City Bus Manager cover
City Bus Manager screenshot
Genre: Simulator

City Bus Manager

Nominate us for the Steam Awards!

The Steam Awards are just around the corner again!

Do you see City Bus Manager as "Labor of Love"?
Then nominate us!

We are happy about your engagement :)

Modding Contest - Announcement

The City Bus Manager Modding Contest is entering its second round! 😊

Since you always upload countless great mods to the Community Hub, we have decided to hold another modding contest!
You have until December 4th at 8:00 p.m. to upload your mods to the Steam Community Hub.

To participate, all you have to do is include the hashtag #CBMModdingContest2 in the description of the mod.
After the submission deadline, you, the community, have time to vote for the top 3 mods. The winners will then receive an Aerosoft voucher worth 50 euros.

We look forward to your submissions and wish you good luck! πŸ€

Further information about the process in Discord

Content Update 6: Railway Replacement Services, Charter Request, 20+ Events


  • Random Events: Over 20 new exciting events that can occur at any time, adding even more variety to the game, from rail replacement traffic, charter requests to employee illnesses

  • When starting a new sandbox game, you can now choose starting money, research, subsidies and the map starting size

  • The range of bus stops is now visually displayed

  • Lines can now be activated and deactivated to pause them temporarily or not activate them immediately after construction

  • New airport data: Only passenger airports are now displayed and the passenger numbers generated are dependent on the airport size
  • During line construction, the line duration and the number of connected buildings and POIs are now displayed directly
  • Editing lines now works reliably so that buses only use the new line and timetables from the next day onwards


  • Performance improvements for high number of shifts and bus stops
  • Fixed random lags under macOS
  • Optimized loading time
  • Disk space consumption of large savegames extremely optimised


  • When buying a new bus you can now cancel the purchase in the paint shop
  • Tank size of the buses is now displayed
  • The standard buses supplied can now also be deactivated if you only want to use certain buses
  • Fixed bug that buses disappeared in rare cases when transferring between depots
  • Fixed bug that buses were not shown in depot in rare cases, although they were there
  • Bug fixed that defective buses were sometimes not shown in the list of defective buses
  • Fixed bugs with assigned parking spaces
  • Defects on buses now occur more randomly
  • Fixed bug that buses could get identical number plates
  • Fixed bug that smoke particles were not displayed on modding buses


  • Employee salary can now be adjusted for all employees with the same experience level with one click
  • Bus drivers now no longer have core working hours but come to work for their shifts
  • Fixed bug where staff were coming to work late from home
  • Fixed bug where stress indicator was not working for staff in external depots
  • Salary range of employees is now adjusted to their experience level


  • Added distinction between tram stops and train stops, which are now also taken into account in the passenger simulation
  • When clicking on several buses / stops on the map at the same position, a selection box is now displayed
  • Fixed bug that at some stops it was not shown correctly how many passengers were waiting
  • Fixed bug that buses flew over the map in rare cases
  • Optimised sorting of bus stops in different languages
  • You can now zoom out further in the map view


  • Incorrect preview images of objects corrected
  • Fixed error when building wall objects
  • Fixed bug that armchairs could not be deleted and moved in the Service Centre


  • You can now manually cancel the shifts of buses on the map that they go directly back to the depot after completing the next tour
  • Fixed bug that shifts were regenerated every day, even though there were no changes to the shifts and you had to reassign them every day
  • Fixed bug that shifts were not started in time
  • Fixed bug that shifts failed without reason
  • Fixed bug that shifts were partially assigned to bus drivers from other depots and thus the shifts could not be carried out
  • Fixed a bug when assigning vehicle groups to shifts


  • Line colours can now be freely selected via a colour picker
  • Visual improvements in the display of deleted or edited line courses
  • After creating a line, the depot can now be selected directly
  • Improvements in the feedback of the clients of public service lines
  • When building lines, POIs now no longer count as reached by waypoints


  • Additional trip intervals available in the timetable
  • Fixed bug that trip times were not displayed correctly when opening the timetable for the first time after an edit
  • Bug fixed when copying timetables
  • Fixed bug when updating timetables
  • Fixed a bug when saving timetables
  • Adding waypoints afterwards no longer resets the journey times


  • It is now brighter at night
  • The company name can now be changed
  • Waiting time of the service centre is now displayed in the UI
  • More data volume selection levels added to mobile phone contract
  • New animation when unlocking a medal
  • Running costs of external depots (rent and maintenance) are now partially subsidised (this may change the running costs if the subsidy rate changes)
  • Balancing the rewards of tasks
  • Fixed bug that text fields sometimes got focus for no reason
  • Fixed graphic error in the financial overview
  • Added error message when saving cannot be done due to a full hard drive
  • Added confirmation messages before overwriting a savegame
  • Weekdays are now displayed correctly in Chinese
  • Fixed bug that F1 messages were not possible while the game was paused
  • Fixed bug that postcodes were not found in some countries, e.g. Poland
  • Fixed a bug that caused passengers to write bad reviews in spite of a very good overall rating.
  • Many other small bug fixes and improvements

Note: With the new update, the initial loading of existing savegames may take longer once.

We would like to thank you once more for 100% positive recent reviews and your ongoing support!

Thank you for 100% positive Steam reviews!

Thanks for 100% positive Steam reviews in the last 30 days!

Here's a little preview: In October there will be a new update with new events including sick staff, police checks, SEV and individual orders for trips from schools, for example.

Stay tuned!

Hotfix for Content Update 5

We have just released another small update that fixes the following bugs:

  • Fixed several bugs when loading savegames
  • Fixed a bug where the game would hang or load endlessly when starting a new game or expanding the map
  • Fixed a bug that when there were a large number of buses, the buses on the map did not run correctly according to the timetable, but had a different delay than was displayed
  • Fixed a bug that buses in external depots disappeared after loading
  • Fixed bug that parking spaces of buses for sale were already used by new buses
  • Bug fixed that bus repaints sometimes disappeared during sale
  • Fixed a bug that buses were sometimes not repaired in the workshop
  • Hong Kong Dollar added as currency
  • Improvements in the translations (Many thanks to all translators!)

Content Update 5: Virtual depots, automations, staff scheduling


  • External Depots: Build up to 15 virtual depots on your map, each able to hold up to 100 additional buses

  • Automations: With the new research, your staff can check the buses on their own and wash, refuel or clean them if necessary

  • Staff scheduling: Determine when which group of employees should come to work from home and how many employees should be present on the premises outside core working hours

  • Parking space allocation: Buses can now be permanently assigned to a parking space

  • Service centre opening hours: Service centre opening hours can now be adjusted

  • New app research that reduces the number of visitors to the Service centre
  • Maximum shift duration can now be increased to up to 16 hours in the shift planner settings, which can prevent buses from returning to the depot at midday
  • Complete overhaul of the bus UI with new functions in the bus overview and in the marketplace: display of the number of buses per category, filter by bus type and broken buses

Full Changelog

Lines / Shifts / Timetable

  • Fixed a bug that caused buses to start with an extremely high delay in rare cases
  • Fixed a bug that shifts were not executed correctly and buses stayed in the depot with the status β€ždrives shiftβ€œ
  • Fixed a bug that tours were displayed with 0 passengers in the line statistics
  • Fixed a bug that passengers did not get off a bus
  • Unused bus stops are now deleted when a route creation is cancelled
  • The timetable preview of a line can now be opened directly via the line detail window


  • The technical condition of the buses is now always displayed in orange or red if something is broken
  • Preview images are now displayed with correct brightness at night
  • If the light is broken, it now really does not work anymore
  • Fixed a bug that caused the UI to disappear when several buses were sent to the paint shop at the same time
  • Fixed another bug that could lead to buses not being driven to the wash / cleaning / repair / refuelling
  • Fixed a bug where all routers were broken after the WLAN upgrade
  • Smoke effect on articulated buses is now also displayed in the correct place when the articulation is bent
  • When washing, cleaning and refuelling, the price is now displayed


  • Balancing of employee stress
  • Necessary office space per employee reduced
  • Researchers and service centre staff now interrupt their work when they need to go to the toilet or are thirsty
  • Fixed bug with staff walking through closed doors
  • Fixed a bug where staff members were sometimes not fully visible in the preview images
  • Fixed bug where service centre staff did not walk to the counter
  • Fixed bugs with animations when carrying in parcels and with service centre employees


  • Windows can now be replaced with doors
  • Fixed bug that wall objects at the edge of the premises could not be deleted


  • Fixed a bug that caused mods to be redownloaded every time the game was started and that they had not yet been loaded after a savegame was loaded
  • Fixed a bug that in rare cases the loading did not work anymore if you had gone back to the main menu before
  • Fixed a bug that in rare cases savegames could not be loaded anymore when using faulty bus mods
  • Balancing of the necessary trophies for research
  • Balancing of the trophies for tasks optimised
  • More trophies and more money are now required for research in expert mode
  • Update to Unity 2022.3.5

Modding Contest - Winners Announcement

You, the community, voted as part of the City Bus Manager Modding Contest and determined the three best mods.
The winners are Everposter, 7OM and HE 421 and will be contacted by us.
Thank you for your great submissions!
Join the official Discord here so you don't miss the next Modding Contest πŸ‘‰

Modding Contest - Voting

The first City Bus Manager Modding Contest is over! During the submission phase, some great mods were uploaded to the Steam Workshop. Now it's up to you to choose the three best mods with the hashtag #CBMModdingContest1 until 23rd July. We will contact the winners after the deadline ends.

You can vote here:

Early Access Update 12 - Gameplay improvements, performance, bug fixes

Hey everyone,

the new features will still take a little time, but in the meantime we have fixed so many bugs reported by you and made improvements that we didn't want to wait any longer with an update.

Early Access Update 12


  • Performance and freezes in savegames with a lot of employees optimised
  • Preview of passenger volume now loads much faster
  • Bus stop limit per line increased to 500 (incl. waypoints)
  • Maximum shift length can now be set
  • Fixed several bugs that caused passengers to not exit the bus correctly
  • In case of a faulty map cache, the affected tiles are now reloaded to avoid green tiles
  • Buses now no longer get stuck at the entrance and block traffic
  • Fixed bug where buses were sinking into the ground, blocking repairs
  • Fixed bug that buses disappeared and "driving shift" was displayed
  • Fixed several bugs that could cause staff or customers to not be able to find their way or to stop moving
  • Fixed several bugs that could lead to wrong red exclamation marks ("not available")
  • Fixed "out of memory" error when saving large savegames
  • Japanese translation added (Big thanks to ばんけゃん / Banchan!)

Lines / Shifts / Timetable / Passengers:

  • Maximum shift length can now be set
  • Desired break for bus drivers can now be set up to 12 hours
  • Display of tours of a shift during assignment (i-icon) has been optimised
  • Bus stop limit per line increased to 500 (incl. waypoints)
  • Fixed further bug that passengers did not leave buses
  • Fixed bug that buses with passengers come out of the depot
  • Fixed bug that buses were teleported from depot to starting stop
  • Fixed bug that in rare cases a negative number of passengers got off the bus
  • Fixed bug that in rare cases tours were missing from sub-timetables
  • In the case of long delays, tours that have already passed are now skipped
  • The total length of a tour and the length between stops are now displayed


  • Preview of passenger volume now loads much faster
  • Performance and hangs in savegames with an extremely large number of employees strongly optimised


  • Public service lines are now available earlier
  • Number of POIs required for public service lines is now better adapted to the individual map


  • In case of a faulty map cache, the affected tiles are now reloaded to avoid green squares
  • Fixed a bug where some cities were not counted as connected on a public service line
  • Fixed missing tiles after a map extension
  • Delays of 1-4 minutes are now displayed orange instead of red


  • Fuel consumption is now displayed when buying a bus
  • Bus sales are now included in investments
  • When clicking on a bus, the vehicle group is now displayed and can be changed
  • When buying a bus, the bus group can now be set directly
  • Buses now no longer get stuck at the entrance and block traffic in rare cases
  • Fixed bug where buses sank into the ground and blocked repair
  • Fixed bug that buses were not driven to the workshop and the repair order remained open forever
  • Fixed bug that buses did not start a shift
  • Fixed bug that buses disappeared and "driving shift" was displayed
  • Fixed a bug where buses did not leave the depot but "going on shift" was displayed
  • Fixed bug that used buses were more expensive than new buses in some cases


  • Staff applications are now changing with the times
  • Error in the display of employee qualification fixed
  • Employees now no longer form queues in the fence
  • Fixed bug with mechanics getting stuck outside the depot
  • Fixed several bugs that could cause staff members to not be able to find their way
  • Fixed bug that despite a long queue, objects (e.g. fridge) were not used by anyone and all people in the queue stopped moving
  • Fixed bug that staff members just stood still and did not move anymore

Building System:

  • Fixed several bugs that could lead to incorrect red exclamation marks ("not reachable")
  • Improvements in the placement and rotation of storage racks
  • Fixed bug that objects were lost when loading


  • Weekdays added to the financial overview
  • Fixed "Out of Memory" error when saving large savegames
  • Visitors no longer remain in a heap at the entrance when the number of visitors to the service centre is high
  • Fixed bug that customers were always angry in the service centre
  • The game now no longer pauses automatically after building a line
  • Small improvements to translations
  • Fixed a bug in the "Increase your line network" task
  • Fixed bug that the screen became grey if you zoomed out too far
  • Japanese translation and yen added as currency (Big thanks to ばんけゃん / Banchan!)
  • Russian rouble added as currency

We are now continuing to work on the new big features, so they will follow in a few weeks πŸ™‚

Modding Contest - Prizes

As already mentioned, we would like to give you a small incentive to participate in the modding contest today: the prizes!

After the public community voting from 17 July, the top 3 winners will be announced on 24 July. All three winners will be included in the credits of City Bus Manager.

Moreover, all three winners can choose between two possible prizes: either they will receive a 50€ Aerosoft Shop voucher OR 2 day tickets for this year's gamescom in Cologne.

Regarding the selection of the prizes and all other organisational questions, we will contact the winners individually and privately after the announcement.

For more detailed information about the modding contest, please visit our Discord:

We wish you lot's of fun modding! :)