Serial Cleaners cover
Serial Cleaners screenshot
PC PS4 XONE Switch PS5 Series X Steam Gog Epic
Genre: Adventure, Indie

Serial Cleaners

Cleaning up in Style!

Clothing - We All Need Them!
It is the one thing that brings us all together. Well some of us anyway - still cannot get onboard with double denim.

Even a hardened crime scene cleaner needs to think about what they are going to wear before going out on a job!

Here are some fashion tips from the fashion legends themselves, Lati and Vip3r.

Being seen wearing a backpack on BOTH shoulders, used to be the biggest no-no. But if you are carrying large heavy items and you need to quickly move through small spaces from building to building, there's no point hurting your back for vanity!

Parachute pants? Wait, where did my feet go? These are no good if you're like me and need to run around and hop over walls from time to time.
You'll trip over your own legs! If they really were parachutes, they'd help me out with some of my last minute roof exits.

Last chance to get Serial Cleaners in Steam's Daily Deal!

it was a clement June in 1996...

Get Serial Cleaners on Steam's Daily Deal!

If you can remember as far back as 1996 then you are probably wondering... wow, was everything really in such a brown haze all the time? Like a mist of coffee gently floating in the breeze. I mean, drowning in coffee is how I remembered it, but I. am. not. everyone.

And in many cases it was a bit like that - a lot of coffee was drunk in the 90s (blame that sitcom with all the friends.) But luckily it's just this vignette filter effect designed to make things look retro and so very fashionable.

Serial Cleaners is set in 1990s New York. You get to experience being a murder scene cleaner for the mob.
No vignette filters here. Just good old fashioned realism... and blood. Lot's of blood.

So, let's us open it up to the room, and ask ourselves this question - What is our best takeaway from the era we know as the 1990s?

(...or by the looks of todays high-street fashion shops - the nowies)
- Dave, Suckers Magazine

Dino Park DLC - Now with 10% Off!🦕


Your Steam Cleaning Summer Sale ...IS NOW ON!

Between June 29th and 10AM PDT July 13th, clean up a few bargains in the Steam Summer Sale.

Without even hacking the system, you can get:

🧼 70% off Serial Cleaners
Experience being a murder scene cleaners for the mob in 1990s New York.

🦖 10% off Dino Park DLC
Uncover the truth about the island, its owners, and the thought-to-be-extinct overgrown lizards.


Serial Cleaners + Sunday Gold – Available only on Steam.

It’s time to get your hands dirty because after the crime, it’s cleaning time!
This bundle contains:

Serial Cleaners. The top-down stealth-action game, where you get to experience being a murder scene cleaner for the mob in 1990s New York. Alternate between four cleaners, each with their own unique style.

Sunday Gold. Play as a ragtag trio of criminals to hunt down and expose the dark secrets of an evil mega-corporation and the malevolent billionaire behind it.

Print your own Serial Cleaners paper dolls!

Now you can take your favourites Serial Cleaners into the real world with these 'Print your own Serial Cleaners paper dolls!"

Having your own, real life Serial Cleaners paper dolls, the possibilities are truly endless.
Get creative - show us your photography skills by participating in one of our pre-approved community tasks!
Have Fun - show off your amazing paper craft talents, by using the tag #ISurvivedDinoPark across our social channels.

These paper dolls are also multipurpose!
Need a bookmark? We got you covered! Need a friend? Now you have 4!

Once you have cut out your new friends, please take part in our community tasks!

    <*>Take a photo of Psycho next to some tomato soup, spaghetti and meatballs or just something red.
    <*>Take a photo of Lati next to something you would consider to be art.
    <*>Take a photo of the Serial Cleaners with the wrong clothing on.
    <*>Take a photo pf the Serial Cleaners next to something that looks prehistoric.
Post your images here on Steam, or on social media with the hashtag #ISurvivedDinoPark


And in lighter news...
A mysterious island inhabited by dinosaurs has been found by a group of misfits carrying vacuums.
It is believed they were there to clean up a large mess and to investigate the area.
Everyone here at radio station feels their pain - we all hate cleaning too - especially those unsightly limbs laying around the house!
That's it from us at New York Nights! Have a great evening folks!

Clean up a new type of crime scene in Serial Cleaners - Dino Park DLC.
Uncover the truth about the island, its owners, and the thought-to-be-extinct overgrown lizards.

Experience 4 new maps, each with a distinct style and unique objectives.
Find collectibles, complete challenges and earn trophies.


Clean up crime scenes on a mysterious island inhabited by dinosaurs.
The new Dino Park DLC - It's going to be roarsome!
Available May 9th!

Wherever there's a mess...

That was close.
...Do you think it saw us?


One thing on everyone's mind, is cleaning. Whether you're cleaning potatoes or a log cabin - we all have something in common, we all want an easier life!
So here are 5 cleaning hacks to make your life easier.

1- Vacuum cleaners are great for everyday dirt and spiders. Steam cleaners are perfect for a quick cheeky refresh. But, if you want to remove something stronger, we might need to make a few calls.

2- Damp microfibre cloths are great to clean away dust and dirt from your electronic devices. Also perfect for removing those pesky finger prints...

3- If you are the messy type, sawdust will soak up spills fast! But will also leave you with a secondary mess... involving damp sawdust.

4- Is your trash can filthy? Does it smell like something has died in there? Well you can fix that by using a liquid toilet cleaner! First remove the excess limbs, pour in the cleaner and then give it a good rinse!

5- One of our most popular cleaning hacks! To remove red stains from your carpet, paint the rest of your carpet red!

(Disclaimer - we do not actually recommend trying any of these hacks, but then you already knew that - unless you actually want a red carpet, then that's surely a benefit.)