Removed unnecessary back end check when loading game
Fixed being able to access scope when a melee weapon is equipped
Fixed crash on shooting range
Fixed AI spawns in prison
Developer Update - What's next?
To begin, I'd like to thank everyone for all the feedback, suggestions, bug reports and just your general opinion on the game. Without all of this we wouldn't be in this position today.
However, I know one thing on people's minds is what's in store next for the game, and in this post I hope to give people that general idea that development isn't slowing and more fun content is coming to the game!
I'd as well like to point out that the below is always up for feedback, not in any particular order of when it's coming and none of it is final.
1. New POIs
The current map will continue to expand, new locations with a variety of different infrastructure. Expect to see new towns, military locations, survivor locations and a large city. While I am using Synty Assets to develop most of these areas, I'm always looking at getting new types of buildings and environment made, from banks to even smaller details that will add to the lore of the game.
2. Base building additions/improvements
Base building is an important part of the game and something that needs to be added to and expanded. With additions to this system you can expect new furniture, to new traps and buildables that will allow you to better defend your camp against the dead. Another big question for this system is free building, allowing you to create large wooden, stone, etc buildings. I have not made a 100% decision on this system but don't expect is soon if it is added. Farming is another system that will be coming to the game so you can live off the land, grow crops and harvest them at the perfect time, and make sure to stock up for certain times of the year. Plus, an electricity system with generators that will power certain objects in your camp. And more!
3. Vehicle modding
If you've played State of Decay 2, this is the type of system I'm aiming for with vehicles. Find or craft vehicle upgrade kits that you can attach to certain vehicles, from more armor to more storage, these are the types of kits that could be added to your vehicle.
4. Quests!
Story missions, bounty board, etc This is quite simply the system I'm most excited about adding to the game. From going to safe zones and helping the communities thrive, to taking down thieves and destroying bandit camps, there is a vast range of quests that can be added. You'll as well discover more about the world and uncover the lore of what happened to the world you are in and the direction it is going in. As well, there will be a bounty board, accept a bounty on it and it will be marked on the map, go to that location and take out the individuals there, head back to bounty board and collect your rewards. These will as well rotate/be random each time you join and more will be added with each update. In the future, you will as well be able to gain reputation with different factions in the world and this will affect who are your enemies and who's your friends are.
5. Medical system
Broken legs, bleeding, nothing too in depth Adding the ability for the player to bleed, break legs and of extreme temperatures is another layer of complexity I'm working on. This will make it so that there's a a variation in the use of different medical items. Although, I don't want to make this system too complex or annoying for the player (A good example would be Unturned).
6. Special & more unique zombies
At the moment SurrounDead consists of just your normal zombies, irradiated and boss zombies. With more improvements to the AI coming in the future, you can expect to start seeing new types from your classic bloaters, screamers to even more unique type of zombies that will add an extra layer of horror to the game is what I've got in stores for you! You will as well be able to disable these types of zombies as you please.
7. Improved firearm customization
While an EFT weapon customization system will not come, I am looking at adding more attachments for the player to loot or even craft. From Laser Sights to flashlights and range finders, expect to see more tactical attachments and more long range sights and red dot sights. One possibility is the addition of a makeshift weapon station, where you will be able to craft custom makeshift weapons from broken weapons.
8. Melee weapon customization
Allowing the player to customize melee weapons will add another layer to the melee weapon system. Grab a bat and add a blade to it or some wire, these are the possibilities that could happen with this system.
9. Character customization / Clothing
Before clothing and proper customization, there will be character selection. You'll be able to choose the character you want to play and possibly as well the chance to name your character and give them a profession of your own choosing. Clothing may take some time but it's something I really want to add as well, so when it can actually be implemented (Waiting on actual models), I will definitely work on it and add it as soon as I can.
10. Motorbikes
Faster, nimble but weaker. Plus, they look cool.
11. Multiple saves
At the moment you can only have 1 save. In the future, I want to change this so you can have multiple saves and save each part of your journey.
12. Travel system
Travel to various other smaller maps. From exit points on the main map, you will be able to choose to travel to various other locations surrounding the base area. These locations could vary from small wooded areas with a large destroyed survivor campsite, to an irradiated nuclear area, to out in the water at an oil rig and even a large enclosed city.
13. Improved weather system
At the moment, between seasons you will no difference in the weather or how it affects the world. In the future, this will change to where actual seasons have unique weather variations and can affect the player temperature, possibly vehicles, AI and future systems like farming and fishing.
14. Fishing
Find fishing rods around the world and go to a body of water to find various fish types or even rare, submerged loot.
15. Horde mode
Just something that I will work on to the side is a horde mode. Enjoy taking out waving of infected on a unique map and earn points to traverse it and get better equipment.
16. Translation
This is a question I get quite a lot and it is something I will be working on is getting the game translated for various languages around the world as I understand not everyone is fluent in English and this can sometimes put people off the game.
17. Co-op/ Multiplayer
Yes... It's planned but nothing else to say apart from that.
18. Steam workshop
Allowing players the ability to share and create custom difficulty packs, new weapons, equipment and possibly maps.
Other Features:
Naming inventory containers
Improved trading & crafting
Additional world markers on map
Roaming hordes
Bow & arrows / Crossbow
Gas mask filters & batteries for equipment
More & new random events
Improved / Actual controller input mappings
Finally, the next couple weeks are going to be very busy for me and so I will not be very frequent with updates or interacting with the community and to end it I'd like to say again, thank you so much and I hope that you are all excited for the future as much as me!
Patch 1.3.1 - Intruders
Zombie & animal spawn multiplier difficulty option added (Be careful, as performance could degrade)
Added option to respawn screen to choose either; respawn from spawn point or respawn from random location
Increased AI footstep volume
Adjusted legendary weapon mag drop rate
If player suicides, they will no longer spawn at their spawn point, but a random location
Changes to passive skill add amounts
Changes to XP given AI death
Spec ops helmet changed to a green color
Decreased zombie crawler speed
Water, foliage and AI optimisation
Fixed random events not having enemies
Fixed being able to loot all vendor items for free on trader death (While realistic-ish, can be cheesed way to much at this moment)
Fixed issue where exiting to main menu while ADS with scope can cause scope to stay on screen
Fixed terrain issues with foliage
Fixed first person camera occasion where it would be zoomed in after using a scope
Fixed ice cream truck vendor in tree spawn
Fixed radiation random events still applying radiation damage even if the event didn't spawn
Fixed MRE healing player (Should just give Hunger & Thirst)
Fixed water causing weird lighting issues when a light is cast on it (Usually from a vehicle)
Patch 1.3.0b - Intruders - Hotfix
Added radio to loot pool
Themed music added to airfield
MSAA sample count option added
Adjustments to some AI spawn locations
Adjusted collision of tree stumps
No build zones around safe zones have been made much smaller
Adjusted loot spawns of new legendary items
Vehicles won't take damage until they're going faster than 30mph, this does not apply to hitting AI
AI human melee slightly slower
When in 'No Build Zone' UI notification tells player they are in this zone
Improved/change to how AI spawn at random events
Changes to navigation, please report if there is a big difference in frame rate
Fixed various terrain issues
Fixed new lamp not spawning
Fixed weird texturing on buggy
Fixed random events having invisible containers
Fixed Ctrl Click to crafting stations
Possible fix for AI not dealing damage
Fixed AI stopping attacking
Fixed AI continually increasing in spawn amounts when exiting and entering from main menu
Fixed rain & snow on main menu
Patch 1.3.0 - Intruders - Bandits, Airfield & More
Look forward to a post soon about future updates
If you run into an issue of the game crashing a minute after spawning, save the game as soon as you enter
Upgrade to Unreal Engine 5.1 from 5.0
New Locations: The area around the airfield has been opened, go explore and discover REDACTED
AI Bandits, Scavengers & More - (First Pass): Around the world the player can bandits that will attack the player on sight, you can either find them at one of their camps or roaming randomly around the world. As well you can find friendly scavengers, they will not not attack you, unless you attack them first. In the future, you'll be able to trade with roaming scavengers and the bandit system will be improved heavily. You will as well be able to find wandering traders and REDACTED
New AI Animals: New animals have been added to the game. These are a bit more dangerous then your deers and rabbits, but include bears and wolves
Skill Tree: From leveling up, to killing bosses, these are ways the player can earn skill points, that they can then spend on the skill tree. The skill tree starts with 10 skills, and with future updates, this tree can continue to be modified and added to
Passive Skills: From doing in-game activities, you can improve your player's ability in that area. From hitting enemies with your melee weapon, applying first aid, sneaking, sprinting, shooting and more, all these will improve the player and their ability to conduct that certain task
New Vehicle: Modified Utility Pickup Truck
As well, this is a look into the future of what could come to vehicles
Firearm Effective Range: Each weapon has an effective range that it can fire to, once the weapon reaches it's effective range, damage falloff will be applied. For example, a sniper will have a much larger effective range, while a pistol will have a smaller effective range
Critical Hits: Weapons have a chance to hit a critical hit, these shots will produce more damage than a regular shot. The quality of an items and the type of weapon it is plays a role in how likely it will do a critical hit
Find hidden caches that randomly spawn across the map
New safe zone located on the river, on a broken down ship
Can now climb numerous ladders that were already on the map
You can now change distance of camera from player position
New player stat: Animal Kills
New item rarity: Rare
Rare buildable ornaments added, find these rare items in residential buildings
Speed added to vehicle UI
Added anti-aliasing type graphic setting
Adjust crosshair scale setting
Added light shafts and a setting to turn them off
New Items:
Airfield keycard
Classified Area Keycard
Pipe bomb
Biker helmet
Alice pack
Patrol backpack
Damaged patrol backpack
Enhanced military respirator
300 Winchester rounds
M2010 Enhanced - Legendary sniper rifle
M2010 mag
Battle Ready Glock - Legendary handgun
Colonels Revenge - Legendary assault rifle
Colonels Revenge mag
Exterminator - Legendary shotgun
Valkyrie - Legendary assault rifle
Valkyrie mag
Guardian - Legendary marksman rifle
Guardian mag
Small couch
2x Storage crate (New)
Money safe
Camp chair (New)
Table (New)
Bunk bed
Tent (New)
New Rare Buildable Ornaments:
Cow girl ornament
Dog ornament
Globe ornament
Goblin ornament
Knight ornament
Neon cactus ornament
Newtons cradle ornament
Orbiter ornament
Samurai ornament
Space shuttle ornament
Toy bear ornament
Viking ornament
New Difficulty Options:
AI respawn timer
Zombie health multiplier
Bandit health multiplier
Scavenger health multiplier
Minimum timer until airdrops (Seconds)
Maximum timer until airdrops (Seconds)
Random event chance multiplier
Day length
Night length
Reset passive skills on death
Stamina depletion multiplier
Stamina recovery multiplier
No vehicle spawns in new save
Bandit camp spawn chance multiplier
Scavengers camp spawn chance multiplier
Containers are now more random with how they generate loot
Big change to harvesting system; Now Trees and rocks can be cut down and mined
Player now spawns a lootable container on death, hopefully this will solves issues with not being able to loot your own dead body
Adjustments to firearm loot rarity
Improved combat rolling (Now directional)
Improvements to vehicle handling and how vehicles turn
2 types of locked doors to pick lock. Rooms with better loot now have an advanced locking system. To unlock this type of door the player will need to unlock the Lockpick+ skill in the skill tree
Only crafting benches, campfires and base marker will block AI spawns / loot spawns
Improved water material / shader
Removed vehicle deformation (For now)
Improvements to ladder system
Major improvements to graphical design of subway
Changes to ice cream vendor locations
Noise made by player movement increased (Ties into to new passive skill system)
Slight adjustments to inventory UI
Slight adjustments to crafting UI
Improved entering & leaving area UI
Changes to some vehicle textures
Changes to radiation weather when in a radiation zone
Improved new game difficulty selection UI
Improved item inspector/image quality
Changes to main menu level
Improved respawn screen UI
Changes to player crouch camera
Adjustment to shooting trail visibility
Smoother switch camera side transition
Can now carry 10 meat instead of 3
Adjustment to amount of meat from animals
Initial delay added when spawning AI
Only change character model after a suicide (Not every respawn)
Items stack when hovered and dropped over a container (Example, money in money pouch)
Fixed crane collision
Fixed not being able to roll while aiming down sights
Volumetric fog video setting fixed
Fixes/changes to AI spawning
Fixed random chance to spawn event code
Fixed first person building mode
Fixed no context menu for equipping and un-equipping throwables
Fixed some issues with water and collision
Fixed spelling of 'ceiling' on lights
Fixed position of Acog on Barrett 50 Cal Sniper
Fixed buildable traps not counting towards kills (Eg. Landmine)
Fixed animation not looping when breaking into a locked cabinet, etc
Fixed airdrops giving way too much loot
Fixed water well going into negatives
Fixed dropping items from a dead AI body deletes the item
Fixed animal footstep sounds
Possible fix for 'Too close to wall' staying on screen
Fixed issues with melee stance (ADS but melee)
Fixed Mosin clip description
Fixed climbing ladders forever if not near middle of ladder
Fixed events not despawning correctly
Fixed player model changing every respawn (Not suicide)
Fixed MP5 compensator location
Fixed 'auto save' saving even if the player is dead
Fixed crawlers not being killed by vehicles
Fixed random events spawning containers even when the event wasn't spawned (Could solve some people's issues with lag after saving and loading the game after many times)
Fixed an error that was happening when crafting (Does mean you have to click back on object to craft again)
Container weight system delayed until future update if it is going to be added
Thank you very much, keep surviving and look forward to the next updates!
UNSTABLE Patch 1.3.0
While this is not the full patch notes (Which will be released with the stable update) here are the main additions and changes in the 1.3.0 patch for testing:
If you're having a crash after joining with a previous save, save your game straight after loading in Firearm view in inventory issue is known about
New locations; New airfield and surrounding areas
AI Bandits, Scavengers & More; find randomly spawning pockets of AI, from feedback this can be increased and added to new areas
Skill tree & passive skill system; will need balancing
New animals
Firearm effective range & critical hits
New safe zone
New items and legendary items
New difficulty options
Can now harvest all trees & rocks
Player crate on death instead of looting body
Many changes & bug fixes
And much more
Container weight system delayed until future update if it is going to be added
Expect issues and I look forward to the feedback.
Happy Holidays & a steam sale
Happy holidays to everyone and I look forward to seeing new faces with this Christmas sale!
I hope everyone is enjoying the holidays and the game. Shortly after Christmas day (and before New Years day) I will be releasing an experimental patch for the 1.3.0 update, for the new content to be tested. Furthermore, the weight system that was going to be implemented has been delayed until a future update.
Speak soon, when I release the experimental patch!
Patch 1.3.0 and what's planned
Apologies for not interacting with the community for the last week but I have been quite ill and only just starting to recover. I hope as well this post gives a good outline to what I have planned, and want to implement in the 1.3.0 update.
I would prefer this patch to come out before the end of the year and I know you lot would like this as well. However, if I feel like the update is not ready I will not release it, although I will look at, as a minimum releasing an experimental update of the this patch around this time.
What's in this update?
A new area; this area will consist of a radiated airfield, large industrial factory, small housing districts and REDACTED
Weapon damage falloff; This works in the way with each weapon has a range until damage starts to decrease with the distance of the shot. For example, the M9 could have a range of 50m and the Hunting Rifle have a range of 200m, once these values are reached, damage falloff will start to apply (Exact stats TBC)
Critical hit system; Weapons have a random chance to do a critical hit, these shots or melee hits will deal a multiplier to the base damage of the weapon, these values will be displayed to the player
Improved vehicle handling and adjustments to braking
New difficulty settings; Player can now change the speed of day and night, adjust a multiplier of zombie health, respawn timer for AI, minimum and maximum time for airdrops spawning, random event chance multiplier, multipliers for stamina and possibly more
Passive skills; Conducting different activities in-game will add XP to your passive skills. For example, keep sprinting and you'll improve your speed and stamina, etc
With this I still want to implement a skill tree system, where as the player levels up they earn skill points they can spend here to unlock certain skills they want. For example, a skill to improve vaulting, allowing the player to vault even while falling, this allows the the player to jump from roof to roof easily
Named / Legendary items; These items will be extremely rare, already customized and have unique looks
New animals; Be wary of your surroundings in the wilderness
AI bandits and Bandit camps; Ranging from ranged to melee, bandits will be added to the game. To begin with they will spawn in randomly spawning bandit camps placed around the map, take these out to get rare and unique loot, for the same update I may as well look at spawning them randomly around POIs, where you could see them fighting the undead or coming for you
Numerous new items
New buildables; Many new buildable objects, from new crates to beds and more. Plus ornaments, found around the world in certain locations, be on the look out
And QOL improvements and bug fixes
Possibilities for this update?
Here I will be going in to additions I want to add in this update, but may come further down the line.
Battery system; Torches, night vision, etc will all need batteries to operate, these batteries will be found in civilian and industrial areas
Improved grenade throwing; Instead of throw and forget, the player will be able to see where the grenade is going and even be able to cancel the throw
Night vision is an attachment; The spec ops helmet will no longer come equipped with night vision goggles, but the goggles will instead be an attachment you can equip to certain headwear
Friendly roaming AI; Friendly AI that wont attack on sight unless provoked
Finally, make sure to nominate SurrounDead in these final days of the sale and look forward to the Christmas sell!
Patch 1.2.1 - Hardship
Changes to locked container sizes
Fix to loot refilling when interacting with container
Fix to small items falling through ground
You now get 4 wood planks instead of 2
Harvestable objects have 20 to 30 materials in them
Fixes to loot refill
Ai optimisation
Changes to loot container sizes
Changes to vendor containers size
Fixed CR308 mag dropping CR308 rifle
New music added to subway
Fixed harvestable objects just saying "No more wood"
Boss zombies killed stat added
Wood planks cost 6 wood
MP5 and FN-Fal can now attach sights
Radiated zombies and zombie bosses do a value of 1 to 5 radiation damage to the player
Medical room added to FOB Bravo
Increased resources needed for buildables
Increased crafting material stacks
Reduced amount of materials you can get from harvestable objects
Adjustments to melee weapon damage
Deagle damage increased (96 body damage, 204 headshot)
M249 fire rate increased, recoil increased
Water well won't catch water if a ceiling is above and less water is caught in general
Landmine damage upped to above 200 damage
Adjustments to fall damage, first level of fall damage won't play an animation anymore either
Removed camera shake from molotov
Found issue with random events and the containers of that event stay saved in the system and spawned at co-ordinates 0,0,0 of the map every time you loaded in (Save/load system becomes bloated because of this)
Fixed melee blocking consuming all stamina
Possible fixes for refill containers not refilling loot
Fix to lock picking door UI timer causing interaction with inventory to break
Fixed not being able to climb up a ladder when it's on an incline
Fixes to landmine
Patch 1.2.0e - Hardship - Hotfix
MP5 and FN-Fal can now attach sights
Radiated zombies and zombie bosses do a value of 1 to 5 radiation damage to the player
Medical room added to FOB Bravo
Increased resources needed for buildables
Increased crafting material stacks
Reduced amount of materials you can get from harvestable objects
Adjustments to melee weapon damage
Deagle damage increased (96 body damage, 204 headshot)
M249 fire rate increased, recoil increased
Water well won't catch water if a ceiling is above and less water is caught in general
Landmine damage upped to above 200 damage
Adjustments to fall damage, first level of fall damage won't play an animation anymore either
Removed camera shake from molotov
Found issue with random events and the containers of that event stay saved in the system and spawned at co-ordinates 0,0,0 of the map every time you loaded in (Save/load system becomes bloated because of this)
Fixed melee blocking consuming all stamina
Possible fixes for refill containers not refilling loot
Fix to lock picking door UI timer causing interaction with inventory to break
Fixed not being able to climb up a ladder when it's on an incline