Touhou Adventure cover
Touhou Adventure screenshot
Genre: Adventure, Indie

Touhou Adventure

Real talk : current state of the game

As you may have seen, the game hasn't been given any update for ages, I frankly didn't not have the time nor energy to do anything on it

but i recieved some questions about the game and all, didn't realise some people actually liked the game a little

i will definitely come back someday, i'll just see where i left things out

I also picked up some new skills that will come in handy with the game, but honestly, i will need to clean the project first

In a more personal update, i'm currently working at a game dev company, so my days are still quite full, but again, those skills are quite usefull, so yeah, i'm really sorry for just abandoning the project as a whole

Touhou Adventure 6.20

Hello !

I've added a small credit area thing called the pantheon that you can visit
it has some people i like and helped me throughout the project as statue

I've also took that time to fix a butt ton of bugs, too many bugs too even compile here : but still have a small list ;

  • bugs with NPC that would partially dissapear
  • some bugs with scripts that called void objects
  • global increase in performances
  • some things i've forgotten to fix from previous updates
  • tokiko's dialogue wouldn't translate properly

I think i'll take a week off from the project to avoid an incoming burn out ːsteamhappyː
i still also have university to focus on...

i hope y'all understand~


Touhou Demo 6.10.a

small update concerning the demo :

I added 6 hours of in game time to the demo so you'll be able to see more
Fixed a bug where the main menu would be loaded infinitely

Touhou 6.10


as part of the re working the game sprites, i've been redoing buildings for these updates, a smaller update

I also added stats and achievements to the game, so now you can start to collect these sweet achievements

that's pretty much it for this update, i plan for the next update to work on the steam page a little and make better than it is now

Some bug fixing :
- Keine at her tutorial would still be seen with the old style
- A bug where you couldn't die, again

Touhou Adventure 6.00

Hejo everyone !

Today's update might look little to you, but for me, it took my a while to do !

Basically, this update is just about re making all the sprites in game, all NPC, including the villagers, and the player's sprites have been completely redone with a new style, that I find way better

I have also changed the portrait a bit so the characters are more visible, but that's pretty much all, i haven't work on anything else but that, specifically.

the reason on why I decided to change the artstyle was because some friends recommended me to change and I already had in mind to change it but was not really for that, since i knew the amount of work would be big, but I did it anyway.

I keep growing as an artist and developer, and I think it's normal to just hate what to did prior to a specific moment, there's still a lot of things that i don't like about how the game looks, like the building, but I will fix that another time

I hope you don't mind the slow process ːsteamhappyː

next update will be around adding steam achievements to the game and changing some graphical stuff here and there, like the buildings.

kind regards,
- Trist

Terra illusiones codex 1.00

Year : 2001, Akita, Japan.

On a faithful day of August, on the 12th day of this month, precisely, one sentient being was born, on a local hospital of Akita, this little being was a human, in fact all sentient beings on planet earth are human.

This little human was born from a middle class family, it's a parent had only one child, the one that was just born in a few minutes ago, they both come humble origins, the father working as a salary man and the mother as a caretaker for other babies.

For the following years, the little human kept growing as per usual, went to school, made friends, learnt many things as all little humans should learn, as the little human grew older and older, it tried the local amusement park where it had a few electronic devises such as arcade games.

The now older little human kept discovering places, restaurants, museums, that human had a lot of common knowledge, but it liked learning these things, so it keep learning.

it's favorite hobby being visiting new things, experiencing new stimuli, it wanted to go further, further away from the neighbor of it's town, unfortunately for it, they had no money for travelling, since they're only a school student, and it's parent weren't eager to go, considering that they had to still work.

After going to high school and passing school, the human was now old enough to work aside school to fund it's newly found hobbies, adventures, it took it a while to gain a fair amount of money to be able to travel, it wanted to visit Tokyo, the capital of Japan, a lot, fortunately, it had earned enough money to travel there, so that was what it was going to do.

it went to sleep, impatient to wake up in order to travel there, it was a rough night, due to the fact it couldn't sleep soundly, because of it's eagerness of going outside it's comfort zone, but it managed to get a tiny amount of sleep.

it dreamt about a figure, unknown to it, it swear it was a nightmare but it couldn't recall everything about the dream, it shrug off and continue on the preparations.

As the preparations finished, it left the home and followed the way to the nearest train station, as it embark the train, that it nearly missed, due to the fact it woke up later than expected.

The human so tired of the recent events decide to take a nap on the train, the train's seats were very comfortable, the sit was comparable as sitting on a cloud, the soothing sound of the train rolling on the tracks and the infrequent vibrations of the train made it easier to fall asleep.

As The human fell alseep, it dreamt again, but this time another figure, that was quite rude to it, but as the dream appeared to fade and end, the human suddenly awoken from it's deep slumber, it woke on a forest clearing, not sure where, since it swear it was on a train a second again, but as it slowly realize it was lost, it had no choice but to find help.

And that's where the adventure begging, the Touhou Adventure.

Touhou Adventure 5.50

Hejo !

Today's update is around the lore but also some minor bugfix

So i've added a bunch of lore to the game, but i detail it more here : Terra illusiones codex 1.00

You can only trigger this piece of lore by starting a new game, since it won't add anything to your current playthrough, you can just start a new game to see the new content, and then get back to your saved game

other changes :

  • Reworked the animation of the player
  • Added options to change the screen size, fullscreen mode, etc : it's available under the settings menu

bugfixes :

  • fixed a bug where there used to be missing collision inside kourindou
  • fixed a bug where keine will remove the obstacle before buying the farm permit
  • fixed a bug where the player survives below 0 HP
  • fixed a bug where the player is teleported into a fight while teleporting to a new scene

other update will take some time since i'll rework most of the in game sprites, sit tight !



Touhou Adventure 5.40

Hello there !

Today's update is around Kourindou

Kourindou serves as a museum buildings where you can donate your stuff to rinnosuke and complete sets of objects, yet completing a set doesn't give anything, but i plan to add steam achievements later on

Of course, adding kourindou i had to add rinnosuke and tokiko, that's pretty much it for this update

i wasn't able to work for a full week so, sorry for the lack of content :>

I'll try next update to embellish the game's lore and make some other outfits for the charater

Thanks !

- Trist

Touhou Adventure 5.31

Small update about UI :

Hello everyone ! Just made this update regarding the UI in general

I reworked the entire UI of the game as well as the steam page's logo and all

Aside from that, i also added storms and clouds into the game

thanks !


Wow ! Thanks for all the Downloads

Hej Hej,

I'm doing this small news to thank y'all for trying the demo !

There are 2k+ people who actually got the demo ! A huge thanks to all of you

this is to me really heartwarming and makes me keep wanting to continue even harder to development on the game !

I hope you can enjoy the game and feel all the love I'm putting into this game~

Again, thank y'all

I wish you a very pleasant day !
