City Bus Manager cover
City Bus Manager screenshot
Genre: Simulator

City Bus Manager

Modding Contest - Announcement

Give it up for the first City Bus Manager Modding Contest!

Since there are already countless great mods in the Steam Communityhub, we have decided to do an official modding contest for you guys!

From now until 16 July at 20:00 CEST, you have time to upload your bus mods with the #CBMModdingContest1 in the Steam Workshop. Repaints do not count as mods. For the sake of fairness, only newly uploaded mods in the period of the modding contest and mods marked with the corresponding hashtag will count.

Afterwards, from 17 July, you will have one week to vote for your favourite mods.

The top 3 winners will be announced on 24 July. We will announce the prizes to be won as soon as possible. What we can tell you now already is that the winners will be included in the credits of City Bus Manager.

As you can see, it's definitely worth taking part!
We wish you lots of fun and are looking forward to your entries.

Games Germany Steam Sale | City Bus Manager

As part of the Games Germany Steam event, City Bus Manager is now discounted until 29 July 2023 at 7pm CEST. Get it now and save some money!

Content Update 4 - Hotfix

- Graphic error (changing repaint) on used buses fixed
- Fixed freeze on loading when "loading streets
- Fixed overlapping employee names
- Fixed bug that caused the game area to automatically expand when loading

Content Update 4 - Waypoints, Larger Maps, Performance


  • Waypoints: for line construction (hold shift to place a waypoint)

  • Larger maps: Instead of 10, there are now 20 map extensions possible, which means that a game area of up to 1,600 km² (40 km x 40 km) can now be unlocked (up to now, up to 576 km² (24 km x 24 km) were possible)

  • Performance:

    • Optimisation of performance, especially with high numbers of employees and buses

    • Optimisation of RAM consumption and fixing of memory leaks and resulting crashes (e.g. when building long lines, ordering many buses, painting)

    • Significant optimisation of the loading time and new faster save and load system, which also prevents the "Unexpected Mark Stack Overflow" error from occurring after the next save (the loading time of old savegames is still very high until they have been loaded and saved once with the new version)

      *Tested on large savegame with maximum company premise size in 4K with i7-9700K, RTX3070, 32GB RAM.


Shift schedule and timetable:

  • In the shift schedule there is now a settings menu to set the desired break between two shifts for buses and bus drivers
  • In the shift schedule settings, it is now possible to specify whether all tours within a shift must have the same preferred vehicle group
  • If line changes are allowed on certain lines, these are now more reliably taken into account and built into shifts
  • For lines with several different timetables, more sensible shifts are now generated by avoiding unnecessary service trips
  • Automatic allocation of buses to the respective preferred vehicle groups now works more reliably
  • Fixed a bug where the shift plan for some days could not be displayed in rare cases
  • Editing stops in advanced timetable mode no longer leads to an error message without reason ("No route could be determined for the selected stops")
  • Fixed a bug where everything was greyed out after the above error message appeared and the game had to be restarted


  • When building public service lines, it is now more clearly displayed what still needs to be connected to the line and what is already connected
  • Passengers can now no longer travel on service journeys
  • Fixed a bug that prevented passengers from travelling after 0 o'clock
  • Fixed a bug that caused passengers to board a bus that would not leave for more than 15 minutes, even though a bus of the same line with an earlier departure was available
  • Up to 250 stops can now be added to a line
  • Fixed green areas when loading maps near national borders


  • Fixed various bugs where various tasks such as refuelling, washing were not performed and the bus could then no longer be used
  • Fixed bug where "Employee can't find the way" was incorrectly displayed
  • Drivers no longer complain about not having enough work while on holiday or training
  • Bus drivers on leave are no longer suggested for assignment to a shift that is about to start


  • Even if a bus has only minor damage, a smoke effect is now always displayed so that you can see at a glance whether the bus needs to be repaired or not
  • Fixed a bug where buses would sometimes sit in the depot for hours with a "running shift" status
  • When buying several buses at the same time, the correct amount is now always debited from the account
  • New camera in the paint shop, which can also be used to move along the bus
  • Fixed a bug that caused the selection made when choosing bus upgrades to be reset automatically all the time
  • Fixed a bug where used buses could have a defective air conditioner even though there was no air conditioner installed
  • Fixed a bug where buses for sale were no longer shown in the list
  • Corrected the position of the smoke effect on some buses
  • Adjusted the scaling of the Lion's City A78


  • When moving an object, it is no longer deleted when cancelled with Escape, but moved back to its original position
  • Fixed a bug where old parking places on the edge could no longer be deleted


  • Fixed a bug where the mod overview always jumped to page 1 in the list
  • Fixed bug where mods could not be updated if they were not on page 1


  • Improved readability of complaints from customers in the service centre
  • The current line network coverage is now displayed in the research menu
  • Tooltips with hints (info boxes) are now hidden more reliably
  • Fixed several bugs that caused some UI elements to be cut off at some screen resolutions
  • Hourly wage in the employee overview is now rounded correctly
  • In the bus driver selection when spontaneously assigning a shift, the stress bar is now displayed with the correct colour


  • Bulgarian translation and currency added (many thanks to Daniel Petkov!)
  • New notification when the data volume of an internet contract is used up
  • The M hotkey can now be used to switch between the operating area and the map
  • "Back to main menu" now works reliably
  • Fixed a bug where too much money was deducted when extending the map
  • Fixed a bug where a loan was not removed after it was fully paid off
  • Fixed a bug where the camera could not be moved with right click at times
  • Fixed crash under MacOS
  • Visitors to the service centre no longer spawn too slowly during busy periods, preventing many customers from going to the service centre until after closing time

Content Update 3 - Modding, Bus-Upgrades


  • Bus Modding: Modders can read here how to create buses using the new modding tool and players will surely find the first new buses in the workshop soon

  • Bus Upgrades: Upgrades (e.g. premium seats, passenger information system) are now available for buses to improve passenger comfort.

  • WLAN: Mobile data contracts with different data volumes can be booked in order to offer passengers WLAN during the journey

  • Timetable: The driving times in the extended timetable can now be entered manually instead of having to select a fixed interval per timetable


Map / Lines / Timetable

  • The driving times in the extended timetable can now be entered manually instead of having to select a fixed interval per timetable
  • Up to 250 lines can now be built
  • Clients of public service lines no longer complain about poor passenger numbers when the line has not yet run or when passenger numbers are high
  • The given timetable interval for public service lines can no longer be lower during rush hour than outside rush hour
  • Fixed grey camera glitch in the map
  • For public service lines, the entire line can now be deleted and rebuilt without losing the order
  • Fixed a bug when calculating the number of buses needed for a line
  • Lines in the line overview are now correctly sorted by name
  • Stops on the map are now displayed more clearly
  • In Brazil, it no longer loads wrong starting points / cities in the map


  • Adjustment of the number of passengers so that they should no longer be so extremely high in large cities
  • General improvement of passenger behaviour
  • Optimised number of passengers at airports and schools
  • Fixed bug that line exchanges sometimes did not work
  • Remuneration of tasks optimised
  • Companies with high capital now receive lower subsidies

Please note that the new passenger numbers will first be calculated from the next day in existing savegames. The balancing has changed a lot with this update. We would be happy to receive your feedback on the new passenger numbers in your savegames, so that we can make additional adjustments. Please also let us know how the ticket prices are set, what the current company rating is and how high the current willingness to use public transport is, as all this has an influence on the passenger numbers 🙂


  • The names of the employees now depend on the region in which you play
  • Fixed bug where staff were queuing for a single item (toilet, fridge etc.) even though multiple items were available
  • When bus drivers assigned to a shift are terminated, the assignment is now removed
  • Employees now recover during a time jump
  • Tooltips added to employee properties to get more information about them


  • Turkish translation and Turkish lira added as currency (Thanks to @altariann and @Povalsiki)!
  • Added Czech and Dutch translation of the reviews
  • Many missing translations completed
  • Display of languages with special characters significantly improved and missing texts fixed


  • Performance improvements, especially with many employees (There will be more performance improvements in the next update).
  • Update to Unity 2022.2.11
  • The repair form now shows how many spare parts are available
  • Fixed a bug that objects at the edge of the depot could not be built in some cases
  • Fixed bug that street lanterns disappeared
  • Fixed a bug in the paint shop
  • Fixed a bug that purchased buses got stuck in the barrier
  • Fixed a bug that the layer allocation window did not disappear in rare cases
  • Fixed a bug where the autosave did not work when the game was paused
  • Other small bug fixes and improvements

Coming Soon

For the next update we will work on the following topics:

  • Optimisation of the loading time
  • Larger maps
  • Waypoints during line building
  • Optimisation of performance and RAM consumption and fixing of resulting crashes

Early Access Update 9

- Preferred vehicle groups can now also be set for each timetable in the extended timetable mode. This will then be taken into account in the shift schedule for all shifts that have not yet been assigned a preferred vehicle group
- When automatically assigning bus drivers, the working time of the last 7 days is now taken into account
- Buses now use petrol stations/wash stations in close proximity for refuelling and washing in order to avoid unnecessary journeys across the whole company premises
- If a bus route has several timetables, the extended timetable mode is now opened directly when editing the timetable
- Fixed a bug in the shift schedule where the name of the assigned vehicle group was not displayed correctly for some shifts
- Fixed a bug where dismissed drivers were still assigned to future shifts
- Fixed a bug where some savegames could no longer be loaded
- Fixed a bug that caused an incorrect total revenue to be displayed in the financial overview
- Many small bug fixes

Content Update 2

In this update we have implemented some of your most requested features! We have also fixed many reported bugs.

New features:
- Size of the premises doubled
- 5 new bus access roads added to the site to avoid traffic jams
- Tasks (washing, refuelling, etc.) can now be ordered at the same time, even if no staff or items are available, and will be processed automatically afterwards
- Brazilian currency added
- Many new features in the shift plan

Shift schedule:
- A desired vehicle group can now be stored per shift. The vehicles are grouped according to their size by default. However, it is also possible to create your own vehicle groups and thus group the buses according to your own wishes
- Added automatic assignment for bus drivers only
- Shift plan can now be deleted / reseted
- When automatically assigning bus drivers, the bus drivers with the lowest workload are now assigned first
- The expected passenger volume is now displayed in the shift plan
- When assigning bus drivers, it is now visible how many hours they have already been assigned in the previous 7 days
- 6 instead of 4 buses are now displayed per page

- Travel times can now be copied for sub-schedules
- When adding stops to a line, the journey times will no longer be reset.
- For public service lines, the departure time can now be changed by a few minutes in order to create better connections to other lines
- In the timetable preview, the bus stops on the left are now permanently displayed, even if you scroll to the right

- General performance improvements in the company premises
- Performance at night improved
- Regular FPS drops in large savegames, especially with many passengers, have been fixed.
- After loading the game, in rare cases there was an extremely long hang, which is now fixed.
- Performance in the map view significantly improved
- Performance drop when opening the bus overview with a lot of buses on the map fixed
- Freezes during autosave reduced

- For the automatically generated return trip, the same stops as for the outward trip are no longer taken as fixed, but nearby stops are also taken into account, so that unnecessary detours and street side changes are avoided on the return trip
- Fixed a bug that caused buses to fly across the map in rare cases
- Point of Interests are now hidden later when zooming out
- In the line view, the gains or losses of a line are now displayed directly
- New public service lines are now generated when expanding the map
- Fixed a bug that if you clicked on a live bus and the next tour was a service tour, the end time of the service tour was wrong
- Countries are now sorted in each language when a new game is played
- Fixed bug with missing 0s at the beginning of postcodes
- City selection significantly improved in the new game in South Korea (Many thanks to @Ijnsena @PC28K @Haenyeon @Jaehyeong!)

- When building, the required access points and blocked cells are now visually displayed.
- Workshops and washing facilities can no longer be deleted while they are in use
- Items are no longer automatically rotated on walls when this makes the items inaccessible
- Fixed a bug when building on the edge of the premises

- Fixed bug where staff could endlessly fail to find a path even though a new path was built
- Fixed bug that buses stopped in front of the parking space in newly built parking spaces in rare cases
- Bug fixed that buses drove to petrol stations / car washes / workshops that were not accessible at all
- Fixed a bug where buses did not disappear when exiting and blocked the exit
- Fixed bug that employees sometimes walked through the wall

- Update to Unity 2022.2
- The camera in the company area can now be zoomed out further
- Pause is no longer automatically ended in the game
- Increase of rewards for the task to increase the line network
- Turkish and Thai fonts added
- Added explanation of shortcuts when placing stickers in the paint shop
- Buses can now no longer have the same number plate
- Friendliness is now also shown in the staff overview
- Fixed a bug that in the bus detail view the next shift was not displayed correctly
- The day of the week of the next shift is now displayed in the bus detail view, if it is not the same day of the week
- Fixed a bug where the technical status was not updated in the Bus Detail view after a repair

Early Access Update 7

- Autosave setting: the interval for automatic saving can now be self-determined or optionally completely deactivated.
- Employees can be sent on holiday so that they can recover completely
- In the financial overview there is now the possibility to show all investments (until now only current expenses were shown)
- Norwegian Krone added as currency
- Employees become a bit more unfriendly when they are too much stressed

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where the game wouldn't load and the loading screen wouldn't disappear
- Fixed a bug that caused some tours in the timetable preview to be sorted incorrectly
- Fixed a bug that caused unrealistic overcrowding of individual stops in large cities
- Fixed display error when showing names on Mac devices
- Many bug fixes

- Models of the B9TL and Trident 2 buses have been brought closer to reality (existing repaints unfortunately no longer work. If the old repaint of the buses looks weird, just send the bus to the paint shop and import a new repaint or use the "New" button above to create a new repaint).
- Size of the LFS and Ramses buses adjusted (you may need new parking spaces for existing savegames).

For the next update, we are currently working on a very popular request from the community: the enlargement of the company premises!

Content Update 1


  • 10 new bus models added
  • China and Hong Kong added as region
  • When researching, the buses that match the region of the depot are now unlocked first
  • Christmas decoration added

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed bug which caused the loading screen to not disappear
  • Fixed bug which caused buses to stop several times when entering the paint shop

Early Access Update 5 - Performance

In this update we mainly focused on performance improvements, so you can expect significantly more FPS especially in the later gameplay.

- Performance improvements when you have many buses/employees
- Performance improvements when many buses start a shift at the same time
- Performance improvements if you have many buses on the yard at the same time
- Loading time optimised (especially noticeable in game states with many lines)
- Wayfinding of employees and buses optimised
- Added Dutch translation (thanks to @Ringo)
- Various small bug fixes