Hired 2 Die cover
Hired 2 Die screenshot
Genre: Simulator, Strategy, Indie

Hired 2 Die

Join the Live with the Developers!

Livestream during Steam Next Fest

Exciting News from Electric Monkeys Developers! Join us for the Hired 2 Die Demo at Steam Next Fest

Hey there, fellow gamers and friends! We're thrilled to invite you to an exclusive event during the Steam Next Fest. Get ready to dive into the horrifying world of Hired 2 Die, our upcoming game that's set to release this year!

On June 19th, starting at 1 pm PST, we'll be streaming the demo version of Hired 2 Die, and we want YOU to be a part of this exciting experience. Whether you're a seasoned gamer or just getting started, this is the perfect moment to join us and discover the secrets of Hired 2 Die. We'll be sharing valuable insights, strategies, and tips to help you beat the game like a pro!

And guess what? You'll have the incredible opportunity to interact with our talented team during the livestream. Joining us will be Hugo Campos, our Creative Director, Danilo Lappicirella, the Producer extraordinaire, and Vinicyus Corbelli, the brilliant Lead Game Designer. They'll be sharing their expertise, answering your burning questions, and providing behind-the-scenes anecdotes about the making of Hired 2 Die.

So mark your calendars for June 19th, 1 pm PST (click on the "Set a reminder" button), and join us on the livestream for an unforgettable gaming experience. Together, let's explore Hired 2 Die and unravel its thrilling mysteries. Get ready to embark on an adventure like no other!

Add Hired 2 Die to your wishlist now, and follow the game to be the first to know all the latest updates:


See you at the Steam Next Fest!
The Electric Monkeys Team

Devlog #012 | Demo Available!

We are thrilled to announce the release of the highly anticipated Hired 2 Die - Demo! What's even more exciting is that it has been localized into 10 different languages, including:

  • English
  • Portuguese (Brazil)
  • Spanish (Spain)
  • Russian
  • Simplified Chinese
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • German
  • French
  • Italian

The demo has undergone significant improvements, such as a comprehensive lighting overhaul, extensive optimizations, enhancements in the Distortion AI, a new minimap, and much more!

If you find yourself enjoying the game, we kindly request you to add it to your wishlist on Steam. Your support will greatly contribute to spreading the word about Hired 2 Die, enabling us to reach a wider audience. We sincerely appreciate your interest in Hired 2 Die, and rest assured, there's much more to come!

Devlog #011 | Beta available for everyone!


We're excited to announce that our Public Beta is available!

The Beta will be live from 03/31 through 04/10. This is a very important milestone for us since we made lots of improvements and added many, many features. We'll list some of the new things you can expect on this Beta Version:

- New contract: IQD Game Company.
- New tasks: install cameras, doors, clean puddles and trash piles and more!
- Improved design and behavior for new monsters.
- Performance improvements.
- New sound effects and music.
- New tutorial.
- Overall graphics and lighting improvements.

Please keep in mind that this is an early beta build and thus it may contain bugs and it will not reflect the quality of the final release. If you encounter any bugs or have any suggestions you can press F11 during gameplay to submit a bug report or join our discord server to talk directly to us. Hearing your feedback and building the game with our community is extremely important to us.

We hope you enjoy our new Public Beta and, if you have the time, please leave us your feedback and join our Discord channel.


Exciting news!

Welcome to a very special Devlog! Today we will talk about some changes we made in the previous weeks, but we also have great news to share with you, but first things first: We made multiple changes to the tutorial following the addition of new mechanics. All possible jobs are now talked about, and the pacing has been hugely improved.

Progress has been made towards improving and adding new songs and sounds to the game, mixing things so that everything works better and in harmony (and the jump scares are more plentiful and impactful!). We also tweaked the lightning in the game to make everything more atmospheric and moody.

Also, there are some neat usability and polish changes. These come with new models for the systems that the player can install in all contracts (CCTVs, motion sensors, alarms and remote doors) beside small fixes like making every object that is stackable fit on the cart automatically when dropped.

Least but not lest we also would like to announce that we will be doing an open beta! We'd like to invite everybody on 27/03/2023 to be a part of the playtesting and get a taste of everything that will be in the game! So, stay tuned on the following weeks for more news on how things will be scheduled.

Calling everybody to be part of our beta:

Devlog #010 | Exciting news!

Welcome to a very special Devlog! Today we will talk about some changes we made in the previous weeks, but we also have great news to share with you, but first things first: We made multiple changes to the tutorial following the addition of new mechanics. All possible jobs are now talked about, and the pacing has been hugely improved.

Progress has been made towards improving and adding new songs and sounds to the game, mixing things so that everything works better and in harmony (and the jump scares are more plentiful and impactful!). We also tweaked the lightning in the game to make everything more atmospheric and moody.

Also, there are some neat usability and polish changes. These come with new models for the systems that the player can install in all contracts (CCTVs, motion sensors, alarms and remote doors) beside small fixes like making every object that is stackable fit on the cart automatically when dropped.

Last but not least we also would like to announce that we will be doing an open beta! We want to invite everybody on March 27th to participate in the playtesting and get a taste of everything in the game! So, stay tuned in the following weeks for more news on how things will be scheduled.

Calling everybody to be part of our beta:

Devlog #009 | A new contract

Hello and welcome to our first Devlog of 2023. By the way things are going, there are only a few of these left before the game is released! Today we will take a look at a new contract available in the game: “A Simple Job”. This stage is set in an old factory building bought by a failing game studio called IQD. We don’t want to give too much of the story away, that’s for the player to figure it out! But what we can say is that this contract is composed by three different zones:

• The temporary working space: Due to previous failed projects, IQD had to sell all its assets, but they weren’t done yet. With their last remaining funds, they bought an old factory in an isolated area. Due to the rush to get their new project in development, they didn’t have the time to set-up an adequate workspace, so they removed the machines and put the office equipment wherever they would fit.

• Server area / Old Warehouse: An expansive area where the servers were hastily put. A very claustrophobic area that forces the player to move between small spaces where creatures could be waiting to attack.

• Unfinished office: This area was in-construction while IQD final project was being made, but sadly, it was not to be. Due to the disappearance of the creative director the project was canceled, and the construction was never finished.

There are a lot of other interesting rooms, new puzzles and objectives, but we will leave those for you to find out. We may have exciting news in the following weeks, so keep tuned for more info!

Devlog #008 | The elements of a job

The satisfaction of a job well-done!

Hey there folks! We are back with another Devlog. This month we will be showing you various new mechanics that complement the core of one of the themes of the game: pulling off an extraordinary job.

In Hired 2 Die the players are hired to observe, document and capture creatures for the shadowy “Intersection” agency. To avoid suspicion and civilian casualties a semblance of normalcy must be kept. So the areas affected by paranormal activity are closed under the pretense of being sold off or in need of serious repairs.

Therefore, it’s also the player’s job to execute cleaning, repairing, equipment installation and other various jobs. But these small jobs are not executed without reward! Everything done in the easier parts of the contract will be recorded by the game, making the final job of containing the creatures a lot easier.

Some examples of possible jobs and benefits are:

  • Puddles: Stepping on them attract creatures. The player can clean any wet areas so that they won’t be a problem in higher difficulties.

  • Trash piles: Traversing them reduces the player velocity, making avoiding monsters harder. Like puddles, they can be cleaned permanently after being burned in the incinerator.

  • Blinds: Can be installed permanently and closed by the player to restrict the line of sight of hostile creatures.

  • Doors: After installed, can be opened/closed to help in chases.

There are other jobs that can be done, but we will keep then a secret from now. Here is an example of an area after all jobs are done:

With all these new tasks it was necessary to make traversing the level carrying more stuff faster, so we added a cart that can move various objects at once.

However, using the cart restricts your vision, making chases more tense and harder.

There are other systems that are also shared between levels of the same contract, but we will be talking about that next month!

Devlog #007 | How things change!

Hey there! My name is Vinicyus, I am the lead game designer of Hired 2 Die. Today I would like to talk about what we have been working on.

It's been a pretty busy month, hence the delay in Devlogs. So, to compensate for the wait, in this Devlog we would like to show you various changes we made since our last post.
When we last talked it was about the tutorial, so it’s only appropriate that we begin by discussing it. We felt that the old tutorial was not up to par graphically with the rest of the game. Instead of only adjusting the textures, we have opted instead of redesigning the whole scene. Here are our results so far:

Speaking of subpar graphics, we redid all the lighting in the project. We weren’t happy how players could easily navigate without any light sources. Now, navigating without a flashlight or turning the lights on will be a lot harder. Besides, the game looks a lot better now!

Another problem that we tackled these last weeks was how similar both our monsters look. Even though they behave very differently from one another, we felt that they looked too similar and were hard to discern. So, we redesigned the second twin to have a different silhouette and better fit his design concept, we hope you all like his new look!

On the gameplay front we improved the behavior of both Twins, making then harder to avoid and also act smarter. Various adjustments were made to systems that were not being used very often. One example is the radius that the alarms; previously they were too small to be useful. After various tests, we improved the system to consider walls and doors and attract the creatures more often.

Finally, there are various small fixes and new additions: a new interface for the security system, new player models, anomalies, concept art and so on.

As you can see, we have been very busy these last few weeks. Since we are now implementing new stages so we can finish a playable demo, we have decided to make the Devlogs monthly, that way we can focus more on the development of the game and still keep you guys informed.

That’s what we got this month! Thanks for your patience, keep tuned for all our new progress reports.

Devlog #006 | Tutorial

Hi, it's been a while since our last devlog (sorry about that). Releasing a game (even in the alpha stage) is difficult. It leaves us with a lot of things to fix and organize. In the last couple of weeks, we focused on tackling these problems, so the new features can be created smoothly.

Hired 2 Die is not the type of game you figure out what's happening and what you need to do intuitively. There are two things we thought we could improve in the game: clarity and story.

Before starting the closed alpha playtest, we noticed some people were having problems understanding the objectives, how-to's, and why the hell someone would work in a place with vicious creatures on the loose. So instead of creating floating arrows pointing to objectives, and on-screen text, we decided to design a tutorial with the basic situations of a job. It also gives the player a sense of what's going on.

To make things easier to understand, we put the player in the company's headquarters to start the "new worker's training." The player must perform basic tasks and fix incidents that might happen during the run, like energy shortage.

After the tests, we noticed small tasks are much more valuable than we thought, so we are currently designing more tasks for the player to do while designing new puzzles with interesting challenges.