Terraformers cover
Terraformers screenshot
Genre: Simulator, Strategy, Turn-based strategy (TBS), Indie


Small patch 1.0.66

Bug Fixes and improvements:

  • Fixed blurry text on the planet
  • Fixed lose stinger not triggering
  • Made gameplay message less obtrusive
  • Quality of life: when choosing a leader, the selection is no longer reset upon closing and reopening the leader selection screen
  • For long texts in the leader and event popups, a scrollbar appears instead of making the text smaller to fit the popup
  • Made the game manual accessible directly in-game
  • Fixed the Dikes and Ocean related achievements
  • Fixed a specialization exploit where you could discard the moon space project to get a bonus and add it back for free and infinitely
  • Fixed a bug with relocating city-mines which you could not discard and get stuck
  • Fixed a flew localisation related issues
  • Fixed a bug where you would get a constant reminder to do an explore action
  • Stopped the blinking the “place HQ/Found city” button until you have hired a leader
  • Fixed a bug where Pierre Barbier Building wasn’t counting it’s bonus correctly
  • Fixed a bug where the game would freeze when trying to load a corrupted save
  • Made that playing an explore action building from a far zoom would zoom in towards the planet like leader skill
  • Fixed a expectation event issue when setting environment to 0 in Custom mode
  • Fixed a bug where the wrong save would be loaded when playing on steam offline
  • Other small fixes and polish

Balance changes:

  • Lowered the difficulty of all scenarios a little bit. Except for the expectation level 15 in custom game, this one is still the same.
  • Lowered the end-game difficulty of lower difficulty scenarios a little.
  • Increased the amount of oceans you need to have nearby before ocean projects are proposed.
  • Increased Tsvetan’s specialization to give 20 support income instead of 15.
  • Increased volcano spawn rate slightly

March Devlog

Dear Terraformers! It’s been one week since the 1.0 release, and we would like to take this moment to thank everybody for playing the game and for taking the time to write feedback and reviews. Even though sometimes it’s difficult to read the negative ones, the vast majority of positive comments really warm our hearts. I sometimes have to remind myself that people are really enjoying something that we’ve made!

Live Orchestra recording

If you heard a difference between the Early Access music and the 1.0 music, you are not mistaken! Our partnering composers Anton and Daniel at Airship Studios also have recorded the game music with an actual orchestra! The small details we can hear from the different strings and other instruments really add depth and emotion to the soundtrack. We love it personally. If you wish to get the music as a standalone you can check their bandcamp page or purchase the supporter pack. They also made an amazing making-off video:

Terraformers music being re-recorded by the Stockholm Studio Orchestra


For those seeking more depth and wanting to understand the game mechanics and underlying systems better, we’ve written a manual! For new players, we still suggest learning the game by playing the tutorial, as there the information is presented when it is relevant. So it is really meant to learn exactly how certain mechanics work, and also a “look under the hood” in things like the project proposal system and the map generation. We will include the document in the gamefiles and add a button on the main menu to access it easily in a future update.

Achievements & Steam Cards

As has been requested, we’ve also added 62 Steam achievements to the game! They promote different play styles and getting them all will be a good challenge. We’ve also added Steam Trading cards for the collectors and completionists amongst you!

62 achievements have been added

Future plans

Terraformers has now officially released but that is not the end of the development of the game! We will continue to add content and improvements in upcoming free updates. And we are also starting work on future DLC. We’ll shine more light into what these updates and DLC will be about in future devlogs!

Thank you again for everything, and we (keep) see(ing) you on Mars!

Terraf Team

Small patch 1.0.62

Bug Fixes and improvements:

  • Fixed planet sometimes spinning around a whole turn when focusing on a planet location
  • More performance optimization
  • Added a tooltip for zooming the planet
  • Added that clicking “explore” will zoom towards the planet if in “moon” view
  • Fixed the placement of catastrophic event UI item at the top right
  • Fixed the weekly challenge which was broken today
  • Fixed the time of the last save on the load game popup
  • Display spaceport comfort of living bonus on map after placing
  • Fixed a bug where spaceport would contribute their bonus even if not owned
  • Fixed that the language setting was not properly saving after auto-picking a language

Balance changes:

  • Increased the amount of Mars points you receive after playing a game, so you’ll unlock content faster.
  • Catastrophic events now can’t appear early in the game in the lower mastery level scenarios. The apocalyptic meteor can’t occur in mastery level 1 anymore.
  • Slightly lowered the chance of a Marsquake.
  • Lowered the end-game difficulty of the lower mastery levels, so new players can take more turns to beat the earlier scenarios.

small patch 1.0.60

- fixed an issue where the custom mode would not trigger the start event on some specific settings
- fixed an issue where digging aquifer could show a wrong resource


Greetings, Martians!

After much anticipation, the day has finally arrived...


We are thrilled about this release and incredibly grateful for your continuous support! Now is the time to enjoy all the exciting features that Terraformers has to offer, including the new content listed below!

Full patch notes:

[expand type="details"]New stuff:

  • Moon cities, they are discovered through an event and then you have to complete the space project to access them.
  • An indication of how big the chance of an expectation rise is added above your support.
  • Can undo all action in a turn if they did not “reveal” new information (like exploring or getting new projects proposed).
  • When exploring you can hover on another exploration mode and after a short time it will display the alternative cost it would take with that other action.
  • Localized map and city-name generation.
  • Mineable asteroids (through events).
  • Apocalyptic asteroid event.
  • Added achievements (62 of them).
  • Added Steam trading cards.
  • “New game” flow and multiple save slots.
  • Expectation forecasting feature (on the support UI widget).
  • New “weekly challenge” game mode.
  • Improved balance of luck and randomness.
  • Many new exploration skills for more variety.
  • 36 new buildings / space projects / technologies, 5 new events, 2 new leaders.
  • Player named characters on the map.
  • Removed that cities that own a coastal location have +1 comfort of living.
  • Improved camera transition of cities.
  • Added building construction animation.
  • Fixed a bug with space projects triggering their progress too many times.
  • Added city slot highlights for valid construction slots.
  • Added a leader retirement counter.
  • Added Japanese and Korean translations.
  • Removed a “not enough resource” tooltip sometimes wrongly appearing when founding .a new city.
  • Tutorial flow polish and improvements.
  • New desktop game icon.
  • Made that a terraforming event will take place before the win/loss check to avoid unwanted loss.
  • The landmark sidebar will have a clearer indication of which options are available.
  • An icon will be displayed on the map when a landmark can be upgraded.
  • Added display of spaceport bonus on the map.
  • Added animation for some actions which were not clear they had taken place.
  • Added victory music when solving a crisis event.
  • Added multiple colors for the support change per turn to better indicate the risk associated.
  • Added a landmark highlight on the map when selected.
  • Added auto-selection of the language based on the language of the current system.
  • Removed the excessive warning popup on new games.
  • Lots of performance optimization.
  • Lots of small polish and improvements.
  • Fixed many small bugs.

Difficulty changes:
  • Lowered the difficulty in the first few scenarios.
  • Increased the expectations level of the Red Path scenario by 1 (so it is the same as in all other scenarios).
  • Increased the terraforming requirements of the Blue Path a little.

Content balance changes:

  • Load Balancing station now produces 1 power per 3 mines owned by the city. It costs 9 silicates.
  • Changed cost of School from 4 science and 10 food to 4 science and 10 silicates.
  • Changed the “CO2 imports” skill from Henry from 4 heat and 4 atmosphere to 3 heat, 3 atmosphere and 5 support.
  • Reduced cost of Orbital Solar panels from 14 silicates and 10 tritium to 14 silicates and 9 tritium.
  • Increased cost of Aerogel Manufacturer from 5 silicates and 5 tritium to 7 silicates and 5 tritium.


  • Increased science requirement for 1 extra science income of Self-Learning AI from 4 to 5.
  • Changed support gain per sold project from Reverse-Engineering technology from 15 to 10. Decreased the science cost to develop the technology from 20 to 15.
  • Increased the cost of Urban Planning technology from 20 to 25 science.
  • Increased the cost of Lightweight Hull Structures from 15 to 20 science.
  • Increased cost of Open Science Database from 10 to 15 science.


  • Lowered prestige of Temperate rainforest from 13 to 12.
  • Lowered prestige of Boreal rainforest from 20 to 18.
  • Lowered prestige of Palm trees from 36 to 32.
  • Lowered prestige of Temperate rainforest from 36 to 32.


  • Changed specialization of Pekai, now it gives 2 support income per new city you found instead of 25 support stock.
  • Changed the skill of Dejah, now the space hotels project she creates costs 10 titanium and 0 food instead of 6 titanium and 3 food.





This Martian adventure has just begun... For more news about Terraformers, or if you just want to chat with our community or report bugs, join us on Discord!

Have fun! 🚀

-Asteroid Lab & Goblinz Publishing

January & February Devlog

Hello everyone! In exactly 1 week the moment is finally here: the 1.0 release! As we started this project 4 years ago, it almost feels surreal! With this devlog we want to inform you of the new things that will be in this update besides the multiple save slots and weekly challenge that were mentioned in the previous devlog.

Moon cities

With this final update, you will be able to found cities on the Martian moons! Over the course of the game, you might get an event that allows you to found a city on one of the 2 moons of Mars (Phobos or Deimos). If you choose to, you will get a special space project that requires 30 food and 10 water to complete. And once completed, you have a city on one of the moons. The Martian moons are very small (Phobos has a diameter of 22 kilometers and Deimos a diameter of 12 kilometers. That’s not much compared to our moon that has a diameter of 3,478 kilometers). Therefore they have less than 15 slots to construct buildings on (Phobos has 12, and Deimos only 9). However, they have other advantages:

  • Phobos has a slot that connects to 5 other slots, something not seen in other city layouts. It also has a great natural sight and an aquifer. Finally, once you have a city on Phobos, all your trade routes generate 1 additional support per turn due to the tourism potential.
  • Deimos has a titanium deposit and 4 anomalies that let science-producing buildings produce 1 extra science when constructed there. Also, once you have a city on Deimos, all your space projects will cost 15% less of each resource to complete. This is due to it being a great launch hub for other missions into space due to its neglectable gravity.

A city on Phobos.

Expectation rise forecasting

For many players the moment expectation rise events would occur felt random and abrupt. Therefore, we’ve included an indicator with 4 stages above your stored support. The more filled up the bar is, the higher the chance of an expectation rise in the next turn. The bar is divided into 4 stages:

  • Stage 1, green: no chance of an expectation rise.
  • Stage 2, yellow: small chance of an expectation rise.
  • Stage 3, orange: likely chance of an expectation rise.
  • Stage 4, red: high chance of an expectation rise.

Every turn, the bar fills up a little, indicating the increased chance of an expectation rise event. Also if a positive event happens, the bar will fill up depending on how strong the event was. And when a negative or damage event happens, the bar will be partly emptied depending on how bad the event was or how much damage you suffered. Hovering the bar gives you more information about what affected the chance of an expectation rise this turn.

Expectation forecasting bar.

New content

With this new update, we’re also adding 8 levels of content unlock. It includes 17 new buildings, 1 new space project, 3 new technologies and 3 new leaders.

Some of the new content.

There are also 2 new events: asteroids that can be mined as space projects, and a catastrophic event: will you be able to protect Mars from a planet-destroying meteor?

A mineable asteroid.

Other improvements

We’ve also worked on many visual- and quality of life improvements. Such as an improved planet visual, improved tutorial and tooltips to help new players, and some animations.

Improvements to the planet visual (old vs new).

How you can help us

The upcoming 1.0 release will be the most important one for us financially, as it will determine if our studio can be sustainable and if we can continue to develop more games. Therefore, if you think we deserve it, we would like to politely ask you to leave a positive review on Steam or GoG. As we are so close to release, a review now will have the biggest impact as it will affect our “recent score” once the game launches. We would be eternally grateful!

We would like to take this moment to thank all of you for your support during this Early Access adventure! Your feedback has helped us tremendously to improve the game in the areas that most needed it, and your stories have warmed our hearts to at least temperature level 3!

We hope to see you on Mars on March 9th!

Terraf Team

📅 Terraformers leaves early access March 9th!

Hello Martians,

We are excited to announce that Terraformers’ 1.0 launch is shaping up to release on March 9th! ✨

Get a sneak peek at the upcoming features in our latest trailer:

As previously announced, here's what we have in store for you with the 1.0 release:

  • Space cities, they are discovered through an event and then you have to complete the space project to access them
  • Player named characters on the map
  • Localized map and city-name generation
  • Mineable asteroids (through events)
  • Apocalyptic asteroid event
  • Achievements (62 of them)
  • “New game” flow and multiple saves
  • Expectation forecasting feature (on the support UI widget)
  • New “weekly challenge” game mode
  • Improved balance of luck and randomness
  • Many new exploration skills for more variety
  • Lots of small polish and improvements
  • 36 new buildings / space projects / technologies, 5 new events, 2 new leaders.

Wishlit now and be notified at launch:


If you still haven't had the chance to play the game, you should wait for the full release as the game will be discounted... Just saying! 👀

-Asteroid Lab & Goblinz Publishing

Happy New Year!

Hi all,

As you may know, the year of Rabbit is around the corner! Best regards and wishes to everyone for the new year ahead!

Looking back on the past year, we'd like to thank all of our players for supporting Terraformers. We're working hard now on new content hoping to deliver you the experience as best as we can. Stay tuned!

Happy New Year everyone!

Patch v0.9.52

Fixes a major crash which was happening to some people during the first few turns of the game.

Terraformers has officially joined the 'EAST MEETS WEST GAMES FEST'

Hello Martians!!

Terraformers has officially joined the 'EAST MEETS WEST GAMES FEST' and been selected as 'Strategy Bundle'!

The Bundle contains Dyson Sphere Program, For the King, Mutant Year Zero, Autonauts vs Piratebots, Gordian Quest, a total of six high-quality Games, the original price is $121.44, the discount is 10%, and the discounted price is $93.54.

The sale will last until January 23rd and hope you guys have a happy brain exercise ; )


In addition, Terraformers is currently having a 20% discount. Players who want to purchase Terraformers alone, don't miss this opportunity!