Star Citizen cover
Star Citizen screenshot
Linux PC
Genre: Shooter, Role-playing (RPG), Simulator, Adventure, Indie

Star Citizen

Star Citizen Alpha 3.15.0

Star Citizen Patch 3.15.0

Alpha Patch 3.15.0 has been released and is now available! VERSION 3.15.0-LIVE.7865275.

It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE.

Database Reset: YES
Long Term Persistence: Disabled (Full Long Term Persistence Wipe)
Starting aUEC: 20,000

We are currently assessing if there are any performance and other issues while playing on Windows 11. If you are part of the windows insider program with Windows 10 or 11, you may have an option turned on called Diagnostic Data in the windows settings. This option is required for windows insider but appears to degrade game performance and turning this off may help framerates substantially.

Known Issues

  • Ground vehicles and initial spawn point

With this latest update, your initial spawn chooses the location of all your ships. If you have ground vehicles through the pledge store, selecting an initial home location that supports ground vehicles, like New Babbage, would be best.

  • Pledge Items lost on death

With this upcoming change, players will now lose all items equipped to their character upon death. These items include items from the pledge store including subscriber items. We are currently looking into different solutions for this but for 3.15.x be warned that if you die with subscriber items on, you will lose them in game but they will not be removed from your account or pledge store. These will be returned upon new major patches or through an account reset.

  • After a server crash, attempting to reconnect may result an infinite loading screen and being unable to interact with the menu. Players may need to exit the game and reload after a server crash to fix this error.
  • Around Arccorp, if your scattered object distance is set to high you may experience some stuttering. We are working on a fix for this in 3.15.1 but you can fix it now by lowering the scattered object distance setting to medium.
  • Players may not be able to Repair, Refuel, or Restock at LEO stations
  • Players cannot repair, refuel, and rearm at outposts
  • Items stored in long term persistence such as mined gems are currently not stackable (This is something that will be coming in a future update)
  • After trying on clothing in a store, all equipped items are permanently deleted from the inventory
  • Medical beacon does not complete mission/payment when player is brought back from incapacitation
  • Interacting with the 400i door panels can cause the doors to become unresponsive (Workaround: Back away and retry)
  • Swapping weapons has a chance to drop or remove weapons
  • The Prospector door and ladder lack animations
  • When in combat, NPCs can get stuck in cover when trying to exit
  • Some players may see black squares instead of smoke, clouds, and fog
  • Attempting to deposit gems yields a “transaction error” in Klescher Rehabilitation Facility
  • Announcer audio callout for “Match over. You have won/lost the match” can be heard multiple times at the end of a round in Arena Commander
  • Character’s head, mobiGlas, and other equipment are missing after being released from Klescher

New Features


  • Hospitals

Addition of unique hospital locations to Orison, New Babbage, and Grim HEX, and medical clinics into space stations. Here players will be able to regenerate, save new regen locations, heal injuries, and buy medical supplies. Emergency medical elevators have also been added to landing zone hangars to aid in transporting injured players directly to the hospital. For this first iteration, players who originally spawn at Area18 or Lorville will have their default regeneration point set to their corresponding orbital stations. Lorville and Area18 will be getting their hospitals in a future release.


  • Unmanned Missile Defense Turrets

Addition of AI controlled missile defense turrets at space stations and underground facilities in the PU.


  • Personal Inventory T0 and Asset Manager APP

With the implementation of Personal Inventory, players will now physically store weapons, gadgets, consumables, healing items, and more on their person and in vehicles via backpacks, pockets, and containers. This utilizes the new iCache for persistence wherever players travel. This new system removes the older Equipment Manager app from the mobiGlas and adds a new local inventory system by pressing ‘I’ on the keyboard (default keybind). Current landing zones share inventories with their low orbit stations above the planets. Tabs allow navigation between Local, Vehicle, External, and Personal inventory. Players can navigate between each tab to move items from one inventory to another (with both sides of the screen displaying an inventory container and the list of available tables). NOTE: Two of the same tabs cannot be open at the same time. When a player places the cursor over any item in their inventory they will be presented with the information given in shops in addition to item specific info; for example ammo displays the remaining bullets in the magazine. Armor and clothing (backpacks, torso and legs) typically have their own inventory container and can be opened by using the inventory system [I]. Placing any of these into a location inventory or into a container will create a nested inventory which can be opened via the RMB over the item. This nested inventory will make it so players are able to store more items onto the player and make space. When right clicking (mouse2) any item in inventory a contextual menu will appear, presenting available interactions, including functions like “split” for stacked items. All armor and clothing can now be carried, dropped, placed and left in the world (currently represented in the environment by carryable boxes); while in this state they can be interacted with using the interaction system, and can be equipped by doing so.

Primary Residence / Initial Location: Before starting the game and initially spawning, a player must now specify their Primary Residence location (where they will initially spawn) via the front end. Friend options to join a party (spawn at their location) are disabled until this location has been set. Any items entitled via store purchases, subscriber rewards etc. will be added to the Primary Residence’s local inventory. Each starting location, Rest stop and Port Olisar have a corresponding local inventory. Items left in the local inventory when the player leaves the location will remain there and cannot be accessed from the inventory UI until the player returns.

Character Inventory: The inventory is no longer restricted to commodities, and can contain any type of FPS armor, clothing, weapon, consumable, and one handed carryable (provided said item fits). The player character is now displayed at the center of the Inventory UI, with a controllable camera (holding mouse2 allows orbit movement via mouse movement, mouse wheel controls zoom), and the ability to drag held and equipped items off of the character into an inventory UI container, and vice versa from an inventory container onto a valid itemport on the character. Items can be dragged and dropped from an inventory container, or from the character, directly onto the floor. Weapon attachments can be dragged directly onto weaponry that is held or equipped to the character. If a player is downed or killed, other players are able to loot items from them via the interaction menu. When a player dies, the items on their body will remain lootable at the location of their death for 2 hours before despawning. Players will be able to choose to loot an individual item by removing just a weapon, armor, container, undersuit, or magazine.

Vehicle Inventory: Every vehicle with a traversable interior has its own Vehicle Inventory accessible while inside that vehicle, with each player aboard having their own instanced Vehicle Inventory. When a vehicle is destroyed, a large cargo box will appear containing any items that had been stored in that vehicle’s inventory. Any player will be able to loot the items in this crate via the interaction menu.

Nik Nax Asset Manager: The Nik Nax asset manager is a new mobiGlas app designed to keep track of every item or vehicle a player owns in the universe. The app allows sorting by many options including item locations so that you will be able to quickly determine where you left each of your vehicles, weapons, or that Buster’s bar you really wanted.

  • Loot Generation T0

Addition of systemically generated containers (crates/lockers/boxes) stocked with lootable items throughout the world. The content of these boxes are dynamically generated based on their location with random amounts and types of items.

  • Healing T0 and Actor Status T1

Complete overhaul of the Healing and the Actor Health systems. These two systems are intrinsically linked for players to determine the effects of damage on an actor and allow themselves and other players to action on those effects. These effects range from minor visual and audio feedback, to state changes where player control is hindered or removed, up to the death and (in a player’s case) regeneration of a character.

Incapacitated State: When a player is damaged enough, they will enter an “Incapacitated” state. Once incapacitated, their character will collapse, be unable to move or interact, their vision will fade in and out, and a time until death will be displayed. Once the timer has expired, the player will die and be regenerated at a medical facility. The duration of the timer can be shortened by receiving additional damage, and by other actor statuses (bleeding, dehydration, extreme temperature etc.). Instant death can be caused by receiving a large amount of damage at once. When a player is incapacitated a button prompt is displayed to trigger a rescue beacon, which if taken up by another player, creates a mission for said player to revive the incapacitated player. Other players can also perform a synced revive on an incapacitated player with a medical pen (mouse2 when close to the downed player) to bring them back to 50% health. The synced revival can be performed on a player that is face down or on their back. The medical gun and multi-tool healing attachment can also be used to administer a healing drug to revive incapacitated players.

Death & Regeneration: After a player dies, they will now regenerate in a medical bed instead of a hab bed. By default, the player will regenerate at the hospital at their primary residence location (set via the front end the first time they enter the game). A player may set a different regeneration location by visiting any Tier 1 or Tier 2 facility in a hospital, clinic or vehicle, and navigating the UI on a medical bed, medical bed’s end screen, or dedicated regeneration terminal. A player may reset their regeneration location to their primary residence via the same screens. If a player’s set regeneration location is not available at the time of death (e.g. if a ship is out of range, logged out, or destroyed), the player will respawn at their primary residence instead, and their set regeneration location will remain there until a new location is set. If a player’s set regeneration location is temporarily unavailable due to all beds being full, they will be given the option to regenerate at their primary residence instead, in order to avoid waiting in a queue

Injuries: When an actor’s body part (head, torso, left arm, right arm, left leg, right leg) is damaged, a corresponding amount of wear damage is applied to that same part. When enough wear damage is accrued, an injury is gained. Further wear to the same body part can lead to increased injury severities. Injuries add symptoms that affect gameplay, and introduce audio and visual effects. Injury severity is classified as “Minor”, “Moderate”, and “Severe.” While healing increases HP, it does not affect wear damage. To repair body parts with injuries, players must visit an appropriately tiered medical facility: Tier 3 can remove a Minor injury, Tier 2 can remove Minor and Moderate severity injuries, Tier 1 can remove any injury. Hurt Locomotion is triggered when any body part’s injury reaches Severe, or when a leg injury reaches Moderate. A Severe leg injury forces the player into a prone stance hindering movement. A Severe arm injury forces the player into the ArmsLock state limiting interactions.

BloodDrugLevel: Blood drug level (BDL) increases when a player drinks alcohol or is given any medicinal drugs (via medgun, multi-tool, medpens or medical beds). As a player’s BDL increases they will eventually enter an intoxicated locomotion state. When their BDL reaches 100% the player will enter the Overdosed state resulting in the player collapsing, being unable to move or interact, and their vision fading in and out. While this is similar to being incapacitated, once their BDL decays to below 100%, the player will exit the Overdosed state and be able to move again. The player takes damage while in the Overdosed state; taking increasingly more damage as BDL increases from 100% to 200% – this can lead to the player becoming Incapacitated, which in turn can lead to death if the BDL does not reach less than 100% before health reaches 0.

Medicinal Drugs: Symptoms from injuries can be temporarily masked, health can be recovered, and overdosed stun effects can be temporarily alleviated with that administration of medicinal drugs. Drugs can be delivered via an injection pen, healing beam (medgun or multi-tool healing attachment) or a medical bed. The player’s BDL will increase per dosage. Drugs remain in a character’s system for a specified duration, with increased doses resulting in increased durations. The delivery method’s efficacy also affects duration, with higher durations for medical beds > medical gun > medicinal pens. These drugs include: Hemozal (MedPen) which heals HP, stops bleeding, and revives from Incapacitated. Roxaphen (OpioPen) which masks Hurt Locomotion, ProneLock, ArmsLock, and the Pain Grunt SFX. Demexatrine (AdrenaPen) which masks reduced stun recovery, reduced impact resistance (force reactions sensitivity), reduced movement speed, increased weapon sway, and decreased ADS enter times. Sterogen (CoricoPen) which masks blood vision, muffled audio effects, reduced stamina regen, reduced max stamina, wheezing audio effects, and reduced melee force. Resurgera (DetoxPen) which revives an overdosed character (provided they are not also in the incapacitated state) but does not exit the Overdosed state, thus damage is still applied to the Overdosed character. While Resurgera is present in a character, all other drug’s decay rates are doubled, resulting in their duration being reduced but the character’s BDL decay rate is alos doubled, resulting in the Overdosed state being exited more quickly. Four new medpens (Roxaphen OpioPen, Demexatrine AdrenaPen, Sterogen CoricoPen, Resurgera DetoxPen) have been added to shops in multiple locations.

ParaMed Medical Device & Multi-Tool Medical Attachment: Players are able to administer drugs via a healing beam through the ParaMed medical device and multi-tool healing attachment when within 5m of their target character. Both can display health and actor status information about the character they’re pointed at. The back displays show how much medicine is available, and either the current target character’s health, or the reason they can’t be treated. Two AR UI cards display either side of the target character with the left card displaying information on the specific body part being pointed at (injuries, recommended drugs) and the right card displaying global health information like overall health, actor states such as bleeding or time until death, and the duration of any administered drugs. As a body part is pointed at, the AR UI highlights the body part, displaying a transparent color coded overlay, indicating which tier of injury (if any) the body part has. Both medical tools feature a secondary fire mode that allow self-diagnosis and self-healing. While the multi-tool healing attachment is limited to healing via Hemozal, the ParaMed has two modes – A basic mode that behaves similarly to the multi-tool attachment, and an advanced mode that allows the dosage of each drug to be specified, with the predicted duration of the drugs and the resulting BDL level displayed.

Medical Beds: Players will now regenerate in a medical bed instead of a hab bed. Players that enter a downed state in a landing zone, or are admitted via the Emergency elevators located in landing zone hangars will wake up in a hospital bed with their items stored in the local inventory. Each medical bed has a care facility tier rating (3, 2 or 1) which determines which injuries it can treat, and which it cannot. The Digital Medical Assistant terminals on the bed feature several functions – The Status screen displays a color coded silhouette of the patient showing injuries alongside recommended treatments and medicines. The Treatment screen displays a smaller version of the Status screen, and a list of the available treatments. The Medication screen displays an interface that allows custom drug dosage to be specified. The Regeneration screen will all the patient’s regen location to be set to the current facility or vehicle.

Hospital Gameplay: Players can enter a hospital lobby, reserve a room via a check-in screen (to make use of its medical beds), change their regeneration location, purchase all medical items from the pharmacy, and use the elevators to reach the floor their assigned room is on. Landing Zone hangars have been updated to include an emergency drop-off elevator where downed, injured, or overdosed players can be dragged by another player and sent to the hospital via the interface outside of the elevator. Once the elevator doors close, the rescued player will wake up in a hospital.

  • Infiltrate and Defend Missions

Implementing a series of new missions at Underground Facilities (UGF) to replace the old ones along with the addition of several new UGF locations. These new missions come in 5 types along with lawful and unlawful variants with more difficult types unlocked through reputation gains.

Eliminate Specific (Lawful / Unlawful): This mission is the most simple in that the player is given the task of going to the UGF to kill a specific target inside. Other enemy AI will spawn at the location but they do not necessarily need to be dealt with.
Eliminate All (Lawful / Unlawful): Here the player must go to the UGF and kill all the targets that spawn. A counter should display at the top center of their screen indicating the remaining targets when they head down the elevator of the UGF.
Eliminate Boss (Lawful / Unlawful): This mission begins the same as the ‘Eliminate All’ mission – the player must first clear the number of hostile AI as indicated by the counter on the top center of their UI. After they have done this, a boss AI with increased health will spawn with some guards. The player must then kill this boss to complete the mission.
Defend: This mission begins with a one minute timer when the player goes down the elevator of the UGF, where they should observe friendly AI waiting around. Once the timer finishes, wave 1 of 3 begins an a series of enemy AI spawn. The player should work together with the friendly AI to take out all of this hostile wave. Once this is done, another minute timer will begin to prepare for wave 2. This process repeats and once wave 3 is wiped out, the mission is complete. The player should receive bonuses based on the amount of friendly AI that are alive by the end of wave 3.
Collect: This mission requires the player to enter the UGF with the instruction of locating, and extracting 3 boxes based on reference numbers provided via the contracts manager. There are lots of boxes with random numbers within the UGF which the player must sift through until they find the correct boxes. During this process, the player will need to deal with spawning enemy AI in order too be able to extract the boxes safely. These boxes should be taken back up to the surface, loaded onto the player’s ship and delivered back to the drop off point.

  • Bombs

The addition of Bombing mechanics into Star Citizen which allows ships, such as the new Starlifter A2, to drop devastating bombs. This system is accessed using the current Missile Operator Mode if your ship is equipped with bombs. While active, it will give players a selection marker by holding T (Default keybind) that allows them to define an area where they want the bomb to drop. As these bombs drop with gravity and are not controlled after release, players will get a new UI alignment and drop HUD feature after selecting a target location on the ground that they can follow to get as close to the center of their targeted area as possible. All the other behavior(s) of MOM will apply here, such as increasing number of bombs to drop at once, waiting for them to arm, using the same keybinds. Initially, only the A2 will have bombs, and it will not have any missiles, so this idea of being able to cycle between missiles and bombs won’t apply. We’ve also brought back the cinematic missile camera mode which will attach and follow missiles and bombs. This feature is unbound by default but can be enabled in the options menu under the Vehicle – Missiles keybind section.

Ships and Vehicles

  • Added New Ship: Crusader A2 Hercules Starlifter
  • Added New Ship: Origin 400i

Weapons and Items

  • Added FPS item: CureLife ParaMed Medical Device
  • Added FPS item: Greycat LifeGuard Multi-Tool Medical Attachment

Core Tech

  • Added Ship Server Crash Recovery

Player ships should now be recoverable after experiencing a server crash. This new system will give the option on the ASOP to respawn the ship landing pad without loss of inventory or equipment instead of having to file a claim. This new system works on a heartbeat system to save a snapshot of the ship status and may take up to a few minutes after rejoining the server for the ASOP to switch from claim to a normal spawn.

Feature Updates


  • Orison – Landing Zone V2

The addition of more shops across the various platforms to expand the services available in Orison. This includes the Crusader Industries Showroom which displays the Hercules Starlifter, Ares Star Fighter and Mercury Star Runner, Cousin Crow’s Custom Crafts which sells ship components, and Providence Surplus which sells industrial clothing and gear.

  • Port Olisar Relocation

Port Olisar has been moved closer to Crusader and in synchronous orbit above Orison to make it more in line with other low orbit stations.

  • Arena Commander and Broken Moon Revamp

The scoreboards in Arena Commander and Star Marine have been converted to work with Building Blocks. The new interface will give players real-time access to position, name, rank, score, objectives, kills, deaths, assists, and ping. Arena Commander’s Broken Moon map has also been updated by increasing its overall size, adding new playable areas, more cover options, and new space assets.


  • FPS and Ship Combat AI Polish

Made several AI sync improvements to help reduce them teleporting short distances and to be more reactive in FPS combat. Increased the distance at which FPS AI will fire upon players. Made hit prediction performance improvements to help with ship AI hit prediction.

  • Law System Updates

Updated most crimestat 1 crimes to be misdemeanors which will still grant the same crimestat but can now be paid off at a fine terminal to remove. (note, the stations will still shoot at you with a CS1) Not paying off a crime at a terminal will escalate the fine and CS impact after a week. Reduced the cooldown between crimes for assaults so they will impact your crimestat more if they happen in succession. Greatly increased the crimestat contribution for all misdemeanors so that fines are much more important to pay off. Updated law system to automatically forgive crimes against players unless they actively accept to press charges.

  • Quantum QOL

Made multiple fixes to help Quantum Drive engage consistently. This should greatly help with issues related to aligning and spooling to a quantum target.

  • Assisted Gimbal Updates

We replaced assisted gimbal code. It is now a lot more stable and the fire solution will now exclude gimbals which are disabled or otherwise non-functional.

  • VJoy Updates

The VJoy has been rewritten. The movement space is now a square (instead of a circle) with a circular deadzone for mouse input in the middle. This gets rid of of the sticky feeling at the edges and fixes bugs that kept mouse-VJoy-controlled ships from achieving the full rotational performance in certain cases.

  • Tobii’s Gaze Based Target Selection

Enabled Tobii’s Gaze Based Target Selection. This will allow players using the Tobii Eye Trackers to use eye movements to select a target. All you need to do is to look at your target and press the target selection button to lock it.

  • Default Joystick Profile Updates

Updated default joystick profiles for multiple setups including Thrustmaster Warthog Hotas and Pedals, T16000m (Single, Dual, and Throttle), T.Flight Hotas X, VKB Gladiator NXT Premium Duals, and VKB SCG Premium Duals. This is an ongoing update and more default profiles will be added in future releases.

  • Greatly Increased the Commodity Refresh Rates in the PU
  • Increased Distance Players QT into Comm Arrays so that they Don’t Exit Directly into the Restricted Area
  • Made Initial Bounty Hunter Missions Shareable
  • Added Options to have Velocity Indicator: Always On, Fading (Defualt), or Always Off

Ships and Vehicles

  • Aegis Gladius – Gold Standard
  • Aegis Sabre – Gold Standard

Weapons and Items

  • Backpacks
    With the new changes to inventory management, we have separated backpacks from being part of full sets of armor and made them their own item that can be equipped or unequipped. Players can now purchase multiple sizes of backpack that will require different sizes of armor to use. This will make the largest backpacks equipable on heavy armor while medium and light armors will be able to equip certain smaller backpacks.

Core Tech

  • Made Optimizations for Planet Terrain and Ocean Tessellation Based on Screen Size

Major Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue causing some players to repeatedly encounter 30009 errors when attempting to join the PU
  • Fixed an issue causing less than the intended number of trees to appear around microTech
  • Ships on landing pads should no longer end up in “unknown state” for location and have to be reclaimed after the ship is stored or streamed out
  • Quantum paths should no longer lead you under terrain at Area18 and other locations causing you to explode
  • Ships on landing pads should no longer end up in an “unknown state” for location after the ship stored
  • Using the inverted FPS pitch mode will no longer invert the interaction mode cursor
  • Fixed an issue that was causing Bartenders to never interact with players
  • Prison escapees should no longer be sent back to prison upon death if they are in uncontrolled space
  • There should no longer be two Inner Thought Prompts for Opening and Closing the Pilot Canopy in multiple ships
  • Fixed an issue causing aUEC and unequipped items to randomly disappear from player’s inventories
  • There should no longer be a color difference between player character heads and bodies
  • Fixed an issue causing ASOP terminals to not function on the first interaction
  • Fixed an issue causing players to sometimes take collision damage when entering ships
  • Asteroid FPS Deposits should now be able to be scanned
  • FPS AI should no longer continue to shoot through other enemy AI while attacking a player
  • New Deal Ship Shop stairs leading down near the Hammerhead should no longer be missing collision
  • Players should no longer be able to auto dock a parasite ship into the Constellation from above which would cause it to collide into it
  • Multiple player checkpoints should no longer display at the same time in Arena Commander Race modes
  • Trolleys found in Area18 hangars should no longer be clipping through the floor, removing functionality
  • Fixed an issue with character Resets on accounts with a large number of items having multiple in-game issues


  • Fixed 6 Client crashes
  • Fixed 5 Server crashes
  • Backend service timeout fix
  • Server and Client Performance Optimizations
  • Player character networking optimizations to help reduce players sliding and teleporting while on foot

Star Citizen Alpha 3.14.1

Star Citizen Patch 3.14.1

Alpha Patch 3.14.1 has been released and is now available! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.14.1-LIVE.7721742.

It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE.

Database Reset: YES
Long Term Persistence: Enabled
Starting aUEC: 20,000

Known Issues

  • Upon launching the game, the player may receive a 16008 error (Most likely requires a character reset and logging out of the launcher)
  • After a server connection timeout (Error 30K), a “Bad Token” error may be presented, preventing loading back into the Persistent Universe (requires game restart to workaround issue)
  • Star Citizen may crash immediately after pressing “Launch Game” in the Launcher (Recent potential app conflicts: Acronis Active Protection, Comodo, Sonic Studio Contact RSI Technical Support if the issue persists)
  • Elevators or environment content will occasionally be missing in the PU
  • Players are unable to leave a party from the Main Menu (Workaround: Open Star Marine Multiplayer (any mode) > select “Invite” > select “Leave Party” > exit back to main menu)
  • The chat window is positioned too low to be fully readable whilst in a vehicle on Ultrawide monitors
  • Using a medipen may occasionally have no effect
  • Swapping FPS weapons drops or removes the original weapon
  • Mineable commodities data in Scan Mode displays incorrect Percentage Values
  • The player may become unable to open Hammerhead turret doors, leaving them trapped inside
  • Constellation Andromeda co pilot unable to target while in missile operator mode
  • Elevators at Grim Hex fails to complete animations and elevator can lose functionality
  • Search missions such as shipment lost and lost cargo do not update once the player has collected the cargo box
  • Unable to complete box delivery missions in Area18, as kiosk rejects boxes
  • Distortion weapons can lead to the friendly fire threshold being met in only a few shots
  • Demon Fang Combat Knife asset is missing from the game
  • When entering the pilot’s seat of the 100i, the animation may not complete, leaving the player facing away from the windscreen
  • Occasionally, the Quantum Drive may start spooling with no known cause
  • Sometimes, after spooling and calibrating the Quantum Drive and attempting to initiate the jump, nothing happens (Workaround: Move ship reticle away, then move back to recalibrate)

Feature Updates

Ships and Vehicles

  • Increased the power plant of the F7C-R Hornet Tracker

Major Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue causing characters to get soft reset and lose location and reputation progress after doing different things such as updating items on the hangar page, renting ships, and various other circumstances.
  • Editing PMA After Changing mobiGlas case should no longer prevent mobiGlas functionality
  • Players should now be able to insurance claim ships on the ASOP terminals
  • Fixed an issue that could cause players to get an infinite load when logging back in after use bed logouts
  • ‘You are here’ marker should now appear correctly on the star map
  • If a player crashes within the armistice zone they should no correctly persistent spawn back inside their ship without having to claim their ship
  • Weapon capacitor at 90% should no longer disable 600i weapons
  • Weapons with splash damage should no longer cause aggravated criminal assault far faster than conventional weapons
  • Delivery boxes from legitimate delivery missions should no longer be considered stolen goods by security patrols
  • Fixed an issue causing players to become stuck and invisible after leaving prison
  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to create multiple amounts of refinery jobs from the same materials


  • Fixed 3 Client Crashes
  • Fixed 9 Server Crashes
  • Further fixes for entity stalls that could cause desync
  • Fixed 5 Backend Service Crashes
  • Fixed multiple Backend Service Memory Leaks and timeouts

Star Citizen Alpha 3.14.0

Star Citizen Patch 3.14.0

Alpha Patch 3.14.0 has been released and is now available! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.14.0-LIVE.7698044.

It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE.

Database Reset: YES
Long Term Persistence: Enabled
Starting aUEC: 20,000

Known Issues

  • Upon launching the game, the player may receive a 16008 error (Most likely requires a character reset and logging out of the launcher)
  • After logging out in a ship bed or crashing, logging in can result in Error 20018 or a long loading screen where ship/player spawns at Stanton star (Most likely requires a character reset and logging out of the launcher)
  • After a server connection timeout (Error 30K), a “Bad Token” error may be presented, preventing loading back into the Persistent Universe (requires game restart to workaround issue)
  • Star Citizen may crash immediately after pressing “Launch Game” in the Launcher (Recent potential app conflicts: Acronis Active Protection, Comodo, Sonic Studio Contact RSI Technical Support if the issue persists)
  • Elevators or environment content will occasionally be missing in the PU
  • Players are unable to leave a party from the Main Menu (Workaround: Open Star Marine Multiplayer (any mode) > select “Invite” > select “Leave Party” > exit back to main menu)
  • The chat window is positioned too low to be fully readable whilst in a vehicle on Ultrawide monitors
  • Using a medipen may occasionally have no effect
  • Swapping FPS weapons drops or removes the original weapon
  • Mineable commodities data in Scan Mode displays incorrect Percentage Values
  • The player may become unable to open Hammerhead turret doors, leaving them trapped inside
  • Constellation Andromeda co pilot unable to target while in missile operator mode
  • Elevators at Grim Hex fails to complete animations and elevator can lose functionality
  • Search missions such as shipment lost and lost cargo do not update once the player has collected the cargo box
  • Unable to complete box delivery missions in Area18, as kiosk rejects boxes
  • Distortion weapons can lead to the friendly fire threshold being met in only a few shots
  • Demon Fang Combat Knife asset is missing from the game
  • When entering the pilot’s seat of the 100i, the animation may not complete, leaving the player facing away from the windscreen
  • Occasionally, the Quantum Drive may start spooling with no known cause
  • Sometimes, after spooling and calibrating the Quantum Drive and attempting to initiate the jump, nothing happens (Workaround: Move ship reticle away, then move back to recalibrate)

New Features


  • New Planet: Crusader
  • New City: Orison Landing Zone

Comprised of a latticework of platforms suspended in mid-atmosphere on the gas giant Crusader, Orison is considered one of the most picturesque locations in Stanton.

  • New Babbage Hospital Interior Location

Adding the interior of the Brentworth Care Center in New Babbage. The first pass of this location will add in the hospital lobby and as well as remodel of the Aspire Grand lobby to accommodate the expansion and future gameplay.


  • Law System v2: Surrender

The addition of Surrender allows players to be arrested without losing their life, an important feature as the game moves closer to mechanics where the decision to surrender or risk death by fighting / fleeing will carry much more weight. Players will be able to surrender by coming to a halt and powering down their ships when ordered to by security. Security will halt their attack and arrest criminal players (and impound the ship if owned by a criminal). Surrendering will give the player a reduced sentence when sent to prison. All players inside a criminal’s ship at the time of surrender, regardless of criminal status will be sent to prison when the ship is impounded. In the current implementation, players can not surrender to other players.

  • Missile Operator Mode

The new Missile Operator Mode will be used to separate the gun and missile/torpedo gameplay within ships. Using this mode will give pilots additional control over what missiles/torpedoes are fired, and give them a more distinct and important role in the overall flow.

Accessing Missile Operator Mode: Players can toggle in and out of Missile Operator Mode using the default keybind (middle mouse button). Upon accessing the mode, players will lose control of any other ship weapons and gain control of the missile systems. All other weapons will return to neutral gimbal positions, stop tracking, etc., while the missile weapon systems deploy. Activation of Missile Operator Mode will cause the ship to emit increased signals.

Selecting Ordnance: Rather than being limited to a certain size or tracking type, Players will now be restricted to only be able to lock and fire one kind of missile at a time (e.g. Ignite/Rattler/Arrester). In addition, each missile rack will only be able to stock one model of missile. Note that while pre-existing split loadouts might still technically ‘work’, they are not intended to be supported so there may be UI issues. On entering the mode, one type of missile will be automatically selected, ordered by model for consistency across ships and play sessions. Players can then cycle forward and back through these missile types, with the currently selected missile prominent on the HUD. The display will also show the previous and next missile so the operator is aware of what they will cycle to next. Players can set how many missiles they wish to fire in a burst (G and LAlt+G by default) up to a maximum value. They must then wait for each missile to arm before it can be fired.

Locking a Target: If a player is in Missile Operator Mode and has a Locked combat target, the missile will automatically begin locking onto the target. The locking process is no longer binary – after a minimum level of lock to acquire the target, the longer you lock for, the ‘better’ the lock becomes, and the harder the missile will become to spoof. This is achieved with a simple multiplier of the targets signal (e.g. a target may have a real signal of 1000, and at full lock the signal amplification may be x5, so the missile would perceive a signal of 5000 instead). This means that the missile requires other contacts to have a significantly larger signal than the original to be distracted by them. A target must be fully resolved (i.e. its signal must be the largest in the detection radius) before a missile will track it, meaning that enemy targets can try and outplay another ship locking a missile to them by releasing countermeasures or flying close to larger targets before the missile is even launched. If the missile’s target isn’t fully resolved before launch, it will simply dumbfire forward.

Firing Ordnance: At any point after the first missile has been armed, the player can initiate the launch procedure, which will fire any currently armed missiles and begin a cooldown until they can next begin arming missiles. If the player begins firing missiles without a lock, the missiles will be dumb-fired. This can be used for ground targets, bombing runs, emergency situations, or to avoid enemy ships being notified about incoming missiles/combat locks. If more than one rack has the same type of missile, then missiles will be expended from the racks in a staggered rotation (e.g. if three racks each have 8 Ignite missiles on, and the player chooses to fire 8 Ignite missiles, the first two racks will each fire 3 missiles and the third will fire 2, in ABC rotation).

  • Missiles – Guidance & Control Rework

Converted missiles to use the IFCS guidance and control systems. This will improve missile performance and tracking ability, enabling greater control over general missile behaviors.

Ships and Vehicles

  • New Ship: RSI Constellation Taurus

Core Tech

  • Planetary Volumetric Clouds v1

Initial version of a bespoke system to convincingly render multi-layered, volumetric clouds of varying scale within planetary atmospheres. This initial version is meant for the gas giant, Crusader.

  • Graphics Setting Additions

Added several new graphics settings to help give more control over the player’s experience in the PU. Added Volumetric Cloud Graphics options. Added Low/Medium(original default)/High Spawning Distance options to allow the player to pick the distance from the camera at which scattered objects spawn. Also added Low/Medium(original default)/High Terrain Tessellation Distance options.

Feature Updates


  • Radar, Scanning, and Ping T0

The Radar, Scanning, and Pinging system has been overhauled. Radar is used to passively locate and track contacts, and display their whereabouts to the player. Scanning is used to obtain information about a specific entity. Pinging using the default keybind (Tab) actively finds additional contacts, or highlights volumes of space to investigate weak signatures, both of which are displayed via the radar and its AR HUD elements. This overhaul also includes new UI elements for Infrared (IR) – emitted by heat-generating entities, Electromagnetic, (EM) – emitted by entities which draw (use) or generate electrical power, and Cross Section (CS) – representing how visible an entity is based on its size and how reflective its surface type(s). The larger a contact is (and the more of its profile it presents), the greater its CS signature is.

Blobs are generated when an entity’s signature strength is strong enough to reach the radar but not otherwise strong enough to be detected as a contact. These blobs are visually divided into cuboids and can indicate a volume of space to investigate, where an entity or entities might be located. The size of a blob is determined by the base signature strength of the entity. This means that the larger a blob is, the less accurate its representation of an entity’s position.

  • Power Management v2

Rebalancing the existing power system and integrating Capacitors into it. Players will have the ability to manage the amount of extra energy that goes into the thrusters, weapons and shields, making critical decisions on the distribution of energy in order to defend, attack or pursue/evade. This also includes added keybindings to control these changes. The assignment via keys (F5, F6, F7, F8-reset) or power triangle will set the regeneration speed for thruster capacitor, shield regeneration, and energy weapon ammo regeneration.

With the new additions to capacitor gameplay comes wide reworks to ship flight and thruster handling, shield behavior, and weapon damage / ammo counts. This full rework on ships is to bring them closer to their intended roles in the universe which includes changes to many ship loadouts.

Weapons: Weapon fire rates and damage have increased dramatically. Ammo rates have been significantly reduced. Energy weapons now have limited ammo which is automatically regenerated when the weapon is not being used. Changing assignment to weapons will make energy weapon regenerate ammo faster. Throttling and overclocking is disabled for the time being (will be re-evaluated post 3.14). Manned turrets have their isolated weapon capacitor system which will regenerate weapons faster and provide a deeper pool. Due to ballistic changes, ballistic ammo will no longer restock when claiming a ship after destruction.

Shields: Full balance rework on all shields below Size 3 to turn them into bubble type shields with 1 shield face. Removed hardening (will be redeveloped at a later point).

Thrusters/Flight: Added separate regenerable pool for boost (formerly afterburner). Changing assignment to thrusters will make the thruster boost bar fill up faster. Added option to automatically enable/disable boost during space braking.

UI: Added thruster fuel boost bar. Added weapon readout on the HUD for each weapon showing ammo state. Slightly changed the meaning of the shield display to reflect power triangle assignment, disallowed throttling on the shield display. Legacy Power triangle functionality is removed (it was just a power priority setting that only worked if the power plant could not supply enough power). Power triangle will now work as a pure regen distribution function for shields, energy weapons and thruster boost.

  • Arena Commander PvP Ammo Pick-up Rework

With the changes to ship combat and ammo counts, the rate of pickups in Arena Commander has been reduced and are no longer specifically connected to kills. Now, a player must now gain a given score to unlock a pickup which will then spawn on their next kill. (May take approximately 3-4 kills.) All pickups have have been adjusted to give a percentage of the requested resources rather than fixed values. Percentage of ammo replenished is reduced for the amount of ballistics you have on your ship. Fuel pickups have been removed.

  • Law and Prison Updates

Removed the trespass zones from underground facilities. Destroying a party member’s empty vehicle no longer results in a crime. Updated the prison code entry interface to prevent it from resetting the code on failed attempts to stop a bug that would make it no longer accept codes. Crime for Assaulting a security officer should no longer be given outside of a monitored zone. Knock-outs no longer kill.

Ships and Vehicles

  • Canvas Sliced Ship HUDs

Updating all ship HUDs to use the new Canvas Slice system, providing an improved layout that maximizes screen real estate and provides more info and depth to pilots. Players will now see a universal bearing along the top edge. Pitch ladder has moved from the center of the players vision to along the right side. We’ve added 3D velocity and acceleration meters on the bottom corner.

  • IFCS Thruster Wind Volume Effects

Building on the Thruster Wind Volumes feature to create visual effects for atmospheric flight. This adds the ability for IFCS thruster wind volumes to affect ground materials like dust and snow more accurately, and introduces new dynamic effects when flying low near planet surfaces.

  • Increased Inner Thought Text Size for Ship Medical Bed “Set as preferred ICU
  • Adjusted Pilot/Co-Pilot Seat Animations and Height in the Hammerhead
  • Increased Detection Range of Mineable Rocks
  • Added New Display Options for Party Nameplates

Core Tech

  • Updated Main Menu Background Video

Major Bug Fixes

  • Player friends list in game should no longer be capped at a maximum of 50 players
  • The Loading screens should no longer be enlarged and zoomed in on aspect ratios higher than 16:9 (i.e. 21:9 and 32:9)
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a Player’s cursor to get stuck on the game screen
  • Player emotes should now correctly play through slash commands and the inner thought wheel
  • Fixed an issue causing purchased carryable items to disappear very quickly after they are dropped or placed on the ground
  • Quantum Traveling to a party member close to a planet surface should no longer sometimes cause the player to fly into the planet
  • Miles Eckhart should now function correctly and update the mission
  • Ramming another player while in the borders of your own pad should no longer impound your ship
  • Ships should no longer fail to restock ammo and missiles/torpedoes when using restocking services
  • Player’s oxygen levels should no longer start to deplete after using QT in a ship
  • Fixed an issue causing players to damage their ships If the player exits their seat and re-enters their seat during quantum travel and then later exits the ship
  • Fixed an issue causing players to not spawn back inside their ship if their client crashed within an armistice zone.
  • Fixed the multi-tool dispensed from the Commissary units so that it will show the Orebit attachment in the PMA after they are stowed
  • Workaround fix for the SCU amount displayed for the 890’s cargo capacity so it should no longer be incorrectly at 32
  • Fixed an issue causing the ECN alert mission countdown timer to not display
  • Weapons placed in ship weapon lockers should now persist in all ships correctly when it has been stored and retrieved
  • Large ships attempting to autoland in Rest Stop/Orbital Station hangars should no longer become stuck
  • Mission givers AI will no longer break if an NPC sits in their designated seat before they do
  • There should no longer be very obstructive reflections on the 85X Canopy
  • When you throw a grenade it should no longer have a chance to reappear in your hand, or throw with a desync and with no VFX on the explosion
  • Vehicles with weapon gimbals should now correctly default to fixed mode when the setting is turned on
  • Fixed an issue where players could not fire an FPS weapon directly after reloading or switching weapons until the second ( LMB ) press
  • Players should no longer remain in ADS when reloading an FPS weapon and have let go of ADS key
  • NPCs should no longer be able to push a player away from kiosks / ASOP terminals while using them
  • The Hot tub in the Constellation Phoenix should no longer be missing some geometry
  • The 2951 Auspicious Red Paint should no longer be displayed as PLACEHOLDER in the VMA and should now correctly change the appearance of the ship when applied to it
  • Friendly AI ships during missions should now quantum away correctly after all hostile AI ships in the area have been destroyed and the user completed the mission
  • Fixed an issue causing many inner thought prompts to be missing or broken from ship beds and non-pilot seats which may prevent standing up or logging out functions
  • Tevarin War Dress White Uniform Jacket texture should no longer appear zoomed in
  • Bartenders should no longer be missing from Rest Stop bars
  • Fixed an issue causing players to be unable to claim their ships using the ASOP terminal’s claim button
  • When performing an Unlawful delivery mission, pilot’s drug box should now get despawned correctly after a Security AI ship finishes scanning their vehicle
  • Armor shop mannequins should no longer be T-posed in Garrity Defense and other armor stores
  • Underground Facility turrets should no longer be missing
  • Cruise Control speed should no longer ignore the limiter when player is not in the pilot seat
  • Player’s head should now correctly remain looking at ceiling upon respawning in a bed
  • Wiping the helmet visor should now correctly clear Icing VFX impairing player vision
  • Fixed a noticeable performance drop of up to 10 FPS when navigating around the lower rear section of the Prowler when on a planetary surface
  • The power triangle should now function and be interacted with within the MFD inside ships
  • SparkJet Pro power plants should now show the correct size and grade
  • Turning ship into no fly zones at Area18 should no longer result in auto pilot pulling player to the ground
  • Ships should no longer be able to continue to throttle when their hydrogen fuel has been depleted completely
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused ship parts to duplicate when blown off of the ship
  • CryAstro services should now function correctly at the New Babbage Commons Garage
  • Fixed an issue causing players to not be able to stand up from New Babbage tram seats
  • Fixed an issue causing players to desync inside the Constellation Taurus and the Constellation Aquila


  • Fixed 8 Client crashes
  • Fixed 5 Server crashes
  • Fixed a Server Deadlock
  • Made Multiple Backend Service stability fixes and optimizations

Star Citizen Alpha 3.13.1

Star Citizen Patch 3.13.1

Alpha Patch 3.13.1 has been released and is now available! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.13.1-LIVE.7445322.

It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE.

Database Reset: YES
Long Term Persistence: Enabled (General changes to what isn’t stored in LTP is ongoing. Certain items such as merits, consumables, and ammunition may be removed in this release and into 3.14)
Starting aUEC: 20,000

Known Issues

  • Cursor may remain visible, and isn’t constrained to the game window
  • Items missing after update / Character Reset / pledge change
  • A maximum of 50 contacts show in-game, regardless of how many friends are present on Spectrum
  • Abnormally long delay between pick up storing of fps mineables/harvestables/items
  • Ship positional Desync
  • Meet Miles Eckhart not working
  • Swapping FPS weapon drop weapon
  • Medical Pen (Medi Pen) not healing blood loss
  • Oxygen is depleted while sitting in ship
  • Getting crime stat for killing lawful bounty targets
  • Mission target NPCs not loading in / taking a long time to load in when the objective is reached
  • The customizable nameplates do not appear to be visible on multiple ship skins and variants
  • On landing pads, trolleys are unable to be pushed / pulled up the entryway / cargo ramp, or elevator ramps.
  • Constellation can despawn when flying 30km away after undocking
  • Docking with a moving ship lags behind, causing a large snap into the docked position
  • Trolleys found in Area18 hangars are clipping through the floor, removing functionality
  • Players can spawn facing the wrong way at the start of the match or after dying in Arena Commander

New Features


  • Ship To Station Docking

Adding the ability for players to dock large ships to docking ports at space stations. Including various related work such as having ATC assign you docking ports when appropriate, new docking connectors, and new lobbies in space stations for large ships to connect to. This initial implementation will give docking access to the 890 Jump and Hammerhead. Players can ASOP spawn or hail the station like before and be assigned a docking port instead of a hangar with these ships. While docking, hailing the station will assign a docking port and bring up the docking interface for players to align their ship’s docking port to the docking collar either manually or using the auto-land system by holding N (default).

Ships and Vehicles

  • Added New Vehicle: Tumbril Nova
  • Added New Ship: Crusader M2 Hercules Starlifter
  • Added New Ship: Crusader C2 Hercules Starlifter

Feature Updates


  • New Arena Commander mode: 1 vs 1 Duel
  • Location security response will now be more aggressive based on criminal heat in the area
  • Armistice Violation Changes

Changed the armistice violation to give no grace warning and be able to generate multiple infractions in a short time if violations are persistent. Increased the duration armistice violation and aggravated vehicle damage remain on the player’s criminal record.

Ships and Vehicles

  • Updated cockpit glass wear effect on Hornet F7A, F7C, F7CM, and all razor variants
  • Ongoing Carrack Performance Optimization pass

Major Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that could cause Star Citizen to crash immediately after pressing “Launch Game” in the Launcher
  • Fixed an issue causing improper and inconsistent collision between ground cover such as small vegetation having collision / large rocks having no collision, and vehicles
  • Accounts with large personal inventories should no longer cause server performance issues when joining a game server
  • Players should no longer experience an infinite loading screen when attempting to load into the PU
  • Players should no longer get stuck in an infinite load screen after using bed logout in a ship
  • Chat should no longer be partially off screen on super/ultrawide displays
  • All missions that take players to underground facilities will no longer withdraw when approaching
  • Freelancer MIS/MAX/DUR turrets should no longer have limited motion and should now be aligned correctly
  • Players should no longer be able to steal other Players Ships/Ship AI and Push Ships through collision using the gravity on the 890 Jumps Hangar
  • SDF shields should no longer allow damage penetration while the ship is at speed
  • Refuel and Rearm services at New Babbage should now function correctly
  • The docked Merlin on pirate Constellations should no longer be friendly and give the player a friendly fire warning during combat
  • Drake Buccaneer landing gear should no longer disappear when retracted and should be visible when deployed
  • Landing gear should now animate correctly on all Freelancer variants
  • Esperia Talon should now sit properly and not clip its nose into the landing pads
  • Pushing a trolley onto the cargo ramp of the Constellation will no longer cause the player to speed up while going over the ramp
  • Players should no longer be able to take other players medPens from their suits by interacting with them
  • Wallace Klim should no longer spawn away from his table, facing the wrong way and floating
  • Chairs in the dining area of the Reclaimer should no longer be placeholder models
  • The Door Open/Close Toggles on the ROC DS should now correctly close the pilot seat door
  • There should no longer be two Exit Prompts in the Turret Seat of the ROC DS
  • Fixed an issue causing the Greycat ROC to not receive as much damage as intended when a mineable explodes near it
  • The vehicle barrier in the Carrack should now be able to be closed after raising it
  • The side turret seats within the Anvil Carrack should no longer be missing the orange highlight when interacting with them
  • The Hammerhead elevator should no longer collide with the landing bay at Port Olisar, causing the ship to move
  • The Gladius ladder door animation should now play properly and close after the ladder is stored
  • Leaving a trolley in a door way as it shuts should no longer clip through the floor erratically and kill players
  • Attempting to place food or drink in New Babbage should no longer sometimes cause the player to consume it instead
  • Fixed an issue causing mineables to not spawn on Arial
  • Players clothes should no longer clip through undersuit when viewing PMA on the mobiGlas
  • Fixed an issue causing some moons to have surface temperatures of 0°C and apply no environmental / temperature affects to players
  • Localised text should no longer be present when right clicking a party channel
  • Stowing a weapon and walking at the same time should no longer send the weapon back into the player’s hands
  • The Anvil Hawk wingtips should no longer be missing SDF shields
  • Talon and Talon Shrike should now be able to be bought in game


  • Fixed 13 Client crashes
  • Fixed 3 Server crashes
  • Fixed 4 Main Thread Deadlocks
  • Backend Service Performance Optimizations

Star Citizen Alpha 3.13.0

Star Citizen Patch 3.13.0a Hotfix

Alpha Patch 3.13.0a has been released and is now available! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.13.0-LIVE.7334707.

Major Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that could cause a server to spawn doubled assets such as elevator doors
  • Fixed an issue causing players to die when placing boxes on ship lifts
  • Picking up a weapon off the floor should no longer break some animations such as leaning, crouching & jumping
  • Players should no longer be able to acquire or equip the mounted gun optic attachment and block all bullet damage


  • Fixed 1 Server Crash

Star Citizen Patch 3.13.0

Alpha Patch 3.13.0 has been released and is now available! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.13.0-LIVE.7319707.

It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE.

Database Reset: YES
Long Term Persistence: Enabled (Reputation wipe to support the new Reputation manager)
Starting aUEC: 20,000

Known Issues

  • Bed logout may cause an infinite loading screen when rejoining the PU (Character Reset may be required to fix)
  • Abnormaly long delay between pick up storing of fps mineables/harvestables/items
  • Client may crash when loading a second player into a server in Arena Commander
  • Cannot refuel or rearm at New Babbage, services claim to be unavailable
  • Players may not be able to quantum jump with another player in bridge with you
  • The customizable nameplates do not appear to be visible on multiple ship skins and variants
  • On landing pads, trolleys are unable to be pushed / pulled up the entryway / cargo ramp, or elevator ramps.
  • Constellation can despawn when flying 30km away after undocking
  • Docking with a moving ship lags behind, causing a large snap into the docked position
  • Wallace Klim can spawn away from his table, facing the wrong way and floating
  • Trolleys found in Area18 hangars are clipping through the floor, removing functionality
  • Players can spawn facing the wrong way at the start of the match or after dying in Arena Commander
  • The eclipse spawns with cockpit canopy ladder open with ladder and cover enter / exit animations broken
  • Chat HUD is partially off screen when using ultrawide resolutions

New Features


  • Hull Visual Degradation

Introducing visual wear-and-tear to player ships as they age and degrade. Ships will subtly change depending on how long they have existed in the ‘verse until the ship is repaired using Vehicle Maintenance Services or remade with an insurance claim. With the initial release most ships will have this but the following ships are currently not enabled: Anvil hawk, MISC Reliant, KRUG Archemides, Drake Dragonfly, Origin 600i, Anvil Gladitor, Vanduul Scythe, Drake Caterpillar, Anvil Valkyrie, Aopoa Khart-ul al (Scout), RSI Ursa Rover, Consolidated Outland Mustang variants, and Anvil Terrapin.

  • Vehicle Names and Serial Numbers

Adding the ability for players to display custom-assigned names on the hulls of certain ships. Additionally, to help with identification, all ships will display unique serial numbers (with some ships displaying specially designated serial numbers).

  • Ship to Ship Docking v1

Adding the ability for the Merlin snub ship to dock and undock within the Constellation, along with guidance mode UI to ensure correct alignment during the docking process. Players will be able to use the autoland system and manual flight to dock. To take off from the Constellation, press the landing gear keybind (default N). To start the docking process, target the Constellation then hit the landing gear keybind (default N) to initiate the docking UI. You can do the same to dock with another player’s Constellation but you will need to request permission to dock and have that player approve it after initiating the docking UI with their ship.

  • Reputation – UI Implementation

This feature adds the addition of a new mobiGlas app, named “Delphi,” that will give players insight into their reputation with the important NPCs and organizations they have interacted with. This will also include a total list of reputation ranks, including those that have been completed and the ones they’re actively working on.

  • Object Push & Pull

Mechanic allowing players to grab some larger objects and move them around an environment by either pushing or pulling them. The initial implementation will have usable trolleys that players can find in the universe at space station cargo decks, landing zone hangars, and underground facilities.

  • Mounted Gun Aiming T0

Further expanding the player’s arsenal by allowing them to take control of a mounted gun on either a vehicle or the ground. These weapons will offer greater firepower and stability at the cost of mobility. With the initial implementation, players can find these scattered around junksites and underground facilities.

Ships and Vehicles

  • Added New Vehicle: TUMBRIL Cyclone-MT
  • Added New Vehicle: Greycat ROC – DS (Dual Seat)

Feature Updates


  • Character Customization

Updated the character customization options with new eye color choices.


  • Caves Entrances – Drive-in & Sinkhole

Adding two new cave entrances to the PU. The ‘drive-in’ entrance will allow players to enter using a ground vehicle, while the ‘sinkhole’ entrance will require players to enter and exit using a ship. These new entrances will replace some of the existing cave entrances as well as adding additional caves onto planets and moons.

  • New Asteroids

Replacements for the asteroids currently used in the Stanton system using the new organic asset workflow. These new astroids can currently be found scattered around Lagrange points.

  • Refinery Station Non-Commercial Room Overlays

Introducing new non-commercial overlays to the entry areas of refinery stations to add more variety and better suit the theme.

  • Stanton System Polish

Visual improvements for all of the Stanton system which includes updating assets, object presets, planet painting, and the global data of all planetary bodies.

  • Degnous Root Harvestable

Addition of the harvestable Degnous root which is a macroalgae found in the shallow coastlines of Hurston.


  • Force Reactions T2

Updates to the Force Reactions system to add staggers based on the severity and direction of the received force. The distance and duration of a stagger increases relative to the received force until the force is great enough to trigger a knock down instead. When staggering into a wall without a weapon, the character will raise their hands, or shoulder (depending on direction vs. surface) to momentarily brace / halt themselves. G-force blackouts are now experienced by actors attached to something in the ship interior (usables, ladders, operator seats, weapon mounts etc.) and actors in prone front or prone back.

  • Shields v2

Implementing improvements including the use of particles with signed distance fields (SDF) to allow shields to more closely conform to the shape of the hull of the vehicle, providing better visibility at distance, creating clearer visual cues that the shield is being damaged, and its overall health. While SDF shields are designed to protect the hull and main parts of the ship, they may not extend to cover attached items beyond the hull such as weapons that stick out farther than the shields’ reach.

  • Mining Components

Mining sub-components will allow players to customize their lasers to suit specific jobs and encounters. For example, some will make mining easier, some will make it faster, and some will have great stat boosts at the cost of serious trade-offs elsewhere. These can be purchased in-game at shops on refinery decks.

  • Law System Improvements

Several improvements have been made to the law system. All players aboard a ship will now receive a proxy crime when one player commits a criminal act. There is now an option to hide notifications and criminal rating updates. The “Unmonitored” bounty marker now updates when the bounty spends UEC, when the bounty’s mobiGlas remains in use for a period of time, when the bounty destroys a ship, when the bounty kills a player or AI, and when the bounty dies without being arrested.

  • Quantum Sensitive Cargo Delivery Missions

Addition of local delivery missions that have quantum sensitive cargo which will explode and damage ships if taken into quantum.

  • Timed Multi-Drop Delivery Missions

Addition of missions with time sensitive cargo in which players are expected to deliver multiple packages each with slightly varied timers meaning players will have to prioritize which box to drop off first.

  • FPS Missions to Caves

We have added 3 new mission types aimed at FPS combat inside cave s which introduces more NPCs into caves and FPS mission reputation.

FPS Cave Assassination: The player must navigate their way to a cave and find a civilian target. The player must kill them when they find them. If the player is in a monitored zone this target will count as a murder victim. This mission will become available to players upon completing one Vaughn Assassination mission.

FPS Cave Bounty: The player must navigate their way to a cave and find a criminal target. The target is protected by armed guards who will attempt to kill the player on sight. This mission will become available upon completing the Crusader Bounty introduction mission for missions around Stanton 2 and available upon completing the Hurston Bounty introduction mission around Stanton 1.

FPS Cave ClearAll: The player must navigate their way to a cave and kill all the criminals they find there. This mission will become available upon completing the Crusader Bounty introduction mission for missions around Stanton 2 and available upon completing the Hurston Bounty introduction mission around Stanton 1.

  • Updated Bounty Missions

Bounty Missions have been updated so that are more equally spread about the available mission locations.

  • Updated Mission Descriptions

Updated several mission descriptions to provide more specific location information.

  • Griefing Prevention

Updated the law system to prevent griefing where players position themselves over a ship taking off or under a vehicle landing.

  • Turret Accuracy

Increased the accuracy of all AI S6 & S10 turrets around rest stops and space stations.

Ships and Vehicles

  • Aegis Gladius Visual Updates

We have made many changes to updates to increase the visual standards of the Aegis Gladius. This includes many level of detail, decal, geometry, material, and paint changes inside the cockpit and on the exterior of the ship.

  • Increased Terrapin Base Health
  • Smoothed Ramp Collision

Smoothed the ramp collision proxies for ships to help improve the experience of interacting with pushables and vehicles aboard them.

  • Turret Clipping Fixes

Removed access to Carrack and MOLE turrets when landing gear deployed/landed to prevent clipping issues.

  • Esperia Prowler Pricing

Increased in-game price of the Esperia Prowler to be more in line with ships of a similar role and size.

  • Vehicles Added to Shops

Crusader Mercury Star Runner, Esperia Talon, Esperia Talon Shrike, and CO Nomad have been added to in-game shops.

Weapons and Items

  • Equipable MedPen

Replaces the previous functionality of immediately using a FPS consumable (to heal or oxygenate). Medical Pens are equipped by pressing the consume action (C key), or by interacting with a pen and selecting the “Equip” interaction, or when selecting a pen from the FPS Consumable Quick Select Wheel. Pen use on self is triggered by clicking mouse1 (left mouse button), after which the pen is automatically discarded (dropped). FPS Consumable Quick Select Wheel can be opened by holding the C key. Medical Pens can be holstered (re-attached to the suit attachment) by holding R, or by selecting the holster action from the FPS Consumable Quick Select Wheel. Medical Pens can now be interacted with in the same manner as other equippable carryables (e.g. grenades, weapons etc.) via the interaction system, and can be carried, equipped, inspected and stowed.

  • Added Drake Buccaneer Spinal Mount Turret to In-Game Shops / AC Rental

Core Tech

  • Tobii Eye Tracker Improvements

Added new profile options for the Tobii Eye Tracker to differentiate between flight and on-foot.

  • User Folder Location Change

With this update, the USER folder structure has changed a slight amount. This adds a couple of extra layers of subfolders inside the original USER folder compared to previous releases. User folder location change: -install-\USER\Client\0\

Major Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that could sometimes cause large, moving polygon spikes around Hurston
  • Audio over VOIP should no longer be significantly quiet and hard to discern in the mix, for both proximity chat and party channels
  • Fixed multiple asteroids and rocks in areas inside and out of Grim Hex where players could clips through them and get stuck
  • Fixed low gravity that was occurring inside some of the underground facilities
  • Fixed an issue causing thrown objects to not follow their trajectory line
  • Elevator Location display should no longer show an incorrect current floor location
  • Mined rock deposits should no longer shatter violently, causing them to be flung far away, during a controlled shatter
  • Fixed an issue causing ground vehicles to clip through/fall out of cargo bays of ships
  • Fixed an issue causing ships to fall through a planet surface collision after entering the pilot’s seat upon return from logout
  • Fixed an issue that could cause players to drop weapons on the ground when swapping weapons
  • Players should no longer be able to Equip the MISC Prospector’s Mining Laser Gimbal Mount and the Mining Laser onto other Ships
  • Players should no longer be wrongly awarded “ Ace “ and “ Killing Spree “ when killing only 1 or 2 enemies in Arena Commander
  • “Replace Me” ball should no longer be present at the Customer Service in Trade & Development Division of Area18
  • Fixed multiple areas around seats on refinery decks where players could get stuck
  • Fixed multiple Visarea issues around New Deal in Lorville
  • There should no longer be any chairs inside of tables at Grim HEX
  • There should no longer be missing barstools at bar counter in Grim HEX
  • Fixed geometry around Miles Eckhart that allowed players to get stuck between the table and the wall
  • Fixed an issue causing windows and glass displays to become blurry when the player is very close to them
  • The Ursa rover’s Power On / Off interaction should now correctly appear in Interaction Mode
  • Players should no longer be able to clip into the Cutlass bunk bed and become stuck
  • The Elevator call button should stay lit, when pressed, until the elevator arrives
  • Players should no longer be able to clip through the Rest Stop viewing area glass windows from EVA
  • Fixed various floating lights on outpost landing pads
  • Emergency lights in ships should no longer flash on and off excessively fast
  • MIC-L1 Shallow Frontier station should now be in the correct location at MIC-L1
  • Fixed an issue causing players not to get a prompt to call ATC when approaching a station
  • Death “black screen” should now fully stretch to cover ultrawide displays
  • Dying mid-race in Arena Commander should now return players to the last checkpoint they passed through instead of returning them to the start of the race
  • Fixed an issue that allowed an escaped player to be able to put minerals mined on the exterior in their inventory and then log out and back in to spawn in prison with the minerals still in their inventory


  • Fixed 2 Client crashes
  • Fixed 3 Server crash

Star Citizen Alpha 3.12.1

Star Citizen Patch 3.12.1

Alpha Patch 3.12.1 has been released and is now available! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.12.1-LIVE.6975085.

It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE.

Database Reset: YES
Long Term Persistence: Enabled
Starting aUEC: 20,000

Known Issues

  • Some or all of the player’s items that should be kept after a Character / Database reset are lost
  • A Players Ship can enter a state where it cannot be Retrieved
  • Lighting / Shadow issues affecting players using AMD 6800 and 6900 graphics cards

Feature Updates


  • Removed Delamar from the Stanton System


  • EVA QOL updates

Made improvements to how live ragdoll physics are handled and greatly increased the angular acceleration of the thruster packs in EVA

  • PVP and PVE bounty missions will now fail for the hunter if they are killed by the bounty
  • Polish pass on names and location descriptions of various bounty missions and Northrock PVP Bounty Missions
  • Temporarily removed patrol missions
  • Reduced starting inventory levels of multiple commodities at TDDs to prevent their inventory from being constantly maxed out
  • Increased inventory and refresh rate of all shop items to reduce the frequency that items run out of stock
  • Increased the availability of prison repair missions
  • Made further optimizations to help with AI flight movement when server framerate is erratic
  • Moved exit interaction location on Retaliator bunk beds to make it more easily found

Major Bug Fixes

  • Chat order should no longer become reversed by going into MG while not in a vehicle or 3rd person view while in a vehicle
  • Fixed an issue causing the claim function to not be available at ASOP terminals
  • Fixed an issue causing ships to not be able to restock
  • Vehicle damage charges should no longer be given to the wrong player when two ships collide
  • Fixed an issue causing the fuel intakes on the Star Runner to scoop less than intended amounts of hydrogen fuel
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a players ship to enter a state where it cannot be Retrieved
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the Prison kiosks to give a transaction failed message when selling minerals
  • Fixed an issue causing players to get a broken multi-tool if they are sent to prison while wearing leg armor
  • Shields should no longer be able to be penetrated by laser scattergun weapons such as the Dominance
  • Talon Shrike should no longer become unable to fire missiles
  • The C-788 cannon should now correctly deal damage against friendly targets
  • Multiple FPS weapons should no longer be missing collision on the front of their barrels which allowed them to shoot through walls/ships
  • Fixed a server fps issue causing enemy fighters to change direction instantly and have unnatural behaviors
  • Items Dropped or Placed by a Player should no longer sometimes immediately disappear
  • Players Ship should no longer become Unresponsive after Mining a Asteroid FPS Deposit nearby
  • Turrets at rest stops now respawn correctly after being destroyed
  • Fixed an issue causing turrets to not spawn for Claimjumper missions
  • Turrets should now be hostile in lawful Claimjumpers missions
  • Fixed an issue causing the player do not be given a mission progression counter when they arrive at a Claimjumper mission location
  • Bounty targets should no longer take a long time to spawn once the location has been reached
  • Players should no longer be able to clip through the hull of the Idris to steal it
  • The mission named “ A Very Difficult Task “ should no longer automatically complete when accepted
  • Increased the pay-out to the intended amount of 45000 aUEC for successfully completing the Capture Arlington Gang Leader Maltrox Arlington mission
  • When a second player arrives at the bounty location without the mission the objective marker should no longer read last known location for a brief moment
  • Fixed an issue causing more than intended reinforcements to sometimes spawn for easy bounty hunting missions
  • Fixed an issue where reinforcement ships on easy bounties could sometimes spawn harder than intended ships
  • Fixed an issue that made wheeled vehicles to easy to get stuck on their side
  • Fixed an issue causing weapon raise not to work near objects while in EVA
  • Andromeda Landing gear deploy animation should now fully play
  • Players should now be able to use the interaction system to power on the Nox
  • Players should no longer be able to Duplicate Mined Gems Infinitely
  • Fixed an issue causing players to not be able to Exit Ground Vehicle Remote Turrets by using interaction mode
  • There should no longer be a chance that no audio or video will go through on a call from a player who is on a planet surface
  • The Goodbye/Exit Screen when Closing a Refinery Terminal should now display correctly
  • Eclipse torpedo animation should now correctly play when firing
  • CRU-L5 quantum travel should no longer be obstructed from most planets and moons


  • Fixed 14 Client crashes
  • Fixed 10 Server crashes
  • Fixed 2 Main Thread Deadlocks
  • Backend shop service optimizations

Star Citizen Alpha 3.12.0

Star Citizen Patch 3.12.0b Hotfix

Alpha Patch 3.12.0b has been released onto the LIVE servers and is now available! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.12.0-LIVE.6787151.

Database Reset: NO
Long Term Persistence: Enabled
Starting aUEC: 20,000

Known Issues

  • When logging into some commodity and refinery kiosks, they can display incorrect Commodity Information and Prevent Sales

Workaround: Try other trade terminals at a different location. Test relogging and trying again. Area18 specifically will error and fail in the Admin Office trade terminals

  • Illegal drug terminals are missing from their intended locations in rest stops

Workaround: We have temporarily added Slam sell inventories to two junk sites in the PU

  • Selling commodities from personal Inventory causes a service error

Workaround: Make a commodity cargo box in a ship cargo grid and sell through the ship inventory.

  • The mission named “ A Very Difficult Task “ automatically completes when accepted
  • Select CRU series station external elevators are missing (CRU-L1 and CRU-L5)
  • Attempting to sell minerals in Prison results in a Processing screen and then a transaction failed message
  • The shopkeepers of both Live Fire Weapons and Garrity Defense are stood away from their desks
  • Being arrested with both utility slots occupied causes the player to respawn in prison with a broken multi-tool
  • Mission givers AI will break if a NPC sits in their designated seat before they do

Major Bug Fixes

  • Bounty Assessment missions should now show correctly again and let the player progress into further missions after a player does a character reset
  • After exiting Quantum Travel, the QT HUD on ships should no longer get stuck displaying while the QT drive is cooling down
  • Ground vehicles should no longer take intermittent damage during travel across the surface of low gravity moons
  • Players should now be able to activate mining consumables in the Mole using the inner thought UI
  • Players should no longer gain a crimestat after completing bounty missions
  • Fixed an issue causing ships to despawn after a player disembarks for a short duration
  • Contract popups should no longer contain “mission(Title)” instead of the intended text


  • Fixed 7 Client crashes
  • Fixed 2 Server crashes

Star Citizen Patch 3.12.0a Hotfix

Alpha Patch 3.12.0a has been released and is now available! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.12.0-LIVE.6742772.

Database Reset: YES
Long Term Persistence: Enabled
Starting aUEC: 20,000

Feature Updates


  • Balance pass on mission payouts to make them more rewarding
  • Updated NorthRock group bounty price and made them local to systems
  • Changed it so if a bounty hunter kills a PVP bounty the mission is withdrawn rather than failed for any other hunter players with that mission
  • Added warning to refinery terminal letting players know that unselected materials from a ship will be discarded when creating a job
  • Interim pricing adjustment on restocking ship ordnance (Missiles, torpedoes, and Countermeasures)
  • Decreased min and max insurance claim wait times for non starter ships
  • Made interim tuning changes to EVA movement that will allow you to turn more easily and also arrest any spin caused by collision more quickly
  • Increased the drop shadow amount on the ship mining UI

Core Tech

  • Updated settings steps in options menu for tobii eye head ratio to 0.01

Major Bug Fixes

  • Ship Canopies should no longer open and close randomly without player input
  • Fixed an issue causing the Talon engines to overheat and ship to lose power when powering up.
  • Corrected the Constellation increase in hull health that came with 3.12.0 to the correct intended amounts
  • Holiday boxes should now be able to be sold
  • ASOP spawned ship assets should no longer load slowly when first connecting to a server
  • There should no longer be 2 AI NPC’s standing behind the guild office desk at mining shop on refinery decks
  • Fixed an issue that was causing some players to infinitely load while joining the PU
  • Fixed an issue causing players to sometimes get stuck on the splash screen when loading into the game
  • Fixed an issue causing some clients to not receive the full member list in global channel
  • Fixed an issue causing Shadows cast by the light from the Stanton star to pop in and out while in cities
  • The Talon weapon rack has should now have a prompt to close it after it has been opened
  • Fixed an issue causing some players to see a pixelated film grain when it was disabled
  • A blank contract available notification should no longer be displayed during game play
  • Fixed visarea issues when using turrets in most ships
  • Fixed the Pitch Ladder not being aligned properly in Mixed Mode
  • Lorville cinematic music should now play correctly
  • Player will now still send a video feed in a FOIP call if the player does not have a mic.
  • Miles Eckhart will no longer have a long pause after the player sits down
  • Fixed an issue causing certain keybinds to not be removable
  • Assaulting Vehicle infraction should no longer be applied instantly so that it can be forgiven
  • Numerous assets and structures should no longer fail to load in each of the classic race maps
  • Account resets should no longer sometimes fail and lead to ships being doubled in game
  • Fixed an issue in Arena Commander causing players to display on the same team.
  • Players should no longer be able to equip an extra weapon to the left wing on the Aegis Gladius in the VMA
  • Fixed an issue causing the 890j missions to not pay as much as intended
  • Fixed another issue causing blank contract available messages to appear on screen
  • There should no longer be placeholder text for the paints for the Talon and Talon Shrike in the VMA
  • Aegis Hammerhead BIS edition should now be available in game
  • Aegis Reclaimer BIS edition should now be available in game
  • Fixed an issue causing Arena Commander and Star Marine UI to be offset on widescreen monitors


  • Fixed 11 Client crashes
  • Fixed 7 Server crashes
  • Backend service optimizations

Star Citizen Patch 3.12.0

Alpha Patch 3.12.0 has been released and is now available! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.12.0-LIVE.6705298.

It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE.

Database Reset: YES
Long Term Persistence: Enabled
Starting aUEC: 20,000

New Features


  • Space Station Refinery Decks

Dedicated areas in Rest Stops that allow players to sell unrefined minerals, drop off mined materials to be refined, and buy or rent new mining equipment and ships.

Kiosks have been placed in the Refining decks that allow players to take their raw mixed ore from their mining ship and refine it. The player can use these kiosks to create multiple refining jobs which are persistent and complete over a period of time, based on quantity and complexity, and create refined ore that is more valuable than unrefined. There are different kinds of refining processes which produce different percentage yields depending on the type of resource being refined. Additionally, different refineries may have different proficiencies. Once one or multiple jobs are completed, the player can collect the refined materials into a ship with cargo capability and sell at a commodity kiosk, with most goods sell-able at major city ports. Now that we have a specific location where refining takes place in the ‘verse, most mineable transactions have been moved there. You can still sell unrefined ore at these locations, or choose to refine them. Levski will also purchase unrefined materials.

  • Spacescaping Stanton: Lagrange Point Updates

Updating all extra-planetary Lagrange point locations in the PU with improved visuals and first gas cloud implementation.


  • Reputation – T1

This system will introduce the first foundational system of reputation added to the game to track a player’s relationship with various entities, such as important NPCs and Organizations. This reputation is now stored in long term persistence so that it will remain through database wipes and character resets. Currently, reputation levels with an NPC or Organization are only seen through different dialogs or access to higher paying missions. We are working to add functionality to improve player visibility of reputation in a future update.

Mission Giver Reputation: All mission givers except Ruto (due to tech requirements for him being a hologram) have been updated to use the new reputation system. Doing missions for a Mission Giver will cause you to gain and lose reputation with them. They should react appropriately, playing different lines of dialogue based on your performance. If you fail too frequently, they will terminate their relationship with you and refuse to work with you missions for a set amount of time. With Alpha 3.12, no new missions have been added specifically for Mission Givers, however, we plan to add new missions in the future now that the reputation framework has been put in place.

Bounty and Assassination Missions: Many of the Bounty and Assassination mission chains have been updated to use the new Reputation System. In doing this restructure, Bounty missions were split into being given by 4 Local Bounty Departments, each with their own reputation, all presided over by a parent Bounty Hunters Guild. As you increase your reputation with the Bounty Hunters Guild and its children, you will unlock Certification missions. If you complete the Certification Missions, you will unlock a new tier of higher difficulty, higher payout Bounty Hunter missions. Keep an eye on your wallet when you complete bounty missions and you might notice that some organizations will include a little something extra if you have high reputation with them. This is the first of many “Perks” we intend to include. Assassination missions have all of the above, but there is only one Organization for them at this time: a one-man operation run by someone named Vaughn.

  • Weapon Zeroing – T0

This system provides the player with a way to change the zeroing on their weapon sights. This allows shots at further distances without having to alter aim to account for bullet drop. While in ADS, a player can manually or automatically change a the zeroing range on their scope. Aiming down sights will show the current zeroing setting, and if your scope supports it, a distance finder at your crosshair (max distance varies by scope). You can set your weapon zeroing manually or to the distance finder amount by pressing “page up” and reset zeroing to 0m by pressing “page down”.

  • Multi-Tool – Tractor Beam Implementation T0

Initial implementation of a Tractor Beam Device that attaches onto a Multi-Tool that allows a player to control an object at a small distance without physical contact. Its primary use is to quickly and remotely move smaller cargo and other physics based objects in gravity and zero-g. If in zero-g, it can also be used as a “grapple hook” by tethering to a large object (asteroids, space stations, ships, etc.) and pulling the player towards it. This includes a tractor beam UI that displays Force and Distance Gauge as well as indications if the tether is close to breaking. Players can rotate a tethered item by holding “R” and moving the mouse cursor. Players can get the new tractor beam attachment and the multi-tool at the new Refinery Decks or in various shops in the PU.

  • Ship Entry Identification

This feature adds dynamic AR markers onto a player’s display when in close proximity to your vehicle to aid in entry. These contextually change depending on whether the vehicle is landed or in space to only show valid entry methods. This feature is on by default but has the option to disable in the settings.

  • Ship Thruster Wind Volumes

Ship thrusters now create wind volumes when in use that will interact and blow away physics based objects, ships, and players.

Ships and Vehicles

  • New Ship: Esperia Talon
  • New Ship: Esperia Talon Shrike

Weapons and Items

  • New FPS Weapon: Gemini A03 Sniper Rifle

A versatile, semi-auto sniper rifle with the ability to fire quickly at the cost of accuracy. This weapon has an integrated scope and attachment points on the Barrel and Underbarrel. Players can currently buy this in game at Skutters in Grim HEX.

  • New FPS Weapon: Behring FS-9 LMG

Behring designed the FS-9 to be an overwhelming battlefield force. This light machine gun features a full auto mode that makes it ideal for laying down covering fire or holding back advancing enemies. The FS-9 is also acclaimed for its ability to maintain accuracy while unleashing sustained fire.

Feature Updates


  • Stanton System Planetary Improvements

Further improvements to planetary detail and assets which includes a detailed global painting pass with consideration to global climate data and improved cloud layer visuals. We are also refining how object presets are set up, to get a more natural and believable read, as well as introducing some new assets to the biome packs. Updating the remaining geology assets to the organic shader to utilize the latest features. Re-introducing the acidic biome for Hurston and Ariel with PlanetTechv4. Re-introducing the glossy/icy surfaces on Yela and Lyria. We are looking to showcase the above improvements for this release on the planets Hurston & microTech, as well as on the moons Cellin, Daymar, Wala,Yela, and Lyria.

  • Elevator Panel Updates

Replacing the existing Utilitarian elevator panel buttons with interactive screens.

  • Restricted Area Rework – Area18 / Lorville

Removal of landing splines at Area18 Spaceport and Lorville Spaceport and updating restricted flight areas around the spaceports.

  • Added Platinum Bays on the moon, Clio


  • Mining UI Refactor

This update adds a brand-new user interface for all mining-capable vehicles, which will provide the player with a clearer overview of what they are currently experiencing, including: Mining Consumables – What you have equipped, their current state and their duration. Cargo – Your cargo pods now show their contents and update in real-time as you extract materials from mineable deposits. Volatile Cargo – The health and estimated time that the cargo will last in your cargo pods before collapsing, and volatile cargo itself is highlighted in the UI so that you can’t miss it when you collect it. Flight UI – The current flight and gimble settings your ship has active are visible at all times. This new interface is built entirely using the new BuildingBlocks system which will allow for quicker development, iteration and testing of new features for the Mining System.

  • Rebalance pass on mineables, mining lasers, and mining consumables

Balance changes to aspects of mining due to the introduction of the new Refinery System. These changes will increase the potential for finding valuable materials and make mining more profitable at lower ends while providing more high-end multiplayer opportunities for multi-crew mining ships or the combined power of multiple smaller mining ships.
This is an ongoing balancing process that will continue to be tweaked and adjusted.

Mineables across the entire game have been tweaked to provide a higher maximum percentage of all materials held within them. Some Mineables now have valuable materials in them where they didn’t previously. Some lower-end valued materials now reduce Resistance of the Mineable, meaning that finding some present in a large, valuable deposit could actually be a benefit rather than a hindrance. Resistance and Instability curve scaling has been eased slightly to prevent huge spikes in difficulty in lower-end Mineables.

Mining Lasers have been overhauled to bring them in line with the new Mineables but also balance them out and make them all more viable choices. These include wide sweeping changes to power outputs, instability, resistance, shatter, charge rates, optimal charge window, and overcharge rates. The amount of consumable slots has been increased for most mining lasers.

With the rework to both Mineables and Mining Lasers in mind, Consumables needed to be looked at too to prevent them breaking the entire system. Consumables have all been rebalanced and include wide sweeping changes to duration, instability, charge rates, power level changes, optimal charge windows, and resistance. All consumables will now have 5 charges.

  • Wheeled vehicle and aiming improvements

Improving wheeled vehicle and aiming gameplay surrounding the Greycat ROC and other ground vehicles. To help get the wheeled vehicle and ship controls closer together, steering control scheme for wheeled vehicles now includes the option to turn on VJoy controls. The Greycat ROC mining arm will now follow the VJoy indication in Manual Gimbal Mode (Press “G” to swap). Added the ability to disable the auto-brake state of vehicles which would always activate if no forward / backwards inputs above 10% were added (Press “V” to turn off auto-braking). Added ability to “freeze” the aim vector in manual gimbal mode (RALT+G) in the Greycat ROC and all other driver/pilot controlled gimbals (the gimbal freeze will reset once the gimbal mode is changed again). Added more inversion settings for wheeled vehicle controls. Allowed non-explicit free look while look ahead is on. Added custom look ahead options for MGVs. Added separation of free look gimbal aiming in wheeled vehicles vs space vehicles. The Greycat ROC mining arm will now recenter before it is retracted and will no longer be completely offset after getting in and out of the vehicle.

  • Counter Measures v1.1

With these improvements to countermeasure gameplay, the amount of deployed countermeasures will play more of an important role in the chance of spoofing missiles. Single countermeasures will be less effective, but players will have the ability to choose how many should be fired with each burst. Different missiles will have varying degrees of countermeasure resilience. Flares have been renamed to Decoys and now have different modes to control how multiple launches work including Launch burst (tap H default) or Set and Launch Burst to send out multiple (hold H default). Default Decoy burst size is 1 and can Increase Burst Size (tap Right Alt + H) or Decrease Burst Size (tap Left Alt + H). Countermeasures have also had a sound effects rework.

  • Torpedo Attack, Counter-Balance and Behavior

A rebalance of the Size 9 Torpedoes. They are now much deadlier, with only a few direct hits required to bring down larger ships. This extra damage comes at the cost of speed.

  • Head Tracking Updates

We have made a few additions, updates, and fixes to head tracking to help increase usability for players.

New Features: Added a recalibration button that resets all head tracking devices internally (except TrackIR, but you can set it to the same button if desired). Added support for positional axes for cockpit and most other ship seats in first person. Added rotation and position support for external cameras (clamped to 1m in each dimension). Added separate button to enable/disable head tracking on external cameras (unbound by default). Added head rolling for FPS and ADS (including an option to automatically turn it off). Added a smoothing slider and a “forward” center deadzone for Faceware. Added head tracking option to toggle on or off position offsets in cockpits. Added additional head tracking limits for specific seats and beds.

Added support for Tobii head/eye trackers (“Tobii 4C” and “Tobii Eye Tracker 5”) and added options to set them up.

General Fixes: Actor head won’t snap from left to right if the head tracking angle is above 180 degrees. All mouse induced head movements will now be suppressed when head tracking is active. Removed the internal offset when the toggle is used (it will be using the internal device offset instead). Reshuffled the menu options for head tracking to make it clearer. Extended the available movement range in seats when headtracking is used. Fixed the auto recalibrate option.

  • Smaller Ship Input QOL Improvements

Moved vehicle exit actions to a delayed press (250ms). Added Game Setting option to switch exit seat actions as hold vs immediate press when using a turret / pilot seat. Moved vehicle eject to RALT+Y. Resorted IFCS movement actions. Fixed a couple of problems with smart toggle treatment. Various input quality of life improvements.

  • EVA Binding And Control QOL

Added roll inversion. Removed strafe inversion settings from mouse and keyboard. Removed unused pitch actions in EVA action map and code.

  • Look Ahead And Target Tracking Changes

We have made a few changes to how this is handled. We separated target tracking out to a “weak” version and a “strong” version. The weak version is now part of the normal look ahead process and does not produce a very strong movement to slightly help keep the target in view but also keep the HUD and other elements from being lost. The strong version is called “Padlock” now and will follow the target as much as possible. Removed binding to enable look ahead target tracking. Removed option to automatically enable look ahead target tracking. Added binding to enable padlock. Added option to automatically enable padlock (off by default).

  • Ordnance Replenishing – Updating Pricing of CryAstro vs Shops

We have now hooked up key ordnance on ships (Missiles/Decoy/Noise) in all Cry Astro/Landing service functionality to run through the shop service, allowing for proper pricing differentials between items when restocking your ships. This will also require some re-balancing for our current insurance and item prices. Overall, this is a major step forward towards getting a fully dynamic set of prices for the landing service functionality.

  • Updated Constellation series handling and durability
  • Temporary re-balance to distortion weapons pending a more extensive update later
  • Adjusted all ground turrets to have a higher signature for faster player detection
  • Added axis inversions for EVA strafe axes, IFCS relative velocity limited, and IFCS relative acceleration limiter
  • Added button to reset velocity limited to SCM speed
  • Space brake is now an axis allowing for variable analog braking
  • Updated types of ships that UEE Security can spawn
  • Added new non directional shield hit communications in the ship computers
  • Added SFX ducking when Personal Inner Thought is open
  • Added Origin 100 series to ship dealerships in the PU

Ships and Vehicles

  • Increased the hydrogen fuel tank size on the Nomad
  • Increased the hydrogen fuel tank size on Mercury Star Runner
  • Brought Mercury Star Runner hull strength more in line with ships in its class
  • Reduced verbosity of some ship computer notifications
  • Increased gloss amount on Hammerhead hull
  • Increased thrusters and roll speed for the Drake Herald

Weapons and Items

  • Balance pass on all LMG FPS weapon damage, recoil, and bullet spread

Major Bug Fixes

  • Pitch Ladder should no longer display while sitting in non-pilot seats
  • Fixed an issue where decoupled space brake caused the velocity vector to change
  • Weapon SFX should now play correctly when vehicle weapons are fired
  • Ships landed at New Babbage and Lorville should now be able to be stored
  • Fixed an issue that could cause rest stop elevators to duplicate, making them inaccessible
  • Nightrunner Star Runner paint should now correctly change the color of the cockpit glass
  • Characters hands will no longer turn their flight stick/wheel in the opposite direction to the input being provided
  • Fixed an issue that caused weapons to twitch and move on a player when switching to 3rd person camera
  • Weather VFX should no longer be seen on visor when the player goes up the amphitheater stairs in New Babbage
  • Fixed an issue causing the Animus Missile Launcher to not let players equip a fresh magazine once the currently attached one was used
  • Nomad self destruct audio will no longer stop prematurely when self destructing the ship
  • Fixed an issue causing windows and glass displays in Lorville to become blurry when the player is very close to them
  • Fixed multiple missing building geometry assets while in transit to city gates in Lorville
  • Fixed an issue causing rock geometry to visually disappear when player is facing certain directions around Grim HEX
  • Fixed several areas around the edges of medium-sized hangars in Grim HEX that were missing breathable atmosphere
  • Fixed a section of missing railing in the New Babbage Skybridge
  • Ships landed at Platinum Bay landing pads should no longer display their location as UNINITIALIZED on Vehicle waypoint
  • Fixed an issue causing some deadzone settings to not save properly
  • Increased size of text boxes on commodity kiosks to fix large numbers overlapping
  • The Pirate Gladius variant should no longer be missing the Comms Menu on all its MFD Screens
  • Fixed an issue that caused liquid to not appear in drinks in the PU
  • Players should now see the correct cost when expediting a Nomad insurance claim
  • Fixed an issue that was causing players to sometimes be unable to see all or some party member markers
  • Players should now be able to access the main screen on the Fine Terminals when clicking onto the “Login As User” button
  • Fixed an issue causing Arena Commander and Star Marine matches to not cycle to the next game at the end of a match


  • Fixed 7 Client crashes
  • Fixed 5 Server crashes

Star Citizen Alpha 3.11.1

Star Citizen Patch 3.11.1

Alpha Patch 3.11.1 has been released onto the LIVE servers and is now available! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.11.1-LIVE.6538054.

It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE.

Database Reset: YES
Long Term Persistence: Enabled
Starting aUEC: 20,000

Known Issues

  • Visiting location from fresh boot will cause player to spawn on / below the surface
  • Powering off the Mercury Star Runner may cause it to sink into the ground on planets
  • Weapon SFX not playing when vehicle weapons are fired
  • GRIN ROC extracting crystals can fail to fill the cargo bar
  • Crash occurs when exiting to main menu shortly after crashing & destroying your ship
  • The Hammerhead elevator collides with the landing bay at Port Olisar, causing the ship to move
  • Restocking on missiles/torpedoes, then storing and respawning the same ship will have missiles/torpedoes missing
  • Ships landed at Lorville & New Babbage cannot be stored
  • Players can get their ship into an ‘unknown’ status after abandoning it and then dying and respawning at some Rest Stops causing an insurance loophole
  • Origin 100 series Rain / slush effects are moving backwards to the direction of travel
  • Origin 100 series beds do not retract
  • Greycat ROC mining arm can snap out of place upon re-entering the vehicle if the mining arm had been previously extended prior to exiting the vehicle
  • Running into the stairs of an Origin 100 series ship as the door of the ship opens will cause players to fall through the ground
  • Refueling hydrogen fuel first can prevent you from refueling quantum fuel
  • Multiple Heavy Armor Arms Clip/Partially Obscure some of the mobiGlas Icons

New Features


  • Intergalactic Aerospace Expo Hall
    IAE 2950 will take place on microTech in the New Babbage landing zone November 20th through December 2nd and is accessible by taking the tram lines.

Ships and Vehicles

  • New Ship: Crusader Mercury Star Runner
  • New Ship: Consolidated Outland Nomad

Feature Updates


  • Increased the length of time a player has to accept or deny a press charges notification
  • Changed external inventories so that they can only be accessed by 1 player at a time

Ships and Vehicles

  • Removed Origin 890j medbed up/down animation to avoid bed clipping issues

Major Bug Fixes

  • Ground vehicles should no longer roll or fall through planetary surfaces when powered on.
  • The Greycat Roc should no longer be able to enter a state of duplicating its inventory and capacity indefinitely.
  • AR trajectory when throwing grenades should no longer be missing.
  • Fixed Z-Fighting issues on the two system access panels in the interior section of the Cutlass Blue and Red by the rear door / ramp.
  • Vehicles should no longer slide / move on planetary surfaces when powered on.
  • Players should no longer be able to fire missiles and destroy players on landing pads at Port Olisar while outside the greenzone.
  • The missile range should now update correctly when swapping missile types that have reduced minimum/maximum range.
  • Prospector Mining UI should no longer be oversized.
  • Aegis Reclaimer bunk bed door should no longer trap the player when laying down.
  • Ursa Rover Turret names in the Vehicle loadout manager should no longer be string ID placeholder text.
  • Clovus Darneely’s position should no longer shift slightly during certain animations.
  • Ground Vehicles should now be able to be spawned at Gate 05 in Lorville.
  • First notification after dying should no longer be empty.
  • Mousing over an item in the inventory should now correctly indicate how much capacity that item is taking up.
  • Players calling a pilot now correctly see a player in the pilot seat.
  • Members list UI should now correctly animate when player is speaking in proximity chat.


  • Fixed 5 Client crashes
  • Fixed 2 Server crashes

Star Citizen Alpha 3.11.0

Star Citizen Patch 3.11.0

Alpha Patch 3.11.0 has been released and is now available! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.11.0-LIVE.6218077.

It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE.

Database Reset: YES
Long Term Persistence: Enabled
Starting aUEC: 20,000

Known Issues

  • Strafing upwards while flight readying a ship can lead to the ships destruction (Potential workaround is to let your vision center and wait a second before strafing upwards)
  • When retrieving ships at New Babbage or Lorville’s spaceports, the UI telling you what Hangar your ship is placed is missing
  • Global chat may be unavailable in the visor HUD
  • Ships landed at Lorville cannot be stored
  • Character customization choices may display incorrectly in-game (skin tone/gender/etc.)
  • Greycat ROC may jump up and down on the spot after spawning
  • Players can get their ship into an ‘unknown’ status after abandoning it and then dying and respawning at some Rest Stops causing an insurance loophole
  • Ground vehicles will be impounded when the player lands at a designated garage at the New Babbage Spaceport planetary surface exit
  • The missile range does not update correctly when swapping missile types that have reduced minimum/maximum range
  • Players are unable to reach the “Enter Ship” prompt on the display Prospector in New Deal in Lorville
  • Members list UI does not animate when player is speaking in proximity chat
  • Using an emote then getting a knockdown at the same time causes animation delay
  • MFDS are not updating damage on targeted ships
  • Origin 100 series Rain / slush effects are moving backwards to the direction of travel
  • Greycat ROC mining arm can snap out of place upon re-entering the vehicle if the mining arm had been previously extended prior to exiting the vehicle
  • Player may experience stalls when extracting crystals with the ROC
  • Origin 100 series beds do not retract
  • Running into the stairs of an Origin 100 series ship as the door of the ship opens will cause players to fall through the ground
  • Players logging out in Klescher Rehabilitation Facility may spawn back in at Grimhex in their prison outfits
  • Players cannot re-enter the Drake Cutlass ships if the ramp is damaged
  • Refueling hydrogen fuel first can prevent you from refueling quantum fuel
  • Multiple Heavy Armor Arms Clip/Partially Obscure some of the mobiGlas Icons

New Features


  • Added Space Station Cargo Decks

Cargo Decks are facilities within Rest Stops where players can handle all their cargo needs. From dropping off and picking up, buying new cargo equipment, and more.

Ships and Vehicles

  • New Ship – ORIGIN 100i Touring
  • New Ship – ORIGIN 125a Light Fighter
  • New Ship – ORIGIN 135c Light Freight

Weapons and Items

  • New FPS Weapon – BEHR Grenade Launcher

Enemies will either scatter or splatter when you turn the GP-33 “MOD” in their direction. This military-grade launcher fires 40mm grenades to clear rooms and flush out enemies behind cover. Those that don’t immediately flee will feel the pain, as Behring’s precision design also includes a feature that primes each grenade to explode on impact. Attachments: Optics (S1), Underbarrel (S1).

  • New FPS Weapon – BEHR BR2 Shotgun

Originally designed for the military, Behring decided to sell the BR-2 ballistic shotgun to the general public after the initial weapon testers kept requesting to take one home. Featuring a semi-auto fire mode that can rapidly deliver devastating stopping power, the BR-2 is the ideal choice for both offensive and defensive operations. Attachments: Optics (S1), Barrel (S3), Underbarrel (S2).

Core Tech

  • Ground Cover Buoyancy

Seaweeds and other ground cover elements on water will simulate buoyancy, floating and reacting realistically to water waves to further enhance the visuals of water on planets.

Feature Updates


  • Updated character creator to use new head designs


  • Repainting Existing Planets and Moons

Utilizing the new planetary painting tools we’ve gone through all planets and moons in the Stanton System and repainted the ground surfaces and object presets. This also futureproofs ourselves and allows us to take advantage of new tech in legacy locations.

  • Updated Ground Texture and Geology

Updating and expanding our current terrain texture library by adding scanned data. On a per object basis we are now able to support HW tessellation displacement on geology distributed across terrain to give it a more organic appearance.

  • Added Hurston material variant for the Hurston Outpost exteriors


  • Front End Refactor

Updated the Front End UI to make use of the building block system, and added new options like pinning the Friends List to the side of the screen and the ability to clear all notifications.

  • Prison Commissary Vending Machine updates

Commissary Vending machines in prisons updated to use merits to purchase items as well as updating their interface and lighting.

  • Exterior Space Station Green Zone Removal

The initial introduction of the relaxation of Green Zones will be removing the armistice zone around the exterior of Rest Stops. This update will allow players to fire ship weapons around Rest Stop exteriors and comes with many updates to the law system and station defenses to help accommodate this.

Destructible defenses of a few sizes and varieties have been added on and around the rest stops. These range from the small S4 turrets (now destructible) placed on landing pads, through S6 sentries seen in the Claim Jumpers missions, to ALL new S10 turrets on and around the perimeter of the stations. Once destroyed, these currently respawn after 5 minutes (subject to balancing), but in future we aim improve this simplistic system. We have created a Security Response system which while still quite simplistic, adds the CrimeStats of all players in the area (we’re calling this internally the “heat”) and spawns security ships of increasing number and strength in response. The system responds quickly to increases in an area’s heat by spawning in new ships and despawning out any weaker ships they replace. The system responds slower to the killing of its own members (should the heat not be raised by this) and slower still to decreases in heat (to keep security patrolling for a time to ensure the threat doesn’t return any time soon). We will develop this system further in the future to also take into account the type of ship the players are using. A new infraction has been created called the Armistice Violation. This is a felony and is given should players damage other ships or station defenses within the Armistice Zone. It does have a grace period and allowance in which the player is warned that further infractions will result in a felony. For it the first implementation, this new infraction will only remain active on the player’s criminal record of 1 day. Should the player enter the Armistice Zone while having a CrimeStat or gain a CrimeStat whilst within the zone, they will be shown a warning telling them to leave immediately.

Players attacked by any NPC or player valid to arrest them should have a start/reset arrest timer started on them. If the player then dies by any means whilst this timer is active, they will be arrested. This timer is ended should the player manage to quantum travel, and will be between one and three minutes, extended by level of engagement with the NPC. This is to get around the unfairness of being arrested simply because an actor valid to arrest you is nearby as now that actor would have had to have attacked you recently. Criminals will now respawn at GrimHex if they die without being arrested or log out without using a ship bed. Players are now briefly offered the option to press charges/forgive on crimes committed against them. This is defaulted to press charges for crime committed by non-party members and defaulted to forgive for party members should the notification be ignored. We have converted the indirect killing of players from homicide to the lesser crime of manslaughter in some cases. This includes crushing players with a vehicle, killing via triggering an explosion such as an explosive barrel or a ship-self-destruct. We have also made it manslaughter for every kill aboard a ship other than the pilot. Locking a missile on a ship will now count as hostility and allow that ship to attack you in self-defense. It will cause AI to attack and trigger an “Assaulting an Officer of the Law” infraction if done to law enforcement. Quantum snaring now only gives the player an infraction should they snare a ship and it will give one for every ship snared. Quantum dampening an actor the player has the right to arrest should no longer be a crime. Players should no longer be able to avoid security scans by getting out of their seat. We have fixed several ATC/pad loitering and impounding bugs to ensure the experience is more reliable and consistent. Pad ramming will now be ignored as a crime if committed by a party member. This is mainly to not punish party members for small bumps along the way. You’ll still be able to give a party member a crime stat if the pad ramming is so severe it ends with your death or ship destruction.

  • Player and External Inventory Interaction T0

Visually manage food, drink, mined rocks and harvested items stored in your personal inventory, moving them between your backpack and suit pockets and any external storage devices (such as the cargo access on certain vehicles). This adds context menus to items by using right click that will allow players to drop and split stacks of items. Players can now interact with the back cargo hold of the Greycat ROC to access its storage and transfer gems between it and the player’s inventory.

  • Throw T1

Improved throwing to be more accurate, reliable, and accommodate additional objects in the game world beyond grenades. Added option to throw items overhand (left click) or underhand (right click) as well as holding the corresponding button to prime the grenade before throwing by letting go of the button. We have also added an AR trajectory display when throwing grenades and other objects.

  • Force Reactions T1

Using the physics system, visible reactions are systemically triggered for Players and NPCs when punched, shot, and caught in explosions. Actors are made to lean when experiencing strong winds, or the G-forces of an accelerating ship, with extreme shifts in wind and ship velocity knocking actors down.

  • Updated Space Station Interior Layouts

Space Station interiors have been adjusted to help players find their way around them. You can use the interior elevators to access multiple levels of the station including the Hangars & Habs, Common areas, and the new Cargo Decks.

  • Missile and Countermeasure QOL Improvements

We have made some changes to missiles and countermeasures aimed to improve and stabilize their use.

Missiles will react to all countermeasures again. Missiles will lose the lock during the locking process if the pilot does not keep the target in the locking cone. Fixed missile selection keybinds. Added missile selection HUD widget. Players can select which missiles they launch by cycling, which is shown on the HUD (currently unbound, but bindable in keybinds menu). Players can only simultaneously lock missiles of the same type if equipped to multiple racks, with 4 max. We have added a minimum distance a player can be at when acquiring a lock on another target with missiles and torpedos. This starts at S1 – 1000m, S2 – 1500m, S3 – 2000m, and S4 – 2500m. Size 5+ torpedos use a different method and have a slower release, as these are Torpedos, and all are set to a minimum of 1000 meters. There is now a UI indication for in and out of lock range along with the HUD showing the ranges if the target is out of range. A lock will be lost if the locked target goes out of range.

For countermeasures, players can now either launch a flare decoy that is a projectile that emits a very strong signal to spoof missiles (works on all seekers) or deploy a chaff limited jamming space which affects all kinds of sensor readouts (including the launching ship if contained in the field). Removed seeker specific countermeasure handling. Replaced countermeasure keybinds. Updated VFX for countermeasures to the new effects system. Added countermeasure ammo counter to HUD. Extended missile warning HUD widgets with shortest time to impact display for each incoming seeker type. Slightly rebalanced all countermeasures so big ships, like the Carrack, have less ammo per launcher but heavier countermeasure projectiles with longer effects.

  • Hostility Updates

Acquiring a missile lock on a target is now considered a hostile action against AI and other Players allowing them to attack the person locking them without being the aggressor.

  • Added option to default select relative mouse mode in turrets
  • Added option to enable/disable ship crosshair animations
  • Ship AR marker will now display the landing pad your ship is on
  • Greycat ROC is now purchasable the PU

Ships and Vehicles

  • Increased the Constellation thrusters in atmosphere to help with angular rotation and slightly reduced its linear drag for a small acceleration increase

Core Tech

  • Increased max button limit for joysticks/controllers from 50 to 100
  • Right Mouse Button (and equivalent for PIT for back/exit on controller and flightstick) should cancel and close Quick Select Wheels

Major Bug Fixes

  • Mining nodes should no longer change composition if a player scans it, leaves the area, and returns.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to sell Commodities and Mineable resources at any distance while the ship was occupied by another player.
  • Diamond icons should no longer remain displayed after surface deposits have been mined.
  • Fixed missing geometry inside the Pirate Caterpillar near the upper catwalk doors that was allowing players to fall through.
  • Changing arm armor should no longer cause the mobiGlas UI to disappear.
  • Players should no longer fall over and ragdoll when entering gravity from EVA for the first time after spawning.
  • Space Station ASOP terminals should now correctly show the landing pad the ship is spawned on when looking at the location column.
  • Carrack should no longer be missing SDFs on the nose of the ship.
  • Players should no longer be Launched when Entering/Exiting EVA or end up in an unresponsive state when their client is running at very low FPS.
  • Players should no longer tilt suddenly when Exiting EVA into a Ship if the Ship has Rotated.
  • Players should now teleport into the spaceport instead of a hangar after the ship they are in is impounded on a pad.
  • The elevator pillars in underground facilities should now have collision.
  • Grim HEX clothing shopkeeper should now be in his correct usable position.
  • Placeholder text should no longer be present when accessing the Anvil ships and components via mobiGlas in VMA menu.
  • Player should no longer take damage or fall out of a turret in the Constellations if they exit the lower turrets whilst attempting to move forward.
  • There should no longer be a piece of geometry clipping through the floor and elevator interior at the pad arrival area at HUR-L3.
  • Right-clicking on a player in your contact list near the bottom of the screen in mobiGlas will no longer cut off the drop down UI.
  • Players should no longer A-Pose when interacting with the standing engineering stations in the Hammerhead, Retaliator, or Vanguard.
  • The New Babbage Hangar labeled number 16 from the Outside should now show the correct hangar number.
  • Fixed gaps in the walls near the Grim Hex hangar elevators where players can see out of the game world.
  • Fixed missing ground collision on the plant displays and waterfall walls around Wally’s bar in New Babbage.
  • Origin m50 should no longer pitch down on takeoff.
  • Drake Caterpillar should no longer pitch upwards while taking off from landings.
  • Aegis Sabre should no longer pitch downwards while taking off from landing pads.
  • MISC Reliant series should no longer pitch upwards on takeoff.
  • The front of the Prowler should no longer pitch upwards when flying through Atmosphere.
  • Players should now correctly drop their weapons when being killed by a take down melee attack.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a player colliding with transit platform sign in New Babbage fall through the ground.
  • Atmospheric entry VFX should now cover both arms of the Banu Defender.
  • Lorville glass windows should no longer become excessively blurry while looking through them when close up.
  • ARGO Mole spacebrake should no longer play an excessively loud noise when used.
  • Fixed outpost airlock doors not having collision from the outside which allowed players to run through them.
  • Waste Disposal mission boxes should no longer fall through the floor upon arriving in the general vicinity of outposts.
  • Claimjumper missions should now progress further once the player arrives at the mining claim.
  • MISC Reliant should now correctly cover its turrets.
  • AEGS Retaliator shields should now cover the lower thrusters.
  • BANU Defender shields should now cover the exterior door.
  • Chaff and Flare VFX should now correctly display on all ships when in used.
  • The intractable items such as cups, magazines, and teddy’s should no longer be missing from habs.
  • Back button on the trading app should now go back to the correct screen if the cursor has not been moved from previous clicks.
  • Multi-Tool should now be stored in LTP correctly and persist between resets.
  • Attempting to sell loose commodity boxes should no longer display “Insufficient Stock” at kiosks.
  • Combat AI should no longer sometimes get stuck in a standing combat state after being killed in The Price of Freedom mission.
  • The VMA should now properly update the count for mining consumables when equipped to multiple ships.
  • Ship cameras should no longer be off position so players calling a pilot should now see the player in the pilot seat.
  • Looking up in Vanguard turrets should no longer cause the interface to blur and the screen to darken.
  • Ships and Vehicles should now correctly be stored at Platinum Bay Outposts when they are Cleaned up or the Player Selects Store via ASOP.


  • Fixed 5 Client crashes
  • Fixed 9 Server crashes

Star Citizen Alpha 3.10.2

Star Citizen Patch 3.10.2

Alpha Patch 3.10.2 has been released and is now available! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.10.2-LIVE.5910184.

It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE.

Database Reset: NO
Long Term Persistence: Enabled
Starting aUEC: 20,000

Top Confirmed Known Issues

  • Moving from EVA to gravity in ships may damage or kill a player
  • Rest stop may become duplicated causing multiple hangar doors that will not open
  • Purchased weapon magazines don’t appear in the mobiGlas
  • Hangar doors may close too quickly
  • Missiles/Torpedoes only hit 1 shield face
  • Drake Herald HUD uses the old HUD system
  • When flying the Prowler in Atmosphere and pitching the nose downwards, the Ship can flip 180 degrees and be facing the opposite direction
  • NPCs may stand on seats throughout the PU
  • ‘Current Balance’ displayed in the bottom right of the mobiGlas does not update after making transactions
  • Quantum and Hydrogen fuel values are incorrectly the same in the refueling interface
  • Players can lose sound in Arena Commander
  • Global chat is unavailable in the visor HUD
  • If the Player Unequips Armor/Weapons/Utilities and Saves Changes, whatever was Unequipped will no longer be available in the PMA until the PMA is re-opened
  • The Elevator panel on the Carrack may fail to work on spawn.
  • Private Arena Commander matches have been temporarily disabled due to an issue with the updated group system
  • Player character can clip through the external doors of certain outpost buildings and Aid shelter buildings’ airlocks when entering
  • When firing at AI ships they will appear to Desync and have high packet loss
  • Ships can be displayed as ‘unknown’ after destruction and be available to spawn again, but will not appear on their specified landing pad.
  • Crystals and large surface rock deposits don’t settle properly after fracturing causing them to vibrate and shake
  • Hammerhead atmo entry effects clipping through interior of the ship
  • Arena Commander/Star Marine usually fail to cycle to the next game, stuck on loading screen.
  • The Area18 nav marker will appear at the central plaza, not the spaceport.
  • Legally landed ships may be impounded
  • If the player exits to menu/disconnects/crashes during the prison load screen transition their load-out will not be changed
  • When going into ADS and crouching / prone you will be unable to see through the optics scope on the Arrowhead or P6-LR
  • Freelook does not always work properly in turrets
  • Shots from remote turrets may appear desyned but still connect with the target.

Feature Updates


  • Increased legal delivery mission rewards.

Major Bug Fixes

  • Ships purchased in the game should now be saved correctly to Long Term Persistence.
  • Ships should no longer spawn in a flight ready state when a player logs back into the ship’s bed.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to sell 1 SCU of cargo indefinitely when it is placed in a ship that is within another ship.
  • IFCS should no longer lower ship velocity while using a HOTAS when a player uses interaction mode or opens their mobiGlas.
  • Derelict recovery missions that take place around MicroTech should no longer send the user to deliver the box to Area18.
  • Character eyes should no longer appear large in certain goggles in the universe.


  • Fixed 1 Client crash
  • Fixed 3 Server crashes
  • Fixed a memory leak
  • Fixed a GPU memory usage issue