 8, at 4pm CET (10am EST)!

Before we get to the usual FAQ, we'd like to thank you all for sticking with us during this though last year.

We've had to rebuild a large chunk of our backend, go self-published again, and improve the game in almost every aspect - all with half the team and barely any budget left (yes, we've all been working unpaid for months now).

We managed to keep going on thanks to your support and the positive feedback on the direction of Fractured Online, hoping that once it's back on Steam, Dynamight Studios will be back on its feet.

So, here we go. Just 2 weeks left to takeoff!


How can I play?

If you've bought the game on Steam, you're going to be asked to connect your Steam account to a Fractured Online account the first time you launch the game. If you don't have one, you can create one directly from the game!

I bought the game on Steam but didn't migrate...

No need to use the web migration tool any longer! As stated in the previous point, you'll be able to do everything within the game launching it from Steam.

What's new since the Server War Event in July?

Everything listed here except potions. Those still require some work and will be live soon after the relaunch.

What's new since the game was taken off Steam in January?

A LOT. The game has received a ton of improvements and new features since then. Some were listed here, but we're going to release a couple videos to summarize them as well.

What about Demons?

We are planning to release Demons as a race playable in the Human world during Early Access. The release of planet Tartaros will have to wait since we have features with higher priority already in the pipeline, including a new city tech tree and overall player city improvements, territory control, duels, NPCs, and more.

Any marketing planned?

Our budget for marketing is very limited, but we are reaching out to content creators and press and are working on video content ourselves. In particular, we're working on a new trailer!

Any wipes planned?

No wipes planned unless strictly necessary (e.g. an economy-ruining bug). Even if such a disastrous event were to happen, however, we'll try to go for a rollback rather than a wipe.

You have no idea how excited we are to finally be able to drop this announcement. Hope you share the feeling! Cheers!

Fractured Online Is Coming Back!

Hi, fellow gamer and MMO enthusiast!

The big announcement you've been waiting for is here. Fractured Online will be back for a time-limited test, starting on...

Thursday, June 22, at 4pm CEST (10am EDT)!

The test will run until Sunday, July 2, and access will be granted to all owners of a Founder Pack. Please note that if you purchased the game on Steam or on Glyph (gamigo's platform), you DO have access - it's enough you complete the data transfer! Do it now if you haven't yet!

A few additional info on the test:

  • Its purpose is to get feedback on the ton of new features and changes and test the stability of our new backend. This is not the "full" relaunch (yet).
  • Like all time-limited tests, it will be followed by a full world and character wipe.
  • Playing requires downloading our new launcher here.

On last remark before moving to the next paragraph: registration of new accounts is now open, but if you need to migrate, please do so - don't register a new account!

New Features

These are really too many to count, but let's mention a few:

  • Character progression has been revamped. You still learn abilities and knowledge points (KP) from defeating monsters and discovering new resources and POI, but you no longer spend KP. Instead, they determine you a Rank, which in turn determines how many Talent Points you have and how much you can level up your schools of magic and fighting.
  • ...speaking of that, ability level-up is a thing now. Each school has its own Orbs of Proficiency which can be collected as loot from monsters and consumed to level it up from level 0 to 10. The power of the abilities of a level 10 school is roughly double that of level 0.
  • Last but not least on the topic, spells schools and casting restrictions have been re-organized, and several new abilities added to better differentiate weapon classes.
  • Crafting has been revamped as well. The types and properties of resources available and materials have been changed considerably, and a major rework has gone into processing stations as well (e.g. the smeltery). Alchemy (soon to be released) will be the icing on the cake!
  • The Journey System has been introduced. A hybrid between a quest and an achievement system, it's meant to guide players in the discovery of all the features and locations of the game - and it also improved the tutorial considerably.
  • All tooltips, from abilities to items, have been completely overhauled. Not only are they way more visually pleasing now, but they deliver A LOT more info than they used to.
  • Our first continent of Myr has been removed. Most players played there because it had more content as it was 1.5 times the size of the other continents, but it was visually unappealing, repetitive (it only had 2 biomes aside from POI), hard to cross (endless untraversable cliffs anyone?)... and that was just the tip of the iceberg. A good 80% of its content has been moved to Aerhen and Terra now, with the rest to be back on Tartaros.
  • ...and speaking of Aerhen and Terra, you will find new creatures, POI and Legends there that don't come from Myr.
  • What else? Oh yes, we have added ton of new animations, audio and visual effects for player characters and abilities!

The list could go on and on, but suffices to say, we literally have hundreds of bug fixes and quality-of-life changes implemented too. More details will be revealed in an upcoming series of videos!

What Comes Next

After reviewing user feedback, following up on it and further tuning client and server performance (if needed), Fractured Online will be back 24/7, with no more wipes planned. That's going to be the proper relaunch!

Will we be back on Steam Early Access since day 1 of the relaunch? That's not a question we can reply to yet. Steam Early Access could be delayed further until we and the community are confident the amount of content available and polishing is sufficient for that.

Let's repeat this once again: even if Fractured Online is not on Steam, everyone who purchased the game there can keep playing through our own launcher by completing the data transfer! :)

See you soon in game!

Fractured Online - Publisher Notice

Hello Adventurers,

We wanted to share some news with you regarding Fractured Online and recent operational changes. As many of you know, the game entered closed development at the end of 2022 due to technical issues with a third-party backend platform.

In order for these issues to be addressed fully, gamigo and Dynamight Studios have now resolved to part ways in 2023. This means Fractured Online will cease to be part of the gamigo portfolio and will be operated by Dynamight Studios. While we announce this news with a heavy heart, we all believe it is the best path for both the game and its continued development moving forward.

We hope these operational changes will allow for the game to continue to grow and expand independently from the original partnership, and provide the best gaming experience for all the fans of Fractured Online.

The game will remain in closed development while users are offered the option to transfer their account data from gamigo to Dynamight Studios. More information in this regard will be provided soon. Once this phase is completed, Dynamight Studios will bring the game back online for a time-limited test through, after which the game will be available again on Steam, with no more server wipes planned.

We appreciate your interest and support of Fractured Online and its wonderful community – we look forward to seeing more updates on it in the near future.

Gamigo & Dynamight Studios

Temporarily Offline - Fractured Online latest Information

Hi everyone,

as announced one month ago, the day has come for our game servers to go temporarily offline while we complete our new server management platform and implement multiple updates to Fractured Online, which are largely focused on quality-of-life and new player retention.

If you’ve followed the previous updates on our Discord channel, you’ll know that 3 weeks ago a Fractured Online game continent (Terra) was already running on a server owned and managed by Dynamight Studios. Today I am happy to announce that all dev servers (internal) and production servers (the ones you will play on) are up and running!

We’ve performed more sophisticated stress tests, some lasting for a very long time, with excellent results. For instance, after one week with over 10,000 monsters moving around one continent to simulate player activity without any server restart, the condition of the world was excellent and perfectly playable, with just a bit of increased latency! Truly a great improvement compared to the difficulties we’ve faced when we launched on Early Access in September.

In addition to the above, our tools to manage servers are close to completion and will enter internal testing in a few days. We still can’t give you an exact date for when we’ll be back online - some news outlets assumed that “not long after the 31st of January” meant February, but March is more likely.

We are aware there is other news you are eager to hear. We thought we’d be ready to share them by now, but unforeseen issues got in the way. It shouldn’t be long though, and when they come, expect a video and a live Q&A as well!

Thank you all for the support you’ve shown to us and the game so far. It’s only thanks to you that we are able to look ahead with optimism, even in these very difficult weeks we are going through.


Closed Development Notice

Hello Adventurers,

We wanted to let you know about some upcoming changes to Fractured Online. As of January 31st, 2023, the game will be entering closed development as we are currently facing troubles with our third-party backend platform. This platform is responsible for managing game servers and shall ensure a smooth and stable experience for all players.

We understand that this news may be disappointing, and that the unavailability of the game may be inconvenient for some of you. However, this step is necessary for the continued development and growth of Fractured Online.

We are already at work on a new platform to replace the existing one and will be releasing a schedule for its completion in January. Luckily, just a small portion of the dev team is engaged on this task, while everyone else just keeps working on the game as usual. This means that once we can host servers again, you are going to find plenty of additions and improvements to Fractured Online!

Just to give you some hints on what to expect, our current focus is on player retention and quality of life / bug fixes. Regarding the former, we are finalizing features such as the Journey System, a quest/achievement hybrid to guide players past the tutorial, and ability level-up. As for the latter, we have over 200 tasks touching topics such as controls, combat, latency, client and server performance, balancing, points of interest, city sieges, and more.

Several of these tasks have already been completed, but we haven’t been able to release a new build of the game. This means you are going to get them all at once in the largest patch in the history of Fractured Online! As soon as the situation has stabilized, we are also going to publish a detailed development roadmap for 2023.

Many thanks for all the support you have given us so far. Most of the additions and improvements we are working on are a direct product of your feedback, and we are committed to making the game the best it can be.

We hope you have a happy holiday season and look forward to sharing more updates with you in the future.

The Fractured Team

The Guardians of Nature Awaken

The missing piece of the Wildfolk is now here!
Let’s all learn more about how Primal Forms work!

Wildfolk can interact with the main crystals of crystal events on Terra to gather primal energy. Each crystal has an infinite supply of primal energy, but the events eventually expire and respawn somewhere else if any of the small crystals around them is gathered. Each Wildfolk has 5 “charges” that can be filled with primal energy. These are visualized as 5 pips below the HP/Mana bars in the top-left corner of the screen. The icon is colored if filled and is grey otherwise. Each charge takes 4 seconds of gathering to be filled, and the gathering process is interrupted automatically if all 5 are filled.

Wildfolk can transform to their primal form if they have at least one full charge of primal energy stored and a specific hotkey is used to trigger the transformation. This new hotkey is found in the Settings – Hotkeys menu and is visible only if the character is a Wildfolk (Z is the default key). The hotkey is shown in a new circular icon in the main UI, to the left of the Mount/Dismount icon. Each primal energy charge is enough to sustain 2 minutes of transformation. While transformed, a status effect icon appears, showing the time left before the current charge runs out. The currently active pip in the UI also gradually becomes empty. When a charge is depleted, the player immediately transforms back to its basic form. A player can also decide at any moment to revert back to its basic form by pressing the hotkey. If the player does so, the whole current charge is consumed.

Bonuses and Limitations

While transformed, all armor base bonuses and set bonuses are lost, except for imbued properties, which remain active. Weapon and shields instead are completely disabled (so their imbued properties are lost too). Both Chadra and Erwydra use unarmed melee attacks when transformed. The damage type of attack counts as “any”, so all the abilities that require a melee weapon can be used, disregarding the type of damage required to perform them.

Chadra boast the following bonuses:

On transformation:

+25% Critical Change
+500 Life
+5% Movement Speed
+400 Accuracy

Chadras use their claws while transformed, which boast the following stats:

Damage: 6.8 x STR/DEX
Damage Type: Slash/Pierce/Crush
Speed: Medium
Range: 2m in a 90° cone
Special: 25% Armor Penetration
Weight Class: Light/Medium/Heavy (No casting restrictions).

Erwydra boast the following bonuses:

+25% Cooldown Reduction
+25% Lower Mana Cost
+500 Health
+200 Evasion
+200 Willpower

Erwydras use their claws while transformed, which boast the following stats:

Damage: 4.8x STR/DEX
Damage Type: Slash/Pierce/Crush
Speed: Medium
Range: 2m in a 90° cone
Special: 20% Bashing
Weight Class: Light/Medium

When a Wildfolk character is transformed, it can only perform actions related to combat such as moving, attacking and using abilities, or actions that can be useful in combat such as interacting with containers (e.g. looting) and opening/closing doors. Any other action (mounting, gathering, building, crafting, resting…) is not permitted”

Blessed Humans Transformations

The power granted by Primal Energy to Blessed Humans is radically different from that of Chadra and Erwydra. The body of the character doesn’t change when activated, and it lasts for only 10 seconds, with a cooldown of 30 seconds from the moment it was triggered.

While using the power of the crystal, the Blessed Human enjoys +200 mana regeneration and +200 health regeneration per second. A VFX is displayed on the character to indicate that it’s making use of this power.

Two new major functionalities have been added to the marketplace.

• The “Create Buy Order” tab has been renamed to “Find / Buy Item”, and it now includes the new Find Item functionality. It allows you to see all the best buy and sell orders for a specific item on any continent. This could already be done before by opening the buy order/sell orders tabs, inputting the item’s name in the filter box, and using the city selection dropdown to go through cities to find the best offers. It took several minutes to perform a search that way, while now it takes a second!
• All orders on the marketplace now expire 1 month after they’ve been created. The expiration timer is shown in the buy orders and sell orders tab.
When a buy order expires, the gold is sent back to the Global Gold Wallet of the creator of the order. When a sell order expires, the gold is sent back to the Global Gold Wallet of the creator of the order.

Moreover, the following bugs have been fixed:

• Sale orders for pieces of equipment now match correctly with buy orders that require “any” material and required a lower quality. Previously if a buy order for a piece of equipment didn’t require a specific material it would never be filled.
• The material selection dropdown is no longer available when creating buy orders for primitive weapons (which have no material).
• Fixed some minor text issues (Property for Imbued Gems and Material for pieces of equipment were both called Quality in the Create Buy Order menu).

This patch features some more major bug fixes!

• The Hunter Armor now correctly gives +50% damage against monsters with 100% knowledge acquired instead of +150%.
• Cargo cost is no longer counted twice when traveling to a harbor of a different continent. This bug made traveling between Myr and Aerhen much more expensive than it was meant to be.
• Fixed a long-standing bug that prevented players from gaining loot rights on monsters they killed under some circumstances.
• Moving while holding down the left mouse button no longer stops when the mouse hovers over UI elements.
• Fixed the last 2 bridges on Terra that were blocked on one side.
• The material choice in crafting stations no longer resets to the default material when another player interacts with a storage unit nearby.
• The game’s main theme is no longer played in the background during the login video.
• The walk animations of all races while holding a shield are now played correctly.

The Arrival of the Blessed Guardians

Today’s patch features a much-awaited feature, a big surprise, and a few critical bug fixes. Read below for all the details!

The highly anticipated travel between worlds is finally here! Here come the Stargates!

The final design of stargates has changed compared to the initial idea, which saw them as “special” buildings that could be placed in player cities. Instead, they are pre-existing structures already placed in the world.

There’s only 1 stargate per continent, (roughly) equally distant from the 2 starting areas of the continent. Travel is possible from a stargate to any other one. This means they can be used to travel between continents of the same planet, such as Myr and Aerhen!

To activate a stargate, just click on the control panel at the top of the structure. If you have 20 Energy Shards in your inventory and the destination gate isn’t already active, you’re good to go: just walk into the gate and reappear moments later on the other side

A gate remains open for 1 minute only. During that time, any player can travel both ways–including players who don’t belong to the same party/guild as the player who opened the gate.

Stargates are represented with an icon both on the world map and the minimap.

In the previous paragraph we’ve mentioned Energy Crystals are needed to open a stargate. These items can be gathered in a new type of world event which is only available on Arboreus.

The event consists of a large primal crystal surrounded by 10 shards. Wildfolk will be able to gather energy from the crystal to fuel their Primal Form transformation–but that’s something coming in a future update. For now, just the 10 shards can be picked up.

Only a handful of crystal events are active at the same time on Terra, and shards don’t respawn, making them a very rare and valuable resource, which is going to have other uses in the future other than opening stargates.

Crystal events aren’t visible on the world map, but they’re visible on the minimap (like existing chest events).

After the fracture, not all humans were created equal. While the large majority chose a life of free will, the Iridia preferred to live in harmony with nature – just as the Wildfolk did. Nelena of Arboreus took notice of this group, welcomed them to the Wildfolk race, and blessed them with new gifts to better help them channel primal energy. These blessings also changed the nature and basic instincts of the Iridra to behave as any other Wildfolk would, specifically ensuring they always have a good alignment to save them from the temptation of evil influences. And in this world filled with demons, there’s certainly enough evil to go around.

Because of their alignment, they’ve been rewarded with a place on Arboreus, and are officially part of the Wildfolk, thus being subject to the same rules:

• They’re teleported to Terra when leaving the tutorial island.
• They can’t choose the Evil alignment.
• They can absorb energy from primal crystals and trigger a special ability with it, although it’s conceptually different from the Primal Forms of the other Wildfolk. This feature is not implemented yet.

The Iridra feature new faces, haircuts and colours, clearly distinct from those of the humans of Syndesia. As for base stats, they enjoy the following bonuses:

• +1STR, +2 DEX, +2 INT, +1CON, +2 PER, +2 CHA
• Luck +50
• Mana Regeneration +5
• Health Regeneration +5

Terra Legends

The first Terra legends - the world bosses of Fractured Online - are live!
Here are their names, the creatures they're based on and their difficulty!

Tremora, Swarm Queen (Termidian matron) - Medium
Red, Wild Predator (Crested Lizard) - Medium
Gurgle, Plague Bringer (Giant Bullfrog) - Medium
Po Co, Jungle Runner (Cassowary) - Easy

A few additional ones may be added in the future, so stay tuned!

With the Arrival of the Blessed Guardians we have made some minor but impactful changes, take a look!

• Totems can no longer be cast next to each other (disregarding the "party" of the caster). This was done both for PvP balancing and performance reasons. They also have slightly lower resistances.
• Equipment durability loss on death (10%) has been removed. It remains as before for KO (5%). In case of "direct death" (e.g. death of hunger), it's 5% as with KO. This was done mostly to make sieges less cumbersome, as that's a scenario when a lot of deaths (by suicide or execute) happen in a short amount of time, but we're sure many PvE players will rejoice as well. This should effectively make durability loss in sieges 1/3 of what it used to be
• A profanity filter toggle has been added to the Settings menus (default: on). It will censor any profanities in your currently selected client language.

As well as a plethora of bug fixes!

• Friends of personal land parcels can now access items with access level "Friends". Public access level now also works properly.
• Totems can now be attacked by melee characters and the number of stacks they apply (e.g. Warm) is now reduced by the victim's Fortitude (as with all other spells).
• It's no longer possible to become Agressive inside protected areas (e.g. harbors, siege tents during sieges, etc).
• One of the doors of the city stone gates didn't block movement when closed. It now does.
• Sieges now take place on EU time if the defending city has selected EU time. Before the fix it would always use US time, unless the EU selection was done after the city was claimed.
• Soft and Tough Reptile Leathers now assign the correct properties to items instead of becoming Tough animal Leather.
• Moving a character when mounting a horse right when the progress bar is completed no longer causes the horse to move around with the idle animation.