Feed and Grow: Fish cover
Feed and Grow: Fish screenshot
Genre: Simulator, Adventure, Indie

Feed and Grow: Fish

Update 0.5.8

Main Update

NEW - Wounds and bleeding
Just a work-in-progress visual effects that should enhance the gameplay up a bit. Wounds themselves heal / disappear after a while being at full health points.
The wounds are visible only on Graphics Quality "Good" and above.

All fish now wiggle a bit after landing a bite. Aside of the damage it now also disorientates and your prey, giving it less chance to escape.

Sprint stamina usage is now much more important for hunting and surviving. Sprinting consumes stamina faster, but at the same time gives a greater speed boost.

Artificial intelligence has been modified just to fit all of the changes, in other words AI from now has better reaction times and overall is less likely to get stuck.


  • Fish, crabs etc. no longer regenerate health after taking damage for 2 seconds.
  • Stamina regeneration is now reduced the more damaged the fish is.

Eating update

As we are steadily moving towards our goal of implementing a fun herbivore gameplay, several changes have been made to eating:

  • Coral food such as starfish now have to be destroyed into pieces in order to eat it as a small fish. Fruits and shrimps can still be devoured instantly.
  • Medium and large sized fish now leave one or more of some new gigantic chunks of meat, that need to be chewed down into smaller pieces to eat them.

Gaining experience and Coins update

We have greatly reduced ( -65% ) the experience required to level up for small fish and increased it a bit for large fish ( +10% ). Additionally in the Normal difficulty fish drop +25% more experience in meat, this bonus experience becomes +50% in Hard difficulty .

Coins are now easier to obtain, as eating meat now gives one additional coin.

Crab madness returns as a full mode

Originally we hacked together this mode for the aprils fools event, but since the community liked it so much we’ll be improving it gradually so that it can be a full mode and it will be permanently available.

First set of changes:

  • Crabs can now jump
  • Crabs can now move sideways
  • Crabs have been given new animations

For players that permanently unlocked the crab madness mode during april fool’s prior to this update, we are sorry for going back on our word to bring the mode back only during april fool’s and we'll be rewarding you with a special achievement to mark your victory against the evil crab king.

River map is finally out!


Jump in, swim and feed on everything that's in it!

Or just get eaten by everything like it usually happens...

Difficulty changes

What was previously the "Hard" difficulty is now called "Normal" and a new harder difficulty has been added. This new difficulty takes the place of "Hard" and will be used for the upcoming challenges and achievements.

Just to make it clear - Easy difficulty remains unchanged.

New AI group movement

Piranhas and trouts are the first fish to perform basic schooling. They will swim and react to events as one entity.

2016 April Crab madness mode closed.

The mode is no longer available, unless you have previously defeated the evil king crab and taken his scepter. In that case you can still play it whenever you want to.

So keep swimming and eating!
Bon appetit!

Sneaky peek of River map and Crab madness extension

Hi fish friends, have you enjoyed swimming up to now? Because we are adding new waters to do just that in Feed and Grow.

River map

Yes, the River map is just about a week away from being released, and we thought that you might want to see how it looks like.


The map will have more land than water overall. You will encounter one harmless and one deadly waterfall in between some super-fun super-fast momentum-building currents that are super-annoying and super-exhausting to swim against, so better watch out to not get sucked down.


On top of the dangerous waters keep an eye out for the other eyes - especially the red ones! Prepare to get eaten alive by a gang of piranhas, cut into sushi by a hungry crayfish and chased down as no fin can outswim an agile pike.

And just when you thought you were safe, you will face an ancient horror. You’ll know what's coming…

Respawning in 5 seconds...

Crab madness extension

Crab madness is also extended by another week, as new 'baby fish" are requesting a bit more time so they can complete the challenge.

Remember that you can permanently unlock the crab madness mode by earning the Conqueror crab achievement.

Crab Madness escalates! Two weeks left!

The Evil King Crab has taken over the ocean. But there is still hope!

Two weeks after the Crab Madness launch the Crabs are going even more insane.
(probably due to the "hard" difficulty... *cough*)

And so we came up with a great new challenge and a huge reward!

Become a King Crab - build your own crab army - defeat the Evil King Crab and take his scepter

A quick guide on how to:

  1. Achieve Level 10 as an ordinary red crab and unlock the King Crab achievement.
  2. Spawn as the King Crab and start building your own green crab army.
  3. Feed and Grow yourself and your green crab army.
  4. Lead your army into glorious battle against the Evil Crab King.
  5. Defeat him, take his precious scepter and become a Conqueror Crab!

Those who achieve the legendary status of Conqueror Crab will unlock the Crab Madness mode permanently. Those who don’t, unfortunately will have to wait until the next April.

Few tips:

  • As a Red crab, the easiest way to grow up is to find a good spot with lots of small herbivorous fish, open a claw and wait for them to swim into it. Then after a few levels you might be able to prey on bigger fish.
  • As a King Crab your army will attempt to follow you more or less in a straight line. So don't go behind big obstacles as they might get lost.
  • As a King Crab, don't charge into the Evil King Crab first, let your troops sacrifice themselves for their King. (He is also pretty strong for a crab.)

Rendering pipeline changes

We have done a few changes to the rendering pipeline. But that required us to change a few settings. By default the Graphics quality settings are now on Fantastic, with Bloom and Ambient occlusion turned on.

- If you are having a very low frame rate after this update, do the following:

  1. Open Graphics category in Settings.
  2. Turn off Ambient occlusion image effect.
  3. Reduce the Quality to Simple or better.

And don't worry, this game is not getting renamed into "Feed and Grow: Crabs" :) - There is a lot of new stuff coming up soon.

See the river image below.

Yes, that's a very spectacular pike!

Crab Madness – April Special 2016

Are you mad?!!! Screenshot or it didn't happen :) Check out shiny new Feed and Grow: Fish special – Crab Madness! Packed with insane fun and the game's very first and limited achievements.

Crazy April in Feed and Grow: Fish

April Fool's lasts in the game for the whole month. We're excited to publish a surprise crazy special in Feed and Grow: Fish – Crab Madness :) Jump into game to test your mad skills!

Show off your skills as a crab – a special mode now available in game for the Ocean map and Hard difficulty. How far can you make it in the waters of Feed and Grow?

Be really mad and earn your first achievements

Are you mad enough to reach high levels as a crab? If so, you'll be rewarded. The Crab Madness special comes with achievements too. Do not hesitate, as the special will be on only during April 2016 and with it both the achievements will be unavailable.

Let the Mad Crab games begin!

Vote for the new name for dragonfish

You came up with the names, we picked the ones we love the most. Now it's your turn again!

Join the quick poll to decide on the new name for the mighty red beast in Feed and Grow: Fish

Vote here now and stay tuned via Facebook for more news on Ex-Dragonfish's new identity.

If you can't choose, head into the game and "talk" to Mr. Dragonfish-for-now. He sure has ideas of his own :)

The poll will be open for 7 days, till Sunday, 03/04/2016. But hey, the next weekend comes with new madness for Feed and Grow: Fish.

Ever wondered how foolish them crabs can be?

And the Dragonfish's name is...bundled with beta news :)

How did the naming fun end? And what's the story about beta testing? Plus is there anything else coming Steam way? Well, let's dive into the answers!

We asked all of you to have a sip of the creative juice and come up with ideas on Mr. Dragonfish Nameless's name. You came up with so many cool ideas that both us, the devs and Mr. Dragonfish loved. So which one is it gonna be?

Yet again, more work for you all :) We're picking (and not fighting over it, we „promise“ :D) the ones that we loved the most. The tough fight as there can be only one winner, will be decided on our Facebook, so check it out. We'll finish „fighting“ the top chart soon :)

It starts with „B“ and end in „eta testing“

Yes, we have so many game features to release and we'd love some more hands-on feedback before we throw the updates into the waters of Steam community. Therefore we want to ask you guys, if you'd be up for beta testing events?

If so, stay tuned, will be releasing the whole concept soon. All you need is love... the game and some time to play the game and look into the features tested :) we appreciate feedback from all players, casuals and pros, whatever the sticker is :) Each testing will get more players in and there are other fun ideas coming for the beta testers.

Any other news?

Aye, captain. New map is under development and shipshaping nicely (we can't wait to hear what the fresh beta tester think about it). On top of cool new environment to feed and grow, there are going to be new features added too. And rewards :)

So check out F&G: Fish on Facebook for Mr. Dragonfish christening party and we'll keep you posted on beta fun soon.


Nika | Feed and Grow: Fish Dev Team

Patch notes 0.4.5

Help us to find a NAME for this fish

Post your ideas into the comment section below.

Cost: 35
Health: 61
Damage: 11
Bite speed: 0.7/s
Swim speed: 2.1m/s
Weight: 11kg

Passive ability: Devour

Patch notes

Bugfixes and Optimalizations
- Fixed a bug where if you attempted to connect to a server it would refuse your connetion, saying that your game version is too behind.
- Fixed "Direct IP" dialogue typing.
- Fixed a bug where you would skip a level when leveling up.
- Optimalized fish LOD (level of detail) distance calculations and added a slider to the graphical settings. At default it is set to 50% so you might want to pull it up a bit.

- All fish now accelerate two times faster than before.
( this has been changed back in last patch 0.4.4, but we forgot to list it in the patch notes )

Balance changes
Just a few balance changes mirroring our behind the scenes progress.
- Browurag - Swim speed has been increased to 2.5m/s from 2.0m/s.
- Tiger shark - Damage has been reduced by 20% but Bite speed has been increased by 30%.
- Blue octopus - Swim speed has been reduced to 1.5m/s.
- Bibos - Base damage has been increased by 20%.
- Klej - Both damage and health have been reduced by 10%.
- Catfish - base health has been reduced by 33%, damage has been reduced by 50%.
- Passive ability Devour - the max. size of fish you can swallow whole has been reduced to +50% instead of +125% but the recharging now takes only 10 seconds instead of 20.

Graphical settings
- Added Level of detail slider, by using this one you can customize LOD draw distance a bit. If you have a stronger machine feel free to pull this up.

If you would like to watch a timelapse creation of the new fish look here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ix-_fhAFPIM

Patch notes 0.4.4

Nilin got a visual rework and a new passive ability - new model, texture, animations and teeth

A new challenging prey. The gold fish. - Not playable (yet)
This little quick buddy, will take a big role in one of the gamemodes that we are comming up with soon.

- Fixed a bug with biting that was randomly infinite damage. ( the one shoting )
- Kill zones that used to destroy your fish when you have attempted to leave the map are now blocked by invisible walls.
- Fixed a bug where if too many objects were active at once ( over 4086 ) some of them would be deactivated but not destroyed.
- Fixed a bug that caused a memory leak when you had opened settings.
- Fixed a bug that caused particles, such as blood, to not render on certain GPU.

- Bones now slowly fall and sink.
- Klej has been given a new passive ability: Snap.
- Nilin has been given a new passive ability: Bleed.

Damage and experience labels
Those small numbers that show up whenever you deal, take damage or gain experience.
- The labels now have a black outline for better reading.
- When dealing or taking damage less than 2, the number will be rounded to one decimal point. (eq. "1.5" )
- When taking damage, the labels are now comming from the same direction as the damage came.

Patch notes 0.4.3

Bibos got a visual rework - new model, texture and animations

Bugfixes and Optimalizations
- Fixed a bug that was randomly crashing the game when playing on a certain GPU.
- Fixed a bug that was causing camera to shake when playing as Bibos and coliding with terrain.
- Optimalized biting hit box detection.
- Fixed missing experience bar.

We are preparing to add a new colossal simulation mode, which should be the main mode among all. So we these are just a pre-release changes.
- Classic mode has been renamed to "Deathmatch" and Unlimited mode to "DeathmatchUnlimited".

- The turn speed reduction now applies to LARGE player fish too.
- Mosquitos have been added to Beta map

- Fixed Bibos and Raptor passives in multiplayer mode.
- Smoothed out biting a bit.
- Added a very simple version of chat.
- Added version verification.
- Opening server list now automatically refreshes the Internet server list.

Server settings
We are redesigning the server settings for upcoming dedicated servers.
- Server settings serialization has been moved from registry into a file \Settings\ServerSettings.json.
- Friendly fire option has been unlocked.
- Bonus experience slider has been unlocked.
- The multiplayer ports can now be changed. defaults are
- The password field has been unlocked, however setting password has no effect at this moment.