Magma Chamber cover
Magma Chamber screenshot
Genre: Strategy, Adventure, Indie

Magma Chamber

Magma Chamber v0.08 Update and sale


v0.08 patch notes:

  • The game now has 11 new levels in chapter one
  • New visual effects added
  • Chapter one map layout has changed
  • Indiekeep logo changed
  • “Unnecessary education” achievement has been activated
  • Main menu music volume reduced by 50%(sound options will be out soon)
  • Misc text strings modified
  • Removed test branch of the game on steam start up

New visual effects:

  • Screen rotation based on x movement
  • Background parallaxing
  • Lava now glows

:Blobby: Magma Chamber is also 25% off this week.

Magma Chamber Update

v0.04a patch notes:

  • Added fullscreen mode toggle, press F anytime to do so
  • Main menu visuals slightly changed
  • Added a new track to main menu
  • Added social links to main menu
  • Removed new panel on main menu
  • modified some strings
  • fixed visual bugs based on object depth and how walls are rendered


Steam controller support and small update on the game.

I have been working on a steam controller config for the game(should be live soon) you also may notice there has been a few small updates to the game the past few days. We have started pushing updates to the test build pretty often and i'm happy to say we have made a ton of progress on a bunch of backend things like being able to add multiple worlds and level selection areas to our game.

What's next on our things to do?

Finish the level select ui and create more visually different themes for our worlds. We have quite a few levels getting polished right now and we hope you will be able to get a taste of them in the coming week. Fingers crossed the first version of world 1 will be out in a week as well as a rough test version of world 2. I will be working on new traps while our level designer is hard at work making fun creative puzzles.

We have also been streaming development of the game on a amazing streaming site with almost no delay between the viewers and streamer. If you want to watch us work on the game follow our channel on beam.

Join our group for news, giveaways and more!

We want our community to help shape our games as well as have a good time.

Level selection and world maps

Hello from the dev team!

Soon we will be switching from a linear style of gameplay to a better and replayable system of handling how users can access levels. Recently me and Vakin have gone back to the drawing board with most of the systems in game, having a second opinion on additions to the framework of Magma Chamber has helped development greatly.

I know some of you are eager to try new levels and start earning achievements but we don't want to release a half baked update before it's ready.

Here is a list of what we have changed so far:

  • New movement system
  • Optimized how we create levels
  • Added a world select screen
  • Added level select screen from world map
  • Changed camara behaviors
  • Started work on system for saving progress
  • Started work on options and user settings
  • Achievements
  • Added multiple effects to object to increase level of detail in game
  • Fixed multiple bugs game logic
  • Started second pass of sound effects in game

I know we promised updates soon but we really really underestimated the workload we put on ourselves the past few weeks as well multiple bumps in the road with our own personal lives. But now we are going to try to post about what's in the work and be more realistic without goals.

Thanks for reading!

Feel free to contact me on steam via the IndieKeep group or adding me I would love to chat about our game and how we can improve it.

Magma Chamber New Movement system branch 5/24/16

I have spent today rewriting the movement system for Magma chamber give it a try! I would love feedback, to launch it select the "Magma Chamber New Movement system" branch when you launch the game, the controls use the arrow keys it is a 5 level test. I am looking forward to the community's comments. :guineapig:

Life has been a little busy.

But I haven't forgotten about you guys! I have been hard at work designing and programing some really cool stuff coming soon! I also have some news to announce on the 9th!

Heres a little preview:

Magma Chamber demo is coming

I hope to have one up by sunday night.

Thanks for the support everyone! Dont forget to post about bugs or problems you are having with the alpha.

Magma Chamber plans for 4/27/16 - 5/4/16

    In the next week I will be adding:
  • A save system
  • Hub world
  • Options in the settings
  • Achievements
  • Player code rework(Custom binds coming :D)
  • New test levels
  • Aswell as some secret features ;)

Enjoy the alpha, thanks for the support everyone you are amazing people.