Shotgun King: the Final Checkmate cover
Shotgun King: the Final Checkmate screenshot
Genre: Shooter, Strategy, Turn-based strategy (TBS), Tactical, Indie, Arcade

Shotgun King: the Final Checkmate

Patch notes for v1.515e: More bugfixes

Hello royals!

Here's another patch with a few bugfixes for bugs that were reported after the patch from Monday! Apologies in particular for the text bug that cut off a lot of in-game descriptions for the Chinese, Korean and Japanese localizations. We realize how annoying it must have been, so we tried to fix it as fast as we could.

If you find other bugs, please come report them on our Discord, it's much easier for us to keep track of them there!

Here's the changelog for v1.515e:

  • [BUGFIX] Phrases with no space characters (notably in Chinese, Korean and Japanese) are now properly broken down into multiple lines again
  • [BUGFIX] Pieces will no longer randomly stop acting at all
  • [BUGFIX] Folly shields no longer warn you against safe Sokoban Rooks
  • [BUGFIX] Knockback angle now calculated before strafe movement with Royal Loafers
  • [BUGFIX] Sabotaging the Mangonel card will now cancel prepared mangonel shots

Have some great holidays everyone!
-PUNKCAKE Délicieux 🥞

Happy Holidays! Patchnotes for v1.515d: Fixes and new LATAM spanish localization

Hello royals!

We'd like to wish you some happy holidays and some not-too-horrible family dinners! We know how it is. We thought you might appreciate a new Shotgun King patch. It's mostly fixes, but it's always nicer to play a game without encountering bugs! We also got someone who knows their stuff to review and improve the spanish localization, and someone else to localize it further for Latin American Spanish! Yay for more localizations!

Before leaving you with the changelog, now seems as good a time as any to point out that we have a lot of other games and that they are all on sale right now! We also have a few upcoming games that you can get excited about and wishlist now if you can find it in your heart! You can find all this on our developper page! (consider following it!)

Okay, here's the changelog:

  • [BALANCE] Inquisition bishops are less likely to target Moles and Undercover Mission tiles if other moves are available
  • [BALANCE] Black Mist now teleports you to an actually safe tile even if you are in stealth
  • [BUGFIX] Bishops and rooks will no longer use Tag Team for no reason
  • [BUGFIX] Rooks will no longer use Sokoban for no reason, and are less likely to sacrifice other pieces
  • [BUGFIX] Rooks will no longer use Sokoban on you when you are in stealth
  • [BUGFIX] Sokoban rooks will now actually try to kill you if they have the chance
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed a bug where pieces could stack on top of each other because of simultaneous Sokoban pushes and Tag Team swaps
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed a rare crash on aiming with a game controller
  • [BUGFIX] On a gamepad, pressing B no longer triggers special abilities
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed the Discord link on the title screen
  • [BUGFIX] Seer's Orb now positions itself correctly above the boss white king
  • [BUGFIX] Horsemen no longer get buckler and bow when you step on the third Unholy Call pentacle
  • [BUGFIX] Stepping up to the mole as you kill it with Royal Loafers will no longer crash the game
  • [BUGFIX] Folly shields now properly warn you against shooting at a pawn when you have Low-Cost Disguise but a Mangonel rook is about to fire at you
  • [BUGFIX] Mangonel shot line and circle now properly disappear if canceled with Castling
  • [BUGFIX] Sabotaging Vampirism now properly removes blood sucking abilities from queens and leaders
  • [BUGFIX] More precise knockback
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed rendering of kite shields on knightmares
  • [BUGFIX] You can no longer shoot before reloading ends
  • [BUGFIX] King's Shoulders now explicitely excludes blade cards using codex tags
  • [BUGFIX] Moving into an Inquisition bishop's path with holocloak will now properly use up a folly shield
  • [BUGFIX] The correct track is now played after triggering Black Mist during a secret boss fight
  • [BUGFIX] If Lady in the Tower places a promoted rook on a square that blocks another threat to the black king, then you are now actually saved from that threat
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed button hitbox position for reloading the shotgun with the mouse
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed a bug were pieces would appear to slide on the board after getting pushed off the board by a Sokoban rook then saved by Bouncy Castle or Black Mist
  • [BUGFIX] Poor cannonballs can no longer be scared
  • [LANG] The spanish translation was reviewed and reworked
  • [LANG] The spanish translation was further localized into a LATAM spanish translation!

Have a very nice end of the year and don't forget to be naughty next year, gotta deserve that lump of coal!
Love you,
-PUNKCAKE Délicieux 🥞

Patch notes for v1.515: Bugfixes + New Rank Tracking per Shotgun

Hello royals!

Thank you for your patience on this one. There were a lot of bug reports in the last two weeks, thanks for that, it really helps us fixing them! Most of them were pretty minor, and some were more annoying. In particular we're really sorry about the issues that some Steam Deck and gamepad users encountered, some of which were pretty bad. We unfortunately do not have a Steam Deck ourselves to test the game, and the core of our community plays with mouse and keyboard, so we're low on controller-playing feedback.

Nonetheless, we did our best to fix all the issues that were reported, including the ones specific to Steam Deck and controller support. Please let us know how we did!

On top of all these fixes, we also added a new thing that was requested on our Discord server: each individual shotgun now tracks the best rank you've won with it! We were not saving this progress before this patch, so you'll have to win at least one run to see it in action, but we hope it'll motivate you to play the game with the shotguns you don't usually pick up!

And finally, this patch brings two new languages to the game: Italian and Brazilian Portuguese! Thank you to Primo Vinicio Calabrese and Emerson P. Machado respectively for making the game accessible to even more people!

Here is the full changelog:

  • [NEW] You can now track your best rank won on each shotgun in Throne mode
  • [LOCA] Added Italian and Portuguese localizations!
  • [BALANCE] Rooks can no longer protect the king with Castle when stunned
  • [BUGFIX] Tentative fix for a bug on controllers where the right stick stops responding
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed a bug on controllers where confirming your first move would send you to inspect your cards
  • [BUGFIX] Move squares no longer flash at the start of your turn if you're holding right stick
  • [BUGFIX] First choice on level ups no longer flashes when the appearing animation ends
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed a bug where receiving ammo at the same time as you reloaded
  • [BUGFIX] Further refined arrow folly shield detection
  • [BUGFIX] Tentative fix for a bug where arrows kill you when they hit the square you just moved from
  • [BUGFIX] Prevented level up screen duplication
  • [BUGFIX] Bleeding buffs every separate shot from Unjust Decree
  • [BUGFIX] Force-feeding now properly capped to 8 shells, even with Yvan IV
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed piece %hp bonuses
  • [BUGFIX] Mausoleum now gets the leader tag as intended
  • [BUGFIX] Castle, Theocracy, Commoner's Reign, and Heir cards now all get the leader tag
  • [BUGFIX] Can no longer get sanctified bishops' souls with the Wand of Souls
  • [BUGFIX] Extra kings now get leader bonuses during the boss battle
  • [BUGFIX] Removed irrelevent delay after white piece moves when there is no bow and arrows
  • [BUGFIX] Vampire boss king can now properly suck the blood off the pieces surrounding it on all sides
  • [BUGFIX] Codex back button now always shows above card descriptions
  • [BUGFIX] Black Mist should no longer move you into arrows
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed a bug where some achievement-tracking stats were not properly reset on hitting try again on the gameover
  • [BUGFIX] Kite Shields now properly block and get used up by rats and taunting hops
  • [BUGFIX] Castling now properly protects the king from rats and taunting hops
  • [BUGFIX] Seer's Orb no longer lets you cycle through a piece's options
  • [BUGFIX] Grenades will now always trigger Castle before doing damage to any pieces
  • [BUGFIX] Castling now protects the king from bleeding
  • [BUGFIX] Ambush no longer gets the grenade tag
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed the Humiliation achievement so that it only triggers when killing a king by hopping on him
  • [BUGFIX] You can now use grenades again right after refilling them with a disruption effect
  • [BUGFIX] Can no longer shoot after resigning while being stuck in Analysis Paralysis
  • [BUGFIX] Mangonels won't show the targetting line if they're not about to attack because of Selective Listening
  • [BUGFIX] Unicorns no longer charge you if you're in stealth mode
  • [BUGFIX] Plural forms of words now properly reset when switching languages
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed a bug that prevented Sokoban rooks from trying to push you
  • [BUGFIX] Folly shields now detect Sokoban rooks who can push you off the board
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed a bug where Sokoban rooks or the pieces they push wouldn't fully register as going to their destination if the piece previously at that destination was just pushed off the board, resulting in other pieces being able to move to that same destination and stacking with the piece that just got there
  • [LANG] The Royal Hunt's description now mentions the shooting speed increment on stack
  • [LANG] Low-Cost Disguise's description now says "when a pawn dies" instead of "when you kill a pawn"

Thank you all for the support! Long live the Shotgun King!
-PUNKCAKE Délicieux 🥞

Patch notes for v1.514: Bugfixes!

Hi royals!

Thanks to everyone who reported bugs on our Discord! We did a first quickpatch on Tuesday to fix one hard crash and instances of the game crashing on launch on Linux and Mac. Now we take care of the more minor stuff. Here's the changelog for this one!

  • [BUGFIX] Elusive now works properly with pieces than are blocked
  • [BUGFIX] Pieces no longer update their move timer while they're stunned
  • [BUGFIX] Only the first rat hitting a bleeding piece during the same turn gets the bleed bonus
  • [BUGFIX] No more double sound on pause exit
  • [BUGFIX] Stun now transfers to morphing pieces
  • [BUGFIX] Adjusted deepwater description (Knight can't attack from moat)
  • [BUGFIX] Commoner's Reign now adds a knight to the white army
  • [BUGFIX] Sokoban rooks can't push leaders anymore
  • [BUGFIX] False Kings morph to knight AFTER bouncing back to board with Bouncy Castle
  • [BUGFIX] Monarch's Confidence doesn't give negative firepower for overfed shotgun anymore
  • [BUGFIX] Triggering Spy with Black Mist won't result in multiple disrupt panels and deafening sound
  • [BUGFIX] Militia is now properly removed from pawn when sabotaged
  • [BUGFIX] Seer's Orb attack target is now updated after holoking's death
  • [BUGFIX] Humiliation achievement is now fixed
  • [BUGFIX] Finer arrow detection for folly shields
  • [BUGFIX] Lifting the Seer's Orb's target with King's Shoulders now sends the Seer's Orb to some other piece

As usual, thank you all for the love and support! We hope you're enjoying the new content!
-PUNKCAKE Délicieux 🥞

Shotgun King v1.5 Content Update: New Cards, New Shotguns, New Mechanics & More

Hello royals,

We hope you had a good summer! We spent much of our own summer working on this update, beta-testing it, fixing it, and localizing it. It was so much work that it's coming a little later than we previously anticipated, but no matter, it is here now!

Some highlights from this big update: new improved AI, 2 new shotguns, improved controller and Steam Deck support, 27 new achievements, and 43 new cards with brand new mechanics, such as pushing pieces off the board, new grenades, new stealth tactics, the Seer's Orb, re-rolling cards, unicorns, mangonels... and much, much more.

Plus we're also adding three new localizations: Dutch, Romanian, and Vietnamese! These were done on a voluntary basis, and so we thank Thijmen Zuiderwijk, Etilon and Phạm Đức Minh for translating and testing the game in these languages.

All the previously existing translations were also updated, with the exception of German but we do have a translator working on it and so we expect to update the game's german localization very soon.

Before I leave you with the cumulative changelog for this update (cumulative from all 23 of the beta versions that we put out in the last two months!) here is a brand new trailer we made with the newest version of the game, and with the work of our newest recruit, Julia, who is now making illustrations for us! (the queen illustration above is from her also!)

Here is the changelog:

  • [NEW] +43 cards
  • [NEW] +2 shotguns
  • [NEW] added 4 disruption effects
  • [NEW] improved AI
  • [NEW] 27 new achievements!
  • [NEW] Added new Dutch, Romanian and Vietnamese localizations!
  • [GAMEPAD] Fixed, improved and updated controller and Steam Deck support
  • [GAMEPAD] New inspection controls for controllers and Steam Deck
  • [BALANCE] knockback can now push pieces off of the board
  • [BALANCE] Force-feeding also gives +1 firepower while your gun is full, +1 ammo bonus removed
  • [BALANCE] +100% Knockback on Imperial Shot Put
  • [BALANCE] Analysis Paralysis now lets you recycle cards
  • [BALANCE] Iron queen now removes a queen (need 2+ queens to spawn)
  • [BALANCE] Throwing grenades doesn't spend a turn anymore and their damage is increased to 3
  • [BALANCE] Kingly Alms only gives 1 grenade now
  • [BALANCE] Bunker, Throne, Hunt, Buckler and Dagger now work on any leader
  • [BALANCE] Guillotine and cards mentioning leaders are now excluding each others
  • [BALANCE] Caltrops now has 50% chance to inflict bleeding on moving pieces and bleeding pieces lose 1 speed
  • [BALANCE] Caltrops doesn't delay backup cards anymore
  • [BALANCE] Kingly alms now inflict +2 dmg on center square
  • [BALANCE] Small Fry Harvest now have +1 blade instead of +1 ammo_max
  • [BALANCE] Healers now heal poison and bleeding
  • [BALANCE] Saddle doesn't need Cavalry anymore
  • [BALANCE] Jump from Taunting Hop is now a stat you can stack. You have to choose different targets for each jump on a single turn.
  • [BALANCE] Disrupt effect Stab now only works on king (invisible if no king on board)
  • [BALANCE] Engraved Scope now has search +1
  • [BALANCE] Theocracy now needs 2 bishops to spawn
  • [BALANCE] Wand of Wrath can't be used on leaders in general instead of just kings
  • [BALANCE] Black Mist may bring you unexpected opportunities
  • [BALANCE] AI now has difficulty levels which increase at ranks 4 and 10
  • [UI] new interface for disruption effects (undercover mission)
  • [UI] All temporary bonus/malus to firerange/firepower/fire arc now display in white/red
  • [UI] Changed wand selection instructions and FX
  • [UI] Fright range now displayed in left panel
  • [UI] Wand selection now lets you see target hp
  • [ERGO] Can now speed through the gameover animation after resigning by clicking anywhere
  • [BUGFIX] pikes now work through moat
  • [BUGFIX] Added a reset stats button in the codex
  • [BUGFIX] Pieces with no possible actions will no longer shake
  • [BUGFIX] grenade icon is now hidden when no grenade available
  • [BUGFIX] Flipping Secret Heir now works properly
  • [BUGFIX] Codex now displays achievements and completion correctly
  • [BUGFIX] Healer can't heal allies above hp_max anymore
  • [BUGFIX] Ammunition Depot rooks will now properly give you free ammo when they die, whatever the cause of death
  • [BUGFIX] Re-fixed Fool Companion spawning requirements
  • [BUGFIX] Lifting the last piece with king's shoulders does not end the level anymore
  • [BUGFIX] Pieces now take full damage before knockback is applied
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed pluralization of pieces on a few card descriptions
  • [BUGFIX] Iron pieces no longer look like regular pieces when held with King's Shoulders
  • [BUGFIX] Messages announcing backups now use the localized version of the card names
  • [BUGFIX] Strafe shots now use parameters from before moving
  • [BUGFIX] Killing the last leader with bushido while holding a piece no longer results in a soft lock
  • [LANG] Corrected and modified some texts
  • [LANG] Replaced all instances of "bullets" with "pellets" which should be less confusing in all cases
  • [LANG] Ensured card effects will always be described in the same order
  • [LANG] Updated the French, Spanish, Ukrainian, Polish, Russian, Korean, Chinese, Japanese and Catalan translations!

Thank you all for your support, we hope you enjoy the update!
Have a lovely week, long live the Shotgun King!

-PUNKCAKE Délicieux 🥞

Summer Content Update news and spoilers!

Hello royals!

Earlier this year we announced we would update Shotgun King over the summer. Well, we've been working on it! We already have a few small spoilers for you and the outlines of a timeline!

Note that all these spoilers were posted on our Discord server over the last few weeks! If you want to see the next ones before everyone else, then that's definitely the place to be!

Say what you will about pawns, the white king sure has a way to inspire them, and to avoid the quick death they deserve for stealing your kingdom! Better practice some good old social distancing with pawns whenever this card is in play!

I don't know about you but I'm a big fan of trebuchets, even the word is nice. And what better way to transform any old battlefield into a frantic dancefloor! Rooks simply weren't deadly enough!

But I don't want you thinking we're only adding things on the white side, so here's a brand new ability for our beloved and ever-so-clairvoyant black ruler: the Seer's Orb!

Predict an enemy piece's next movement... and lock it down so you may safely move elsewhere!

Okay but let's come back to making the white side a bigger pain to deal with! Here's something fun! Remember when you were a kid and your ultimate strategy was to sweep all the pieces off the board with your arms in a fit of frustration because this f*cking game is so hard to play? Well it seems the white king was watching you from just under the kitchen table, and they made sure to take notes...

Honestly, if this really was an illegal move, they would have invented a chessboard with little walls. Change my mind. You can't.

Also yes, the white side is actually getting smarter, as in we're improving the AI. Hang tight.

And finally, we thought some whimsy couldn't hurt, so here's a unicorn! It's like a regular knight, but they have a horn and they just love ramming into black kings walking a little bit to close to the edge of the board! What wondrous magical beasts!

Wait what's this? A new shipment of royal shotguns was delivered to the castle?! The delivery man will have to be shot for being late, dreadful but it's as fair as the King's justice gets. But look! It seems some new abilities are at hand!

Any idea what this shotgun might do? Let us know in the comments what you think, you might well give us some other ideas to implement too! I'll give you a clue though, this is our answer to something that's been complained about a fair bit ever since the game got on Steam!

And that is all for the spoilers we've shared on Discord so far! So when is all this coming into your hands?

We're hoping to have a beta phase starting sometime during the end of July, and then we're aiming to release the update proper during the second half of August!

We're going to do our best to update all the localizations in time for August as well, but there may be a small delay, these things just take time sometimes. We were also made aware that the current Chinese localization is quite far from perfect, so we will try to get that looked into as well.

If you're interested in joining the beta, it will be available right here on Steam, but please make sure you join us on Discord so we can tell you how to access it and you can tell us about any bugs and issues you might find!

And if you have any friends who don't own the game yet but might be interested helping out with the beta, or simply playing a ridiculous version of chess, then let me point out this is a great time to pick up the game as it's 30% off for the Summer sales! And by the way so are most our other games, you should check them out they're pretty good too!!

That's it for now! We hope you're excited for the coming update, we're having a lot of fun working on it so far!

Thank you all for your support, see you soon, and long live the Shotgun King!
-PUNKCAKE Délicieux 🥞

Shotgun King and our 17 other games now available for MacOS and Linux!

Hi everyone!

This is a quick post to let you know we just added native MacOS and Linux support to all our games, including Shotgun King and 17 others!

PSA: If you've already been playing on Linux with Proton you may have to disable Steam Play to be able to play the game now that we have native support. This is a Steam bug, unfortunately we cannot fix it, but we hope Steam takes care of it eventually!

To celebrate the news, we're holding a sale for almost all our games with 20% or 25% off on each of them! Go here to see them! We've also reworked the various bundles grouping the games and made a few new ones.

We're looking at fixing a few minor bugs in Shotgun King shortly, and maybe give modding some more love, then we'll have new games for May, June and July, and then the Shotgun King content update we promised you at the start of the year! Exciting stuff!

Until then! We hope you're having a nice week!
-PUNKCAKE Délicieux 🥞

Patch notes for v1.41: Lots of minor fixes and changes for modding

Hi punks!

Thank you all so much for the love since the 1.4 update dropped! It's really heartwarming to see all the new positive reviews, it makes us feel like you appreciate the work we put into all this, and it's a very nice feeling! Plus it's so cool to see the mods popping up on the Steam Workshop, we're thinking of highlighting some of them soon!

There's been quite a few minor bugs reported since the update dropped. Thankfully it seems we did manage to fix the major stuff during the beta week, so that's nice. There was also some unfinished business on the modding side, so we took care of that too. The patch notes are quite long as a result, so we recommend wearing your reading glasses if you're really going to read all of it. (nerds)

Here are the full patch notes for v1.41:

  • [ERGO] You can now read mods' descriptions (or at least the start of it) in the mod menu.
  • [LANG] Fixed a typo in Bloodless Coups' english description.
  • [FIX] Fixed controller rumble not initializing correctly on launch.
  • [FIX] Fixed some controls counting twice or too early for both mouse controls and gamepad.
  • [FIX] The shotgun and rank menu arrows now light up red again.
  • [FIX] Attempting to use blade on iron pieces now triggers a folly shield.
  • [FIX] Restored mouse drag controls for King's Shoulders.
  • [FIX] Analysis Paralysis now properly pauses the timer.
  • [FIX] Mod menu buttons won't get misplaced anymore if you spam-click the arrows.
  • [FIX] Fixed switch back to gamepad controls on game over when using a mouse and a gamepad is plugged in.
  • [FIX] Fixed a bug on the level up screen where a choice's descriptions sometimes wouldn't go away if clicking too fast.
  • [FIX] Cannonballs are no longer affected by Saddle.
  • [FIX] Catalan language was added back.
  • [FIX] In settings the back button will now translate every time the language is changed.
  • [FIX] Mod menu buttons are now always drawn with the pixel font, showing the correct icons.
  • [FIX] Fixed an issue with game mode descriptions when scrolling.
  • [FIX] Title will no longer appear behind the play menu when coming back from the tutorial and mods are present.
  • [FIX] Game will now switch back to the default language if a modded language was previously selected but is no longer available.
  • [MODDING] Mods can now access mouse controls variables
  • [MODDING] Both local and workshop versions of a same mod will now be loaded up.
  • [MODDING] Made the mod menu's upload buttons a little nicer.
  • [MODDING] If an upload fails it will now tell you why and also print the reason in the log.txt.
  • [MODDING] 'run' function now allowed in mods to restart the game.
  • [MODDING] Empty mods (no language, game modes nor script) will no longer be loaded up.
  • [MODDING] Fixed append and prepend so that they wouldn't crash if multiple mods use them. (or any, in the case of prepend)
  • [MODDING] Now properly allowing global variable replacement for a set of variable names. (check 'gimme("replaceable")')
  • [MODDING] Mods can now use newbnk, bset, bget, and savbnk to safely save players' progress to a mod-specific save.
  • [MODDING] Custom pieces can now have custom movement, custom attack, custom draw, and custom debris.
  • [MODDING] Added "cond_only_pieces" in language keys.
  • [MODDING] Replaced deprecated function table_from_file with quarentine_req and quarentine_req_env.
  • [MODDING] Fixed unhelpful "Error in error handling" error message when a mod's code crashes the game.
  • [MODDING] Added support for custom pieces' souls.
  • [MODDING] Shotgun sprites are now mode-specific. (load your spritesheet in initialize())
  • [MODDING] Fixed custom pieces effects not showing in card descriptions.
  • [MODDING] Fixed the Saddle carry effect when applied to non-knight & non-rook pieces.
  • [MODDING] Added piece properties nocarry and freelift, they can be given with custom cards.
  • [MODDING] Added support for custom game mode scores.

We hope you keep enjoying the game! We'll be back with some more news soon!
Have a lovely day!
-PUNKCAKE Délixieux 🥞

Shotgun King v1.4 is here!

Hi punks!

It arrived a few hours later than anticipated but it is here! The Shotgun King update that finally brings:

  • Controller support
  • A scripted tutorial
  • New art
  • & Steam Workshop modding

To celebrate, Shotgun King is on a Daily Deal sale, with 30% off! We also encourage you to check out our brand new other game Super Algebrawl, which is also on sale for its launch, it came out just two days ago!

It's been a hectic week for us between the Super Algebrawl release and the Shotgun King beta, so the SK update might not be entirely bug free yet. We'll keep working on it for a little bit until it is. There will be some more love given to the modding possibilities as well, though I would say there's already a lot work with!

Thank you to everyone who helped test the beta this week, and a very special thanks to all the early modders who have been coping with the pretty big changes from the earlier modding support. They've been super lovely and helpful and about it and once again we find we couldn't wish for a nicer community than the one we have.

We hope you appreciate the new update, and we hope you have fun with the mods! If you're interested in modding the game yourself, we will add more intructions directly on the Steam Workshop soon, but for now the best place to be is still our Discord where you'll find all the resources and help you need to get started!

Thank you all for the support! Have a wonderful weekend and long live the Shotgun King!
-PUNKCAKE Délicieux 🥞

Roadmap announcement for 2024: 2 new Shotgun King updates, 9 new games

Hi everyone! Happy new year!

It's been a little while but we have some exciting news!

For the first time since PUNKCAKE Délicieux's creation in 2021, we have made a roadmap! It details our plans for 2024, including plans for 9 new games, and plans for 2 Shotgun King updates, the first of which is coming very soon: on the 20th of January!

We invite you to take a look for yourself at our Seasonal Menu for more info:

Our new game Super Algebrawl is coming out on the 18th! It's a mathematical tactics puzzle RPG with a roguelite dimension about another lousy king using unfair powers (in this case the magic of mathematics; granted it's maybe a little less exciting than a shotgun) to reclaim their status! Wishlist it to get notified when it comes out! This is what it looks like:

We will be doing a short beta run for the first Shotgun King update starting on the 15th! If you're interested in helping us fix some bugs please join our Discord and opt into the beta when it's live!

If you're interested in our other games and projects, then our Discord is also the place to be! You can come chat with us and other players, it's a good time!

Thank you all for your support and see you very soon for that update! We wish you a beautiful year!

-PUNKCAKE Délicieux 🥞