Gas Station Simulator cover
Gas Station Simulator screenshot
Genre: Simulator, Indie

Gas Station Simulator

Crane & Crusher: The Heart of the Junkyard 🏗️ + ⚙️ = ❤️

Hey, Gas Jockeys! ⛽

Welcome to another Gas Station Simulator – Car Junkyard DLC development sneak peek. In our previous one, we’ve delved a little bit into the whole customization thing, so if you somehow missed it, you can freely check it right now by clicking this link.

Today we shift our focus from customization to some of the core mechanics of the DLC which is operating crane and shredder. Apart from that, we’re more than happy to finally share our brand-new key art for the DLC – Not gonna lie, our 2D art team did an astonishing job with that one. Without further ado, let the game begin! 🔥

Key Art 🎨

I honestly don’t think there is a better way to kick things off than showing you our official key art for the Car Junkyard DLC. As always I’d love to hear your feedback so you know what to do, right?

Crane & Crusher: The Heart of the Junkyard ❤️‍🔥

One of the most critical additions in this DLC is the introduction of the Crane and Crusher structures. These features are integral to managing your junkyard effectively and are available from the very start of the game.

The Crane 🏗️

The Crane is your main tool for handling car wrecks. It allows you to attach and transport wrecks either to the Shredder for processing or to the Junkyard Workshop for further work. It actually works in the similar way to Towy from the Airstrip DLC, so I assume some of you might already have some expertise in controlling the crane. Check it out below and let us know what you think in the comments down below.

The Crusher ⚙️

The Crusher is designed to handle car wrecks which will no longer be of any use. This wide machine crushes the wreck with the enormous force of powerful presses. All that remains of the wreck is... a small compressed cube flying out of the back of the machine. When you'll hear the clank of that metal, you won't necessarily want to save every wreck at all costs...

Wrecks 🚗

Wrecks are one of the key parts of the Car Junkyard DLC. When these wrecks arrive at your junkyard, they bring with them the potential for profit and discovery. You can choose to crush them for immediate money or take your time to extract interesting parts from them. These parts can be used to assemble your own cars later on, so depending on what you currently need, you’ll have to choose wisely.

Stay up-to-date 📰

And that’s gonna be it for today’s update. So, how do you like it? What do you think about these features? What would you like to see next? Are there any other things that we should consider with this DLC? I’m gonna be looking for your answers in the comments, so you know the drill. Last but not least, if you want to stay in the loop of everything Car Junkyard DLC make sure to add it to your wishlist 👇

P.S While you’re waiting for the Car Junkyard DLC release and spending countless hours looking for some fantastic games to play, we have a recommendation for you. We’ve teamed up with some fine folks from Movie Games and we’ve managed to create a great bundle for ya all. If you’re looking for an awesome deal (pun intended) you can kill two birds with one stone and get Drug Dealer Simulator 2 with Gas Station Simulator – isn’t that cool? 😎

Gas Station Simulator x Drug Dealer Simulator 2 Bundle!

Get ready for a powerful, high-octane combo!

Gas Dealer Package is in the building.

With the release of Drug Dealer Simulator 2 by Movie Games, we've joined forces in the Gas Dealer Package bundle.

If you're not familiar with the title, now's the perfect time to check it out.

We "highly" recommend it.

Paint Grinder 🎨, customizable wheels 🛞, and more!🔥

Hey, Gas Jockeys! ⛽

We’re back with another Car Junkyard DLC development sneak peek. In our 2nd episode we've uncovered some backstory of the main character in the DLC – Sean. If you're curious to see what kind of person he is and what's gonna be his role in the game, feel free to click this link.

Today, I'm gonna go through some new mechanics that we'll introduce with the DLC along with some awesome-looking customization options. But before that, let's make some noise, because it's time for another update for Gas Station Simulator 👀

Car Junkyard DLC 🚗

Now, let's move on to the main event—updates from the Car Junkyard DLC. The team has been working tirelessly on brand-new features, and I can finally share some first iterations from the development. Keep in mind that most of the stuff you see here is still work in progress, and the final look might differ as soon as the DLC launches.

Grinder 🎨

Grinder is a powerful tool that lets you strip old paint from cars, preparing them for a fresh new coat. It’s a hands-on tool that requires precision and care, making the restoration process both challenging and rewarding. Satisfying, isn’t it? 🤩

How about something even more enjoyable? We’ve added stunning visual effects to the paint grinder. As you work on stripping the paint, you’ll see sparks and detailed particle effects, making the experience more immersive and visually appealing. Honestly, I cannot wait to get my hands on it ❤️‍🔥

Customizable Wheels 🛞

We couldn’t help ourselves not to introduce customizable wheels with the Car Junkyard DLC. With the ability to add customizable wheels to your muscle car, you’ll be able to add that final touch and hopefully create the car of your dreams. Check some of them on the screenshot below, and let us know what you think.

Changing Car Parts ⚙️

We’re also excited to introduce the ability to customize your cars. Bumpers, engines and exhausts – you’ll have a wide range of components to work with. This feature will enable you to repair and upgrade cars in more detail, giving you greater control over the restoration process. Do you recognize these patterns?🐶 Let me know in the comments below 👇

Stay up-to-date 📰

And that’s it for today! Let me know in the comments down below what you think about the whole customization thing in Car Junkyard DLC. Your feedback is the most valuable thing for us, so keep those comments coming. I’ll do my best to answer most of them. Last but not least, get ready for the Car Junkyard DLC by adding the game to your wishlist – we can’t wait for you to experience all of the new features. Until the next devlog! 👋


Some news regarding future updates and what's coming to the Gas Station universe

Hey, Gas Jockeys!⛽

How are you doing, folks? I hope everything is fine on your side and if not, I believe this short yet straight-to-the-point announcement will make your day a little better. Today, I’m going to shed some light on the upcoming updates for Gas Station Simulator and its plans. Furthermore, we’re finally ready to share some exciting news for Motel Simulator along with Road Diner Simulator as it was something that you folks have been heavily requesting. Without further ado, here’s what we’ve been cooking up 🔥

More Gas Station Simulator Updates⛽

First and foremost, we’ve seen your comments regarding some updates for the base game and we’ve been working hard to make that thing come true. I guarantee that there is gonna be a plethora of new updates coming regularly to the base game. I can’t say precisely what kind of updates we’re gonna do as of now, but one of them might be just around the corner so keep your eyes wide open 👀

Car Junkyard DLC 🚗

We’re also excited to share that the Car Junkyard DLC is approaching its release! Thanks to this DLC you’ll be able to expand your gas station empire to a whole new layer, allowing you to salvage car parts, customize your cars, and get some profit while doing all of these wonderful things. Check the Steam page for more information and as always: if you want to stay in the loop of everything Car Junkyard DLC, consider adding it to your wishlist 🙇

Motel Simulator and Road Diner Simulator Updates

For those who love exploring different aspects of the Gas Station Simulator universe, don’t forget to check out Motel Simulator and Road Diner Simulator. These games are set in the same universe and offer unique gameplay experiences:

  • Motel Simulator: We've just released a brand-new trailer for the Motel Simulator. If you wanna see how the game is shaping up, don’t hesitate to check it out by clicking the link below.

  • Road Diner Simulator: We’ve just shared some really cool-looking screenshots on Road Diner Simulator’s Steam page. Not gonna lie – the production team has pulled some stunning looks on the Road Diner Simulator, so I guess you don't want to miss those. Check the link below!

Stay up-to-date 📰

And that’s going to be the end of today’s announcement. So, let me know folks what you think about the upcoming update as well as Motel Simulator and Road Diner Simulator. I know you’ve been asking for some updates for a while, so I’m counting on your ideas, suggestions, and general feedback on those titles. Until the next devlog! 👋


Lottery Machine Hotfix #1⚒️

  • Issue with Z keybindings was addressed
  • Fixed crashes related to Fueling Customer
  • Fixed an issue with Thai language in Fuel Ordering PC Tab

Lottery Machine enters the stage with a new Gas Station Simulator update🔥

Hey, Gas Jockeys! ⛽

I hope you had a fantastic weekend and you’ve managed to charge up your batteries to face the challenges that await you this week. After our Friday’s update regarding Car Junkyard DLC it’s a high time for a little surprise for Gas Station Simulator. Today, I’d like to walk you through another update that in fact is already available for you to download and includes a brand-new money/popularity making machine – lottery. Wanna hear more about it? Let’s not waste any more time, and dive right into the details 👇

Everything you need to know about the lottery update 🎟️

First and foremost, let’s talk about how to access the lottery machine and where it’s gonna be placed on your thriving gas station empire. So, in order to access and acquire a lottery machine you need to open your PC and direct to the “Features” tab. There you’ll be able to purchase the machine and start using it to make some additional profit.

Now, let’s talk a little bit about how it’s gonna work in the game. Before you begin earning some money from the lottery, you need to set up a prize according to your liking. The higher the prize, the better the reward will be (higher ticket price along with the greater popularity growth). Basically the biggest risk is that even if the percentage of winning is 0.2% there is still a slight chance that someone will win the prize before earning exceeds your prize pool. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?

Stay up-to-date 📰

And that’s it for today. Let me know in the comments down below what you think about the update. We’ll be monitoring the comments and your feedback throughout the week, so don’t hesitate to let us know your thoughts. And last but not least, I’d like to announce that we’ve teamed up with some fine folks over Sparrow Night and came up with a fresh Gas & News bundle. If running only one empire wasn't a big challenge for you, try your hand at building and managing your editorial line of your dreams.

Meet Sean – the main character in Gas Station Simulator – Car Junkyard DLC📜

Hey, Gas Jockeys! ⛽

You know what it is? No, it’s not black & yellow – it’s another development sneak peek time! I’m fully aware that I’ve announced that the next one will arrive closer to the end of the month, but hey – why don’t we treat ourselves a little bit faster, huh?

As promised, in today’s development update, I’ll dive deep into the Car Junkyard DLC lore – more specifically I'm gonna delve into some details regarding the main character in our upcoming DLC – Sean. When all is said and done, you’re gonna be ready to greet the upcoming DLC in a breeze (story-wise of course), so without further ado, let’s get the party started 🔥

Meet Sean 🧔

First of all, let's talk about Sean's role in the game. If you've played our other DLC – Airstrip – you've probably already met Joe who introduces you to some of the basic mechanics of the Airstrip DLC. Sean will have sort of similar but much more active role than Joe – sure, he's gonna serve you as a guide through the beginning of the DLC and later on will be there for you if you need any additional help, but he is not gonna be just an NPC🤫. We'll go over all of the nitty-gritty details in the future devlog tho.

Sean's backstory📕

Sean's life has never been a bed of roses. While he truly possesses needed knowledge about cars, he's never found any success with his car business. Accumulating plentiful debts across different states, he moved to the middle of nowhere. This is when your story begins.

At the beginning, Sean may seem a little bit odd and wild, but as you progress through the DLC, you'll realize his true potential. He is a daydreamer and lacks the necessary financial skills to keep the Junkyard going, so he needs someone just like you, who can help him run this place. Don't mess it up, and soon you're gonna see the fruits of your hard work.

Stay up-to-date 📰

And that’s what we call a development sneak peek! Let me know in the comment section below what you think about the story and Sean himself. The team is also counting on your suggestions regarding the DLC, so keep those comments coming, and I’ll make sure to read them all as carefully as possible. Last but not least, if you want to stay up-to-date with everything Gas Station Simulator, consider adding the upcoming Car Junkyard DLC to your wishlist 🙇

~ Sewek

Embrace Car Junkyard DLC vibe with our first development sneak peek 👀

Hey, Gas Jockeys! ⛽

Welcome to our first Car Junkyard DLC-related devlog. It’s been a while since we’ve shared any updates regarding our upcoming DLC, and I guess many of you cannot wait to see the progress we’ve made so far. 😎

Today’s devlog will focus purely on the general vibe of the DLC. I will give you some details regarding the kind of things that have been inspiring us since the start of production. And who knows – I might already have some work-in-progress screenshots of the map, so stick with me till the end of this announcement to see it for yourself. Without further ado, let the game begin. 🔥

Where do we draw our inspiration from? 🤔

First and foremost, it’s still a Gas Station Simulator, so we’re drawing our inspiration heavily from American culture. As for Car Junkyard DLC, we’re trying as much as we can to follow the vibe of American muscle cars as well as the mystery behind the famous scrap yards.

So, we’ve covered briefly the inspirations behind this DLC, but what does it tell us about some possible mechanics available in the DLC? Well… As you’ve probably guessed a lot of stuff will be involved around creating and developing your dream vehicle. I’d love to share more with you, but that would quickly ruin the fun factor and excitement before the release, right?

Keep in mind this screen is heavy work-in-progress. You can even see that workshop doesn't have textures yet but not gonna lie – Junkyard is shaping up pretty damn fast!

What to expect in the future?🔥

Unfortunately, that’s gonna be it for today’s announcement. I understand it might not be much for now, but I promise I’ll keep the momentum going. Another sneak peek into the development is already in the advanced stage and it should be available at the end of May. We will delve into the Car Junkyard DLC’s story, and I’m gonna do my best to introduce you to the main character of the DLC – Sean.

Stay up-to-date 📰

And that’s it for today, fellow gas jockeys! So, how do you like our little announcement? Do you have other possible ideas that we could draw inspiration from? Also, do you have any ideas or suggestions regarding the Gas Station Simulator - Car Junkyard DLC itself? As always, I’m counting on your comments down below. If you want to stick with everything Gas Station Simulator, consider adding the DLC to your wishlist and follow us on our social media channels. Until the next devlog!

P.S We've recently teamed with up some fine folks over Kiki Games, and we just wanted to let you know that there is a brand-new bundle popping out on Steam. If you feel like you have whatever it takes to be a real estate agent, I think this bundle will be right one for you. Check it out below👇

~ Sewek

Quick hotfix for AZERTY keyboard and missing Joe issues

Gas Station Simulator:

  • AZERTY keyboard now works correctly


  • Joe is now respawned correctly on the first plane taping objective

Picking up sand, popularity growth, and much, much more! 🔥

Gas Station Simulator:


  • The loan timer was changed to show the remaining time more accurate
  • Various CPU optimizations were addressed


  • Popularity values are now loading correctly
  • Fixed an issue that caused Rudy not to pick up sand
  • RC car correctly rotates in the air
  • RC car no longer falls under the landscape
  • The popularity sign is now correctly loaded at the beginning of the game
  • Rudy now does not stop while turning
  • The delivery icon in the PC UI is now correctly displayed
  • Sparks from high voltage cables now correctly give light
  • Ghost no longer collides with the environment
  • A strange object under the cash register was removed
  • Garage Employees now have correct rotation while fixing a car
  • The second delivery truck now correctly waits until the first one leaves the Warehouse
  • Inputs are now correctly blocked while Collectible Cards are inspected
  • RC car 2 is now correctly available after buying it

Can Touch This:

  • Changing doors now correctly generates navmesh for Customers

Tidal Wave:

  • Parking lot assets in the features tab preview are now correctly loaded and unloaded
  • Volcano visual issues at the start of the Tidal Wave were addressed
  • The Tidal Wave upgrade tree now has the correct information
  • Party Spot collision issues were addressed
  • Employees no longer scream in a loop after Volcanos eruption
  • Issues with the delivery boat driver position were addressed
  • Fixed an issue that counted one trash multiple times while throwing it into the ocean
  • Some new decoration issues were addressed