Friday the 13th: The Game cover
Friday the 13th: The Game screenshot
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Friday the 13th: The Game

XIII PAX West Trailer 2016

And for those of you interested in the entire Stream:

PAX West and Virtual Cabin Update

Hey all!

PAX West

Good news and all that noise, we're going to be at PAX West with a panel this year! We're going to be talking about 'The Art of the Kill' and will be bringing along most of the team: Wes Keltner and Ronnie Hobbs, our two co-creators as well as Adam Sessler (Head Consultant) Randy Greenback (executive director), Ben Strauss (associate producer and community coordinator) and IllFonic studio head Chuck Brungardt! We've also got a celebrity guest appearance in the form of Tom Savini, SFX legend and one of our Horror Icons from the Frida the 13th franchise!

The panel takes place at 10PM PST, Friday September 2nd in the Hydra Theater.

The team will, as always, stick around after the panel to talk and we'll be giving out beta invites to anyone that Likes/Shares our Facebook, Instagram or Twitter pages and shows Ben afterwards.

THE PANEL WILL BE STREAMED, a link will be posted to Facebook and Twitter: For those on the East Coast that intend to stream that means 2AM EST, Saturday September 3rd. For anyone outside the US...Google will provide quick time conversion.

PAX attendees can also try to find Ben Strauss on the floor during the show, he'll be posting to Twitter and Instagram accounts exactly where he is on Friday and Saturday, so meet up with him and you'll get a beta invite!

Virtual Cabin Update

We've unlocked the Conservatory! You can now check out props and assets outside of the virtual cabin and get a peek at some of the content you'll be seeing in-game! The space is rather large, so be sure to find all of the little hidden things we've added!

Get it here: for PC only at $15USD.


Virtual Cabin Update - Counselor Room Unlocked

In case you haven't purchased the Virtual Cabin, we've unlocked yet another room! This time we've got the counselor models on display with a bevy of new easter eggs and hidden features!

Remember, this cabin is stand-alone. It's meant to be more a museum/dev-diary as we continue work on the main game. This is something our team is doing in our free time, but it's totally getting the love and attention it deserves, as you're seeing art/assets and animations from the main game!

We're only offering it for sale at BackerKit currently:

You can get it for $15USD (automatic conversion when charged to your home currency if you are outside the US).

Minimum recommended specs:
Windows 7, 8, 10
2.0 GHz Dual-Core 64-bit CPU
8GB Memory
DirectX 11 Compatible GPU with 2GB Video RAM
3GB Hard Disk Space

'Jason Room' Added to Virtual Cabin, new Easter Eggs

We've just added the Jason Room to the stand-alone dev-dairy/museum to Friday the 13th. This update gives you a look at the various Jason models that will be in-game, up close (without fear of being attacked, of course.)

We've built this cabin using assets that will be in the game, from the free time of the development team without additional funding. This is a bit of a passion project to help us show you guys what we're working on, give you access to the look and feel of the world we're building and it will continually be updated and improved upon as we get closer to launch!

Besides the new room, we've added in a few Easter eggs here and there, showing off a bit of content that we'll have in game. Be sure to explore to find out just what secrets the cabin holds!

Eventually, we'll offer the ability to order this cabin via Steam, but for right now we're still only offering here:

Get it now for $15!

Min Recommended Specs:
Windows 7, 8, 10
2.0 GHz Dual-Core 64-bit CPU
8GB Memory
DirectX 11 Compatible GPU with 2GB Video RAM
3GB Hard Disk Space

Virtual Cabin Currently Available!

Hello fellow Friday the 13th fans!

Today is the day we launch the Crystal Lake Virtual Cabin Preview. We really want to bring our backers and Friday the 13th fans along for the ride on the development side of things, and we're happy you hopped on board! The Virtual Cabin is an interactive behind the scenes look at the development and will eventually grow to become a digital museum of the development process on the game. We'll be charging cards soon if you ordered the Cabin and soon thereafter your codes will arrive via email.

Currently the Virtual Cabin Preview is PC only. Redeeming the codes is easy, you'll just login to Steam (or download, sign-up and login to Steam if you don't have an account already), then redeem the code via the +Add a Game option in the Steam client. Here is a link with more info on adding a game to your Steam account.

With this being the initial release it won't be as expansive as it's ultimately planned to be, but as we've stated, we have an update schedule to continue to grow it over the coming months. We'll have an update tomorrow that adds a few more features, then on July 15th we'll grant access to the Jason Room for all of you out there and add even more.

For today you'll be able to walk around the cabin in full 3D and check out the latest assets from the game, see the details the artists have added, listen to the radio for tracks from the game soundtrack as well as behind the scenes audio tracks with the dev team discussing the game. We'll be adding more rooms, more game models as they are completed, additional audio tracks for the radio, a working TV that shows videos down the road, and much, much more!

Take a look at these screenshots attached and get ready to enter the Virtual Cabin!

The team has hidden a bunch of objects from various movies, and they all look exactly as they did on the films. All you hardcore Friday the 13th fans should spend some time finding the objects, taking screenshots and posting them on Twitter and tagging @friday13thgame with your guesses for which movies they are from.

Please spread the word and have others consider pre-ordering the game and/or the Virtual Cabin on Slasher Backer to help us hit more Stretch Goals.

Here is the link to share!

If you didn't order the Virtual Cabin yet, do so now and get in on the next wave of code releases tomorrow!

On behalf of all of Gun Media, Illfonic, Crystal Lake Entertainment, Horror Inc., Sean Cunningham, Kane Hodder, Tom Savini, and Harry Manfredini...


Enjoy your time in the Cabin!

Post E3 2016 Update - Slasher Backer Ends, Get Virtual Cabin!

Digital Cabin Releasing Next Week on June 30th!

Ok, this is something we've been working towards. We really want to bring our backers and Friday the 13th fans along for the ride, and do so in an interactive way. We'll be kicking off the Digital Camp Crystal Lake Cabin Retreat and Interactive Dev Diary on June 30th, codes will be sent out to all who have added it on to their KS pledge or picked it up from the Slasher Backer store.

All pre-orders are currently being placed here:

With this being the initial release, it won't be as expansive as it's planned to be, but as we've stated, we have an update schedule to continue to grow it over the next few months. We'll be adding more rooms, more game models as they are completed, and much, much more! You'll be able to walk around the cabin in full 3D and check out assets from the game, see the details the artists have added and listen to the radio for tracks from the game soundtrack as well as behind the scenes audio tracks with the dev team discussing the game.

Take a gander at these screenshots below to get your first taste of the Virtual Cabin! Pick it up if you don't have it already!

Slasher Backer Ends in Two Weeks!

While out at E3 we hit and flew past another stretch goal! You all unlocked "Triple Death" and helped cover a nice chunk of the next goal too! We're now well on the way to hitting the next goal to bring Tommy Jarvis back to Camp Crystal Lake!


In two weeks we will be charging cards for the first time for all Slasher Backer pre-orders. Please update your cards and add-on any additional items before Friday July 8th.

Our Stretch Goal Chart was modified a bit. We removed a large goal that was no longer applicable (Twitch API Integration) and we're giving a kill to you all (Knock Your Block Off) from Part 8.

General News

Project Update

We're back from E3 and have all mostly recouped from the hectic nature of the biggest industry show on this side of the world.

Ready to roll? Let's start with an update on what the team has been working on.

This Week:

  • Design – Place items as they get implemented from Engineering in the Higgins Level, do some functionality tests on the Higgins level to make sure the current gameplay systems are working as intended, write up any proposed feature changes and discuss with leads.
  • Engineering – Finish set up on the Virtual Cabin Application and support Art team, implement radio song selection for the Living Room, update interaction system for the game to be more flexible (this affects item pickups, doors, windows, etc), begin creating items (Flare/Firecracker/First Aid), clean up context kill interaction system to be more generic and modular (this will save us time later when we're adding a lot more kills)
  • Art - Polish up the Virtual Cabin Living Room, begin polishing the rest of Higgins Haven level (start set dressing campsites and adding vegetation), updates on Head Counselor and Flirty Girl.
  • Animation – Counselor Combat Animations (weapon swings, dodges, combat locomotion), discuss options for adjusting player locomotion speeds.

Virtual Cabin Update, Slasher Backer Info, General News

Digital Cabin Releasing Next Week on June 30th!

Ok, this is something we've been working towards. We really want to bring our backers and Friday the 13th fans along for the ride, and do so in an interactive way. We'll be kicking off the Digital Camp Crystal Lake Cabin Retreat and Interactive Dev Diary on June 30th, codes will be sent out to all who have added it on to their KS pledge or picked it up from the Slasher Backer store.

With this being the initial release, it won't be as expansive as it's planned to be, but as we've stated, we have an update schedule to continue to grow it over the next few months. We'll be adding more rooms, more game models as they are completed, and much, much more! You'll be able to walk around the cabin in full 3D and check out assets from the game, see the details the artists have added and listen to the radio for tracks from the game soundtrack as well as behind the scenes audio tracks with the dev team discussing the game.

Take a gander at these screenshots below to get your first taste of the Virtual Cabin! Pick it up if you don't have it already!

Slasher Backer Ends in Two Weeks!

While out at E3 we hit and flew past another stretch goal! You all unlocked "Triple Death" and helped cover a nice chunk of the next goal too! We're now well on the way to hitting the next goal to bring Tommy Jarvis back to Camp Crystal Lake!


In two weeks we will be charging cards for the first time for all Slasher Backer pre-orders. Please update your cards and add-on any additional items before Friday July 8th.

Our Stretch Goal Chart was modified a bit. We removed a large goal that was no longer applicable (Twitch API Integration) and we're giving a kill to you all (Knock Your Block Off) from Part 8.

General News

Project Update

We're back from E3 and have all mostly recouped from the hectic nature of the biggest industry show on this side of the world.

Ready to roll? Let's start with an update on what the team has been working on.

This Week:

  • Design – Place items as they get implemented from Engineering in the Higgins Level, do some functionality tests on the Higgins level to make sure the current gameplay systems are working as intended, write up any proposed feature changes and discuss with leads.
  • Engineering – Finish set up on the Virtual Cabin Application and support Art team, implement radio song selection for the Living Room, update interaction system for the game to be more flexible (this affects item pickups, doors, windows, etc), begin creating items (Flare/Firecracker/First Aid), clean up context kill interaction system to be more generic and modular (this will save us time later when we're adding a lot more kills)
  • Art - Polish up the Virtual Cabin Living Room, begin polishing the rest of Higgins Haven level (start set dressing campsites and adding vegetation), updates on Head Counselor and Flirty Girl.
  • Animation – Counselor Combat Animations (weapon swings, dodges, combat locomotion), discuss options for adjusting player locomotion speeds.

World Gameplay Premier!

Hey everyone! Here's our gameplay premier for Friday the 13th: The Game!

This video gives you more of the perspective of Jason Voorhees as he tackles people playing as counselors. Now, please keep in mind we have hammed this up a bit and Jason is very, very OP in the video. We have a lot of balancing to work on, we have a lot of work stil ahead of us as we are in pre-alpha...but this video should give you an idea of what we're going for and where we're at!

We have sooooo much more to show you guys and we cannot wait to reveal more as we get further into the project! Things are coming together and we're incredibly happy to bring this to you!



Friday the 13th: The Game at E3 2016

Gun Media and IllFonic are proud to announce our attendance at E3 2016, where we will be showcasing the first gameplay footage of our upcoming Friday the 13th: The Game! We will be offsite with media only, and will not be on the showfloor.

Stay tuned to for our first reveal on Sunday, June 12th at 8:45PM PST. We will have a link for you on our social channels:

And of course, here.

In the meantime, enjoy this little teaser :).

Welcome to Friday the 13th: The Game's Steam Page!

Hey everyone!

So this won't be going out to a lot of people, as this is our first post! We here at Gun Media want everyone to know that this page will get you the chance to catch up on info from us through Steam, let you add the game to your Wishlist and give you insight and news while talking with fellow fans about how awesome it's going to be playing in and around Camp Crystal Lake, reliving all those awesome memories from our favorite horror icon, Jason Voorhees!

Friday the 13th: The Game involves horror legends Tom Savini (Visual Effects legend from the original Friday the 13th movie), Composer Harry Manfredini (of the original and iconic theme music from Friday the 13th), Kane Hodder (actor and stuntman who defined the role of Jason Voorhees in Parts 7, 8, 9 and X), as well as the original director to Friday the 13th, Sean S. Cunningham.

With these horror icons and the teams at Gun Media and developer IllFonic, Jason Voorhees is back in gaming for the first time in 27 years!

As a heads up; for those wondering system specs at this time, please note that minimum specs are still iffy and we will let you know when we have a more solid idea on min/rec specs going forward!