Gas Station Simulator cover
Gas Station Simulator screenshot
Genre: Simulator, Indie

Gas Station Simulator

Update #7 coming tomorrow!

Just a heads-up: tomorrow we plan to release Update #7! While its main focus are optimizations, there are also some new features and new content.

Expect Update #7 to arrive tomorrow sometime late afternoon (Central European Time).

Party Time DLC is coming soon!

One year ago we released Gas Station Simulator and to celebrate it, we prepared a DLC. As the name suggest, the theme of the DLC is partying and while doing so it will provide the long requested boosts to popularity! And it’s free!

As promised yesterday, today we unveiled the Party Time DLC store page with information, what this DLC will include. Check it out:

Party Time DLC will become available on 22.09.2022 at 19:00 CET.

What’s next?

Today we released Food Truck Simulator. Every game launch involves pretty much everyone at the office, but come tomorrow it’s back to real work! And the first thing the team will do is wrap up Update #7 for Gas Station Simulator that we’d like to deploy next week.
The update comes with some new features, but its main focus is stability and CPU performance optimizations.

After Update #7 it’s time for the Party Time DLC. You should not have to wait long for that one. A week or thereabouts after update #7 already. We will have more details about Party Time DLC tomorrow so you will know what you are waiting for. While this is happening, a part of the team continues to push GPU focused optimizations for the next update in order to deliver it in a more timely manner this time.

As mentioned previously things are speeding up now and on top of all that we’ll have some more news about new things in Gas Station Simulator within a week to 10 days tops.

Until then, maybe give Food Truck Simulator a try. There is a launch discount and a demo to have a look before you decide:

And for those missing our games, there is a nice bundle and Gas Station Simulator is on sale right now with 23% off the regular price!

More Dennis?

As you might now, we are working on Update #7 for Gas Station Simulator right now and then we’ll proceed to provide you with more content in free and paid DLCs. Update #7 is in final testing already, so it won’t be long now and we hope it will improve performance and stability of the game for many of you.

We plan to continue to improve the game and work on further optimizations and more updates parallel to the development of the next DLCs such as Shady Deals.

There is on thing we find ourselves discussing a lot internally when planing future content for the game and that’s the love-hate relationship most of the playerbase has with Dennis.

We are thinking about expanding his presence not only in Gas Station Simulator, but also in the two games that will work with it: Road Diner Simulator and Motel Simulator.
We are thus looking for cool ideas from you what to do with Dennis. It is always great to pick up some ideas from the community and we could even do something with Dennis that spans over several content updates.
That being said, no matter what we’ll do you will be able to toggle future Dennis encounters on and off - yes, we learned that lesson :P

Speaking of Dennis: Tomorrow at 19:00 CET we are releasing Food Truck Simulator where Dennis is all grown up. While on and around the gas station Dennis is an annoying brat, as a man he is downright dangerous both in person and with his own competing food truck. That might be a good reason for some to have a look at the game:

The Future of Employees

We are very excited about the connectivity between Gas Station Simulator, Road Diner Simulator and Motel Simulator and how these games will work together and influence each other in-game.
There is a lot of planing going into this endeavour and we come up with new ideas all the time.
It also gives us an opportunity to revisit existing game systems and improve them.

Employees are one such system that we are looking to revamp quite a bit. Especially for Motel Simulator our requirements and expectations are significantly higher than employees offer in Gas Station Simulator. One such an example is the need for more in-depth behaviours. For Road Diner Simulator on the other hand we want more attributes to nicely mimic situations where customers react differently to employees based on how they handle customers, how nice they are, etc.

While at it, we also want to add more depth to employees in general and are even toying with the idea to allow players to move their employees between games. Let’s say you just bought Road Diner Simulator and started playing. You could close some areas of your gas station for the time being and delegate one or two of your gas station employees to the diner until you get your diner to a more advanced stage.

This in turn requires us to make changes to employees in all of the games which is something we can all look forward to. Obviously such changes will also need to come with lots of improvements to how you can assign and manage employees so some of the issues voices by the community will be addressed here as well.

In case you aren’t aware, two games we are working on are Road Diner Simulator and Motel Simulator. While both are separate games, they are connected with each other and Gas Station Simulator. The road diner is just across the highway and the motel will be close to the side of the gas station. When you own any combinations of those games, they will work together.

For example: if you own Gas Station Simulator and are playing Road Diner Simulator, you will see your gas station the way you made it recreated at the other side of the highway and vice-versa. Additionally, the gas station, motel and diner will provide various bonuses to each other and influence not only existing game mechanics in the other games, but also content. That’s why we are so excited about making those work together.

The race is on…

Remember how at the beginning of August there was a big argument between the teams working on Gas Station Simulator and Food Truck Simulator regarding having a food truck in Gas Station Simulator? We asked you then for your thoughts and opinions and we've received some great feedback and ideas on how to do exactly that. We're working on that and we agree that a food trailer would fit better.
One more step in our quest to increase the scope of the gas station and new content. And we’ll announce even more any day now.

Of course at this time we’re also busy working on many other earlier suggestions you've sent us and a big update is right around the corner, along with a birthday surprise we've mentioned a few days back.

Considering the warn reception that idea of a food truck in Gas Station Simulator received, you can probably imagine that this argument between the teams wasn't the end of it all. Now both teams sort of try to one up each other in terms of ideas and implementations. Gotta say, it's quite stimulating. And that also means if there ever was a time for you to contribute ideas for new content, it is now. Let us know.

Cleaning, rebuilding and decorating your gas station is what takes the bulk of your time in Gas Station Simulator. We've even added a DLC - Can Touch This - just for that purpose. We're still planning on expanding ideas relating to that part of our game.

In that time, the team behind Food Truck Simulator (that is going to be released next week already on September, 14th) expanded on the functionalities of gas stations within their city. There are gas stations that you can not only fill your food truck at, but also perform some jobs in order to use those gas stations as fast travel points. They have a pretty nifty tool in form of a water hose to rinse and clean the gas station.
We’d love to hear from how you like that tool. Sure, we now have our crazy space vacuum cleaner that we've added to Gas Station Simulator in June, but maybe you have some other ideas how we can improve on that aspect of the game. Again, let us know.

A little background

With our small wave of releases ahead of us, we figured it to be a good opportunity to give you some background information what is happening here at DRAGO entertainment and how those things impact Gas Station Simulator and its future.

Let’s start with a bit of background. DRAGO entertainment is developing games since 1998. Most of the time we were creating games for others, but a few years back we decided to not do that anymore and switch to creating only our own games.

The initial plan for this new strategy was to reach its next major milestone after the release of Gas Station Simulator and Food Truck Simulator as well as having Winter Survival entered Early Access. We assumed all 3 games will be successful and earn the company a decent income. Thanks to all of you who bought Gas Station Simulator and made it that big of a success for us, we reached that milestone with the first game already. We did expect the game to be successful, but not that successful.

That lead to massive changes in the studio. Things that we planned to start to happen around halfway through 2023 suddenly had to happen in mid-2022. Don’t us wrong, it is absolutely amazing that it happened, but it also caught us quite a bit off-guard and made us face some unexpected challenges.

We take great effort to remain a rather small, independent development studio and try to avoid the “bloat” that often comes with achieving a success earlier than expected, because in our experience that rarely ends well in the long run. This in turn makes us face various challenges. Most of them we handle really well, but we are still struggling a bit whenever we approach the release of projects.

And this year we still have the launch of Food Truck Simulator on September, 14th, Winter Survival’s Early Access on October, 27th and before that a small DLC for Gas Station Simulator followed by another DLC at the end of the year. Yes, we will post more about those, soon.

Anyway, that is a lot of things for a rather small team like us. To be able to make it happen, we have a portion of our developers switch from project to project whenever the pre-release phase is reached. This in turn slows down the work on their initial project, which clearly is a bit of a downside.

On the other hand, there is a massive upside to that approach: most of the developers here have deep knowledge of all the project which in turn allows us to use something from one game in another. Grab some nice feature, adapt it to the new environment and release it within a reasonable time. Something that would not be otherwise possible.

The way we work is also the reason, why on occasion we are a bit late with stuff. We have the best intentions and what to release things as soon as possible, but sometimes there are multiple members of the team of one game temporary working on another (like right now is the case with Gas Station Simulator and Food Truck Simulator) and there is just no way to avoid a delay here and there. Then again, once Food Truck Simulator and Winter Survival are released, some of the developers on those will help to speed things up on Gas Station Simulator so we should be able to provide a lot more content for the game next year.
With Food Truck Simulator being tested and retested, some of the devs are back to Gas Station Simulator and ready to speed some things up, where the now smaller food truck team prepares to deal with any post-release issues and plans out further content for the game. This also means that for gas station our next step is the release of the next major update and will definitely happen within weeks, possibly even earlier with a few more folks now working on it. The two DLCs mentioned earlier are already being worked on for a while and we hope to speed the work on one of them considerably.
While Winter Survival's Early Access on 27.10.2022 is also pretty close, the situation here is a bit different. We initially planned to release a lot earlier, but there were some marketing bottlenecks and we decided to rather postpone. So for once we don't have the neck-breaking pre-release madness to deal with (or at least not nowhere to the extend we had with gas station or now with food truck) and won't be moving more developers from Gas Station Simulator there. They will continue to work on new improvements and content for the gas station so we really should be able to pick up the pace going forward :)

Party Time DLC

As you might have noticed, there is a new DLC listed on Gas Station Simulator called Party Time.
It is a small and free DLC we are preparing to celebrate the first year of the game :)

While we are still in the process of ironing out some of its content, we wanted to let you know that something nice on top of the upcoming major update is coming this month. We will provide you with the DLC’s content and release date within the next 2 weeks.

Trucks & Truckers

More customer variety is a common request for Gas Station Simulator and something we are keeping in mind. We already have plans for bikers in the future and now adding another customer group that is missing just got a lot easier for us: truckers.

Massive long haul trucks is just what we need. And the truckers themselves are always an interesting bunch. We initially wanted to have trucks on the gas station with special fuel pumps and dedicated parking spaces, but we ran into some serious problems with the system handling the traffic. It is something we created early on, but then made the mistake to add and add tweaks onto it. At some point later in the game’s development we realised that the way we set it up and then expanded it simply won’t handle large trucks properly - or anything that “bends” somewhere like trailers etc.

That is a mistake we didn’t make when creating the traffic system in Food Truck Simulator. While we used the Gas Station Simulator traffic system as a starting point there, we went into a different direction with it. And while there are no large trucks in Food Truck Simulator (yet), its traffic system already supports them. So since we are on a roll of stealing stuff from them, we will do it again. It will require some more work to make it play nicely in Gas Station Simulator, but we don’t really have a choice in the long run:

Yes, trucks and truckers are going to play a more significant role in Motel Simulator and since Motel Simulator, Road Diner Simulator and Gas Station Simulator will have mechanics supporting each other, some of the content from one of the games will inevitably have to spill over to the others. In this case having a nice gas station here will provide incentives to truckers as customers for the motel and thus they will have to show up on the gas station. That is going to be so cool! This whole “making these games work together” approach is something that we are really excited about.

Just a reminder, Food Truck Simulator is going to be available on September, 14th. There is an updated demo, so you have a look at the traffic system there. It's a tad more sophisticated, no question about it:

UI Hot Fix

Today’s hot fix is a tiny one, but considering the amount of support requests that lead to it, we decided to deploy it ahead of the upcoming big update.

There is a quite substantial memory leak in the UI code (well, there are actually several as it turns out), but this one is pretty serious and we decided to patch it right away. We took care of the other ones already as well, but we can’t deploy them since they require an update of the entire engine.

This hot fix has no other fixes, just a bit of new UI code that should help a lot of players running with low amounts of RAM. The upcoming large update will improve RAM issues even more, but there is just no way for us to patch it ahead in a hot fix. Even this hot fix contains some UI elements from the upcoming patch. In certain circumstances you might get to see a UI element to close/open certain areas of the gas station. While you might be able to click around, it won’t do anything yet.

There just were some changes to the UI we had to deploy with this hot fix without being able to hide them, sorry about that. On the bright side, the large update is just around the corner :)

And before you ask about the new engine: yes, the next update will also update the game’s engine as this was necessary for many of the performance improvements we made. And to quote the lead guy on the Food Truck Simulator team: “If you keep going to steal our sh*t, at least have the decency to upgrade your damn engine to match ours and make all our lives that little bit easier!” Since we intend to take some more good stuff from them (we’ll post about that later this week), that’s what we did and the upcoming large update comes with a significant update to Gas Station Simulator’s engine as well as new features and content aside from all the fixes and performance improvements :)