Ova Magica cover
Ova Magica screenshot
Genre: Role-playing (RPG), Simulator, Indie

Ova Magica

Patch 0.634

Hello - Claudia here ♥

This update took a bit longer than for my usual pace. After the launch i really needed a break and decided to take some time off from game dev. But now i'm back - refreshed and motivated to continue working on Ova Magica!

I also take this occasion to say a HUGE THANK YOU to all players who leave in the Steam Forum or in our Discord feedback and report bugs ♥ It helps immensly improving the game. Even when the team can't reply to all feedback: We read it 100% and also have several things planned for the next updates. So please continue posting when you notice things.

This update brings mainly bug fixes and some smaller improvements. The main dev focus is now to work further on feedback but also mainly to focus heavily on the next big roadmap content update (0.7).

Make sure to update the game to 0.634 version.
(If Steam doesn't do the update automatic close and restart Steam.
On Steam Deck sometimes the Deck doesn't start games after updates, in this case restart the Steam Deck.)



  • increased sprinkler feeder size from 1 to 4
  • increased compost bin size from 4 to 16

New Blueprint: Thermostat
Flint sells now also a Thermostat blueprint. Placed in a blob barn it keeps the temperature constant on a specific season which results the barn not changing temperature when the season changes.
(Note: Heaters and Air Condition still needs to be placed to make the barn general cooler or warmer - the Thermostat just prevents the change for seasons).

Arrange Blob Skills for Battle
In you Team overview you can now re-arrange the skills of your blobs for battle.

Vendors: Buy Many/Buy Stack
There is now for most items an option in the vendor Ui to buy many.


  • fixed that plant fields being in a sprinklers range which had no food were not considered as watered even when raining or being watered with the watering can
  • fixed blob energy was set to 99 when a blob with a higher energy used a blob ability
  • fixed bgm and disabled weather sounds not behaving correct when being in blob games
  • fixed duration of the light bait ability area (angler blob) was also reduced when being in battle
  • fixed galaxy ring of some blobs in the overview of the photographed residents were not visible
  • fixed Charoi had no dialog when comissioning the museum
  • fixed bridge on farm being not symmetrical regarding workbench mode grid
  • fixed several typos

Thank you for reading so far! If you enjoy Ova Magica and didn't leave a review yet: Please do ♥ As indie dev it is hard to get visibility with all the other amazing games on Steam and reviews help a lot!

See you for the next update ♥

Hotfix 0.633

Fixed that battle sometimes froze when bomb blob used countdown ability

Limited DEMO for Wholesome Games Steam Celebration

Patch 0.632

[Edit: please update to 0.633 hotfix]

This patch comes mainly with bugfixes and smaller improvements. The team continues working on Ova Magica - with the main focus now on the 0.7 content update + adding more descriptions to the game.

There will be still regular smaller patches with QoL features + bug fixes as usual based on your feedback and bug reports♥

Make sure to update the game to 0.632 version.
(If Steam doesn't do the update automatic close and restart Steam.
On Steam Deck sometimes the Deck doesn't start games after updates, in this case restart the Steam Deck.)

New / Balancing / Improvements

  • added "Harvest Wind" ability to crow blob which can harvest full grown crops

  • crop seeds item description text now has info in which season the crop grows and how many days it takes to full growth
  • increased duration of the angler blobs "Light Bait" ability from 30 sec to 1.30 min
  • added confirm messages before escaping battle
  • fixed sleep status effect being possibly endless when blob was not attacked during battle. Blobs now wake up after some time on their own.
  • added additional warning text before starting a tournament that trainter+blob level will increase after winning the tournament
  • "Botanist" skill shows now one day less on tress which cannot grow to full stage - so it is more clear you have to wait til next day for the tree to continue to grow when having space again
  • dish "Saphir's Special" now also cures blind status effect (like base indigridient oyster)


  • fixed money in shipment box were gone the next day when not collecting it
  • fixed that you could walk trough the museum building
  • removed that "Explosion" ability of the bomb blob affected crops/could be used for harvesting and destroyed not grown crops
  • fixed that AoE(multiple target) skills did not affect revived blobs when they were casted before the blobs were revived
  • fixed that silent status effect round was reduced when blobs were already casting a skill before the silent status effect was applied
  • fixed hot dog vendor had no dialog on rainy days
  • placed shop icon above Flint and Carnelian higher on Weather Day festival to prevent their umbrella hiding it
  • fixed several typos

Tiny Teams 2024

Steam Deck Verified✅

Amazing news!

Ova Magica is now officially Steam Deck Verified!

Did you play Ova Magica on the Steam Deck or Desktop PC?

Hotfix 0.631

  • fixed that trees couldn’t be planted and forageable items under trees didn’t grow at the beginning of week (related to the “stricter” collision of shooting star items + apples not falling through ground in 0.63 - sorry♥ now it’s fixed)
  • fixed some typos

Patch 0.63 - New info skills + Easy option for battles

[EDIT: Please update to 0.631 so trees can be planted again and foregable items respawn - i apologize for the inconvenience ♥ !]

Before the weekend we have another patch for you with some new things based on your feedback. We hope this update improves your gameplay experience further 💚

Make sure to update the game to 0.63 version.
(If Steam doesn't do the update automatic close and restart Steam.
On Steam Deck sometimes the Deck doesn't start games after updates, in this case restart the Steam Deck.)

New Skills

With the new "Botanist" skill you can now display crop and tree information when hovering over them with the cursor in the workbench mode.

The new "Battle Analysis" skill allows displays the type and power level when targeting a blob in battle.

All skill points will be reset when loading your save file. You need to unlock the skills in the menu/inventory in the skills category.

New Battle Difficulty Setting

Based on the feedback that the early game or specific bosses are too hard for some players we added a new setting.

You can change it anytime in-game which can especially help when you are stuck on blob world bosses or want to feel safer when fishing and exploring. The setting needs to be set BEFORE the battle (in battle the settings menu is not available).

Bug Fixes + Balancing

Shooting Star Event

  • There is now a small possibility that in addition to copper ores other ores drop depending on blob world progress. Beating 1st world boss ->unlocks iron ore, 2nd world->unlocks gold ore.
  • Improved items falling in not reachable areas a lot (it can still happen very seldom - but should be now an exception). This makes also makes collecitng items easier and more convenient.
  • Fixed that item drop rate was scaled based on real-time and not game-time which resulted longer/shorter day duration settings to not have the intended spawn rate and dropping way more items. Intended is t get 5-11 star shards in one event (1-2 wishing stars) when really searching/trying to collect the items


  • fixed fruits falling sometimes trough ground when shaking trees
  • fixed bug that one blob of the arrogant girls trio wasn't shown as unlocked in the resident overview when photographing it
  • fixed bug that when eating in Restaurant with 2 instead of 3 blobs in your team one blob was placed on the gound with no food.
  • balanced health increase for feeding blob cravings:
    - simple/not-cooked food: +2 (before +1)
    - cooked food(2 ingredients): + 3( same as before)
    - cooked food(3 ingredients): + 4 (before + 5)

Final Words

Thank you for reading so far💚! The team will continue working hard towards the next major content update and more feedback + bug fixes.

Some of you also asked how they can support us. Here are some things you can do:

  • report bugs and feedback in the Steam forums or Discord
  • help other players with questions in case you know the reply
  • share Ova Magica with your friends, on social media or create a video/lets play
  • one of the most important: If you enjoy the game please leave a review. We are a small slowly growing indie team without a huge budget and reviews help us immensly to get some more visibility

We hope you enjoy playing further! See you until next update💚

Patch 0.629

- Added "Confine cursor to window" to settings menu with default option checked (mainly relevant for "Windowed" mode)
- Improved invisible mouse cursor still clicking things
- Fixed blob food cravings not being determined correctly

Patch 0.628: New Item: "Wishing Star" and Balancing + Bug Fixes

[EDIT: Please update to 0.629 - it has a mouse cursor fix/improvement when playing in "Windowed" mode]


Another patch with several bug fixes and improvements is available! Please make sure to update to 0.628 version.

(If Steam doesn't do the update automatic close and restart Steam.
On Steam Deck sometimes the Deck doesn't start games after updates, in this case restart the Steam Deck.)

New item: Wishing Star🌟

Have you ever gazed up at Clover town's night sky hoping to catch a glimpse of a shooting star? And in that quiet, hopeful instant, it feels like anything is possible and that maybe, just maybe, your (blob egg) wish will come true 🌠!

This part contains spoilers, so if you prefer finding out yourself do not click :

We got a lot if feedback the current 2% egg drop rate from wild blobs is too low. This won't change and it is intended for blob eggs to feel rare and special. But there is now a new item in-game which will help you to 100% get your desired wild blob egg:

During the shooting star event in addition to copper ores now also "Star Shards" fall from the sky. They can be melted with the furnace into a "Wishing Star". Using the Wishing Star on a wild blob will guarantee it 100% dropping an egg after the battle (careful: do not waste it on bosses).

New: Choose your difficulty for the Night of Roses festival game

We got a lot of feedback regarding the rythm arrow game being too hard - so hopefully the new change will help with this 💚

You can now choose between 3 difficulties: Easy, Normal, Challenging (was the only default before). Easy difficulty offers in addition to way less arrows also a bigger area/time window for hitting the arrows.

(Note: You can get the same reward when scoring A , regardless of difficulty. The reward is not unique/missable in case you prefer not playing the game)

Improvements + Balancing

  • mouse cursor is now only confined to the game window when playing with the settings “Fullscreen” and not for windowed modes.
  • items dropped during shooting stars have now an additional visual effect for better visibility + slightly bigger collect radius
  • basketball mini game is now slower
  • Replaced “Sleeping Powder” skill from Mystic Forest blob world boss to make it slightly easier
  • reduced Pirate Island blob world wild blob level by 3.
  • reduced growth level of unripe palm tree fruits in Pirate Island blob world
  • nerfed Treejuvenation blob ability + progress tree fruit growth from 2 to 1 day
  • added additional hint how to progress Saphir heart event 1 when talking to Oliver

Bug Fixes

  • fixed sliding puzzle not stopping time when standing on an empty field
  • fixed that blob product, eggs and poops sometimes were moved out of the visible blob barn area and barnd couldn#t be cleaned/cleared
  • fixed that stew pot could be used after Blob Banquet festival event
  • fixed a bug with apple trees on Jades farm causing the game being stuck on loading screen when trying to enter Clover Valley
  • fixed bug that rose bushes were not recolored correctly in the different seasons
  • removed one duplicate/overlapping bush in Clover Valley (is gone when next season starts)
  • fixed cleaners Npcs sometimes overlapping with trainer family in blob league plaza
  • fixed crow and crab blob eggs having too long name text
  • fixed Emerald and Flint friendship when talking to them after the Sleigh Swap festival event
  • fixed some Npcs not being able to be photographed when in bed or in a selling booth
  • fixed several typos

Thanks for reading and hopefully this update will make your turtle blob wishes come true🌠💚
The team continues to work hard to improve Ova Magica with the next upcoming patches.
