Star Citizen cover
Star Citizen screenshot
Linux PC
Genre: Shooter, Role-playing (RPG), Simulator, Adventure, Indie

Star Citizen

Star Citizen Alpha 3.10.1

Star Citizen Patch 3.10.1

Alpha Patch 3.10.1 has been released and is now available! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.10.1-LIVE.5855172.

It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE.

Database Reset: YES
Long Term Persistence: Enabled
Starting aUEC: 20,000

We are aware of additional issues that we would like to get fixed and are doing a live release of this patch to collect more information on some of those issues, along with uncover new ones. Please use the Issue Council and report any problems you encounter.

Known Issues

  • Hangar doors may either close too quickly or remain closed when requesting landing. Workaround: Resubmit ATC landing request.
  • Quantum travel can be obstructed by party members on board.
  • Cockpit MFDs on some ships can stop working after a time.
  • FPS ammo can become permanently broken when purchasing large quantities of ammo at once.
  • Bed logging can sometimes return players to the center of the system and/or with their ship in a gear-up state.
  • The pitch ladder can become stuck on the ship HUD.
  • Commodity boxes dropped by exploded ships can sometimes despawn too quickly.
  • The Elevator panel on the Carrack may fail to work on spawn.
  • Private Arena Commander matches are temporarily disabled due to an issue with the updated group system
  • Player character can clip through the external doors of certain outpost buildings and Aid shelter buildings’ airlocks when entering
  • When firing at AI ships they will appear to Desync and have high packet loss
  • Ships can be displayed as ‘unknown’ after destruction and be available to spawn again, but will not appear on their specified landing pad.
  • Crystals and large surface rock deposits don’t settle properly after fracturing causing them to vibrate and shake
  • Hammerhead atmo entry effects clipping through interior of the ship
  • The Ship Hologram / 3D Model will take over 20 seconds to load the first time the Player views one in VMA or the Arena Commander Menus
  • The Area18 nav marker will appear at the central plaza, not the spaceport.
  • Legally landed ships may be impounded
  • If the player exits to menu/disconnects/crashes during the prison load screen transition their load-out will not be changed
  • When going into ADS and crouching / prone you will be unable to see through the optics scope on the Arrowhead or P6-LR
  • Freelook does not always work properly in turrets
  • Shots from remote turrets may appear desyned but still connect with the target.

Feature Updates


  • Visual updates to some of the Bartenders.


  • Adjusted the kill mesh around Lorville.


  • Ship targeting UI updates

Added closure rate for ships that are targeted. Added reticle and pip animation indicating fire solution. Removed outline effects from targeted ship.

  • Added updated bartenders and patrons to Rest Stop bars.

Ships and Vehicles

  • Reverted Banu Defender back to normal default setup.
  • Added manual interaction to the Internal doors in the Avenger series to help with players logging back in not being able to get through the doors.
  • Added Reliant variants to New Deal and Arena Commander inventories.

Weapons and Items

  • Temporarily converted Tachyon weapons into normal energy cannons.
  • Added the Hornet ball turret, flashfire mount, and nose turret to PU shops and Arena Commander REC rentals.

Major Bug Fixes

  • Locations and portions of locations should no longer stream in slowly or fail to stream in at all.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the Greycat ROC to not pick up every mined them with the tractor beam.
  • Greycat ROC storage should now show the correct amount of minerals collected to the nearest decimal point.
  • Mineable resources should no longer shift or move when hit with a vehicle.
  • Changing undersuits with legs armor equipped will no longer make a players equipped side arm or utility items appear between their feet.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing ships that flew into the autopilot / kill zone to be flown back to the spaceport before exploding.
  • Area18 landing splines should no longer destroy the player’s ship on occasion.
  • Fixed an issue causing multiple drop-off delivery missions to not have all 3 drop-off locations.
  • Outpost building at Shubin Mining Facility SMO-13 should no longer be placed too high above ground which was preventing players from entering.
  • Weapons will no longer float near the players back, if they unequip either the Pembroke or Novikov suit and then equip any torso armor.
  • The external elevator screens at the New Babbage Spaceport Metro Loop should no longer be misaligned.
  • Fixed an issue causing Bartenders to get stuck trying to pick up dirty drinks.
  • Upper and lower turret seats in the Caterpillar should now have collision.
  • Camera should no longer slowly pan through the ship interior at the end of an Arena Commander match.
  • Equipping any attachment to a weapon using the inner thought should no longer cause the attachment to sit in the players hand.
  • The 890 jump medical bed “Set preffered ICU” prompt should now be visible without having to lay down in the bed.
  • Player and Ship Art will no longer become offset from the Ship when a player exits the Ship after Exiting Pilot Seat during QT.
  • Fixed multiple reversed decals on the Hornet series.
  • Landing wrench icon should no longer display on a landing pad when spawning a ship.
  • Fixed missing collision on the rear personnel elevator struts/supports on the 890j and 600i.
  • The open and close interaction mode prompts on the rear interior door of the cutlass Red and Blue should no longer appear reversed.
  • Players should no longer take collision damage when entering a ship.
  • Players should no longer experience 16k7 lockout issues.
  • Delivery mission boxes should no longer spawn within the ground.
  • The Freelancer series ships should no longer spawn from ASOP with a damaged thruster.
  • The buy UI should no longer become not selectable after selecting an item that the player can’t afford.
  • Players should no longer get teleported to a no trespassing zone when their ship is impounded at rest stops.


  • Fixed 5 Client crashes
  • Fixed 2 Server crashes

Star Citizen Alpha 3.10.0

Star Citizen Patch 3.10.0

Alpha Patch 3.10.0 has been released and is now available! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.10.0-LIVE.5789362.

It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE.

Database Reset: YES
Long Term Persistence: Enabled
Starting aUEC: 20,000

Known Issues

  • At this time, any pledge creation or alteration performed in the last 48 hours will not be reflected in the Live Service. Any new pledges, CCU Applications, reclaimed pledges, or gifts sent/received will not be up to date.
  • Players appear offline on the Front End instead of ‘In-menus’ until that Player has been in-game
  • Close range FoIP animations are not transmitting to remote clients
  • Comm call screen is extremely translucent while viewing through the HUD
  • Both FPS and Ship Mining methods produce UI stalls resulting in the user overcharging their targeted deposit
  • Delivery missions with multiple pick-up locations can result in only two drop-off points or a 3rd drop off point that doesn’t work if the delivery location is an Aid Shelter, preventing delivery of the third box (Workaround: Avoid multiple delivery drop off missions to aid shelters)
  • Using the tractor beam on the Greycat ROC to pick up multiple gems at once will cause a significant portion of the gems to vanish
  • Private Arena Commander matches are temporarily disabled due to an issue with the updated group system
  • The player that made the personal transport / escort beacon will not be able to see marker on player that accepted
  • Global chat is unavailable in the visor HUD
  • Planetary ambiances can be heard at various locations in New Babbage
  • Player character can clip through the external doors of certain outpost buildings and Aid shelter buildings’ airlocks when entering
  • Hangar Doors can remain closed when the Hangar is assigned to a Landing Players Ship
  • When firing at AI ships they will appear to Desync and have high packet loss
  • Ships can be displayed as ‘unknown’ after destruction and be available to spawn again, but will not appear on their specified landing pad
  • Landing gear will take multiple presses of the keybind to activate
  • Crystals and large surface rock deposits don’t settle properly after fracturing causing them to vibrate and shake
  • The Greycat ROC cannot extract all of the child crystals, some are left behind
  • Hammerhead atmo entry effects clipping through interior of the ship
  • The Ship Hologram / 3D Model will take over 20 seconds to load the first time the Player views one in VMA or the Arena Commander Menus
  • The Area18 nav marker will appear at the central plaza, not the spaceport
  • Legally landed ships may be impounded
  • If the player exits to menu/disconnects/crashes during the prison load screen transition their load-out will not be changed
  • When going into ADS and crouching / prone you will be unable to see through the optics scope on the Arrowhead or P6-LR
  • Freelook does not always work properly in turrets
  • Shots from remote turrets may appear desyned but still connect with the target

New Features


  • mobiGlas Variants

Adding the initial implementation of mobiGlas Variants which gives the player the ability to switch out their mobiGlas for another one with various colors. Players will be able to purchase these in-game at the new Factory Line shop in New Babbage on microTech.

  • Added Helmet Visor Wiping

Action that lets the player wipe their visor clear when it has become too obstructed by snow/rain/moisture. This action is available through the default keybind of ALT+X or through the Inner Thought menu.


  • Added SDF atmospheric entry effects

Updating all ships to use the new SDF (Signed Distance Field) tech to greatly improve the visuals of atmospheric entry. This allows for dynamically changing effects that change based on ship shape, size, and orientation when entering atmosphere and allow for other players to see the ship effect from far away.


  • NPC Improvements: Bartender

With this addition of Bartenders to the Persistent Universe, we are introducing the standard that all future vendors will be built from. The job of a Bartender is to serve drinks to the many bar patron’s of the Persistent Universe. They can take orders from players and serve anything from bottled beer from the fridges or draught beer from the tap, to making a hand-crafted whiskey and cola in front of their customer. When not serving drinks, Bartenders will be seen keeping their work environment tidy by wiping down counters, disposing of bottles, and polishing glasses, and chatting with patrons dynamically. This includes an overhaul to bars with more NPCs ordering drinks, using tables, and drinking. These improved bartenders will be serving up drinks in Wally’s bar in New Babbage, G-Loc bar in Area18, Cafe Musain in Levski, Old 38 in Grim HEX, and M&V Bar in Lorville.

  • Cover Usage V1

Expanding the tactic selection of Combat AI to analyze the environment and detect, in absence of full cover, possible positions where they can engage enemies without being fully exposed to them. This includes objects such as small crates, which could potentially provide partial cover.

  • Shotgun Assault Tactic

Added the ability for combat AI to engage the player using a wider variety of weaponry, react dynamically to both player behavior and the environment, and engage strategically and realistically.


  • Player Trading App

We are introducing the first iteration of the player trading app, called mo.Trader, onto the mobiGlas. This first implementation will allow players to immediately send in-game aUEC and merits to another player regardless if they are on or offline, or on a different server. Transfers will be charged a percentage tax to complete the transaction.

  • Body Dragging

Adding the initial functionality to allow players to interact with dead and unconscious characters, and move them. Whilst an actor is dragging they can equip, use and holster 1-handed weapons, i.e. pistols and knives (the dragging character holds onto the victim with their left hand, leaving the right hand free).

  • Thruster Efficiency Curves, Jerk, and Aerodynamics

Thruster efficiency curves drastically change the way thrusters work in differing atmospheres. In atmosphere thrusters now lose efficiency and become much weaker. This is dependent on the ship and the thruster type to some degree, but ships are now much weaker when in atmospheres and cannot fly in the maneuverable way they used to.
Aerodynamics – Ships now have individually simulated aerodynamics surfaces that contribute various little forces to the motion of the ship. The result is both much more realistic and enjoyable to fly, and a significantly more detailed simulation. Expect lots of subtle, unique flight characteristics per ship that give them a lot more character. Ships with wings are now able to stall, do level turns, lose speed in tight turns, and various fancy aerodynamic features. The aerodynamic interaction with wind is now more detailed and expect wind to push and pull on ships in more complex ways. Ship aerodynamics will now change as you switch between configurations. Breakable parts now affect the aerodynamics, so break off a wing and the ship will not fly straight anymore.
Jerk – This is a core change to how ships move, both in space and in atmosphere that makes them much smoother and feel more weighty. Jerk is a measure how quickly the ship’s acceleration changes, and previously it was infinite. Now it’s a finite quantity that means thrusters do not respond immediately to changes in acceleration. Expect weightier feeling ships but with similar levels of maneuverability.

  • High Speed Combat

Ship systems will now suffer some consequences traveling at high speed, restricting some of the options that players will have which will encourage engagement at lower speeds. When flying above SCM speeds, weapon accuracy, gimbal assist speed, and missile lock speed will be negatively affected.

  • New Targeting Method

Fundamental changes to how targets are tracked on and off your screen with UI updates to improve the visibility of locked, tracked, and pinned targets which includes: New UI for the TVI, PIP, indicator, range indication, firing indication, assisted gimbals, and fixed gunsight. New UI for targets including the return of orientation style brackets, orientation arrows, and motion ribbons, many of which are able to be turned on or off in the game options. We have also added more comprehensive target pinning and the sharing of pins within the same ship channel for better target communication for crewed vessels. Targeting keybinds have been completely redone to allow for maximum customizability which includes the ability to cycle and target nearest for friendlies, hostiles, attackers (those who have you targeted), as well as all available targets. There is an automatic selection of “best” target system, based on your view cone. Once selected, a target can be locked or pinned. Locked targets display additional targeting information (distance, ribbon trail, direction). Unlocked targets that move offscreen/outside the cone lose the selection and a new target is selected. Hostile, friendly, and all targets within the forward cone can be cycled as well. Locked targets that move offscreen/outside the cone retain their selection.
NOTE: These changes involve a significant keybind rework and it is strongly advisable that you go through your keybinds in detail, rebinding where appropriate or re-familiarizing with the default setup. More information on the specific keybind changes can be found here.

  • Electron Damage

Electron is a new FPS damage type that consists of energy, distortion, and stun. When a target is hit with electron damage they become charged and if the target receives a secondary hit while charged it will create an electron detonation that can chain to nearby targets. The size of this detonation is dependent on the initial and subsequent damage values on the target.

  • Added Prison Repair Mission

New mission added into Klescher Rehabilitation Facility for prisoners to earn merits by repairing oxygen dispensers that can randomly malfunction in the mines.

Ships and Vehicles

  • Added: Greycat Industrial ROC Mining Vehicle

By focusing on the essentials of terrestrial-based mining, Greycat Industrial designed their hardworking, no-nonsense ROC (Remote Ore Collector) to complement the miners who use it. From its precision gimbaled mining arm to its all-terrain wheels, this solo-operated vehicle shows how important it is to have the right tool for the job.
The Greycat Industrial ROC is a ground vehicle designed to mine larger crystalline mineral nodes that are just beyond the reach of a hand tool. This single seat vehicle is small enough to be transported in ships such as the Cutlass Black, Freelancer and Valkyrie allowing you to take it to the newly added mineables that are scattered around planet and moon surfaces in the PU.

  • Added: KRIG P72 Archimedes Emerald
  • Added ship paints to in-game shops

Adding the initial in-game purchasable ship paints to shops in the ‘verse. These are purchased with in-game aUEC from Dumper’s Depot and Omega Pro shops and can be applied using the ship loadout manager in your mobiGlas.

Weapons and Items

  • New FPS Weapon: LBCO Atzkav Sniper rifle

The Atzkav is a unique precision sniper rifle from Lightning Bolt Co. Once the charging handle is engaged, it accurately fires a charged electron to deal significant energy damage that spreads to nearby conductive targets. This special pulse effect also leaves a residual charge in the strike area that increases damage delivered by subsequent electron shots. Alongside the rifle’s special firing capabilities, the Atzkav is best known for its distinct barrel that crackles with energy when powering its next shot. Currently, this can be acquired at Skutters in Grim HEX.

  • New FPS Weapon: Lightning Bolt Co. Yubarev Electron Pistol

Engineering excellence only scratches the surface of the distinct Yubarev pistol. Former merc turned weapon manufacturing mogul Irina Arkadova oversaw every aspect of the weapon, imbuing it with power, practicality, and panache. Featuring a classic woodgrain grip and cutting edge barrel design, the Yubarev fires a charged electron shot that impacts not only your target, amplifying the charge with each hit, but can spread to additional conductive targets in range.

  • New FPS Weapon: Gemini C54 Ballistic SMG

Easy to handle and a beauty to behold with its purple accented styling, the C54 is a sleek and precisely balanced SMG from Gemini. Its lightweight polymer frame and ergonomic design makes it ideal for close quarter engagements. The C54 is capable of firing 10mm rounds on full auto to provide maximum support and target saturation to ensure that any engagement ends quick.

Core Tech

  • Day/Night temperature changes on planets

We are introducing a new mechanic to planets that causes the temperature to rise and fall with the day and night cycle. This means that planets should be warmer during the day and cooler during the night.

Feature Updates


  • Grim HEX Updates

These updates are to make Grim HEX a complete landing zone. The main changes include new location-branded utilitarian hangars accessible by the main hub with 2 large and 1 extra-large hangar to allow larger ships to land.

  • High Tech Hangars

Full replacement of the current New Babbage Hangars to the new High Tech Hangars.

  • New Babbage Shop Additions

Introducing new shops to New Babbage such as a novelty Kiosk in the New Babbage spaceport interior which will sell souvenirs and knick-knacks such as Pico the Penguin plushies. Also coming to New Babbage is The Factory Line, a flagship store for microTech, which sells their top of the line products, such as mobiGlas case variants, simpods, a new microTech cryptokey, and other various pieces of tech.

  • Planet Re-Drop – height maps quality update

Updates made to all the height maps used on planets and moons to fully take advantage of their higher resolution. This will mean more detail can be utilized during the painting process.

  • Planet Re-Drop of Landing zones

Planet location re-drop following the Height maps quality update to make sure all landing zones, derelicts, underground facilities, and outposts are set correctly into the updated environments.

  • Ocean Shader Improvements

Added support for in-game oceans to react to flares and local lights using screen-space and cubemap reflection. Upgraded shading to include a Fresnel component and Sub-surface scattering term, and new shader features, to enhance the realism of oceans with improved refraction and additional detail layers. Added ability for ocean to react to wind conditions to increase or decrease wave turbulence.

  • Quantanium mineable unique visual material

This is a visual change to Quantanium nodes to give it a new, unique material that will differentiate it from other mineables.

  • Added additional LODs to Port Olisar landing pads and rings to help with assets popping in and out at a distance
  • Added commodity inventory to outposts around microTech
  • Added new ships to inventories at Astro Armada, New Deal, and Teach’s Ship shop



  • Delivery Mission Improvements

Delivery Missions have been overhauled, including creating new multi-drop off delivery missions and drug running missions.

  • Law System – Impounding Improvements

We are introducing changes to the Impounding mechanics currently present in the game. When blocking a landing pad on a vehicle without permission, a message will appear on the visor UI of all players aboard it which includes a timer that will count down until the vehicle is impounded. Different actions that cause a ship impounding, such as pad obstruction or reckless operation of vehicle, can now have different impounding times and fines.

  • Restricted Areas V2

We’ve reworked restricted areas around spaceports so they now have landing and take-off splines to guide you into, and out of, the allowed area of where you can land your ship. When requesting landing or taking off you will be required to fly down an assigned tunnel, which will show up as an AR 3D path in your HUD. Along with this, the distance at which restricted area warnings are displays on the ship HUD will now scale based on ship speed and direction of travel.

  • Ship HUD Rework

Rebuilding of our ship HUDs to use the new building blocks UI system. This includes updates to the design of TVI (Total Velocity Indicator) and reworked center targeting UI. Note: This change is currently not for ground vehicles and will be addressed in a future update.

  • Turret Usability Improvements

Turrets have undergone a slew of changes to increase their usability. Turrets now have a fixed assist system, using weapon convergence to nudge weapons toward the target, while still rewarding precise aim and area targeting. In addition, we added a modifier for how much target acceleration is taken into account for PIP prediction. We now update the PIP purely on the velocity which gives us a much more stable firing solution and decreases the effects of network jitter of juking behavior.
NOTE: These turret usability improvements involve a significant keybind rework and it is strongly advisable that you go through your keybinds in detail, rebinding where appropriate or re-familiarizing with the default setup. More information on the specific keybind changes can be found here.

  • Updated ship control settings

We have made updates to the default ESP settings. ESP radius and dampening effect is also now customizable in the options menu. We have added additional VJoy visibility and functionality settings to the option menu.

  • Updates to Star Marine scoring and REC conversion

Score for kills in Star Marine has been doubled to 200. Increased score limit for Elimination to 5000 (up from 3000), and adjusted the score to REC conversion due to these changes.

  • Moved the Personal Inner Thought back and page arrows to the middle of the menu and added a dark background behind the wheel
  • Greatly increased the reward payouts for doing Twitch Pacheco missions
  • ECN, Bounty Hunter, and Escort mission rewards should now scale better based on difficulty
  • Added Underground Facilities Missions around microTech and its moons
  • Temporarily updated Pro Trem Missions to not spawn around Delemar to avoid an issue with the target not spawning
  • Increased the signature range for scanned mineables

Ships and Vehicles

  • Origin Jumpworks M50 Improvements

Updates to the Origin M50 to improve the player experience. This includes making the landing gear compressible, updates to bring it to the new damage system, cockpit art improvements, and updating UI metrics.

  • Variable armor values have returned to ships

We have setup some minor armor variation to ships. Ships designed to take punishment will now have slightly higher damage resistance (ex. Cutlass Blue). Stealthier ships will have signature reduction in armor, at the cost of some damage resistances.

  • Drake Buccaneer QoL Update

Intake/Fuel tanks no longer fall off randomly with sing/engine detachment. Missile Pylon/S3 gun mounts swapped around to provide firepower when a wing is detached. Changed default missiles to a mix of standard IR/CS. Glass dirt/wear pass to help with pilot visibility.

  • Drake Caterpillar QoL Update

Weapons changed from 4x size 2 (with size 1 installed) to 2x size 3 (with size 2 installed). Turrets updated to be 2x size 4 (manned) and 1x size 3 (remote). Glass dirt/wear pass to help with pilot visibility.

  • Anvil Gladiator QoL Update

Increased turret from size 2 to 3, increased turret weapons from size 2 to size 3, default weapons changed from gimbaled size 2 to fixed size 3.

  • Xian Scout QoL Update

Updated flight performance. Weapon hardpoints increased in size from size 3 to size 4. Default equipped weapons changed from fixed size 2 to gimbaled size 3.

  • Polish pass on Dragonfly and Nox handling and increased speed
  • Added rear side thrusters onto the Sabre Raven
  • Repositioned and Increased the amount of retro thrusters to 4 on the MISC Freelancer Variants
  • Added a weapon rack onto the exterior of the Aegis Gladius
  • Temporarily changed the Banu Defender loadout to use fixed S2 Tachyons to prevent the singes from being swapped to other ships

Weapons and Items

  • Klaus & Werner Mass Driver Mass Driver S1-3 Ship Weapons Rework

Visual rework of the original Sledge Series Mass Driver ship weapons. Players can buy these in-game at various shops in the PU.

  • Increased overheat threshold for Size 5 and larger Behring M7A Laser Cannons
  • Reduced the damage and speed of S2 and S3 MassDrivers.
  • Reduced Tachyon cannon damage

Core Tech

  • Increase ship cull distance to help with ships visually popping in/out
  • Weapon Impact sparks will now be affected by wind
  • Updated the error messaging received upon server disconnect
  • Updated login queue messaging

Major Bug Fixes

  • Authorized Execution Warrant missions from Hurston should no longer award the player with a Homicide crimestat.
  • After the first wave of enemies the patrol beacon should now consistently move to the next patrol area during a patrol mission.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing NPCs to stand in place on seats around the PU.
  • Glass in the Aeroview hangar should no longer be heavily obscured by scratches when looking out of the upper room.
  • Fixed Mustangs being able to equip S2 quantum drives.
  • Fixed audio element of Carrack thrusters so it should no longer be excessively loud to players inside the ship.
  • AI should no longer regularly go into a “relaxed” aim stance during combat.
  • Fixed ADS positions on FPS weapons to be centered so that crosshairs line up to bullet firing.
  • Fixed an issue causing some mission descriptions to display locations as “Destination”, “LocationAddress’ or ‘Pickup/DropoffAddrees’ in the description.
  • Ships and Vehicles will no longer hurt themselves when firing their EMP Weapons.
  • Weapon lockers on the 890j, Constellations, Vanguard Sentinel, and Carrack should now persist weapons when the ship is stored and retrieved.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Physicalised bottles to spam audio effects in players habs.
  • Hangar 02 in CRU-L4 rest stop should now be accessible via elevator.
  • Starfarer Gemini should no longer spawn the interior damage state active while the ship is at full health.
  • There should no longer be a 5-7 second delay when firing the torpedoes on the Aegis Eclipse.
  • Players will no longer become trapped in the Origin 600i kitchen table after sitting down and standing up from one of the kitchen chairs.
  • Fixed missing areas of gravity on the surface of Delamar.
  • Planetary effects weather should no longer clip through MFD’s in ship / vehicle cockpits.
  • Captain’s Bed in the Aegis Reclaimer should now have proper interaction.


  • Fixed 5 Client crashes
  • Fixed 2 Server crashes

Star Citizen Alpha 3.9.1

Star Citizen Patch 3.9.1

Alpha Patch 3.9.1 has been released and is now available! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.9.1-LIVE.5250536.

It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE.

Database Persistence Wipe: NO
Long Term Persistence: Enabled

Known Issues

  • The no-fly zone around security docks at orbital stations may destroy the player’s ship if they enter. Work-around: Keep a safe distance while in a ship or land and take the elevator to the security dock to watch on foot.
  • The Fleet Week display Anvil Carrack has a non-working ICU bed that players will get stuck in if they set their ICU to it. Work-around: Do not set your ICU to the display ship.
  • Extra, duplicate, and static trains can appear at Lorville, New Babbage, and Area 18 and may prevent their usage.
  • The multiTool from the prison commissary does not come equipped with an OreBit mining attachment.
  • If the player exits to menu/disconnects/crashes during the prison load screen transition their load-out will not be changed.
  • Ships can be displayed in an “unknown” state, unclaimable and irretrievable.
  • The no-fly zone around security docks at orbital stations may destroy the player’s ship if they enter.
  • The PC2 gimbal mounts on Freelancers and Starfarers does not converge correctly.
  • The personal inner-thought wheel does not scale correctly for wide screen usage.
  • All map markers are off set from planet surfaces.
  • There is a very visible, incorrect reflection on the Super Hornet’s canopy.
  • The SCU amount displayed for the 890’s cargo capacity is incorrect.


Server, Database, and Backend Fixes

  • The team has been working non-stop on resolving issues with service stability. Numerous hotfixes have been applied so far and will continue to be put in moving forward. Note: Because of the outages, your account may be stuck a bad state, which includes missing all ships, missing the mobiGlas, invisible character, or stuck on the CC screen. Hotfixes will not correct currently broken accounts and those players may need to perform a character reset.


* Increased Fleet Week mission timer from 15 to 30 minutes.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a visarea issue in the Cutlass Black variants that was allowing players to see into the cockpit while standing in the back of the ship.
  • Constellation Aquila should no longer clip into the landing pad or break off components after applying a paint.
  • Invictus Fleet should now consistently spawn at their intended destinations.
  • Fixed issue with the Cutlass Blue flight controller so it should now have its intended rotation values, overheat properly, and have proper amount of afterburner multiplier.
  • Paints attached to the Constellation Aquila should now correctly display on the ship.
  • Fleet week ships should now correctly fire at hostiles when inside greenzones.
  • Fixed an issue causing Javelin turrets to scale larger than intended.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to get in and steal NPC F8 and F7a ships.
  • Freelancer DUR should no longer lose maneuverability at 50% fuel.
  • Fixed incorrect QT fuel tank capacities on the Pisces, Terrapin, and 315p.
  • Fixed multiple issues with the Javelin and Idris that were causing extra damage to the fleet when attacked.
  • Increased the health of some components and items attached to the fleet week Javelin and Idris.

Star Citizen Patch 3.9.1

New Features

Ships and Vehicles

  • New Ship: Drake Cutlass Blue

Feature Updates


  • Reduced player’s movement speed while charging a railgun.
  • Updated Arena Commander Free Flight to no longer kick players for friendly fire.
  • Temporarily removed scramble races.
  • Friends list on the frontend will now display the number of players on a PU server they are in if you right click on their name.
  • Increased score to REC conversion for all Electronic Access games.
  • Increased REC rewards for Star Marine.
  • Arena Commander scoring pass on all ships.
  • Reduced score required for Battle Royale and Squadron Battle to 15k and 30k respectively.
  • Reduced time limit for Battle Royale and Squadron Battle to 15 minutes.
  • Removed timers for “steal stash” mission.
  • Added Drake Caterpillar, Cutlass Red, and Cutlass Blue to Arena Commander Inventory.

Ships and Vehicles

  • Changed in-range radar targets to show up as known to remove the “?” AR marker.
  • The Glaive and Blade can now swap shields.
  • The Buccaneer can now equip size 1 gimbals.
  • Increased max speed of the Retaliator to 942.
  • The Valkyrie’s pilot guns, wing guns, powerplants, and shields can now be swapped.
  • The Cyclones shields can now be swapped.
  • Adjusted Reclaimer’s default shields to intended 3x S3.
  • Cyclones now have shields equipped by default as spec’d
  • Starfarer/Gemini nose mount can be swapped between fuel intake and missile rack with missiles customisable.
  • Increased the distance players can scan and detect Sentries and Probes.

Core Tech

  • Long term persistence, the wallet, and the ledger have been updated for more stability.
  • Consumables (missiles, medpens, oxypens, flares, weapon magazines) will no longer persistence between resets/wipes.

Bug Fixes

  • VMA screen should no longer violently shake or cause Male Characters will shift position when changing ship weapons in the VMA.
  • Signal multipliers in vehicle armor components should now correctly contribute to a vehicle’s signature.
  • ANVIL Terrapin Shield Generators & Power Plants should now be able to be changed out in vehicle loadout manager.
  • Ship positions displayed on the MFD radar for the Hammerhead turrets should no longer be inverted.
  • Fog effect inside the Esperia Prowler should no longer clip through the ship hull to the outside of the ship when in motion.
  • Slightly increased player character strafe speed.
  • Fixed obscuring reflections on the Carrack’s belly turret canopy.
  • Duplicate, Static trains should no longer appear in New Babbage and Lorville.
  • Reduced health of Prowler nose/body.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause high winds to pick up a ship and cause it to get blown away.
  • Fixed an issue causing the 890j hangar not to open for the Boarding action in progress mission.
  • Fixed underbarrel attachments clipping inside of the Custodian SMG weapon when attached.
  • Players should no longer clip into bunks of the Reclaimer, Retaliator, and Hammerhead.
  • Fixed an issue causing confirmation voice to play twice when depositing ore into prison terminals for merits.
  • The synced assassination mission should now properly update when killing a target.
  • Fixed mission text descriptions showing “LocationAddress” instead of the actual location.
  • Cockpit glass should now be correctly transparent in the Drake Cutlass best in show.
  • Captain’s bed in the Aegis Retaliator should now have interaction.
  • The Freelancer MIS should now have functioning shields.
  • The Reclaimer’s power plant slot now only supports size 4.
  • The Reclaimer’s quantum drive now only supports size 3.
  • Clovus/ Miles Eckhart invite missions should now show the objective marker and update when arriving to them.
  • ARGO MPUV Transport has correct amount of coolers and fuel intakes and hydrogen fuel tanks.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the player not to be able to respawn after self destructing and dying in their 890j.
  • Mission Givers should now correctly speak and animate if player accepts an invite mission.
  • Fixed missing audio on the 890j rear elevator.
  • Ground vehicles should now be able to be spawned at Outposts.
  • Argo Mole mechanical audio sound should now correctly play when switching from Fracturing mode to Extraction mode.
  • UI audio on the Regal ship rental screens should no longer have excessively loud elements.
  • Quantum drive Align To Target SFX should no longer continue to play if the player re-aligns with the target.
  • Players should no longer lose their wallet value on second login.
  • Players arms should no longer be twisted out of place when in the rear support seat of the Reliant Mako.
  • Fixed and issue causing players to be misaligned when climbing the ladder in the Freelancer series.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause multiple player ships to spawn on top of each other in Multiplayer Arena Commander.
  • Art and color at Port Olisar should no longer change on second login.
  • AI should no longer stand idle on chairs and benches.
  • Fixed an issue that caused surface outpost airlock doors to not have collision.
  • Top remote turret on the Esperia Prowler should not longer be able to be attached to its wing mounts.
  • Fixed the Anvil Terrapin showing an incorrect itemPort name for cooler 3 in the vehicle loadout manager.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a player using bed logout in a Reclaimer to log back into the bed at an angle causing them to get up outside the geometry.
  • Bed logout in the Freelancer series should now correctly put players back into the ship when rejoining the PU.
  • Bed logout in the crew beds of the Starfarer and Starfarer Gemini should now work correctly.
  • Fixed missing MFD information on the Freelancer series turret displays.
  • Fixed multiple DataCenters on microTech that were holes in the ground allowing the player to see into the planet.
  • Player’s Arms and Hands should no longer be misaligned from the Rear Support Seat in the Relaint Sen.
  • Player should no longer exit out of the wrong side of the Prospectors Bed when getting up.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause VOIP to get into a state where Proximity and/or Primary channels could be heard globally after entering other primary channels.
  • Fixed the external temperature audio warning triggering more often than intended.
  • Player camera should no longer start on the floor and raise up to standing after respawning in Star Marine.
  • Cockpit glass on the Prospector should no longer have an oddly shaped reflection on it.
  • Bug Fix – Comm array “turn on” missions should now work properly.
  • The console at Humboldt Mines on Lyria should now have collision.
  • Players should no longer be subjected to strong winds when moving around the CBD platforms at Lorville.
  • Using an EMP against an NPC target for the SyncedsAssassination missions should now trigger the mission timer to start.
  • Player’s negative virtue should now reset when completing a prison sentence legitimately allowing them to see more than just unlawful missions.
  • EMPs should no longer bypass shields when used around a planet or moon.
  • Black Market Kiosks should now be present again at their intended locations.
  • Fixed multiple areas in G-Loc Bar in Area18 causing players to get stuck in a fall animation.
  • The character should no longer become invisible and unusable.
  • Players should no longer spawn without their mobiGlas attached.
  • Duplicate ships should no longer occasionally generate.
  • aUEC should remain consistent after a character reset.
  • aUEC should re main consistent from session to session.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause players to lose collision and go into a no-clip state.
  • Player should no longer be given a CrimeStat for not stopping for a security patrol and should correctly be given an infraction.
  • There should no longer be a spot of missing texture at the Teasa Spaceport on Lorville.
  • Duplicate/Static trams should no longer appear at landing zones.
  • Autopilot should now correctly disengage after triggering it by flying into the restricted area.
  • Players should no longer hear VOIP party or proximity chats globally.
  • Female characters should no longer exit out of the Prospector’s bed on the wrong side.
  • Authorized Execution Warrant missions from Hurston should no longer award the player with a Homicide crimestat


  • Fixed 9 server crashes.
  • Server deadlock fix.
  • Fixed 18 client crashes.

Star Citizen Alpha 3.9.0

Star Citizen Patch 3.9.0

Alpha Patch 3.9.0 has been released and is now available! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.9.0-LIVE.5125346.

It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE.

UPDATE: 5125346 – Back-end services quick fix and new database wipe (LTP still on)

Database Persistence Wipe: YES
Long Term Persistence: Enabled

Known Issues

  • The Cutlass “Best in Show” version has an opaque canopy. Note: We will be providing a Cutlass Black loaner soon.
  • Duplicate, static trains may appear at Lorville or New Babbage.
  • Ground vehicles can not be spawned at outpost ASOP terminals (still spawnable at Levski, Lorville, and New Babbage)
  • Players can become stuck when jumping over some railings
  • Ships can hitch or teleport at times when observing their motion
  • For ECN alerts, the rescued Starfarer will sometimes circle endlessly after all waves are cleared
  • The player can spawn with their prison suit still on after ending their sentence
  • Being in a large party can cause party markers to fail to appear when inside a ship
  • If a player crashes while transitioning into prison they will be unable to use their multitool
  • Players can not see through the scope of the Arrowhead or P6-LR when crouched
  • FOIP animations are not transmitting to others nearby
  • Cargo boxes left behind after a ship explodes appear to blink in and out while the player is moving
  • Player inner-thought and interaction system is off-set in wide screen resolutions
  • Autopilot sometimes does not disengage after triggered by no-fly zone
  • Heavy environmental suit armors block portions of the mobiGlas

New Features


  • Added microTech clothing collection.


  • Added New Babbage Landing Zone – Interiors 

To serve as their corporate headquarters, microTech built New Babbage, a luxurious domed city with open spaces designed to inspire the creativity and productiveness of the people who work here. Drawn by the innovation and world-class amenities, other cutting edge companies and tech firms have opened up offices inside the city as well. From here, wealthy tech moguls work, relax, and party before heading out to weekend at some of the planet’s beautiful winter destinations.

  • Added Klescher automated prison

Players who are directly killed by or die within a short distance of security forces or bounty hunters will now go to prison.  In prison, all player inventory is inaccessible, and instead players are given a stock prison suit and a multi-tool with a mining attachment. Spare multi-tools can be found at the “commissary kiosk” should theirs be lost. Players can serve their time normally or contribute to society by working in the designated mining areas. Collected materials can be exchanged for “merits” to reduce your sentence using kiosks located near the mines. Once your sentence is complete, look for the “processing” section of the prison and interact with the kiosk. After being released, you will wake up at your last port.

  • Added microTech Moons: Calliope, Clio, and Euterpe
  • Added caves and cave missions to microTech and its moons.
  • Added food to shops and stands throughout the verse.



  • New Criminal Mission: Hijacked Caterpillar Prisoner Transport
  • Added mining laser sub-items

Mining sub-items are consumable components which can be attached to advanced mining laser heads to provide temporary increased effectiveness. Sub-items can be activated within the cockpit using the interaction system while actively mining to briefly decrease the instability, lower resistance, increase the optimal window, and so on. While most have a duration to their effect, some are triggered instantly so they can be used in case of emergencies or as an immediate boost.

  • Introduced a volatile mineable ore

Quantainium is a widely available and highly unstable ore used in the production of quantum fuel. Once it is mined, care must be used in the speed and manner in which it is transported. Not only does it degrade over time, but any impact will cause it to deteriorate further. The more degraded the quantainium, the more unstable it is and the higher the risk of it exploding. When a dangerous threshold is crossed, the player will receive a visual/audio warning and will have the option to eject all cargo. Failing to eject risks the ship taking damage or being destroyed. Given the risk, successful delivery of quantainium will be a lucrative endeavor.

  • Added two new surface harvestables
  • Added in-hand weapon attachment swapping

Players can now customize weapon attachments by interacting with the weapons themselves when held. Hold down F and click on “customize” on a held weapon that can use custom attachments. This will allow you to change weapon components such as sights, barrel attachments, and under barrel attachments.

  • Added bindings for single axis first person zoom and first person zoom in/out toggle button
  • Players can now exit ezHAB beds using basic (WASD) movement keys
  • Added quick buy option with price to food items in shops
  • New actor status system

With the variety of extreme environments throughout the verse, players will have to factor in extreme hot and cold temperatures when planning their adventures. If you want to stay safe in these conditions, equip yourself with the new Caldera Pembroke and Novikov suits. If you’re not equipped for the temperatures, you’ll begin to suffer the negative effects of hyperthermia and hypothermia, eventually resulting in death. As with preparing your equipment for different temperatures, you have to prepare your body as well. We have also added “hunger” and thirst”, which will be increasing constantly, so you’ll need to stay topped up if you don’t want to suffer the effects of dehydration or starvation. In addition, keeping yourself hydrated and well fed may have positive benefits to motor functions. You can use the commodities inventory to stow away store-able foods and drinks for the journey ahead. Hunger and thirst are persistent effects that carry over from session to session. A more detailed UI has been added to the player visor to track these various states and is visible when activating the personal inner-thought wheel (F+right click).

Ships and Vehicles

  • Added Esperia Prowler

Named after the UPE military designation, the Prowler is a modernized version of the infamous Tevarin armored personnel carrier. Esperia’s astroengineers were given unmitigated access to study original versions of the ship recently discovered in the Kabal system to help meticulously reconstruct the vehicle. Now, the Prowler is the perfect fusion of two cultures: the elegance and effectiveness of the Tevarin war machine combined with the reliability of modern Human technology.

Weapons and Items

  • Added new ship weapon: Esperia Lightstrike Cannons

An Esperia recreation of Tevarin historic technology, these energy cannons come in sizes 1 to 3 and are designed for medium to long ranges.

  • Added new s hip weapon series: Esperia Deadbolt Cannons

An Esperia recreation of Tevarin historic technology, the Deadbolt series are ballistic cannons ranging from size 4 to sized 6 and are designed for short range engagements during drops.

Core Tech

  • Added new contact list and party system flow via unification with Spectrum friend’s list

The in-game friend’s list now uses your Spectrum friends and has been entirely reworked. The main menu now has a “Friends” tab and a “Notifications” tab. Friends can be added directly by using the “+Add” key and all friends/contact notifications will appear in the notifications tab until dismissed (note: crash recovery will also appear here). When creating a party, a new tab will appear showing party members and leader. The pre-3.9 in-game contacts list will be merged into your existing. Spectrum friend’s list once 3.9 goes live, but for now PTU spectrum is where the PTU friend’s list can be tested.

Feature Updates


  • Updated geological aspects of various planetary bodies with new visuals and assets
  • Default spawn location choices have been updated to only include major city locations (New Babbage, Area18, Lorville)
  • Added size 1 gimbals to all shops that carry gimbals
  • Sprint speed while your fists are raised has been increased to match unarmed sprint speed
  • Adjusted atmosphere density for ArcCorp and Hurston
  • Updated arrival radius distance for lagrange points – from 120km to 70km
  • Placed comm arrays around planets and moons and reduced their monitoring radius to cover just those sectors
  • Updated kiosk screens at Port Olisar, Lorville, Levski, Area18, and Grim HEX
  • Increased the brightness of the exterior lights around Levski


  • Updated ship AI behavior to include greater speed ranges and improved avoidance


  • Updated first person radial menu for personal inner-thought interaction system

The updated Radial menu gives quick access to certain actions which are context specific, such as on foot or in a pilot seat. These actions include emotes, weapon customizations, helmet removal, and many more. Each action is also shown with its relevant keybind where applicable. The menu will save your most used actions as favorites on the main wheel and can be accessed by opening the Personal Thought menu by holding F and right clicking (interact + mouse2).

  • Doubled the payout of all criminal missions
  • Added infraction to immediately impound player ships that collide with ships with the right to be within a landing area
  • Shifted the threshold to obtain lvl 4 and 5 crime stats
  • Lowered the amount your character twitches while impacted by fire in combat
  • Made murder and inmate murder against party members be automatically forgiven
  • Crashing a ship with players aboard will no longer award the pilot with a homicide crime sta

Ships and Vehicles

  • Forward/backward on vehicles can now be assigned to axes
  • Added missile incoming alerts to building block based ship HUDs
  • The velocity limiter can be now adjusted while disabled, with a faded line indicating where the limiter will be once reactivated
  • Returned missiles to tap to lock, hold to launch and added a keybind (not bound by default) for unlocking
  • Increased the headlight range of the Vanguard series
  • Added a small screen for medbed interactions in the 890 Jump
  • Shifted the mass on the Anvil Ballista from front to body to prevent the rear lifting continuously
  • Argo Mole can now attach size 1 mining lasers
  • To temporarily offset some of the issues with shield holes, damage to some ship components (some weapons and turrets) no longer passes through to the ship hull
  • Added on damage delay to ASAS shields
  • Reduced gravity compensation in partial landing to make landing easier
  • Added rain canopy VFX to the Avenger, Eclipse, Arrow, Gladiator, Hawk, Hornet, Herald, Merlin, Starfarer, Freelancer, Prospector, Razor, 300i, 85x, and Sabre
  • All PU purchasable items should now be available to REC rent
  • Ships rented with REC should now be customizable
  • Increased available deadzone range for vjoy by 20%
  • Set default vjoy deadzone to 4.5%
  • Lowered assisted gimbal slew speed
  • Mouse relative mode is now an optional setting for mouse control but not  bound by default
  • Players can low lock the rotation of their ship using the Rshift key
  • Increased wing health of all Reliants
  • Added missiles to all Reliants
  • Added second gimbal turret to Reliant Kore
  • Streamlined some aim and flying controls to reduce complexity in preparing for future updates.

Many of the custom settings for manual gimbal aiming and aim/look controls have been changed to streamline for future updates.  You can find a detailed post on those changes here:

Weapons and Items

  • Tweaked combat damage of S2 mass drivers to bring them more in line with similar sized weapons
  • Reduced head camera shake, reduced spread, and increased climb/drift for the Karna rifle
  • The extreme weather heavy armor suits Pembroke (extreme heat) and Novikov (extreme cold) can be found at Lorville’s  and Port Tressler’s armor shops respectively.

Major Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that was causing the player wallet to get set to 0 aUEC after character wipes and database resets
  • Pressing backspace on the main menu should no longer cause the menu to disappear
  • If a players uses both the pilot and bridge control seats, one should no longer get stuck
  • Players should now be able to logout in the beds of the 890 and the Reclaimer
  • Carrack headlights should now function
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the player to get stuck on the character customizer screen
  • CryAstro repair services should now work normally without the need to hover prior to landing
  • Ships should no longer get into an invulnerable state sometimes after repair
  • Ships should no longer rotate to align with an invisible plane before engaging non-spline quantum travel
  • Look behind camera should no longer occasionally clip into ship geometry
  • Area18 habitation floors should now have atmosphere
  • Logging out of the Caterpillar’s beds should no longer cause the player to log back in the pilot seat
  • Patrol missions should now correctly appear in the Crusader area
  • Fixed an issue where multiple ships could place a size 3 to 5 remote turret onto a gun hardpoint
  • Traveling to OM-1 should now send the player to the correct location and not to the center of Stanton
  • Carrack upper command ship controls should now have a HUD
  • There should no longer be a constant light reflection in the Sabre’s cockpit that obstructs the player’s view
  • Breathing should no longer be occasionally heard while in a loading screen
  • Avenger bed interaction should now work correctly
  • AI ships should no longer spin wildly when in combat
  • The character customizer should no longer become unresponsive
  • Player should now be able to look through sniper scopes correctly while crouching and prone
  • FPS AI should no longer aim in a random direction prior to aiming at the player
  • A ship should no longer be able to snag another ship in its physics grid, moving it out of sync and allowing access to cargo
  • Fixed a VOIP issue that was causing players to get into a state where Proximity and/or Primary channels can be heard globally after entering another primary channel
  • Refuel / restock / repair options should now work correctly at HUR-L4
  • Valkyrie Liberator variant should now be able to hold cargo
  • Players should no longer see the withdrawal of every mission element when the Call to Arms mission is withdrawn
  • Manned turrets should no longer appear out of sync and to not move to other players
  • Players should no longer encounter invisible players who are out of sync
  • Players should no longer be able to set direct QT routes or skip in-between jumps
  • Player should no longer be affected by strong wind while moving around on the two platforms at the Central Business District
  • Cargo boxes created from personal inventory should now be able to be sold at the commodities kiosk