SCP: Secret Laboratory cover
SCP: Secret Laboratory screenshot
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SCP: Secret Laboratory

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Friday, November 29, 10 PM UTC

Creation Contest 2019 Winner!

SCP:SL Creation Contest 2019 Ending

Its finally time for the competition to end and the winners to be announced however before that we have some other things to talk about.

The reception to this event has been amazing with hundreds of you submitting a multitude of content for the community to see and vote on. We have however been able to see where we "fall short" and we hope future events will go smoother.

Now then everyone likes statistics right? ... Right?

Total Submissions: 494
Art: 166
Literature: 32
Music: 12
Memes: 229
Video: 34
Other: 21

Total Votes: 21,564
Art: 9,327
Literature: 616
Music: 293
Meme: 9,926
Video: 762
Other: 640

Now that's alota votes!

Thank you everyone who entered there were so many amazing submissions and if I could give out more rewards I would! Before we get into the main event though, lets talk about the runner-ups.

Art: Zerindo#8750, Literature: Panini Cupcake#9265, Music: Nightowl#1118,
Video: Bobbylol#6704 & Memes: Javier007isla#0320!
You all did amazingly! We wish you better luck next time!

Time for the main event! The Winners of the SCP:SL Creation Contest are...

Art: Ivanovic_#3284 for "The Checkpoint" and the winner of the bonus [REDACTED] prize!

Literature: Pixel ♡#0710 for "If I was..."

Music: Pog#5502 for "Ballad of the Mic-less Man"

Video: Long Inch of Love#0397 for "Spooky Scooby"

Other: Cr(w)abby#8420 for "049's [DATA EXPUNGED] Dream"

Meme: Muffin#2424 for "#FIXTHEMUGS"

The more observant of viewers will notice that there was no runner-up for the "Other" category and thats because they won the Staff Vote which was:

Staff Vote: Selogio#0735 的 "Room Concept-Art"

All winners will be messaged shortly about claiming their rewards!

Thank you all so much for participating and we hope to do future events like this in the future!

Best Regards,
Voidus (Marketing Platform Manager)


Megapatch II Trailer & Patreon Testing!


After a very long wait, we're happy to announce that MP2 is right around the corner and planned to release this month! We've now entered the Patreon beta phase, so If you can't wait to see what's in store - you can check out the trailer or you can test it out for yourself by becoming a Patreon!

Your favourite content creators will also be able to share the fun, so make sure to be on the lookout for whatever adventures they go on!

See the trailer:
Support us on Patreon:
Join our Discord server:

Don't forget to tell us what you think in the comments under the video. You can also visit our Steam Community Hub or the Discord server!

Best Regards
Hubert Moszka (Northwood CEO)

Q&A Session Reminder | CHANGE OF PLANS!

Hey, folks!
Since we're experiencing some issues with the Twitch streaming, we're going to make this stream on YouTube:

It's starting in 15 minutes!

Best Regards,
Hubert Moszka (Chief Executive Officer)


Q&A Session and Special Announcement

Hey, folks. We'd like to host a short Q&A session and give a special progress report today! On our Twitch channel at 5 PM UTC. Why not come meet us there?
We'll be posting a reminder on our Discord

Best Regards,
Hubert Moszka (Chief Executive Officer)


Halloween 2019 | Community Poll

Hey folks!

Megapatch II™ is nearing completion, but we will most likely not be able to release it before Halloween. Thus, we would like to give you a choice of what we should do.

Here's the link to the poll:

Don't forget to let us know what you think in the comments or on our Discord server. In other news, Megapatch II has entered the next testing phase. To dispel the rumors, the update does not include the SCP-173 model change. More information about the new update can be found on our YouTube channel (where we're gonna show you the actual beta testing footage soon).

Best Regards,
Hubert Moszka

(Game Director and CEO)

Related links:
YouTube channel:
Patreon page:

SCP:SL Creation Contest 2019

Hello and Welcome to the SCP:SL Creation Contest 2019!

This event will allow you to show off your skills and share them with the world (SL Community)! The winners will also receive some special rewards and one extra lucky winner will get Redacted Wow!

There will be 7 winners overall, one for each category. What are these categories? They are:

  • Artwork
  • Music
  • Video
  • Literature
  • Meme
  • Other

But wait... that's only 6 categories you say, well the runner ups for each category will receive a special voting by the Northwood Team to decide the 7th winner.

For Steam, only the Artwork category will be available due to limitations, if you wish to submit other work you can head over to our Discord and enter there! Click here for the Discord.


  1. The work you post must be created by you.
  2. You must follow the Steam Content Rules.
  3. You may only post the same piece of work once on each platform, do not re-post it.
  4. You may post multiple pieces of work but you will be unable to win rewards twice, however you will get an honourable mention.
  5. Don't be rude about people's work, this is all meant to be fun!


  • Event Winner role (Discord)
  • Event Winner tag (In-Game)
  • Access to Event Winner channel (Discord)
  • Artwork posted with full credit in an announcement on Steam, Discord, Twitter & Facebook.
  • One lucky winner will get Redacted

The event will last 1 month however there is a possibility of extension, artwork will be voted on by the number of likes only!

We wish you all the best of luck, have fun!

Best Regards,
Voidus (Marketing Platform Manager)


New Central Server

We have a small update from our wonderful Security Team for you :)

Hello there!

We have recently purchased a new central server, this new server is much more powerful than our previous one. We have upgraded the server to improve overall connection to servers and increase the player count in preparation for MP2. The server should be fully functioning within the coming days, we don't expect any downtime however if we do run into issues we apologize.

SCP-173's Model and Future Game Monetization

Hey folks!

Recently we've been teasing you with a big change we're implementing in one of the next updates and a huge part of the community realized that we're planning to change the SCP-173 model. We've seen a lot of misconceptions and rumors related to that topic, so we'd like to explain the situation.

First things first, don't worry - the game will remain free and we are only changing the model because of legal issues. The appearance of SCP-173 is copyrighted and the original author is hard to reach. This is the exact reason why nearly all SCP games are changing it. We understand your attachment to the current model, but the law is the law - we don't want our game to be taken down, do we?

The other rumor was related to microtransactions. SCP:SL development is expensive, and that's not because we're hungry for money. The more solutions and professional software we use - the higher the costs. We want the future updates to be kept on the highest quality we can afford. Many games have started their crowdfunding sites, including ourselves. We currently have a Patreon page which is enough to cover most of our costs and keep the development going. We'd also like to grow, thus we are trying to stash some money away for a rainy day, or to make more projects in the future. Making a multiplayer game is a difficult task, and the majority of the staff works voluntarily. We are definitely not adding microtransactions in the next update, but we do believe in your understanding, that it might be needed in the future. We'd also like to add, that the new SCP-173 model was planned a long time before we ever thought about monetizing the game - these are two independent things. We want this system to not be invasive and to not affect the gameplay in any possible way, so we need to be very careful in terms of adding cosmetic items. We are making multiple discussions with our patrons and the rest of the community more and more often, so we'll be sure that everyone is satisfied with it.

Thanks for understanding
Hubert Moszka (Northwood CEO)

TwitchCon 2019

From the 27th to the 29th we will be attending TwitchCon!
For those of you attending, you'll be able to meet;

  • Welknair (CoO)
  • Maverick (Marketing Director)
  • SkullOG (Business Development Manager)
  • Arxela (Content Supervisor)
  • DoggDemon (Voice Actor)

We will be walking around the convention in Northwood shirts, containing the SCP:SL Logo. Feel free to approach us and say hi, we'll be happy to meet everyone and we might even have a few goodies to give out!

If you can’t make it don’t worry because we will also be streaming on where we will be doing Q&A, meet and greets, and showing off the convention. Hope to see some of you guys there!