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It's Only Money screenshot
Genre: Role-playing (RPG), Simulator, Indie

It's Only Money

Content Update: Bikes & a revamped First Time Experience

How's it going everyone,

Time to hit our next stop along our path to Chapter Two with the addition of Motorcycles, bikes, some UI Improvements and a brand new first time user experience.

First Time User Experience

This is a big one! We've revamped the opening of the game to better explain mechanics, story elements and your place in the world of Rockhaven. It's packed full of new locations and fun cutscenes, as well as deeper story elements that help tie the various characters and ideas we've formulated during our Early Access adventure so far. We're really proud of this revamped portion of the game and we're hoping it'll help newer players fall in love with Rockhaven and its populace, and highlight what we love about our game moreso than the original opening.

Note: For current players who want to experience this, be sure to back your saves up first!

New Building: Marinara Complex

This gargantuan highrise behemoth of a building is home to various apartments, garages and other oddities awaiting discovery. In the coming weeks Marinara Complex will have new properties to purchase, but for now it's the staging ground of the aforementioned new player experience. More updates on that later!

New Dealership: Mid Life Motorcyles

The day has come! Motorbikes in Rockhaven! Available off rip are two variants:

The Tiger Gnocchi

Perfect for beginners and safety concious riders, the Tiger Gnocchi is a great entry point into two wheeled vehicular experiences.

The Hardy Peterson X

This road hog is the choice of motorcycle clubs and mid-life crisis experiences worldwide. Experience a gas guzzling engine that is equal parts intimidating and impractical.

The bikes are currently in a "first pass" state, and will receive a following update to address handling, sound and other aspects, so please leave us some feedback here on Steam or in the Discord channel if you'd like to see anything tweaked! We'll be on the lookout for suggestions and reports.

UI Improvements:

- Your wallet and bank maximums can now easily be viewed on the inventory screen and will reflect any upgraded maximum capacity from ATM upgrades or Dr Powicks research lab.

- Homie statistics now have an element to better explain what each statistic influences

Fast Travel: (TURD System)

A much requested feature, fast travel is now an option from the Undercity, or any properties you own that you've opened the pipe in. Select an applicable pipe, a destination, and you'll be shot through what is likely years worth of sewage. Worth the risk to save a bit of time, we're sure!

Car Headlights

A smaller touch, but cars now have automatic headlights that turn off and on in low light situations, such as night! More of these smaller vehicle improvements to come.

Engine Upgrade:

We've also done a lot of work on moving It's Only Money from Unreal Engine 5.0 to 5.3, and with it hopefully comes some appreciable performance improvements for players across the hardware spectrum. Let us know if there's anything broken, and as usual we'll tackle it ASAP.

Known Issues:

- The opening driving portion of the new player experience can dip in framerate for some players, but should correct itself as they progress through the parking complex. We suspect this is affecting players on a specific GPU driver version, so if this issue is present, feel free to progress through the mission, as it'll resolve itself, or update your driver and see if that helps. We're open to any reports or logs we can get our hands on in the Discord to better fix this issue.

- Maudes Dome in the boss fight won't raise or lower for some players, we're investigating the cause of this and expect to have it fixed in the next update

- Some players are having crashes, particularly when in vehicles around large gatherings of NPC's. We're trying to replicate this, and have some leads to a fix. If this happens to you, we'd appreciate any crash logs or information you could share. We will fix this as soon as we've isolated the cause.

What's next?

In our next update, we're going to tackle two exciting new features to round out Chapter Two's focus on vehicles:

Vehicle customisation: Any vehicle you've bought will be be able to be modified in a wide variety of ways, such as Turbos, Paintjobs, rims, better stereos, and much more. This isn't limited to just cars, bikes and other odd vehicles will all be modifiable. We're excited to see what kind of crazy combinations y'all come up with, and we'll share a deeper dive on this system soon.

Our first "Side Hustle": Courier Service. Side hustles will be an easily accessible way to grind out money, either solo or friends. Think of them as something halfway between a narrative mission and a business. The more you do a Side Hustle, the greater the rewards, including persistent cash raises and other cool exclusive goodies.

Beyond these two major features, there's some fun other bits of content and news on the way that we're sure will please the Rockhaven community, so until then, we'll talk soon, and keep us posted if anything needs fixing!

Content Update: Vehicle Purchasing

Hey everyone,

It's time for the first content update on our road to Chapter Two! It's a long requested feature, and one we've been pretty excited about: The ability to purchase vehicles and garages.

Let's jump through all the various additions and features of the update, and talk about what's coming next.

Three New Vehicles

Say hello to the Jalo Perogi, the Chancellor Statesman and the Mudbaby 200.

The Jalo Perogi is a cheap, drifty little hatchback that comes in at a fairly affordable price tag. If you want to take advantage of Rockhavens various alleyways or hidden corners, the Jalo is one of the more navigable cars you can get your hands on.

The Chancellor Statesman on the other hand, is a tried and true classic. A hefty sedan, often used as Taxi Cabs or Police cruisers - everyone in Rockhaven knows what the Statesman is about. It's price tag is double the Perogis and then some, but diehards will say it's worth it.

The Mudbaby 200 however is a vehicle that was originally designed for children to play in, but given that this is Rockhaven, of course dropkick adults decide to test their luck in zipping them around. Try not to injure yourself when you take it out for a spin.

As hinted in the last blog, more vehicles are on their way, including some exciting two wheeled machines..

Three Purchasable Garages

If you're going to buy Vehicles, you'll need a place to put them: Enter Garages! Buying garages will increase your overall fleet capacity, and be a physical location you can visit to show off your owned vehicles, or pick them up for a spin. You'll get your first Garage in Green Island through a mission, but you'll have to find and purchase the remaining two (Check near the shores!). We'll add more garages for purchase in future updates. Visiting garages is a great way to grab one of your vehicles, but it's not the only way...

The new "Valet" system

Say you're out on the town, nowhere near your cars but you need a ride. It's simple! Using the Valet application on your phone, you can summon one of your available cars to your location. A very sorry driver will bring it right to you. Don't forget to tip! In a future update, tipping will progress you along an upgrade path inside the Valet application, but for now, it's just a nice thing to do. If your cars are destroyed, you can also pay the insurance fee to replace them right from the application. That leads us into the next topic

Damage overhaul and repairing

Cars now have a visible HP hud and damage states reflecting the condition of the car you're in. No more sudden explosions, and no more guess work. We still want to do visual damage to windows, doors and other parts on the car in a later update, but we figured we should at least address the basics. Your car will now exhibit white smoke, black smoke, and fire when it's about to blow up, and the ensuing explosion can cause chain reactions, so be sure to get out of the blast radius. Destroyed cars will also drop a smattering of broken tires, and whatever was in their inventory, so it's a good way to uh, you know - steal more stuff.

Additionally, if you're driving one of your vehicles, or have stolen one you're enjoying and want to repair them, head on over to Wheelies. There's a new second button there, and pay attention! One button crushes, while the other repairs the car inside for a fee. If you're playing in co-op, why not "repair" one of your friends cars. Surely that will end well.

New Car Material System

You'll notice some new paints and wraps on the vehicles of Rockhaven driving about. We've overhauled our car paint system on the back end which allows us to make some pretty exciting combinations. In this update, you'll get to pick some preset paint jobs at Car Dealerships, or notice some new colors on AI vehicles driving about, and that's where it is for now - however, as we tackle customisation, you'll be able to unlock and apply a whole range of colors and designs (among more substantial customizations to vehicles). For now, we hope this change gets you excited and envisioning what kind of crazy car you'll build in the future.

Two Dealerships

Buying cars debuts with two dealerships being opened in Rockhaven. By the south beach boardwalk is "4 Real Automobile", a rather run down establishment that has both the ride on lawnmower and Maximo for sale. If neither of those are doing it for you, Big O's Car Yard in North Beach has both the Jalo Perogi and Chancellor Statesman available. Peruse the disgusting available colors at launch knowing full well in time you'll be able to repaint them. Make sure you have your wallet upgraded from Dr Powicks upgrade station before buying a car though - they're not cheap!

A new mission "New Whip"

To introduce the concepts of wheeling and dealing automobiles, Beggar King will offer you a mission entitled "New Whip". Go meet Big O and stunt drive a Mudbaby 200 through the streets. If you do a good enough job, he'll go ahead and throw you the keys. We're pretty happy with some of the systems we've developed in this mission, and have some more exciting missions to leverage the work done here further in an upcoming update.

Bug Fixes and System Improvements

We've also crushed a fair amount of bugs, attempted some more performance improvements and made some changes to underlying systems that should help traffic and AI navigate better.

Additionally, we've added some more logic and physics to items and set dressing through the city to better improve the driving experience throughout. If you do get stuck, there's now an option on the interaction wheel on all vehicles to flip them right side up.

Oh, and people BLINK now!


Last but not least, Cloud Saves are online

We've finally gone ahead and enabled Cloud Saves. If you're a user who's played on multiple PC's, we recommend booting the game on the PC with your preferred saves first, and thereafter letting Steam handle the sync operation. We don't expect any problems to arise, but again, if they do, feel free to hit us up on Discord (or leave a comment here) and we'll fix 'em up.

What's Next?

Up next on our schedule is working on an improved first time user experience that'll better explain the core concepts of the game, and give the world some much needed flavor and substance to Rockhaven. A lot of the work we're doing on that will fallback into usual moment to moment gameplay, so while it primarily targets new players, veterans will have some appreciable content fall out of that.

We're also looking to launch two wheeled vehicles in the next content update, including motorbikes, electric scooters, and more. This is of course on top of new missions, new places to go in the city, and expanding the variety of cars, garages, houses and items to buy.

Once we've accomplished those larger two milestones, we'll start to roll out the customisation update, which'll allow you to modify vehicles into your fleet in all kinds of crazy and dumb ways, including opting out of wearing seatbelts - so if you're a fan of becoming a projectile, look forward to that.

Enjoy the update, and we'll talk again soon!

An update on updates: A sneak peek on what's next for It's Only Money

Hey everyone,

We hope you enjoyed the start of Chapter One, and thank you to all those who've expressed their excitement, helped us nail down on bugs and continued to suggest where they want the future of It's Only Money to go.

We thought now would be a good time to address updates and how we want to handle them post launch of Chapter One. Chapter One was a big update for our team of 5, which we developed simultaneously with over 30 weekly updates along the way throughout Chapter Zero. As you can imagine, not only was it a fairly full-on development schedule making new content, but equally time consuming packaging and testing those builds and quite often tearing it down and starting over when we found a bug (or 50).

While we're proud of our ability to rapidly iterate with lighter pieces of content while working on a more substantial larger chapter update simultaneously, however it also meant we had to scope specifically to hit a weekly target. That meant some of our more exciting ideas falling by the way side. A lot of the suggestions we get here on Steam, or in the Discord community align with where we want to take the game, however, some if not most of those suggestions would take more than a week, so naturally finding time to manifest those ideas can be tricky.

From today, we're going to address what we're working on ahead of time, with a larger picture of what the game should encapsulate by the time we arrive at Chapter 2 and beyond. We're going to release updates with new mechanics, features and content as we finish them, as opposed to holding them off for a larger update down the road. This'll lighten the burden on us as a team having to dedicate days to QA'ing a weekly build, and get content in the game faster. This is not to say we won't move immediately on crippling bugs, or throw in a lighter update here or there if we want add more Weiner badges, missions or clothing pieces. Our ability to rapidly iterate is a strength of the game and studio we don't want to leave behind.

Looking forward, our road to Chapter 2 is going to have a focus on improving the vehicular experience. A long standing request from the community is the ability to buy and customise vehicles. Additionally, we want to add new types of vehicles to drive, better and more robust driving behaviour from AI, including police chases. We want to overhaul the way the vehicles respond to crashes with a new damage system, and improve the ways you can steal vehicles and give you more reasons to care about doing so.

So, let's look at the first portion we're working on: Purchasing Vehicles and Garages

Several garages will become available to purchase in Rockhaven and doing so will be essential to store a huge fleet of vehicles. From anywhere in the city, you'll be able to use a new application on your phone, "Valet", to have any one of your vehicles delivered to you. Be sure to tip the delivery driver, as the more you do, the more his service will improve, and of course, you'll be in for some sweet rewards.

So, where do you get vehicles? Dealerships, of course. Different dealerships throughout Rockhaven will offer different vehicles and vehicle types for purchase. Big O's might have a sensible sedan for the family oriented criminal, while 4 Real Automobile is more than happy to sell you a lawnmower. Customisation will come in a later update, but at the very least, you can select a sweet paint of your choice to start off with.

We're happy with how the system is shaking out, and as soon as we've polished it up with some sounds and fancy feedback elements, we'll put it out with some accompanying general improvements, missions and other minor additions. Then we'll talk about what's next in a blog post like this, shape it up and ship it out to everyone.

Infact, we've already started prototyping out the next phase: Bikes and other two wheeled vehicles. The results? Doing a bunch of sweet stunts through Rockhaven.

Keep the suggestions coming along the road to Chapter Two, and we'll keep you posted along the way.

Hotfix #12 Now LIVE

Hey everyone,

Just another small hotfix to address some issues raised to us over the weekend. We expect to ship out another one either later today or tomorrow to continue attacking several issues we've managed to reproduce.


- Abduction minigame fixes for clients (UI/Handling/General game logic)
- Fixed client controls not responding in Gorb Rush
- Several fixes for Vacuum Cleaner item
- Several fixes for Homies pathfinding and logic when following a player
- Fixed nearby MOVR trucks despawning when a player is close
- Fixed Takeover marker from constantly appearing while doing other content
- Fixed Healing Robot not healing friendly homies
- Added appropriate collision to "Weiner Trophy" so it can be manipulated in AsbestOS
- Dr Powicks upgrades should now replicate properly in Multiplayer sessions


- Sometimes upon completing an abduction mini-game as a client, all Australian Spy Balloons may pop. This seems to happen most frequently when launching the minigame from the Undercity. We expect to have this fixed by the end of today.

Hotfix 11 NOW LIVE

Hey everyone, just a small hotfix coming in to address a few issues with the Chapter One launch!


- Markers should now wrap around the screen
- Toilets removed from the inaccessible prison
- Zeta points should now save between sessions
- Added ability to disable force feedback/vibration

It's Only Money Chapter One Begins

Hey everyone,

As of now, Chapter One is deploying and going live. This is a major milestone and update for our team and for the game itself, but the train doesn't stop here!

The start of Chapter One includes:

- New combat moves available at the Dojo
- New Missions
- A new UFO repeatable minigame with exciting rewards
- An overhaul to the Homies system, which allows them to follow, fight and contribute to your misdeeds in the streets
- New properties
- A new Crookbook game that can be played singleplayer against your AI homies (or with friends online!)
- Dr Powick brings player upgrades to the Undercity! Expanded wallet capacity? More carrying capacity? Teleports to your friends? You got it.
- And our first Takeover mission, including a boss fight against Maude, the first of the Mayors lieutenants.
- Various performance improvements across the hardware spectrum

And more!

Again, this is the start of Chapter One. We're settling right in on new content, bug fixes and of course, attacking the ever shifting performance target. To give new players an idea of how we approach It's Only Money, here's a quick summary of what we achieved and added throughout Chapter Zero (or you could check out our update history!) :

Our game and community mean the world to us, and we're going to keep on cracking. Shortly after the launch of Chapter One we're expecting to ship a few hot-fixes to alleviate any issues we missed while testing, then it's straight back into building and releasing more content.

We plan to post a new blog about how we're going to better approach our content pipeline going forward, and we think you'll all be excited for what we've got in store.

Thanks for waiting and if you're just joining us, Welcome to Rockhaven.

It's a weird place, and it's only going to get more bizarre in 2024.

- The Usual Suspects team

It's Only Money Chapter One Begins in January

Hey, everyone!

We've been working away on the Chapter One update, and we're pleased to announce that we'll be dropping it mid January.

While we wanted to get it out in time for Christmas, our team recently had an outbreak of Covid and despite our best efforts to push through, there's still a few bugfixes and improvements we want to make before letting the update roam free. Additionally, we want to be on deck when the update goes live incase there's any issues that need immediate fixing, so January made the most sense.

Before we preview what's coming in Chapter One, we wanted to say another round of thanks to those who joined us on our journey through Chapter Zero. It meant a lot to have such great feedback, reports and suggestions from the community who've found the game, and working together we pushed a significant amount of updates to the title, especially for our team size and resources.

The updates ranged from light to significant, and we hope y'all will continue to help us guide It's Only Money to be the best game it can be throughout Chapter One and beyond.

So let's talk about what's coming out the gate with Chapter One:

Takeover Mission:

Off rip, the most major portion of the Chapter One update is your first strike against the Mayor. The first Takeover mission, Eternal Pastures, requires you and your homies to infiltrate Eternal Pastures: A communications center disguised as a retirement home, ran by Maude, one of the Mayors most trusted lieutenants.

This is our largest mission yet and features multiple types of gameplay, including using a turbocharged vacuum cleaner to destroy Eternal Pastures from within, culminating with a boss fight against Maude atop the structure itself.

Player Upgrades:

One of the most highly requested features from the community was a way to upgrade things like cash and carrying limits. The Undercity's newest resident, Dr Powick, has constructed a machine below to handle these requests and more. The first slew of upgrades you can purchase allow you to teleport to friends, increase limits and more!

Homies Refactor:

In Chapter Zero, your Tenants that you freed and housed did little more more than hang out at home, but with the launch of Chapter One tenants become AI Homies. You can ask your Homies to follow you around, do missions, play crookbook games and more. The more you hang out, the more EXP they'll earn, with each level providing a statistical benefit. Additionally, decorating their homes will provide bonus points into one of the three categories. We're looking forward to utilizing the Homie refactor in future gameplay mechanics including businesses, but there's no need to wait, you'll need to pick your favourite homies to accompany you when you raid Eternal Pastures.

New Combat Moves:

Return to Awesome Dragon with the launch of Chapter One and experiment with the new moves that await including:

- Snail Tank 5000: A technique that summons a Mecha-Snail that fights on your behalf
- Wee-Wee Scream: Unleash a primal scream that stuns all enemies in an area and causes an unfortunate accident
- Healing Robot: Deploy a modified portable vacuum cleaner that heals all friends within range
- Magna-Thief: Pull out a massive super magnet to rip weapons from the hands of enemies straight into your grasp for immediate payback.

New Crookbook game, Gorb Rush:

Meeting Gorbin and completing his mission will unlock Gorb Rush, the new CrookBook game where you and either 3 friends online or your AI homies (Yes, if you don't have friends to play online with, you can play the new CrookBook game!) are suspended atop a tower in Gorbs, fighting to see who's the last one standing on an ever shrinking platform.

Meet Ebe, and abduct people for him:

The newest unfortunate resident of Rockhaven is EBE, an Alien who's crashed his ship thanks to one too many whiskeys. Help him in a new minigame abduct the citizens of Rockhaven, and be rewarded with interstellar goods as you complete his shifts.

But hey, take a look for yourself:

The above and more are just the start of Chapter One, and we're excited for everyone to get their hands on it - and yes, just in-case it needs clarifying: Chapter One is FREE. You've already paid your entry fee to all content by joining us on this Early Access journey, and we can't thank you enough.

As we move closer to release and beyond, we'll outline our plans for content going forward and how we plan to deliver it, as well as keeping an eye out for interesting community suggestions that we can reasonably work in, too.

Have a great and safe holiday everyone, and let's hit the new year running.

- US Team.

Weekly Content Update #20 NOW LIVE

Hey everyone, this week's update is light on the content, but for good reason:

We are in the final stages of development on Chapter One.

To integrate the new content and systems, we'll have to pause the content updates until Chapter One is released. Early tests are promising, but there's still a fair few things we want to make sure are polished and intuitive before release. Additionally, due to tech constraints we can't seamlessly work on Chapter One content while maintaining a Chapter Zero version of the city without constant build and QA processes, which is an arduous task for a team of 5 (Something we've been doing every week since the game came out!) Some players have even noticed new in development content sneaking into live builds (thanks for shouting that out, by the way)

We figured everyone wants the new stuff, so lets focus on and finish the new stuff!

Our current goal line is end of this month for the release of Chapter One, but it might come sooner or later depending on any issues that arise during testing.

During these 20 weekly updates (not to mention the hotfixes), you've given us invaluable feedback to better help shape Rockhaven, and cheered us on throughout the process.

We've changed systems, added missions, locations and even entirely new features. We've improved performance (still more to come!), and hit a nice cadence of smaller updates while simultaneously working on the future of It's Only Money. Most importantly, we've felt the game's found a small but incredibly cool community of people.

We cannot thank you enough for making our launch a special one. The trust you've shown by taking a chance on It's Only Money through Early Access is appreciated by the team more than we could express in a steam post, and we'll continue working to a high standard to ensure that you feel your purchase was worth it.

To celebrate, everyone gets a "Buh Bye Chapter Zero" Shirt

Everyone should automatically be granted the shirt on existing saves or new files.

Additionally, some bug fixes hit this week.

- New and Improved Knockout Camera
- Updated UI Logo for Harborside
- Added/Fixed Drunk effects influencing vehicle controls and screen effects
- Fixed cops sometimes getting confused when chasing a player
- Fixed slow movement speed on clients when performing a combat move while drunk
- Fixed the player launching into the sky if becoming sober while ragdolled
- Made ability HUD elements more responsive and show charging
- Fixed camera snapping back to center, now it smoothly interpolates
- Fixed item acquired slide ins wait for no other UI to be on screen before expiring
- Fixed vehicle camera being able to clip through objects
- Improved perk timeout text on clients
- Fixed controller key shown by default on the welcome message
- Fixed NPC's always having neon green somewhere in their outfit
- Fixed some shopkeepers being interactable even though they had no interact options

Though we're pausing weekly updates, we'll continue to monitor Steam and Discord for bugs and get those fixed ASAP once we're alerted. Closer to the announcement of Chapter One's release date we'll detail what exactly to expect with a Steam blog post, but until then have a good one and again, thank you all so much for your support thus far.

Weekly Content Update #19 Now LIVE

Howdy everyone, it's time for another weekly update. Let's get into it:

Get Drunk and stumble around Rockhaven

This week allows Rockhaveners to indulge in every dropkicks favourite pastime: Drinking too much. Head to your local bar and enjoy either a bottle of beer, or down an entire serving of whiskey and enjoy one of two new perks:

Buzzed: Slightly blurred vision, but a decrease in Combat Move cooldown time.

Plastered: Your legs are giving out, your eyes want to close, but somehow you're still shambling around. Be careful attempting to jump, and whatever you do, don't fire a high pressured water pistol or you'll fly into the next dimension.

Enjoy responsibly! (or don't, we aren't judging)

New Location: Harborside

What better place to enjoy the new effects of drinking than Harborside. Located at the base of the Mayor tower where the park meets the water, Harborside offers fantastic alcoholic drinks, and, well... that's about all they offer. Be sure not to fall into the Ocean after indulging.

Expanded Reward Chest Drops:

A handful of new structure items have been added to the reward chest offerings, including:

- Lucky Cat
- Bull Club Sign
- Wedding Arch
- Modern Red Fixtures

And More! Complete a few crookbook games or pop some spy balloons and get opening to find some sweet new decor items.

Combat UI Overhaul

Ahead of Chapter One dropping, our UI demon has gone over the combat UI to make it more readable and pop more with every action. The addition of a cooldown timer and unique colors for each combat move should help when you need a quick glance at what's going on. The new move icons are a taste of things to come...

New Stock At Brown Pipes

Ever wanted to go potty alongside a friend? The new Urinals in stock at Brown Pipes can make all your dreams come true. You can also use them to flush yourself back to the Undercity, but don't think too hard about how that works.

Finally, a new Hidden Cache

There awaits another Loot Cache hidden somewhere in Rockhaven. Here's your clue:

Where your journey begins underground, look to the sky and hear the sound:
Rails would screech and come alive, bounce up there, fly to the prize

  • Stop TV from immediately running when game starts.
  • Fixed campervan being able to be despawned before it should be able to in Spud's second quest.
  • Fixed getaway orbs being visible for clients when joining a game at 0 bounty.
  • Potential fix for votes sometimes being inconsistent after completing an activity.
  • Fixed map marker for Jern.
  • Fixed durability pips for weapons with greater than 10 Max Durability.

Weekly Update #18 Now LIVE

Howdy everyone, a new weekly update to tuck into:

Old Mate Jims Furniture

Located on the waterfront below the Mayor tower, Old Mate Jims hosts some upper scale furniture offerings with a premium feel and price tag. If you're tired of the dust and must of Trenchtowns Third Hand Furniture, head on down to Old Mate Jims and peruse the following launch stock:

- Hammond Sleep King
- Leather Black Lounge Chair
- Upper Class Black Office Chair
- Premium Green 2 Seater
- Crud Brand Modern Couch
- Crud Brand Double Bed

New Lootable Weapon: Old Mailbox:

Need to deliver a thump to someones head in a pinch? Take a tour of Rockhavens residential properties and borrow someones Mailbox. It's a modern day warhammer, dealing a whopping 30 damage per swing, but be careful of the relatively low durability.

New range of Steezy680ti Colorways:

Pop on over to Steezy and claim one of the new colorways dropping today, including:

- Trackmeet
- Ultra Coral
- Atmosphere
- Red November
- Green Christmas

And a hidden treasure cache:

Here's your clue: Somewhere in the city where dogs run free, look to the sky above the sea

- Fixed ATM music not respecting volume slider (now respects UI slider)
- Fixed Balloon Gun not spawning in mission from barrel
- *Possible* fix for a report that Hotwiring wasn't working on first attempt per vehicle