Farmer Against Potatoes Idle cover
Farmer Against Potatoes Idle screenshot
Genre: Simulator, Indie

Farmer Against Potatoes Idle

Update v0.35-2 Minor Fix:


  • Equipment scrapping when inventory is full with the Soul item will work properly.
  • Farming Tutorial could get stuck when you need to buy the free Auto plot.
  • Farming information has been improved. The farm and fries are not reset by Reincarnation or Ascension. Healthy Potato bonus from Fries earned is based on the total made, not the current amount, which mean you can spend them without worrying.

Update v0.35-1 Minor Fix:


  • Pet Capture after being offline wasn't activated for the area you were in (was fixed after changing).
  • Pet Loadout & Team could be broken leading to lower stats (was fixed 30-45min after the update in a sneak patch).

Farming, Grasshopper AND Assembly Feature & More Update V0.35


  • Farming: You can access it right from the beginning at Area 1-2-50. It can feel slightly active very early on but you will quickly get Auto that will make it a check once or twice a day feature. As the game balance can't be changed too much this will start having impact on the main game way later so imagine this as a second game.
  • Plant various Potato plant that won't turn into weirdo attacking you but Healthy Potato instead, the game has an exponential mechanic which make you production skyrocket for each new plant unlocked, there is 10 plant right now but remember this is balanced for someone going from A#0 to A#10~ at the moment so don't expect to finish this new content in a week. There is also a shop with ~100 upgrades that can be bought, some related to the main game.
  • Grasshopper: This feature come with 8 "Contagion" where you can add your Grasshopper to fight and clean the farm, making it gain various bonus.
  • Assembly: You will be able to invest some resource into building differents Assembly line that will give you bonus all around the game. There is 10 line to start with and around 40 bonuses.
  • 3 Expedition that are added between the existing one and affecting Farming, they have a way different HP and Bonus curve.
  • 10 Pets in Area & Expedition added which also come with some new bonus. They also have a different bonus curve and rank isn't applied the same as on others Pets.
  • 10 already in game Pets have gotten a new bonus related to Farming, 3-6 (Primfeet), 4-1 (Nidhogg), 4-9 (Arizona), 5-7 (Tock), 5-8 (The Governess), 7-2 (Flafy), Expediton 2 (Huginn), Expedition 3 (Hera), Expediton 8 (Icare), Expediton 12 (Juba).
  • 10 Pets Combo with 2 new Combo bonus.
  • 25 Steam Achievements to earn.


  • A lot of optimization have been done in the code which should improve the performance for everyone (thanks to asdfchlwnsgy1236).
  • Ascension requirement slightly lowered for A17+.
  • Achievements are now sorted in 2 Pages that can be scrolled.
  • Pet drop will check the pity before the random chance, you can still go above the pity when you increase the drop chance or ascend.


  • Returning player could have issue with some Expedition not being set properly leading to issue, this should be fixed.
  • It was possible to have more pet capture than the 70 limit before this patch when using a token and capturing a pet at the same time, this is fixed and now the pet count is refreshed on each capture.
  • On Reincarnation Cow are now bought without any limit (previously 50 per Reincarnation).
  • Cosmetic unlock should be calculated properly offline.
  • Auto Advance Area from 5-9 to 6-1 and 6-9 to 7-1 had an issue with Hard difficulty, it will now work properly and switch slightly earlier (could be further improved in the future).
  • Ascension button will appears if you have reach the requirement and 3h into this ascension (previously 24h), while it isn't reach you can still restart the ascension the first 24h.
  • In World 5 there were some issue offline that was spawning Potatoes a lot slower than online.
  • Inventory wasnt filled properly offline, it should now work the same as online and create equipment.
  • Pet capture chance offline have been increased to reflect online more.

Farming Feature Announcement

Greetings dear Farmers,

We have been working hard for the past few weeks on the new feature "Farming", which is a little bit different than what you have had so far. This time it will be accessible to everyone (unlock on A#0 at 1-2-50, so 30min after a new player start the game).

As the whole game balance is already pretty good (not perfect, but pleasant to play), having a new feature that early doesn't allow me to have a lot of bonus affecting the actual game. This will be an independant feature for a while (could compare it with whack if it didnt had tons of upgrade boosting the game), it start without much QoL so the feature could feel a bit 'active' even if i made sure that the various auto are unlocked and acquired very early on.

This update will also have 2 additionnal features working with Farming, which make it one of the biggest update to date (i bet you didn't seen this one coming ^^, they are actually pretty good feature, basic mechanic but really good :p).

Right now the code is fully done and it is only a matter of balancing, adding small upgrade around and testing over and over again, polishing the text, translating, adding some info & tutorial... This is by far the hardest part ^^.

I can't give an accurate ETA for the release of this feature but i'm fairly confident that it will go live in July, i will keep everyone updated if there is any change.

Thank you everyone for the amazing support

Update v0.34-3 Returning Player Fix:


  • Issue where returning player had issue with the new Big Double system.

Update v0.34-2 Minor Fix:


  • Few minor fix regarding potato & skull take away.

Update v0.34-1 Minor Fix:


  • A#10 Residue Auto buy will now use the Total Residue created this Ascension allowing to use the current one without being penalized.
  • Brewing Level now run at 20 per seconds.


  • After my recent offline change it seemed that Worm Poop, Milk & Residue were 5x slower offline. Brewing level were also going 2x faster. All those should be more or less back to normal offline (it's the hardest part so expect it to never be 100% accurate).
  • Cosmetic from World 7 weren't accurate when selected in the list.
  • Item Comparison had some color issue with T15+ due to the upgrade Bonus on rarity.
  • Expedition 11 to 15 resource icon were smaller.

Update V0.34 Big Double, QoL & More

Greetings dear Farmers


  • Potato and Skull auto & take away has been significantly reworked. The base auto bought in the Reincarnation Shop (Layer 1), now act the same as with the upgraded version from the Soul shop (they have been fully refund if you had them). Potato and Skull take away will now remove the x1, x10, x100, infinity button and instead buy max every 15 seconds. Overall this is a significant QoL added, the Potato and Skull take away also become free after A#6 for Skull take away and A#9 for Potato take away, Ascension points are refunded when reaching these Ascension BUT to compensate the 3 Ascension points from the Expedition shop have been removed AND the Expedition Token fully refunded based on how many you had bought.
  • The game limit of e308 for big number is slowly being changed to allow player to go above this, so far a lot of value can already go above and more will come in the future as player reach new one.


  • Area Auto progress will now automatically turn on when a Reincarnation is done (if you have it bought), and when Ascending.
  • Improved offline accuracy regarding material and a few others place, it should also process faster (if there is no issue i will increase the offline time in the next update).


  • Some Path Challenge were showing a bonus of 15% after last update while the correct bonus is 5%.
  • After playing a Whack game Music were louder.
  • More equipment comparison & enhancing fix, hopefully everything look accurate now (its always only visual).

Update v0.33-1 Minor Fix


  • A#16+ Reincarnation Level required was increased due to all the changes and boost in the latest update (will be made more accurate once the first player reach a week into A#16).


  • Area 5-9 auto progression should be more accurate online & offline now, and switch earlier to 6-1.
  • Medium Labor Begone Challenge will now use Hard Labor Begone as a starting Area if it's higher than the Medium one.
  • Offline material on Area -9 will now properly add the 1 guaranteed Rarity to material dropped.
  • Pet List will have inertia when scrolling making it easier to navigate.

Update V0.33 World 7 + New QoL & Upgrade


  • World 7 with 9 Area and 6 Achievements, it also come with 7 Sets of Equipments (2 more will come later in 7-6 & 7-8)
  • 2 Ascension Milestone, A#10 = Big Residue QoL (not retroactive sadly, i wasn't keeping track of whatever level you had in the Residue shop). A#15 = Card level doesn't reset + Residue improvement.
  • 4 Ascension Perks including one that can be bought right from A#1 (Headscratcher), while 3 are locked behind A#15 (Free Enhancing level on every dropped Equipment, 1 Headscratcher again an additional Card & Resource when finishing an Expedition).
  • Soul Shop got a few improvement (for endgame only, based on existing Purchase that just get a few additional level).
  • Card Charge got a notification icon when it's full.
  • Ascension can be fully restarted 23h after you perform one (this is a safety in case you want to refund the point and change your perk, sadly i wasn't able to simply "refund" the point as there was too much code required for each feature affected).
  • Japanese translation has been fully done, thanks to @Kiyo for the amazing work he did.


  • Expedition Shop Headscratcher cap down to 5 (More will come in the next feature).
  • Reincarnation Time Bonus is has been improved to favor a bit more 12h+ run.


  • Equipment Bonus 'Card Exeperience' was inactive and not giving any benefit, it will now properly work but it has been slightly nerfed.
  • Equipment Rating will now include both Body bonus (STR & CON) as well as Area -9 special bonus into the Rating, making the A11 Current Item Rating being updated properly, and it will always include everything when comparing or giving power to Equipment based on it.

We are looking to improve the translation in many others language, don't hesitate to message me on Discord or by E-mail if you would like to help us.
Thank you for the amazing support, we are glad that you enjoy the game so much and look forward for the next update with a new feature and more.