Crimson Tactics: The Rise of The White Banner cover
Crimson Tactics: The Rise of The White Banner screenshot
Genre: Role-playing (RPG), Strategy, Turn-based strategy (TBS)

Crimson Tactics: The Rise of The White Banner

Crimson Tactics Devlog #024

Here are two soundtracks from the Crimson Tactics: The Rise of The White Banner OST.


Marion's Melody

Crimson Tactics Devlog #023

Wendalle Map

This is the map of Wendalle where Crimson Tactics: The Rise of The White Banner is set. The map is very much WIP and only has a few areas populated with icons and text.

Crimson Tactics Devlog #022

Tarot Cards

Tarot Cards will be an interesting gameplay mechanic in Crimson Tactics. Exactly how and where they will be used will be revealed at a future date. For now, here are the artworks of a few tarot cards.

The Fool

The Magician

The High Priestess

The Empress

The Emperor

The Hierophant

The Lovers

Crimson Tactics Devlog #021

One Tile Basic Attack

Swords, Axes, Daggers, Wakizashi, Staves and Knuckles have a standard one tile basic attack.

Line Basic Attack

Lances, Whips and Grandlances have a straight line basic attack.

Medium Ranged Basic Attack

Firearms and Crossbows have a medium ranged basic attack. The projectile travels in a straight path.

Long Ranged Basic Attack

Longbows have a long ranged basic attack. The projectile travels in a curved path.

T shaped Basic Attack

Broadswords and Greataxes have a T shaped basic attack that hits multiple units.

Cross shaped Basic Attack

Warhammers have a cross shaped basic attack that hits multiple units.

Crimson Tactics Devlog #020

Ninja Village Levels

We are showcasing the Ninja Village Levels from the game. Lore-wise, these are secret hidden villages within the country of Wendalle. Please checkout the Concept Art and Level Art for these levels.

Ninja Village 1

Ninja Village 2

Ninja Village 3

Ninja Village 4

Crimson Tactics Devlog #019

Crimson Tactics Spells

Crimson Tactics features a full fledged Magic System. Moreover, each spell in the game can be cast in a variety of different ways.

Normal Cast

This is the standard cast in the game. It deals 1x Damage, consumes 1x Mana and hits a single target.

Intense Cast

Intense cast deals 1.5x Damage but consumes 2x Mana.

Triple Cast

A Triple Cast of a spell deals 0.67x Damage but is cast thrice and consumes 2x Mana. This is great for spells that have a low accuracy rate.

Cross Cast

A Cross Cast is a multi tile cast that deals 0.5x Damage to units in each tile and also consumes 2.5x Mana. This makes the spell an AOE attack.

Block Cast

Similar to the Cross Cast but this deals 0.67x Damage while consuming 2.5x Mana.

Philosopher's Cast

The Philosopher's Cast is reminiscent of the Arithmetician class abilities from FFT. This cast allows the unit to deal damage based on different stats like WT, Elevation, Experience and Level, and the stats can be targeted using numbers (Prime, Multiples of 2, 3 and 5).

Note: Damage and Mana Values are not final and are subject to balance changes.

You can watch the Spell Cast Types in detail here:


Crimson Tactics Devlog #018

Longbow Mechanics

Longbows are a type of weapon in the game. They are used by the Ranger (Archer) class in the game. This week we developed the mechanics for the Longbow weapon.

Crimson Tactics: The Rise of The White Banner Developer Livestream + Q/A

Join Crimson Tactics: The Rise of the White Banner Developers as we play though the Demo for the game. We will be answering fan questions and discussing features that we plan to implement in the game.

Viewers are encouraged to ask as many questions as they want during the event,

Join us on Sunday at 10:00 am PST Live!

Looking forward to seeing you all there!

Demo Builds - Patch 20

Game Version: v0.3.20a

Main focus

The current patch fixes some audio related issues and makes the third level easier.

Gameplay Improvements

Visual Improvements

UI improvements

Balance Changes

  • Increased Healer GK Movement range by 1 and increased cast range by 1.
  • Guardian Knights' Paramount ability de-buffed.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Issue where music would stop playing when player controlled character attacks.
  • Fixed Issue where music would stop playing when arts or finisher is used.

We will be posting patch notes on Steam for use by beta testers. While the game is not live to the public yet, excited fans of the game can read the notes to check up on the game's progress.

Demo Builds - Patch 18

Game Version: v0.3.18a

Main focus

The current patch fixes many small bugs and adds some more QoL changes.

Gameplay Improvements

  • Settings Implemented.
  • Credits Implemented.
  • Player can now move through Incapacitated Units.
  • Fixed missing SFX for all the in game buttons.
  • Fixed SFX for UI pause menu.
  • Reduced objective and conflict screen-time duration.

Visual Improvements

  • Fixed an Issue in relation with the cutscene on courtyard where Duke's sword would be missing.
  • Added Highlights to options when hovered over in tutorial.
  • Fixed an Issue with lifetime for leaves in the courtyard.
  • Fixed issue with torch texture.
  • Fixed issue with shadows during gameplay.
  • Incapacitated Icons are now aligned to camera rotation.

UI improvements

  • Updated Icons on Preview UI.
  • Implemented new UI for pause menu.
  • Fixed Inconsistent UI in relation with Damage Counter.
  • Fixed issue with UI showing up on the conflict resolved screen.
  • Fixed issue with Preview UI not updating accurately.

Balance Changes

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed multiple issues which occurred when application was minimized.
  • Fixed Bug where action panel would get disabled.
  • Fixed Blocker where player would be unable to proceed if pause menu is accessed.
  • Disabled Camera on Esc Screen and Tutorial Screen.
  • Fixed an issue where the AI would keep attacking the player controlled unit.
  • Fixed an Issue with end turn responsiveness.
  • Fixed an Issue where a 2x2 unit could share same tile with a 1x1 unit in the throne room.
  • Fixed an issue for transition from injured idle to normal idle upon being healed.
  • Fixed an issue with the attack preview system.
  • Fixed an issue with multiple background canvases in courtyard for gameplay.
  • Fixed an issue with camera movement on AI turn in relation with mouse panning.
  • Fixed a bug where pause menu could be invoked on main menu screen.
  • Fixed an Issue with missing banners.

We will be posting patch notes on Steam for use by beta testers. While the game is not live to the public yet, excited fans of the game can read the notes to check up on the game's progress.