Friday the 13th: The Game cover
Friday the 13th: The Game screenshot
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Friday the 13th: The Game

Virtual Cabin 2.0 Announcement Trailer

Some of you have seen the countless videos online of people playing the The Virtual Cabin 1.0 in the past. We built the first version of the Virtual Cabin as an add-on to our Kickstarter campaign. It was a pretty straight forward experience with a few puzzles and easter eggs. Hardcore fans seemed to really enjoy it, so we decided to go back to the drawing board and completely revamp it.

We redid the entire layout of the VC, made it bigger, with more puzzles, easter eggs and props from both the films and the game. VC 2.0 still has an F13 museum aspect to it, but there’s something deeper, beneath the surface if you wish to dig around. We liken this experience to a certain crazy good/fun horror demo that got canceled. However we’re doing our own thing, wrapped in Friday the 13th, and we think it’s pretty cool. The whole experience is in 1st person and has some jump scares that you twisted people love so much. :)

If you purchased the original VC, you will still have access to that via steam. But VC 2.0 will be accessible by all three platforms (PC, XB1 and PS4) from the main menu of the game. It will be within the Singleplayer section of the menu.

Patch Notes - 9.21.2017: New Emotes, New DLC, Tons of Fixes!

Hey all!

The latest patch is rolling out! We are also happy to announce that this update also includes the new Spring Break 1984 DLC.

The biggest additions are the new interface for clothing selection; we've tried to make things a bit easier to work with in terms of selecting your clothing and color styles! 

Of course; we've also added in the new communication emotes! You can choose between a ton of them, all free and usable with every counselor in the game! 

Without further adieu;

New Stuff

  • New Outfit Customization!

  • New User Interface for clothing.

  • Choose your style with the new swatch menu.

    1. After selecting your outfit, your swatch menu will now appear. Choose your colors, then select Back to move on to the next piece of clothing. Your selections automatically save so simply back out when you are finished.

  • New Emote Comm Wheel and 8 free Communication Emotes

  • Customize where your emotes appear on the wheel.

  • Move the Left Stick or Mouse towards the desired emote and Press A or click to make selection.

  • Use the Emote in game.

  • Press and hold UP on the d-pad or V on the keyboard (default bindings) to open the wheel.

  • Move the Right Stick or Mouse towards the desired emote.

  • Release UP on the d-pad or V on the keyboard while holding the direction for the desired emote.

  • The 1984 Spring Break Outfit Pack is now available in the store (Contingent on DLC release and purchase)


  • Fixed an issue that resulted in a black screen when loading into a map if the player loses connection or the host leaves while loading in.


<*>Perk Fixes

<*>Fixed the following perks: Grease Monkey, Heavy Hitter, Man at Arms, and Tinker

<*>Fixed a number of issues with items not being dropped if a Counselor was killed in a hiding spot

<*>Fixed the PhD for Murder Achievement on Steam and Xbox 1


  • Fixed an audio issue where certain audio queues were being heard across the map

  • Fixed a number of objects that were awarding XP each time they were repaired or used.

    Crystal Lake

  • Fixed a number of spots where Jason could not kill Counselors


  • Fixed an issue where cars could block the lodge entrance


  • Fixed Jason’s Sense ability to properly track counselors after they leave a Cabin

  • Fixed an issue that was causing Jason’s stun timer to double when being stunned

  • Fixed Jason’s stun animation from canceling after he was hit again while stunned

  • Fixed Jason’s combat stance blocking the sweater stun.

  • Fixed an issue where Jason would be flung across the map if he was choking a counselor and was hit while uneven terrain

  • Fixed an issue where Jason’s weapon damage was only being applied to the first object hit.

  • Fixed an issue where Jason’s weapon collision volume was not hitting counselors directly in front of him.

  • Fixed an issue to allow Jason to hit counselors through windows

  • Fixed an issue to allow Jason to destroy windows and doors when swinging at them

  • Fixed an issue where Jason could no longer move if he tried to grab a Counselor immediately after throwing a knife

  • Fixed a number of issues preventing Jason from pulling Counselors out of a stopped car.

  • Fixed an issue that allowed Jason to Shift and Grab at the same time

  • Fixed an issue that was allowing Jason to activate an ability while throwing a knife

  • Fixed an issue that allowed Jason to use drown kills in shallow water

  • Part 9 Jason should have Part 9 music now


  • Fixed an issue that was not allowing the Pocket Knife to trigger

  • Male counselors should all have their own VO now

  • Fixed an issue where dropping a gun while aiming could leave a counselor in an unresponsive state

  • Fixed an issue causing Counselors to not be able to break other Counselors free from Jason’s grip.

  • Fixed an issue where female Counselors weapon swings not hitting Jason

Upcoming Roadmap for DLC + Single Player News

Hey all! Today we're going to reveal a bit more up our skirts here at Gun Media and IllFonic about our actual DLC plans for the game, beyond what you've already been informed. While dates are tentative, this should give you all an idea of what is currently in the works/on the docket for Friday the 13th: The Game at this time.

We have some news from IllFonic for you regarding timelines and single player:

Hey everyone,

I know we have been pretty quiet in terms of the Xbox not getting patches or being delayed but it is really because there happens to be no good answer we can give the community that fixes the problem with delays. The reality is that, as of right now, the cert process on Xbox takes the longest of the platforms and if something happens it starts the process over again.

Here is a timeline of the last month and where we are now...

Through most of August we were dealing with the Memory Leak issue that was causing Xbox players to crash consistently. It took weeks to track down the issue and took a majority of our engineering resources. We also got engineering support from outside sources as well. By mid-end of August we were able to go into cert with the memory leak fixed but ended up failing because of lobby issues and a few other crashes/stability. While it was far more stable that the July patch, the right call was to fix the issues. At the end of August we released the patch that is currently live on Xbox. We got a ton of great feedback and were able to resolve a number of bugs quickly which we were then able to roll out on PS4 and PC but ended up getting blocked on Xbox. 

I know you are not going to like this answer but the patch was blocked by the Disc Build that was going through cert. Aside from time, for Xbox, we can only have one thing in cert at a time so we had to wait for it to clear. Disc cert was a little different as well, we had to first submit the exclusive DLC content in one cert and then the disc version that had the game and DLC as a bundle in a subsequent cert. There were no failures in cert but we did bottleneck ourselves with multiple back-to-back certifications for a couple of weeks.

So as of today, we are clear and finalizing the next patch internally which I posted about here along with a couple of notes on issues we have addressed:

Again, there is nothing we can do about the cert process but right now we are moving forward with bug fixing rolling at ASAP on any platform but new content coming out together on all three platforms. This is still tough to do but this is what we are going to attempt.

That being said;

Let’s talk about single player. Currently we are behind on the Summer date. There are number of reasons why this is, but it all boils down to making sure we are not releasing new content while still having issues with the core game. There were a number of issues we needed to address with the games stability prior to committing additional resources to making Single Player happen. We now feel we have turned that corner and have doubled down on Single Player to try and catch up.

We have hired additional people, are working with contractors and even diverted others working on other tasks to help. We have also decided to take a look at Single Player and we are breaking it into a number of different experiences that can be released independent of one another. This way as soon as one thing is done we can launch it without having to wait on everything else.

I also want to address the misconception that certain content we launch affects single player. It doesn't. An artist working on outfits is not the same person that is programming AI. The designer setting up scripted events for single player is not making the new Jason models. What does impact Single Player are the bugs and stability issues; that AI programmer may have to shift to fixing a bug occasionally. The designer may have to shift to fix balance or gameplay bugs on maps. This is why we are delayed. We made the decision to fix rather than add new stuff which again, is what caused the delay.


**NEW UPDATE** - New Small Maps, Tons Of Fixes, Localization, Memory Leak Fixed, Matchmaking Tweaks, Etc

Hey all!

So we're happy to announce that the build has gone live for all platforms today! You might see some time differences with each platform, but everything is starting to go out now!

The biggest draws are of course the new smaller maps that have been added. We've reduced the size of each map by around 40% which should encourage a bit faster-paced game play overall and give you guys something new/different to toy around with while we work on the already hinted at new content coming at a later date. 

You might also note that Team Killing has been removed for public matches. Cars can still be used to kill, however weapons will have no effect on fellow counselors, should you be wielding a shotgun. We will continue to monitor game play overall for continued tweaks. 

We have also added localization to the game. English, French, Italian, German, Japanese, Portuguese and Russian have all been added. 

Lastly; we've done another major sweep of bugs and exploits. Rock hiding spots, collision exploits and the outside-the-map exploits that were being used by players have been plugged. You should also notice that items will not fall through the map as frequently/if ever. 

As always; please continue to send all issues you encounter to should you encounter weird/odd things or exploits being utilized by players.



  • Overall stability should be drastically improved due to a number of crash fixes and a major memory leak fix.


  • Disallowing party leaders to join game session invites to sessions that do not advertise (private matches). This is due to not being able to search for sessions that do not advertise, which prevents party members from following their leader into them.
  • Party leaders can now follow public game invites, bringing members with them.
  • Steam Matchmaking tries harder to find lower-pinging matches. PS4 matchmaking up to 6x more efficient with tighter ping requirements.
  • Fixed XB1 matchmaking bugs.
  • Fixed a number of issues with how the game handles Party Invites and
  • Matchmaking; there are still a few issues out there that are rare but it is much improved.
  • Fixed a number of issues on how canceling matchmaking was handled that could leave players in a state they could no longer matchmake.
  • Party members now see their party leader’s matchmaking status and time.\
  • Various improvements to error messaging.


  • Added Small Maps for the existing maps; Packanack Small, Higgins Haven Small, and Camp Crystal Lake Small.
  • Increased the density of Kill locations on all maps.
  • Adjusted collision on Maps to prevent people from standing on water.
  • Adjusted collision on piers to prevent cars from driving on them .
  • Added a Map Icon to Campfire Kills.
  • Fixed a number of kill spots that were not functioning.
  • Fixed an issue with not being able to fix boat propellers based on boat positioning on the dock.
  • Placed collision under piers to prevent people from swimming under them.
  • Fixed a number of areas that the player could get out of the map.
  • Fixed a number of areas that Counselors could get to that Jason could not.
  • Added better collision around Boat Exits to prevent Jason from getting to areas he shouldn’t be in.


  • Team Killing changes.
  • Team Killing is no longer possible in Public Matches.
  • Cars can still cause damage to the players if they are hit.
  • Traps can still hurt and/or kill the player but there is no longer an XP penalty for the person that placed the trap in Public Matches.
  • Private Matches have not changed.
  • Fixed an issue where the Counselors breath wouldn’t start to recharge if the user continued to hold the button after breath was depleted.
  • Fixed an issue with Fear being canceled if pulled out of a car.
  • Fixed an issue with the Police Objective happening when it shouldn’t be.
  • Fixed a number of issues regarding objects falling through the ground.
  • Fixed an issue where Damage and Stun chance were only being calculated on the first attack.
  • Jason can no longer block through traps, firecrackers, flare guns, shotguns, and the Police.
  • Fixed reliability of perks that spawn items at the start of the match.

Misc Fixes

  • Increased texture resolution on the XB1.
  • Fixed the PhD for Murder Achievement/Trophy.
  • Improved intro and outro cinematics.
  • Fixed player muted states sometimes getting “lost” after level change.
  • Can now unready in Private Match even when the countdown is low.
  • Fixed a hitch caused by the video settings savegame after signing in or changing those settings.
  • Localization added; EFIGS+J+P+R

New Website, New Bug Reporting, Upcoming Patch Notes

Hey all!

So we've been quiet for a bit, but for good reason; our team is happy to announce publicly that we've got quite a lot coming for you guys. Our main goal has been the issue with the memory leak (something that our players on Xbox One have been feeling particularly frequently) and getting ramped up now that we've staffed more at IllFonic and have quelled the largest issue that's remained from a technical standpoint.

What that boils down to is that our team is now better suited to add content and continue to grow this game.

Starting off; has been fully revamped. We've included some new reveals for you guys; new playable Jason is coming, new map is coming, more DLC and we've announced a swimsuit DLC that will be available for players. There are no hard dates for any of this, but it gives everyone a heads up on what our team has been working on since launch.

We're also happy to announce a specific bug-reporting site has been created. We ask that any and all players who encounter bugs please go to our new site:

Finally, we'd like to list off the upcoming patch notes for our patch that will go live to all three platforms at the same time. The date isn't set just yet, but we're in cert right now and as soon as we have confirmation we'll launch this patch for Steam, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 to all players.

Notes are as follows;


Overall stability should be drastically improved due to a number of crash fixes and a major memory leak fix.


  • Disallowing party leaders to join game session invites to sessions that do not advertise (private matches). This is due to not being able to search for sessions that do not advertise, which prevents party members from following their leader into them.

  • Party leaders can now follow public game invites, bringing members with them.

  • Steam Matchmaking tries harder to find lower-pinging matches. PS4 matchmaking up to 6x more efficient with tighter ping requirements.

  • Fixed XB1 matchmaking bugs.

  • Fixed a number of issues with how the game handles Party Invites and Matchmaking; there are still a few issues out there that are rare but it is much improved.

  • Fixed a number of issues on how canceling matchmaking was handled that could leave players in a state they could no longer matchmake.

  • Party members now see their party leader’s matchmaking status and time.\

  • Various improvements to error messaging.


  • Added Small Maps for the existing maps; Packanack Small, Higgins Haven Small, and Camp Crystal Lake Small.

  • Increased the density of Kill locations on all maps.

  • Adjusted collision on Maps to prevent people from standing on water.

  • Adjusted collision on piers to prevent cars from driving on them .

  • Added a Map Icon to Campfire Kills.

  • Fixed a number of kill spots that were not functioning.

  • Fixed an issue with not being able to fix boat propellers based on boat positioning on the dock.

  • Placed collision under piers to prevent people from swimming under them.

  • Fixed a number of areas that the player could get out of the map.

  • Fixed a number of areas that Counselors could get to that Jason could not.

  • Added better collision around Boat Exits to prevent Jason from getting to areas he shouldn’t be in.


  • Team Killing changes.

  • Team Killing is no longer possible in Public Matches.

  • Cars can still cause damage to the players if they are hit.

  • Traps can still hurt and/or kill the player but there is no longer an XP penalty for the person that placed the trap in Public Matches.

  • Private Matches have not changed.

  • Fixed an issue where the Counselors breath wouldn’t start to recharge if the user continued to hold the button after breath was depleted.

  • Fixed an issue with Fear being canceled if pulled out of a car.

  • Fixed an issue with the Police Objective happening when it shouldn’t be.

  • Fixed a number of issues regarding objects falling through the ground.

  • Fixed an issue where Damage and Stun chance were only being calculated on the first attack.

  • Jason can no longer block through traps, firecrackers, flare guns, shotguns, and the Police.

  • Fixed reliability of perks that spawn items at the start of the match.

Misc Fixes

  • Increased texture resolution on the XB1.

  • Fixed the PhD for Murder Achievement/Trophy.

  • Improved intro and outro cinematics.

  • Fixed player muted states sometimes getting “lost” after level change.

  • Can now unready in Private Match even when the countdown is low.

  • Fixed a hitch caused by the video settings savegame after signing in or changing those settings.

Hotfix June 28th - Crash/Achievement/Bug fixes

Just a quick update on a patch that went live overnight;

- Fixed cause of some random mid-game freeze crashes.
- Fixed a memory leak for dedicated servers.
- Forbidding Hunter (Tommy Jarvis) counselor selections.
- Fixed an exploit with crouching back into objects.
- Fixed some achievements not unlocking when playing on dedicated servers.

This should end the Packanack Lodge roof glitch, various map escapes that have been found and you should see far less crashing now that we've localized the major memory leak issues. These updates will be happening for consoles relatively soon, but this should help with those that are getting connection issues.

Let us know how things go!


Double XP weekend goes live

Our Double XP Event goes live at 12PM EST/9AM PST! Get double Experience Points every game from now until Monday the 26th, 12PM EST/9AM PST.

We've also added in 13,000 Customization Points to your account!

Simply log in (re-login if you are currently playing) to collect your points and start earning!

Retro Jason will be live in around 30 minutes


-Retro Jason
-Double XP this weekend
-13,000 CP to all accounts
-New clothing for all counselors
-Stability fixes on a few of those crashes that users were experiencing

That content will go live for all users. The 13K will be added as a one-time deal, but all users will get it so long as they have an account. The Retro Jason is for every user free-of-charge.

Please be sure to update in about 30 minutes or so.

Hope you all enjoy!

June 20th Content Update - Free Update and Compensation for Launch Issues

I'll let the video do most of the talking, however we do want to make note that you are being heard and updates will continually be rolling in. We have a lot planned to continue this trend, but we hope this first one will be interesting to you as we move towards more and more for this game

Our thanks to the community for their support, their feedback, their concern and their suggestions. This has been a rocky release, to be frank. Our team is looking forward to the future to get more features, more content, more updates rolling at a quick pace and we hope you enjoy!

As for the update;

Patch 1.03 is live! - Exploit Fixes, Boosted Security Update, Changes

Hey all!

So we've been paying a lot of attention to the feedback we're getting on the forums and we've done a lot to curb the exploits that have become fairly well-known to users that are playing. This update is a quick stopgag to a content update we'll have very shortly, but we wanted to get this security patch out that handles the perk selling issue that users have been running into, as well as close off various spots on the maps where users are hiding. Most of these, especially the common ones, should be resolved at this time. However, we will continue to monitor.

Please update your builds and let us know what you think!


  • Steam matchmaking searches longer for lower pinged games. Various minor matchmaking optimizations made.
  • Lobby countdown timer closes menus at the 3 second mark instead of when it starts. Warning beeps can now be heard from sub-menus.
  • Added lots more environmental kill locations to all of the maps.
  • Leaving a match while a party leader now prompts you to disband or take the party with you.
  • Security updates to prevent account spoofing.
  • Dynamic camera and character animation improvements.
  • Added an option for controlling the PTT sound.
  • Increased XP penalty of team killing fellow counselors to -1,000XP from-200XP


  • Fixed several exploit locations on all maps.
  • Fixed Steam party members not following the party leader.
  • Fixed Steam party main menu voice stuttering.
  • Fixed Jason getting stuck in the grab pose if a grabbed counselor disconnects while being pulled out of a car.
  • Fixed an issue with block detection on boat seats.
  • Fixed some counselor vehicle interactions not being blocked while in a context kill.
  • Fixed some floating items on item swap and with traps.
  • Fixed the Shotgun sometimes floating after use.
  • Fixed an issue with tracking total Jason kills.
  • Fixed multiple achievement related bugs.
  • Fixed windows sometimes displaying the wrong open/close position on listen servers.
  • Fixed an issue where sprint was canceling fear animations & some stances.
  • Fixed some dynamic camera issues when interpolating from a kill back to the player.
  • Fixed Jason being able to morph into the boat and get shoved out of the map.
  • Fixed a case where spectators would not hear alive players.
  • Fixed session presence not always updating immediately to point at your game session (for invites) after you leave a party session.
  • Fixed some game server specific crashes.
  • Fixed the game sitting for the duration of the outro when no outro is played.
  • Fixed the scoreboard staying on the screen when the end match menu opens. Locking the end match scoreboard on-screen.
  • Fixed defaults not always functioning in Video Settings. Made the Gamma slider easier to use with a gamepad.
  • Fixed a case where a player's mute state may not be sent to the server after loading the map.
  • Fixed character placement issue when getting out of a tent.
  • Fixed character placement issue when ejected from a car and your door is blocked.
  • Fixed being able to use other items while using the sweater.
  • Fixed some exploits with trap placement.
  • Fixed multiple crouch exploits.
  • Fixed multiple fireplace kill interaction distances.
  • Fixed multiple cases of Jason being struck and flying off the map.
  • Fixed multiple interaction lock bugs.
  • Optimized Steam P2P lobby tag updates, dedicated server tag space usage.