Patch Notes - Friday the 13th: The Game - January 2019 Patch
The kill process for Jason
UI Bug
This hotfix has been submitted and is rolling out to platforms as soon as possible.
The team has fixed various interaction lock issues, including:
Stumbling while dropping an item
Entering Combat Stance while swinging weapon
Multiple connectivity/crash fixes including:
Network Error after joining lobby in Quick Play
“Need Updated Client” error
Fixed an issue where an invisible collision would occur at the barn fence on Pinehurst, causing the car to shift vertically after restarting the car.
Fixed an exploit where counselors could use the car as a barricade at Jason’s shack, affecting several maps.
Fixed an issue where the counselors could control their directional axis while climbing through windows, allowing them to reach unplayable areas of the maps.
Fixed an issue where counselors are able to reach the rooftop of the Pinehurst Halfway House by escaping Jason's grab with a pocket knife.
Falling Animation Loop - Fixed various areas where players enter a falling animation and cannot continue, including:
Firewood Logs on Pinehurst Map
Cardboard Box on Packanack Map
Coffee Table in Jarvis House
Counselor Catch - Fixed various spots that could snag the counselors and make them unable to move, including:
Cemetery fence on the Crystal Lake map.
Safe Spots - Fixed various safe spots where the counselors are unreachable once entered, including:
The cemetery in Higgin’s Haven
Parking the car inside the barn on Pinehurst
Fixed an issue disabling the “More Emotes” button.
Fixed the Morph Cursor not showing on Xbox One.
Jason - Buffing Mother’s Special, Special Boy.
Weapon Swing - Jason can now swing his equipped weapon to hit multiple targets at once. This will help Jason defend himself against bullies.
Stun - It is no longer possible to Stun Jason while he is in Rage Mode unless using a shotgun or Pamela’s sweater.
Rage Indicator will show on the minimap when Jason enters Rage Mode.
Counselors - They should have been watching him.
Tommy Jarvis - Players who kill themselves cannot come back as Tommy Jarvis.
****Killing Jason is unchanged.****
PRICE CHOP: Friday the 13th: The Game Price Reduced
Friday the 13th: The Game incoming PRICE CHOP!
We're reducing the base game price permanently, starting today Dec. 7th, every platform!
$19.99 USD
1.31.2018 - Jason Part 5 (Roy) Added, Pinehurst Map Added, Balance Changes, Bug Fixes!
Jason Part 5 and Pinehurst
Jason Part 5 and the Pinehurst map are both now available for both Multiplayer and Offline Bots!
Part 5 has no level requirement and has access to the following grab kills:
Hedge Trimmer
Last Breath
You’re so Vein
New Unlockable Grab Kill
The grab kill Rugby Player is now available!
The requirements to unlock Rugby Player are:
Level: 108
Cost: 2500 CP
Changes and Bug Fixes
Reduced the amount of Pocket Knives and Medical Sprays that can spawn per match
Adjusted the amount of available spawns per match for each weapon
Addressed several issues that were causing players to become interaction locked
Fixed a bug that caused Bear Traps to disappear when disarmed by a counselor
Fixed a bug related to the “The Final Chapter” achievement that was causing players to crash
Jason will now begin each match equipped with 2 additional throwing knives
Jason’s movement speed has been slightly increased
Jason’s grab range and cone has been slightly increased
Players can once again access the medium bloody skin for Savini Jason
Note: The unlockable Light/Heavy bloody skins are not available for Savini Jason
Fixed a bug that allowed Jason’s character model to rotate while knocked down
The grab kills “Free Kick” and “Disarm” will now properly grant Versatile experience
Fixed a bug where - if a player interacted with a window in a certain way, the window would break and incorrectly cause damage to the player
Fixed inconsistencies that were appearing in several counselor models
The Fuse will no longer be able to spawn in the same building as the Phone Box
Addressed several exploit locations on all maps
Made adjustments to several locations that were causing the objectives/repair parts spawns to be inaccessible
Fixed several bugs related to the boat flipping mechanic
Offline Play
Made many improvements and bug fixes to the bot AI in Offline Bots
Restart function added to the pause menu in Offline Bots
Fixed a bug causing the end score screen to incorrectly show badge progression in Offline Bots
Note: Badges can not be obtained through Offline Bots
Added servers for South America and Australia [PC]
Added region auto-detection [PC]
Players should once again be able to hear the sound of weapons and items being dropped
The grab kill “Free Kick” will now properly take into account the user’s audio settings
We've been hard at work over here at Gun Media and IllFonic to bring out our next major content update for fans with tons of free stuff to check out! The three major additions to the game include;
Virtual Cabin 2.0
The Virtual Cabin 2.0 is an improved and enlarged version of our 'Virtual Cabin' that was offered to fans on PC during development of the game. This latest Virtual Cabin has expanded upon the idea in just about every measurable way, with tons of major secrets hidden in every section of the house. The Virtual Cabin is something of a 'dev diary' and museum to Friday the 13th on the surface, however those that look deeper into the mystery of the cabin will be rewarded with secrets that are sure to send a shock wave through the entire Friday the 13th fanbase.
The Virtual Cabin 2.0 is free on PC with the latest update. The cabin is a single player addition to the game set in first person as players explore the cabin, as nothing is what it seems on the surface.
Offline Bots
Offline bots have been added to the game to allow for players to enjoy single player content. Offline bots work on every map of the game and is meant to be enjoyed by those not looking to play with others while still getting the Friday the 13th: The Game experience. Players will take control of Jason Voorhees as he stalks each camp looking for his counselor victims.
Shelly Finkelstein added as playable counselor
Franchise favorite and beloved character Shelly has been added to the game as a playable character. Shelly joins the game right away, so you won't have to grind to unlock him! Those familiar with the films know that Shelly was directly responsible for bringing the famous Hockey Mask straight to Jason in the third movie! We've partnered with original actor Larry Zerner, who is reprising his role just for the game!
Additional Notes; Premium Kill Pack, Level Cap Increase and Holiday Bonuses for Fans
We're happy to announce that Jason Voorhees Part VII is getting a premium kill pack; 3 new kills specific to J7 at a cost of $2.99 (prices vary with region and platform). Players can opt to get these kills for even more choice in dispatching counselors!
Running from December 18-23, players will have increased chances to gain Rare & Epic Perk rolls. December 23-27 will have an increased chance of acquiring both Pamela Voorhees and Tommy Jarvis audio tapes and December 23-January 2 will have Double CP gains for all players!
The overall Level Cap has been increased to 150 with new Jason skins, new kills, new clothing options for counselors and additional future content!
Hotfix 11.16.2017
Last night, we rolled out a hotfix in preparation for the updated level cap that will be implemented in the upcoming patch.
Players that reach the level cap are now able to obtain Customization Points every time they gain enough EXP for a "level rollover"
Basically, anyone currently at level 101 will be able to level up indefinitely for Customization Point rewards while staying at their current level.
Every 10,000 EXP you gain at 101 will cause your EXP bar to rollover and grant you 2,000 Customization Points.
This system will also apply to players who reach the updated level cap of 150 in the next patch, but with update values for rewards.
Paranoia - A new game mode coming to Friday the 13th: The Game
10.25.2017 - Patch Notes: New Counselor, Tommy Updates and Tons of Bug Fixes!
Hey all!
We've got a new system for elaborating on our patch notes, so you can see a ton of that info here at It goes over the new content, new counselor (Fox) as well as updates to Tommy Jarvis that have been added!
Here's our attempt to format for Steam:
New Counselor: Fox
Level 32 Requirement
6/10 Composure
3/10 Luck
6/10 Repair
4/10 Speed
5/10 Stamina
4/10 Stealth
7/10 Strength
Tommy Jarvis 2.0 (and Jarvis Tapes!)
Tommy Jarvis has had a pep talk and now has the courage and determination to protect all the Counselors of Camp Crystal lake. In this update, we tried to clear define what it means to play as Tommy Jarvis. Players chosen as Jarvis should prioritize saving the other Counselors from Jason and helping them escape. To emphasize Tommy’s hero attributes and goals, we have introduced these following changes:
Tommy Jarvis no longer says a variant of “I need to get out of here” when he spawns
The text that displays when Tommy Jarvis spawns has been changed from “Escape!” to “YOU were chosen to be Tommy Jarvis” - “Save the other counselors!”
Tommy Jarvis is no longer startled by dead bodies
Tommy Jarvis spawns with a Medical Spray and a Pocket Knife
To incentivise these new character goals and discourage Jarvis players from escaping on their own, XP will be granted to Jarvis for sacrificing himself while there are any living Counselors nearby (20 meters). This is a one time bonus per match. The bonus will not be granted multiple times for multiple Counselors in the vicinity. Any deaths caused by Jason will grant XP - this includes death by traps. Deaths due to suicide or team kills are excluded from the bonus XP. We have also added an additional post round reward screen to show XP gained while playing as Tommy Jarvis. This will be shown after the normal Counselor reward screen.
Jarvis Tapes Have Been Added!
Tommy Jarvis Tapes have also been added alongside the TJ 2.0 update. These are collected in the same way as the Pamela tapes and there are 13 Jarvis tapes in total.
Good Luck!
New Environmental Kills
5 New environmental kills have been added to Jason's arsenal! These kills are available on every single available map and can be executed by all the Jason variants. This should spice things up a bit on Camp Crystal Lake! Counselors will need to be extra careful, as Jason is now able to use these following household items as environmental kills:
Stove Top
Boom Box
Kitchen Knife (Throat Slit)
Kitchen Knife (Stab)
Screw Driver
Jason and Disconnecting Counselors
Jason will now properly receive the kill credit even if a counselor disconnects during the kill animation
Counselors are now able to check their map to find the location of Repair Parts that have been dropped
Repair parts that have been dropped will now immediately show up as an icon on all available Counselor maps. These icons will not appear on items that have not yet been picked up or on items currently being held. Jason is unable to see these icons on his map. If a Counselor escapes with a repair part or dies with it in the water, the item will respawn somewhere else on the map with an icon accompanying it.
"It was frustrating in the later stages of a match for Counselors when repair parts were taken from their spawns and lost in a large map. Being able to locate your win condition is an important part of the game and this QoL change should help alleviate some issues"
Jason's Grab adjustments
Slightly reduced the maximum range of Jason’s Grab
Reduced the cone size of Jason’s Grab
"This is a change that we have been looking into for a while. Through internal testing, we have decided that these new values currently feel better than they did previously. We will be keeping a close eye on community feedback regarding this change and are not opposed to making further adjustments in the future."
Emote and Scoreboard key mapping changed on controllers
The Emote Wheel is now accessible by holding down the [Y]/[Triangle] button on controllers
Pressing [UP] on the D-Pad brings up the Scoreboard as it did originally
“This is just a much more convenient button to access the scoreboard. The button to activate the sweater remains the same”
Bug Fixes
Players are no longer able to find duplicate Tapes
------Applies to both the Pamela Tapes and the Jarvis Tapes
Fixed a bug that caused Medical Sprays to sometimes show the incorrect number of remaining uses
Fixed a bug where - if Jason destroys the fuse box powering the Radio, it could cause the “Use the Radio to call Tommy Jarvis” objective to be incorrectly displayed as “Complete”
Force Feedback on controllers added to various actions that were previously missing it
Sucker Punch now correctly increases Melee Stun Chance
Fixed a bug with the Sneaky perk that was causing some players to experience camera and collision issues
Perks that have been updated in a patch no longer need to be re-equipped for “activation”
Fixed a bug causing blood splatter to not appear correctly on Counselors executed with a Cinematic Kill
Fixed a bug causing Counselors to sometimes “hang” in the air when executed with an Environmental Kill
Fixed a bug that allowed Jason to block and attack at the same time
Fixed a bug that caused Jason to do extra damage to doors and walls
Fixed a bug that caused Jason’s grab animation to sometimes not trigger when grabbing a Counselor out of a car
Players are no longer able to access the Jason (Part 4) kills that they have not yet unlocked
Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Jason to become interaction locked after attacking a hiding Counselor that quits at the same time
Added a minimum required distance between Jason traps to prevent players from being able to multi-trap objectives and chain stun Counselors
Fixed a bug that caused Jason Part (2/6/9) to have slightly higher HP than intended
Fixed some issues that were caused by Jason walking across the Police Line while holding a Counselor
Spectators no longer have their audio muted after spectating a Counselor that commits suicide
Fixed a bug on various maps that caused rain to be visible during Pamela’s post round reward screen
Destroying a generator will no longer incorrectly damage nearby objects
Fixed a bug where - if a Counselor exits the map while holding a large item, the item may sometimes respawn in an inaccessible area
Removed various Counselor exploit areas from all maps
Crystal Lake
Removed an item spawn that sometimes produced a non-interactable propeller inside the dock
Jarvis Map
Fixed a bug that caused players to not receive the police officer voice cue that accompanies the successful use of the phone
Removed areas of the map that allowed players to escape prematurely
Added a radio tower that was missing in one of the cabins with a CB radio spawn
Fixed some interaction issues with the basement door in the Blue House
Removed an “invisible wall” that was present on one of the roads
Tidied up collision on several rocks and boulders around the map
Tidied up collision on various wooden log steps around the map
Removed an overlapping Fuel Canister spawn
Removed grass that was growing in one of the cabins
Fixed some texture issues on the Jarvis House
Higgins Haven
The police that spawn in the upper-left corner of the map will now properly shoot at Jason when he approaches the police line
Fixed a bug that caused one of the fireplaces to sometimes shine a bright blue light throughout the cabin
Adjusted the spawn point that caused Jason to sometimes spawn under the ground
Fixed a terrain issue that caused players to be able to fall into an inescapable hole in the ground
Fixed a bug where - if a Counselor was sitting inside of a vehicle, their fear would not update(increase/decrease) until they exit the vehicle
Fixed a bug that caused Brandon ‘Buggzy’ Wilson’s arms to clip through his head when performing the Cry emote
Equipped items are no longer visible in a Counselor’s hand while they are performing an emote
Counselors are no longer able to aim the Flare Gun or Shotgun while they are performing an emote
Fixed a bug where - if a player used an attack while performing any dance emote, their character would become stuck for a short period of time
User Interface
Updated the “Controller Mapping” image to reflect the new emote and scoreboard controls
Fixed a bug causing Counselor outfits to not update properly in the customization preview
Added a description that was missing for Jason’s (Part 4) Throat Slit kill
Lowered the volume of the Rain SFX during Jason’s Stalk ability
10.11.2017 Patch Notes - Part IV Jason Content and Known Issues
Hey all,
So...we're going to drop the patch a little early to allow for stress testing and to get you guys some content! This update is going to be way larger than what we've done in the past, so bear with the notes and then follow up 'Known Issues' info that will be coming.
Should be a few hours from now.
Jarvis House
New Playable Map: Jarvis House
Jason Part 4
New Playable Jason: Jason 4
Level 44 Requirement
Weapon: Pig Splitter
(+) Can Run
(+) Weapon Strength
(+) Destruction
(-) Water Speed
(-) Shift
(-) Traps
Counselor Mitch Floyd
New Playable Counselor: Mitch Floyd
Level 24 Requirement
9/10 Composure
2/10 Luck
8/10 Repair
3/10 Speed
4/10 Stamina
6/10 Stealth
3/10 Strength
New Features
The Rain feature is now available and players may have a chance to encounter this new weather in any of the current playable maps.
Counselors pushing
Counselors are now able to “push” other counselors
In order to prevent players from griefing via “bodyblocking”, we have introduced a new feature that allows Counselors to push each other. The player being pushed will slowly walk away in the direction opposite of the player pushing. This feature does not affect Jason.
Thick Skinned perk changes
1. Thick Skinned now reduces ALL damage
------[Known Issue] Perks that had their values adjusted will have no in-game effect until re-equipped
2. The tooltip for Thick Skinned has been changed from “Take less damage from all incoming attacks.” to “Take less damage.“
3. “Originally, Thick Skinned was intended to reduce damage specifically from Jason's’ attacks. However, there was a bug that was causing Thick Skinned to apply twice which in turn also caused the perk to incorrectly reduce all incoming damage. This issue was fixed in the last patch. After considering our internal testing and community feedback, we agreed that the previous iteration of Thick Skinned worked better for game balance when the inflated damage reduction values were no longer present.”
Stun Duration adjusted
1. Jason’s Stun Duration timer has been adjusted
2. “Jason’s Stun Duration has been adjusted across all counselors and items to better balance the changes made by the previous bug fix.”
Grease Monkey perk rebalanced
1. Reduced the effectiveness of the Grease Monkey perk
------[Known Issue] Perks that had their values adjusted will have no in-game effect until re-equipped
2. “Grease Monkey was individually causing too large of an impact. We have adjusted Grease Monkey to be more consistent with other perks.”
Trap Damage adjusted
1. All counselors now take the same amount of damage from traps
2. “Traps have been adjusted to inflict the same amount of damage across all counselors. Players that activate a trap will now always be wounded unless equipped with an adequate trap damage reduction perk.”
Bug Fixes
1. Fixed a bug that allowed players to keep perks with old balance values
2. Fixed a bug where the Medic perk to show incorrect amount of charges on the Medical Spray item
3. Fixed a bug that was causing the Grinder perk to unintentionally grant Jason additional XP
1. Fixed a bug that was causing weapon durability values to calculate incorrectly
2. Fixed an issue where counselors could interact with nearby objects during ‘breaking free’ animations
3. Fixed a bug that caused Pamela Voorhees’ Sweater to sometimes not properly appear as equipped
4. Fixed an issue that caused players to sometimes become stuck if they used the Emote Wheel while in hiding
5. Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause counselors to disappear from customization menus
1. Fixed a bug that was causing Jason 9 to have a higher base HP than intended. His HP should now properly reflect his tooltip
2. Fixed a bug in Private Matches where choosing a player to be Jason in the pre-game menu was not working properly
3. Fixed a bug that would sometimes crash the client if Jason grabs a Counselor that is sitting in a boat
4. Fixed a bug causing Firecrackers to stun Jason through certain walls
Tommy Jarvis
1. Fixed a bug that caused the Tommy Jarvis’ arrival cutscene to sometimes not be displayed
2. Fixed a bug that was causing a second Tommy Jarvis model to appear
3. Fixed a bug that allowed Tommy Jarvis to be killed during his intro cinematic
4. Fixed a bug that could sometimes cause Tommy Jarvis to spawn for a disconnected player
1. The “Police Arrival Timer” and “Match End Timer” are now properly in sync while in Spectator Mode
2. Fixed an issue where after re-joining a session, the spectator will crash after spectating Jason’s death
1. General
-----Tidied up various counselor survival exploit locations on all maps
2. Packanack
-----The Phone Box on the cabin can now be repaired regardless of the angle it is approached from
-----Fixed an issue that allowed players to drive out of bounds
3. Packanack Small
-----Fixed an issue that prevented players from interacting with the Poker in one of the cabins
-----The Power Box outside of the barn is no longer being blocked by a tree
-----The stacks of hay bales by the Archery Range are now properly blocked off
-----Fixed an issue that caused players to be unable to pick up the Shotgun near the Archery Range
1. Fixed a bug that was allowing players to cancel the animation while leaving a car
User Interface
1. Jason is able to properly access the scoreboard again
2. Spectators are able to properly access the scoreboard again
3. Updated the font for the match intro movies
1. Reduced the timer to start the match (only when the lobby is full)
1. Volume of the intro movie reduced
Known Issues
Hey everyone,
We hope you are enjoying the new patch which includes a large number of bug fixes and new content!
We know we likely didn't fix everything that you feel is wrong with the game and we likely have new issues with the new content. I assure you we are doing our best to address the major issues as quick as possible as well as adding in new things for people to enjoy. The last few months have been hectic.
You can always submit bugs to the website when you find them. We also are regularly in the F13 Discord channel and we monitor the forums for bug reports. If you post them there its likely we have seen the issue and have it logged.
Rather than leave you with the ra-ra speech I want to take a moment to break down some of the long term issues, new things we know about, and then how we are moving forward with getting them fixed for you.
Moving Forward
We have learned a lot over the last few months of being live and we have made the decision to move out a few items that were not listed in the road map to ensure we get better testing on the new content and allow time for developers to fix long standing bugs
Standing Major Issues
The Car/Boat
The vehicles are a mess. Its a physics driven object that players are able to freely drive around the map and in some cases interactions with other objects cause disastrous issues. To fix this we are moving our engine up to a newer version that includes a number of fixes to the physics systems and then from there we are going to hammer away at whatever remains. What we didn't want to do is fix the issues once and then have to fix them again as we implemented the new version of the engine so there has been a delay in getting everything wrapped up.
Integrating a new version of the engine is not insignificant. It requires us to isolate the game, see whats broken, and fix it all. It is then merged into our main development branch for everyone to start working from. Right now we are a few weeks away from being able to start working with the new version, from there we will have someone dedicated to fixing vehicle issues until the car and boat are in a better state.
Along with the Physics fixes mentioned above. The new version of the engine has a number of performance fixes, optimizations, and upgrades the game to DX12.
Over the last few patches we have fixed up a number of issues with Perks but I know there are a few still out there. Please let us know if you find anything else, we are looking into them all internal and fixing things as we find them.
Environmental Kills
There are a lot of kills placed all over the maps. We are doing an audit on all maps but it takes time to launch a game and move to each one to initiate a kill and make sure it works. If you know of a location that a kill is broken at let us know.
Jason not Receiving XP if the Counselor Disconnects
This will be fixed in the next patch.
Duplicate Tapes
This will be fixed in the next patch.
Jason and Counselor Interactions
Grabs, characters intersecting with one another and becoming stuck, Jason smashing the car, flying counselors, Jason being able to destroy objects while holding counselors, etc.
We are moving a few minor improvements that are new features out to have someone dedicated to fixing these issues over the next month or so.
New Issues
The below items are all fixed in the next patch or expected to be fixed
Spectators Dont See Rain
Jarvis House Stuck Spots
Boat Repair Location Doesnt Work on the Left Side of the Boat
Police Voice Queue After Calling The Police
If you run across any new issues please use the social channels mentioned above to get that info to us so we can get them fixed.
Thanks for your ears and we appreciate you reading through this post
Friday the 13th Next Weekend - Part IV Jason, Jarvis Map, Rain to all Maps, New Counselor, Double XP, Emote Party Pack 1
Hey all!
So this next week is gonna be a doozy. We're focusing on bringing a major content update to you all and we're happy to announce that the new Jarvis Map, Jason Part IV and Mitch Floyd counselor will all be coming free! In addition to this new content we'll be adding rain effects to the game for all maps!
Jason Part 4 and Jarvis Map
We are happy to announce that the biggest part of this update is the inclusion of the FREE new Jason and map coming to Friday the 13th: The Game. Check out one of the most famous locations on Camp Crystal Lake with the Jarvis House. We've even included a few easter eggs to explore!
Along with the new map is of course Jason Voorhees as he was seen in The Final Chapter. You'll be equipped with a Pig Splitter this time and three new weapon kills that are absolutely going to devastate any counselor unfortunate enough to cross him.
You can check our little trailer here:
Mitch Floyd Joins the Roster
Camp Crystal Lake’s roster of counselors is growing! We’re happy to announce the addition of the newest, chill dude that’s looking to spend a couple of hours alone each day at camp to really take in the scenery, get one with nature and enjoy all that grass on the lawn at camp.
Here you can check out a bit of what makes Mitch tick, as he’s coming to camp on Friday the 13th, this October for FREE!
We're happy to add a bit of weather to the game; each map in Friday the 13th: The Game will be getting rain and thunderstorms to add even more tension to the map.
Rain will be random in public matches, while you can select it within private matches.
Double XP Weekend
To celebrate the holiday, we're going to run a full double XP weekend starting on Friday the 13th and ending that Sunday the 15th. We will have set START/STOP times posted in the forums!
Emote Party Pack 1
Our first Premium Emote Pack is going to go live as well! You'll get access to 10 total emotes for all counselors! Show off your dance moves and other emotes to your fellow counselors or Jason if you're dumb enough to tempt fate!
Lastly; we've got game-balance tweaks coming and we've taken a lot of feedback from the community regarding combat and luck. You will see things return to more normal gameplay thus seen from earlier builds.
Additionally; we've worked some on the optimization of the game as well after resolving the memory leak issue. There should be an overall improved experience for just about everyone in the coming patch!
Join us more in the forums:
It’s Spring Break at Camp Crystal Lake, and the counselors have decided to break out their trunks and bikinis! That’s right campers, introducing the Spring Break 1984 swimsuit clothing pack.
Each counselor will receive one new swimsuit with various color options to be used on every map! Be sure to check out Chad in that speedo, or Tiffany sporting her newest bikini! Swim the lake as Buggzy, lounge around as Deborah or hang out by the campfire while you play as LaChappa!
You'll be sporting the newest styles at Camp Crystal Lake. They're worth dying for!
Get it now for $1.99USD (rates vary between regions)