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Fractured Online screenshot
Genre: Role-playing (RPG), Adventure

Fractured Online

Early Access Survey

Hello adventurer,

it’s already been over a month since the Early Access started and we want to hear more about what you think about Fractured Online!

We invite you to take 15-20 minutes to look over each question and give us your thoughts and opinions on the currently available and future Fractured Online content.

Please note, the Early Access Survey is available only until October 23, 2022 and we will evaluate the answers in the following days to plan the next steps in the development of Fractured Online!


Thank you for taking the Early Access Survey and for your continued support!
Your Fractured Online team

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October 12, 2022 - Additions and Fixes!

World events have finally arrived to Aerhen and Terra!
Take on these new camps, defeat the enemies guarding the chest and claim awesome loot!

On Terra, the following types are available:

• Grokotons
• Bandits
• Termidians
• Druidic Ogres

On Aerhen, the following types are available:

• Goblins
• Bandits

We are aware Aerhen is not on par with the other continents here. It will be once we’ve managed to improve the Jotunn Mountains, turning them into a proper POI like those of the Ogres of Myr and Terra. Once this is done, we’ll be able to create world events with Jotunns to populate the North of the continent.

The following critical bugs have been fixed:
• Fixed a long-standing issue that caused spells and attacks to sometimes fail when cast while moving.
• Players who die during sieges no longer respawn in place.
• It’s no longer possible to speed up the logout time by closing the client by “killing” the process (ALT+F4).
• Fixed a bug that would make players end up above or below the floor of the town hall when teleporting to it (usually because of death).
• Removed rocks that prevented access to some bridges on Terra.
• The Termidian Matron no longer spawns dead.
• The duration of Death Bargain has been reduced from 20 to 15 seconds

Feature Spotlight - Crafting

Crafting is what makes an MMO an experience truly individual for each and every player. The things that you can create with your own hands - your equipment, your clothes, your armor or your weapons - are what define you in the vast fantasy worlds that you traverse. Fractured Online gives you the chance to tailor each and every one of your favorite pieces of equipment to your personal preferences.


Crafting is a vital part of any MMO game, something that you will do again and again - and as such it is important to keep it interesting over the course of time. That’s why we have implemented several layers of crafting that have very different requirements. The first one is what we call “inventory crafting”: No matter where you are, you can always open your inventory and craft simple things on the go. Things like bandages, a torch or a club - your everyday basic stuff. It doesn’t take much time or effort to create these items, and they will serve their purpose very well - but of course they’re not what you would call fancy handiwork.

If you intend to create something precious and with a bit more finesse, you need preparation. First and foremost you will need to find a crafting station: These are special benches that are placed within the cities - and only in the cities! They can not be built in your own home. However, the crafting stations, once set up within the confines of a city, allow you access to more advanced crafting - the so-called “Tier Crafting” that applies to all kinds of armor.

Here’s an example: The common Plate Mail is a heavy Tier 1 armor mostly made of metal, that gives you very solid protection against all kinds of attacks. Using this as a basis and investing additional variable materials you can create three kinds of Tier 2 armors: A Knight Armor, a Paladin Armor or even a Slayer Armor. Each and every one of these has not only very different properties when it comes to physical and magical resistance, but also enables you to deal out heavier damage or receive bonus Critical Damage for a certain amount of time when using a Combat Ability, for example. And that’s just Tier 2 - Tier 3, which will be available later on, splits into even better and more specific armor variants that are reserved for the most tenacious and resourceful of adventurers!

It is important to know that the basic material requirements for Tier 1 and Tier 2 items are the same - Tier 2 requires additional variable materials on top of it that are usually not that easy to come by. Also, persistent crafting will make you get better at it: The more you craft an item, the more a dedicated experience bar fills up, the better you will get at doing so and the better and more valuable the item eventually becomes. This is not only important for your own self-esteem but also for your reputation, as fellow adventurers will surely consult you first when they need a certain item tailor-made for them by the best!


We already mentioned that crafting stations are only available in cities. The important thing to know here is that each crafting station is not like the other. What you can craft on the station in your own city doesn’t have to be the same items that you can create two cities down the road. Quite the opposite, it’s much more probable that you will find many new and exciting crafting opportunities by visiting new cities and their crafting stations as each city has their own tech tree that their citizens can invest into. It works like this: If you are a citizen of a certain city, your governor can put points into it - and by doing so choose what tech points they want to invest in. A certain amount of focus is important here as you can’t simply invest into everything - each city has to become specialized in one direction sooner or later.

So in order to be able to craft a very specific item, like for example a metal spear, you will not only have to find special crafting recipes, which are either unlocked as the player progresses or are rare drops within monster loots - but also a city that gives access to a specific crafting station. So how do you find this particular city? Of course you can explore the world, visit every city in your reach, make notes of their specialization and keep searching while having fun in the worlds of Fractured Online. You can also join your fellow players on forums or Discord channels to find out if anyone happens to know where this or that particular item can be crafted and which city provides which particular kinds of service. We are also working on a handy location tool which is going to show you in detail what kinds of research which city has completed, or which level of taxation awaits you at what location, so you can make informed decisions about where to go for some sweet, sweet crafting or even where to settle down. But for the time being let’s just say that there will be more information about this topic for you in the future, as this feature is still being developed as we speak.


Any kind of crafting can only be as good as the materials used in it - so choosing the right materials matters, as some are simply better than others! Fractured Online has lots and lots of different materials available to satisfy all of your deepest crafting desires: metals, fibers, woods, leathers, furs or skins, amongst many others. And their value for crafting can not be overstated: With the exception of the most primitive weapons that are made of wood and stone, each item you can craft has at least one variable material, which determines the crafted item’s properties.

So if you take for example the Plate Gauntlets, which are mighty and quite useful heavy gloves, you can make them in Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, and even some fancy alloys like Mithril, Oricalcum or Moon Steel. And of course that’s the same for any Tier 1 or Tier 2 armor, like the Knight’s Armor or the Cleric’s Armor: The base ingredients for crafting these are always the same - but it’s the over-the-top additions that make the difference between taking a fireball, and withstanding a firestorm!


Imbuing is The Artistry Formerly Known As Enchanting. At one point in the development of Fractured Online we realized though that the term “Enchanting” didn’t quite send the message that we wanted to convey - so we changed it to “Imbuing”. Imbuing is not directly part of the crafting system, but it’s closely related - a first cousin, if you will.

Just like with the more advanced crafting you also need a dedicated station for imbuing - in this case it’s not a crafting station but an imbuing table, featuring a black top covered with a mystic pentagram, onto which you put the item that you wish to enhance. The item rests in the center of the pentagram, which means that you have five end slots which you can fill up with the reagents you intend to use. Reagents are enchanting materials, and they can be pretty much everything: Milkweed, Spider Eyes, Dragon Soul, Garlic, Holy Water, Ogre Horn, Rabbit Paw, Wolfsbane, Zombie Brain - you name it. There are hundreds of different reagents, common and uncommon, and just like regular crafting materials, these reagents all have different properties. You can use up to five different reagents in one imbuing session, it’s completely up to you. The important thing to know is that you will need the specific reagents that have certain properties to be able to imbue properly and create the specific enchantment you’re looking for - things like Mana Regeneration, Magic Resistance or a Strength Bonus.

There are many, many possible enchantments for each and every item, and they are also staggered into Tiers. Each item that you can imbue has very specific properties that are each separated into ten little bars - things like Fire, Chaos, Soul, Knowledge or Energy. In order to reach Tier 1 of an enchantment you will have to fill up two of those bars. Tier 2 requires you to fill up five bars. And for Tier 3, the maximum of the game, you will have to fill up all of the bars of all four property icons - an enormous task that requires only the best and rarest reagents in your inventory! But it also yields the most impressive results, of course.

This system is a bit complex to explain but really easy to use in the game: You just put your item in the imbuing table, select the reagents, imbue, and Bob’s your uncle. Unlike a crafting station, the imbuing table can be placed pretty much everywhere - you can even build one yourself into your own home in Fractured Online! But that doesn’t mean that you can imbue all day to your heart’s content - each item can only be imbued a limited amount of times.

Finding the right reagents is also not that trivial a task, particular in the case of the higher-tier ones: Some reagents you can find pretty much everywhere, others can only to be found in very specific locations - about 95% of the reagents are specific either to a continent or a region within that continent. Garlic, for example, can only be found on Myr - so you will have to go there to find it or buy it from someone. Of course you can also hire someone to bring it to your continent if you shy away from the troubles of traveling abroad. Ingredients can also be found or bought on the marketplace within cities. And in case you’re looking for a very specific ingredient you can always find help within the community: There are already player-made tools available that find the right combination of items to obtain certain enchantments.

We believe that the best things in life are the ones that you create with your own hands. Crafting is a mighty tool for doing just that - and in Fractured Online we give you all the options to become a master crafter in no time!

Until next time,
Your Fractured Online Team

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Bug Fixes - September 29, 2022

Hello everyone!

We have a new critical bugfix & quality-of-life patch for you today! It is mostly focused on sieges, but t contains some juicy changes elsewhere as well.

Get ready, as we’ve got a much bigger feature patch coming in the next days!

Siege Fixes & Changes

Below are all the bug fixes specifically related to sieges:

• Fixed a serious bug with sieges that would only happen with many players connected. This bug caused some operations not to be performed when a siege started. Among them: defender banners not registering with the defending city (the UI would show 0/0 banners for defenders), gates not closing automatically, and players not involved in the siege in the city area not being kicked out.
• Players who aren’t part of a siege are now moved to the closest city that is claimed and not under siege (just like when selecting Closest City on death) instead of being moved outside of the sieged city.
• Carts and wagons now become invisible and non-interactable during a siege.
• Players can no longer send trade, party, guild and settler invites to opponents during a siege.
• Walls now correctly take damage during a siege
• Fixed a bug that made it so that attackers weren’t protected from attacks within the siege tent and defenders weren’t protected from attacks within the town hall.
• It’s no longer possible to sneak through closed doors during a siege.

Other fixes & changes

Below are all the other bug fixes and changes:

• Dashes now work properly if the terrain isn’t flat.
• Players who go Stealth are no longer visible as semi-transparent to players who aren’t party members. They are now semi-transparent only for 1 second after the spell casting ends, as it was meant to be
• The 3 largest player houses of Arboreus now have correct names and give the correct amount of prestige.
• A ton of colliders have been corrected for decorative plants on Arboreus which intercepted mouse clicks and made it hard to click on small monsters or created holes in navigation (the latter wasn’t a bug, but it was annoying, so now you can walk through small plants like small mini-palms)
• Fixed a bug that would make it impossible to delete some buildings in cities. Please note that we’re still working on the “evict citizen” feature for Governors
• Bleed has been rebalanced. It now lasts for 25 seconds at 100 stacks instead of 50 seconds. Warm and Chilled have also been tweaked for server performance (they now lose 2 stacks every 0.4 seconds instead of 1 every 0.2 seconds–so the total duration is still the same)
• Commoner Clothes and Hide Armor no longer require a gold fee to be crafted in crafting stations.
• Added localization for the names of inventory items of some new Arboreus resources(plants).
• Added icons for most inventory items in-game that still used placeholders
• Fixed non-walkable stairs in a couple of Grokoton platforms
• Cassowaries now have a new, much-improved model
• The lava shader has been changed. Lava now looks different in the volcano of Aerhen (it still has graphical issues though, it’s far from perfect), and now it’s actually lava (and not water...) in the volcano of Terra

Bug Fixes - September 22, 2022

Hi everyone,
we have a new bugfix patch for you today! This post also includes the log for the hotfix patch released on Sunday, which was disclosed on Discord only.

Terra Fixes

Below are all the bug fixes specifically related to the continent of Terra:

• Fixed a bug that would prevent the Arboreus version of the Carpenter and Food Stockpile to be built in full. Existing buildings may still be not completable. Please reach out to an admin who will delete them for you and help you rebuild them.
• All types of cooked meat can now be turned into dried meat sacks in the Packaging Station
• Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause Wildfolk to have the wrong weapon animation on login (“tabbing” to switch weapon was required to fix it).
• The spawn of monsters on Terra has been rebalanced.
Creatures with Challenge Rating >= 5 like the Komodo Dragon no longer spawn in the South-Western half of the world, while some others with CR 4 (e.g. Giant Bullfrog, Sproutling) are now rarer
• The respawn time of the Toxic Dartfrog is now correctly 10 minutes instead of 6 seconds
• Duplicate monster spawners in the volcanic area have been removed.
• Harbor travel costs on Terra are now correct.

Other Fixes

Below you will find additional bug fixes:

• Fixed a bug that would “break” characters dying of hunger –they would see themselves called “Prometheus” (the default text in the UI) and have to relog to make the character work again.
• Disconnecting when dead because of “execute” or “suicide” no longer causes a character to log back into the game alive
• Several fixes to “friendly fire” have been implemented. The most important one is that it was ignoring the “aggressive” status of players hit. As an example, this allowed griefers to pick a Good alignment, become Aggressive and hurt other non-Aggressive Good players through AOE spells
• Character respect are not (really) functional. The respec time has been reset for all players, so you can respec immediately. All characters with invalid stats have been fixed.
• It is now possible to travel from Myr to Aerhen via harbor
• The fireplace has been added to start taverns on Aerhen
• The location column in the guild menu has been removed (it wasn’t working)
• The gold withdraw / deposit slider now uses 9 digits instead of 5.

Bug Fixes - September 19, 2022

Hi everyone,

we have a new bugfix patch for you today! This post also includes the log for the hotfix patch released on Sunday, which was disclosed on Discord only.

1. Today’s Patch

The main purpose of this patch is to fix an item dupe bug which was reported to us yesterday by a player (thank you!). Sadly, a small group of players decided to exploit it instead of reporting it. The accounts of the culprits, which were most likely doing it for (future) gold selling, have been banned, and all the duped gold has been removed.

Adding to the above, we have fixed the following critical bugs:

  • In-game attribute respecs (from the Character menu) now work correctly and no longer cause players to “lose” attributes. The “last respec” has been reset for all characters, so if you were affected, you can respec immediately and regain all your attributes.
  • Marketplaces on Terra are now fully functional.
  • Crop fields on Terra now have the correct fertility instead of 0%.

2. Sunday Patch

In Sunday’s patch, we released a new iteration of the service failing due to load, whose failure was causing the following issues (among many others):

  • Failure to create and invite people to guilds, parties, groups of settlers.
  • The global chat not showing, and messages not being sent.
  • Failure to be registered as citizens of a city or be promoted / demoted / kicked.
  • Failure to use harbors.

After the patch, the service has proven to be stable, so all these issues are finally gone!

Adding to the above, we took the chance to fix two other major bugs:

  • Horses on Terra, which spawned only in the Bandit camps, now spawn in the jungle as well (by design, only in the South/Western half of the planet).
  • Mineral deposits on Aerhen, which were accidentally not included in the first world build, are back.

September 16 - Fixes and Improvements

Since the Steam Early Access launch yesterday we experienced issues with two external web services that are used by game servers, Due to load, these services malfunctioned, causing a variety of issues which are detailed as below.

We've been hard at work to make these services "scale" as the should and we've made significant progress - in one case we've likely solved them entirely.

Login/Lougout, Banks, Markets:

• Banks not opening or "eating" items.
• Logins failing and requiring multiple attemps to be successful.
• Logouts failing or requiring a long time.
• Markets being slow or malfunctioning

We won’t be sure until the patch is released and you all log back in, but we are very confident the scalability improvements we’ve made should be working, and all these issues should become a (bad) memory of launch day

Chat, Guillds, Parties and Harbor:

• Failure to create and invite people to guilds, parties, groups of settlers
• The global chat not showing, and messages not being sent.
• Failure to be registered as citizens of a city or be promoted /
demoted / kicked
• Failure to use harbors

We're also releasing various improvement to this service, but we're not equally confident they'll be sufficient. If not, we'll keep working on new solutions.

Other Fixes:

• Horses can now spawn on Terra.
• Tailors can now be used in starting areas of Terra.
• Made minor improvements to client framerate when in an overcrowded area.
• Wildfolk corpses are no longer displayed as Humans.
• The cooldown of Hunter's Mark now rests when killing a marked victim.
• Minor fixes to spell VFXs.

Early Access LIVE NOW!

Hello adventurers!

The Fractured Online Early Access is now live on Glyph & Steam and we’re excited to bring brand new content to you!

Rise like a Guardian of Nature!
Arboreus is now in sight and along with it, the first continent Terra is now available!
Delve into thick forests, collect new resources and defend yourself against new enemies!

Can you feel the druidic magic in the air?
The Wildfolk are here! Play as two brand new races, the Chadra – a nimble, dextrous and expert hunter, and the Erwydra – smart and cunning Wildfolk, adept at harnessing the powers of nature and the arcane!

Take a deep dive into the world of the Wildfolk in the latest Feature Spotlight!

The Rise of the Guardians of Nature – Patch Notes

Along the Early Access, take a look at our patch notes and discover what’s new in today’s update!

Check the patch notes here!

Developer AMA – 23 September

Join us live on Twitch on 23 September for a special Developer AMA!
Knilpu and Arcahem are joined by Jacopo Pietro Gallelli and they’ll be ready to answer all of your questions LIVE!

Where: gamigo’s Official Twitch Channel
When: 23 September, 2022, 5PM CEST / 8AM PST / 11AM EST

Head over to the Official Fractured Online Discord and leave us your questions in the #🎉-september-23-ama!

Have any questions?
Check our Early Access FAQ out!

Have any feedback?
Be sure to join our Discord server and get in touch with us!

Experiencing any bugs or difficulties?
Submit a bug report through our bug report form!

Are you new to Fractured Online?
Check out these amazing videos from GrumpyOldBratwurst and get all the information you need to get your adventure started!

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Early Access Pre-Celebration

Hello adventurers!

The Early Access is just around the corner and this brings the release of the new continent and races on September 15, 2022. Get ready for the planet Arboreus & Wildfolk! Experience a brand-new adventure together with your friends and build your own city.

Wanna learn more about “The life, world, and origin of the Wildfolk”?
Get all the details here!

Monsters are invading, it’s Monster’s Pandemonium!

All hell breaks loose!
Monsters are invading cities across Myr and Aerhen, nowhere is safe and hiding won’t help!

But that’s not all, aside from surviving and defending your home and friends, the fabric of reality is tearing asunder and dangerous monsters will massively flock to the cities. It’s a true pandemonium!

September 11, 4PM CEST / 7AM PST / 10AM EST
September 12, 4PM CEST / 7AM PST / 10AM EST


A new Beginning

In preparations for the Early Access the Fractured Online Server will go offline on September 12, 4PM CEST / 7AM PST / 10AM EST.

The fresh Server will be brought back online on September 15, 4PM CEST / 7AM PST / 10AM EST along with the "Rise of the Guardians of Nature” update.

Gather your friends and guild members.
It’s time for a LAND RUSH!

𝗖𝗮𝗻 𝗜 𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗙𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗢𝗻𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 on Twitch or YouTube?
Yes, we invite all adventurous creators and support you!

Use #FracturedOnline to share your creations and streams with us.

Need overlays and other materials?
We have exactly what you need with the Official Fractured Online Fan Kit!

Be sure to wishlist Fractured Online!

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