Genre: Role-playing (RPG), Hack and slash/Beat 'em up, Adventure
Lost Ark
2024 Roadmap - Part 2
Heroes of Arkesia,
We’re excited to share the second part of the 2024 roadmap, which includes the major planned content pieces arriving in Arkesia over the next three months in 2024. Join Product Manager Andy Lin, Head of Editorial Henry Stelter, and Community Manager Roxanne Sabo for our team’s video update.
The roadmap content discussed are highlights we know players are eagerly awaiting, but the roadmap is not a comprehensive list of every change arriving in Arkesia over the next few months, and could change. As we approach each month, more details will be shared. New quality of life (QoL) updates, balance tuning, adjustments to support new and returning players, and unique events may appear in the upcoming months. Stay tuned to our website and social channels for future release notes including the full list of new content, cosmetics, balance changes, events, and more included in our major monthly updates. Below you’ll find the video roadmap with our team members discussing the content, followed by a written summary. With that, let’s dive in.
With the arrival of Thaemine The First in the Darkness Unleashed Update, players can soon race to clear the most powerful Demon Commander and carve their name into Arkesian history. Thaemine The First is a special race to clear the original— and hardest— difficulty of the Thaemine Legion Raid. Clearing will be a challenge, even for the most experienced adventurers. But with extreme challenge comes prestige, and we have a variety of prestigious rewards planned for those who can vanquish Thaemine in his most powerful form. The race for Thaemine The First will begin on April 20 at 10AM PT (5PM UTC) for parties who have cleared Hard Mode. Learn more about the details and conditions in the Thaemine The First Details Article.
First Clear Leaderboard
Want to keep an eye on the competition? Checkout the Thaemine The First Leaderboard, where the first teams to successfully clear in each region will live in Arkesian history.
Thaemine The First Highlight Submission
We want to highlight the most memorable community moments from your journey to first clear. Share your highlights for a chance to appear in our community spotlight video.
When you have a clip or highlight you’d like to share with us, please Submit Here.
Upon clicking the link you’ll see an option to upload a file. When you choose the clip you want to upload, you will be prompted to enter a description and an author. The description can be a summary of the clip, or something you’d like us to watch out for. The author is your in-game name so that you can get credit in the video.
Our team will review your clips and put the best of the best in a highlight video commemorating the Lost Ark community’s epic quest to clear Thaemine The First. Not everyone who submits a clip will be included, but we welcome everyone to participate.
As for which clips to submit, they can be whatever you want to share with the community. Obviously if you’re one of the players who clears Thaemine The First, we’d love to see it! But it doesn’t all have to be triumphs. Maybe you pull off some great plays, score some epic kills, or just experience hilarious fails. We want to see it all!
Once you’re ready to take on Thaemine The First, please share your clips with our team. Looking for more details? View the Amazon Games Privacy Policy.
We’ll see you in Arkesia, and wish you luck as face the Darkness Legion Commander, Thaemine.
Lost Ark x Discord Quests
Heroes of Arkesia,
We're excited to partner with Discord on a Quest to bring even more Mokokos to one of your favorite apps. Simply stream Lost Ark in Discord for 15 minutes to earn a Mokoko Discord Avatar Decoration. Whether you run Raids, Dailies, or something else entirely, the Quest for an affectionate Mokoko hug is available now through April 23 for all Discord users. You don’t have to join the official Lost Ark channel for this quest, although we’d love for you to join our community!
This Discord Quest can be completed entirely through the Discord UI. Here’s how to walk away with your next Avatar Decoration:
Discord's premium services are restricted in some regions. If you are unable to access the Gift Inventory, you are not eligible for this Quest or reward.
All quests can be found at the top of the Gift Inventory section of Discord on both Desktop and the App. There should be a ‘New’ badge indicating a new Quest is available. Please note, this Quest can be accepted on Desktop but must be completed in App.
The Lost Ark Quest can also appear in the Quest bar above your Discord voice chat options.
Once accepted, the Quest bar will show your progress through a percentage bar.
Upon completion, you can visit the Quest in the Gift Inventory to claim your reward.
Share your stream with friends or save a favorite moment for the future. Additional information on Discord Quests can be found here. In the meantime, we’ll see you in Arkesia.
April Twitch Drop & Creator Spotlight
Heroes of Arkesia,
A Turtle Skin Twitch Drop accompanies the Darkness Unleashed Update, available for members of the Lost Ark Creator Program to enable on their channel. There are three Drops, and unlike tiered Drops, watch time for each Drop is earned simultaneously.
Drop 1 - 2hrs - Amethyst Shard x1000
Drop 2 - 5hrs - Stronghold Structure: Angel Wing Photo Zone
Drop 3 - 8hrs - Turtle Skin Selection Chest
Make sure to head over to Twitch and watch your favorite Lost Ark content creators to earn the Drops before they end on May 15. Looking for creators to watch as you earn your Twitch Drops, especially with the new Thaemine Legion Raid releasing? The content creators featured are members of the Lost Ark Creator Program— learn more about them below!
My name is Nikki and I have been playing Lost Ark since the Beta release! I am known for being a proud enhanced weapon Deadeye main since the launch. Gunners are my favorite class. My roster consists of every single one! I look forward to any future male or female gunner releases! One of my favorite things about Lost Ark is the character creation. I enjoy making new characters and giving them a story for even more immersion. As someone who grew up playing RPG's and reading books, I also enjoy storyline quests and will always do a cozy story time stream when new content releases. Lately, I like to help new players experience endgame raids for the first time and am always willing to raid with players whether new or experienced. If you are looking for a comfy place to sit while you do your dailies or a safe place to ask questions about the game feel free to come by!
Hi everyone! My name is Aikaiita and I have been streaming Lost Ark since the Western launch. I love playing with my community and strive to create a welcoming environment for everyone. Each week I organize reclear parties with my chat and occasionally set up learning parties or groups for hell content. I am currently a Soul Eater main! However I love playing Gunslinger, Wardancer, Sorceress, and Artist as well. Let's hang out together! Feel free to ask me anything and I hope you all have fun in Arkesia.
Hi guys - I’m Revyll! I’m a lifelong gamer, athlete, and developer. I achieved my B.S. in Computer Science and work full time as a software engineer. I started playing Lost Ark 7 months ago when the Jump Start servers released and have been hooked ever since. My passion for the game and storytelling motivated me to share my experiences through YouTube videos & more recently streaming. When I’m not gaming or coding, I’m out golfing or hanging with my incredible wife and German Shepherd. I’m so excited for the future of this game and community and would love to share this ride with you on Twitch as we prepare for Thaemine and beyond!
Darkness Unleashed Release Notes
Heroes of Arkesia,
The April “Darkness Unleashed” Update arrives in Arkesia tomorrow. Downtime will begin on April 17 at 2AM PT (9 AM UTC) and is expected to last 4 hours. The April Update includes the Thaemine Legion Raid, new Transcendence progression system, Veskal Guardian Raid, and much more!
Find the full list of content, events, skins, balance updates, and other changes along with new episode of “Patch Notes with Henry” for players looking for an express video explanation and visual showcase, all on the Darkness Unleased Release Page.
We hope you enjoy reading through the vast variety of content updates, balance changes, and other updates! We’ll see you in Arkesia, and wish you luck as face the Darkness Legion Commander, Thaemine.
Creator Roundtable: Thaemine
Heroes of Arkesia,
Thaemine, the Darkness Legion Commander, is arriving in Arkesia on April 17 in the Darkness Unleashed Update. To prepare for the imminent arrival of the most powerful Legion Commander, Lost Ark team members Roxx (Community Manager) and Henry (Head of Editorial), sat down with Lost Ark content creator legends Stoopzz, Saintone, and KanonXO in a new video format. In the roundtable the group discusses reaching Thaemine with the new events, preparing for Thaemine, and approaches to take for both the standard versions of the raid and Thaemine the First.
Watch below to leverage KanonXO’s journey as a returning player, Stoopzz’ preparation for Thaemine, and Saintone’s wealth of experience having vanquished Thaemine in Korea.
We hope you enjoyed this new video format! Let us know in the comments on YouTube if you’d like more of this type of content heading forward. We wish you luck in your preparations against Thaemine. In the meantime, we’ll see you in Arkesia.
Community Emote Design Competition
Heroes of Arkesia,
Nearly a year ago the first community emote design competition accompanied Maykoko fest, and we’re excited to announce that a new competition will be returning, starting today! This year, the theme will be ‘Lost Ark Characters’ to allow players a wide variety of creative freedom. Emotes should be based around fan-favorite Lost Ark NPCs (including Sidereals, Legion Commanders, rapport characters, Mokokos, or other notable characters from Arkesia). If you're looking for inspiration, you can think about these characters emotions when seeing or facing Thaemine.
In Korea, player-centric emotes were added to the game when the first group proved victorious over Thaemine. While we have plenty planned to celebrate the first groups to clear in the West (learn more in the Thaemine The First Details Article), we wanted to open up the emote section after the wildly successful competition last year that resulted in many of the most popular emotes being added to the game.
Competition Details
Submission collection for the emote contest will run from April 8 to April 29. After the submission deadline ends on April 29, our teams at Amazon Games and Smilegate RPG will spend a few days selecting 10 finalists. Once the finalists are selected, the 10 emotes will be added to Discord, and the Lost Ark community can vote on their favorites by using reactions in Discord from May 3 - 10. At the end of the week, the top 5 will be selected as winners and added into the game for all players to use! Adding the final emotes to the game will take several months, and a final date will be announced after the competition.
The prizes? The five winners will have their emotes uploaded into Lost Ark for the community to use! Additionally, all ten finalists will receive the ‘Masterpiece Creator’ Title in game, and the 10 finalist emotes will be available for players to use in the Official Lost Ark Discord.
You can enter your submissions to the emote contest through the Official Lost Ark Discord by creating a post in the 2024 Emote Contest section of Discord (#2024-emote-contest-entries) with the image of your artwork attached. The submission requirements include:
Submissions must be centered around an NPC in Lost Ark (including Sidereals, Legion Commanders, rapport characters, Mokokos, or other notable characters from Arkesia). Player characters do not count.
A JPG or PNG under 25mb
Ideal emote size is 500x500 at 300 DPI.
Submission emotes need to be static images with transparent backgrounds unless there are intentional design decisions requiring a background color.
Submissions must include character name and server name of the player submitting.
When preparing the winning emotes to be put in-game, some details may be removed or adjusted to better fit the game. Find the full contest rules here.
If you’re unable to find the 2024 Emote Contest section of Discord, you can add the relevant channels to your list of viewable channels on the left side of your screen by navigating to “Channels & Roles” in the top left of the Discord UI, then navigating to “Browse Channels” and selecting the channels you would like to see.
We’re excited to see what the community submits! Don’t forget to enter your emote submissions before the April 29 deadline, and check back on May 3 to vote on your favorite finalists.
Break Into The Endgame
Heroes of Arkesia,
The March update brought new game systems and five key events built to help new and returning players get to endgame, or hardcore players to level up a new alternate character— such as the new Breaker Class— quickly. While the Break Through to Thaemine Release Notes cover the events and a ton of other content that arrived in Arkesia with the March Update, we wanted to highlight how these events can be layered together, especially for those returning to the game. To best show off how to use them in-game, we partnered with Lost Ark Creator Program member KanonXO, who recently returned to Lost Ark and has been working to prepare for Thaemine’s impending arrival.
Interested in breaking into the endgame? Watch KanonXO’s tutorial on how to leverage the events.
Looking for a text breakdown instead? Make sure to read through the Break Through to Thaemine Release Notes to learn about all the new events and systems. The events are available until July 17, but Thaemine’s arrival is imminent— leading the Darkness Legion to Arkesia on April 17.
We wish you luck as you upgrade your characters and brace for the onslaught of the final Demon Legion Commander. In the meantime, we’ll see you in Arkesia.
Thaemine The First Details
Heroes of Arkesia,
Thaemine The First is a special race to clear the original— and hardest— difficulty of the Thaemine Legion Raid. Clearing will be a challenge, even for the most experienced adventurers. But with extreme challenge comes prestige, and we have a variety of prestigious rewards planned for those who can vanquish Thaemine in his most powerful form. The race for Thaemine The First will begin on April 20 at 10AM PT (5PM UTC) for parties who have cleared Hard Mode. Learn about the rewards, details regarding the competition, and the conditions needed to enter on
Eye on Arkesia
Heroes of Arkesia,
Join Community Manager Roxx for the inaugural episode of Eye on Arkesia, where she'll discuss all the exciting new content coming in April. Learn about the events planned to accompany the arrival of the Darkness Legion Commander. This series will cover game updates, new videos, and more, ensuring you stay informed about everything new in Lost Ark.
Let us know in the comments if you enjoy this format, and until next time, we'll see you in Arkesia!