Farworld Pioneers cover
Farworld Pioneers screenshot
Genre: Real Time Strategy (RTS), Strategy, Indie

Farworld Pioneers

Prerelease updates 1.094 to 1.096


We have unleashed a set of pre-release updates in anticipation of a public update. These are not exactly what will be released to the public when we push the next full version. Your input will help shape these updates to come! If you'd like to sign up for these beta builds, please follow these steps:

1. Right click the game in your Steam library
2. Press "Properties"
3. Open the "Betas" tab
4. Enter the code: prereleasetest

You should now be able to choose prerelease as the branch.

For more information and the changelog for these updates, see this post from Ben: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1363900/discussions/0/3842179871523644167/

Please enjoy our other media platforms:
Twitter: @FarworldPioneer
Developer Twitter: @igloosoftgames
Facebook: Farworld Facebook!
Subreddit: r/FarworldPioneers
Discord: Farworld Pioneers Discord

Farworld Pioneers is 20% OFF during the Steam Summer Sale!

Hello Pioneers,

It’s time to gather your friends, assemble your crew, and embark on an adventure of a lifetime in Farworld Pioneers - now 20% OFF during the Steam Summer Sale!

Experience the thrill of exploration, the joy of creation, and the triumph of conquering the unknown. But hurry, the Steam Summer Sale waits for no one!


Farworld Pioneers Version 1.092 to 1.093

Please enjoy these 2 smaller updates to help improve the AI and performance, among other things.

Farworld Pioneers v1.093

  • Added signs to construction/blueprints
  • Blackman’s Murder Emporium now stocks the Turret
  • Fixed missing error message when a construction site is not stable
  • Fixed landing pad dropping extra materials when broken during dropship construction
  • Fixed rare error that could happen when the dropship is destroyed partway through construction
  • Fixed error related to Bee sounds
  • Fixed issue that caused work orders to stall for a while after unsquadding a colonist
  • Fixed positioning issues with new colonist task emotes
  • Fixed issue that caused the crafting/research/sleep animated emotes to fail to display above colonists’ heads
  • Fixed issue that prevented weaponsmiths from earning XP when crafting cleavers
  • Fixed issue that allowed heatstroke and frostbite to be applied after death/downing, causing them to remain persistent
  • Fixed issue that caused colonists revived by a medkit or another colonist to go down again immediately
  • Fixed issue that caused incorrect notifications to show shortly after reloading a game
  • Fixed issue that caused certain invisible blocks to appear after traveling

Farworld Pioneers v1.092

  • Dramatically increased range of AI hauling and material searching to prevent characters from getting stranded after mining or executing faraway orders
  • Performance improvement: Prevented FPS drop when NPCs are currently selected using the selection/squad tool
  • Improved block replacement to also allow e.g. doors to replace wall blocks
  • Fixed issue that caused freezing to set in too quickly
  • Fixed issue that could cause NPCs to freeze in mid-air after mining a block underneath themselves
  • Fixed issue that could cause the NPC task icon pixels to smear slightly
  • Fixed issue that caused moving ghost NPCs to be visible in an incorrect position at times in multiplayer, especially after outrunning a moving NPC
  • Fixed broken tooltip on skill/spec level in NPC profiles
  • Fixed issue that caused an exception when a construction site completes in an unloaded area
  • Fixed issue that caused an error when adding materials on construction sites
  • Fixed issue that allowed certain blueprints to knock out furniture or facility blocks
  • Fixed issue that caused the underground factory dungeon to become corrupted in multiplayer after reloading a game

Please enjoy our other media platforms:
Twitter: @FarworldPioneer
Developer Twitter: @igloosoftgames
Facebook: Farworld Facebook!
Subreddit: r/FarworldPioneers
Discord: Farworld Pioneers Discord

Farworld Pioneers Version 1.06 to 1.091


We're happy to bring you our first major bug fixes. These address a significant number of problems with the game, especially a lot of AI issues, save file stability, and falling through floors. We seriously appreciate people who have been testing these builds before the public release.

Thanks for following us on this development journey!

Farworld Pioneers v1.091

  • NPC task icons added next to names to help visualize colony NPCs’ current assignment tela(hauling, attacking, etc)
  • Fixed issue that caused background blueprints to block heat from heat sources
  • Fixed issue that allowed artificial heat sources like campfires and radiators to cause character overheating
  • Fixed issue that could cause pathfinding to be broken temporarily upon reloading a save, rendering certain areas of the colony unavailable until terrain is modified
  • Fixed issue that could cause characters to float and remain stuck slightly above ground when terrain is modified or physics pushes an idle character up

Farworld Pioneers v1.09

  • Added damage and fire rate information to firearm tooltips
  • Newly recruited colonists will now run for most of their trek to the colony instead of slowly walking.
  • Improved FPS in Underground Factory
  • Improved NPC melee combat abilities to better detect the correct distance to stand from an enemy
  • Improved NPC jump attack behavior when attacking flying targets
  • New debug command: /callship to force the last used dropship to travel to the player’s current location
  • New debug command: /teleportship to automatically teleport into the last used dropship
  • Fixed issue that prevented players from joining multiplayer games since the 1.08 prerelease
  • Fixed issue that could prevent the dropship travel state from synchronizing properly in multiplayer
  • Fixed issue that could cause the dropship to be invisible for the client after exiting it in multiplayer
  • Fixed issue that caused unnecessary loading of chunks exactly 1000 blocks to the left or right of any given NPC
  • Fixed issue that caused unnecessary network updates to be generated for chunks where only NPCs are keeping the area loaded
  • Fixed issue that could cause heat from heat sources to remain attached to players, causing permanent protection from frostbite or death by overheating
  • Fixed issue that allowed the player to see the sausage being made when player first spawns in

Farworld Pioneers v1.08

  • Fixed issue that prevented colonists from picking up medkits from stockpiles when injured
  • Improved combat logic by adding new fleeing and disengagement behaviors to reduce the length of encounters and prevent chasing passing hostiles endlessly
  • Fixed issue that could cause chunk loading issues as plants attempt to grow towards unloaded areas
  • Added in permanent safeguard to prevent the corruption issue largely responsible for different manifestations of the ‘falling through floor’ bug
  • Fixed issue that allowed boss drops to be obtained again simply by re-entering the dungeon after reloading the game
  • Fixed issue that sometimes caused the underground factory boss to disappear, preventing the game from progressing
  • Fixed issue that caused players to remain stuck in mid-air when going out of bounds in the dungeon (using Creative Mode)
  • Fixed issue that caused food warnings not to show if rubble was not cleared near the starting area
  • Fixed issue that caused “hungry” notifications to display even when the colony has available food stores
  • Fixed various issues that prevented builder NPCs from finding a proper vantage point to build, causing building orders to fail or be ignored
  • Fixed issue that prevented building while standing on certain stairs/platforms

Farworld Pioneers v1.072

  • Fixed issue that caused NPC sprites to float up when idle in multiplayer
  • Fixed issue where NPCs would keep coming in and out of bed if they got cold at night and there were no heat sources nearby
  • Fixed issue that would cause stalling of work queues if two facilities had an infinite order of the same item
  • Fixed issue that caused NPCs and raiders to burrow into the ground upon spawning
  • Fixed issue that caused NPCs to remain stuck in the air when trying to mine
  • Fixed issue that could cause raids to generate right above the player’s head immediately after resuming a saved game
  • Fixed issues with work range checks not being matched to tool ranges when evaluating paths to work areas
  • Fixed issue that would cause NPCs to ignore nearby mining orders in favor of more distant ones, causing back and forth running when disconnected areas are set to be mined
  • Fixed multiple remaining issues that caused blocks to get erased or replaced with stone and areas to get corrupted upon reloading the game

Farworld Pioneers v1.071

  • Build available on Steam branches ‘privatebeta’ and ‘prerelease’
  • Known issue: Humanoid NPC sprites float up when idle in multiplayer; this is only a visual glitch
  • Fixed issue where NPCs would sometimes spawn just below the surface of the ground on reload
  • Fixed issue that caused players to freeze in the underground factory and dropship
  • Fixed issue that caused the player to fall through the floor after reloading in the underground factory and exiting through the front door
  • Fixed issues with hangs when attempting to teleport or open factory/dropship doors

Farworld Pioneers v1.07

  • Known issue: Humanoid NPC sprites float up when idle in multiplayer; this is only a visual glitch
  • Known issue: NPCs sometimes still spawn just below the surface of the ground on reload
  • Added auto-sort button at top right of inventory containers
  • Added short delay before displaying minor warnings to give NPCs a chance to resolve them without notifying the player
  • New drinking sounds
  • Improved smoothness of parallax
  • Improved NPC warmth-seeking behavior to favor indoor areas with active heat sources more
  • Fixed issue that caused NPCs carrying drills to fail to chop trees
  • Fixed issue that caused NPCs with weak pickaxes to give up mining high tier stone too soon
  • Fixed a number of issues responsible for NPCs and entities falling through the floor on spawn
  • Fixed issue that caused NPCs to walk up to different heat sources in a cycle to warm up instead of staying at the same one
  • NPC sleep is now interrupted by extreme cold conditions; fixes NPCs dying after going to bed in a cold spot
  • Fixed issue that caused a NPC profile to pop up if you double clicked a player name in the Overview
  • Fixed 1.06 issue that caused a crash when attempting to heal a downed NPC
  • Fixed stray pixel on chicken animation
  • Fixed issue that caused research UI not to display after reloading if your research benches are all on another planet

Farworld Pioneers v1.06

  • Fixed issue that allowed clicking the Host Game button multiple times in the main menu, starting multiple sessions
  • Fixed issue where the underground factory level would refuse to load after visiting the second planet, if the factory was never visited (requires cheating/debug)
  • Improved temperature effect by compounding from multiple heat sources instead of picking one as reference
  • Fixed issue that caused players to lose their character customization upon respawning
  • Fixed issue that caused medkits to randomly fail and required several uses to revive NPCs
  • Fixed issue that caused NPCs to claim more than one bed, forcing some colonists to sleep on the floor
  • Fixed issue with the tutorial UI that caused peaceful mode to disable itself automatically while playing
  • Fixed issue with "Air" showing in required materials lists that made Power Armor and Helmet impossible to craft
  • Fixed issue where NPC pathfinding would get cut off by invisible barriers just outside the loaded area around the player after resuming a save
  • Applied tentative fix for players and NPCs occasionally falling through the ground, especially while mining
  • Applied tentative fix for occasional dropped chunks caused by concurrency issues; to be improved in next performance hotfix
  • Fixed issue that allowed raids to spawn hostiles too close to the colony; un-enhanced the definition of ‘outside’

Please enjoy our other media platforms:
Twitter: @FarworldPioneer
Developer Twitter: @igloosoftgames
Facebook: Farworld Facebook!
Subreddit: r/FarworldPioneers
Discord: Farworld Pioneers Discord

State of the Game 2


We have continued work on the game and are making good progress on fixing major bugs people are reporting in beta release versions. We do not have a fully comfortable public release for these fixes yet, but are very close to being able to fix a lot of current issues.

Currently a number of players are playing on the "pre-release" branch of the game. Please see the linked post if you're interested in accessing the beta branches, as well as the full patch notes.

The biggest fixes are:

  • Reduction of NPCs/Players falling through the floor. A lot of this has to do with chunk loading behavior which is being worked on still.
  • Drastically improved save stability.
  • Various NPC AI bugs are fixed that used to stop them from acting up. Please note AI fixes are ongoing and they still display a number of strange behaviors.


We strongly recommend only using new saves with beta versions. If you want to help out with these versions, please make sure you write what version you're playing on when reporting issues.

Please enjoy our other media platforms:
Twitter: @FarworldPioneer
Developer Twitter: @igloosoftgames
Facebook: Farworld Facebook!
Subreddit: r/FarworldPioneers
Discord: Farworld Pioneers Discord

State of the Game

Hello Pioneers!

Now that the game has been out and we've been able to evaluate the initial response to the game, we would like to address the current state and what our plans are.

Currently the game has a significant number of bugs that we are working to fix as soon as possible. We initially had to roll-back updates 1.04 and 1.05 which will be showing up shortly with fixes described in a prior change-log. These will be on consoles asap but require more certification hoops before release.

The major issues we see complaints about are:

  • The AI. NPC colonist behavior currently has issues with wandering into dangerous areas, using their beds appropriately, responsiveness to combat, and other concerns. We also see issues with interactions with NPCs, especially healing them. This is a complex process to fix and improve and is our top priority. We appreciate understanding and all the information the community has collectively provided on these issues.
  • Falling through floors. We have several internal ideas on what may be happening which are being pursued, ranging from AI behavior to chunk loading changes.
  • Multiplayer is unstable and we have been working with our server team to address where this is coming from.
  • The UI overall needs improvements to function. We are exploring alternative ways to display information, and would love suggestions from the community on what they would like to see with this.

Our initial focus is on bug fixing and stability. There will be additions to the game over time as well, while we are fixing bugs, as the team has multiple moving parts working together. We also undergo a QA process internally which delays update releases by several days to ensure nothing new was catastrophically broken and logged fixes are implemented.

You can continue to support us by detailing feedback in bugs in the Steam forums, Reddit, Twitter, or Discord. We read all reports regardless of where you send them, and respond when we need more information or have ideas on how to address an issue.

We are dedicated to providing continual updates and fixes to the game and appreciate the feedback we've received. We feel the game has a ton of potential and hope you'll continue enjoying Farworld Pioneers!

Our other spaces are regularly updated:
Twitter: @FarworldPioneer
Developer Twitter: @igloosoftgames
Facebook: Farworld Facebook!
Subreddit: r/FarworldPioneers
Discord: Farworld Pioneers Discord

Farworld Pioneers 1.05 Patch Notes

Greetings Pioneers! 🚀

Thank you so much to everyone exploring the frontier with us since launch day! We’re proud to see over 75,000 concurrent players across all platforms, and we’re incredibly grateful for the feedback so far.

We’re reading every review and are working on plans for a larger update that will tackle some issues, including colonist AI. In the meantime, we’ve also got some urgent fixes coming in hot 🔥!

Some of these changes were available in Beta but have now been pushed to the public release.

  • AI Fix: NPCs will no longer wander away from the base when recruited. They should now stay local - unless instructed otherwise!
  • Fix: Research notifications no longer spam or stay stuck to the screen in multiplayer
  • Fix: Pickaxes no longer have unlimited range when targeting an enemy block
  • Fix: Facility overlay/lock icons are now interactable when clicked
  • Fix: Currency is now added to your wallet even if your inventory is full
  • Fix: Various small localization and layout issues

Expect another hotfix shortly. We’ve seen reports of invisible bugs attacking players on some world seeds, and we’re working on removing those accidental cloaking fields as we speak!

- Igloosoft

Our Discord is our main community hub: look for people to play Farworld with there!
Discord: Farworld Pioneers Discord

Our other spaces are regularly updated:
Twitter: @FarworldPioneer
Developer Twitter: @igloosoftgames
Facebook: Farworld Facebook!
Subreddit: r/FarworldPioneers

Farworld Pioneers is OUT NOW!

Ready to blast off on an unforgettable journey through the cosmos?

Farworld Pioneers is OUT NOW on Steam!


Experience the ultimate survival and discovery as you build your own colony from scratch in the depths of space. With a range of features to explore, from customizable base-building to unique NPCs and an exciting multiplayer mode, Farworld Pioneers is sure to provide you with endless hours of entertainment.

As you navigate through a vast and treacherous galaxy, make sure to leave your mark on the universe, Pioneer. Gather your crew and get ready to explore the great beyond!



Social Media

Can’t get enough Farworld? Itching for the next colony? Try one of our communities and social media platforms!

Our Discord is our main community hub: look for people to play Farworld with there!
Discord: https://discord.gg/Asntr8e

Our other spaces are regularly updated:
Twitter: @FarworldPioneer
Developer Twitter: @igloosoftgames
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FarworldPioneers/
Subreddit: r/FarworldPioneers

Farworld Pioneers version .99 to 1.05

Hello Pioneers! Get ready for our release May 30th at 12pm US EDT time. Check out what the game will look like at release and be ready for ongoing updates from here! Versions 1.04 and 1.05 are temporarily not available, public players will be up to 1.03

Farworld Pioneers v1.05

  • Further localization/layout fixes
  • Fixed issue with research notification spamming upon completion in multiplayer
  • Fixed issue with research item remaining displayed longer than expected after completion
  • Fixed issue that caused NPCs not to wander to the colony after recruitment

Farworld Pioneers v1.04

  • Many localization/layout fixes
  • Fixed issue that caused currency not to get added to the wallet on pickup if the player’s regular inventory slots are full
  • Fixed issue that allowed pickaxes to have unlimited range when targeting an enemy block
  • Fixed issue with facility overlay/door lock icon not interacting when clicked

Farworld Pioneers v1.03

  • Landing pad and certain other constructions can now be completed if you supply the facility block instead of the materials (previously only certain blocks could)
  • Raider spawners found in setpieces no longer have HP and no longer block shots; they will auto-destruct once raiders are defeated
  • Increased spawn rate of raider spawners
  • Various localization/language fixes
  • Improved performance of game when many construction sites are present on screen
  • Added control hints for Jump whenever the gamepad is used, to illustrate when the key changes
  • Fixed memory leak issue with certain preview meshes for blocks/blueprints
  • Fixed issue that could cause the same area to load twice and result in some additional problems, such as missing chunks
  • Fixed issue that caused fast memory ballooning for the host client, PC only
  • Fixed issue that caused server log button to crash the game or hang
  • Fixed issue that caused a gradual loss of performance in multiplayer the more blueprints are placed and built, due to objects not clearing when despawned by the server
  • Fixed issue that caused performance to slow to a crawl whenever the camera moves when many construction sites are present on screen
  • Fixed research bench emitting continual typing sounds when not in use in single player
  • Fixed issue that could cause a talk dialog and an exclusive dialog (like a sign) to be opened at the same time, resulting in a loss of control afterwards

Farworld Pioneers v1.02

  • 99.99999% localization coverage – all text in the game should now be completely translated (again again)
  • Added 4 new mystery items that can be collected from special raider outposts on planet Amaterasu; combine them at the research bench to end all raids on your colony
  • If you miss the 4 mystery items, you can also purchase them from mysterious vendors
  • NPCs will now go to the aid of other NPCs if they are targeted by a hostile unit (e.g. before they’re actually harmed)
  • Construction work is now higher priority than mining work
  • Research is now the lowest priority job besides hauling
  • Vendors now let you add items to your basket even if you can’t afford the total
  • New fire animations
  • Improved NPC alert sound
  • Fixed rounding issue when purchasing from vendor when the player has exact change for multiple units of an item
  • Fixed issue with vendor that prevented adding items to basket even if the player had enough currency
  • Fixed issue that caused entities/facilities to become corrupted upon reloading a world in single player and multiplayer
  • Fixed issue that could cause the facility to fade to a black screen or only load partially after recent performance improvements
  • Fixed required material list not showing when selecting blueprints in the blueprint menu
  • Fixed issue that allowed players to cheese through the ceiling if you placed stairs in a corner

Farworld Pioneers v1.01

  • 99.9999% localization coverage – all text in the game should now be translated (again)
  • Added /help command for server admins on PC
  • Added new sounds for raider weapons
  • Improved performance of setpiece generation and chunk loading for an overall reduction in CPU spikes while moving around the world and an increase in bugs
  • NPCs (colonists, raiders and nomads) will now attack enemies that damage members of their faction nearby
  • Revamped research tree
  • Changed some recipes to include silicon wafers and silicon
  • Gave underground setpieces icons
  • New plasteel ore and ingot icons
  • Disabled some unimplemented content (thermal and space suit, laser miner)
  • Added Raider Spawner tent to the Watchtower setpiece – WIP
  • Added salve drop chance to pine trees
  • Updated rocket launcher animations
  • Reduced snake move volume
  • Fixed various gamepad navigation prompt issues
  • Fixed issue that would cause a hang when traveling in the dropship in certain circumstances in both single player and multiplayer
  • Fixed issue that could cause start/join game button to remain greyed out in the lobby
  • Fixed performance issue that could cause FPS drops and overall slowdowns when digging far underground
  • Fixed issue that could cause stalling of work queues when issuing planting orders
  • Fixed issue that could cause raids to spawn underground
  • Fixed issue that could cause raids to spawn extremely close to players/colonies, in the same screenful as a player
  • Fixed issue that could cause NPCs to miss jump connections when pathing depending on the exact world coordinates of the jump link
  • Fixed issue that caused NPCs to try and jump through solid matter repeatedly to grab a ledge above them
  • Fixed issue that caused NPCs to teleport instead of jumping if more than one jumpable platform was located next to them
  • Fixed issue that occasionally caused NPCs to believe their maximum jump height was 5 when standing in the middle of a platform and not at the edge
  • Fixed issue that caused planet Amaterasu to have stuck unloaded areas
  • Fixed issue that could cause plants and other entities from outside to pop in over the space background of the traveling dropship

Farworld Pioneers v1.00

  • 99.999% localization coverage – all text in the game should now be translated
  • Rebalanced melee weapon damage and updated some recipes
  • New radiator sprite, new thatch and cobblestone textures
  • Updated weenie safe house a bit
  • Additional work on multithreading/performanced of chunk loading
  • Fixed Buddy spawning underground in MP
  • Fixed max players being set to 4 instead of 32 by default
  • Fixed region selector showing on Steam
  • Fixed issue that caused certain controls not to function while planting menu was open and certain hotbar items were selected
  • Fixed issue with display and network synchronization of power icons for powered facilities
  • Fixed issue that could cause players to get stuck in an invisible/missing chunk while traveling in multiplayer
  • Fixed various issues with scrolling/scaling in Research panel
  • Fixed issue with dropship sometimes not getting transferred to the new planet properly when traveling in multiplayer
  • Fixed issue that incorrectly allowed players not in the dropship to receive related achievements in multiplayer

Farworld Pioneers v.99

  • Known issue: Buddy will have a tendency to spawn in the ground in multiplayer
  • Last version before 1.0 console build!
  • Performance improvement: Significantly reworked chunk loading to make things more asynchronous, reducing CPU spikes when walking around in the world (still a work in progress)
  • Friendly/neutral NPCs and players will now emit a faint light in the dark, like the player
  • Revamped hidden lab setpiece
  • Revamped desert bunker
  • Updated Ice BG
  • Tuned movement of forager, bluebird, bunny
  • Tweaked loot generation; made schematics spawn in chests
  • Pickaxe melee collider now matches the shape of the smear (note: only applies to the pickaxe; no change made to other melee weapons)
  • Various localization fixes (no updated sheet yet)
  • No more chest with free spelunking gear near cave entrances
  • Fixed various issues with corpse positioning on butcher tables
  • Fixed issue where joining a game while the host is still loading causes the client to be ‘stranded’ in the lobby
  • Various hair fixes
  • Fixed manseal so they can go under 2 block ceilings

Social Media

Can’t get enough Farworld? Itching for the next colony? Try one of our communities and social media platforms!

Our Discord is our main community hub: look for people to play Farworld with there!
Discord: https://discord.gg/S23XuTqPaY

Our other spaces are regularly updated:
Twitter: @FarworldPioneer
Developer Twitter: @igloosoftgames
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FarworldPioneers/
Subreddit: r/FarworldPioneers

Farworld Pioneers version .99 to 1.04

Hello Pioneers! Get ready for our release May 30th at 12pm US EST time. Check out what the game will look like at release and be ready for ongoing updates from here!

Farworld Pioneers v1.04

  • Many localization/layout fixes
  • Fixed issue that caused currency not to get added to the wallet on pickup if the player’s regular inventory slots are full
  • Fixed issue that allowed pickaxes to have unlimited range when targeting an enemy block
  • Fixed issue with facility overlay/door lock icon not interacting when clicked

Farworld Pioneers v1.03

  • Landing pad and certain other constructions can now be completed if you supply the facility block instead of the materials (previously only certain blocks could)
  • Raider spawners found in setpieces no longer have HP and no longer block shots; they will auto-destruct once raiders are defeated
  • Increased spawn rate of raider spawners
  • Various localization/language fixes
  • Improved performance of game when many construction sites are present on screen
  • Added control hints for Jump whenever the gamepad is used, to illustrate when the key changes
  • Fixed memory leak issue with certain preview meshes for blocks/blueprints
  • Fixed issue that could cause the same area to load twice and result in some additional problems, such as missing chunks
  • Fixed issue that caused fast memory ballooning for the host client, PC only
  • Fixed issue that caused server log button to crash the game or hang
  • Fixed issue that caused a gradual loss of performance in multiplayer the more blueprints are placed and built, due to objects not clearing when despawned by the server
  • Fixed issue that caused performance to slow to a crawl whenever the camera moves when many construction sites are present on screen
  • Fixed research bench emitting continual typing sounds when not in use in single player
  • Fixed issue that could cause a talk dialog and an exclusive dialog (like a sign) to be opened at the same time, resulting in a loss of control afterwards

Farworld Pioneers v1.02

  • 99.99999% localization coverage – all text in the game should now be completely translated (again again)
  • Added 4 new mystery items that can be collected from special raider outposts on planet Amaterasu; combine them at the research bench to end all raids on your colony
  • If you miss the 4 mystery items, you can also purchase them from mysterious vendors
  • NPCs will now go to the aid of other NPCs if they are targeted by a hostile unit (e.g. before they’re actually harmed)
  • Construction work is now higher priority than mining work
  • Research is now the lowest priority job besides hauling
  • Vendors now let you add items to your basket even if you can’t afford the total
  • New fire animations
  • Improved NPC alert sound
  • Fixed rounding issue when purchasing from vendor when the player has exact change for multiple units of an item
  • Fixed issue with vendor that prevented adding items to basket even if the player had enough currency
  • Fixed issue that caused entities/facilities to become corrupted upon reloading a world in single player and multiplayer
  • Fixed issue that could cause the facility to fade to a black screen or only load partially after recent performance improvements
  • Fixed required material list not showing when selecting blueprints in the blueprint menu
  • Fixed issue that allowed players to cheese through the ceiling if you placed stairs in a corner

Farworld Pioneers v1.01

  • 99.9999% localization coverage – all text in the game should now be translated (again)
  • Added /help command for server admins on PC
  • Added new sounds for raider weapons
  • Improved performance of setpiece generation and chunk loading for an overall reduction in CPU spikes while moving around the world and an increase in bugs
  • NPCs (colonists, raiders and nomads) will now attack enemies that damage members of their faction nearby
  • Revamped research tree
  • Changed some recipes to include silicon wafers and silicon
  • Gave underground setpieces icons
  • New plasteel ore and ingot icons
  • Disabled some unimplemented content (thermal and space suit, laser miner)
  • Added Raider Spawner tent to the Watchtower setpiece – WIP
  • Added salve drop chance to pine trees
  • Updated rocket launcher animations
  • Reduced snake move volume
  • Fixed various gamepad navigation prompt issues
  • Fixed issue that would cause a hang when traveling in the dropship in certain circumstances in both single player and multiplayer
  • Fixed issue that could cause start/join game button to remain greyed out in the lobby
  • Fixed performance issue that could cause FPS drops and overall slowdowns when digging far underground
  • Fixed issue that could cause stalling of work queues when issuing planting orders
  • Fixed issue that could cause raids to spawn underground
  • Fixed issue that could cause raids to spawn extremely close to players/colonies, in the same screenful as a player
  • Fixed issue that could cause NPCs to miss jump connections when pathing depending on the exact world coordinates of the jump link
  • Fixed issue that caused NPCs to try and jump through solid matter repeatedly to grab a ledge above them
  • Fixed issue that caused NPCs to teleport instead of jumping if more than one jumpable platform was located next to them
  • Fixed issue that occasionally caused NPCs to believe their maximum jump height was 5 when standing in the middle of a platform and not at the edge
  • Fixed issue that caused planet Amaterasu to have stuck unloaded areas
  • Fixed issue that could cause plants and other entities from outside to pop in over the space background of the traveling dropship

Farworld Pioneers v1.00

  • 99.999% localization coverage – all text in the game should now be translated
  • Rebalanced melee weapon damage and updated some recipes
  • New radiator sprite, new thatch and cobblestone textures
  • Updated weenie safe house a bit
  • Additional work on multithreading/performanced of chunk loading
  • Fixed Buddy spawning underground in MP
  • Fixed max players being set to 4 instead of 32 by default
  • Fixed region selector showing on Steam
  • Fixed issue that caused certain controls not to function while planting menu was open and certain hotbar items were selected
  • Fixed issue with display and network synchronization of power icons for powered facilities
  • Fixed issue that could cause players to get stuck in an invisible/missing chunk while traveling in multiplayer
  • Fixed various issues with scrolling/scaling in Research panel
  • Fixed issue with dropship sometimes not getting transferred to the new planet properly when traveling in multiplayer
  • Fixed issue that incorrectly allowed players not in the dropship to receive related achievements in multiplayer

Farworld Pioneers v.99

  • Known issue: Buddy will have a tendency to spawn in the ground in multiplayer
  • Last version before 1.0 console build!
  • Performance improvement: Significantly reworked chunk loading to make things more asynchronous, reducing CPU spikes when walking around in the world (still a work in progress)
  • Friendly/neutral NPCs and players will now emit a faint light in the dark, like the player
  • Revamped hidden lab setpiece
  • Revamped desert bunker
  • Updated Ice BG
  • Tuned movement of forager, bluebird, bunny
  • Tweaked loot generation; made schematics spawn in chests
  • Pickaxe melee collider now matches the shape of the smear (note: only applies to the pickaxe; no change made to other melee weapons)
  • Various localization fixes (no updated sheet yet)
  • No more chest with free spelunking gear near cave entrances
  • Fixed various issues with corpse positioning on butcher tables
  • Fixed issue where joining a game while the host is still loading causes the client to be ‘stranded’ in the lobby
  • Various hair fixes
  • Fixed manseal so they can go under 2 block ceilings

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