Road Diner Simulator cover
Road Diner Simulator screenshot
Genre: Simulator, Indie

Road Diner Simulator

Can a customer become my employee? Let’s talk about employees in RDS 🔥

Hey, folks! 👋

Welcome back to another development update from your beloved Road Diner Simulator. The last announcement about the cooking in RDS exceeded our expectations when it comes to the engagement which I’m more than grateful for. If you somehow missed it, you can freely catch up by clicking this link as it’s strictly connected to today's one.

Today, we’re gonna delve deeper into one of the things that give everyone some sleepless nights. Yes, I’m talking about you god damn employees. I’m gonna do my best to give you some details regarding how employees are gonna work in Road Diner Simulator and finally together we’ll try to answer that one tricky question from the title – can a customer become my employee? Are you ready to roll? Grab yourself your favourite drink, cover yourself with a warm blanket, and let’s get right into it 👇

How are the employees gonna work in the Road Diner Simulator? 🤔

Remember the saying from the previous announcement – It’s not about the cooking – it’s about the stories you uncover? Well that perfectly sums up how you’re gonna be able to hire your employees. But first it’s important to distinguish the difference between a passerby client and a regular one. Let me get straight to the point – passerby is just a money making machine – you won’t be able to build a deeper connection with them. With regular clients that’s a totally different story.

With each all set meal served and each conversation finished, you increase your relationship level with them which uncover their stories, past, and most importantly character. And so we come to this – you’re more likely to remember those regulars (just like in real road diner) hence in a blink of an eye you’ll know what kind of dish they’re most into. Or maybe you want to get some tips regarding running this place? Then, study their behaviour, make sure the meals you serve are top-notch quality, and they might offer something really valuable – knowledge. And as the saying goes – knowledge is power. And the others among regular clients…

...May become your employees 💥

So, to finally answer that question from the title – yes, your customers can become your full time employees. However, it’s not as easy as you might be thinking right now. As mentioned above – first you need to really get to know them to see if they’re fit for a job (for instance one might be great at cooking, and the other might have the necessary knowledge to help you run this place).

However, being fit for the job is one thing, and character is the other. Some employees might get angry way faster than the others. The others might have some negative perks (imagine the situation when one of your customers is impatiently waiting for the order, but your chef forgot what’s the recipe. That’s rather the recipe for disaster 🥶). And some might demand the payment way faster than the others. Imagine if that would be possible in real life as well…

Stay up-to-date 📰

Unfortunately, all good things have to come to an end, future diner owners! I’m really interested to see some of your crazy ideas, suggestions, and what you think about the whole system regarding the employees in Road Diner Simulator. Comment section is yours! Keep those comments coming as we’re constantly analyzing them to see your suggestions!

Now, similarly to the previous devlog, I’d like to know if you have any ideas/topics you want us to delve into? Maybe there is a feature you’re interested in, so make sure to share such information with me in the comments. That’s it from me, and we see each other in the next announcement! 👋


The way to every person’s heart is through their stomach – Cooking in RDS 🍳

Hey, folks! 👋

It’s that time of the year again, and no – I’m not talking about Christmas (yet). We’re back again with another development update from Road Diner Simulator. We’ve seen dozens of comments from the community whether the game is still in production (of course it is) but I’ll give you some updates regarding that soon!

Today, we’re gonna delve into cooking in the Road Diner Simulator and basically what you can expect from the game in that matter. As Gordon Ramsay used to say – If you want to become a great chef, you have to work with great chefs, so are you ready to become one? Then, let’s roll! 🔥

What Road Diner Simulator isn’t 👀

Let me get straight to the point – Road Diner Simulator is not a typical Cooking Simulator (which is a great game by the way). It’s not just about running around the kitchen like a headless chicken and paying little to zero attention to your clients – our game delves way deeper than that. Sure, cooking still plays a very crucial role in the game, but it’s not just about cooking – it’s about the stories you uncover.

It’s not just about cooking – it’s about the stories you uncover 🍖

I’m using this saying not without a reason. The whole idea of cooking in our game is to get to know your clients, set up the foundations and then build stronger connections with them literally through their stomachs. The more time you sacrifice into actually “studying” your clients, the better connections you will be able to build. Some may turn into your regular customers. Others may give you some tips & tricks regarding running your own diner, because they’ve been there before. Some may even help you expand your business. And the others… well who knows – maybe they will turn into your employee one day?

What is it gonna look like? 🤔

Now, let’s proceed to the more technical side of cooking in RDS. Those of you who are familiar with Gas Station Simulator know precisely how the whole game is constructed. Since the beginning of the Road Diner Simulator production we’ve carefully analyzed your feedback and suggestions and we want to achieve something similar, yet take it to the next level.

So, let me give you an example: Let’s say you want to prepare a classic Road Diner breakfast – scrambled eggs with bacon or sausage. You can approach it slowly and gently, step-by-step, ingredient by ingredient, but this costs time. Obviously, we won’t forbid you from running your own cozy diner with not much noise.

However, if you’re looking for a challenge or for new ways to earn money quickly, that’s also possible. Each mini game gives you an opportunity to risk more. For instance: You can do multiple things at a time risking burning the above mentioned scrambled eggs and instead make an omelet.

That’s why sayings like “Never Give Up” or “Practice Makes Perfect” have their use in Road Diner Simulator as well. Obviously, there will be some ways to calm those impatient clients – to be honest not sure what kind of ways but maybe a free coffee top-up would do the trick? I would be delighted to say the least.

Stay in the loop 📰

And that’s it for today, future diner owners! I’m really curious to see your thoughts regarding cooking in the Road Diner Simulator. Let me know in the comments down below what you think about the whole system. Also, if some of you have any suggestions to the game, don’t hesitate to leave your answers below as well.

Now, I wanna know what would you like to see next? I already have in mind what I would like to show, but if there is anything that you’re curious about, fire it away in the comments. I’m gonna make sure to keep you guys updated on a regular basis from now on, so you can expect another announcement from me by the end of next month (definitely before Christmas tho). Until the next devlog!

P.S Our friends at Biotech Gameworks have just made available the long-awaited update to Kebab Chefs! - Restaurant Simulator, so I thought it was worth sharing this information with you.


Some updates regarding Road Diner Simulator🔥

Hey everyone 👋

How are you doing, folks? I hope everything is fine on your side. Today, I’d like to finally spread the word about Road Diner Simulator. I know it’s been a while, but damn – it’s so good to be back here. Today, I’ve brought some fantastic screenshots that the production team have prepared recently 🤩

Apart from that, I’d like to do my best to share some more information about the whole universe and how Road Diner Sim and Gas Station Sim might work and interact with each other. Are you ready to master the art of cooking and diner management and eventually create the biggest diner empire this world has ever seen? If so, let’s get the party started 🔥

Welcome to the Road Diner Simulator🚚

In Road Diner Simulator, you're tasked with transforming a run-down diner into a bustling roadside eatery. From flipping burgers to managing staff, your skills will be put to the test as you strive to create the perfect dining experience for travelers and truckers alike. Whether you’re a master chef or a total rookie in this field, there’s always something new to cook up, new challenges to overcome, or not typical ways to learn a thing or two.

Connected Universe: Gas Station Simulator & Road Diner Simulator

Did you know that Road Diner Sim and Gas Station Sim will be a part of the same universe? This means that if you own both games, you can expect some intriguing cross-game interactions and features that will enhance your gameplay experience in both titles.

Owning both games might unlock unique items, events, and gameplay mechanics that you don’t want to miss. Imagine coordinating promotions between your gas station and diner to boost sales or dealing with a supply chain challenge that affects both operations! Okay... That might be too much and I might have my head in the clouds but hey – nobody can stop me from dreaming, right?

Stay up-to-date 📰

And it’s time for a wrap up! So, how do you like what we’ve shown you so far? What would you like to see next? Do you have any ideas & suggestions that you’d like to see in the Road Diner Simulator? The stage is yours right now, folks! Don’t hesitate to write your comments down below. While you eagerly wait for the next update, make sure to wishlist the game, so you avoid the fear of missing out on some fresh content. Until the next devlog! 👋

More about bonuses & penalties

There is a very interesting read on Gas Station Simulator about bonuses and penalties and how they will work across all 3 games in the gas station universe:

There is quite a lot of information about Road Diner in particular in there as some of the examples are based on new customer types that will come to Road Diner first. Not to mention the concept of bonuses and penalties from one game crossing into other games in itself is quite fascinating, too. If you played Gas Station Simulator and buy Road Diner once we release it, the time you spent on building up and improving your gas station will directly influence your diner from day 1.

So go and read all about in the link above. And when you are done reading about what the future holds, have a look at the present: we released 2 updates for the Airstrip DLC and another hotfix yesterday so go and check that out:

Routastic event is here! 🔥

Hey, everyone! 👋

We’re happy to announce that the Routastic Event has officially started! Huge discounts, great bundles, a showcase of upcoming titles, and much, much more awaits you there! Go and check it for yourself ⬇️

With that in mind, make sure to check out the Gas Station Simulator - Airstrip DLC that has released today.

New customers and goods from DLCs!

There is an interesting DevLog on Gas Station Simulator that you might want to have a look at as it will have a significant impact on Road Diner, too:

We decided to expand the concept of Gas Station Simulator, Road Diner and Motel Simulator influencing and supporting each other onto DLCs as well. The above DevLog features a few examples of how this will look like based on the soon to be release Airstrip DLC.

Things like having Gas Station Simulator and the Airstrip DLC will provide additional goods for the Road Diner or even very special customers. Definitely worth a read!

Road Diner Simulator will take part in Routastic Event

And last but not least – Routastic Event is getting closer and closer, and we've already started a series of giveaways on our social media channels. The event will feature some huge discounts, great bundles, showcase of our & friendly developers' games, and much, much more, so you'd better mark those dates in calendars. Stay tuned for more information coming within next few days.

Watch new Cinematic Teaser for Road Diner Simulator🔥

Hey, Diners! 🍔

It's been a while since we last time posted anything here, but we're finally back with a bang 💥Today, we're thrilled to share with you a new cinematic teaser for Road Diner Simulator, which includes some familiar faces for those of you who already played Gas Station Simulator. Make sure to grab your favorite drink & some snacks, and enjoy watching the teaser ⬇️

Routastic Sale & Giveaways!

But, that's not the end of surprises – we’re preparing some great surprises for you all. The first one being a Routastic Sale that will be live on 26th of April, 2023 and will feature some huge discounts on our games, as well as a bunch of different great titles from other friendly developers. Secondly, we’ll be running some giveaways on all of our social media channels – the first one has already started, so make sure to check our socials on a daily basis, and don't forget mark those days in calendar, so you have a chance to win some great stuff from us!

Road Diner Simulator Key Features:

Purchase a late-50s dive on the iconic Route 66 and get to work creating an establishment catering to all types of patrons. Choose from a robust selection of decor to create an atmosphere appealing to different clientele. Aim for a charming diner filled with rich aromas ideal for tourists or make inroads with a tougher crowd to create a cigarette-filled haven for bikers, criminals, and outcasts. No matter who patronizes the diner, there’s no shortage of interesting characters and fascinating stories to hear.

Raise money for future renovations by providing excellent dining experiences. Hire a talented staff, select from a range of menu offerings, including pre-made meals and custom creations, and master the grill with a robust cooking system to create signature dishes. Take customer orders, prepare their meals, and serve the dishes while interacting with patrons to build rapport. Purchase new equipment to increase the diner’s overall quality and grow the business from a run-down dive to a must-visit attraction.

  • Interact with a variety of NPCs to learn their unique stories, from traveling VIPs to locals and everyone in between
  • Balance management, hiring, and business growth decision affecting every aspect of the diner
  • Master multiple activities like cooking and cleaning with meaningful skill progression
  • Build your diner from scratch
  • Witness breathtaking visual effects and features, including Lumen and Nanite, made possible by Unreal Engine 5

Stay up-to-date

And that's it for today, diners! We cannot wait to share more information in the future regarding Road Diner Simulator. We're constantly gathering feedback from you, so don't hesitate to throw it at us in the comment section below. While you wait for a Road Diner Simulator, make sure to check out the Gas Station Simulator - Airstrip DLC that will launch on April 26th, 2023!

Food in Road Diner

Food is a crucial part of running a diner. With Road Diner, we want the game to be about running a diner rather than turning it into a cooking game. So a sort of balance has to be maintained and we believe we came up with a nice approach.

We are going to grab the cooking mechanics from our Food Truck Simulator and expand it to fit the needs of the Road Diner and later on Motel Simulator. However, in both cases we don’t want you to spend half the day in the kitchen making dishes. Instead, we want dedicated NPCs to handle the job.

So why a cooking mechanics in the first place? Two reasons for that. First, we want you to give you the option to cook yourself in the early stages of the game to save some cash. Second, whatever dish you create to offer in your diner (and later motel), you will actually have to teach an employee how to prepare said dish with a real, hands-on approach so once he/she learns it, it will make this dish on their own in the future.
If you also have a gas station in Gas Station Simulator built up, you will be able to offer some of the dishes that don’t spoil too quickly like sandwiches on the gas station as well. This provides benefits to the gas station and some extra income at the diner.
In Motel Simulator we will go with a very similar approach to food as again, that game is about running a motel rather than being a cook. The things that makes the Motel different from a diner when it comes to food are the customers and special requests they might have. What is however more important from the point of view of someone playing Road Diner is that a properly expanded diner will be able to cover the early culinary needs of the motel allowing you to focus on different areas first if you choose to do so.

DRAGO EGGS Sale is coming!

Each Game Goes Sale!

Starting on December 8th we are launching our first publisher sale. It will not only feature some neat deals on our own games and bundles, but also some special offers on selected games from our friends. You will be able to safe up to 90%!

Join us between December 8th and December 11th!

Customers have a story to tell…

Customers are pretty much the backbone of running your business at the diner. If you are familiar with our customers in Gas Station Simulator, you might have noticed that we will need a lot more depth when it comes to customers for a diner since their stay at a diner is seldom as brief as it is on a gas station.

We hence decided to create a new customer system that all of our interconnected games will share. One key aspect of this new system is to give more depth to customers to have their unique personalities, interests and stories to tell on top of the stats and skills we need for Road Diner. Depending on how satisfied they are and how much time they spend at your business, the more they will open up.

So when at the gas station, they will start dropping hints here and there, small remarks or let you in about their goals and/or journey, while spending more time at the road diner they will open up a lot more, especially if you already met them before while running the gas station. You will get to know them a lot better as they will be repeat customers.

In Motel Simulator, since their stay will be even longer, we will create events around those customers. So over the course of 2 or 3 games you get to know some of them pretty well and form a deeper relationship, especially since they will revisit your business - unless you do a really poor job running it and they will just stay away from your establishment.

So in all 3 games we can look forward to a lot of happening when it comes to customers. We also want to create special customers who are from around the area and as you progress within the games will visit you more frequently providing more insights into your businesses and voicing their ideas for improvements or concerns more clearly and detailed than usual customers do. Like giving you a bit more of a helping hand.