Patch 1.4.2 nears closer and with this I wanted to go over some of the content/features & more that will be added in this patch and going over a few things that will come in the future.
The start of the quest system
With this patch comes the beginning of a system that will soon bring lots of pieces of content to the game and lore! With this update a 'Laptop Event' will be added. Laptops can be found off dead AI human or zombies bosses, or in rare loot containers. These events will lead to quests that will consist of anything from the simple kill X at this location, to disabling a generator that is guarded by AI Bandits. A lot is possible.
In the future, quests will consist of these 'Laptop Events' to main story quests, bounties & more!
New Journal UI
A face lift of the Journal UI was needed and coming with this update is a completely stylized UI made by Thomas Buzata.
Also included are brand new skill icons to with this.
QOL changes & fixes
Big QOL changes are coming for zombies and melee. The time between a zombie being able to attack the player or another survivor has been increased from 1s to a random time set between 1.25s & 2s. This will make melee with zombies less annoying however keep that fear that multiple zombies can kill you. Also the zombie attack hitbox has been halved and the player's melee attack hitbox has been doubled. More changes include; bleeding lasts for a shorter amount of time and has been basically halved, new rocket launcher sounds, new POIs and more...
Dialogue system
At this moment in time I'm unsure if this will make it into 1.4.2 but possibly 1.4.3. The dialogue system will tie heavily into the quest system and finding out more about the world of SurrounDead. From simple conversations with survivors, to meeting bandits and either talking your way out of getting killed or telling them how you will kill them yourself. Apart from this, much more can be added and QTE like timed dialogue will also be added. In the future I hope to tie this system to other parts to make it more sophisticated to AI know the type of person you are...
Some other stuff I'm working on for after 1.4.2
Multiplayer: Still progressing, work has slowed on it recently to get the quest system implemented but after this and in a month or two, work will increase again on MP.
Many new POIs: New POIs from hotels, to abandoned survivor holdouts, new towns & a large city!
Motorbikes: Main reason motorbikes haven't been added yet is due to issues with the physics of them in-game. Recently, I've been able to improve this of vehicles with two wheels, but work continues.
Swimming: The animation system is complete for swimming and the next course of action is to start changing the map to allow swimming in the rives, lakes, etc.
Filters for gas masks: One thing to increase the difficulty of radiated areas is to add filters you need to find to use the filter in these zones, as without you'd die in there.
Patch 1.4.1e - Apocalypse - Hotfix
Level scaling won't start until the player has survived at least 1 day (Both level and days survived affects this system)
Fixed AI health/damage issues when level scaling is disabled
Fixed barber player location on ship teleporting player under ship
Fixed M20 Enhanced weapon texture
Fixed AI health bar showing incorrect max health
Fixed AI spawns at specific location
Fixed black box at end of safe zone location name
Fixed AI health bar staying on screen after exiting to main menu
Player barber. Found in the 2 large safe zones, you can go here to change details about your character's details and looks.
New music while exploring
New items:
Rocket launcher
66mm rocket
Black military jacket
Black military pants
Black military gloves
Military boots
Spec ops plate carrier
Weapon now saves/selects firing mode last used when equipping again
Made refuelling generating more intuitive (Easier to know when you're able to refuel it)
Wind turbines now show a more exact speed dependant on wind intensity
Opened up a closed off building in Ellwood
Changed position of melee & sidearm equipment slot
Fixed issue throwing a grenade if a weapon was equipped
Fixed small turret not firing at AI
Fixed rotation of buildable not saving from the previously placed object
Fixed 10km & 100km distance travelled achievement
Fixed hotbar staying green for a weapon even though it was dropped/unequipped
Fixed changing primary & secondary weapons
Fixed weird alignment of some container UI
Fixed after changing weapon, UI for full auto/semi not changing
Fix to how game was checking for a repair kit/gas in a vehicle, could of caused FPS drop/freeze
With Patch 1.4.0, one thing players are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to do is to delete your SaveGames folder as shown below as previous save games will NOT work.
Open File Explorer
In the search bar paste in %localappdata%\surroundead\saved
Delete SaveGames folder
Patch 1.4.1c - Apocalypse
Added small buildable turret that doesn't need any power to use
Added metal barricaded metal door
Can now snap buildables to the ground angle/rotation and reset it to normal
New weather type added
Added glass to laboratory doors
Added doorway to entrance of large bunker player can build in
Increased delay before AI spawn
Adjustment to stamina drain on nearly all melee weapons (Reduced)
Current & max XP of passive skills now shown
Hunger, thirst, etc will still be shown when opening inventory
Increased chance for lockpicking to fail from 25% to 35%
Adjusted values for weather (Thunderstorms reduced also)
Aiming with melee now uses the combat crosshair
Fixed whistle not attracting AI
Fixed main menu freezing/locking up after a couple minutes
Fixed vaulting not being smooth
Fixed bleed, etc not stopping on death
Fixed laboratory doors merging with walls when opened
Possible fix for rare occasion when your dead player body is still technically 'alive'
Fixed Thief & Fishing max XP being 0 when starting a new game/character (To fix in a pre-existing save you will need to reset passive skills which is located in difficulty options, then 'Other')
Fix to throwable having collisions when it shouldn't
With Patch 1.4.0, one thing players are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to do is to delete your SaveGames folder as shown below as previous save games will NOT work.
Open File Explorer
In the search bar paste in %localappdata%\surroundead\saved
Delete SaveGames folder
Developer Update - News about multiplayer!
This is something I get multiple questions about nearly every day. Before this I'd always give basically the simple answer that 'It is coming & nothing else about it'. That changes today.
I'm happy to announce that multiplayer / co-op is now being actively worked on & current features are being reworked & cleaned up to work in a multiplayer environment. Also, I have an active trello page that will show the current progress of features/content as they get worked on to be multiplayer ready. (As linked below)
Another thing I know people will want to know is when will this be available? At this moment I am not going to announce any date or time frame for multiplayer but I'd rather just show people progress as it gets expanded. The first version of multiplayer will as well be a sort of test where players can join a world and do random activities, although these will not save between joining and leaving it. (Something that will come after 'test' release)
As progress continues, I will update the Trello board & start to release actual gameplay videos of players in a multiplayer environment.
Finally, will have another small-ish patch soon and thank you everyone, for everything.
Patch 1.4.1b - Apocalypse - Hotfix
Small patch today with exciting news to follow in the week!
Removed no build areas from certain locations
Change to how the player interacts with buildables
Fixed level scaling not enabling/connected to airdrops difficulty option
Fixed not being able to open GPS properly
Fixed equipped item staying green on entering a vehicle
Fixed collision of small industrial brick building
Fixed being able to climb/vault over pickups
Fixed mall collision
With Patch 1.4.0, one thing players are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to do is to delete your SaveGames folder as shown below as previous save games will NOT work.
Open File Explorer
In the search bar paste in %localappdata%\surroundead\saved
Delete SaveGames folder
Patch 1.4.1 - Apocalypse - Fix for FPS tanking after multiple saves/reloads
Level Scaling: As the player progresses in their save/world and if the player has this option enabled. AI will scale with the player as they get better loot, expect harder encounters as you progress.
AI health bars
Military supply crates buildable
Concrete wall buildable
Buffed HK433
If the player is crouched, when they whistle to distract enemies it will be quieter and only alert ones closer to the player
Your current equipped item will be highlighted on your action bar
Grenades now wont apply damage to objects it can't 'see'
Increased ground friction (More friction for vehicles)
Miscellaneous changes to UI
Zombie boss speed slightly slower
Improved inventory visibility
Improved world interaction accuracy
You no longer have to enable first person in settings
Fixed damaged rifles & shotguns not spawning with a loader
Adjustment to horde beacon wave settings
Fixed saves tanking FPS after multiple saves/reloads of game
Fixed AI respawn timer difficulty setting not changing the timer in-game
Fixed crafting UI not being centred
Fixed days survived resetting to 0
Fixed a performance issue with the 'easter egg' objects
Fixed hit audio not playing
Fixed issue where player was unable to place buildables
Fixed weapons bench crafting recipe
With Patch 1.4.0, one thing players are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to do is to delete your SaveGames folder as shown below as previous save games will NOT work.
Open File Explorer
In the search bar paste in %localappdata%\surroundead\saved
Delete SaveGames folder
Patch 1.4.0d - Apocalypse - Hotfix
With Patch 1.4.0, one thing players are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to do is to delete your SaveGames folder as shown below as previous save games will NOT work.
Open File Explorer
In the search bar paste in %localappdata%\surroundead\saved
Delete SaveGames folder
Being low on stamina no longer causes you not to be able to melee, but will slow down your attack speed delay between swinging your weapon
Throwables explosion delay shortened by one second
Removed a melee animation causing the player to swing quite low
Equip/unequip animations have been made slightly shorter
Fixed issue causing keycards to have extremely low chance to spawn in loot containers
Fixed issue causing 'Open' container not to show
Fixed not being able to walk out of new bunker
Fixed name, sex & occupation not saving/loading as what player set it to (Loads as default)
Fixed being able to scope in when changing weapons
Fixed weapons like the Exterminator spawning with 0/0 ammo
Fixed loot at random events/camps
Fixed wrenches not spawning
Fixed cartridges & vaulting when in proximity to an infestation
Patch 1.4.0c - Apocalypse - Hotfix
With Patch 1.4.0, one thing players are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to do is to delete your SaveGames folder as shown below as previous save games will NOT work.
Open File Explorer
In the search bar paste in %localappdata%\surroundead\saved
Delete SaveGames folder
Option to disable backpack in backpack: When this is enabled you are unable to put items in a backpack when it is in your inventory or pickup a backpack with items inside when it is on the ground
Difficulty slider to change amount of zombie hounds spawned
Added a large bunker to the map that the player can build in
Added an option to have Clock UI stay on screen
Updated hotbar & compass UI
Other miscellaneous improvements to UI
Now easier to run over AI (Less speed is required, etc)
Keycard spawn rate has been increased on 'High Tier Military Containers'
You can now designate what container is a 'High Tier Military Container' by its name
Land mines now have a 50% chance to spawn
Adjusted collision boxes for refuelling generators
Fixed difficulty option 'refill timer'
Removed block input binding (As it has been removed)
Fixed infinite gas cans/repair kits by dropping item while carrying out action
Fixed first person showing stuff like eyebrows when activated
Fixed while building, item will phase through other buildables instead of following its actual collision
Fixed scrolling while interacting with an object scrolls camera back/forward
Fixed permadeath mode not deleting skill save slot
Fixed airdrop not falling
Possible fix for airdrops not spawning
Fixed high tier military containers not actually having a name
Adjusted location of mines at observatory to stop AI walking into them
Fixed landmines (world objects) not activating when shot or drove over
Patch 1.4.0b - Apocalypse - Hotfix
With Patch 1.4.0, one thing players are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to do is to delete your SaveGames folder as shown below as previous save games will NOT work.
Open File Explorer
In the search bar paste in %localappdata%\surroundead\saved
Delete SaveGames folder
Fixed setting sex to female not actually changing player model while in game
Fixed vehicle sounds while reversing
Fixed fishing rod not being unequipped when entering a vehicle
Fixed crouching ADS and player model being invisible (Without scope)
Fixed miscellaneous level design issues
Fix for vehicles still being on fire on reload of save
Fixed hands/arms disappearing in first person
Fixed laboratory doors using the all access keycard
Fixed player suicide not keeping inventory, even if the option was enabled
Fixed horde beacon not showing it can be interacted with