Lost Ark cover
Lost Ark screenshot
Genre: Role-playing (RPG), Hack and slash/Beat 'em up, Adventure

Lost Ark

The Saga of Thaemine

Heroes of Arkesia,

The Darkness Legion Commander’s arrival is imminent. Thaemine is the most powerful of the Legion Commanders who once conquered half of Petrania alone, long ago. After facing Kazeros, he accepted the role of the Legion Commander of Darkness. Now, the loyal knights imbued with Thaemine's dark blessings rush to Arkesia, leading demons from other Legions. The saga of Thaemine will unfold throughout the month of April, with three key dates for adventurers to keep an eye on.

Thaemine’s Arrival

The Thaemine Prologue Dark Days story questline arrives tomorrow, on April 3. In this new storyline, players will help Thirain investigate new, mysterious events unfolding in Luterra. Find the release notes for the prologue in the next section.

Two weeks later, the Darkness Legion Commander will arrive in Arkesia. The Thaemine Legion Raid Normal and Hard difficulties will release on April 17, in the major April monthly update. Triumphing over Thaemine in his dark fortress will grant players the ability to claim new power in the form of a new progression system— Transcendence. As we approach Thaemine’s arrival in the major April update, more details on the new systems and other content updates can be found in the release notes.

During the weekend following the April update, the original Thaemine The First difficultly will open for a special race to clear on April 20. Later this week, we’ll release an article with details for players eager to compete.

Thaemine Prologue Release Notes

The Dark Days questline will arrive after the weekly maintenance. Downtime will begin on April 3 at 12AM PT (7 AM UTC) and is expected to last 6 hours.

Thirain, the King of Luterra, swore on his legendary sword Vanquisher that he would always protect the people of Luterra and Arkesia, as he and his knights have ever since the emergence of Chaos Gates. However, suspicious events are occurring in Luterra. Experience a new line of story quests that lead into the Thaemine Legion Raid. The prologue quests will require Item Level 1520.

New relevant quests added, along with a new Achievement and Title. The starting quest for the Thaemine Prologue is ‘Red Mist After Dusk’. This quest can be accepted in the following cities:
  • Voldis: Kalinar (NPC Hogun)
  • North Vern: Vern Castle (NPC Hogun)
  • Elgacia: Ereonnor (Transparent Mirror)

Prerequisite Quests:
  • Found Key, Pulsating Volcano – Episode ‘Light of Destiny’ Quest
  • Adento's Legacy - Voldis World Quest

  • While progressing the Thaemine Prologue quest line, partial normal or rapport quests in Luterra Castle cannot be progressed at the same time.
  • After completing the Thaemine Prologue quest line, cannot participate in 'Festivals and Parties' - Luterra Castle co-op quest for a while.
  • The Thaemine Prologue can be completed once per Roster.

Make sure to stay tuned into our website and social channels for news and updates as Thaemine’s arrival grows closer. In the meantime, we’ll see you in Arkesia.

Team Update: Combating RMT

Heroes of Arkesia,

Combating bots and player-to-player real money transactions (RMT) is a key focus of our team. While many of our past actions have been focused on reducing the efficacy and number of bots to improve the player experience of every adventurer in Arkesia, we have also been developing measures to better identify and action against RMT at scale.

Our team conducted a major ban wave targeting accounts that transacted large amounts of RMT Gold earlier this week. To accompany this ban wave, we wanted to take a moment to reiterate our stance on RMT and correct some misconceptions we’ve seen circulating in the community. While we can’t share all of the measures that our team is taking (as that would grant those attempting to break the rules an upper-hand), we can share a general look into those policies.
  • Infractions will be punished on an escalating basis, taking into account the severity of the RMT and the number of previous infractions, all the way up to permanent bans.
  • If a player RMTs Gold, we will take it away. Spending the Gold after receiving it will not prevent disciplinary action. If the player spends the Gold and it can't be taken away, that increases the severity of the infraction, leading back to the point above.
  • We track RMT Gold through multiple accounts, so washing the Gold through secondary accounts will not protect an account from action. Every account involved in the chain will face punishment.
  • There is a false perception that spending money in the game prevents significant disciplinary action when RMT-ing. The recent ban wave included users that monetarily invested in Lost Ark.

We know that RMT is a top player concern and negatively impacts the in-game economy for all players. While we can’t always share a look into our plans, we are persistently combating bots and RMT. Thank you for your feedback and support as we work to continually improve the Lost Ark player experience.

February Update from Amazon Games & Smilegate RPG

Heroes of Arkesia,

With the Anniversary Update’s focus on celebrating the Lost Ark community, we wanted to share updates on some topics that we know players are interested in. While we don’t have final plans or policies for some of the updates, it’s important to our team that players receive an early look into some of our upcoming key initiatives.

As a preface for the update, we’re excited to share a message with Western players from the team at Smilegate RPG.

Greetings Adventurers,

For starters, we’d like to celebrate the 2nd Anniversary of Western service, and express gratitude for all adventurers that enjoyed Lost Ark.

Looking back at the year of 2023, we began with the Rowen continent and Brelshaza Hard all the way to the Voldis continent and Ivory Tower in December. This is no small amount of content, as we had 4 new continents and 4 new classes in a relatively fast pace. This was to close gap between KR version, but we are aware that you were fatigued due to the quick updates.

Our goal for 2024 is to balance the speed of the adventurers’ contents progression and gap between KR contents update. As announced by the Roadmap, Breaker will be released in March and Thaemine will release in April.

As Thaemine will be challenging to try, we have prepared various events starting in February. It would be our great pleasure if you could have fun and show what you are all made of. The SGR Studio staff are hyped about your future challenges!

As for the latest Echidna (Ladon) Raid and Kurzan continent released in Korea, we are collaborating with Amazon Games to find the optimal update timing. Once decided, the update plans will be announced in the future with more detail.

We’re not only working on new content, but also to update existing contents. This is to address difficulties in playing the existing contents, such as rebalancing the difficulty of Brelshaza. Both Server Merge, and Region Merge that have been constantly suggested by you adventurers are being prepared. We are working alongside Amazon Games to schedule the merges. It is difficult to disclose in detail about the preparations we are making for Western service here, but we will be able to do so separately soon. We will closely listen to your voices in community so that the adventurers will be able to have more enjoyable experience with Lost Ark.

We thank you all again for untarnished love for Lost Ark, and with that we have prepared Anniversary Gift. It would be a great joy for us if you enjoy them.

We will do our best in 2024 for you adventurers to have a great time at Arkesia. May your health soar high and your life be filled with happiness.

Smilegate RPG

Roadmap Updates

Road To Thaemine

To better help players prepare for the release of Thaemine, we’ve decided to move the Road to Thaemine event up a month to the March Update. We hope this will help support players excited for the Breaker Class and newer players looking to catch up with their friends and participate in endgame raids. This event is built to support players who reached 1580 using Super Mokoko Express to reach 1600s more smoothly to reach Thaemine Raid. The name of the event is not final may be updated heading into the month to fit the Breaker theme— similar to the previous Path of the Souleater event.

For players not familiar with the event, it will include Honing Support benefits, Item Level Completion Rewards as you progress that include honing materials and other valuable rewards, Mission Completion Rewards as you vanquish various pieces of endgame content, and a special Completion Reward when the event is completed to help you continue your path into Lost Ark’s endgame.

New and Returning Events

From bringing back the Arkesia Grand Prix Event to implementing some new events designed to help player progression, we plan on supporting players pushing toward the exciting new pieces of endgame content with plenty of ways to earn bonus rewards. We’ll have more details leading into the updates for March and April, but some of the ways we plan to help players progress to 1600+ include extra End Contents Clear Rewards (additional rewards given when clearing certain Legion Raids) and Honing Event Missions that give Gold and Honing Materials when trying to hone certain gear (such as Akkan Ancient gear).

Thaemine The First

While we previously mentioned that Thaemine would release at it’s original difficulty in Korea, we have decided to split the versions of the Legion Raid to release as they currently are in Korea; with the main version of the raid (encompassing both Normal and Hard modes) accompanied by “The First” version, which includes a special race for the first clear. As we head toward Thaemine’s Release in April, we’ll have more updates on how we plan to run the first clear race and what players should look forward to.

Server & Region Merges

Server Merges

On March 6 and 13 we plan to run two rounds of server merges that will target all regions to enhance the group gameplay experience in the open world of Arkesia. We will share the full plans and policies in a future article.

Region Merges

In the Summer of 2024 we plan to merge NA West, NA East, and SA into one enormous region. We’re excited for the increased opportunities for players to play, trade, and grow together in one region, but we know there are a lot of player questions on how this merge will be handled. As we continue to work with Smilegate RPG on the plans for this merge, we’ll communicate the planned timeline and policies.

Thank you for joining us for the team update, taking a look at our upcoming plans, and for your continued support! We’ll share follow-up articles and messaging on the topics discussed as soon as we’re able. In the meantime, we’ll see you in Arkesia!

Second Anniversary Community Celebration

Heroes of Arkesia,

February 8 marks two years of Lost Ark in the West, and we have a variety of events and gifts planned to celebrate the Lost Ark community. With the 2 Extreme Update, our goal is to thank the Lost Ark community for their continued passion, dedication, feedback, and support as we continue on this journey together. We can’t state enough how much we appreciate those who have joined us on this adventure! Learn about the gifts and special events we’ve planned to celebrate the community in Arkesia this month.

Year 2 Recap

From introducing four new endgame raids to starting new community-centric video series, new player improvements, and many new classes, the second year of Lost Ark in the West has been filled with new adventures. While it’s impossible to capture the magnitude of everything the Lost Ark community accomplished, we hope this encompasses some of the special moments you shared with friends and other adventurers alike.

Data encompasses player activity from January 15, 2023 to January 15, 2024. Data from banned accounts has been removed from the statistics.

Celebrate In-Game

Anniversary Gift

To thank our players for their passion, support, and participation in the Lost Ark community, we’ve prepared a gift that’s now available! Log-in and find the gift in your Product Inventory.
  • 2nd Anniversary Headband Selection Chest x1
  • Winter Trail Effect Selection Chest x1
  • Structure: 2nd Anniversary Cake x1
  • Winter MokoCahni Skin Selection Chest x1
  • Chaos Dungeon Rest Bonus Recovery Brew x5
  • Pheon x50
  • Legendary Engraving Recipe Selection Chest x5
  • Regulus's Light Currency Chest x20
  • Special Legendary Card Selection Pack x1
  • Book of Judgment Chest x1
  • Wishful Amulet x5
  • Menelik's Tome x5

Special Anniversary Events

Join the celebration in-game with multiple special events! Participate in the Arkesia Festival where every two weeks there are new co-op quests for players to participate in, as they earn tokens to trade in for valuable rewards which even include the new Providence and Unity Skins.

In addition to the Arkesia Festival, a new Birthday Bash Event will take players on a trip down memory lane and lead them to earn rewards by re-experiencing some of the most iconic pieces of Lost Ark content that released over the last year.

The Twinkle Twinkle Exchange Shop has also returned, an Event Gold Shop where players can exchange Gold for valuable rewards, such as honing materials, legendary engravings, card packs, and more!
With enhanced daily log-in rewards, special Fever Time events, and more, there’s plenty of ways we plan to thank the community. Head into Lost Ark to checkout the events, or learn more in the 2 Extreme Release Notes.

Celebrate on Twitch

An Anniversary Twitch Drop accompanies the 2 Extreme Update. Rather than tiers, there are 3 Drops, each with their own watch time. Unlike tiered drops, watch time for each drop is earned simultaneously.
Drop 1 - 2hrs - Amethyst Shards x1000

Drop 2 - 4hrs - Second Anniversary Cotton Gift
2nd Anniversary Cotton Socks (x5)
2nd Anniversary Cotton Towel (x5)

Drop 3 - 8hrs - Second Anniversary Mokoko Hat Selection Chest
2nd Anniversary Mokoko Hat (Green)
2nd Anniversary Mokoko Hat (Pink)
2nd Anniversary Mokoko Hat (Blue)

Make sure to head over to Twitch and celebrate with your favorite Lost Ark content creators to earn the drops before they end on March 7.

Once again, thank you for your continued support, passion, and participation in the Lost Ark community. We’ll see you in Arkesia, and be celebrating alongside you!

2 Extreme Release Notes

Heroes of Arkesia,

The February “2 Extreme” Update arrives in Arkesia tomorrow. Downtime will begin on February 7 at 1AM PT (9 AM UTC) and is expected to last 4 hours. The February Update includes Valtan Extreme, several special anniversary events, and more! Find the full list of content, events, skins, and other updates below. Henry is back with an episode of “Patch Notes with Henry” for any players looking for an express video explanation and visual showcase.

Let us know on YouTube if you enjoy this type of content from our team and would like to see more heading forward. Want all the details? Find the full list of content, events, skins, and other updates below!

Valtan Extreme

Valtan will return in a new, challenging version of the 8-player raid. There are two versions of Valtan Extreme - Normal at Item Level 1580, and Hard at Item Level 1620. With greater challenge comes greater rewards. There are first-time-clear rewards that will be given upon clearing 2 Gates, along with rewards as you reclear. Each roster can enter the raid once every 2 weeks, with gate progress bound to the character that cleared the first gate.
Gold can be obtained regardless of the character being designated to earn Gold or not upon clearing. Reward opportunity resets every 2 weeks, and the rewards can be claimed by the cadence below:
  • 2/7 (after maintenance) - 2/21 (before maintenance)
  • 2/21 (after maintenance) - 3/6 (before maintenance)
  • 3/6 (after maintenance) - 3/20 (before maintenance)

Players can enter through the Legion Raid 'Demon Beast Commander Valtan' entry UI by clicking the 'Extreme' button, and the corresponding Party Finder sections have been added to the UI.

When a Gate has been cleared, players can reset the progress by using the 'Gate Reset' feature. When a Gate is reset, all progress on Gate 1 is reset and the player can either select a different difficulty and try the raid again, or players can enter the raid with a different character.


  • The Freja Island Event will draw to a close with the February Update.
  • A new Daily Log-in Reward track and new Fever Time events have been added that include special second anniversary rewards.
  • The Daily Playtime Rewards will continue until February 28.
  • Added a new event shop with tabs for several special anniversary events.

Arkesia Festival

Players can take part in celebrating Lost Ark’s Second Anniversary at the Arkesia Festival. Every two weeks of the festival there will be a new co-op quest for players to participate in, keeping things fun and fresh as you earn tokens to trade in for valuable rewards.

Week 1-2 (2/7 - 2/21) What I'm Looking For
Find the item matching the random buffs appearing overhead! 3 types of random buffs will be given one at a time, and players must find the item identical to the given buffs to acquire points.

Week 3-4 (2/21 - 3/6) Run, Piñata, Run!
All players participating in the event will turn into a giant Piñata, and will race to the finish line. A brief introduction about the controls will be provided after receiving the quest. Use the three skills provided to reach first place in the race!

Week 5-6 (3/6 - 3/20) Break the Gourd! / A Heart Full of Love
In the event 'Break the Gourd!', players can use the 'Naughty and Nice Piñata Candy' to break the gourd in time to get second Anniversary tokens! After the 'Break the Gourd!' event is finished, players can gather around to celebrate the second Anniversary of Lost Ark through together. All players who participate will receive token rewards.

Tokens can be earned by participating in the events, clearing Chaos Dungeons or Guardian Raids, and from Daily Playtime Rewards, and redeemed in the event shop. Rewards include progression and honing materials, and a special reward of the Providence and Unity Skins!

Birthday Bash

In addition to the Arkesia Festival, a new Birthday Bash Event will take players on a trip down memory lane and lead them to earn rewards by re-experiencing some of the most iconic pieces of Lost Ark content that released over the last year. We also hope this event will help players progress toward existing and upcoming content!

Players will have to complete missions in Brelshaza (HM), Kayangel (HM), Akkan (NM/HM), Ivory Tower (NM/HM), Chaos Dungeons, and Guardian Raids to earn Honing Materials, Gold, Cards, Card XP, Accessories, Ability Stones, and Amulets! Similar to previous events, the more gates you clear during the course of the event, the more missions you will complete and rewards you will earn.

Twinkle Twinkle Shop (Golden Frog)

The “Twinkle Twinkle Exchange Shop” will return, an Event Gold Shop where players can exchange Gold for valuable rewards, such as honing materials, legendary engravings, card packs, and more! Some rewards will include a ‘Toad Token’ which can be redeemed for additional items. The Twinkle Twinkle Shop will be included in the Event Shop category, along with the Second Anniversary Event Shop.

Store Updates

Providence and Unity Skins

The recent cosmetics designed by the community in Korea arrives as the Providence and Unity skins, Jalopy mount, Moon Fox pets, and Wallpaper: Night of Glittering Memories in the west. Celebrate the anniversary in style! Find the new cosmetics showcased below.

Vault Skins

For four weeks, we will be re-releasing some fan favorite skins. Hurry and get your hands on them— they’ll only be available for that one week before they disappear back in the vault.
Week 1 (02/07 - 02/14) Midsummer Night’s Series
Week 2 (02/14 - 02/21) Festival & Ball Series
Week 3 (02/21 - 02/28) Neon Wingsuit Series
Week 4 (02/28 - 03/06) Wave/Sand/Wind/Beach Swimsuit Series + Midnight Summertime Series


  • Made improvements to decrease the short client freeze that could occur during login, server connection, and environment load.
  • EAC related server code has been updated to change the game access flow between character selection to game world entrance. Before: If EAC authentication has not been done during character selection, the game client will shut down. After: If EAC authentication has not been done during character selection, players will be returned to server selection screen.
  • Purchase limit for Level Complete Pack (Lv.50) has changed from Roster bound to Account bound.

Creating Voldis - Behind the Scenes

Heroes of Arkesia,

Join the Design Teams including the Scenario and Sound teams at Smilegate RPG for a look into the design and insight into the process when creating the themes, experiences, and sounds of Voldis. There may be a few spoilers found below if you haven’t played through Voldis’ storyline yet, so proceed with caution or come back after you’ve ventured to the city of the sages.

How does Voldis fit into the larger story of Lost Ark? Are there future stories that will take place there?

Voldis is the continent born from the butterfly effects of many important events throughout Arkesia’s history. Key events such as the Hollow War, Chain War, choices made by the Guardians, and the reform of Sacria all played their unique roles in the creation of Voldis. The Adventurers’ journey of finding the Ark ends in Elgacia. After that, adventurers visit Voldis for the pursuit of a new objective, opening up a whole new phase different from the past. In a nutshell, Voldis is where the past and the present encounter each other, leading to the future— making this region a crucial bifurcation revealing deeper concepts of the lore in Lost Ark.

Is there a message you want to send to the adventurers through the Voldis storyline?

We want to share with the adventurers another story through Zeherade and the Sages of Voldis. So far, Lost Ark has discussed themes regarding creators and creations, determinism and free will, cause and effect, light and darkness, good and evil each with various perspectives for us to think about through the stories found within of Lost Ark.

We wanted to tell a new story to adventurers through Voldis, the current endgame continent with Zeherade, Mariu, the Sage’s Tower, and the Guardians.

From Sacria where their endless pride was answered by an apocalypse, to Voldis’ Ivory Tower of knowledge that was built by those who lost their faith, Voldis shows many concepts - Sorrow of mortals that struggles in front of the immortal beings. Ironically, because mortals inevitably meet an end, their remarkable will gets passed on to the next generation. This also leads to the concepts such as birth and death, and interesting perspectives surrounding life and creations.

By travelling around the Sage’s Tower, which houses all the knowledge of the world, and being part of their story, you will be able to take a peek in the interesting thoughts of people of the Voldis. With that, you may find out the intersecting perspectives of the people from Voldis, and from the continents as they have faced or got influenced by various events, and also compare the previous journeys in older continents in terms to understand or compare what each continent or individuals represent. This would make your journey in Arkesia more fun.

We hope you enjoyed Voldis, and please look forward to the evolving stories of Lost Ark with various perspectives and stories across Arkesia in the future.

Various gods consist the world of Arkesia, and appear to play important roles in the lore so far. Will the adventurers meet gods more in the future to collaborate with or oppose them?

For example, Procyon appeared-indirectly in a form of a bird when we had to look for Diogenes, and a real goddess appeared in Voldis very recently (Sceptrum, the god of wisdom communicating to us in her own voice).

Gods of Lost Ark are constantly going to play key roles in the future lore. Look forward to their stories as well! Do keep in mind that the gods have personalities and do exist in the world of Arkesia. Their powers and authorities are real here.

What are some fun stories or decisions made during the development of Voldis?

Some of the countless places you visit in Arkesia are intentionally designed and created to express the theme we wanted to show, rather than focusing on the beauty, mystery, freshness, gameplay compatibility and so on. We believe that the Tower of the Sages in Voldis would be a good example of this.

In Voldis lore, sages have critical roles. The sages, as important as they are, reside in a gigantic, tall tower of 123 floors. The reason for designing the tower so tall is that ‘tall tower’ typically implicitly represents will and drive for improvement of the humans. Nowadays in real life, tall buildings are bit too common, but the iconic tall landmarks(such as skyscrapers and Eiffel Tower) have represented civilization and technology, especially that they required ‘strong will and skills’ to build. We felt that this very point best illustrated the identity of Voldis and the Sages we wanted express. Thus, the tower became the abode for the sages.

How were some of the key soundtracks for Lazaram / Kalinar / Zeherade designed?

Lazaram the Trailblazer

The soundtrack of Lazaram, the final boss in Voldis storyline, was inspired by its blood-red façade and skills, ceaseless attacks and actions. With sense of weight and grandeur as basis, we tried to dissolve the feeling of sharp high-pitch, and fast beat sounds without a gap. Following the concept of Chaos Guardian, we wanted to convey the sense of chaos, and also the fast-paced, intense combat happening in a tight environment with the music.


Soundtrack for the metropolis of Voldis, Kalinar, was composed based on the following keywords: city of sages/alchemy/hymn for the humans (the concept of human beings challenging mother nature or supernatural beings that are deemed more powerful than them) /city built on river/aspiring.
Tribal Part– Sets the tone, and demonstrates the vibes of city.
Orchestra Part– Symbolizes hymn for the humans (the concept of human beings challenging mother nature or supernatural beings that are deemed more powerful than them), with aspiring and magnificent melody.

Zeherade Theme

The song expresses the mystical golden aura of this artificial elemental (Zeherade) with this soundtrack dedicated to its namesake, Zeherade, the Great Sage.

What was the design process for the Ivory Tower and the Elixir System? How does the team feel about this type of endgame content moving forward?

Ivory Tower of Chaos
As always, an Abyssal Dungeon is added yet again for this relatively new continent, Voldis. Abyssal Dungeons exist for each continents in Lost Ark with the difficulty resembling Raids, thus more difficult than the story dungeons. Lazaram, who was sealed in the Sage’s Tower, summons Chaos Guardians resulting in the tower being saturated in chaos.

Elixir System
As more and more endgame contents are getting updated, we wanted to introduce the new progression system for progressing the characters in diverse ways for players in the 1600-1620 Item Level range. As this system is tied to the Voldis, the concept that the sages of Voldis who are also experts in alchemy are giving advice for creating elixir was added.

However, as various progressions are being added alongside increasing level caps and content which may fatigue/pressure players, we will constantly be easing the earlier stages of progression as more and more endgame content releases.

Thank you for joining our teams at Amazon Games and Smilegate RPG for a look into creating Voldis. Curious what’s next for Lost Ark? Checkout the 2024 Part 1 Roadmap. Thank you for your support! We’ll see you in Arkesia.

2 Extreme Date Announce & Anniversary Art Contest Winners

Heroes of Arkesia,

The February ‘2 Extreme’ Update arrives in Arkesia next week on February 7, bringing Valtan Extreme, a ton of special anniversary events, and more! Find teasers for some of the key content and the winners of the Anniversary Art Contest below.

Valtan Extreme

Valtan will return in a new, challenging version of the raid. There are two versions of Valtan Extreme - Normal at Item Level 1580, and Hard at Item Level 1620. With greater challenge comes greater rewards. There are first-time-clear rewards that will be given upon clearing 2 Gates, along with rewards as you reclear. Each roster can enter the raid once every 2 weeks, with gate progress bound to the character that cleared the first gate.

Second Anniversary Celebration

To celebrate the anniversary in game, we’ll have several fun in-game anniversary events for players to enjoy accompanied by special rewards. Players can take part in celebrating Lost Ark’s 2nd Anniversary at the Arkesia Festival. Each week of the festival there will be a new co-op quest for players to participate in, keeping things fun and fresh as you earn tokens to trade in for valuable rewards. In addition to the Arkesia Festival, a new Birthday Bash Event that will take players on a trip down memory lane and lead them to earn rewards by re-experiencing some of the most iconic pieces of Lost Ark content. Stay tuned for the full details in next week’s release notes.

We recently completed the Anniversary Art Contest, where players created and submitted anniversary-themed loading screens that will be added into the game during the second anniversary celebration. We’re excited to announce the three winners ahead of next week’s update, and congratulate the talented winners!

Winner: Nyaffie

Winner: Analiciá

Winner: Xrebirth

Be on the lookout for these pieces of fanart in the game next week, or head over to the Official Lost Ark Discord Server to see all of the awesome community submissions. The full release notes will be shared next week, and in the meantime, we’ll see you in Arkesia.

Brelshaza Inferno Twitch Drop

Heroes of Arkesia,

A Honing Material Twitch Drop accompanies the Brelshaza Inferno Raid. Rather than tiers, there are 2 Drops, each with their own watch time. Unlike tiered drops, watch time for each drop is earned simultaneously.
  • Drop 1 - 4hrs - Collective Battle Item Chest (x3)
  • Drop 2 - 8hrs - Honing Material Chest
  • Protection Stone Pouch (x10)
  • Obliteration Stone Pouch (x5)
  • Honing Shard Selection Chest (x5)
  • Honing Leapstone Selection Chest III (x5)

This month, the Twitch Drops will open up first to Twitch Streamers valiantly attempting to defeat Brelshaza Inferno. Members of the Creator Program can submit Twitch handle and show their interest in participating by filling out a form in the Creator Program Discord Server. The event will begin on January 10 and last for 48 hours. Those participating will be the only ones with access to the Drop until the event ends, after which the drop will open up to the entire Lost Ark Creator Program!

Make sure to head over to Twitch and watch your favorite Lost Ark content creators to earn the drops before they end on February 6.

We wish content creators and players alike good luck as they work to vanquish Brelshaza in her most difficult form! We’ll see you in Arkesia.

January Release Notes

Heroes of Arkesia,

The January Update arrives in Arkesia tomorrow. Downtime will begin on January 10 at 12AM PT (8 AM UTC) and is expected to last 8 hours. The January Update includes the Inferno mode of Brelshaza, a new Adventure Island, along with a ton of quality of life (QoL) updates and balance changes. Find the full list of content, events, skins, and other updates below! Henry is back with an episode of “Patchnotes with Henry” for any players looking for an express video explanation and visual showcase.

Let us know on YouTube if you enjoy this type of content from our team and would like to see more heading forward. Want all the details? Find the full list of content, events, skins, and other updates below!


Brelshaza Legion Raid Inferno Difficulty

The most difficult version of Legion Raids, the Inferno difficulty is all about proving you’re among the best of the best in Arkesia, and earning the accompanying prestige. Rather than chasing the normal rewards of gear, materials, and everything else you’d receive in a Legion Raid, Inferno rewards instead showcase your victory with titles, achievements, Stronghold Structures, and more! The Inferno difficulty of Brelshaza will require Item Level 1560, and as a piece of equalized content, a full build set-up in the Book of Coordination.
  • 2 new achievements and 2 new titles have been added.
  • 1 new stronghold structure and 1 toy added in the exchange shop.
  • Phantom's Gaze, the trade material for Phantom Legion Commander Raid Chest will be sent to Universal Storage upon clearing the Phantom Legion Commander Brelshaza Inferno.
  • Captain Token, the trade material for Captain's Reward Chest can be obtained after clearing 'Path of Glory: Captain Token' achievement.
  • Brelshaza Inferno' category has been added to the partyfinder.

Unlike other Inferno Legion Raids that include every gate, Inferno Brelshaza is focused on the final two gates of the original raid— the two original gates where players encounter Brelshaza.

Lai Lai Adventure Island

A new Adventure Island has been added in the sea to the south of Punika. Lai Lai Island can be entered through Procyon's Compass on a schedule, like other Adventure Islands.
  • 2 new Normal Quests, 1 new Competitive Quest added
  • 3 new toys added as rewards from Competitive Quest
  • Sugary Baby Piñata
  • Lemony Piñata
  • Golden Baby Piñata
  • Mokoko Seed added
  • Island Soul added
  • 1 new achievement, 1 new title added

3 new structures added as rewards from the Competitive Quest
  • Imposing Holy Beast Statue
  • Elegant Holy Beast Statue
  • Dignified Holy Beast Statue


  • Illios Island will draw to a close with the January Update.
  • New Log-in and Hot Time events have been added.

Freja Island

Freja's Island Event continues with a new activity! Toto's Ice Castle will replace the Maze Garden in the January update. Players will transform into Mokoko when entering the castle. The icy floor tiles will start to break once they are stepped on in a new minigame where players will need to break as many snowflakes as possible by using special skills. You can enter every even hour (2PM, 4PM, etc.), and once per roster per day, or earn tokens from clearing Chaos Dungeons and Guardian Raids. Tokens from Freja Island can be spent at the event shop, which has a variety of valuable items and holiday-themed rewards that can be earned! Special event feast items will also be available during the event. Freja Island will last until the February Update.

Store Updates

Get cozy and stay warm in the Arkesian winter with a winter-themed Neria’s Wardrobe, start the year with the New Year skins, or look your best while transformed with special transformation skins.

Winter Neria’s Wardrobe

Transformation Skins

New Year Cosmetics

For the full, extensive list of Quality of Life updates and balance changes, visit our official website.

January Update Announcement

Heroes of Arkesia,

The January Update arrives in Arkesia next week, on January 10. The January Update includes the Inferno mode of Brelshaza, Lai Lai Island - a new Adventure Island, along with a ton of quality of life (QoL) updates and balance changes. The January Update will include a new base build, which includes a variety of QoL updates, along with the balance changes from Korea. While the QoL updates will encompass the ones releasing in the fall, all of the balance changes will be included. For information on base builds and how we approach bringing balance updates and QoL updates to the west, you can learn more in our Team Update - Bringing Balance Changes to the West.

Brelshaza Legion Raid Inferno Difficulty

The most difficult version of Legion Raids, the Inferno difficulty is all about proving you’re among the best of the best in Arkesia, and earning the accompanying prestige. Rather than chasing the normal rewards of gear, materials, and everything else you’d receive in a Legion Raid, Inferno rewards instead showcase your victory with titles, achievements, Stronghold Structures, and more! The Inferno difficulty of Brelshaza will require Item Level 1560, and as a piece of equalized content, a full build set-up in the Book of Coordination. Unlike other Inferno Legion Raids that include every gate, Inferno Brelshaza is focused on the final two gates of the original raid— the two original gates where players encounter Brelshaza.

To take a look at more of the content arriving in the first part of 2024, make sure to checkout Part 1 of the 2024 Roadmap. Stay tuned for the full release notes next week, along with some teasers on our social media channels. In the meantime, we’ll see you in Arkesia!